Endang Species Res
Vol. 29: 1321, 2015
doi: 10.3354/esr00696
Published online November 4
Wildlife rehabilitation is the process of treating in -
jured, sick or orphaned animals and releasing them
back into the wild. As conservation has moved to the
forefront of ecology, releasing rehabilitated animals
as a way of enhancing wild life populations is becom-
ing more frequent (Ka resh 1995, Cardona et al. 2012,
Mestre et al. 2014). These actions have the potential
to play significant roles in stabilizing or augmenting
wildlife populations, especially those in conservation
peril (Karesh 1995). Rehabilitation based on sound
conservation and biological principles (Tribe &
Brown 2000, Ferraro & Pattanayak 2006) ensures that
available resources can be allocated towards the
most effective conservation measures (Tribe & Brown
2000, Ferraro & Pattanayak 2006, Wimberger et al.
2010, Feck & Hamann 2013). In some cases, however,
the high costs of rehabilitation or low success rates
may be too great to warrant widespread implementa-
tion. Thus, understanding the success rates of reha-
bilitation and how they vary with species biology
(e.g. body size, sex) will enhance our ability to gauge
how these activities can contribute to conservation.
The primary objective behind wildlife rehabilita-
tion is the welfare of individual animals (Moore et al.
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Publisher: Inter-Research · www.int-res.com
*Corresponding author: [email protected]
Sea turtle rehabilitation success increases with
body size and differs among species
Linda Baker
, Will Edwards
, David A. Pike
College of Marine and Environmental Sciences, James Cook University, Cairns, Queensland 4878, Australia
Centre for Tropical Environmental & Sustainability Science, James Cook University, Cairns, Queensland 4870, Australia
College of Marine and Environmental Sciences, James Cook University, Townsville, Queensland 4811, Australia
ABSTRACT: Wildlife rehabilitation can contribute to species conservation by releasing healthy
individuals back into the wild and educating the public about threatening processes. Rehabilita-
tion has substantial financial costs, however, and thus it is important to understand the success
rates of these potential conservation management actions. We quantified the success rates for
1700 sea turtles admitted to rehabilitation facilities in Florida (USA) between 1986 and 2004.
Rehabilitation success was low: 61.5% of turtles died in rehabilitation and only 36.8% were
released back into the wild. A further 1.6% of turtles were maintained in captivity permanently
due to the severe nature of their injuries. Most mortality occurred early during the rehabilitation
process (within a few weeks), and successful rehabilitation often took several months to more than
3 yr. Loggerhead turtles Caretta caretta were most likely to survive rehabilitation, followed by
Kemp’s ridleys Lepidochelys kempii and green turtles Chelonia mydas; for all 3 species, larger
individuals had an increased chance of successful rehabilitation. At face value, the low rates of
rehabilitated turtles successfully released back into the wild may contribute only modestly to con-
servation in terms of contributing to population viability. However, many rehabilitation facilities
provide important educational experiences that increase public awareness of the threats facing
animals and highlight potential conservation solutions. Media coverage highlighting the release
of rehabilitated animals further extends the conservation value of these efforts. Wildlife rehabili-
tation provides important direct benefits that, combined with social benefits, together may justify
the expense and difficulty of rehabilitating individual animals.
KEY WORDS: Animal hospital · Endangered species · Human intervention · Injury · Marine turtle ·
Public engagement · Sea turtle stranding · Survival · Veterinary care · Wildlife rehabilitation
Endang Species Res 29: 1321, 2015
2007), which are often accepted into rehabilitation
without prioritizing rare or endangered species (Ka -
resh 1995, Tribe & Brown 2000). During catastrophic
events, there may be insufficient resources to care for
all affected individuals, and decisions may need to be
made about which animals to rehabilitate. The finan-
cial costs of rehabilitation are large (Karesh 1995,
Tribe & Brown 2000, Moore et al. 2007, Feck &
Hamann 2013), and in some cases those resources
could be more effectively directed towards conserva-
tion measures aimed at preventing wildlife injury
(Moore et al. 2007). This presents a conflict between
public support behind rehabilitating injured wildlife
as a conservation measure (reviewed by Feck &
Hamann 2013), and how effective rehabilitation
actually is for maintaining or increasing population
size, compared to the actual costs of other conserva-
tion efforts. An added benefit of treating animals in
captivity is the potential for positive educational
interactions between humans and wildlife, which
could contribute to conservation by garnering public
support (Tribe & Brown 2000, Moore et al. 2007, Car-
dona et al. 2012, Feck & Hamann 2013).
