Arnold Schwarzenegger, Governor
Dale Bonner, Secretary, Business, Transportation, & Housing Agency
Jeff Davi, Real Estate Commissioner Department of Real Estate Winter 2007
Re a l es t a t e Bu l l e t i n
Continued on page 8
Serving Californians Since 1917
Continued on page 10
Continued on page 10
Loan fraud – it’s
a crime
t’s been in the news. Very few topics
have been covered as extensively as
loan fraud. The Department of Real
Estate (DRE) is aggressively pursuing
and investigating more and more cases
involving licensees arranging question-
able or fraudulent loan transactions, and
these licensees are paying the price.
A recent enforcement case involved
a pattern of conduct that is far too com-
mon in today’s market. These respon-
dents engaged in a scheme to defraud
federally insured nancial institutions
and other lenders by recruiting individu-
als to purchase homes, and then falsely
lead the purchasers to believe they were
purchasing homes as investments in a
lease to own business venture.
The straw purchasers were recruited
with the proposal to purchase a single
family home on behalf of others with
bad credit who wished to buy the homes
and had been “pre-qualied.” The re-
spondents promised the straw buyers a
percentage of the prots for participat-
ing in the scheme when the homes were
transferred to the eventual buyers. The
straw buyers only qualication was to
hold a good credit rating.
When the respondents found in-
dividuals willing to participate, they
arranged a purchase transaction and
submitted false loan applications on
behalf of the straw purchasers by rep-
resenting to the lenders the following
untruths: 1) the straw buyers were going
to occupy the homes as their primary
residence and, 2) falsied nancial
information regarding the straw buyers’
employment and income.
In one case, the respondents sold
two homes to a retired nanny claiming
Review of 2007 regulatory changes
for continuing education
here have been noteworthy changes made to the requirements for the
continuing education of licensees. Effective July 1, 2007, real estate
licensees are required to complete a three-hour course in Risk Management
prior to renewing their license. This change was implemented to increase a
licensee’s level of knowledge. In that same vein, changes will be made to the
way continuing education courses will be presented.
New requirement changes to Regulations of the Real Estate Commissioner
that will become operative February 29, 2008 will affect a sponsors
administration requirements for offering either a correspondence or a live
presentation course. The following summarizes the changes that will impact
a licensee seeking credit for a continuing education course:
All correspondence and live presentation courses will require a nal
examination. For successful completion of a course, the participant must
achieve a passing score of 70% or higher on the nal examination.
To successfully complete a correspondence course, a participant will be
limited to completion of nal examinations for a maximum of fteen credit
hours during any one 24-hour period.
Message from Commissioner Davi
he new millennium rang in with
a 5 year span of unparalleled
growth in the real estate market.
However, as in most business cycles,
years of growth are followed by periods
of correction. It is now clear the market
is transitioning, and with it, California
is experiencing a heightened level of
defaults and foreclosures. Financially
distressed borrowers are likely to turn
to you as real estate professionals for
guidance. In this regard, when nan-
cially stressed borrowers contact you,
I want to encourage you to assist those
individuals to the extent it is appropriate.
I believe the prudent initial step should
be assisting a borrower in making con-
tact with their lenders so that they may
obtain, through their lender, a workout
arrangement that provides, as necessary
and appropriate, modied loan terms
or converted products
with predictable and
manageable payments.
Many lenders are poised
to help, however I have
been told that half the
borrowers who are fore-
closed, never called their lender.
In addition, in response to demands
for information from consumers, the
State created a Web site that is a portal
to a wealth of consumer mortgage
information, ranging from tips on how
to avoid foreclosure and what to do if
you cannot make your payments, to
where to nd HUD approved home loan
counseling agencies and information
on home loan programs. The Web site
can be found at
or in Spanish at I
Page 2 — Real Estate Bulletin Winter 2007
Re a l es t a t e Bu l l e t i n
Ofcial Publication of the
California Department of Real Estate
Vol. 67, No. 4 Winter 2007
Arnold Schwarzenegger, Governor
Bu s i n e s s , Tr a n s p o r T a T i o n a n d Ho u s i n g ag e n c y
Dale Bonner, Secretary
de p a r T m e n T o f re a l es T a T e
Jeff Davi, Commissioner
We’re located at: 2201 Broadway, Sacramento, 95818-2500
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 187000, Sacramento, 95818-7000
John R. Liberator, Chief Deputy Commissioner
Thomas L. Pool, Asst. Comm., Legislation & Public Information Services
Chris Neri, Assistant Commissioner, Subdivisions
Fa-Chi Lin, Chief Auditor
William E. Moran, Assistant Commissioner, Enforcement
Barbara Bigby, Asst. Commissioner, Administrative Services
Wayne Bell, Chief Counsel
Thomas R. Hensley, Managing DC IV, Licensing & Exams
Janice Waddell, Managing DC III, Education
Gary Sibner, Managing DC III, Mortgage Lending
Real Estate Bulletin
Thomas L. Pool,
Rosa Arellano, Publications Deputy
Margaret Lahey, Production Editor
Primary Telephone Numbers
Consumer Information
................................................ (916) 227-0864
Mortgage Loan Activities
............................................ (916) 227-0770
General Licensing Information
................................... (916) 227-0931
Broker Examinations
................................................... (916) 227-0899
Salesperson Examinations
........................................... (916) 227-0900
Original Licensing (sales/brokers)
.............................. (916) 227-0904
Steve Ellis, Managing Deputy Commissioner IV
2550 Mariposa Mall, Suite 3070, Fresno, 93721-2273
John Sweeney, Managing Deputy Commissioner III
Consumer Information
......................................... (559) 445-5009
1515 Clay Street, Suite 702, Oakland, 94612-1462
Ed Haberer, Managing Deputy Commissioner III
Consumer Information
......................................... (510) 622-2552
2201 Broadway, Sacramento
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 187000, Sacramento, 95818-7000
Charles W. Koenig, Managing Deputy Commissioner III
Consumer Information ......................................... (916) 227-0864
Dolores Weeks, Managing Deputy Commissioner IV
Phillip Ihde, Managing Deputy Commissioner IV
320 W. 4th Street, Suite 350, Los Angeles, 90013-1105
Maria Suarez, Managing Deputy Commissioner III
Robin Trujillo, Managing Deputy Commissioner III
Consumer Information
......................................... (213) 620-2072
1350 Front Street, Suite 3064, San Diego, 92101-3687
Joseph Aiu, Managing Deputy Commissioner III
Consumer Information
......................................... (619) 525-4192
Chris Neri, Assistant Commissioner, Subdivisions
2201 Broadway, Sacramento
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 187005, Sacramento, 95818-7005
David Warner, Managing Deputy Commissioner III
Consumer Information
......................................... (916) 227-0813
320 W. 4th Street, Suite 350, Los Angeles, 90013-1105
Robert D. Gilmore, Managing Deputy Commissioner IV
Consumer Information
......................................... (213) 576-6983
(For the deaf and hearing impaired)
From TDD phone
........................................................ 1-800-735-2929
From voice phone
........................................................ 1-800-735-2922
The REAL ESTATE BULLETIN (ISSN 07347839) is published quarterly by the State of California, Department of Real Estate, 2201 Broadway, Sacramento, CA
95818, as an educational service to all real estate licensees in the state under the provisions of Section 10083 of the Business and Professions Code.
