Kit Revised: 04/2009, CN 10557 (How to Expunge Your Criminal and/or Juvenile Record) page 1 of 34
How to Expunge Your Criminal and/or Juvenile
What is an Expungement?
An expungement is the removal and isolation of all records on file within any court,
detention or correctional facility, law enforcement, criminal justice agency or juvenile justice
agency concerning a person's apprehension, arrest, detention, trial or disposition of an
offense within the criminal or juvenile justice system. Unless otherwise provided by law, if
an order for expungement is granted, the adult arrest, the record of law enforcement taking
you into custody as a juvenile, conviction, adjudication of delinquency, disposition and any
related proceedings are considered not to have occurred. See the section on Comparison of
Adult and Juvenile Terms for a glossary of terms that are specific to juvenile court.
The New Jersey expungement law states in detail who is eligible for an expungement. You
should review the current applicable provisions of N.J.S.A. 2C:52-1 through
N.J.S.A. 2C:52-32 to determine if you are eligible. An eligible person must prepare and file a
Petition for Expungement. The Petition for Expungement must be filed in the Superior Court
in the county where the arrest or prosecution took place. A judge then decides whether the
person should be granted an Expungement Order.
In general, these materials provide basic information about how to file a Petition for
Expungement. These materials do not provide specific advice about a particular legal
problem that you may have, and they are not a substitute for seeing a lawyer. If you
encounter a problem, or are in doubt as to whether you need a lawyer, talk to one.
NOTE: These materials have been prepared by the New Jersey Administrative Office of the
Courts for use by self-represented litigants. The guide, instructions, and forms will be
periodically updated as necessary to reflect current New Jersey statutes and court rules. The
most recent version of the forms will be available at the county courthouse or on the
Judiciary's Internet site ( However, you are ultimately
responsible for the content of your court papers.
Acknowledgment: The New Jersey Judiciary would like to acknowledge Legal Services of New Jersey for
allowing us to modify their expungement guide. The work that you see in this Pro Se Expungement Package is
largely a product of their efforts.
Kit Revised: 04/2009, CN 10557 (How to Expunge Your Criminal and/or Juvenile Record) page 2 of 34
Things to Think About Before You Represent Yourself in Court
Try to Get a Lawyer
The court system can be confusing, and it is
a good idea to get a lawyer if you can. If
you cannot afford a lawyer, you may wish to
contact the legal services program in your
county to see if you qualify for free legal
services. Their telephone number can be
found in your local yellow pages under
Legal Aid or Legal Services.
If you do not qualify for free legal services
and need help in locating an attorney, you
can contact the bar association in your
county. Their telephone number can also be
found in your local yellow pages. Most
county bar associations have a lawyer
referral service. The county bar lawyer
referral service can supply you with the
names of attorneys in your area who usually
are willing to handle your particular type of
case. Such attorneys are sometimes willing
to consult with people in your situation at a
reduced fee.
There are also a variety of organizations of
minority lawyers throughout New Jersey, as
well as organizations of lawyers who handle
specialized types of cases. Ask your county
court staff for a list of lawyer referral
services that include these organizations.
Keep Copies of All Papers
Make and keep for yourself copies of all
completed forms and any canceled checks,
money orders, sales receipts, bills, contract
estimates, letters, leases, photographs and
other important documents that relate to your
What You Should Expect If You
Represent Yourself
While you have the right to represent
yourself in court, you should not expect any
special treatment, help, or attention from the
court. You must still comply with the rules
of the court, even if you are not familiar with
them. The following is a list of some things
the court staff can and cannot do for you.
Please read it carefully before asking the
court staff for help.
We can explain and answer questions
about how the court works.
We can tell you what the requirements
are to have your case considered by the
We can give you some information from
your case file.
We can provide you with samples of
court forms that are available.
We can provide you with guidance on
how to fill out forms.
We can usually answer questions about
court deadlines.
We cannot give you legal advice. Only
your lawyer can give you legal advice.
We cannot tell you whether or not you
should bring your case to court.
We cannot give you an opinion about
what will happen if you bring your case
to court.
We cannot recommend a lawyer, but we
can provide you with the telephone
number of a local lawyer referral
We cannot talk to the judge for you
about what will happen in your case.
We cannot let you talk to the judge
outside of court.
We cannot change an order issued by a
Kit Revised: 04/2009, CN 10557 (How to Expunge Your Criminal and/or Juvenile Record) page 3 of 34
Comparison of Adult and Juvenile Terms
The table below compares commonly understood criminal terms to terms specific to juvenile
delinquency matters. Juvenile delinquency matters should not be considered the same as adult
criminal actions. The process for expunging juvenile records, however, is the same as that for
expunging adult criminal matters. In fact, if you have both adult and juvenile records that you
wish to expunge, you should include all matters in your expungement petition.
Criminal Term
Juvenile Term
Taking juvenile into custody
Adjudication of delinquency
No equivalent - A juvenile is charged with an offense
without an indictment process
Jail, prison or incarceration
Secure facility, youth house or detention center or juvenile
justice institution (specific names may vary)
Pretrial intervention program
Diversion - Juvenile Conference Committee or Intake
Services Conference
Glossary of Terms
Deferred Disposition:
In a deferred disposition, the court adjudicates the juvenile delinquent
and sets forth conditions for the juvenile to meet. If the juvenile
meets the terms of those conditions, then the disposition will be
dismissed pursuant to the court's order.
A diversion is the process of removing minor juvenile cases from the
full judicial process on the condition that the accused participates
successfully in a rehabilitative process, such as a juvenile conference
committee or a juvenile intake conference. If conditions entered into
by these diversions are met, then it results in a dismissal of the case,
and no appearance before a judge is required.
Indictable Offense:
A criminal offense that includes first, second, third and fourth degree
crimes. An indictable offense does not include disorderly persons,
petty disorderly persons or municipal ordinance violations.
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How to File for an Order to Expunge Your Criminal and/or Juvenile
Locate Your Records
In order to prepare your expungement
petition and prove your eligibility, you will
need to get the following information:
The date of your arrest as an adult or
when you were taken into custody as
a juvenile.
The statute(s) and the offense(s) for
which you were arrested, taken into
custody as a juvenile, convicted or
adjudicated delinquent.
The original indictment, accusation,
summons, docket number, warrant
number or complaint number.
Include all, if more than one.
The date of the disposition, which
could be the date of the conviction or
adjudication of delinquency, date of
not guilty verdict or date of
The specific punishment or other
If you had an attorney when you were
arrested as an adult and/or taken into
custody as a juvenile and charged, check
first to see if he or she has this information
in your case file; if so, this can save you
quite a bit of time.
If you must locate your records on your own
for an indictable/criminal conviction or
arrest, contact the Superior Court Criminal
Case Management Office in the county
where the arrest or conviction occurred and
they will advise you how copies of those
records can be obtained. A list of county
Criminal Case Management Offices appears
at the end of this guide.
If you must locate your records on your own
for a juvenile delinquency matter, contact
the Superior Court Family Division Office
in the county where you were taken into
custody as a juvenile, where charges were
filed, or where the adjudication occurred,
and they will advise you how copies of those
records can be obtained. A list of county
Family Division Offices appears at the end
of this guide.
If you were taken into custody as a juvenile
and no charges were filed against you, you
must contact the appropriate law
enforcement agency for information related
to that incident.
You might also contact the county
prosecutor. A list of county prosecutors'
offices with addresses and telephone
numbers appears at the end of this guide.
Explain that you are interested in expunging
your records and ask for the information
listed above, or ask to look at your file if this
is permitted. You may also be able to find
information you need on disorderly persons
offenses by contacting the clerk of the
municipal court(s) in which you were
prosecuted, or the police department
involved in your arrest(s) as an adult or that
took you into custody as a juvenile. If you
cannot get all of the information, you need
to follow Step 1 on the next page.
