University Faculty Senate Constitution and Bylaws
Shawnee State University
Portsmouth, Ohio
Approved by UFS March 2022
Ratified by Faculty April 2022
GEAC Bylaw Revisions Approved November 2022
University Faculty Senate Constitution ..................................................................................... 3
ASSOCIATION ......................................................................................................................... 3
ARTICLE II: PROCEDURES FOR RECOMMENDATIONS .............................................. 5
ARTICLE III: MEMBERSHIP AND OFFICERS ................................................................... 7
ARTICLE V: ELECTIONS, RECALL, RESIGNATION ..................................................... 10
ARTICLE VI: UNIVERSITY FACULTY SENATE MEETINGS ........................................ 11
THE AGENDA......................................................................................................................... 12
ARTICLE VIII: FINANCES .................................................................................................... 15
ARTICLE IX: CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS .......................................................... 15
ARTICLE X: BYLAWS ........................................................................................................... 16
University Faculty Senate Bylaws ........................................................................................... 16
SECTION 4: STANDING COMMITTEES OF THE UFS .................................................. 19
1. UFS Executive Committee ..................................................................................... 19
2. Educational Policies and Curriculum Committee (EPCC) ................................. 20
3. The Graduate Council: Graduate Council (GC) .................................................. 21
4. General Education Advisory Committee (GEAC) ............................................... 22
5. Distance Learning Committee (DLC) .................................................................... 23
6. Honors Program Committee (HPC) ...................................................................... 25
7. Teaching and Learning Committee (TLC) ........................................................... 26
8. Research and Scholarly Affairs Committee (RSAC) .......................................... 27
9. Celebration of Scholarship Committee (COSC) ................................................. 28
10. Assessment and Accreditation Committee (AAC) .............................................. 29
11. Distinguished Lecture Series Committee (DLSC) .............................................. 30
SECTION 5: INITIATION OF CURRICULAR PROPOSALS .......................................... 31
SECTION 6: ELECTION AND APPOINTMENT OF COMMITTEES ............................. 31
SECTION 7: SHARED GOVERNANCE COMMITTEES ................................................. 32
SECTION 8: ELECTRONIC MEETINGS ........................................................................... 33
SECTION 9: BYLAW AMENDMENTS ................................................................................ 33
University Faculty Senate Constitution
SECTION I.1: NAME - The full name of this organization shall be the University Faculty
Senate of Shawnee State University (hereafter, UFS).
SECTION I.2: PURPOSE - The purpose of the UFS is to ensure that the full diversity of
faculty viewpoints and the collective experience, knowledge and judgment
of the faculty of Shawnee State University are fully heard and given
appropriate weight by the President of the University, the Board of Trustees
and the Ohio Board of Regents on all matters of educational and academic
policy or other areas of concern that are not incorporated into an officially
recognized collective bargaining agreement. It is also the purpose of the
UFS to advance the dignity and worth of the academic profession and of
higher education.
standing committees and subcommittees, is the sole official voice of the
Faculty of Shawnee State University in the University governance process
for all matters not covered by any legally recognized collective bargaining
agreement. The UFS recommends courses of action with respect to
academic and educational policies and other related areas of faculty
concern to the University President; through the University President, to the
Board of Trustees; and, where relevant, to the Board of Regents of the
State of Ohio. In order for a recommended course of action that is not
covered under a recognized collective bargaining agreement to be deemed
as having been recommended by the faculty, official approval by the UFS is
a necessary condition. It is the expectation of the UFS that on matters that
significantly impact academic or educational issues that the UFS will be
viewed as the primary recommending body and that its recommendations
will be considered as the deliberate recommendations of a professional
recognizes the existing collective bargaining agreement as currently
protecting the academic freedom of the faculty of SSU. In the event this
contract should be rendered null and void by a competent legal authority
with jurisdiction to do so, the following provision will apply: No Officer of the
Senate, no Senator, and no faculty member may be discriminated against
with respect to terms and conditions of employment on the basis of their
participation in UFS affairs, or the affairs of its committees, or the
governance process of the University in general unless ones conduct in
such matters is shown through established disciplinary procedures to
constitute misconduct. Where University Service is defined as a criterion for
promotion or retention, that service shall be evaluated in accordance with
the established retention and promotion guidelines.
PROFESSION - The UFS affirms its commitment to the concepts of
academic freedom, academic due process, shared governance, and the
status and worth of faculty as these concepts have historically been defined
and understood by professional associations of college and university
faculty, including the American Association of University Professors, the
National Education Association, and the American Federation of Teachers.
affirms the rights of faculty to freely associate; to band together for mutual
aid and support; to advance the interests, status and dignity of college and
university faculty; and to advance the interests of higher education in
general. The UFS also recognizes the rights of faculty to choose to reject
any such affiliation or membership. The UFS recognizes the National
Education Association, its state affiliate (The Ohio Education Association),
and its local affiliate (The Shawnee Education Association) to be the sole
representative of faculty for matters pertaining to salaries and working
conditions under current Ohio Law. In the event that any existing Collective
Bargaining Agreement is deemed to be invalid by an appropriate legal
authority with jurisdiction to so rule, the UFS shall immediately create a
committee whose purpose shall be to recommend to the UFS the best way
to defend the status and dignity of the faculty of Shawnee State University.
This committee shall have the right to receive technical and legal advice
from any source, including, but not limited to, professional organizations that
represent college and university faculty in collective bargaining agreements
or that advocate collective bargaining for college and university faculty.
Faculty shall not be discriminated against with respect to their conditions of
employment by virtue of any such association or activity, or by virtue of their
choice not to so associate and participate.
the role of governance and other university-wide committees or
subcommittees that are not directly incorporated as UFS committees or
subcommittees. Similarly, the UFS recognizes the importance of all
constituency groups being heard in the governance process. However, any
recommendation on their part that has the potential to significantly impact
matters under the purview of the UFS must be voted on and approved by
the UFS prior to their being viewed as recommendations by the Faculty. A
matter shall be deemed to be under the purview of the UFS if it has the
potential to significantly impact academic quality or the overall status of
faculty in areas not covered by collective bargaining agreement.
shall elect faculty representatives to Governance, University-Wide
Committees, and Search Committees in which faculty participate in
accordance with the procedures set forth in the UFS Bylaws. The President
of the University shall have the right to request that the UFS Executive
Committee reconsider any faculty member elected to serve on such
committees. If after considering the information presented by the President,
the UFS Executive Committee deems its choice to have been appropriate,
that recommendation shall stand. The President may choose not to accept
any such recommendation but a decision to do so shall constitute grounds
for a motion of disapproval by the UFS.
