On the Road to Excellence
New Jersey is an Equal Opportunity Employer
OS/SS-358 (R10/15)
New Jersey
Motor Vehicle Commission
State of New Jersey
225 East State Street
Box 017
Trenton, NJ. 08666-0017
609-292-6500 ext. 5069
New Jer
sey law provides that if a motor vehicle is abandoned at your repair facility, you may have it removed
and stored, you may sell it at a public or private sale, or you may cause a junk title to be issued (N.J.S.A. 39:10A-9
et seq.).
This packet of materials contains the documents you need to either 1) sell an operable motor vehicle, or
2) apply for a Junk Certificate of Title. Unless you are a New Jersey licensed motor vehicle dealer, you may not
take title to the vehicle yourself.
If a vehicle has been left at a facility for more than 60 days without your consent, or for more than 60 days after you
notified the owner that repairs have been complete, you may deem the vehicle to be abandoned. If the vehicle is
operable and you wish to sell it, or if you wish to obtain a Junk Certificate of Title, the following procedures must be
Proof of ownership / lienholder information must be furnished by the New Jersey MVC. Lien
Search Application (DO-22) with a $15 check or money order payable to “NJMVC” is required to be
submitted. If there is no record in New Jersey, we require a certified title search from the known state
as well as certified searches from the five states that surround New Jersey; New York, Delaware,
Pennsylvania, Connecticut and Maryland.
Repair Bill or Estimate from the Repair Facility is required. This must be on repair facility
letterhead and must contain the year, make, and VIN of the vehicle.
ndoned Vehicle Repair Facility 30-Day Notice (OS/SS-324) must be sent by Certified Mail,
Return Receipt requested. Send to the owner and lienholder (if applicable), notifying them of intent to
sell/junk the vehicle. A copy of the notice and the original signed receipt(s) is required to be
**In the event the 30-Day notice is unclaimed by the addressee, or if the address of
the person to whom the notice is to be given is unknown to the person giving the
notice and cannot be ascertained from the records on file with the Division of Motor
Vehicles, the notice shall be published twice in at least one New Jersey newspaper
that circulates in the municipality in which the motor vehicle is left.** A certified
affidavit of newspaper publication is required to be submitted to this office.
Abandoned Vehicle Repair Facility 5-Day Notice (OS/SS-323) must be sent by Certified Mail,
Return Receipt requested. Send to the owner and lienholder (if applicable), notifying them of intent to
sell/junk the vehicle. A copy of the notice and the original signed receipt(s) is required to be
Important Notes for Steps 1, 3, & 4:
If any notice(s) are returned as undeliverable, the original unopened, undelivered envelope is required.
If a notice is mailed to a Financial Institution and returned as undeliverable, any successor Institution must be
served. Please contact the New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance.
Instructions for Disposal of
Motor Vehicles Abandoned at New Jersey Repair Facilities
STOP HERE: Once step 1 have been completed, please mail this document to the address listed
on the DO-22 form. DO NOT CONTINUE until you receive a response.
On the Road to Excellence
New Jersey is an Equal Opportunity Employer
OS/SS-358 (R10/15)
STOP HERE: Please forward all documents to the below address. 1) If you plan to sell the
vehicle, a sale cannot occur until all required documents have been approved and you have
received Form OS/SS-22 Application for Certificate of Ownership for a Vehicle Abandoned at
Repair Facility”. This form contains an assignment which, when executed, will result in the
issuance of a title to the purchaser. DO NOT sell the vehicle without Form OS/SS-22.
If the address of the owner in Commission records is not the same as that provided when the vehicle was left at the
repair facility, the notice must be mailed to both addresses. If an owner or lien holder is a corporation, the notice must
be mailed to the address in Commission records as well as to the registered agent. The name and address of the
registered agent can be obtained from the Secretary of State.