The numbered steps that follow explain
what forms you will need to fill out and
what to do with them. Specific directions on
filling out each form appear before each of
the attached forms. Follow these directions
carefully. Each form should be typed or
clearly printed on 8 ½ " x 11" white paper
only. Forms may not be filed on a different
size or color paper.
Kit Revised: 04/2009, CN 10557 (How to Expunge Your Criminal and/or Juvenile Record) page 5 of 34
Step 1: Request State Police Criminal
History Record Fingerprint Check
This step is only necessary if you do not
already have your criminal/juvenile history
information about your arrests, charges and
In order to obtain your criminal/juvenile
history record (also known as a rap sheet)
from the New Jersey State Police you will
need to be fingerprinted. The State Police
use the electronic fingerprint scanning
services of a private company, Sagem
Morpho, Inc. You will need to contact
Sagem Morpho, Inc. to schedule an
appointment for fingerprinting. You can
obtain additional information and schedule
an appointment via the internet at, or by calling their toll
free telephone: 1-877-503-5981.
Additional information about obtaining
criminal/juvenile history record checks can
also be obtained from the New Jersey State
Police website, or by calling
their Criminal Information Unit at
609-882-2000 ext. 2918.
Note: The State Police will have a
criminal/juvenile history only if you were
fingerprinted when you were arrested. If
you were not fingerprinted, and only a
complaint was signed against you when you
were arrested, you will still have a record
with the police department and the court, but
you will not have a record sheet within the
Division of State Police, State Bureau of
Step 2: Complete These Forms
Form A - Petition For Expungement
The Petition for Expungement states that
you are requesting an Expungement Order
and states why you qualify. Complete the
Petition for Expungement Order by
following the instructions for Form A.
You must then file the petition in the county
where you were arrested as an adult or taken
into custody as a juvenile. If you were
arrested as an adult or taken into custody as
a juvenile in more than one county, contact
the Criminal Case Management Office in
either county and ask whether they will
allow you to file for expungement of your
entire record in that county.
Next, you must complete the Verification
page and sign it in the presence of a Notary
Public because this page must bear a notary
Form B - Order For Hearing
The Order for Hearing is used by the judge
to schedule a hearing. The Superior Court
judge assigned to your case will usually
schedule a hearing between 35 and 60 days
after he or she gets your petition. Fill out
the Order for Hearing by following the
instructions for Form B.
Form C - Expungement Order
The Expungement Order is the official
document that will be signed by the judge if
your Petition for Expungement is granted.
Complete the Expungement Order by
following the instructions for Form C.
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Step 3: File and Serve the Forms
Make three (3) copies of your notarized
Petition for Expungement (Form A), Order
for Hearing (Form B), and proposed
Expungement Order (Form C). The original
and two (2) copies should be filed with the
court. Keep one copy of each for your
Form D - Cover Letter
The Cover Letter is a form letter that
describes to the Superior Court Criminal
Case Management Office the contents of
your package and the purpose of the
enclosed forms. Fill in the blanks on the
Cover Letter (Form D) and attach the Cover
Letter to the originals and the two
photocopies that you are filing (keep one
copy of each for your records). Include two
large self-addressed envelopes with the
appropriate postage stamped on each
envelope. These envelopes will be used to
send filed copies of your package back to
you. Mail this package to the Criminal Case
Management Office in the county where the
arrest and/or prosecution occurred. If you
prefer, you may file this package in person.
A list of the Criminal Case Management
Offices where these forms should be mailed,
along with telephone numbers, appears at
the end of this guide.
There is a filing fee of $52.50. Most offices
do not accept personal checks, so you should
include a money order or certified check
made out to the Treasurer, State of N.J.
Step 4: Distributing the Filed Copies
One copy of the Petition for Expungement,
Order for Hearing, and the proposed
Expungement Order will be mailed back to
you marked “Filed” and assigned a “Docket
Number.” The Order for Hearing will also
state the time and the date for your hearing.
Immediately after receiving the filed copies
from the court, make at least seven (7)
copies of the Petition for Expungement,
Order for Hearing, and the proposed
Expungement Order.
Mail one copy of each, immediately, by
certified mail, return receipt requested, to
each of the following government agencies
that were involved with your case(s):
The Attorney General of New Jersey.
The Superintendent of State Police,
Expungement Unit.
The County Prosecutor.
The Clerk of the municipal court if a
municipal court heard the matter.
The Chief of Police or other head of
the police department where the
offense was committed or the arrest
was made.
The chief law enforcement officer of
any other law enforcement agency of
the state that participated in the
The Warden or superintendent of any
institution in which you were
The County Probation Division
should be provided a copy if you
were granted a conditional discharge,
enrolled into the Pretrial Intervention
Program, enrolled in a juvenile
diversion program (juvenile
conference committee or intake
service conference), granted a
deferred disposition, performed
community service, owed fines or
restitution or you served a term of
The Division of Criminal Justice,
Records and Identification Unit
should be provided a copy if your
case was processed through the State
Grand Jury.
The County Family Division should
be provided a copy if you are
requesting the expungement of any
juvenile delinquency matters.
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Step 4: Continued
Form E - Cover Letter
You may use the Cover Letter (Form E)
when mailing the copies to these agencies.
Fill in the blanks on the Cover Letter (Form
E) and attach the Cover Letter to each set of
You should mail the copies of these forms
right away, because the law requires
service or mailing within five (5) days
from the date that the Order for Hearing
was signed. Mail them at the post office,
by certified mail, return receipt
Form F - Proof of Notice
After you have received the certified mail
return receipt cards back from the post
office, contact the Criminal Case
Management Office, and ask the clerk
whether the court requires that the proof of
mailing be submitted at or prior to the
hearing. If proof is required to be produced
at the hearing, make sure that you bring the
green certified mail return receipt cards and
the Proof of Notice (Form F) to court with
you on the day of the hearing. Complete the
Proof of Notice form by following the
instructions for Form F. If proof is required
to be submitted prior to the hearing make
sure that you bring or mail the green
certified mail return receipt cards and the
Proof of Notice (Form F) to the Criminal
Case Management Office immediately. If
you choose to mail this information to the
court, you should send it by certified mail,
return receipt requested.
Step 5: Go to the Hearing
Arrive at the court on your assigned hearing
date about 15 minutes early. (Not all
counties require you to appear for the
hearing. If your appearance is not required,
you must mail the Proof of Notice and the
green return receipt cards to the Criminal
Case Management office where you filed
your petition, at least one week before the
scheduled hearing.)
If you are required to appear, take your
copies of the filed Petition for Expungement,
the Expungement Order, and the green
return receipt cards to the hearing (unless
you previously filed them with the court).
When you arrive at the court, tell the court
clerk that you are there.
If any law enforcement officers object to the
expungement, they will tell the judge the
reason. The judge may ask you some
questions and will decide whether to grant
or deny you an expungement. If there is no
opposition, the judge will, in most cases,
grant your expungement.
If no law enforcement officers object to the
expungement, the court may order the
expungement of your records without a
hearing. If this happens, you will receive a
signed and filed Expungement Order in the
It is a good practice to call the court the day
before the hearing to confirm that it is still
on the court's calendar.
Kit Revised: 04/2009, CN 10557 (How to Expunge Your Criminal and/or Juvenile Record) page 8 of 34
Step 6: Distribute Your Finalized
Expungement Order
Immediately after you receive a copy of the
Expungement Order signed by the judge and
stamped "Filed" by the court, mail a copy of
the Expungement Order, by certified mail,
return receipt requested, to each of the
The Attorney General of New Jersey.