PRESIDENTIAL OR BOARD APPROVAL - Recommendations with respect
to any and all academic programs will be placed on the UFS agenda upon
approval by the Educational Policies and Curriculum Committee (EPCC),
Graduate Council (GC), or Distance Learning Committee (DLC). All such
matters will be decided by majority vote of the UFS at a duly constituted
meeting. Upon approval of the UFS, the President of the UFS will approve
the proposals through Curriculog, which will forward the proposal to the
Provost. The UFS President’s approval of proposals in Curriculog will be
deemed to constitute the recommendation of the UFS. Except in cases
where such recommendations require the approval of the President of the
University, the Board of Trustees or the Board of Regents, the Provost will
review the recommendation.
SECTION II.1.1: If the Provost approves the recommendation, then the
recommendation shall become effective.
SECTION II.1.2: If the Provost does not approve the recommendation, the Provost will
request the faculty to reconsider and provide a written explanation for this
SECTION II.2.1: When a recommendation requires approval beyond the level of the
Provost, the President of the UFS shall inform the President of the
University in writing of the recommendation of the UFS. If the President
approves, the President will pass the recommendation on to the appropriate
authorities for review and approval. If the President or any other body does
not approve or accept the proposal, then the procedures below with respect
to recommendations of non-curricular matters will apply.
SECTION II.2.2: Upon receipt of the recommendation of an official recommendation by
the UFS, the President of the University will make a decision regarding the
recommendation within thirty (30) working days. If the recommendation is
passed at the last UFS meeting of the academic year, the President may
elect to inform the UFS of his or her decision within seven (7) working days
of the commencement of fall semester classes. In acting upon a
recommendation of the UFS, the President may:
SECTION II.2.2.A: Accept the recommendation and forward it to the Board of Trustees
where required.
SECTION II.2.2.B: Return the recommendation to the UFS with a specific request to
reconsider all or some of the recommendation. In making this request, the
President of the University may choose to communicate his or her reasons
officially in writing, or may elect to discuss the matter informally with the
President of the UFS, or with the President of the UFS and the UFS
Executive Committee. Only resolutions that receive approval by the UFS in
accordance with its rules and Bylaws at an official UFS meeting shall be
considered as an official recommendation of the UFS. If the President of the
UFS, or the Executive Committee believe a compromise may be reached,
they shall inform the UFS of the nature of the compromise and provide the
UFS with a chance to vote. Such matters may be approved by acclamation.
However, an objection by one Senator shall require a formal vote by the
SECTION II.2.2.C: If, after the above process is complete, the President of the
University still does not accept the official recommendation of the UFS, the
President of the University shall inform the President of the UFS in writing of
his or her reason(s) for the disagreement. The President of the UFS will be
afforded an opportunity to state the basis for the UFSs disagreement with
the President of the University both in writing and in person before the
Board of Trustees, per the Bylaws of the Board of Trustees. In formulating
his or her response, the President of the UFS will consult with the UFS
Executive Committee and provide the Executive Committee the opportunity
to vote on the official response, if the UFS Executive Committee views this
as necessary. The UFS Executive Committee shall also have the right to
place the matter before the UFS as a collective body if in its judgment the
situation warrants. In such matters, the UFS will decide by majority vote.
SECTION II.2.2.D: If the Board of Trustees takes an action contrary to the
recommendation of the UFS, the President of the UFS shall convey this
message to the UFS at its next officially scheduled meeting. The UFS may
then choose to officially communicate its displeasure to the Board of
Trustees, following the same procedure as in SECTION II.2.2.C above.
SECTION II.3.1: The UFS President shall work with University administration to ensure
that appropriate personnel, information, and other appropriate resources are
available to assist and support the Senate in the conduct of its business.
SECTION II.3.2: Upon receipt of Board of Trustee meeting agenda and materials, the
UFS President shall determine whether there are matters therein that
should be presented to the UFS Executive Committee.
SECTION III.1: MEMBERSHIP - All tenure-track and tenured faculty, Full-Time
Faculty with Continuing Contracts, and Full-Time Instructors/Non-
Tenure Track (FTIs/NTTs) employed by the University shall be
deemed a member of UFS and shall have the right to vote in
elections for UFS Senators and Officers, to serve on UFS or other
governance committees, and to serve as a Senator in the UFS.
Faculty Directors or Coordinators of programs on release time with
rights of return to faculty shall be deemed faculty for the purposes of
this document. With the exception of Administrative Department
Chairs or Assistant/Associate Deans, such as in the Department of
Nursing, School of Business, or the School of Education, all
Department Chairs shall also be deemed faculty for the purposes of
this document.
University, Provost, Deans of any college, The General Education
Program Director, the Honors Program Director, the Teaching and
Learning Center Coordinator, the Center for International Programs
and Activities (CIPA) Director, the Womens and Gender Equity
Center Director or any other similar director not indicated in this
document shall have the status of permanent invited guest. Invited
guests may speak to motions with the same rights and privileges as
Senators and shall have the right and responsibility to inform the UFS
of significant developments in their respective areas. During a UFS
meeting’s normal course of business, invited guests are not permitted
to make motions. However, at his or her discretion, the President of
the UFS may allow invited guests to make motions when doing so
will improve the flow of business. Invited guests lack voting rights in
the UFS, even if the UFS President allows a guest to propose a
Executive Committee of the UFS shall consist of:
Vice President
University at-Large Senator
Only faculty holding tenure or a continuing contract may serve as
officers of the UFS. Each officer shall be elected by the popular vote
of the majority of votes cast by UFS members and shall serve for a
term of two years, unless that officer resigns or is recalled during the
officers term. Wherever possible, the terms of officers shall be
staggered so that no more than three officers will be up for re-
election each year. It shall be the responsibility of each officer of the
UFS to be an advocate for faculty to the University administration, the
Board of Trustees and the public at large.
SECTION III.3.1: PRESIDENT - The UFS President shall:
1. Serve as spokesperson for the UFS on all matters officially approved by
the UFS (but may appoint the Vice President as spokesperson as needed);
2. Serve as Chair of the UFS Executive Committee;
3. Set the meeting agenda for UFS meetings and conduct UFS and
Executive Committee meetings;
4. Ensure that the UFS meeting agenda is distributed electronically at least
five (5) working days prior to each UFS meeting;
5. Sign official documents, approve proposals through Curriculog after
passage by the UFS at an official meeting, and forward the UFS policy
recommendations to the President of the University;
6. Monitor the performance of the UFS and make recommendations to the
UFS or its committees for the better ordering of the body;
7. Report to the UFS any matters that he or she or other senators deem of
importance to that body, including the status of UFS recommendations to
the President of the University;
8. Promote University-wide knowledge of UFS workings;
9. Serve as one representative of the UFS to the Ohio Faculty Council;
10. Coordinate with the UFS Secretary and the Provosts Office (or other
appropriate administrators) to ensure the smooth functioning of the UFS and
timely posting of minutes on the UFS web page;
11. Receive a nine (9) credit hour reduction in teaching load in order to be
able to effectively discharge his or her duties as UFS President. No more
than six (6) credit hours may be taken in any one semester, save at the sole
discretion of the University Provost.