1) Rep
ort of Possession of Abandoned Vehicle (OS/SS-21) must be completed if you wish to resell
the vehicle OR 2) Report of Possession of Abandoned Vehicle and Request for Junk Title
(OS/SS-357) must be completed if you wish to apply for a Junk Title Certificate.
l tracing or a photograph of Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) from the VIN plate. If you are
unable to obtain a pencil tracing or photograph of the vehicle identification number, you must include a
notarized statement explaining the circumstance. Also state that you physically examined the vehicle
and provide the vehicle identification number shown on the VIN plate.
ement from Repair Facility on company letterhead stating the year, make, model, vehicle
identification number, and state how, who and when they came into possession of the vehicle. This
must be signed by a company official in the presence of a notary.
$10.00 (standard title) or $2.00 (junk title) Check or Money Order made payable to:NJMVC”.
1) After the sale/auction has occurred, the purchaser must complete the OS/SS-22 and submit a copy of their driver license. The
purchaser must complete the tax stamp and submit a check or money order for sales tax on the purchase price of the vehicle.
There will be a $25 penalty fee, in addition to the title fee, if the vehicle is not titled within 10 days of the date of sale. The title will be
mailed to the purchaser, if lien it will be mailed to lienholder.
2) If an auction ends without a winning bid and the repair facility holds a NJMVC motor vehicle dealer license, then the repair facility may
opt to take ownership.
After making copies for your records,
mail required (original) documentation to:
NJ Motor Vehicle Commission
Special Title/Abandoned Unit
225 East State Street
P.O. Box 017
Trenton, N.J. 08666-0017
List of Required Documents
1. Lien Search & $15 check/money order
Report of Possession Form
30 Day Notice & Return Receipt
4. 5 Day Notice & Return Receipt
Sales tax & late fee
Proper Amount Check/Money Order
Pencil Tracing/Photo of VIN
8. Repair Facility Statement
9. Repair Facility Bill/Estimate
Completed OS/SS-22
Search Request
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DO-22 (R12/19) Page 1 of 4
New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission
Business & Government Services
P.O. Box 146
Trenton, NJ 08666-0146
A separate form must be completed for each record requested. You may photocopy this form for your convenience; however, each
request must bear an original signature of the requestor. No other form of request will be accepted. The proper fee(s) must
accompany each request in the form of a check or money order payable to: New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission.DO NOT
SEND CASH. Please note that the turnaround time is approximately 3-4 weeks. If you have any questions or need to obtain the
status of a request sent by mail, please call 609-292-4102.
(Please print clearly)
SECTION A - Requestor Information
Applicant’s Name:
Your File or Claim #:
Street Address:
Zip Code:
* Photocopy of your Driver License or a photocopy of a Passport,
Birth Certificate, or any valid state or federally issued ID. If the
name on your enclosed form of identification does not match
your current name, you must include proof of name change.
SECTION B - Information Requested (All fields MUST be completed)
Title (ex. Court)
Lien (abandoned vehicles/towing)
* If you are conducting a Title search for another person,
you MUST include complete court documentation or Carfax
authorizing your request.
Vehicle / Vessel Model Year:
Vehicle / Vessel Make:
Search Request
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DO-22 (R12/19) Page 2 of 4
USES PERMITTED BY N.J.S.A. 39:2-3.4(c)
______ 1. For use by any government agency including any court or law enforcement agency carrying out its functions, or any private
person or entity acting on behalf of a Federal, State or Local agency in carrying out its functions.
If acting on behalf of a government agency, please provide proof of retention.
______ 2. For use in connection with matters of motor vehicle or driver safety and theft; motor vehicle emissions; motor vehicle product
alterations, recalls or advisories; performance monitoring of motor vehicles; motor vehicle parts and dealers; motor vehicle
market research activities, including survey research; and the removal of non-owner records form the original owner records of
motor vehicle manufacturers.
Please include the documentation supporting your request if the information is to be used for motor vehicle emissions, recalls or
advisories, etc.