The Superintendent of State Police,
Expungement Unit.
The County Prosecutor.
The Clerk of the municipal court if a
municipal court heard the matter.
The Chief of Police or other head of
the police department where the
offense was committed or the arrest
was made.
The chief law enforcement officer of
any other law enforcement agency of
the state that participated in the
The Warden or superintendent of any
institution in which you were
The Records Division of any
institution in which you were
The Identification Bureau in the
county where the arrest was made or
where you were incarcerated (a list
of County Identification Bureaus
appears at the end of this guide).
The County Probation Division
should be provided a copy if you
were granted a conditional discharge,
enrolled into the Pretrial Intervention
Program, enrolled in a juvenile
diversion program (juvenile
conference committee or intake
service conference), granted a
deferred disposition, performed
community service, owed fines or
restitution or you served a term of
Step 6: Continued
The Division of Criminal Justice,
Records and Identification Unit
should be provided a copy if your
case was processed through the State
Grand Jury
The County Family Division should
be provided a copy if you are
requesting the expungement of any
juvenile delinquency matters.
Form G - Cover Letter
You may use this Cover Letter (Form G)
when mailing the Expungement Order to
these agencies. Fill in the blanks on the
Cover Letter (Form G) and attach the Cover
Letter to each set of copies.
Keep the mailing receipts and the green
cards that are returned to you as proof that
the documents were received.
In Conclusion
As a final reminder, make sure that you have
completely followed all of the steps required
in this guide. This is very important because
even though your records may be eligible
for expungement, if you miss any of the
required steps, your Petition for
Expungement may be denied. In that case,
you will have to start over.
We have tried to explain as simply as
possible the steps to get your records
expunged. The forms that you can use are in
the following section.
Kit Revised: 04/2009, CN 10557 (How to Expunge Your Criminal and/or Juvenile Record) page 9 of 34
Expungement Forms
This section contains blank expungement forms and instructions. Follow the instructions in
this guide and complete these forms with information about your case(s).
The following forms and instructions are included in this guide:
Form A - Petition for Expungement
The application to the court requesting that the court expunge your record.
Form B - Order for Hearing
The document on which the court will schedule a hearing of your case.
Form C - Expungement Order
The document to be signed by the judge if your Petition for Expungement is
Form D - Cover Letter
The form letter to be sent to the court when filing your Petition for Expungement,
Order for Hearing and proposed Expungement Order.
Form E - Cover Letter
The form letter to be sent when giving notice of the hearing.
Form F - Proof of Notice
The document to be filed with the court after notice is given.
Form G - Cover Letter
The form letter to be sent when giving notice that the expungement was granted.
Kit Revised: 04/2009, CN 10557 (How to Expunge Your Criminal and/or Juvenile Record) page 10 of 34
Form Revised: 04/2009, CN 10171 (Petition for Expungement)
Instructions for Petition for Expungement (Form A)
1. Fill in your name, address, telephone number, and Social Security number at the top
left-hand corner of the form.
2. At the top right-hand corner, fill in the name of the county in which you will be filing
the Petition for Expungement.
3. Do not fill in "Docket No." Leave this space blank. The court clerk will give you a
docket number and will fill in the blank.
4. In the box where it states "In the Matter of the Expungement of the Criminal/Juvenile
Records of _______," print your full name.
5. Where it states, "I, _______," fill in your full name.
6. Where it states "residing at," fill in your current address.
7. In paragraph 1, fill in your date of birth.
8. In paragraph 2, fill in the date you were arrested and the town where you were
arrested. Include any arrests that may have occurred when you were a juvenile,
whether they were sealed or unsealed. Then, fill in the name of the offense you
were charged with and give the New Jersey statute under which you were arrested.
9. In paragraph 3, fill in the original indictment, accusation, summons, docket number,
warrant number, or complaint number(s).
10. In paragraph 4, fill this in ONLY if the charge against you was dismissed. If the
charge was dismissed then fill in the date on which the charge was dismissed, the
name of the charge that was dismissed, and the name of the court that dismissed the
charge. Remember, if the charge against you was not dismissed, cross out
paragraph 4 and go to paragraph 5.
11. In paragraph 5, fill this in ONLY if you were convicted, adjudicated delinquent or
pled guilty to the charges. Then, fill in the date on which you pled or were found
guilty or adjudicated delinquent, the name of the offense you pled guilty to, and the
law under which you pled guilty (example, N.J.S.A. 2C:33-4 (harassment)).
Remember, this is the law under which you pled or were found guilty, not the law
under which you were arrested. You must also include the sentence or disposition.
For example, the sentence/disposition could have been jail/prison/incarceration time,
a fine or probation, or a combination of these. You should indicate the date that you
were released from jail/prison/incarceration, the date the fine was paid, and/or the
date that probation or parole was completed in the spaces provided.
Note: All of your arrests, charges, or prosecutions, even those for which you are not seeking
an expungement, must be listed in your petition.
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Form Revised: 04/2009, CN 10171 (Petition for Expungement)
Instructions for Petition for Expungement (Form A) - Continued
12. Fill in paragraphs 6-13 if you have any additional arrests, charges, or prosecutions.
Otherwise, cross out the paragraphs that you do not use.
13. Sign and print your name following paragraph 14 on the lines that state "your
signature" and "your name printed."
14. Complete the Verification page of the petition. You must sign this page in the
presence of a Notary Public because this page must have a notary seal.
15. On the first line of the Verification page, fill in your complete name.
16. In paragraph 3 of the Verification page, if you are seeking expungement of a
conviction/adjudication of an indictable offense, this sentence tells the court that you
have never been granted expungement, sealing (the prior name for expungement in
New Jersey), or other relief regarding a criminal conviction or adjudication of
delinquency. If you ARE NOT seeking expungement of an indictable offense, cross
out paragraph 3.
17. Sign and print your name on the lines that indicate "your signature before a Notary"
and "your name printed." You must sign this Verification page in the presence of a
Notary who will then affix their seal to this page.
Note: Make sure that you fill in or cross out all the blank paragraphs that do not apply to you
on Form A. The Petition must be signed at the end of paragraph 14 and at the bottom of
the Verification page.
Kit Revised: 04/2009, CN 10557 (How to Expunge Your Criminal and/or Juvenile Record) page 12 of 34
Form Revised: 04/2009, CN 10171 (Petition for Expungement)
Petition for Expungement
(Form A)
Superior Court of New Jersey
Law Division
(your name)
(where you are filing)
(your address)
Docket No.
(clerk will fill in)
(city, state, zip code)
(your telephone number)
(your social security number)
Civil Action
Petition for Expungement
Appearing Pro Se
In the Matter of the Expungement of the
Criminal/Juvenile Records of
(your name)
, residing at
(your name)
(address - continued)
My date of birth is
I was arrested/taken into custody on
, in
and charged with
, in
(name of offense)
violation of N.J.S.A.
The original Indictment/Accusation/Summons/Warrant/Complaint/Docket number was
, the charge of
(name of offense)
was dismissed by
after conditional discharge, pretrial
(name of court)
intervention program, juvenile conference committee, intake service conference or
deferred disposition was successfully completed.
* If you did not have a conditional discharge, pretrial intervention, juvenile conference committee, intake
service conference or deferred disposition, cross out "after conditional discharge, pretrial intervention
program, juvenile conference committee, intake service conference or deferred disposition was
successfully completed." If you were convicted or adjudicated delinquent of the offense described
above, cross out paragraph 4 completely.
Print All Forms
Clear All Forms
Kit Revised: 04/2009, CN 10557 (How to Expunge Your Criminal and/or Juvenile Record) page 13 of 34
Form Revised: 04/2009, CN 10171 (Petition for Expungement)
Petition for Expungement
(Form A - Continued)
, I was found guilty / adjudicated delinquent of the charge of
, in violation of N.J.S.A.