The efficacy of rehabilitation programs for mam-
mals and birds has been well reviewed (Karesh 1995,
Tribe & Brown 2000, Moore et al. 2007), but evalua-
tions of other fauna are limited (Dodd & Seigel 1991).
Sea turtle populations are in decline globally, and
integrated conservation efforts are required to pre-
vent extinction (Wallace et al. 2011). Sea turtle reha-
bilitation is usually achieved through medical man-
agement of sick or injured animals by veterinary
surgeons in wildlife hospitals (Casal & Orós 2009,
Feck & Ha mann 2013). The majority of animals in
rehabilitation are taken there because of some previ-
ous negative interaction with humans (Tribe & Brown
2000, Feck & Hamann 2013), including entanglement
in fishing gear (Allen 2000, Dutton & Squires 2008,
Bagarinao 2011), being hit by a boat or propeller and
a wide range of other causes (Shaver & Teas 1999,
Dutton & Squires 2008, Bagarinao 2011). Current
information on the success rates of sea turtle rehabil-
itation is limited, but suggests that the proportion of
animals released back into the wild is low (Haines et
al. 2000, Haines & Limpus 2001, Greenland et al.
2004, Greenland & Limpus 2006, 2008, Biddle & Lim-
pus 2011). Records from Queensland, Australia (1999
to 2010) suggest that only 26% of stranded sea turtles
found washed up on beaches were successfully reha-
bilitated and released back into the wild (Table 1).
The survival rate of rehabilitated animals once
released back into the wild could be lower than that
of wild turtles, further reducing overall success rates
in terms of the potential for individuals to contribute
to the population (Cardona et al. 2012). Widespread
rehabilitation of sick or injured turtles currently sup-
plements other conservation efforts (IUCN 1995,
Casal & Orós 2009, Goldberg et al. 2011, Mestre et al.
2014), but we still have a poor understanding of the
conservation potential of rehabilitation in terms of
numbers of healthy animals released (even without
knowing their longer-term individual survival; Car-
dona et al. 2012, Mestre et al. 2014).
To fill this knowledge gap, we analysed data on
injured sea turtles admitted into rehabilitation facili-
ties from 1986 to 2004 in Florida (USA) to determine
Year Died during Successfully Unknown Total Success 95% confidence limits
rehabilitation or rehabilitated rehabilitation turtles rate Lower Upper
euthanized and released outcome (proportion)
1999 77 97 0 174 0.557 0.483 0.630
2000 75 61 0 136 0.449 0.366 0.533
2001 29 2 3 60 0.059 0.011 0.188
2002 39 20 1 60 0.333 0.221 0.466
2003 55 16 8 79 0.203 0.122 0.308
2004 26 14 21 61 0.230 0.134 0.350
2005 53 19 11 83 0.229 0.147 0.330
2006 89 25 14 128 0.195 0.134 0.272
2007 145 45 33 223 0.202 0.153 0.259
2008 104 33 52 189 0.175 0.125 0.234
2009 128 40 66 234 0.171 0.127 0.225
2010 92 41 39 172 0.238 0.179 0.307
Total 912 413 248 1573 0.263 0.241 0.285
Table 1. Yearly data on rehabilitated sea turtles stranded along the Queensland, Australia, coast between 1999 and 2010. Data
are summaries from the Queensland marine wildlife stranding and mortality database (StrandNet; compiled from Haines et al.
2000, Haines & Limpus 2001, Greenland et al. 2004, Greenland & Limpus 2006, 2008, Biddle & Limpus 2011). Raw data were
unavailable for analysis
Baker et al.: Sea turtle rehabilitation
the overall success rates of rehabilitation, and whether
body size, sex or species identity influenced rehabili-
tation outcome. Understanding the outcomes of reha-
bilitation is essential because the public often views
these as conservation efforts (Feck & Hamann 2013,
Mestre et al. 2014).