DRE employees are not
permitted to act as “expert
witnesses” for private parties
he Department of Real Estate (DRE” or the department”) has some
very experienced attorneys, auditors, investigators and subdivision
specialists on its staff. Some DRE employees have spent many years
in their respective areas and have become recognized specialists or experts
in their elds. On occasion, DRE employees are asked to appear as expert
witnesses on behalf of a party other than a governmental entity in civil,
criminal or administrative proceedings. However, in spite of their subject
matter expertise, department employees are not permitted to act as “expert
witnesses” in those matters.
Section 19990 of the California Government Code (Section 19990)
lists a number of activities that are considered to be “incompatible”, con-
icting and/or inconsistent with employment as a State employee. Included
in the list of proscribed acts are (i) using State time, facilities, equipment
or supplies for private gain, and (ii) using the prestige or inuence of
the State or the appointing authority for the employees private gain or
advantage, or the private gain of another. Section 19990 also requires all
State departments to determine which specic activities are incompatible
for its employees.
DRE has adopted an Incompatible Activities Statement for its em-
ployees. The Statement prevents employees from performing a number
of acts, including (i) conducting any activity for which a real estate
license is required or (ii) claiming, charging, receiving and/or accepting
any consideration, other than from the department, for
performing ofcial acts or duties. The Statement
also specically prohibits “Voluntarily agreeing to
act or accepting employment as an expert witness
on behalf of someone other than the Department
or other state or local public agency to testify on
matters or issues related to the employee’s duties with
the Department, including testifying at a deposition or any action (i.e., civil,
criminal, administrative, etc.) to determine whether a real estate licensee
has fullled the obligations and duties associated with activities requiring
a real estate license”. An employee who violates this prohibition could be
subject to disciplinary action.
Thus, private litigants should not plan on calling DRE employees as
expert witnesses in any proceedings. The department recognizes that the
Incompatible Activities Statement precludes private litigants of the ability
to use the expertise and specialized knowledge of department employees
in litigating and/or resolving disputes. Yet DRE believes that the goal of
fair and impartial enforcement of the Real Estate and Subdivided Lands
Law is best served by ensuring that its employees remain neutral.
Section 19990 and the Incompatible Activities Statement both apply
only to current employees. Therefore, persons interested in an “expert with
DRE experience are free to contact former DRE employees regarding their
availability and possible participation as witnesses. It should be noted that
such former employees might still not be able to act as an “expert witness
because of legal restrictions or prohibitions pertaining to ethics, the use and/
or disclosure of condential information, and/or post-employment activities.
[Edited, Modied and Re-written in part by Wayne Bell, Chief Legal Counsel, on 12/4/07]
Winter 2007 Real Estate Bulletin — Page 3
Continued on page 9
Summary of 2007 legislation
ctober 14, 2007 marked the end
of year one of the current two-
year legislative session. A total
of 964 bills wound their way through the
process and landed on the Governors
desk. Of these bills, 750 were signed
into law and 214 were vetoed. The fol-
lowing brief legislative summaries are
of legislation from the 2007 session that
affect real estate licensees and subdivid-
ers. These summaries are intended to
alert you to pertinent changes to the law.
We encourage you to consult the statutes
for complete information. Copies of the
bills can be obtained on-line at www. Please note that “SB”
refers to a Senate bill and “AB” to an
Assembly bill and the Chapter number
refers to the sequence that the bill was
led with the Secretary of State. The
name appearing after the bill number
is the name of the author. All statutes
are effective January 1, 2008 unless
otherwise noted.
AB 432 (Garcia) Time-share
Public Reports (Chapter 53)
The Vacation Ownership and Time-
Share Act of 2004 (VOTA), which
became effective 7-1-05, effectively
changed how time-share offerings are
regulated in California. The act requires
a timeshare plan developer, prior to
selling timeshare interests, to obtain a
public report from the DRE. The public
report application requires the devel-
oper to fully and accurately disclose
certain facts concerning the time-share
developer and time-share plan.
AB 432 will allow a developer to
submit a public report application that
combines, in a manner prescribed by
the Commissioner, the information re-
quired to be disclosed by the California
law and the information required to
be disclosed in a public report issued
by a regulatory agency in one or more
states. This will allow a developer to
create a single disclosure document that
is potentially valid in the states where
the time-shares are marketed.
The Department of Real Estate
sponsored AB 432.
AB 691 (Silva) Homeowner
Association Managers;
certication (Chapter 236)
While existing law does not require
managers of home owners associations
(HOA) to be licensed, the law does pre-
scribe requirements for the certication
of HOA managers. Specically, existing
law requires the completion of specied
educational requirements in order for a
HOA manager to be considered certi-
ed, although there is no requirement
that an individual be certied in order
to manage a HOA. The provisions in
existing law that set forth the require-
ments for HOA manager certication
will sunset on 1/1/08.
AB 691 extends the sunset date to
1/1/12 and modies the requirements
for HOA manager certication.
AB 691 was sponsored by the
California Association of Community
AB 763 (Saldana) Subdivision;
conversions; notice (Chapter
The Subdivision Map Act (Map Act)
generally requires an apartment owner
to give tenants notice that the property in
which they live will be converted from
rental units to condominium units that
will be offered for sale. AB 763 deletes
the current notication procedure and
creates new tenant notication require-
ments that must be fullled prior to the
approval of a nal subdivision map
for the conversion of residential rental
property into condominiums.
This bill also requires that if a rental
agreement was negotiated in Spanish,
Chinese, Tagalog, Vietnamese, or Ko-
rean, all required written notices regard-
ing the conversion of residential real
property into a condominium project, a
community apartment project, or a stock
cooperative project shall be issued in
the tenant's primary language.
AB 839 (Emmerson) Real estate
license renewals; military
extension (Chapter 194)
Existing law allows a licensee who
is called to active military service to
extend the amount of time he or she
has to renew a real estate license. Mili-
tary service includes active duty in the
United States Army, the United States
Navy, the United States Air Force, the
Marine Corps, and the Merchant Marine
in time of war, the Coast Guard, and all
ofcers of the Public Health Service
detailed by proper authority for duty
either with the Army or the Navy.
AB 839 extends the denition of
military service to include those in the
National Guard.
The Department of Real Estate
sponsored AB 839.
AB 840 (Emmerson) Real estate
licenses: discipline (Chapter
Existing law allows the Department
of Real Estate to deny a real estate
license applicant or to discipline a real
estate licensee for a felony conviction
or a misdemeanor conviction where the
crime involved “moral turpitude” and
the crime bore a substantial relationship
to the duties of a real estate licensee.
AB 840 amends existing law to
strike the moral turpitude standard.
The Department of Real Estate
sponsored AB 840.
AB 980 (Calderon) Real estate
transfer fees: residential
property. (Chapter 689)
Some home builders have insti-
tuted the use of private transfer fees
to fund the maintenance of amenities,
improvements or open space. The
funds generated by the transfer fee are
typically paid to a third party entity,
not associated with the developer or
homeowner association. These fees are
generally imposed upon initial sale of
a newly constructed home and upon
the 'transfer' or subsequent sales of the
home. Existing law does not impose any
limits on the amount, duration or use of
the transfer fees.
AB 980 requires the disclosure
Page 4 — Real Estate Bulletin Winter 2007
Disciplinary Action: June 07 - Aug 07
A list of actions is not published in this Bulletin until the 30-day
period allowed for court appeal has expired, or if an appeal
is led and the disciplinary action is stayed, until the stay is
dissolved. Names of persons to whom licenses are denied on
application are not published.
Licensees are listed alphabetically by the District Ofce region
of responsibility.