(name of offense)
and was sentenced to
I completed jail/prison/ incarceration time on
; probation on
and I paid the fine on
* If you were not found guilty or adjudicated delinquent, cross out paragraph 5 completely.
If you were not sentenced to jail/prison time/incarceration, probation, or a fine, write "n/a" (not
applicable) in the appropriate spaces.
If you have no other arrests, cross out numbers 6 through 13.
I was arrested/ taken into custody on
, in
, N.J.
and charged with
, in
(name of offense)
violation of N.J.S.A.
The original Indictment/Accusation/Summons/Warrant/Complaint/Docket number was
, the charge of
(name of offense)
was dismissed by
after conditional discharge, pretrial
(name of court)
intervention program, juvenile conference committee, intake service conference or
deferred disposition was successfully completed.
* If you did not have a conditional discharge, pretrial intervention program, juvenile conference
committee, intake service conference or deferred disposition, cross out "after conditional discharge,
pretrial intervention program, juvenile conference committee, intake service conference or deferred
disposition was successfully completed."
If you were convicted or adjudicated delinquent of the offense described above, cross out paragraph
8 completely.
Kit Revised: 04/2009, CN 10557 (How to Expunge Your Criminal and/or Juvenile Record) page 14 of 34
Form Revised: 04/2009, CN 10171 (Petition for Expungement)
Petition for Expungement
(Form A - Continued)
, I was found guilty / adjudicated delinquent of the charge of
, in violation of N.J.S.A.
(name of offense)
and was sentenced to
I completed jail/prison/ incarceration time on
; probation on
and I paid the fine on
* If you were not found guilty or adjudicated delinquent, cross out paragraph 9 completely.
If you were not sentenced to jail/prison/incarceration time, probation, or a fine, write "n/a" (not
applicable) in the appropriate spaces.
If you have no other arrests, cross out numbers 10 through 13.
I was arrested/ taken into custody on
, in
and charged with
, in
(name of offense)
violation of N.J.S.A.
The original Indictment/Accusation/Summons/Warrant/Complaint/Docket number was
, the charge of
(name of offense)
was dismissed by
after conditional discharge, pretrial
(name of court)
intervention program, juvenile conference committee, intake service conference or
deferred disposition was successfully completed.
* If you did not have a conditional discharge, pretrial intervention program, juvenile conference committee,
intake service conference or deferred disposition, cross out "after conditional discharge, pretrial
intervention program, juvenile conference committee, intake service conference or deferred disposition was
successfully completed."
If you were convicted or adjudicated delinquent of the offense described above, cross out paragraph
12 completely.
Kit Revised: 04/2009, CN 10557 (How to Expunge Your Criminal and/or Juvenile Record) page 15 of 34
Form Revised: 04/2009, CN 10171 (Petition for Expungement)
Petition for Expungement
(Form A - Continued)
, I was found guilty / adjudicated delinquent of the charge of
, in violation of N.J.S.A.
(name of offense)
and was sentenced to
I completed jail/prison/ incarceration time on
; probation on
and I paid the fine on
* If you were not found guilty or adjudicated delinquent, cross out paragraph 13 completely.
If you were not sentenced to jail/prison/incarceration time, probation, or a fine, write "n/a" (not
applicable) in the appropriate spaces.
NOTE: If you have additional arrests as an adult or were taken into custody as a
juvenile by the police, you must re-draft this entire petition and include
those arrests in the same form as this petition.
14. I request that this Court grant me an Expungement Order as authorized by N.J.S.A.
2C:52-1, et seq., directing the Clerk of the Court and all relevant criminal/juvenile
justice and law enforcement services of the State of New Jersey to expunge from their
records all evidence of the arrest/conviction/disposition (police record of when you
were taken into custody as a juvenile/adjudication of delinquency/disposition) and all
proceedings in this matter, and further directing any New Jersey law enforcement
agency which sent records of the adult arrest/juvenile custody and proceedings to the
Federal Bureau of Investigation or any other law enforcement agency outside of New
Jersey to inform the recipient and the agencies designated to retain control of
expunged records to take sufficient precautions to ensure that such records and
information are not released.
Respectfully submitted,
(your signature)
(your name printed)
Kit Revised: 04/2009, CN 10557 (How to Expunge Your Criminal and/or Juvenile Record) page 16 of 34
Form Revised: 04/2009, CN 10171 (Petition for Expungement)
(Form A - Continued)
, of full age, being duly sworn
(Your Name)
according to law, upon his oath deposes and says:
1. I am the Petitioner in this matter and statements made in this Petition are true to the best
of my knowledge.
2. There are no disorderly persons, petty disorderly persons, or indictable charges
pending against me at this time.
3. I am seeking expungement of a conviction on a criminal case and I have never been
granted an expungement of an indictable conviction by any state or federal court.
(If you are not seeking expungement of an indictable offense, cross out #3.)
(your signature before a Notary)
(your name printed)
Sworn to and subscribed before me this
day of
(Notary’s signature)
Kit Revised: 04/2009, CN 10557 (How to Expunge Your Criminal and/or Juvenile Record) page 17 of 34
Form Revised: 04/2009, CN 10172 (Order for Hearing)
Instructions for Order for Hearing (Form B)
1. At the top left-hand corner, fill in your name and address.
2. At the top right-hand corner, fill in the county in which you will be filing your
3. Do not fill in "Docket No." Leave this space blank. The court clerk will give you a
docket number and will fill in the blank.
4. In the box where it states "In the Matter of the Expungement of the Criminal/Juvenile
Records of _________," print your full name.
5. Where it states, "This matter having been opened to the Court upon the annexed
Petition of _________," fill in your name.
6. Leave the lines blank in the paragraph that begins "IT IS ORDERED this…." The
Court Clerk with fill in the date and time of the hearing.
7. On the line "The Prosecutor of _____________ County," fill in the county name
where you were arrested as an adult or taken into custody as a juvenile. If you were
arrested in more than one county, enter the names of each county.
8. On the lines "Clerk(s) of the __________ Municipal Court(s)" and "Chief(s) of the
_____________ Police Department(s)," fill in the town where you were arrested as an
adult or taken into custody as a juvenile. If you were arrested in more than one town,
enter the names of each town.
9. On the line "Chief of the _________________ County Probation Division, fill in the
county name for the probation division, if you were granted a conditional discharge,
enrolled into the Pretrial Intervention Program, participated in a juvenile conference
committee, participated in intake service conference, received a deferred disposition,
performed community service, owed restitution or fines or you served a term of
probation. If the probation division was not involved in your case, you may cross this
10. On the lines "The Warden(s) of the __________________ Jail(s) / Prison(s)" and
"The Superintendent(s) of ______________ (for juveniles only)," fill in the name(s)
of the jail(s), place(s) of incarceration or prison(s) if you were incarcerated. If you
were not incarcerated, you may cross this off.
11. On the line "_________________ County Family Division,” fill in the county name if
you are requesting the expungement of a juvenile delinquency matter. Otherwise,
you may cross this off.
12. Leave the space blank that states "Judge, Superior Court of New Jersey." This is
where the judge will sign the order.
Kit Revised: 04/2009, CN 10557 (How to Expunge Your Criminal and/or Juvenile Record) page 18 of 34
Form Revised: 04/2009, CN 10172 (Order for Hearing)
(Form B)
Superior Court of New Jersey
Law Division
(your name)
(where you are filing)
(your address)
Docket No.