SECTION III.3.2: VICE PRESIDENT - The UFS Vice President shall:
1. Chair the Educational Policies and Procedures Committee;
2. Preside over/or chair meetings of the UFS and/or Executive Committee in
the absence of the UFS President;
3. Serve as second voting representative to the Ohio Faculty Council;
4. Serve on the Executive Committee;
5. Coordinate with the UFS Secretary and Provosts Office (or other
appropriate administrative office) to ensure timely posting of EPCC minutes
on the UFS web page;
6. Receive a six (6) credit hour reduction in teaching load in order to be able
to effectively discharge his or her duties as UFS Vice President.
SECTION III.3.3: SECRETARY - The secretary shall:
1. Take roll and record minutes of UFS meetings and Executive Committee
Meetings when necessary;
2. Provide electronic copies of the minutes for the previous UFS meeting to
all Senators five (5) working days prior to each UFS meeting;
3. Coordinate with the UFS President and the Provosts office to ensure full
and accurate posting of approved UFS and EPCC minutes on the UFS web
page and maintain Senate records and the UFS website;
SECTION III.3.4: TREASURER - The UFS Treasurer shall administer the funds/budget
of the UFS, keep current records of receipts and disbursements, and submit
reports at each UFS meeting and an annual financial report to the UFS.
SECTION III.3.5: AT-LARGE REPRESENTATIVE - The at-large representative serves
on the Executive Committee and serves as alternate representative to the
Ohio Faculty Council.
SECTION III.3.6: PARLIAMENTARIAN - The UFS President may appoint, at his or her
discretion, any full-service faculty member to serve as UFS Parliamentarian.
The role of the Parliamentarian is to provide non-binding advice to the UFS
President on the appropriate interpretation of Roberts Rules of Order. If a
Parliamentarian is appointed, the Parliamentarian shall be a non-voting
member of the Executive Committee and of the UFS.
SECTION IV.1: RESPONSIBILITIES OF SENATORS - Senators shall seek input from
their constituents on matters before the UFS and shall seek to ensure that
the concerns of their constituents receive due consideration before the UFS.
It is the responsibility of Senators to attend UFS meetings and to inform
their constituents and the UFS President of their absence and the reasons
for that absence from any UFS meeting.
SECTION IV.2.1: Each academic department or school within the College of Arts &
Sciences (CAS) and the College of Professional Studies (CPS) shall have
the right to elect ONE Senator by majority vote of the UFS membership of
each department.
SECTION IV.2.2: Officers: The entire faculty will be the election district of all officers.
SECTION IV.2.3: UFS members with appointments in the CPS shall have the
right to elect TWO Senators-at-Large by majority vote of the UFS
membership in the CPS.
SECTION IV.2.: UFS members with appointments in the CAS shall have the right
to elect TWO Senators-at-Large by majority vote of the UFS
membership in the CAS.
and Officers shall be conducted annually. All Officers and Senators shall
serve for a term of two years, but the terms shall be staggered so that no
more than one half of the Senate shall stand for election in any given year.
The election shall not take place sooner than two months prior to the last
day of classes of the end of the Spring semester and no later than ten (10)
working days prior to the last day of classes of the Spring semester. Thirty
days prior to the officially announced date of the UFS election, the UFS
President will establish, in consultation with the Executive Committee, an
Election Committee composed of three faculty members to oversee the
Election. The Election Committee shall select a Chair and the Chair shall
solicit nominations for all open UFS Senatorial and Officer seats. The Chair
shall issue a second call for nominations fifteen (15) days prior to the
election and a third call seven (7) days prior to the election. Nominations
shall be officially closed five (5) days prior to the election. The Election
Committee shall then formulate a ballot and distribute it to faculty in a
fashion that the Committee deems to be reasonably not susceptible to
fraud. All elections shall be by secret ballot. The Committee shall tabulate
votes and announce the winner. Vote totals shall be released in all
competitive elections. Write-in candidates will be permitted as may “no”
votes when a candidate is unopposed. If any candidate receives more “no”
votes than affirmative votes, another election will be held for that seat until a
candidate receives at least a majority affirmation. No person seeking any
seat may supervise the elections. The Election Committee Chair shall
announce the results of the election within seven (7) calendar days of the
close of the election.
Officers and Senators of the UFS may be recalled for misfeasance,
malfeasance, or nonfeasance in office. Officers and Senators may
also resign at any time by informing the President of the UFS in
writing of their resignation. If the President of the UFS resigns, the
President will inform the Vice President of the UFS. Recall
proceedings can be initiated by a petition signed by 20% of the UFS
members represented by the Senator or Officer and presented to the
UFS Executive Committee. Upon receipt of such a petition, or in the
case of a resignation, the President of the UFS shall appoint an
Election Committee as required above in the section on elections. If
the recall is against the President, the Vice President shall appoint
the Election Committee. A majority vote of all UFS members of an
officers/senators constituency against an officer/senator shall result
in a recall. Upon a successful recall, or in the event of a resignation
by an Officer or Senator, a special election shall be held to elect a
replacement who shall finish the term of the Officer or Senator who
has been recalled or resigned. Special Elections for Officers shall be
carried out by a UFS Elections Committee; Special Elections for
Senators shall be carried out by the chair of the Senators academic
department in accordance with their departmental by-laws.
SECTION VI.1: MEETINGS All meetings of the UFS shall be open to attendance by
all interested parties unless the UFS votes to go into executive session.
SECTION VI.2: REGULAR MEETINGS The UFS shall meet each month of the
academic year, normally at 4:00 p.m. on the final Monday of each month.
Dates and times of the meeting may be changed at the discretion of the
UFS President in consultation with members of the UFS Executive
SECTION VI.3: CANCELLATION OF MEETINGS Regularly scheduled meetings of
the UFS may be canceled by the UFS President with the consent of the
majority of the UFS Executive Committee. In the event of such a
cancellation, the UFS President shall convey a reason for cancellation along
with the notice to the University community. If the President of the University
or a duly appointed representative of the President of the University cancels
classes or closes the University during a time when the UFS is scheduled to
meet, the UFS meeting will be considered canceled and the UFS President
will consult with the UFS Executive Committee regarding whether to
reschedule the meeting or postpone consideration of the agenda until the
next regularly scheduled UFS meeting.