The license type is listed in parentheses after the licensee’s
name. [REB Real estate broker; RREB Restricted real es-
tate broker; RES Real estate salesperson; RRES Restricted
real estate salesperson; PRLS – Prepaid rental listing service;
RPRLS Restricted prepaid rental listing ser-
vice; REO Real estate ofcer; REC Real
estate corporation]
Below are brief summaries of various regula-
tions and code sections. The full text of the
sections is available on the DRE Web site under Real Estate Law and/
or Regulations.
Disciplinary actions that are “stayed” means there is “a delay
in carrying out” all or part of the recommended discipline.
Commissioners Regulations
2715 Licensee's failure to maintain current business or mailing address
with DRE
2725 Failure of broker to exercise reasonable supervision over the
activities of his or her salespersons
2726 Failure to have broker-salesperson agreements
2731 Unauthorized use of ctitious business name
2752 Brokers failure to notify DRE of salesperson employmen
2753 Broker’s failure to retain salesperson’s license at main ofce or
return the license at termination of employment
2831 Failure to keep proper trust fund records
2831.1 Inadequate separate trust fund beneciary records
2831.2 Failure to reconcile trust account
2832 Failure to comply with trust fund handling provisions
2832(a) Failure of broker to place trust funds into hands of owner, into a
neutral escrow depository or trust fund account within three busi-
ness days of receipt
2832(d) Failure of broker holding trust funds contingent on offer of accep-
tance to properly place funds within 3 business days of acceptance
2832.1 Failure to obtain permission to reduce trust fund balance in a
multiple beneciary account
2834 Trust account withdrawals by unauthorized or unbonded person
2835(b) Retention of broker funds in trust account
2840 Failure to give approved borrower disclosure
2950(d) Failure of broker handling escrows to maintain records and ac-
2950(e) Failure by broker to make escrow records available for inspec-
2950(g) Broker-handled escrow disbursement without written instructions
2950(h) Failure to disclose interest in the agency holding the escrow
2950(i) Failure to render written statement upon closing broker-handled
2951 Improper record keeping for broker handled escrows
2970 Failure to submit advance fee material for review
2972 Advance fee accounting
Business and Professions Code
490 Substantially related criminal conviction
498 License obtained by fraud or misrepresentation
10085 Failure to submit advance fee materials
10130 Acting without license
10137 Unlawful employment or payment of compensation
10145 Trust fund handling
10145(a) Trust fund handling
10145(c) Failure by salesperson to deliver trust funds to broker
10146 Advance fee handling
10148 Failure to retain records and make available for inspection
10159.2 Failure by designated ofcer to supervise licensed acts of
10159.2(a) Failure by designated ofcer to supervise licensed acts of
10159.5 Failure to obtain license with ctitious business name
10160 Failure to maintain salesperson licenses in possession of broker
10161.8 Failure of broker to notify Commissioner of salesperson employ-
10163 Failure to obtain a branch ofce license
10176(a) Making any substantial misrepresentation
10176(i) Fraud or dishonest dealing in licensed capacity
10177(a) Procuring a real estate license by misrepresentation or material
false statement
10177(b) Conviction of crime
10177(d) Violation of real estate law or regulations
10177(f) Conduct that would have warranted denial of a license
10177(g) Negligence or incompetence in performing licensed acts
10177(h) Failure to supervise salespersons or licensed acts of corporation
10177(j) Fraud or dishonest dealing as principal
10177(k) Violation of restricted license condition
10177(n) Violation of real estate syndicate provisions of corporate securi-
ties law
10178 Failure of broker to notify Commissioner of salesperson termina-
10231 Accepting loan funds for other than a specic loan
10231.1 Retaining lenders funds for more than 25 days without a written
agreement with the lender
10232 Failure to notify DRE of threshold status
10232.2 Failure to le or maintain trust fund status
10238(a) Failure of broker to notify Commissioner within 30 days of rst
mortgage transaction or of any material change in required notice
10238(f) Violation of restriction to sell notes in excess of 10 qualied
10238(j) Violation of trust fund handling and records maintenance
10238(k)(3) Failure to submit independent certied public accountant report
10240 Failure to provide mortgage loan disclosure statement
10241 Improper mortgage loan disclosure statement
Financial Code
4975 et seq. Violation of covered loan requirements
Gonzalez-Castro, Erika (RES)
2300 Oak Crest Dr., Turlock
Effective: 8/27/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Koehler, Ryan B. (RES)
7960 B Soquel Dr. #143, Aptos
Effective: 8/6/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Pearlberg, Neil C. (RES)
404 Ewell Ct., Aptos
Effective: 7/19/07
Violation: 10176(i)
Wessel, June Lorraine (RRES)
6824 Mollison Ct., California City
Effective: 7/9/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Aguilar, Oscar (RES)
2172 Avalon Ave., Pomona
Effective: 6/18/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Alonzo, Olivia D. (RES)
16377 Main St., Ste. C, Hesperia
Effective: 6/18/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Anderson, David Leonard (RES)
5186 Kaiser Ave., Santa Barbara
Effective: 8/2/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Winter 2007 Real Estate Bulletin — Page 5
Brennan, Lawrence Michael
24 Fremont St., Newport Beach
Effective: 6/21/07
Violation: 10148, 10159.2,
10232.2, 10238(k)(3)
Chang, Jobe Yeuhwa (REB)
2633 S Baldwin Ave., Arcadia
Effective: 7/17/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Chatman, Fearl Sharayne (RES)
4517 Pickford St., #5,
Los Angeles
Effective: 7/10/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Chung, Min Young (REB, REO)
4130 W. Commonwealth Ave.,
Effective: 6/12/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
County Realty & Finance, Inc.