______ 3. For use in the normal course of business by a legitimate business or its agents, employees or contractors, but only;
a. to verify the accuracy of personal information submitted by the individual to the business or agents, employees or
contractors; and
b. if such information as so submitted is not correct or is no longer correct, to obtain the correct information, but only for the
purposes of preventing fraud by pursuing legal remedies against or recovering on a debt or security interest against the
Please include a copy of the individual release consent form; a contract; a tow bill; or a repair bill from the repair shop with the
person in question.
______ 4. For use in connection with any civil, criminal, administrative or arbitral proceeding in any Federal, State or Local court or agency
or before any self-regulating body, including service of process, investigation in anticipation of litigation, and the execution or
enforcement of judgments and orders, or pursuant to an order of a Federal, State or Local court.
Please include the docket number and a letter from the client confirming that you have been retained. Please provide an explanation
if no docket number has been assigned. If no docket number is available, please submit the case file number on Attorney letter
head and include a copy of the accident report.
For an abandoned vehicle request, please include photos of the vehicle and VIN as referenced in the Abandoned Vehicle Packet,
steps 8 and 9.
______ 5. For use in educational initiatives, research activities, and for use in producing statistical reports, so long as the personal
information is not published, redisclosed, or used to contact individuals and, in the case of educational initiatives, only to organ
procurement organizations as aggregated, non-identifying information.
Please include a description of the initiative or research on official letterhead
______ 6. For use by any insurer or insurance support organization, or by a self-insured entity, or its agents, employees, or contractors, in
connection with claims investigation activities, antifraud activities, rating or underwriting.
Please include supporting documents for intended use i.e. declaration page.
______ 7. For use in providing notice to the owners of towed or impounded vehicles.
Please include proof of authorization to tow or impound vehicles.
______ 8. For use by an employer or its agent or insurer to obtain or verify information relating to a holder of a commercial driver’s license
that is required under the “Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Act, “ 49 U.S.C. App. §2710 et seq.
Please include a copy of an individual release consent form, a copy of the insurance policy, and a copy of the agreement if done on
behalf of a client.
______ 9. For use in connection with the operation of private toll transportation facilities.
If your request does not fall under one of the above reasons:
______ 10. For use by any requestor, if the requestor demonstrates it has obtained the notarized written consent of the individual to the
information pertains.
SECTION C Purpose for the Request (required ONLY when requesting another’s record)
Search Request
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DO-22 (R12/19) Page 3 of 4
*Please note: If you selected number 10, a “Notarized Authorization to Release Personal Motor Vehicle
Information” (Form BGS/DO-21A) must be submitted and will not be accepted unless it is acknowledged by a
Notary Public or Attorney at Law.
Explanation of reason
Please explain in detail your reason for requesting this information and how you plan to use it. If involving a lawsuit, please state the
type of lawsuit and your relationship to the case.
Search Request
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DO-22 (R12/19) Page 4 of 4
The disclosure and use of the personal information* contained in the record you have requested is governed by the “New Jersey
Drivers’ Privacy Protection Act” (“NJDPPA”), N.J.S.A. 39:2-3.3 et seq. The NJDPPA provides that a person who knowingly obtains
or discloses information from a motor vehicle record for any use not permitted by the Act is guilty of a crime of the fourth degree and
can be held liable, in a civil action in the Superior Court, to the individual to whom the information pertains, including an award of
actual damages, punitive damages, and reasonable attorney’s fees and litigation costs.
* “Personal Information” means information that identifies an individual, including an individual's photograph; social security number;
driver identification number; name; address other than the five-digit zip code; telephone number; and medical or disability information,
but does not include information on vehicular accidents, driving violations, and driver's status.
I hereby certify that the foregoing statements and submitted supporting documents are true. I understand that if any of the statements
or submitted supporting documents are willfully false, I am subject to punishment. I have read N.J.S.A. 39:2-3.3, et seq. (“NJDPPA”)
and I have initialed all the permitted purposes that apply to my request for online access. I will only use any personal information
contained in records I have requested as permitted by the NJDPPA.