SECTION VI.4: During meetings, the UFS President may only participate in the
discussion in an effort to influence the outcome when the Senate has
agreed to work informally as a committee of the whole. The UFS President
may, however, ask any person participating in the discussion to clarify the
intent of their speech or suggest motions that would be in order as a means
of facilitating the smooth flow of business.
SECTION VI.5: The UFS President may vote only when there is a tie or when casting
his vote would influence the outcome as established by Roberts Rules of
Order. For example, if a motion requires a 2/3 majority to pass, and the
Senate is one vote short, the UFS President may vote yea or nay on the
motion. Similarly, the UFS President may cast a vote when doing so would
prevent the motion from passing by a 2/3 majority. Interpretation of this
article will be in strict accordance with Roberts Rules of Order.
SECTION VI.6: When in the judgment of the UFS President a person has engaged in
speech or behavior that is contrary to the Rules of Order as set forth in this
document or in Roberts Rules of Order, the President will caution that
person. If after two successive cautions in the same meeting, the disruptive
speech or behavior continues, the President may rule that person “out of
order” and request that person to leave the meeting. As in all rulings by the
UFS President, the Senate may overrule the President by a 2/3 majority.
SECTION VII.1: ORDER OF BUSINESS At regular meetings, the order of business
shall be:
Call to Order
Roll Taking
Approval of Minutes
Approval of Agenda
Announcements and Remarks from the Senate President
Treasurers Report
Administration Reports
Announcements from the Senate Floor
Committee and Director Reports
Unfinished Business
New Business
SECTION VII.2: SENATE MATTERS Matters for consideration by the UFS may be
referred to the UFS by any member of the University community. Academic
policies, resolutions to be put before UFS, and curricular proposals must be
submitted through Curriculog. Curricular proposals must follow the
curriculum approval processes described in the UFS Bylaws. All other
requests must be in writing and may be made to the UFS Executive
Committee or to any other UFS Committee. The Executive Committee shall
direct requests to the appropriate committee. Any member of the University
community will be recognized at the discretion of the President of the UFS
or by any UFS Committee Chair to speak at any regularly scheduled
meeting. Such recognition will be granted unless there are clear and
compelling reasons to not grant such recognition. Such reasons shall be
limited to a clear and compelling reason to believe that the person intends to
materially disrupt, delay or otherwise hinder the duly established order of
business of the UFS or the relevant committee. Any matter that is
appropriately referred to the UFS out of committee shall be placed on the
agenda of the next UFS meeting and shall be considered to have been
moved and seconded. Committees may, at their discretion, choose to
automatically bundle motions. However, such motions shall be unbundled
if even one Senator requests such an action. The motion will still be
considered moved and seconded.
Any Senator may request that an item be placed on the UFS agenda by
writing to the UFS Executive Committee. Such items shall automatically be
placed on the agenda by the UFS President and be considered as “moved.”
Such motions will, however, require a second from the floor of the UFS. The
President of the UFS will only refuse such motions when clear and
compelling reasons exist to believe such a motion is “out of order. When
the UFS President makes such a determination, he or she shall inform the
UFS of his or her ruling and the clear reasons for such a ruling. The UFS
may overrule the UFS President by 2/3 majority vote.
Any Senator may “object to consideration” of any item on the agenda. Such
a motion shall require a second and requires 2/3 majority to pass.
The President of the SEA, or any recognized faculty collective bargaining
agent, shall be given a copy of the agenda for each UFS meeting. If upon
review of the agenda, the President of the SEA has reason to believe such
a matter is better addressed by the SEA or is already addressed by the
CBA, the President of the SEA will request in writing to the Executive
Committee of the UFS that the motion be withdrawn. If the Executive
Committee disagrees with this request, it will request a meeting with the
President of the SEA in an effort to clarify the matter. Alternatively, the
President of the UFS and the President of the SEA may make an effort to
settle the matter through informal consultation. A reasonable belief by any
Senator or Officer that a proposed motion interferes with the CBA may be
the basis for a motion to “object to consideration. Any motion passed by the
UFS that is determined to conflict with one or more provisions of any
recognized Collective Bargaining Agreement or any law of the state of Ohio
or the U.S. shall be considered null and void.
The President of the University shall have a standing invitation to address
the UFS. Absent extraordinary circumstances, the President shall limit his or
her remarks to 15 minutes. The President of the UFS may extend this time
frame at his or her discretion.
SECTION VII.4: EXECUTIVE SESSION Any Senator or Officer of the UFS, other than
the UFS President, may make a motion for Executive Session. The
President of the UFS may ask if any Senator wishes to move for Executive
Session. If such a motion is seconded, and receives 2/3 majority vote, the
President of the UFS will request all non-voting members, guests and
members of the public to leave. Minutes from Executive Session shall be
kept and shared in accordance with Roberts Rules of Order. Though the
UFS cannot legally compel any person to leave, in the event that a Dean,
Provost or President of the University shall remain, the UFS may deem this
action as sufficient grounds for a formal motion of censure.
section, “senior administrative official” shall be deemed to include the
President of the University, The Provost, any Associate Provost with
significant academic responsibility, or any Dean with significant
responsibility for overseeing faculty or curricula. When any Senator or
officer of the UFS, other than the UFS President, believes any officer of the
University has acted in a fashion that is contrary to the academic mission of
the University or the principles of shared governance and academic
freedom, such a person may make any of the following motions. Such
motions must receive a second and must be approved by 2/3 majority vote
of the UFS:
SECTION VII.5.1: MOTION OF DISPLEASURE Such a motion is simply intended to
communicate to the specific party a statement that the UFS is officially
displeased with a specific action taken or not taken. When such a motion is
made, the affected party shall be given an opportunity to defend themselves
before the UFS.
SECTION VII.5.2: MOTION OF CENSURE Such a motion is intended to communicate
to the specific party that the UFS finds an action taken or not taken to be
contrary to the academic mission of the University, academic freedom,
shared governance, or all three, and deems that action to be censurable.
Prior to any such vote, the person affected shall be afforded the opportunity
to defend their actions before the UFS.