205 West 1
St., Ste. 202, Tustin
Effective: 8/6/07
Violation: 2731, 2831, 2831.1,
2831.2, 2832, 2834,
2840, 2950(d)(e)(h),
2951, 10145, 10148,
10159.5, 10176(a),
10240, 10241
Elterman, Richard Harold (RES)
512 W. Struck, Orange
Effective: 6/18/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Emami, Dianoush (REB)
17772 Irvine Blvd., Ste. 102,
Effective: 6/28/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Franco, Alfredo (REB)
4122 Philadelphia St., Ste. B,
Effective: 8/8/07
Violation: 490, 498, 10177(a)(b)
Gonzalez, Frank J. (RES)
10026 Mattock St., Downey
Effective: 6/18/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Gonzalez, Oscar Fabien (REB)
9515 Orizaba St., Downey
Effective: 8/20/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Gonzalez, Rogelio Jr. (RES)
1039 Grossmont Dr., Whittier
Effective: 6/18/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Gran, Ronna Lynn (RES)
317 Culper Ct., Hermosa Beach
Effective: 6/18/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Hadizadeh, Nasrin (RES)
4610 Densmore Ave. #101,
Effective: 8/28/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Harris, Artesia Jamar (RES)
19671 Beach Blvd., #101,
Huntington Beach
Effective: 6/12/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Harris, Furman Lloyd (RES)
2560 Northshore Ln.,
Westlake Village
Effective: 8/7/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Herrel, Lynette L. (RES)
2226 Malcolm Ave., Los Angeles
Effective: 7/17/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Johnson, Paul Allen (RES)
31 Skyline Ln., Pomona
Effective: 6/7/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Lemire, Kimberly Katherine (RES)
550 Rye Ave., La Habra
Effective: 6/7/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Levey, David Mark (REB)
24411 Biltmore Lane,
Laguna Niguel
Effective: 7/30/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Lo, Hankok Hon (RES)
16221 Castana Ave., Bellower
Effective: 6/18/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Marin, Miguel (RES)
8645 San Carlos Ave., South Gate
Effective: 6/20/07
10145(c), 10176(i),
Mehlinger, Richard H. (REB)
9454 Wilshire Blvd., #830,
Beverly Hills
Effective: 7/5/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Muschetto, Matt Anthony (RES)
2320 Villareal Dr., Orange
Effective: 6/18/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Myers, Kevin Grant (RES)
9421 Tanager Ave.,
Fountain Valley
Effective: 6/18/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Nava, Tony M. Jr. (RES)
3501 Hart Ave., Rosemead
Effective: 7/23/07
Violation: 10177(n)
Nix, Richard Allen (RES)
20718 Christine Ave., Torrance
Effective: 7/16/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Olbrich, Douglas Brian (RES)
1037 S. Dancove Dr.,
West Covina
Effective: 7/2/07
Violation: 498, 10177(a)
Perez, Alberto (RES)
19538 Four Oaks,
Canyon Country
Effective: 8/7/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Peterson, Jeff Scott (RES)
5680 Crestline Place,
Rancho Cucamonga
Effective: 7/16/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Pierrottet, Jon C. (RES)
1074 Parkview Dr., Ste. 205,
Effective: 6/18/07
Violation: 10177(b)
Pitchford, Mary Ann (RES)
1313 W. Park Western Dr., #15,
San Pedro
Effective: 6/14/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Potter, D. Sidney (RES)
P.O. Box 287, Pasadena
Effective: 6/22/07
Violation: 498, 10177(b)
Prosser, Diana Darlene (REB)
180 Newport Center Dr., Ste. 180,
Newport Beach
Effective: 6/7/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Quinteros, Tatihana (REB, REO)
1224 E. Katella Ave., Ste. 207,
Effective: 8/6/07
Ofcer of:
County Realty &
Finance, Inc.
Violation: 2731, 2831, 2831.1,
2831.2, 2832, 2834,
2840, 2950(d)(e)(h),
2951, 10145, 10148,
10159.5, 10176(a),
10240, 10241
Rowell, Deborah Sue (RES)
28 Optima, San Clemente
Effective: 6/18/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Sandoval, Maria Lourdes (RES)
1210 W. Cornell St., Rialto
Effective: 7/2/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Secured Equities Corporation
25401 Cabot Rd., #117,
Laguna Hills
Effective: 6/21/07
Violation: 10148, 10177(d)(g),
10232.2, 10238(k)(3)
Shaffron, Dayna (RES)
12414 Deerbrook Ln.,
Los Angeles
Effective: 6/18/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Vachhani, Pat Deepa (REB)
3901 Park View Ln., Apt. C-7,
Effective: 8/16/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Valladares, Louis (RES)
1133 Gatlin Ave.,
Hacienda Heights
Effective: 7/31/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Vertrees, William Thomas Jr. (RES)
2439 Orange Ave., #D,
Costa Mesa
Effective: 7/3/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Welch, Larry Joe (RES)
838 S. Manseld Ave.,
Los Angeles
Effective: 07/30/07
Violation: 498, 10177(a)
Aldea, Jesus Luis Tan (RES)
5771 Havencrest Cir., Stockton
Effective: 8/7/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Augustine, Demeka T. (RES)
65 Rio Robles East #2309,
San Jose
Effective: 8/9/07
Violation: 490(a), 10177(b)
Brill, Eric (RES)
181 Laidley St., San Francisco
Effective: 7/10/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Calnet Finance & Investment San
Francisco, Inc. (REC)
1786 36
Ave., San Francisco
Effective: 6/4/07
Violation: 2752, 2831, 2831.1,
2831.2, 2832.1, 2834,
10137, 10145,
10161.8, 10177(d),
10240, 10241
Hall, Leif Vladimir (RES)
27 Trident Dr., Pittsburgh
Effective: 7/10/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Hampton, Loran Stephan (RES)
2532 Santa Clara Ave. #250,
Effective: 8/7/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Kwock, Darin C. (RES)
P.O. Box 27586, San Francisco
Effective: 8/9/07
Violation: 10177(b)(f)
Vo, Timmy Trung (RES)
1075 E. Brokaw Rd., San Jose
Effective: 7/10/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Option Mortgage, Inc. (REC)
950 Reserve Dr. #160, Roseville
Effective: 8/10/07
Violation: 10137, 10176(a),
Crooks, Patricia Sue (RES)
2782 21
St., Sacramento
Effective: 7/9/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Faust, John Edward (RES)
1638 Glenmore Dr., Faireld
Effective: 8/7/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Gallo, Joseph Salvatore (REB)
4740 Northgate Blvd. #135,
Effective: 8/23/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Hernandez, Ralph Darrell (RES)
2530 Vandiver Ln., Redding
Effective: 6/14/07
Violation: 10177(a)
McAninch, Michael Scott (RES)
9272 Madison Ave., Carmichael
Effective: 7/12/07
Violation: 490, 10176(a)
McHone, Brandon J. (RES)
943 Appleridge Pl., Suisun City
Effective: 8/7/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Rosetti, Dino Robert (REB)
950 Reserve Dr. #160, Roseville
Effective: 8/10/07
Violation: 10137, 10148,
Page 6 — Real Estate Bulletin Winter 2007
Salas, Martin A. (RES)
4550 N. Pershing, Stockton
Effective: 7/23/07
Violation: 10176(i), 10177(j)
Swan, Timothy Roger (RES)
4110 Greenview Dr.,
El Dorado HIlls
Effective: 8/7/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Thomas, Tim E. (RES)
1110 Shasta St., Redding
Effective: 8/6/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Abrams, Charleen T. (RES)
143 Sage Dr., Palm Springs
Effective: 6/14/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Conaway, Steven L. (RES)
17752 Robusta Dr., Riverside
Effective: 7/16/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Gavilanes, Humberto (RES)
39835 Tanager Trail, Murrieta
Effective: 6/11/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Majano, Walter (REB)
732 Lions Lair Rd., Beaumont
Effective: 8/22/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Montecastro, Hendrix Moreno
32573 Angelo Dr., Temecula
Effective: 7/9/07
Ofcer of: Stonewood
Consulting, Inc.
Violation: 10159.2,
Scott, Jeffrey Lloyd (REB)
5739 Central Ave, Riverside
Effective: 7/12/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Stonewood Consulting, Inc. (REC)
26273 Horsetail St., Murrieta
Effective: 7/9/07
Violation: 2831, 2831.1, 2831.2,
2832, 2832.1, 2834,
10145, 10177(d)(g),
Telenzak, Stephen Michael (RES)
2368 Palo Danzante, Alpine
Effective: 7/9/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Ulmos, Luis A. (RES)
6814 Magnolia Ave., Riverside
Effective: 8/8/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Gonzalez, Rosario (RES)
5105 Eastridge Ct., Bakerseld
Effective: 7/17/07
Violation: 10145(c), 10176(a),
Right to RRES license on terms
and conditions
Paladino, Renee Kay (REB)
821 Lewis Rd., Royal Oaks
Effective: 7/23/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Right to RREB license on terms
and conditions
Ayala, Martha (REB, REO)
13940 Pioneer Blvd., Norwalk
Effective: 7/5/07
Ofcer of: Southland Home
Realty, Inc.