I agree to hold the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission (NJMVC) harmless in the event of any errors or omissions in the record
and document(s) furnished under this application.
If I am requesting another’s record, I certify that:
1) Use of the information provided by the NJMVC pursuant to this Application will only be for the purposes
explicitly set forth in this Application;
2) The information provided by the NJMVC pursuant to this Application will not be used for the purpose of
commercial solicitation or marketing, political canvassing or campaigning or any similar purpose or objective,
and I shall not provide such information to any person or entity that seeks to use such information for any of
these purposes;
3) If the information requested is to be used "in anticipation of litigation," pursuant to N.J.S.A. 39:2-3.4(c)4,
personal information will only be used where litigation is imminent or foreseeable, or where the party on
whose behalf the information is obtained has made the conscious decision to prepare a claim or defend
against a probable claim;
4) In the event of a breach of any of the security obligations or other event requiring notification under applicable
law, I shall comply with all applicable State and Federal laws that require notification of individuals in the
event of unauthorized release of Personal Information, or other event requiring notification, and assume
responsibility for informing the NJMVC within twenty four (24) hours and all such appropriate individuals,
including the customer whose information is the subject of the release, in accordance with applicable law
and to indemnify, hold harmless and defend the State of New Jersey from, and against any claims, damages,
or other harm related to such breach or event. All communications must be coordinated with the State of
New Jersey by contacting the NJMVC at 609-341-5777.
________________________________________________ _________________________________________
Signature of Applicant (original signature only - signature Date
stamps are unacceptable)
SECTION D Terms and Conditions
P.O. Box 017
Trenton, NJ 08666-0017
609-292-6500 ext. 5069
Date: ________________________
The undersigned owner of the below named facility hereby certifies that the following described motor
vehicle was abandoned at this facility, and that the undersigned has taken possession of the same and
hereby requests verification of ownership and issuance of an application for certificate of ownership.
Date vehicle came into Date owner/owner’s representative
possession of facility: ____________________ notified to pick up vehicle: _________________
Vehicle Identification Number Body Type
Year Make Model Mileage (No tenths)
The NJ Motor Vehicle Commission cannot honor a request for verification of ownership and application for
certificate of ownership unless the entire vehicle identification number is shown above.
Name of Facility 15 Digit NJ Corpcode
Street Address City State Zip
Signature of Facility Owner Date
Date owner/owner’s representative notified
30-Day 5-Day
Date Lienholder Notified
30-Day 5-Day
Name & Address of Owner
Name & Address of Lienholder
Registration Plate Number
New Jersey
Motor Vehicle Commission
Report of Possession of Abandoned Vehicle at a Repair Facility
OS/SS-21 (R10/15)
NJ Motor Vehicle Commission
Special Title/Abandoned Unit
225 East State Street
P.O. Box 017
Trenton, N.J. 08666-0017
P.O. Box 017
Trenton, NJ 08666-0017
-292-6500 ext. 5069
Date: ________________________
The undersigned authorized person of the below named facility hereby certifies that the following described motor vehicle
was found abandoned at this facility, and further certifies, that such vehicle is incapable of being operated safely or of being
put in safe operational condition except at cost in excess of the value thereof.
Date vehicle came into possession of facility: _________________________
Vehicle Identification Number Body Type
Year Make Model Mileage (No tenths)
Note: A Junk Title cannot be issued unless the entire vehicle identification number is shown above
- Owner Notified on (date) ______________ - Lienholder Notified on (date) ______________
Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 39:10A-1 et seq., the undersigned submits the above information to the Chief Administrator of the Motor
Vehicle Commission in order that they may issue a Junk Title Certificate for assignment to the purchaser at public sale.