SECTION VII.5.3: MOTION OF NO CONFIDENCE A motion of no confidence means
that the faculty as a collective body rejects the leadership of the individual in
question and regards that individual as unfit to fulfill their duties and
maintain the good faith and confidence of the faculty. Such a motion may be
made only upon a majority vote of the Executive Committee and shall be
placed on the agenda at least thirty (30) calendar days prior to the next UFS
meeting, and only after a motion of censure has been passed and the party
to which it is directed has continued on the same course of action or
initiated new, similar actions. Such motions shall be made only under grave
circumstances and only after fully and completely giving due consideration
to the gravity of such a motion. Before undertaking such a course of action,
the initiator of such an action and the UFS as a whole should carefully
weigh the potential impact of such an action on the overall health of the
University. When such a motion is made, the person affected shall be
informed in writing of the charges and the basis for the charges at least
thirty (30) calendar days in advance, afforded an opportunity to defend
themselves before the UFS. If such a motion passes, the President of the
UFS shall communicate the result to the Chairman of the Board of Trustees.
The UFS recognizes the non-binding nature of such resolutions and
acknowledges the legal authority of the Board of Trustees to enter into and
terminate contracts with the above officials.
SECTION VII.6: WORKING DAYS Working days refers to Mondays through Fridays
when regular classes are scheduled at SSU. Holidays and breaks between
academic semesters are not working days for such purposes.
contributions and authorize disbursement as deemed appropriate by
majority vote of the UFS.
UFS BUSINESS Where an annual budget for the UFS has been
established in consultation with the Provost, bona fide expenses occurred
by UFS Officers or any Senator who travels on official UFS business shall
be fully reimbursed to that person from the UFS budget. Where an annual
budget does not exist, or in circumstances where there are bona fide
reasons to exceed the budget, the President and Treasurer of the UFS shall
coordinate with the Provosts office, in accordance with University travel
policies, to establish reasonable conditions for reimbursement.
The following procedures will apply to the proposal and ratification of the UFS
this Constitution shall be proposed by a 2/3 vote by the UFS at a regularly
scheduled meeting. Any Senator or Officer may place a proposed
amendment on the agenda. The UFS may create an ad hoc Constitution
Revision Committee to draft and recommend constitutional amendments to
the UFS.
SECTION IX.2: NOTIFICATION OF MEMBERS The proposed amendment and notice
of the UFS meeting at which the matter is to be discussed shall be
distributed by the UFS secretary to all UFS members and ex officio
members at least seven (7) working days prior to the meeting. Any UFS
member may attend the meeting at which the proposed amendment is to be
discussed and may address the issue.
amendments to this Constitution shall require approval by secret ballot of
the majority of the votes cast. Only UFS Member Faculty as defined by this
document may vote. The UFS Election Committee shall conduct the vote no
sooner than two weeks after the proposed amendment passes the Senate
and no later than thirty (30) calendar days within. Such amendments shall
be submitted for public comment and discussion during this period.
processes and procedures relevant to the creation, operation, and staffing
of ad-hoc or standing committees that report to the UFS and the oversight of
non-departmental directors assigned to a committee. The Bylaws shall also
include approved processes and procedures relevant to the operation of ad-
hoc or standing committees, including processes, procedures, and bylaws
adopted prior to the passage and ratification of this article.
University Faculty Senate Bylaws
The UFS shall establish committees to carry out its business by 2/3 majority vote of the
UFS. Alternatively, the UFS may terminate committees by 2/3 majority vote of the UFS.
Responsibilities of each standing UFS committee shall include but not be limited to:
1. Initiating study of new issues and/or initiating review of existing policies as
deemed necessary on matters related to its charge;
2. Recommending to the UFS as a whole the appointment of sub-
committees as defined below for the purpose of dealing with specific
matters relating to the charge of the committee;
3. Receiving and considering matters referred to it by the Executive
4. Receiving matters referred to it by members of the University community
and forwarding them to the Executive Committee for inclusion on the UFS
agenda when appropriate;
5. Informing the UFS of ongoing business;
6. Meeting on a regular basis, which shall normally be once a month.
Committees may meet more or less often as circumstances require.
Committees shall appoint a secretary to record their meeting minutes. The
committee chair may not serve as secretary; and meeting minutes shall be
made available to the full senate upon request of the UFS President. UFS
committees may also seek advice, input and expertise as necessary from
other constituencies of the University and shall collaborate with other
constituency groups in fulfilling their tasks.
Chairs of committees will be responsible for coordinating the overall work of
the Committees and for making timely reports to the UFS. Such reports shall
be made as requested by the UFS President or any other officer or senator.
In cases where there is a minority report, or where a majority of the
Committee disagrees with the Committee Chair, those members who
disagree with the majority report or with the majority and the Committee Chair
shall have the right to issue a minority report to the UFS
Those UFS standing committees that have been charged with oversight of Non-
Departmental Directors shall conduct annual performance reviews of their
assigned non-departmental directors and make recommendations to the Provost
and the UFS Executive Committee on the appointment or re-appointment of
directors, as outlined in the following:
1. Non-Departmental Directors shall have the ability to serve
multiple, consecutive terms;
2. Directors shall receive their appointment before the end of
Spring semester;
3. Non-Departmental Directors shall receive course release time or
a stipend for their service, as set by the Office of the Provost;
4. Associated oversight committees, when asked by the Office of
the Provost, the Director, or the UFS President will review and
recommend changes to the Director’s assigned duties;
5. There shall be annual performance reviews of Directors
completed during the spring semester;
6. The Office of the Provost shall solicit annual performance
reviews from associated oversight committee members and the
UFS Executive Committee via a standard form (as
recommended by the UFS); and shall share results with the
Director, the associated oversight committee, and the UFS
Executive Committee;
7. Upon expiration of term, resignation, or removal of a Director,
the Provost or his/her designee will solicit nominations for the
directorship from all qualified UFS members;
8. Provost or his/her designee will submit all nominations
(including self-nominations) to the associated oversight
committee for comment and recommendation; the committee’s
recommendation shall be forwarded to the full Senate for a final
recommendation that will be submitted to the Provost;
9. Before appointing a director, the Provost or his/her designee will
consult with UFS President regarding the Senate’s
10. In case of an immediate vacancy, the Provost, in consultation
with the UFS President, shall appoint an Interim Director until a
permanent one can be appointed according to these
For the smooth functioning of the UFS, the following Standing Committees shall be
established: 1. UFS Executive Committee; 2. Educational Policies and Curriculum
Committee (EPCC); 3. Graduate Council (GC); 4. General Education Advisory
Committee (GEAC); 5. Distance Learning Committee (DLC); 6. Honors Program
Committee (HPC); 7. Teaching and Learning Committee (TLC); 8 Research and
Scholarly Activity Committee (RSAC); 9. Celebration of Scholarship Committee
(COSC); 10 Assessment and Accreditation Committee (AAC); and 11. Distinguished
Lecture Series Committee (DLSC).