Violation: 10159.2,
Right to RREB license on terms
and conditions
Bowers, Brian (RES)
49 Edgar Ct., Newbury Park
Effective: 6/19/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Right to RRES license on terms
and conditions
Cathchings, Marvin Earl Sr. (REB)
4011 Elizabeth St., Compton
Effective: 7/18/07
Violation: 10137, 10177(d)
Right to RREB license on terms
and conditions
Delamora, Martin (REB, REO)
2551 E. Gage Ave.,
Huntington Park
Effective: 8/7/07
Ofcer of: Teamwork Realty,
Violation: 2831, 2831.1, 2831.2,
2832(d), 2832.1,
2950(d)(g)(i), 2951,
10145, 10159.5,
Right to RREB license on terms
and conditions
Dillard, Derrick Lamont (RES)
949 S. Stanley Ave., Los Angeles
Effective: 8/28/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Right to RRES license on terms
and conditions
Fernandez, Lucero M. (RES)
13821 Philadelphia St., Whittier
Effective: 7/16/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Right to RRES license on terms
and conditions
Fishman, Avidan I. (RES)
5139 White Oak Ave. #12, Encino
Effective: 8/7/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Right to RRES license on terms
and conditions
Flockhart, Debra Mayes (RES)
2336 Cartlen Dr., Placentia
Effective: 7/30/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Right to RRES license on terms
and conditions
Guzman, Carlos Frederico (REB)
40922 Maple Dr., Forest Falls
Effective: 8/27/07
Violation: 2715, 2725, 2726,
2731, 2832, 10137,
10145, 10160, 10163,
10176(a), 10177(d)(g),
Right to RRES license on terms
and conditions
Mollaie, Joseph (RES)
9500 Monte Mar Dr., Los Angeles
Effective: 6/11/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Right to RRES license on terms
and conditions
Moya, Phala J. (REB, REO)
10226 Lakewood Blvd., Ste. 101,
Effective: 7/5/07
Ofcer of:
Southland Home
Realty, Inc.
Violation: 10137
Right to RREB license on terms
and conditions
Pavelic, Ante Kreshimir (RES)
156 S. Oak Knoll #308, Pasadena
Effective: 8/8/07
Violation: 10130, 10137,
Right to RRES license on terms
and conditions
Romero, Alisandro (REB)
10552 Geraldine Rd.,
Garden Grove
Effective: 6/7/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Right to RREB license on terms
and conditions
Southland Home Realty, Inc. (REC)
10226 Lakewood Blvd., Downey
Effective: 7/5/07
Violation: 10137
Right to RREC license on terms
and conditions
Sudman Enterprises, Inc. (REC)
620 Newport Center Dr.,
Floor, Newport Beach
Effective: 6/11/07
Violation: 2831.2, 2835(b),
10145, 10177(d)(g)
Right to RREC license on terms
and conditions
Sudman, Ronnie Wayne (REB)
620 Newport Center Dr.,
Floor, Newport Beach
Effective: 6/11/07
Violation: 10159.2,
Right to RREB license on terms
and conditions
Tabatabai, Alaedin (REB)
1990 E Grand Ave., Ste. 250,
El Segundo
Effective: 7/16/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Right to RRES license on terms
and conditions
Teamwork Realty, Inc. (REC)
2551 E. Gage Ave.,
Huntington Park
Effective: 8/7/07
Violation: 2831, 2831.1, 2831.2,
2832(d), 2832.1,
2950(d)(g)(i), 2951,
10145, 10176(a),
Right to RREC license on terms
and conditions
Turner, Donna Maria (RES)
15735 S. Visalia Ave.,
Rancho Dominguez
Effective: 6/18/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Right to RRES license on terms
and conditions
Wade, James Lawrence (REB)
125 Columbia, Ste. C, Aliso Viejo
Effective: 7/12/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Right to RREB license on terms
and conditions
Ballesteros, Michael Nagal (RES)
1071 Esparanza Way, San Jose
Effective: 6/15/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Right to RRES license on terms
and conditions
Berkeley, Charles Ryan (REB)
2991 Shattuck Ave., Ste. 301,
Effective: 7/9/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Right to RREB license on terms
and conditions
Brady, Joseph John (RRES)
14287 Chester Ave., Saratoga
Effective: 6/28/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Right to RRES license on terms
and conditions
Bueno, Rafael Hernando (RES)
1789 4
St., Livermore
Effective: 7/9/07
Violation: 10145, 10177(d)
Right to RRES license on terms
and conditions
Calnet Finance & Investment, Inc.
1006 Webster St., Oakland
Effective: 6/4/07
Violation: 2752, 2753, 2831.1,
2831.2, 2834, 10137,
10160, 10161.8,
10177(d), 10240,
Right to RREC license on terms
and conditions
Caveney, Daniel William (RES)
187 Molino Ave., Mill Valley
Effective: 8/20/07
Violation: 490(a), 10177(b)
Right to RRES license on terms
and conditions
Daoang, James (RES)
3237 Brownhill Ct., San Jose
Effective: 7/25/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Domadia, Ashok C. (RES)
183 Leal Way, Fremont
Effective: 7/13/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Right to RRES license on terms
and conditions
Gonzalez, Raul (REB)
20955 Foothill Blvd., Hayward
Effective: 7/2/07
Violation: 10176(a)(i), 10177(g)
Right to RREB license on terms
and conditions
Kumar, Jasmine (RES)
517 Bryce Ct., Milpitas
Effective: 6/27/07
Violation: 10177(b)
Right to RRES license on terms
and conditions
Winter 2007 Real Estate Bulletin — Page 7
Lam, Marks Hung Sing (REB,
1786 35
Ave., San Francisco
Effective: 6/4/07
Ofcer of: Calnet Finance &
Investment San
Francisco, Inc.
Calnet Finance &
Investment, Inc.