TITLE FEE: $2.00
Name of Facility 15 Digit NJ Corpcode
Street Address City State Zip
Signature of Facility Owner Date
Name & Address of Owner
Name & Address of Lienholder
Registration Plate Number
New Jersey
Motor Vehicle Commission
Report of Possession of Abandoned Vehicle at a Repair Facility
and Request for Junk Title Certificate
OS/SS-357 (R10/15)
NJ Motor Vehicle Commission
Special Title/Abandoned Unit
225 East State Street
P.O. Box 017
Trenton, N.J. 08666-0017
P.O. Box 017
Trenton, NJ 08666-0017
609-292-6500 ext. 5069
Publish a notice at least two times over two consecutive weeks in a newspaper with general
circulation (a newspaper published in the State and circulating in the municipality in which the
owner resides). The notice should briefly state that you have applied to the New Jersey Motor
Vehicle Commission for authority to sell the vehicle at public or private sale/auction and if anyone
desires to be heard in opposition of your application, he may do so by contacting the Commission
within 10 days of the newspaper advertisement. The publication must include the year, make,
full/correct vehicle identification number and the date, time, and location of the public/private sale.
The newspaper will provide a certification that you have complied with these requirements.
Sample Publication
State of New Jersey, Motor Vehicle Commission, Special Titles Unit, 225 East State Street, P.O. Box
017, Trenton, NJ 08666.
New Jersey
Motor Vehicle Commission
Newspaper Publication Instructions
For Vehicle Abandoned at a Repair Facility
On the Road to Excellence
New Jersey is an Equal Opportunity Employer
Facility Address
Complete Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
Take Notice, that in accordance with N.J.S.A. 39:10A-8 et seq., application has been made to the
New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission, to receive title papers authorizing the sale of
, ______________, ____________, ___________________________________
on ___________________
, and ____________________ by means of a public/private sale. This
described motor vehicle which came into possession of _________________________
abandonment or failure of owners to claim it may be examined at _________________________
Objections to this sale, if any, should be made immediately in writing to the following address:
OS/SS-135A (R10/15)
P.O. Box 141
Trenton, NJ 08666-0017
609-292-6500 ext. 5069
I, the undersigned, hereby certify the ________________________________
Year Make
was physically examined by me and the identification
Vehicle Identification Number
number is as entered above. I further certify that I have compared this number
with the numbers shown on the vehicle and on my New Jersey title and they
agree/disagree (circle one). If the title you are submitting is an out of state title
and the identification numbers do not agree you will have to notify the issuing
titling state for a correction.
Signed this _________________________ day of ______________ 20______
In the city or Town of______________________________________________
Signature of Applicant (if partnership, so indicate. If corporation, give title of office.)
New Jersey
Motor Vehicle Commission
Certification of Vehicle Identification Number
P.O. Box 017
Trenton, NJ 08666-0017
I, (name) _____________________________________________________ hereby certify that I am
either a licensed New Jersey dealer or that this vehicle is being purchased for personal or business
use ONLY and NOT for the purpose of resale.
Signature of Buyer: __________________________________________ Date: _________________
OS/SS-94 (R10/08)
New Jersey
Motor Vehicle Commission
OS/SS-323 (R9/15)
______________________________ ______________________________
Date Full Name of Repair Facility
Street Address
City, State, Zip Code
Full Name of Vehicle Owner
Street Address
City, State, Zip Code
Dear :
This is to advise you that your vehicle/vessel __________________, _______________, __________________________________
Make Year Vehicle/Hull Identification Number
is deemed to be abandoned at _______________________________________ since _______________________.
Address where vehicle is located Date left abandoned
A vehicle is deemed to be abandoned if it is left at a motor vehicle repair facility without an attempt by the owner, a person on
the owner's behalf or any other person having a legal right thereto to regain possession thereof:
A. For a period in excess of 60 days without the consent of an authorized representative of the motor vehicle repair facility.
B. For a period of 60 days in excess of the period of which consent has been given by an authorized representative of the motor
vehicle repair facility; if
C. For a period in excess of 60 days after being notified by an authorized representative of the motor vehicle repair facility that
service or repairs to the motor vehicle have been completed.