1. UFS Executive Committee
The UFS Executive Committee shall consist of the five officers of
the UFS, who shall be voting members, and, where relevant, a
Parliamentarian, who shall be a non-voting member of the
Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall be
responsible for:
coordinating the business of the University Faculty Senate;
overseeing the staffing of UFS committees;
appointing all faculty representatives to shared-governance
or other university-wide committees, task forces, etc.;
maintaining a pool of faculty volunteers from which they can
draw nominations and make appointments;
assigning matters brought before it to the appropriate
committee for investigation, reporting, and
The UFS Executive Committee shall meet at least once a
semester and otherwise as necessary. The Executive Committee
may conduct routine business by e-mail. The President of the
UFS shall be the Chair of the Executive Committee.
2. Educational Policies and Curriculum Committee (EPCC)
The UFS Vice President shall Chair the EPCC and shall be a
voting member of EPCC. The EPCC shall have the responsibility
of overseeing all matters pertaining to undergraduate educational
policies and curricula, as well as all other university-wide
academic policies, with the exception of those that concern
graduate programs and curricula, which shall be overseen by the
Graduate Council.
All curricular and academic policy proposals must be approved by
a majority vote of EPCC before being referred to the UFS. Any
proposed change in existing programs or proposals for new
programs shall be properly vetted by the appropriate academic
department or, where relevant, the General Education Advisory
Committee prior to coming before EPCC.
It shall be the responsibility of each academic department to
establish rules and procedures by which to recommend curricular
and program changes to the EPCC.
All business before the EPCC will be made available for comment
and criticism by the campus community via a five-working-day
open hearing process. A digest of the five-day open hearing
comments along with the agendas and minutes of previous
meetings will be made available to the campus community by the
Chair of the EPCC.
Upon EPCC approval, the Chair of EPCC will forward the course
to the DLC (if necessary) or to UFS via Curriculog. Upon UFS
approval, the President of UFS will forward the course to the
Provost who will ensure the registrar and other necessary parties
receive notification.
If any person or department is dissatisfied with a decision by
EPCC, that person may resubmit the proposal to EPCC through
the curricular processes required in Curriculog.
The University administration shall select one senior administrator
to be the primary administrative representative to the EPCC. That
person shall be a non-voting member of the EPCC. Other
administrators as well as all faculty may attend and participate in
EPCC deliberations as necessary.
3. The Graduate Council: Graduate Council (GC)
Each graduate program shall have the right to elect two
representatives to the GC by popular, majority vote of UFS
graduate faculty members in each program. Elections shall be
conducted by the program’s Department Chair or Graduate
Director, according to their departmental or school bylaws.
Representatives shall serve for a term of two years. The GC shall
have a faculty chair, serving a two-year term, elected by the GC
at its first meeting of the new academic year. The GC chair shall
be a voting member of the committee.
The GC shall have the responsibility for overseeing all matters
pertaining to graduate educational policies and curricula. Any
proposed change in existing programs, or proposals for new
programs shall be properly vetted by the appropriate academic
program, prior to coming before the GC. All curricular proposals
must be approved by a majority vote of the GC before being
referred to the UFS.
The Graduate Council will be responsible for establishing rules
and procedures by which to recommend curricular and program
changes to the GC.
All business before the GC will be made available for comment
and criticism by the campus community via a five-working-day
open hearing process. A digest of the five-day open hearing
comments along with the agendas and minutes of previous
meetings will be made available to the campus community by the
Chair of the GC.
Upon GC approval, the Chair of GC will forward the course to the
DLC (if necessary) or to UFS via Curriculog. Upon UFS approval,
the President of UFS will forward the course to the Provost who
will ensure the registrar and other necessary parties receive
If any person or department is dissatisfied with a decision by GC,
that person may resubmit the proposal to GC through the
curricular processes required in Curriculog.
The University Administration shall select one senior administrator
to be the primary administrative representative to the GC. That
person shall be a non-voting member of the GC. Other
administrators as well as all faculty may attend and participate in
the Council’s deliberations as necessary.
4. General Education Advisory Committee (GEAC)
The General Education Program (GEP) Director shall be the Chair of
GEAC and is a voting member. The GEP Director shall be appointed to
a three-year term by the Provost, following consultation with GEAC and
the UFS Executive Committee. The GEP Director shall be a tenured or
continuing contract faculty member.
GEAC shall oversee all areas of relevance to the University’s GEP. The
GEP Director, with the assistance of GEAC members, shall oversee the
annual assessment of the program’s student learning outcomes,
recommending any needed changes to course offerings and program
requirements to the EPCC. GEAC members shall assist the GEP
Director in the collection of assessment artifacts and liaise with
department faculty developing assessment plans and instruments.
GEAC will review and evaluate all proposals related to the GEP. All
course proposals received by GEAC will be evaluated to ensure that the
course meets the learning outcomes for its respective category in the
GEP and aligns with the assessment plans for its GEP Cluster,
regardless of whether the proposal is for a new course to add to the
GEP or the modification of an existing GEP course. Each department
and school will establish its own rules and procedures through which
proposals that impact the GEP may be brought before GEAC.
All business before GEAC will be made available for comment and
criticism by the campus community via a five-day open hearing process.
All motions from GEAC must be subsequently approved by EPCC before
being referred to UFS. Upon GEAC approval, the GEP Director will
forward the course to EPCC via Curriculog.
If any person or department is dissatisfied with a decision by GEAC, that
person may resubmit the proposal to GEAC through the curricular
processes required in Curriculog.
The University administration shall select one senior administrator to be
the primary administrative representative to GEAC. That person shall be
a non-voting member of GEAC. Other administrators as well as all
faculty may attend and participate in GEAC deliberations as necessary.
5. Distance Learning Committee (DLC)
The Distance Learning Director shall be appointed to a three-year
term by the Provost following consultation with the DLC and the
UFS Executive Committee. The Director shall be a tenured,
tenure-track, or continuing contract faculty member. UFS
members who are categorized as FTIs/NTTs cannot serve as
Distance Learning Director. The Director shall be a voting
member of the DLC and serve as its Chair.
The DLC shall oversee all areas of relevance to the University’s
distance and on-line curriculum and program offerings as
described below. All business before DLC will be made available
for comment and criticism by the campus community via a five-
day open hearing process. Administrators as well as all faculty
may attend and participate in the Committee’s deliberations as
Any faculty member wishing to convert a course to an online/
hybrid format or develop a new course in an online/ hybrid format
shall successfully complete training in distance learning from an
appropriate institution such as Online Learning Consortium,
Quality Matters, or Wiley Educational Services. Additionally, any
faculty, FTI or adjunct wishing to teach an online/ hybrid course
shall successfully complete training in distance learning from an
appropriate institution such as Online Learning Consortium,
Quality Matters, or Wiley Educational Services.