Sea turtle standing and rehabilitation
We used standardized data collected by the Sea
Turtle Stranding and Salvage Network (STSSN) in
Florida from 1986 to 2004 (Shaver & Teas 1999, Foley
et al. 2005), available online at http://ocean.florida
marine.org/mrgis/Description_Layers_Marine.htm #
turtle. The STSSN documents marine turtle strand-
ings along the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic coastlines
of the United States. Information about each turtle
stranding event, when known, is recorded on a form
(e.g. date, location, species, sex, body size; see
STSSN Stranding Report at www.sefsc.noaa.gov/
species/turtles/strandings.htm), and all live turtles
are transported to rehabilitation facilities. Follow-up
details entered into the dataset often included the
fate of each turtle (died in captivity, euthanized,
released, or maintained in captivity indefinitely) and
the date of death or release back into the wild (as
From 1986 to 2004, a total of 2462 live-stranded sea
turtles were taken into rehabilitation, representing
all live stranding events recorded in Florida. The
dataset did not include sufficient information about
the type of injuries that potentially caused the turtle
to become stranded to include this variable in the
analysis. We used curved carapace length (CCL;
measured upon arrival at rehabilitation) as a meas-
ure of turtle body size; when straight-line carapace
length (SCL) was the only measurement available,
we converted this to CCL using Teas’ (1993) equa-
tion: SCL = 0.294 + (0.937 × CCL).
Rehabilitation success rates
We calculated the proportion of turtles that died in
rehabilitation, were euthanized, were successfully
released into the wild, and deemed to have injuries
too severe for release and thus were maintained in
captivity permanently. Proportional values and their
95% confidence limits were generated using the
Agresti-Coull approximation (Agresti & Coull 1998).
To estimate the average amount of time a turtle spent
in rehabilitation, we calculated the mean and stan-
dard deviation of the number of days spent in reha-
bilitation. For this analysis, we used the 1700 turtles
for which the outcome of rehabilitation (died or sur-
vived) and the number of days spent in rehabilitation
were known. We used a Mann-Whitney U-test to
compare the distribution of the number of days spent
in rehabilitation between turtles that died versus
those that survived.
Impacts of phenotype on rehabilitation outcome
We used generalized linear models (GLMs) imple-
mented in the program R (version 2.15.0; R Develop-
ment Core Team 2012) to estimate the influence of
multiple variables on sea turtle rehabilitation success
rates. The response variable, survival, is binomial
and describes whether each turtle lived or died. Ex -
planatory variables included species identity, sex,
body size, and the duration of rehabilitation (number
of days). Because the species we included differed in
body size by orders of magnitude, we converted raw
CCL measurements of turtles in our study to Z-scores
to allow us to compare distributions among species
(using n = 1622 turtles for which body size data were
available; Table 2). Z-scores ranged from −3 to +3,
with a value of 0 representing a turtle of average size
for the species (i.e. a Z-score represents the stan-
dardized deviation from a mean of zero), negative
values indicating smaller turtles, and positive values
indicating larger turtles. This approach also allowed
us to test for potential effects of individual body size
on survival, such as whether larger turtles were more
likely to be successfully rehabilitated.
For analysis of the influence of multiple variables
on rehabilitation outcomes, we used the subset of
records for which all data were available; common
omissions included sex and the outcome of rehabili-
tation efforts, as well as 2 turtles that were re leased
by vandals and another that escaped during rehabil-
itation (Table 2). This approach ensures that po ten -
tially competing models were refitted with the same
sample size each time. Within the subset of re cords
for which all data were available, sample sizes were
too low for analysis for 3 species (hawksbill Eretmo-
cehlys imbricata, n = 9; leatherback Dermo chelys
coriacea, n = 6; and olive ridley Lepidochelys oli-
vacea, n = 2). This resulted in a final dataset of 374
individuals, representing green Chelonia mydas (n =
184), loggerhead Caretta caretta (n = 170), and
Kemp’s ridley turtles Lepidochelys kempii (n = 20).