I am therefore, by means of this certified return receipt requested mailing, notifying you of my intent to junk/sell the
vehicle in accordance with N.J.S.A. 39:10A-8 et seq., on ____________________,_________________________________,
Date Time
at ________________________________________________________________________ by means of public/private sale.
Signature of Repair Facility Owner
Lienholder name (if applicable)
Street Address
City, State, Zip Code
State of New Jersey
P.O. Box 017
Trenton, NJ 08666-0017
Phone: 609-292-6500 x5069
To be sent certified to
the vehicle Owner(s)
OS/SS-323 (R9/15)
______________________________ ______________________________
Date Full Name of Repair Facility
Street Address
City, State, Zip Code
Full Name of Vehicle Owner
Street Address
City, State, Zip Code
Dear :
This is to advise you that your vehicle/vessel __________________, _______________, __________________________________
Make Year Vehicle/Hull Identification Number
is deemed to be abandoned at _______________________________________ since _______________________.
Address where vehicle is located Date left abandoned
A vehicle is deemed to be abandoned if it is left at a motor vehicle repair facility without an attempt by the owner, a person on
the owner's behalf or any other person having a legal right thereto to regain possession thereof:
A. For a period in excess of 60 days without the consent of an authorized representative of the motor vehicle repair facility.
B. For a period of 60 days in excess of the period of which consent has been given by an authorized representative of the motor
vehicle repair facility; if
C. For a period in excess of 60 days after being notified by an authorized representative of the motor vehicle repair facility that
service or repairs to the motor vehicle have been completed.
I am therefore, by means of this certified return receipt requested mailing, notifying you of my intent to junk/sell the
vehicle in accordance with N.J.S.A. 39:10A-8 et seq., on ____________________,_________________________________,
Date Time
at ________________________________________________________________________ by means of public/private sale.
Signature of Repair Facility Owner
Lienholder name (if applicable)
Street Address
City, State, Zip Code
State of New Jersey
P.O. Box 017
Trenton, NJ 08666-0017
Phone: 609-292-6500 x5069
To be sent certified to
the vehicle's Lien
Holder (if applicable)
OS/SS-323 (R9/15)
______________________________ ______________________________
Date Full Name of Repair Facility
Street Address
City, State, Zip Code
Full Name of Vehicle Owner
Street Address
City, State, Zip Code
Dear :
This is to advise you that your vehicle/vessel __________________, _______________, __________________________________
Make Year Vehicle/Hull Identification Number
is deemed to be abandoned at _______________________________________ since _______________________.
Address where vehicle is located Date left abandoned
A vehicle is deemed to be abandoned if it is left at a motor vehicle repair facility without an attempt by the owner, a person on
the owner's behalf or any other person having a legal right thereto to regain possession thereof:
D. For a period in excess of 60 days without the consent of an authorized representative of the motor vehicle repair facility.
E. For a period of 60 days in excess of the period of which consent has been given by an authorized representative of the motor
vehicle repair facility; if
F. For a period in excess of 60 days after being notified by an authorized representative of the motor vehicle repair facility that
service or repairs to the motor vehicle have been completed.
I am therefore, by means of this certified return receipt requested mailing, notifying you of my intent to junk/sell the
vehicle in accordance with N.J.S.A. 39:10A-8 et seq., on ____________________,_________________________________,
Date Time
at ________________________________________________________________________ by means of public/private sale.
Signature of Repair Facility Owner
Lienholder name (if applicable)
Street Address
City, State, Zip Code
State of New Jersey
P.O. Box 017
Trenton, NJ 08666-0017
Phone: 609-292-6500 x5069
Retain by the applicant
for later use with the
returned certified
receipt. (Step 4)
OS/SS-323 (R9/15)
______________________________ ______________________________
Date Full Name of Repair Facility
Street Address
City, State, Zip Code
Full Name of Vehicle Owner
Street Address
City, State, Zip Code
Dear :
This is to advise you that your vehicle/vessel __________________, _______________, __________________________________
Make Year Vehicle/Hull Identification Number
is deemed to be abandoned at _______________________________________ since _______________________.