New courses in an online/hybrid format must be submitted
through Curriculog. The proposal must include the following
A course syllabus using the DLC syllabus template
(available from the DLC);
One course module outline using the DLC outline template
(available from the DLC);
One functioning online module made available for review on
Blackboard (the faculty member developing the course shall
request that the SSU Blackboard office add DLC members
as guests to the course).
The course must proceed through the appropriate governance process for
all new courses. Following departmental approval, general education
courses must proceed to GEAC and then EPCC; graduate-level courses
must proceed to GC; and all other courses must proceed to EPCC. If
approved by GC or EPCC, the course then proceeds to DLC.
Existing courses that are converted to an online/hybrid format must be
submitted through Curriculog. The proposal must include the following
A course syllabus using the DLC syllabus template
(available from the DLC);
One course module outline using the DLC outline template
(available from the DLC);
One functioning online module made available for review on
Blackboard (the faculty member developing the course shall
request that the SSU Blackboard office add DLC members
as guests to the course).
Following departmental approval, the course will bypass GEAC, GC,
and/or EPCC, proceeding directly to DLC.
The DLC will conduct a full review of new online/hybrid courses and
courses converted to an online/hybrid format using the Quality Matters
Rubric. The proposer or knowledgeable representative must be present at
the DLC meeting to demonstrate the functioning online module and
answer questions. Upon DLC approval, the Distance Learning Director will
forward the course to UFS via Curriculog. Upon UFS approval, the
President of UFS will forward the course to the Provost who will ensure
the registrar and other necessary parties receive notification.
Any faculty member wishing to pilot a conversion of an existing course to
a hybrid or 100% online format will consult with the Distance Learning
Director and submit directly to the Distance Learning Director a course
syllabus utilizing the DLC Syllabus Template and one (1) course module
outline utilizing the DLC Outline Template.
If a new or existing course is to be developed for online delivery in
conjunction with Wiley Educational Services, the course must be
submitted as a proposal through Curriculog and must proceed through the
appropriate committees as described above. However, courses developed
in conjunction with Wiley Educational Services may bypass DLC and
proceed directly to UFS for approval. This exception to DLC approval
requirements reflects the 2021-2024 Collective Bargaining Agreement,
Article 20, Section 3, Part A.
If any person or department is dissatisfied with a decision by DLC, that
person may resubmit the proposal to DLCC through the curricular
processes required in Curriculog.
6. Honors Program Committee (HPC)
The Honors Program Director shall be appointed to a three-year
term by the Provost following consultation with the HPC and the
UFS Executive Committee. The Director shall be a tenured,
tenure-track, or continuing contract faculty member. UFS
members who are categorized as FTIs/NTTs cannot serve as
Honors Program Director. The Director shall be a voting member
of the HPC and serve as its Chair.
The HPC shall oversee all areas of relevance to the University’s
Honors Program. Members of the committee shall:
assist the Honors Program Director in identifying and
discussing programmatic issues;
provide guidance concerning the curricular and programming
needs of the Honors program;
consider and make decisions regarding proposed revisions
to program components and requirements;
provide feedback on proposed Honors conferences and
experiential learning; and
help promote the Honors Program within their colleges and
The HPC meets at least once per semester with additional
meetings as needed.
7. Teaching and Learning Committee (TLC)
The TLC shall oversee all matters of relevance to the University’s
Teaching and Learning Center.
The Director of the Teaching and Learning Center will be
appointed to a three-year term by the Provost, following
consultation with the TLC and the UFS Executive Committee. The
Director shall have voting rights and serve as an ex officio
member of the committee.
The TLC shall meet at least three times an academic year to
assist the Director in identifying and discussing issues, providing
guidance, and making decisions that pertain to the programming
needs of the Teaching and Learning Center.
8. Research and Scholarly Affairs Committee (RSAC)
The RSAC shall consider and recommend policies affecting the
faculty with regard to research and scholarly activities of the
The RSAC shall be responsible for:
soliciting nominations and recommending annual awards
recognizing faculty excellence;
reviewing faculty proposals for sabbatical (leave with pay
and/or support) and leaves without pay.
The RSAC shall make timely recommendations on such matters
to the UFS and University administration in accordance with UFS
and University policy and procedures.
The RSAC shall have a faculty chair, elected by the committee at
its first meeting of the academic year. The RSAC shall have a
standing sub-committee, known as the Celebration of Scholarship
Committee (COSC).
9. Celebration of Scholarship Committee (COSC)
The COSC shall be a subcommittee of the RSAC. The Chair of
the COSC shall be the Director of the Celebration of Scholarship
Conference. The Director shall be appointed to a one-year term
by the Provost following consultation with the COSC and the UFS
Executive Committee. The Director shall be a tenured, tenure-
track, or continuing contract faculty member. UFS members who
are categorized as FTIs/NTTs cannot serve as SOSC Director or
as Chair.
The COSC shall have responsibility for overseeing the annual
Celebration of Scholarship Conference and its membership shall
be appointed by RSAC in consultation with the COSC Director.
10. Assessment and Accreditation Committee (AAC)
The AAC shall oversee and coordinate all matters related to
assessment of academic programs and curriculum. The
committee shall be responsible for:
Promoting awareness and understanding of university-wide
accreditation processes;
Organizing faculty involvement in the University
accreditation process;
Coordinating with other UFS Committees, other university-
wide shared governance bodies and/or academic
departments to ensure that:
o faculty input on assessment is given appropriate
o assessment of academic programs is carried out in
a consistent and effective fashion;
o faculty are informed of university-wide accreditation
Making recommendations regarding changes to University
assessment policies and procedures;
Providing feedback, when requested, on assessment plans
created by University departments and programs.
The AAC shall have a faculty chair, elected by the committee at
its first meeting of the academic year. UFS members who are
categorized as FTIs/NTTs cannot serve as Committee Chair.
The Director of Assessment and Accreditation is a non-voting
member of the AAC and may attend and participate in AAC
deliberations as necessary. The Director may request the
committee’s input on matters related to accreditation and
assessment, such as University policies, accreditation activities,
and assessment plans from specific programs or departments.
Other administrators may also attend and participate in AAC
deliberations as necessary.
11. Distinguished Lecture Series Committee (DLSC)
The purpose of the DLSC is primarily to promote academic discussion,
including where appropriate, legitimate academic debate and
The DLSC shall be responsible for:
soliciting nominations for the annual Distinguished Lecture Series,
selecting speakers in accordance with the annual budget for the
Distinguished Lecture Series.
Speakers shall generally be individuals with established and significant
academic reputations who have made original contributions in areas of
interest to faculty and the larger University community. Where relevant,
speakers may be selected who have made significant contributions
outside of academia to areas of general academic or public interest.