Endang Species Res 29: 1321, 2015
Information theoretic approaches acknowledge
that a range of different models may display similar
abilities to describe true data. The process thus
requires fitting a range of competing models, which
are then compared in terms of their explanatory abil-
ities. Akaike’s information criterion (AIC) is a meas-
ure of information lost in fitting a given model, with
the lowest values indicating the best approximation
of data. This approach can, however, reveal that mul-
tiple models are equally supported descriptions of
the true pattern. Final model selection is thus based
on the magnitude of the difference in AIC values
between models. The best-supported models (i.e.
ΔAICs) are those that make up the top 90% of Akaike
weights and have relative deviations from the best
model of less than 2 (Burnham & Anderson 1998).
We first developed a global GLM that fitted all
explanatory variables: the full model. To determine
which variables were required to generate the best
approximating model, we used the dredge function
in the R package ‘MuMIn’ (Barto 2012) to produce
likelihood estimates for all possible nested models
(models including subsets of variables in the global
model) and chose the most parsimonious model (or
combination of models) based on ΔAIC for small sam-
ple sizes (ΔAICc). The response variable was logit-
transformed to ensure linearity. Thus, the coefficients
associated with the explanatory variables included in
the model are returned as log-odds ratios. To pro-
duce intuitive results, we transformed coefficient
value log-odds to simple odds ratios.
Rehabilitation success rate
Of the 1700 sea turtles with known rehabilitation
outcomes, 626 individuals (36.8%) survived and
were subsequently released back into the wild, 1047
individuals (55.3%) died in rehabilitation and 27 in -
dividuals (1.6%) survived but remained in captivity
(Table 2). The mean number of days spent in rehabil-
itation differed between turtles that died and those
that survived (Z = −24.59, p < 0.001). Turtles that
were successfully rehabilitated and released back
into the wild spent a greater mean time in rehabilita-
tion than those that died (Fig. 1).
Impacts of phenotype on rehabilitation outcome
The most parsimonious model (GLM2) included
the terms body size, time in rehabilitation and spe-
Species Total no. of Outcome Sex and Time and Size and All variables
turtles known outcome known outcome known outcome known known
Green 1218 860 241 750 828 184
Loggerhead 931 628 215 565 592 170
Kemp’s ridley 186 123 29 108 113 20
Hawksbill 113 76 10 72 76 9
Leatherback 12 11 6 11 11 6
Olive ridley 2 2 2 2 2 2
Total (%) 2462 1700 (69) 503 1508 1622 391 (15.9)
Table 2. Summary of known variables and associated sample sizes for the standardized data on stranded sea turtles gathered
by the Florida Sea Turtle Stranding and Salvage Network between 1986 and 2004
Died Survived
Outcome of rehabilitation
Time in rehabilitation (d)
Fig. 1. Number of days spent in treatment by stranded turtles
that died during rehabilitation (n = 884) or survived (n = 624).
All turtles were found stranded alive along the Florida coast
by the Sea Turtle Stranding and Salvage Network and taken
to rehabilitation facilities between 1986 and 2004. Shown are
box plots (in grey) with outliers (filled circles and lines)
Baker et al.: Sea turtle rehabilitation
cies identity (Table 3). GLM2 had a smaller AIC
(139.5) compared to the global GLM (GLM1; AIC =
141.5). The difference in AIC between these 2 mod-
els is equal to 2, and thus both are equally plausible
(Burnham & Anderson 1998). We chose to focus on
the model with the lowest AIC. The 14 other possible
competing models did not fit our data as strongly (i.e.
ΔAICc > 2) (Table 4).
