A business manager's guide to Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications
Designed for Change.
Built for You.
Commied to your success 21
Innovation that maers 20
Built for you 17
Best infrastructure 12
Complete suite 6
Designed for change 4
Overview 3
Business growth and pivoting forward
Recent global events ushered in an era of unprecedented business
disruption. So, ask yourself this: How can we be the “best” in the
business and ready for whatever comes next? Can you rely on
your current technology to help you solve problems and change
course quickly?
Crisis response begins with recovery and ends with resiliency.
But it's just the start of a process that involves rethinking how your
business, your partnerships, and your processes run. You need to
identify and solve business problems fast. That’s how you begin
to build business growth based on continuous innovations so
that you can get ahead and stay ahead—no maer what the
future brings.
Build on our experience
At Oracle we built resilience into our own company by modernizing
and innovating business processes in the cloud. What we learned
from that experience helps us provide guidance on how to take
advantage of the benets of the cloud and successfully create a
sustainable, responsible, and digitally transformative business.
Every aspect of Oracle’s business worldwide now runs in the cloud,
and we’ve helped more than 14,000 of our cloud customers with
their own business application needs.
Get details on Oracle’s transformation
Becoming a resilient company involves adopting change
and preparing for all eventualities, which might at rst
seem challenging—yet the rewards are great.
Doug Kehring,
Executive Vice President, Oracle Corporate Operations
Designed for change
In times of upheaval, businesses tend to focus on solving the urgent
issues directly in front of them. Yet many companies are taking a
dierent approach, turning disruption into opportunity by adopting
composable thinking and composable business technologies.
Composable organizations recognize that business conditions
for everything from customer demands to nancial models often
change. So they empower their employees to respond and adapt to
those new conditions. By implementing innovative software that is
composable by design and built by a company with a customer-rst
mindset, you can be prepared to weather dicult conditions and
establish a strong foundation for thriving in an uncertain future.
Navigate an uncertain world:
Use your data to solve today’s issues
Work with your cloud provider to select the software that will help
you surface new insights. Find new ways to use your business data to
respond faster to change. You’ll build resilience for your organization.
Think beyond the quick x: plan your approach to the cloud
With so many cloud providers available, you may be tempted to
subscribe to multiple providers to solve the various issues you’re
facing. But an accidental architecture approach can create data silos
that prevent you from capturing the full value of your data. It also
makes it more dicult to secure and manage multiple integrations.
Consolidate your applications portfolio with a trusted provider
Look for a partner with a customer-rst approach, one who is
listening and responding to their customers’ issues. For example,
when we designed Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications, we listened to
our customers and built a complete suite of business applications
from the ground up. Our applications help our customers eliminate
data silos, simplify data management, and beer protects their data,
even as businesses grow and change.
Top 10 signs that it’s time for modern cloud applications
Your organization may be ready for modern cloud applications if one or more of these conditions is present.
1. You need an on-premises upgrade
Customizations are a very real issue with legacy applications.
Many customizations aren’t “upgrade safe,” and every
customization or upgrade in your on-premises system incurs
extra costs and involves extra time to test.
2. Your data security is out of date
You’re unable to keep up with the latest security threats.
3. Taking advantage of new technologies is
increasingly challenging
You struggle to apply emerging technologies, such as AI,
to your business processes.
4. Your on-premises systems require new hardware
Your companys physical infrastructure is past due for an
expensive capital replacement.
5. Your on-premises maintenance costs are increasing
Your system fees and services costs are increasing annually.
6. The number of disconnected systems and data
silos is increasing
Growth in disconnected systems and data silos results in
conicting answers to key questions, added costs, and increased
security risks.
7. You’re experiencing rapid and global company growth
International expansion, mergers, acquisitions, and divestitures
are hampered by your applications.
8. You’re faced with new compliance requirements
Increasing nancial and compliance requirements impact
your business.
9. Your business demands are increasing
Your business cannot keep up with increasing demands from
customers, partners, and employees.
10. Your business is facing economic uncertainty
Your existing business model and processes aren’t fast or
agile enough to address remote work, virtual connections with
customers, or volatile supply chains.