Violation: 10159.2(a),
Right to RREB license on terms
and conditions
Mineo, G. I. (RES)
P.O. Box 2641, San Ramon
Effective: 7/30/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Right to RRES license on terms
and conditions
Reyes, Melody B. (RES)
233 Hazelwood Dr.,
South San Francisco
Effective: 6/20/07
Violation: 10177(b)(f)
Right to RRES license on terms
and conditions
Smith, Michael Curtis (RES)
1320 Gordon Ln., Santa Rosa
Effective: 6/14/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Right to RRES license on terms
and conditions
Stewart, Kasey David (REB)
1865 Winchester Blvd. #200,
Effective: 8/21/07
Violation: 490(a), 10177(b)
Right to RREB license on terms
and conditions
Tulcanaza, Edgar Antonio (RES)
190 West 41
Ave., San Mateo
Effective: 8/21/07
Violation: 490(a), 10177(b)
Right to RRES license on terms
and conditions
Wang, Jason Ming Yu (RES)
10181 Western Dr., Cupertino
Effective: 7/5/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Right to RRES license on terms
and conditions
Conte, Alicia Marie (RES)
2510 Longvalley Dr., Newcastle
Effective: 8/10/07
Violation: 10130, 10177(d)
Right to RRES license on terms
and conditions
Duffy, George (REB, REO)
1143 Junction Dr., Manteca
Effective: 6/18/07
Violation: 2831, 2831.1,
2831.2, 2832(a),
10130, 10137,
10145, 10177(d),
Right to RREB license on terms
and conditions
Ford, Anthony K. (RES)
3170 Van Housen Dr., Ukiah
Effective: 8/6/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Right to RRES license on terms
and conditions
Herbert, John Howell (RES)
1489 Ridge Dr., Redding
Effective: 7/13/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Right to RRES license on terms
and conditions
Naidoo, Ofelia Olivia (RES)
10223 Canadeo Way, Elk Grove
Effective: 6/26/07
Right to RRES license on terms
and conditions
Tyler, Robert Thomas (REB)
365 Duncan Hill Rd., Auburn
Effective: 6/5/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Right to RREB license on terms
and conditions
Walker, Thana Marie (RES)
P.O. Box 5772, Corning
Effective: 6/5/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Right to RRES license on terms
and conditions
Estrada, Jose (RES)
1231 Tori Dr., Hemet
Effective: 8/7/07
Violation: 10177(b)
Right to RRES license on terms
and conditions
Jennings-Sapp, Nancy (RES)
3031 Golf Crest Ridge Rd.,
El Cajon
Effective: 6/5/07
Violation: 10130, 10145(c),
Right to RRES license on terms
and conditions
McManus, Robert A. (RES)
P.O. Box 891423, Temecula
Effective: 7/5/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Right to RRES license on terms
and conditions
O’Brian, Bonita Jacquelyn (RES)
26038 Madison Ave., Murrieta
Effective: 8/9/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Right to RRES license on terms
and conditions
Rigsby, Russell Lee (RES)
1294 Edgar Ave., Beaumont
Effective: 8/16/07
Violation: 490, 10177(b)
Right to RRES license on terms
and conditions
Century Financial Resources,
Inc. (REC)
1305 Vine St., Paso Robles
Effective: 8/2/07
Violation: 2831, 2831.1,
2832.1, 10145,
Suspended for 30 days—stayed
for 2 years on terms and condi-
Hayes, Kevin L. (REB, REO)
1423 K St., Modesto
Effective: 7/5/07
Ofcer of: Red Oak Realty and
Violation: 2831.1, 2831.2, 2832,
2832.1, 10145, 10159.2,
Suspended for 60 days—30 days
stayed for 2 years on terms and
Ahmed, Nasim (REB, REO)
3595-1 Inland Empire Blvd.,
Effective: 6/20/07
Ofcer of: N A D Realty, Inc.
Violation: 2831.2, 2832.1, 10145,
10159.2, 10177(d)(h)
Suspended for 90 days—stayed for
2 years on terms and conditions
Balyan, Jacqueline Beoglyan (REB,
2727 W. Alameda Ave., Burbank
Effective: 8/13/07
Ofcer of: First Capital Financial
Resources, Inc.
Violation: 10159.2, 10177(h)
Suspended for 90 days—stayed for
2 years on terms and conditions
First Capital Financial Resources,
Inc. (REC)
2727 W. Alameda Ave., Burbank
Effective: 8/13/07
Violation: 10137, 10145, 10177(d),
Suspended for 90 days—stayed for
2 years on terms and conditions
N A D Realty, Inc. (REC)
3595-1 Inland Empire Blvd. Ontario
Effective: 6/20/07
Violation: 2831.2, 2832.1, 10145,
Suspended for 90 days—stayed for
2 years on terms and conditions
Shepherd, Markus Steven (REB,
19028 Ventura Blvd., Ste. 232,
Effective: 6/4/07
Ofcer of: Emerald Mortgage
Violation: 10137, 10177(d)
Suspended for 60 days—30 days
stayed for 2 years on terms and
Thacher, Robert Morton (REB)
7144 Airway Way, Yucca Valley
Effective: 6/8/07
Violation: 2731, 2831.2, 2840,
2950(h), 2951,
10145, 10177(d),
10231, 10232.2
Suspended for 60 days—stayed for
2 years on terms and conditions
Gross Mortgage Corporation (REC)
1999 Harrison St., Ste. 1650,
Effective: 7/5/07
Violation: 2831, 2831.1,
2832, 10145, 10148,
10177(d), 10238(j)(1)
Suspended for 60 days—stayed for
2 years on terms and conditions
Gross, Leonard Aburn (REB,
1999 Harrison St., Ste. 1650,
Effective: 7/5/07
Violation: 2831, 2831.1,
2832, 10145,
10148, 10159.2,
Suspended for 60 days—stayed
for 2 years on terms and condi-
Heyden, Randall Gilbert (REB)
88 Rowland Way, Ste. 200, No-
Effective: 7/26/07
Violation: 10159.2, 10177(d)(h)
Suspended for 30 days—stayed
for 2 years on terms and condi-
Kay-Co Investments, Inc. (REC)
88 Rowland Way, Ste. 200,
Effective: 7/26/07
Violation: 2831, 2831.2, 2832,
2832.1, 2834, 10145,
10177(d)(f), 10240,
Suspended for 30 days—stayed
for 2 years on terms and condi-
Lewis, Andrew A. (REB)
475 S. San Antonio Rd.,
Los Altos
Effective: 8/23/07
Violation: 4975(a)(1), (a)2),
(c), 10176(i),
Suspended for 60 days—stayed
for 2 years on terms and condi-
Mowat, Lois Camille (REB)
19 Bates Blvd., Orinda
Effective: 8/31/07
Violation: 2726, 2831, 2831.1,
2831.2, 10145,
10177(d), 10231.1,
10238(f)(k), 10240,
Suspended for 120 days—stayed
for 2 years on terms and condi-
Vanderpool, Mark Steven (REB)
2333 San Ramon Vly Blvd., #295,
San Ramon
Effective: 8/23/07
Violation: 2752, 2831, 2832,
10145, 10161.8,
10177(d), 10178
Suspended for 60 days—stayed
for 2 years on terms and condi-
Acadian Properties, Inc. (REC)
140 B St., Ste. 3, Davis
Effective: 7/2/07
Violation: 2832.1, 2834, 10145,
Page 8 — Real Estate Bulletin Winter 2007
Suspended for 60 days-stayed for
2 years on terms and conditions
Montijo, Trinie Ann (REB, REO)
408 G St., Davis
Effective: 7/2/07
Ofcer of: Acadian Properties,
Violation: 2832.1, 2834,
10145, 10159.2,
Suspended for 60 days—stayed
for 2 years on terms and condi-
Red Oak Realty and Lending
100 Gold Dredger Dr., Oroville
Effective: 7/5/07
Violation: 2831.1, 2831.2, 2832,
2832.1, 10145,
10159.2, 10177(d)(h)
Suspended for 60 days—30 days
stayed for 2 years on terms and
Dickey, William Glenn (REB)
5920 Friars Rd., Ste. 206,
San Diego
Effective: 7/31/07
Violation: 2831, 2831.1, 2831.2,
10159.2, 10177(d)(h),
10232, 10238(a)
Suspended for 30 days—stayed
for 2 years on terms and condi-
Lingo, Kristopher Lee (REB)
5920 Friars Rd. S 206, San Diego
Effective: 8/30/07
Violation: 10159.2, 10177(h)
Suspended for 45 days—stayed
for 2 years on terms and condi-
Peninsula Equity Funding, Inc.
5920 Friars Rd. S-206,
San Diego
Effective: 8/30/07
Violation: 2831, 2831.1, 2831.2,
2832.1, 10145,
10177(d), 10232,
10233(b), 10238(a)(f)
Suspended for 45 days—stayed
for 2 years on terms and condi-
Rehmann, David George (REB)
1911 Hidden Crest Way,
El Cajon
Effective: 7/16/07
Violation: 2731, 2834, 10161.8,
Suspended for 45 days—stayed
for 2 years on terms and condi-
Vanderhorst, Fred John (REB,
1240 Lancer Glen, Escondido
Effective: 7/11/07
Ofcer of: Mortgage Marketing,
Violation: 2831.2, 2832.1,
10145(a), 10177(d),
Suspended for 30 days—stayed for
30 days on terms and conditions
W G D Real Estate Services, Inc.