Body size (χ
= 61.5, df = 1, p < 0.001), time in
rehabilitation (χ
= 26.629, df = 1, p < 0.001) and
species identity (χ
= 39.174, df = 2, p < 0.001) sig-
nificantly influenced rehabilitation success. All coef-
ficients were positive, indicating positive influences
of these variables on rehabilitation success (GLM2;
Tables 3 & 5). Larger turtles of every species were
more likely to survive than smaller ones. For every
Model Explanatory Coefficients df Deviance AIC χ
variables (odds ratio)
AIC = 141.5 Species 2 167.70 175.70 38.188 <0.001
Sex 1 129.51 139.51 0.000 0.987
Time 1 156.08 166.08 26.573 <0.001
Standardized size 1 189.75 199.75 60.243 <0.001
AIC = 141.9 Kemp’s ridley 1.756139 2 168.68 174.68 39.174 <0.001
Loggerhead 3.810844
Time 0.005280 1 156.14 164.14 26.629 <0.001
Standardized size 2.244386 1 191.06 199.06 61.500 <0.001
Table 3. Plausible models for estimating the influence of species, body size (standardized curved carapace length), sex (male
or female) and time in rehabilitation (d) on sea turtle rehabilitation success rates. The dataset contains details of turtles
stranded in Florida and taken to rehabilitation between 1986 and 2004 (n = 374). Akaike’s information criterion (AIC) indicated
that the most parsimonious generalized linear model (GLM) was GLM2. Odds ratios were transformed from the coefficients
(log-odds) calculated by GLM2
GLM Intercept Sex Species Time Standardized df AICc ΔAICc
(coefficients) size (coefficients)
1 (Global) −6.983 + + 0.005281 2.245 6 141.7 2
2 −6.985 + 0.005280 2.244 5 139.7 0
3 −5.135 + 1.890 4 164.2 25
4 −5.160 + + 1.876 5 166.2 26
5 −3.385 0.003181 1.569 3 174.7 35
6 −3.558 + 0.003145 1.543 4 175.8 36
7 −2.962 1.492 2 190.2 51
8 −3.160 + 1.461 3 190.8 51
9 −4.261 + 0.003905 4 199.2 60
10 −4.411 + + 0.003848 5 199.9 60
11 −2.847 + 0.002850 3 221.0 81
12 −3.632 + + 4 221.5 82
13 −3.390 + 3 222.2 83
14 −2.543 0.002924 2 222.4 83
15 −2.589 + 2 236.4 97
16 −2.240 1 239.0 99.29
Table 4. Candidate generalized linear models (GLMs) used to assess the influence of species, body size (standardized curved
carapace lengt), sex (male or female) and time in rehabilitation (d) on sea turtle rehabilitation success rates. The dataset con-
tained details of turtles stranded in Florida and taken to rehabilitation between 1986 and 2004 (n = 374). Models with a
difference in Akaike’s information criterion (with correction for finite sample sizes; ΔAICc) greater than 2 were not well
Endang Species Res 29: 1321, 2015
increase in the CCL equivalent to 1 SD from the
mean, the odds of survival increase by 9.4 times
(Fig. 2). Additionally, the longer a turtle spent in
rehabilitation, the more likely it was to be released
(Fig. 3), with the odds of survival increasing by a
factor of 1 for each additional day spent in rehabili-
tation. The significant species effect in our model
revealed that loggerhead turtles were more likely
than the other 2 species to survive rehabilitation,
with green turtles the least likely and Kemp’s
ridleys intermediate (Figs. 2 & 3).
The power of our model could be
improved if the stranding dataset
had more complete records, which
greatly limited sample sizes in our
full analysis. Only 15.9% (n = 391) of
the 2462 records had complete infor-
mation (Table 2). Sex was the most
com mon variable missing, known for
only 503 (29.6%) turtles with known
rehabilitation outcomes (Table 2).
Complete details were recorded for
only 8% of hawksbill turtles (Table 2),
and the low sample sizes for other
species reflect their relative live
stranding rates (e.g. leatherback and
olive ridley turt les were generally
found dead rather than alive).
Any study on the success of reha-
bilitation efforts should be placed in
context; we have summarized find-
ings from a study spanning all stran -
ded turtles documented in Florida
over a period of 2 decades. We found
that 63% of sea turtles admitted into
rehabilitation facilities were never
released back into the wild, and those
animals that were released (37%) of-
ten required extended periods in re-
habilitation ranging from months to
over 3 yr. Most mortality occurred
early in the rehabilitation process
(within a few weeks), but many ani-
mals died even after substantial peri-
ods in care (e.g. over 3 yr). We found
strong differences among species in
terms of rehabilitation success; log-
gerhead turtles were most likely to
survive rehabilitation, followed by
Kemp’s ridleys and green turtles, and larger individu-
als of all species were more likely to survive than
smaller individuals. Underlying these patterns, how-
ever, is unexplained variance that includes the causes
of mortality and severity of injuries, the treatments
provided to individual turtles, and the likelihood of
sick or in jured turtles becoming stranded and found.