Address where vehicle is located Date left abandoned
A vehicle is deemed to be abandoned if it is left at a motor vehicle repair facility without an attempt by the owner, a person on
the owner's behalf or any other person having a legal right thereto to regain possession thereof:
G. For a period in excess of 60 days without the consent of an authorized representative of the motor vehicle repair facility.
H. For a period of 60 days in excess of the period of which consent has been given by an authorized representative of the motor
vehicle repair facility; if
I. For a period in excess of 60 days after being notified by an authorized representative of the motor vehicle repair facility that
service or repairs to the motor vehicle have been completed.
I am therefore, by means of this certified return receipt requested mailing, notifying you of my intent to junk/sell the
vehicle in accordance with N.J.S.A. 39:10A-8 et seq., on ____________________,_________________________________,
Date Time
at ________________________________________________________________________ by means of public/private sale.
Signature of Repair Facility Owner
Lienholder name (if applicable)
Street Address
City, State, Zip Code
State of New Jersey
P.O. Box 017
Trenton, NJ 08666-0017
Phone: 609-292-6500 x5069
To be retained for
applicants records
______________________________ ______________________________
Date Full Name of Repair Facility
Street Address
City, State, Zip Code
Full Name of Vehicle Owner
Street Address
City, State, Zip Code
Dear :
This is to advise you that your vehicle/vessel
__________________, _______________, ________________________________
Make Year Vehicle/Hull Identification Number
is deemed to have been abandoned at _______________________________________ since _______________________.
Address where vehicle is located Date left abandoned
A vehicle is deemed to be abandoned if it is left at a motor vehicle repair facility without an attempt by the owner, a person on
the owner's behalf or any other person having a legal right thereto to regain possession thereof:
A. For a period in excess of 60 days without the consent of an authorized representative of the motor vehicle repair facility.
B. For a period of 60 days in excess of the period of which consent has been given by an authorized representative of the motor
vehicle repair facility; if
C. For a period in excess of 60 days after being notified by an authorized representative of the motor vehicle repair facility that
service or repairs to the motor vehicle have been completed.
I am therefore, by means of this certified return receipt requested, notifying you of my intent to junk/sell the vehicle,
unless you and/or the lienholder reclaim possession of the vehicle within 30 days of this letter, upon payment of the
reasonable costs of removal and storage of the vehicle, the expenses incurred pursuant to the provisions of this act (N.J.S.A.
39:10A-8 et seq.) and the charges for the servicing or repair of the motor vehicle.
Signature of Repair Facility Owner
Lienholder name (if applicable)
Street Address
City, State, Zip Code
OS/SS-324 (R9/15)
State of New Jersey
P.O. Box 017
Trenton, NJ 08666-0017
Phone: 609-292-6500 x5069
To be sent certified to
the vehicle Owner(s)
______________________________ ______________________________
Date Full Name of Repair Facility
Street Address
City, State, Zip Code
Full Name of Vehicle Owner
Street Address
City, State, Zip Code
Dear :
This is to advise you that your vehicle/vessel __________________, _______________, ________________________________
Make Year Vehicle/Hull Identification Number
is deemed to have been abandoned at _______________________________________ since _______________________.
Address where vehicle is located Date left abandoned
A vehicle is deemed to be abandoned if it is left at a motor vehicle repair facility without an attempt by the owner, a person on
the owner's behalf or any other person having a legal right thereto to regain possession thereof:
A. For a period in excess of 60 days without the consent of an authorized representative of the motor vehicle repair facility.
B. For a period of 60 days in excess of the period of which consent has been given by an authorized representative of the motor
vehicle repair facility; if
C. For a period in excess of 60 days after being notified by an authorized representative of the motor vehicle repair facility that
service or repairs to the motor vehicle have been completed.