5920 Friars Rd., Ste. 206,
San Diego
Effective: 7/31/07
Violation: 2831, 2831.1, 2831.2,
10177(d), 10232,
Suspended for 30 days—stayed
for 2 years on terms and condi-
(Licenses voluntarily surrendered
per B&P Code §10100.2 during an
administrative action/investigation)
Burton, Robert Vaughn (REB)
1305 Vine St., Paso Robles
Effective: 8/2/07
Sanderson, Diane Rochelle (RES)
P.O. Box 504, Riverbank
Effective: 7/30/07
Barnes, Bradley Edward (RES)
P.O. Box 50025, Pasadena
Effective: 6/18/07
Dorn Platz & Company (REC)
210 S. Orange Grove Blvd.,
Effective: 6/18/07
Edgeeld Real Estate, Inc. (REC)
1500 Adams Ave., Ste. 201,
Costa Mesa
Effective: 8/7/07
Ellington Ct. Realty, Inc. (REC)
435 N. Oakhurst Dr. #904,
Beverly Hills
Effective: 7/18/07
Emerald Mortgage Corp. (REC)
18425 Burbank Blvd., #615,
Effective: 6/4/07
Jangozian, Ara (RES)
343 W. Vine St., Glendale
Effective: 7/3/07
Kesler, Frances (REB)
8950 W. Olympic Blvd., #397,
Beverly Hills
Effective: 6/28/07
Mason, Timothy Paul (REB)
2097 E. Washington St., 1E 324,
Effective: 6/7/07
National Homebuyers Alliance
3734 W. Slauson Ave.,
Los Angeles
Effective: 7/23/07
Peterson, Kelli Anne (RES)
4 St. Paul Ln., Laguna Niguel
Effective: 7/3/07
Platz, Donald Louis (REB)
210 S. Orange Grove Blvd.,
Effective: 6/18/07
Fellini, Mario III (REB)
655 University Ave., 230,
Effective: 7/23/07
McKenny, Robin Lynn (REB)
3963 Glenwood St., Eureka
Effective: 8/30/07
Murphy, Deborah Jean (RES)
551 N. Loma Dr., Lodi
Effective: 7/2/07
Parry, Michele A. (RES)
1602 Bunk House Way, Roseville
Effective: 8/28/07
Piazza, Tina Marie (RES)
715 Mokelumne St., Woodbridge
Effective: 7/3/07
Allcare Nursing, Inc. (REC)
26273 Horsetail St., Murrieta
Effective: 7/30/07
Arbor Terrace Real Estate, Inc.
41120 Elm St., Ste. H218,
Effective: 7/30/07
Montecastro, Bayani Delos (RES)
26273 Horsetail St., Murrieta
Effective: 7/30/07
Mortgage Marketing, Inc. (REC)
285 S. Palm Canyon Dr.,
Palm Springs
Effective: 7/11/07
Wolf, Ernest Spencer (REB)
76101 Covelo Rd., Covelo
Effective: 6/21/07
Violation: 2726, 2731, 2832,
2970, 2972, 10085,
10145, 10146,
10159.5, 10177(d)
(under Recovery Acct. provisions)
Stanton, Ellen E. (REB)
145 Heinlen, Lemoore
Effective: 6/21/07
Commissioner's Message
Continued from page 1
would encourage you or any distressed borrower to visit
these sites to learn about available resources.
Finally, I want to remind you that we need to rid our
industry of individuals who violate the law. Time and
time again, in legislative hearings, and meetings with
consumer groups I am told unscrupulous licensees are
often at the root of a consumers problem. If you become
aware of an incident of mortgage related fraud or miscon-
duct by a licensee,
please re- port it to
the DRE. I intend to
continue to pursue
disciplin- ary action
a g a i n s t those real
estate licensees who take advantage of consumers
and fail to comply with regulatory requirements. It
is worth noting that the DRE is uncovering more and
more fraudulent transactions with criminal complaints
or federal indictments coming on the heels of a DRE
disciplinary action.
And, I have personally witnessed many agents self-
lessly assist clients in addressing loan related situations.
It is my hope that when I meet with various legislators
and consumer advocates in the future, that I am told a
real estate licensee helped rectify a problem situation
rather than create it. And from what I have seen and
heard, I expect this will happen.
Winter 2007 Real Estate Bulletin — Page 9
Legislation Update
Continued from page 3
of the existence of a transfer fee for
properties that are subject to such a
fee. Disclosure will generally be in the
form of a recorded notice and a require-
ment that a seller provide a buyer with
a statement indicating, among other
things, the amount of the transfer fee
based on the asking price and how the
fee is calculated.
The California Association of
Realtors® sponsored AB 980.
SB 223 (Machado) Real estate
appraisals (Chapter 291)
Existing law precludes a licensed
appraiser from doing an appraisal if the
appraisers compensation is affected
by the sales commission generated by
the transaction for which the appraisal
was made.
SB 223 prohibits a person with
an interest in a real estate transaction
involving an appraisal to improperly
inuence or attempt to improperly
inuence, through coercion, extortion,
or bribery, the development, report-
ing, result, or review of a real estate
appraisal sought in connection with a
mortgage loan. A person, who violates
the provision of this bill and is licensed
under any state licensing law, will be
in violation of the licensing law under
which the person is licensed.
SB 223 was an urgency bill and
was effective the day it was chaptered
on October 5, 2007.
SB 385 (Machado) State
agencies: accounts: reports.
(Chapter 301)
Existing law allows a real estate
broker to, among other things, arrange
loans secured by real property, includ-
ing nontraditional mortgage products,
as dened.
Recently, federal financial
institution regulatory agencies
and the Conference of State Bank
Supervisors (CSBS), together
with the American Association of
Residential Mortgage Regulators
(AARMR), published guidance on
nontraditional mortgage product risks
and a statement on subprime mortgage
lending. The guidance and statement
set forth suggested best practices
for underwriting and marketing
nontraditional and subprime loans.
SB 385 requires the Departments
of Real Estate, Financial Institutions
(DFI) and Corporations (DOC) to
apply the guidance on nontraditional
mortgage products and the state-
ment on subprime mortgage lending
published by CSBS and AARMR to
their respective licensees. This bill
also allows the departments to adopt
clarifying emergency and nal regula-
tions with respect to the guidance and
subprime statement. In this regard,
the Department of Real Estate (DRE)
has issued regulations providing for
added disclosures for nontraditional
loans. Licensees should familiarize
themselves with these as well as future
regulation proposals, as they become
available on the DRE Web site at www.
As to the Guidance and Statement
published by CSBS and AARMR,
they can be found at the following
Web sites:
SB 385 also extends the authority
of the DRE to the principal lending
activities of real estate brokers who
make more than eight loans a year.
SB 528 (Aanestad) Common
Interest Developments: open
meetings (Chapter 250)
Existing law does not require HOA
boards to solely adhere to the mat-
ters set-forth on the agenda. SB 528
requires all issues to be discussed at a
board meeting to be on the agenda so
that homeowners have advance notice
of what issues the HOA board will be
acting on. This bill also requires that
meeting notices include the agenda
for the meeting.