(clerk will fill in)
(city, state, zip code)
Appearing Pro Se
Civil Action
Order for Hearing
In the Matter of the Expungement of the
Criminal/Juvenile Records of
(your name)
This matter having been opened to the Court upon the annexed Petition of
, and for good cause appearing;
(your name)
day of
, that a
Hearing before this Court is set for the
day of
.m. to determine whether an Order of Expungement shall be granted;
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Petitioner shall send by certified mail, copies of this Order
and Petition to the following officials within five (5) days of this Order:
The Attorney General of New Jersey
The Superintendent of the New Jersey State Police, Expungement Unit
The Prosecutor of County
Clerk(s) of the Municipal Court(s),
Chief(s) of the Police Department(s),
Chief of the County Probation Department
The Warden of the Jail/Prison
The Superintendent of (for juveniles only)
County Family Division
The Division of Criminal Justice, Records and Identification Unit
Judge, Superior Court of New Jersey
Kit Revised: 04/2009, CN 10557 (How to Expunge Your Criminal and/or Juvenile Record) page 19 of 34
Form Revised: 04/2009, CN 10173 (Expungement Order)
Instructions for Expungement Order (Form C)
1. At the top left-hand corner, fill in your full name and address.
2. At the top right-hand corner, indicate the county in which you will be filing your petition.
3. Do not fill in "Docket No." leave this space blank. The court clerk will give you a docket
number and will fill in the blank.
4. In the box where it states, "In the Matter of the Expungement of the Criminal/Juvenile
Records of _______________," print your full name.
5. In the first paragraph of the Expungement Order, after "…Verified Petition of," print your
full name, date of birth and social security number where it is indicated.
6. Leave the next three spaces blank where it states "IT IS ORDERED this ___ day of
__________, ______________." They will be filled in by the court.
7. On the line "The Prosecutor of _____________ County," fill in the county name where you
were arrested as an adult or taken into custody as a juvenile. If you were arrested in more
than one county, enter the names of each county.
8. On the lines "Clerk(s) of the __________ Municipal Court(s)" and "Chief(s) of the
_____________ Police Department(s)," fill in the town where you were arrested as an adult
or taken into custody as a juvenile. If you were arrested in more than one town, enter the
names of each town.
9. On the line "Chief of the _________________ County Probation Division, fill in the county
name for the probation division, if you were granted a conditional discharge, enrolled into the
Pretrial Intervention Program, participated in a juvenile conference committee, participated in
intake service conference, received a deferred disposition, performed community service,
owed restitution or fines or you served a term of probation. If the probation division was not
involved in your case, you may cross this off.
10. On the lines "The Warden(s) of the __________________ Jail(s) / Prison(s)" and "The
Superintendent(s) of ______________ (for juveniles only)," fill in the name(s) of the jail(s),
place(s) of incarceration or prison(s) if you were incarcerated. If you were not incarcerated,
you may cross this off.
11. On the lines "Deputy Clerk of the Superior Court of New Jersey, _________________
County" fill in the county or counties where your records will be expunged.
12. After "all information relating to," print where indicated your complete name.
13. Fill in the dates you were arrested and the law(s) under which you were arrested. If you have
more than three arrests, attach a separate sheet of paper with the information about the
additional arrests.
14. Leave the signature line on the next page blank. This is where the judge will sign the order.
Kit Revised: 04/2009, CN 10557 (How to Expunge Your Criminal and/or Juvenile Record) page 20 of 34
Form Revised: 04/2009, CN 10173 (Expungement Order)
Expungement Order
(Form C)
Superior Court of New Jersey
Law Division
(your name)
(where you are filing)
(your address)
Docket No.
(clerk will fill in)
(city, state, zip code)
Appearing Pro Se
Civil Action
Expungement Order
In the Matter of the Expungement of the
Criminal/Juvenile Records of
(your name)
This matter having been opened to the Court upon the Verified Petition of
whose date of birth is
(your name)
(birth date)
social security number is
, and it appearing that the requirements for
(your social security number)
Expungement under N.J.S.A. 2C:52-1, et seq. have been satisfied;
day of
, that the
The Attorney General of New Jersey
The Superintendent of the New Jersey State Police, Expungement Unit
The Prosecutor of County
Clerk(s) of the Municipal Court(s),
Chief(s) of the Police Department(s),
Chief of the County Probation Department
The Warden of the Jail/Prison
The Superintendent of (for juveniles only)
Deputy Clerk of the Superior Court of New Jersey, County, remove
from their records all information relating to
(your name)
arrest/custody on the charge of violating N.J.S.A.
(date of arrest)
arrest/custody on the charge of violating N.J.S.A.
(date of arrest)
arrest/custody on the charge of violating N.J.S.A.
(date of arrest)
Kit Revised: 04/2009, CN 10557 (How to Expunge Your Criminal and/or Juvenile Record) page 21 of 34
Form Revised: 04/2009, CN 10173 (Expungement Order)
(Form C Continued)
and remove all records concerning the subsequent criminal and/or juvenile proceedings
regarding such charge(s), including any conviction(s), adjudication(s) of delinquency or
disposition(s), if applicable, and place such information in the control of a person within the
office designated to retain control over expunged records.
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that any of the above officers or agencies which sent
fingerprints and/or any records of the above arrest/conviction/adjudication/disposition and
proceedings to the Federal Bureau of Investigation or any other office or agency shall notify
same of this Order and that the agencies designated to retain such records take sufficient
precautions to insure that such records and information are not released.
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that any records, or the information therein, shall not be
released except as provided under the provision of N.J.S.A. 2C:52-1, et seq. and that the
persons designated to retain control over expunged records take sufficient precautions to insure
that such records and information are not released.
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that in response to requests for information or records, the
court office or law enforcement agency shall reply with respect to the
arrest/conviction/adjudication/disposition, which is the subject of this Order, that there is no
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the arrest/conviction/adjudication/disposition, which is
the subject of this Order, shall be deemed, in contemplation of law, not to have occurred, and
the Petitioner may answer accordingly any question relating to this occurrence except as
provided in N.J.S.A. 2C:52-27.
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that this Order does not expunge the records contained in the
Controlled Dangerous Substances Registry created pursuant to P.L. 1970, c. 227 (C.26:2G-17
et seq.) or the registry created by the Administrative Office of the Courts pursuant to N.J.S.A.
Judge, Superior Court of New Jersey
Kit Revised: 04/2009, CN 10557 (How to Expunge Your Criminal and/or Juvenile Record) page 22 of 34
Form Revised: 04/2009, CN 10174 (Cover Letter to Court When Filing Papers)
Instructions for Cover Letter (Form D)
1. At the top right-hand corner of the page, fill in the date.
2. At the top-left-hand corner, print the county and the mailing address of the Criminal
Case Management Office where you are filing your petition papers. (A list of County
Criminal Case Management Offices appears at the end of this guide).
3. On the line that states "your name," print your full name.
4. In the bottom right-hand corner, sign your name on the line that states "Your
signature" and then print your name and mailing address where indicated.
Kit Revised: 04/2009, CN 10557 (How to Expunge Your Criminal and/or Juvenile Record) page 23 of 34
Form Revised: 04/2009, CN 10174 (Cover Letter to Court When Filing Papers)
Cover Letter to Court When Filing Papers
(Form D)
Clerk, Superior Court of New Jersey
(city, state, zip code)
Re: In the Matter of the Expungement of the Criminal/Juvenile Records of:
(your name)
Dear Sir or Madam:
Enclosed are an original and two copies of a Petition, Order for Hearing and Proposed Final
Order in this matter. Kindly submit them to the appropriate Judge and return copies marked
Thank you.
(your signature)
(your name)
(city, state, zip code)
Kit Revised: 04/2009, CN 10557 (How to Expunge Your Criminal and/or Juvenile Record) page 24 of 34
Form Revised: 04/2009, CN 10175 (Cover Letter)
Instructions for Cover Letter (Form E)
1. At the top right-hand corner of the page, fill in the date.
2. Fill in the addresses you have located for each applicable agency that was involved
with your case(s). Some of the addresses have been provided for you.