I am therefore, by means of this certified return receipt requested, notifying you of my intent to junk/sell the vehicle,
unless you and/or the lienholder reclaim possession of the vehicle within 30 days of this letter, upon payment of the
reasonable costs of removal and storage of the vehicle, the expenses incurred pursuant to the provisions of this act (N.J.S.A.
39:10A-8 et seq.) and the charges for the servicing or repair of the motor vehicle.
Signature of Repair Facility Owner
Lienholder name (if applicable)
Street Address
City, State, Zip Code
OS/SS-324 (R9/15)
To be sent certified to
the vehicle's Lien
Holder (if applicable)
State of New Jersey
P.O. Box 017
Trenton, NJ 08666-0017
Phone: 609-292-6500 x5069
______________________________ ______________________________
Date Full Name of Repair Facility
Street Address
City, State, Zip Code
Full Name of Vehicle Owner
Street Address
City, State, Zip Code
Dear :
This is to advise you that your vehicle/vessel __________________, _______________, ________________________________
Make Year Vehicle/Hull Identification Number
is deemed to have been abandoned at _______________________________________ since _______________________.
Address where vehicle is located Date left abandoned
A vehicle is deemed to be abandoned if it is left at a motor vehicle repair facility without an attempt by the owner, a person on
the owner's behalf or any other person having a legal right thereto to regain possession thereof:
A. For a period in excess of 60 days without the consent of an authorized representative of the motor vehicle repair facility.
B. For a period of 60 days in excess of the period of which consent has been given by an authorized representative of the motor
vehicle repair facility; if
C. For a period in excess of 60 days after being notified by an authorized representative of the motor vehicle repair facility that
service or repairs to the motor vehicle have been completed.
I am therefore, by means of this certified return receipt requested, notifying you of my intent to junk/sell the vehicle,
unless you and/or the lienholder reclaim possession of the vehicle within 30 days of this letter, upon payment of the
reasonable costs of removal and storage of the vehicle, the expenses incurred pursuant to the provisions of this act (N.J.S.A.
39:10A-8 et seq.) and the charges for the servicing or repair of the motor vehicle.
Signature of Repair Facility Owner
Lienholder name (if applicable)
Street Address
City, State, Zip Code
OS/SS-324 (R9/15)
Retain by the applicant
for later use with the
returned certified
receipt. (Step 3)
State of New Jersey
P.O. Box 017
Trenton, NJ 08666-0017
Phone: 609-292-6500 x5069
______________________________ ______________________________
Date Full Name of Repair Facility
Street Address
City, State, Zip Code
Full Name of Vehicle Owner
Street Address
City, State, Zip Code
Dear :
This is to advise you that your vehicle/vessel __________________, _______________, ________________________________
Make Year Vehicle/Hull Identification Number
is deemed to have been abandoned at _______________________________________ since _______________________.
Address where vehicle is located Date left abandoned
A vehicle is deemed to be abandoned if it is left at a motor vehicle repair facility without an attempt by the owner, a person on
the owner's behalf or any other person having a legal right thereto to regain possession thereof:
D. For a period in excess of 60 days without the consent of an authorized representative of the motor vehicle repair facility.
E. For a period of 60 days in excess of the period of which consent has been given by an authorized representative of the motor
vehicle repair facility; if
F. For a period in excess of 60 days after being notified by an authorized representative of the motor vehicle repair facility that
service or repairs to the motor vehicle have been completed.
I am therefore, by means of this certified return receipt requested, notifying you of my intent to junk/sell the vehicle,
unless you and/or the lienholder reclaim possession of the vehicle within 30 days of this letter, upon payment of the
reasonable costs of removal and storage of the vehicle, the expenses incurred pursuant to the provisions of this act (N.J.S.A.
39:10A-8 et seq.) and the charges for the servicing or repair of the motor vehicle.
Signature of Repair Facility Owner
Lienholder name (if applicable)
Street Address
City, State, Zip Code
OS/SS-324 (R9/15)
To be retained for
applicants records
State of New Jersey
P.O. Box 017
Trenton, NJ 08666-0017
Phone: 609-292-6500 x5069