SB 226 (Negrete McLeod)
Real estate broker license:
qualications VETOED
Existing law requires a real estate
broker license applicant to complete
specied course work and have two
years experience as a real estate
salesperson licensee, as specified,
before the DRE can issue a real estate
broker license to the applicant. The two
years of experience as a salesperson can
be waived if the broker license applicant
can demonstrate the equivalent of two
years general real estate experience or
has graduated and obtained a degree
from a four-year college or university,
“which course included specialization
in real estate”.
SB 226 would have required
the Real Estate Commissioner to
adopt regulations to establish the
educational criteria that constitutes a
“specialization in real estate”.
Existing law requires real estate
brokers who arrange loans secured
by real property to disclose, among
other things, their license identication
number in all mortgage lending
advertising and on specied mortgage
loan disclosures.
This bill would have required real
estate licensees to disclose their license
identication number on rst point of
contact marketing materials.
The Governors veto message
stated, in part:
“This bill is substantially similar
to a bill that I vetoed last year. Instead
of directly repealing one method in
which a person can become a real
estate broker as last years bill did,
this bill attempts to revise the method
via a regulatory route. There is no
more evidence this year than last that
this licensing method has harmed
consumers in the over thirty years it
has been in statute.
While I cannot sign the bill, I do
support one aspect of the bill. I urge the
Legislature to consider legislation next
year that authorizes the Department of
Real Estate Commissioner to require
real estate brokers and salespersons to
display his or her license number on
consumer rst contact materials.”
The California Association of
Realtors® sponsored SB 226.
Page 10 — Real Estate Bulletin Winter 2007
she was a nancial executive earning
$9,000 per month from a shell company
which they had established, for seem-
ingly no other purpose than to create
ctitious employment information for
borrowers. In a separate series of trans-
actions, the respondents sold 8 proper-
ties to a landscape contractor earning
about $40,000 per year by claiming the
contractor was an investment analyst
with their company earning $14,000
per month. This pattern continued with
multiple borrowers. The defrauded
lenders required no verication of the
supplied information since these were
“stated income” loans.
As is the case when dealing with
someone who is willing to defraud a
lender, other parties involved in the
transaction had “better take cover” as
the chances for their being defrauded by
the participants are high as well. In this
particular case, in addition to supplying
fraudulent information to the lenders,
the respondents also made a series of
false statements to the straw buyers to
induce them into participating in the
scheme. The straw buyers were told they
were in the business of helping people
with bad credit acquire homes through
the use of the purchasers good credit. It
was just a way of helping people obtain
the “American Dream” of home owner-
ship. The respondents also represented
that they had pre-qualied people who
were waiting to take over the homes and
the loan payments from the purchasers
and that these individuals would pay a
deposit, make all mortgage payments,
property taxes, the related insurance
and the maintenance. It was further
represented that the pre-qualied indi-
viduals would then purchase the homes
after two years at a price adjusted for
appreciation of about 7 to 10 percent
per year. In actuality, no pre-qualied
purchasers existed and the respondents
simply let the homes go into default
which created substantial losses for the
lenders and ruined credit ratings for the
straw buyers.
Over 19 homes were sold by the re-
spondents in this manner, accounting for
over 8 million dollars in loans and over
$277,000 in loan broker commissions.
That is not much when you consider the
consequences of their actions. Needless
to say, the Department led accusations
and revoked the licenses of the individu-
als involved. In addition, the individuals
responsible were indicted by the United
States Attorney’s Ofce on 14 counts
of bank fraud, 14 counts of making
false statements in loan applications, 7
counts of mail fraud and conspiracy to
launder funds. It is doubtful that they
think their scheme was such a good
idea at this point.
Unfortunately, this case is not an
isolated incident. DRE has Accusations
against a large number of licensees who
have been involved in similar schemes
and criminal investigations are pending
with respect to several of them. From
the standpoint of the Department’s
Enforcement Program, we continue to
investigate complaints regarding trans-
actions that have occurred with damage
already done, and we will continue to
remove unscrupulous licensees from the
business and prevent possible fraudu-
lent acts from occurring. Furthermore,
the federal and local levels of govern-
ment will continue to investigate and
prosecute as appropriate.
Real estate licensees are in a more
unique position of being able to prevent
the problems from occurring in the rst
place, by recognizing red ags, asking
appropriate questions, and giving the
principals in your transactions the full
picture of what is involved in terms of
making a purchase and carrying the
payments once the purchase is made.
Remember the old adage AN
a lot of damage has been done in the
real estate market, we can prevent
more of the same from occurring in the
future. Please take the time to ensure
that the principals in your transactions
understand all terms and report abuses
in the marketplace to the Department
of Real Estate and to federal and local
prosecutors where appropriate.
Loan Fraud
Continued from page 1
Real estate licensees are
in a more unique position
of being able to prevent the
problems from occuring in
the rst place by recognizing
red ags
Continuing Education
Continued from page 1
A participant will be required to present one of the following forms of
identication either immediately prior to admittance to a live presentation
or immediately before the administration of the nal examination for a
correspondence course:
A current California drivers license
A current identication card issued by DMV
Any identication issued by a governmental agency or recognized
real estate trade organization within the immediately preceding ve
years that bears a photo, signature and identication number of the
The addition of the examination requirement for all continuing education
courses will also have an impact on a licensee’s ability to petition for equiva-
lency credit for attendance at any unapproved course. Before a petition will
be granted, one of the items the applicant must submit is a nal grade report
for the nal examination.
If you have any questions or comments concerning the continuing educa-
tion program, please contact the Education Section staff at (916) 227-0894.
For more detail on the specic regulations, you may visit http://www.dre.
Winter 2007 Real Estate Bulletin — Page 11
DRE RE# Title of Publication Cost Quantity Your Cost
1 Reference Book — A Real Estate Guide (Rev. 2000) $20
2 2008 Real Estate Law Book & CD set $25
6 Disclosures in Real Property Transactions $10
8 Operating Cost Manual for Homeowner Associations $10
25 Reserve Study Guidelines for Homeowner Association Budgets $10
4 Instructions to License Applicants free
13 Trust Funds free
34 A Guide for Residents Purchasing Their Mobile Home Park free
35 Trust Deed Investments — What You Should Know!! free
35A Using the Services of a Mortgage Broker fr
39 Living in a California Common Interest Development free
51 A Consumer Guide to Filing Real Estate Complaints free
52 Reverse Mortgages — Is One Right for You? free
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Page 12 — Real Estate Bulletin Winter 2007
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Real Estate Bulletin — Winter 2007
Moved or moving? New address?
Use the eLicensing online system at to make the change or
submit the appropriate “change” form:
RE 214 for salespersons; RE 204 for
brokers; RE 204A for corporations.
2008 Real Estate Law Book
and CD
ach year, the Real Estate
Law Book and CD is up-
dated to reect changes
in laws and regulations.
The 2008 Real Estate Law
Book and CD will be available
for purchase in January 2008.
This important reference for
licensees contains:
The Real Estate Law
(from the Business and
Professions Code);
The Real Estate Commissioners Regulations (from
the California Code of Regulations);
Portions of the Administrative Procedure Act (from
the Government Code); and
Pertinent excerpts from various California Codes.
The cost will be $25, plus tax. Orders will be accepted
after January 1, 2008. Use the order form on page 11 or submit
a Publications Request (RE 350). (The RE 350 is available
on the DRE Web site or from any District Ofce.)
The 2008 Real Estate Law will also be available on the
DRE Web site at
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PLEASE NOTE: Unless you are a rst-time salesperson examination ap-
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