3. On the line that states "Expungement Hearing: (date), (time)," fill in the date and time
that appear on your copy of the Order for Hearing.
4. On the line that states "Docket No.," fill in the docket number that appears in the
upper right-hand corner of your filed copies of the Petition for Expungement, the
Order for Hearing, and the proposed final order (Expungement Order).
5. In the bottom right-hand corner, sign your name on the line that states "your
signature" and then print your name and mailing address where indicated.
6. To fill in the Certified Mail No.” on the last line of Form E, you must first prepare
this package for mailing and purchase the certified mailing postage. Fill in the
Certified Mail No.” from the certified mail receipt you received from the post office.
Please note that a separate certified mail number must accompany each Form E
that you mail. Therefore, you must purchase/secure more than one certified
mail card/receipt from the post office if you are mailing Form E to multiple
agencies and/or locations.
7. Attach a copy of this Cover Letter (Form E) to each copy of the filed expungement
package and mail a package via certified mail return receipt requested, to each
Kit Revised: 04/2009, CN 10557 (How to Expunge Your Criminal and/or Juvenile Record) page 25 of 34
Form Revised: 04/2009, CN 10175 (Cover Letter)
Cover Letter
(Form E)
Attorney General, State of New Jersey
Hughes Justice Complex
Post Office Box 080
Trenton, NJ 08625
Superintendent, State Police
Expungement Unit
Post Office Box 7068
West Trenton, NJ 08628
Municipal Court Clerk
(city, state, zip code)
(city, state, zip code)
Chief of Police,
(name of jail/prison)
(city, state, zip code)
(city, state, zip code)
County Probation Office
(name of place of incarceration)
(city, state, zip code)
(city, state, zip code)
County Sheriff,
Division of Criminal Justice
Records and Identification Unit
25 Market Street
Post Office Box 085
Trenton, New Jersey 08625
(city, state, zip code)
County Family Division
(city, state, zip code)
Re: Expungement Hearing:
Docket No.
Dear Sir or Madam:
Enclosed are copies of the Petition for Expungement, Order for Hearing, and proposed Final Order in this
(your signature)
(your name)
(city, state, zip code)
Certified Mail No.
Kit Revised: 04/2009, CN 10557 (How to Expunge Your Criminal and/or Juvenile Record) page 26 of 34
Form Revised: 04/2009, CN 10176 (Proof of Notice)
Instructions for Proof of Notice (Form F)
This form is to be used only if the proof of mailing of the filed expungement package to each
agency is required to be submitted to the court prior to the court hearing. Submit this form
pursuant to the clerk's instructions.
1. In the upper left-hand corner, print your full name and address.
2. In the upper right-hand corner, fill in the county in which you filed the petition.
3. Fill in the docket number.
4. In the box where it states "In the Matter of the Expungement of the Criminal/Juvenile
Records of _________," print your full name.
5. Fill in the date that you mailed copies of the filed Petition for Expungement, the Order
for Hearing, and the proposed Expungement Order to each agency. The date will be
found on your certified mail receipts.
6. Fill in the location (town or county) for each agency to which you sent your expungement
7. Sign and date this form at the bottom.
8. Mail Form F, along with the certified mail receipts, to the Court where your hearing is
scheduled. Keep a copy of Form F and your certified mail receipts for your records.
Kit Revised: 04/2009, CN 10557 (How to Expunge Your Criminal and/or Juvenile Record) page 27 of 34
Form Revised: 04/2009, CN 10176 (Proof of Notice)
Proof of Notice
(Form F)
Superior Court of New Jersey
Law Division
(your name)
(where you are filing)
(your address)
Docket No.
(fill in docket number)
(city, state, zip code)
Appearing Pro Se
Civil Action
Proof of Notice
In the Matter of the Expungement of the
Criminal/Juvenile Records of
(your name)
, I mailed a copy of the Petition for Expungement, Order for Hearing
and Proposed Final Order by way of certified mail, return receipt requested to the following:
The Attorney General of New Jersey
The Superintendent of the New Jersey State Police, Expungement Unit
The Prosecutor of County
Chief(s) of the Police Department(s)
Clerk(s) of the Municipal Court(s)
The Warden of the Jail/Prison
The Superintendent of (for juveniles only)
The County Probation Division
The Division of Criminal Justice, Records and Identification Unit
Enclosed are the certified mail receipts that were returned to me.
(your signature)
Kit Revised: 04/2009, CN 10557 (How to Expunge Your Criminal and/or Juvenile Record) page 28 of 34
Form Revised: 04/2009, CN 10177 (Cover Letter)
Instructions for Cover Letter (Form G)
1. At the top right-hand corner of the page, fill in the date.
2. Next, fill in the addresses for each applicable agency that you want to notify that your record
has been expunged.
3. On the line that states "your name," print your full name as it appears on your Expungement
4. On the line that states "docket no.," fill in the docket number that appears on your
Expungement Order.
5. In the bottom right-hand corner, sign your name on the line that states "your signature" and
then print your name and mailing address where indicated.
6. To fill in the Certified Mail No.” on the last line of Form G, you must first prepare this
package for mailing and purchase the certified mailing postage. Fill in the Certified Mail
No.” from the certified mail receipt you received from the post office.
7. Please note that a separate certified mail number must accompany each Form G that
you mail. Therefore, you must purchase/secure more than one certified mail
card/receipt from the post office if you are mailing Form G to multiple agencies and/or
8. Attach a copy of this Cover Letter (Form G) to each copy of the signed and filed
Expungement Order and mail it via certified mail, return receipt requested, to each agency.
Kit Revised: 04/2009, CN 10557 (How to Expunge Your Criminal and/or Juvenile Record) page 29 of 34
Form Revised: 04/2009, CN 10177 (Cover Letter)
Cover Letter
(Form G)
Attorney General, State of New Jersey
Hughes Justice Complex
Post Office Box 080
Trenton, NJ 08625
Superintendent, State Police
Expungement Unit
Post Office Box 7068
West Trenton, NJ 08628
Municipal Court Clerk
(city, state, zip code)
(city, state, zip code)
Chief of Police,
(name of jail/prison)
(city, state, zip code)
(city, state, zip code)
County Probation Office
(name of place of incarceration)
(city, state, zip code)
(city, state, zip code)
County Identification Bureau,
Division of Criminal Justice
Records and Identification Unit
25 Market Street
Post Office Box 085
Trenton, New Jersey 08625
(city, state, zip code)
County Family Division
(city, state, zip code)
Re: In the Matter of the Expungement of the Criminal/Juvenile Records of
(your name)
(docket no.)
Dear Sir or Madam:
Enclosed is a copy of an Expungement Order. Please take the appropriate action to see that these
records are expunged.
(your signature)
(your name)
(city, state, zip code)
Certified Mail No.