Therefore, the results of our study do not necessarily
apply to other contexts in which different parameters
may be known about injured turtles. Low success
rates are typical of many rehabilitation programs
Species Body size (cm) Time (d) Sex (n)
Mean (SD, range) Mean (SD, range) Female Male Unknown
Green 44.0 72.4 122 62 184
(14.12, 23.5−108.1) (206.91, 0−1323)
Hawksbill 44.9 15.0 6 3 9
(19.11, 24.1− 76.6) (23.0, 0−60)
Kemps ridley 40.2 54.5 14 6 20
(14.79, 16.5−71.9) (77.22, 0−294)
Loggerhead 84.7 84.7 93 77 70
(16.18, 48.7−119) (151.75, 0−1119)
Table 5. Attributes of sea turtles admitted into rehabilitation centres in Florida
between 1986 and 2004 (n = 374), including body size and sex ratios of 4
species and the duration that each spent in rehabilitation prior to successful re-
lease back into the wild
–2 –1 0 1 2 3
Curved carapace length (standardized)
Probability of survival
Kemps ridley
Fig. 2. Size (standardized curved carapace length, CCL) versus probability of
survival for sea turtles taken for rehabilitation in Florida between 1986 and
2004 (n = 374). A standardized CCL value of 0 represents a turtle of average
size (i.e. a Z-score represents the standardized deviation from a mean of zero),
negative values indicate smaller turtles, and positive values indicate larger
turtles. Solid line: fitted values obtained by the binomial generalized linear
model (GLM) for each species; open circles: observed values for all species. As
the size of a turtle increases, so does the probability of survival
Baker et al.: Sea turtle rehabilitation
(Tribe & Brown 2000), but our findings indicate that
Florida sea turtle rehabilitation success rates are
higher than those in Australia (26%; Table 1).
Euthanasia is an option for some stranded turtles
whose injuries are severe enough to indicate that re-
habilitation may be unsuccessful (Karesh 1995, Tribe
& Brown 2000, Moore et al. 2007). For turtles that ap-
pear capable of making a full recovery, however, the
longer they survive in captivity the more likely they
are to be released back into the wild (Fig. 1). This
pattern emerges because those individuals that have
the most severe injuries die very quickly in the reha-
bilitation process, and as individuals are successfully
nursed through the first several weeks of rehabilita-
tion (when the health complications are most severe)
their odds of surviving dramatically increases (Fig. 1).
Individuals that require long periods in rehabilitation,
however, could present potential risks to wild sea
turtle populations. During rehabilitation, animals may
be exposed to pathogens to which they do not have
immunity (Tribe & Brown 2000, Moore et al. 2007).
These individuals may transmit diseases, which have
been acqui red or modified in rehabilitation, to the
wild population upon release (Tribe & Brown 2000,
Moore et al. 2007).
Although many individual turtles are successfully
released following extended rehabilitation, we know
very little about whether these animals ultimately sur-
vive. In general, reptile repatriation
projects are not very successful, and
thus long-term monitoring of sea turtle
survival after release from rehabilita-
tion is important (Dodd & Seigel 1991,
Karesh 1995, Tribe & Brown 2000).
Such stu dies are scarce because of the
ex pense associated with monitoring
re habilitated individuals in the open
ocean after release (Cardona et al.
2012, Mestre et al. 2014). Satellite
tracking of rehabilitated loggerhead
turtles has revealed that their move-
ment behavior is more variable than
wild turtles; released turtles travel at
higher speeds, turn back more often,
spend more time on the continental
shelf and at the surface during the
night compared to healthy turtles
(Cardona et al. 2012). Although this
suggests that reha bilitated loggerhead
turtles can survive for at least several
months after release back into the
wild, the behavioral anomalies they
have exhibited casts uncertainty upon
whether these individuals will survive and reproduce,
and thus contribute to the population over the longer
term (Cardona et al. 2012). Another study on logger-
head and green turtles suggested that rehabilitation is
promising, since turtles migrated towards known for-
aging areas following release (Mestre et al. 2014).