The chair of the DLSC will coordinate scheduling of DLSC events with
other annual campus lecture programs in accordance with established
committee and University procedures.
The DLSC shall have a faculty chair, elected by the committee at its first
meeting of the academic year. UFS members who are categorized as
FTIs/NTTs cannot serve as Committee Chair.
All curriculum proposals other than those specified below must be initiated by a current
tenure-track or tenured faculty member. Graduate curriculum proposals must be
initiated by a current tenure-track or tenured graduate faculty member.
The initiator will be responsible for authorship of all necessary documents, although
collaboration with other colleagues may be noted through acknowledgements. The
initiator will also be responsible for overseeing the movement of the proposal through all
aspects of the approval process. The initiator is not, however, required to be the faculty
member who implements proposed curricular changes or teaches proposed course(s).
All proposals must get approval from the voting members of the department in which the
courses will be offered. If courses are not offered through an established department,
then they must get approval through the proposing faculty member’s department.
Graduate curriculum will be voted on by graduate program faculty.
Program discontinuation (warehousing) proposals not leading to retrenchment may be
initiated by the Provost in accordance with the Program Closure Process adopted in
April 2021.
Each academic department and school of the College of Arts & Sciences and the
College of Professional Studies shall have the right to elect one representative to
the EPCC, the GEAC, and the DLC by popular, majority vote of the UFS
members in each department. Annual elections shall be conducted by the end of
Spring Semester by department chairs, according to their departmental by-laws.
Representatives to the EPCC, the GEAC, and the DLC shall serve for a term of
two years and may stand for re-election at the end of their term.
The AAC, DLSC, RSAC, HPC, and TLC shall be staffed as follows: When an
opening for a committee position occurs, the President of the UFS shall call for
nominations. If only one person is nominated that person shall automatically be
appointed to the committee. When more than one person is nominated, the
President of the UFS will forward the names to the Executive Committee for a
vote. The AAC, DLSC, RSAC, and TLC shall each consist of five members. Two
of those members will be appointed from the College of Arts and Sciences, two
will be appointed from the College of Professional Studies and the fifth member
will be appointed from the faculty at large. When the Executive Committee
appoints members to open seats a reasonable effort shall be made to stagger
the terms of the members and ensure that representation is shared among each
college’s departments and programs. All faculty representatives shall serve for a
period of two years and may stand for re-appointment at the end of their term.
Each graduate program shall have the right to elect two representatives to the
Graduate Council by popular, majority vote of UFS graduate faculty members in
each program. Elections shall be conducted by the program’s department chair
or program director according to their departmental or school by-laws. GC
representatives shall serve for a term of two years and may stand for re-election
at the end of their term.
Wherever possible, all UFS Committees will have at least one Senator or UFS
Officer serve on that committee. If the committee chair is not a Senator, either
the committee chair or the Senator may provide official reports to the UFS, but
the Senator shall have the responsibility of keeping the UFS informed of the
committee’s progress.
SUBCOMMITTEES AND AD HOC COMMITTEES - Standing Committees may create
sub-committees to report back to the Standing Committee as necessary to
better carry out their tasks. The UFS may create ad hoc Committees for a
definite term and specific, limited charge to address specific issues that
arise and are not addressed by the existing committee structure by a 2/3
majority vote at a duly constituted UFS meeting.
MID-TERM VACANCIES - In the event of a resignation or vacancy, an election shall be
held to fill said vacancy within thirty (30) working days.
COMMITTEE MEETING SCHEDULE - Unless otherwise ordered by the UFS, the
EPCC, the GC, the GEAC, the HPC, the DLC, and the UFS shall meet
according to the following regular schedule: 1st Monday of the month
(GEAC); 2nd Monday of the month (EPCC); 2nd Wednesday of the month
(GC); 3rd Monday of the month (DLC); last Monday of the month (UFS); all
other UFS committees shall attempt to meet at times conducive to a quorum
of their members. Special meetings of all UFS committees can be called by
the Committee Chair or upon written request of three committee members.
The purpose of the meeting shall be stated in the call, which shall be sent in
a timely manner to all members of the committee.
In order to ensure a vital University shared-governance committee structure that
includes the university-wide constituencies, representatives of the UFS and the other
constituency groups of the University will collaborate through the Committee Structure
Agreement” in accordance with established University Procedures. The UFS will vote on
changes to the Committee Structure Agreement, beyond minor ones, following the
guidelines for establishment and termination of other UFS committees (SECTION IX.1).
Staffing of these committees by full-service faculty will also be carried out in the same
manner as other UFS committees (see Section 5 of UFS Bylaws).
To ensure that the business of University shared-governance can occur, electronic
meetings are permissible. It is expected that shared-governance committees should
meet in-person when feasible.
Meetings may be held in-person or electronically at the discretion of the committee
chair, who must announce their intention to hold an electronic meeting at least fifteen
(15) working days before the committee meets. Committees that are covered by this
bylaw include, UFS, UFS Executive Committee, EPCC, GC, GEAC, DLC, HPC, TLC,
RSAC, COSC, AAC, DLSC, and any ad-hoc committees of those committees.
Any member of the aforementioned committees can object to an electronic meeting if
the committee chair calls for one. Objections must be made no later than five (5)
working days following the chair’s announcement of the electronic meeting. If a
committee member objects to an electronic meeting a vote will be conducted over email
of the committee’s membership to determine if the meeting will be electronic or in-
person. A majority vote of the membership is required. The results of the vote must be
shared at least five (5) working days before the committee meets. Links and instructions
for access to the electronic meeting must be distributed at least twenty-four (24) hours
before the scheduled meeting time to all prospective attendees.
If electronic meetings occur, they must be conducted using synchronous video
conferencing software (e.g. Collaborate, Teams, Zoom). Voting in electronic meetings
should occur using a roll call unless the video conferencing software allows for clear
voting to take place.
The following procedures will apply to the proposal and approval of UFS Bylaws.
PROPOSING AND AMENDING BYLAWS Proposals for establishing a new Bylaw or
amending an existing Bylaw can be made by any Senator or Officer. Changes to Bylaw
language specific to a UFS Standing Committee may be proposed by the Committee
Chair after approval by the Standing Committee in question and consultation with the
UFS Executive Committee. Bylaw proposals shall be submitted using Curriculog and
will be made available for comment and criticism by the campus community via a five-
working-day open hearing process prior to deliberation by the committee in question
and/or the UFS. The proposal of a new Bylaw or a proposal to amend an existing Bylaw
can be approved by a majority vote of the UFS at a regularly scheduled meeting.