Kit Revised: 04/2009, CN 10557 (How to Expunge Your Criminal and/or Juvenile Record) page 30 of 34
Address Lists Revised: 11/2/2012, CN: 11664 (Expungement Kit Address Lists - Criminal Case Management Offices)
Criminal Case Management Offices
All Counties: Filing fee: $52.50, Payee: State of N.J. Treasurer
Atlantic County
Superior Court of Atlantic County
Expungement Clerk
4997 Unami Blvd
Mays Landing, NJ 08330
(609) 909-8147
Gloucester County
Criminal Case Manager
Hunter and Euclid Sts
Woodbury, NJ 08096
(856) 853-3200
Ocean County
Ocean County Superior Court
Criminal Case Processing
120 Hooper Ave
Toms River, NJ 08753
(732) 929-4780
Bergen County
Criminal Case Management Office
Bergen County Justice Center
Rm 119
10 Main St
Hackensack, NJ 0760
(201) 795-6701
Hudson County
Criminal Records
Criminal Case Management
Administration Bldg
595 Newark Ave, Rm 104
Jersey City 07306
(201) 217-5217
Passaic County
Superior Court
Criminal Division
77 Hamilton St, 2nd Fl
Paterson, NJ 07505
(973) 247-8402
Burlington County
Burlington County Courthouse
Processing Office
49 Rancocas Rd, 1st Fl
Mount Holly, NJ 08060
(609) 518-2573
Hunterdon County
Criminal Division
Hunterdon Justice Center
65 Park Ave
Flemington, NJ 08822
(908) 237-5840
Salem County
Criminal Case Management
92 Market St
PO Box 78
Salem, NJ 08079
(609) 935-7510, Ext. 8279
Camden County
Hall of Justice
Expungement Section
101 South 5th St
Camden, NJ 08103
(856) 379-2200 ext. 3364
Mercer County
Mercer County Superior Court
Criminal Records Expungement Unit
209 South Broad St, Rm 200
Trenton, NJ 08650
(609) 571-4127
Somerset County
Criminal Case Management
20 North Bridge St
PO Box 3000
Somerville, NJ 08876
(908) 231-7600 Ext. 7628
Cape May County
Criminal Case Management
9 North Main St
Cape May Court House NJ 08210
(609) 463-6550
Middlesex County
Middlesex County Court House
Criminal Records
56 Paterson St
PO Box 964
New Brunswick, NJ 08903-0964
(732) 519-3859
Sussex County
Sussex County Judicial Center
Criminal Division
43-47 High St
Newton, NJ 07860
(973) 579-0933
Cumberland County
Criminal Case Manager
PO Box 757
Bridgeton, NJ 08302
(609) 453-4300
Monmouth County
Monmouth County Superior Court
Criminal Division
71 Monument Park
PO Box 1271
Freehold, NJ 07728
(732) 677-4500
Union County
Criminal Division
2 Broad St
Elizabeth, NJ 07207
(908) 659-4660
Essex County
Veterans Courthouse
Criminal Records Office
50 West Market St
Rm 1012
Newark, NJ 07102
(973) 693-6863
Morris County
Superior Court of New Jersey
Criminal Records Department
PO Box 910
Morristown, NJ 07963
(973) 326-6950
Warren County
Criminal Case Management
PO Box 900
Belvidere, NJ 07823
(908) 475-6990
Kit Revised: 04/2009, CN 10557 (How to Expunge Your Criminal and/or Juvenile Record) page 31 of 34
Address Lists Revised: 11/2/2012, CN: 11663 (Expungement Kit Address Lists - County Prosecutor Offices)
County Prosecutor Offices
Atlantic County
4997 Unami Blvd
PO Box 2002
Mays Landing, NJ 08330
Phone: (609) 909-7800
Fax: (609) 909-7802
Gloucester County
PO Box 623
Woodbury, NJ 08096
Phone: (856) 384-5500
Fax: (856) 384-8624
Ocean County
119 Hooper Ave
PO Box 2191
Toms River, NJ 08754
Phone: (732) 929-2027
Fax: (732) 506-5088
Bergen County
Justice Center
10 Main St
Hackensack, NJ 07601-7681
Phone: (201) 646-2300
Fax: (201) 646-3794
Hudson County
Administration Building
595 Newark Ave, 6th Fl
Jersey City, NJ 07306
Phone: (201) 795-6400
Fax: (201) 795-3365
Passaic County
Administration Building
401 Grand St
Paterson, NJ 07505
Phone: (973) 881-4800
Fax: (973) 225-0155
Burlington County
County Courts Facility
49 Rancocas Rd
PO Box 6000
Mount Holly, NJ 08060
Phone: (609) 265-5035
Fax: (609) 265-5007
Hunterdon County
Justice Center
65 Park Ave
PO Box 756
Flemington, NJ 08822-0756
Phone: (908) 788-1129
Fax: (908) 806-4618
Salem County
87 Market St
PO Box 462
Salem, NJ 08079
Phone: (856) 935-7510 Ext. 8333
Fax: (856) 935-8737
Camden County
25 North 5th St
Camden, NJ 08102-1231
Phone: (856) 225-8400
Fax: (856) 963-0080
Mercer County
County Court House
209 South Broad St, 3rd Fl
PO Box 8068
Trenton, NJ 08650
Phone: (609) 989-6350
Fax: (609) 989-0161
Somerset County
40 North Bridge St
PO Box 3000
Somerville, NJ 08876
Phone: (908) 231-7100
Fax: (908) 704-0056
Cape May County
Crest Haven Complex
4 Moore Rd
110 Justice Way
Cape May Court House NJ 08210
Phone: (609) 465-1135
Fax: (609) 465-1347
Middlesex County
25 Kirkpatrick St, 3rd
New Brunswick, NJ 08901
Phone: (732) 745-3300
Fax: (732) 745-2791
Sussex County
19-21 High St
Newton, NJ 07860
Phone: (973) 383-1570
Fax: (973) 383-4929
Cumberland County
43 Fayette St
Bridgeton, NJ 08302
Phone: (856) 453-0486
Fax: (856) 451-1507
Monmouth County
Court House, East Wing
71 Monument Park, 3rd Fl
Freehold, NJ 07728-1261
Phone: (732) 431-7160
Fax: (732) 409-3673
Union County
32 Rahway Ave
Elizabeth, NJ 07202-2115
Phone: (908) 527-4500
Fax: (908) 289-1267
Essex County
Veterans Courthouse
50 West Market St
Newark, NJ 07102
Phone: (973) 621-4700
Fax: (973) 621-4560
Morris County
Administration & Records Building
PO Box 900
Morristown, NJ 07963-0900
Phone: (973) 285-6200
Fax: (973) 285-6226
Warren County
Court House
413 Second St
Belvidere, NJ 07823
Phone: (908) 475-6275
Kit Revised: 04/2009, CN 10557 (How to Expunge Your Criminal and/or Juvenile Record) page 32 of 34
Address Lists Revised: 11/2/2012, CN: 11662 (Expungement Kit Address Lists - County Identification Bureaus)
County Identification Bureaus
Atlantic County
Atlantic County Sheriff
4997 Unami Blvd
Mays Landing, NJ 08330
Attention: I.D. Bureau
Gloucester County
Gloucester County Sheriff
Criminal Justice Complex
PO Box 376
Woodbury, NJ 08096
Ocean County
Ocean County Sheriff
120 Hooper Ave
Toms River, NJ 08753
Attention: I.D. Bureau
Bergen County
Bureau of Criminal Identification
Bergen County Sheriff
160 South River St
Hackensack, NJ 07601
Hudson County
Hudson County Sheriff
Administration Building
595 Newark Ave
Jersey City, NJ 07306
Attention: B.C.I.