Understanding the capacity for released turtles to
breed and thus contribute directly to population re -
cruitment is also limited (Karesh 1995, Cardona et al.
2012, Mestre et al. 2014). The majority of information
about rehabilitated sea turtles has been gleaned from
animals that have been incidentally hooked or netted
by fishing gear and released immediately after hook
removal or untangling from netting aboard the fish-
ing vessel. The survival outcome for these animals
may differ from individuals that require long and
complicated rehabilitation in captivity for more seri-
ous illness or injury (Cardona et al. 2012). Thus, fur-
ther investigation into post-release survival rates of
rehabilitated sea turtles is necessary to better assess
rehabilitation success and its effects on behavior
(Cardona et al. 2012, Mestre et al. 2014).
The conservation value of animals during rehabili-
tation, and those that remain in captivity indefinitely
due to the serious nature of their injuries may be es-
pecially important as a mechanism to educate the
public about wildlife conservation (Feck & Hamann
2013). In our study, 1.6% of surviving sea turtles re-
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
Time in rehabilitation (d)
Probability of survival
Kemps ridley
Fig. 3. Days spent in rehabilitation versus probability of survival for sea turtles
taken for rehabilitation in Florida between 1986 and 2004 (n = 374). Solid line:
fitted values obtained by the binomial generalized linear model (GLM) for each
species; open circles: observed values for all species. As the number of days
a turtle spends in rehabilitation increases, so does the probability of survival
Endang Species Res 29: 1321, 2015
mained in captive facilities such as aquariums and
public education centres. Rehabilitation facilities play
a major role in providing environmental education
and raising public awareness about conservation is-
sues (Tribe & Brown 2000, Moore et al. 2007, Cardona
et al. 2012, Feck & Hamann 2013). For example, a live
turtle in rehabilitation can facilitate effective outreach
programs about habitat conservation (Moore et al.
2007, Feck & Hamann 2013). Allowing people to in-
teract directly with injured animals develops a sense
of stewardship for wildlife which may foster commu-
nity involvement in local habitat protection and con-
servation (Tribe & Brown 2000, Feck & Hamann
2013). Additionally, the release of rehabilitated turtles
can have important public educational benefits (Tribe
& Brown 2000, Cardona et al. 2012, Mestre et al.
2014) because such opportunities are often advertised
widely as media events to raise awareness of the
threats facing wildlife. Although this may not con-
tribute to conservation directly (in terms of population
growth), continuing to rehabilitate these animals in
facilities that are open to the public likely contributes
to conservation in other ways, by facilita ting a wide-
spread understanding of the cau ses and nature of
wildlife injuries. The public can also use this knowl-
edge to place political pressure on decision- makers in
a context where conservation measures are known,
feasible and available, but not implemented because
of lack of will by those responsible.
Our results provide decision-makers with a greater
understanding of the relatively low success rates of
sea turtle rehabilitation and the phenotypic attrib-
utes that influence rehabilitation success, enabling
prioritization of animals when the number of turtles
exceeds resource availability. When resources are
limited, we recommend focusing efforts on larger
adult turtles, which are more likely to survive
re habilitation. When possible, priority care should be
provided to species that are easier to success fully
rehabilitate (e.g. loggerhead turtles in Florida) or
rare species for the area. Key future studies should
include more thorough collection of data on stranded
and rehabilitated animals and post-release monitor-
ing of released individuals to determine survival
rates and reproductive potential. This information
can then be used to model the po tential conservation
outcomes of rehabilitation ef forts on population
dynamics. Overall, decision-makers should continue
to promote legislative protection efforts that seek to
reduce strandings, provide funding support for facil-
ities that rehabilitate threatened animals, and pro-
vide funding for research that investigates the causes
and consequences of strandings.
Acknowledgements. We are grateful to the Florida Marine
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Foley, director of STSSN, for permission to use the dataset
for our research, and R. Jones and S. Blomberg for statistical
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Editorial responsibility: Paolo Casale,
Rome, Italy
Submitted: August 18, 2014; Accepted: August 15, 2015
Proofs received from author(s): October 12, 2015