Passaic County
Passaic County Sheriff
Criminal Identification Bureau
11 Sheriff's Plz
Paterson, NJ 07501
Burlington County
Burlington County Sheriff
49 Rancocas Rd
Mount Holly, NJ 08060
Attention: Expungement
Hunterdon County
Hunterdon County Sheriff
PO Box 2900
Flemington, NJ 08822
Attention: I.D. Bureau
Salem County
Salem County Sheriff
Identification Bureau
94 Market St
Salem, NJ 08079
Camden County
Camden County Sheriff
PO Box 769
Camden, NJ 08101
Attention: I. D. Bureau
Mercer County
Mercer County Sheriff
PO Box 8068
Trenton, NJ 08650
Somerset County
Somerset County Sheriff
PO Box 3000
Somerville, NJ 08876
Attention: I.D. Bureau
Cape May County
Cape May County Sheriff
4 Moore Rd
Cape May Court House, NJ 08210
Attention: I.D. Bureau
Middlesex County
Middlesex County Sheriff
701 Livingston Ave
New Brunswick, NJ 08901
Attention: Records
Sussex County
Sussex County Sheriff
39 High St
Newton, NJ 07860
Attention: Records
Cumberland County
Cumberland County Sheriff
220 North Laurel St
Bridgeton, NJ 08302
Attention: I.D. Bureau
Monmouth County
Monmouth County
Criminal Identification Bureau
50 East Main St
Freehold, NJ 07728
Union County
Union County Sheriff
10 Elizabethtown Plz
Elizabeth, NJ 07207
Attention: I.D. Bureau
Essex County
Essex County Sheriff
Veterans Courthouse
50 West Market St
Newark, NJ 07102
Morris County
Morris County Sheriff
PO Box 900
Morristown, NJ 07963-900
Attention: C.I.D.
Warren County
Warren County Sheriff
413 2nd Street
Belvidere, NJ 07823
Attention: Warrant Officer
Kit Revised: 04/2009, CN 10557 (How to Expunge Your Criminal and/or Juvenile Record) page 33 of 34
Address List Revised: 11/2/2012, CN: 11661(Expungement Kit Address Lists - Family Division Offices)
Family Division Offices
Atlantic County
Family Division Manager
Atlantic County Courthouse
West Wing
1201 Bacharach Blvd
Atlantic City, NJ 08401
Gloucester County
Assistant Family Division Manager
Gloucester County
Justice Complex
70 Hunter St
Woodbury, NJ 08096
Ocean County
Family Division Manger
Ocean County Justice Complex
120 Hooper Ave, Rm 240
PO Box 2191
Toms River, NJ 08754
Bergen County
Family Division Manager
Bergen County Justice Center
10 Main St, Rm 257
Hackensack, NJ 07601
Hudson County
Family Division Manager
Hudson County Administration Bldg
595 Newark Ave, Rm 208
Jersey City, NJ 07306
Passaic County
Family Division Manager
Passaic County Administration Bldg
401 Grand St, 8
Fl., Ste 819
Paterson, NJ 07505
Burlington County
Family Division Manager
Burlington County Court Facility
49 Rancocas Rd
Mt. Holly, NJ 08060
Hunterdon County
Assistant Family Division Manager
Family Division Justice Center
65 Park Ave
Flemington, NJ 08822
Salem County
Assistant Family Division Manager
Salem County Family Court
92 Market St
Salem, NJ 08079
856-935-7510 x 8262
Camden County
Family Division Manager
Camden County Hall of Justice
101 South 5th St, 2nd Floor
Camden, NJ 08103 -4100
856-2200, x3601 0r 3602
Mercer County
Family Division Manager
Mercer County Civil Courts Bldg
175 South Broad St
PO Box 8068
Trenton, NJ 08650-0068
Somerset County
Somerset County Family Division
Family Case Mgmt. Office
Courthouse, 2nd Fl
20 North Brg, PO Box 3000
Somerville, NJ 08876
Cape May County
Assistant Family Division Manager
Superior Court of NJ
Family Division
4 Moore Rd
Cape May Court House, NJ 08210
Middlesex County
Family Division Manager
Middlesex County Family Courthouse
120 New St, 1st Fl
PO Box 2691
New Brunswick, NJ 08903
Sussex County
Assistant Family Division Manager
Sussex County Judicial Center
43-47 High St
Newton, NJ 07860
Cumberland County
Family Division Manager
Cumberland County Courthouse
Broad & Fayette Sts
PO Box 866
Bridgeton, NJ 08302
Monmouth County
Family Division Manager
Monmouth County Courthouse
71 Monument Park
PO Box 1252
Freehold, NJ 07728-1252
Union County
Family Division Manager
Union Co. Courthouse Annex
New Annex
2 Elizabethtown Plz, 2nd Fl
Elizabeth, NJ 07207
Essex County
Family Division Manager
Essex Family Court
Robert N. Wilentz Bldg
212 Washington Street
Newark, NJ 07102
Morris County
Family Division Manager
Morris County Courthouse
PO Box 910
8 Ann St (overnight only)
Morristown, NJ 07963-0919
Warren County
Assistant Family Division Manager
Family Case Management
Warren County Courthouse
PO Box 900
Belvidere, NJ 07823
Kit Revised: 04/2009, CN 10557 (How to Expunge Your Criminal and/or Juvenile Record) page 34 of 34
Address List Revised: 11/2/2012, CN 11307 (Expungement Kit Address Lists - Probation Division Offices)
Probation Division Offices
Atlantic County
Vicinage Chief Probation Officer
Atlantic County Probation Division
1201 Bacharach Blvd
PO Box 5129
Atlantic City, NJ 08404
Gloucester County
Vicinage Chief Probation Officer
Gloucester County Probation Division
PO Box 638
Woodbury, NJ 08096
Ocean County
Vicinage Chief Probation Officer
Ocean County Probation Division
120 Hooper Ave
Toms River, NJ 08754
Bergen County
Vicinage Chief Probation Officer
Bergen County Probation Division
133 River St
Hackensack, NJ 07601
Hudson County
Vicinage Chief Probation Officer
Hudson County Probation Division
595 Newark Ave, Rm 406
Jersey City, NJ 07306
Passaic County
Vicinage Chief Probation Officer
Passaic County Probation Division
63-65 Hamilton St
Paterson, NJ 07505
Burlington County
Vicinage Chief Probation Officer
Burlington County Probation Division
50 Rancocas Rd
PO Box 6555
Mt. Holly, NJ 08060
Hunterdon County
Vicinage Chief Probation Officer
Hunterdon County Probation Division
65 Park Ave
Flemington, NJ 08822
Salem County
Vicinage Chief Probation Officer
Salem County Probation Division
85 Market St
Salem, NJ 08079
Camden County
Vicinage Chief Probation Officer
Camden County Probation Division
6 Executive Campus, Ste 300, Rte 70
PO Box 8107
Cherry Hill, NJ 08002
Mercer County
Vicinage Chief Probation Officer
Mercer County Probation Division
175 South Broad St
PO Box 8068
Trenton, NJ 08650-0068
Somerset County
Vicinage Chief Probation Officer
Somerset County Probation Division
North Bridge & Main St
PO Box 3000
Somerville, NJ 08876-1262
Cape May County
Vicinage Chief Probation Officer
Cape May County Probation Division
9 Main St
Cape May Courthouse, NJ 08210-1601
Middlesex County
Vicinage Chief Probation Officer
Middlesex County Probation Division
1 JFK Sq
Administration Bldg.
P.O. Box 789
New Brunswick, NJ 08903
Sussex County
Vicinage Chief Probation Officer
Sussex County Probation Division
43-47 High St
Newton, NJ 07860
Cumberland County
Vicinage Chief Probation Officer
Cumberland County Probation Division
Court House
PO Box 636
Bridgeton, NJ 08302
Monmouth County
Vicinage Chief Probation Officer
Monmouth County Probation Division
2407 Rte 66
Ocean, NJ 07712
Union County
Vicinage Chief Probation Officer
Union County Probation Division
1143-45 East Jersey St
Elizabeth, NJ 07207
Essex County
Vicinage Chief Probation Officer
Essex County Probation Division
60 Evergreen Pl, 8th Fl
East Orange, NJ 07018
Morris County
Vicinage Chief Probation Officer
Morris County Probation Division
PO Box 910
Morristown, NJ 07963-0910
Warren County
Vicinage Chief Probation Officer
Warren County Probation Division
413 2nd St
PO Box 900
Belvidere, NJ 07823-1500