Why a complete cloud suite maers
Our complete cloud suite of SaaS applications brings consistent
processes and a single source of truth across the most important
business functions—from enterprise resource planning, supply
chain management, and human capital management to customer
experience. Our applications help you improve your customer
engagements, increase your business’s agility, and react to change
faster than ever before. And all of these applications sit on Oracle
Cloud Infrastructure (OCI), a foundation built from scratch to support
mission-critical applications.
You get the latest advances in the best technology—ready when
you need it. You’ll spend less time analyzing requirements and
integrating, managing and upgrading hardware and software. You
don’t have to compromise by choosing between breadth and depth
or short-term needs and long-term priorities. A fully integrated
cloud suite enables you to bring teams together, create a single
source of truth, and experiment with process and business
model innovation.
Complete suite
What dierentiates our AI from our peers is the
completeness of the SaaS suite and a platform that
keeps it all secure. It’s embedded in the product.
Clay Magouyrk,
Executive Vice President, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Development
Deep integrations between applications, as well as a common data
source, common workow engine, and a consistent user interface
ensure that data is not trapped in silos. Your teams can quickly and
easily work together. Business users across your organization have
equal and consistent access to the latest capabilities to put your
business on a path to reinvention. Collaboration across departments
based on a single source of truth improves eciency, enables roles
and responsibilities to evolve, and uncovers new opportunities as
you continue to dene what’s next for your business.
With the most comprehensive and robust technology portfolio,
unmatched security, and future-proof innovations built in, Oracle’s
complete SaaS suite helps you outpace change and be ready
for the future. Why deal with the headache of multiple software
providers? Eliminate headaches, lower costs, and gain the increased
functionality, innovations, and security that your business needs.
Benets of a complete cloud suite
A complete business application suite can oer you the following important advantages:
1. A responsive supply chain
As customers demand instant delivery and more transparency
about their products, an agile supply chain can keep you on
top of customer demands while responding to ever-changing
sourcing, manufacturing, and delivery performance within your
supply chain.
With a supply chain that is responsive from end-to-end,
make faster decisions and drive process eciency while
improving your prot performance and managing your working
capital. Extend your supply chain with Oracle’s embedded
advanced technologies, such as the Internet of Things (IoT),
AI and machine learning, and intelligent track and trace
(blockchain), to adapt to changing production, distribution,
and labor conditions.
2. Connected enterprise planning
A complete, connected solution can help you understand how
well your entire business is operating at any given moment,
enabling more insightful, intelligent decision-making. At-a-
glance dashboards, data analyses based on AI and machine-
learning (ML), rule-based nancial consolidation, and more
informed forecasting, modeling, and reporting across the
enterprise are all possible. A further advantage is that you can
easily model business continuity and recovery scenarios to
prepare for the next disruption.
3. Unied nance and operations
Technology that frees your nance and operations talent from
mundane tasks can improve productivity and eciency in your
business. Today, more than ever, supply chain and nance
professionals need full visibility and high performance across
their applications to make critical business decisions fast.
Transparency, collaborative planning, speed, and accuracy are all
crucial elements of an innovative and agile supply chain.
With a complete, connected ERP solution, you can close
your books in days, not weeks. You can account for dierent
businesses when you make new acquisitions. From sharing
information across departments to improving forecast accuracy,
a connected ERP solution accelerates insights and collaboration.
4. A beer employee experience
The employee experience is the culmination of every interaction
and touchpoint an employee experiences at their company.
A complete, connected human capital management (HCM)
platform enhances this experience across processes and
activities related to an employee's job—onboarding, ongoing
performance management, benets and compensation, job
training, and workplace environment. This leads to increased
employee engagement and productivity, reduced arition,
and improvements in culture and transparency.
5. A beer-together customer experience
In the Experience Economy, using the right data at the right
time enables you to give your customers great experiences.
A complete, connected customer experience (CX) solution
makes it easier for you to acquire new online customers globally
and provide new products or services to them quickly. Deeper
data insights can also enhance your understanding of your
customers and provide a clear view of front and back-oce
6. AI and ML made easy
When traditional and generative AI features are embedded into
SaaS applications, you can take advantage of both foundational
and specialized large language models (LLMs). As a result, you
can reduce the time it takes to complete tasks, improve the
customer and employee experience, enhance the accuracy
of data insights, and ultimately increase business value. This
unique combination of AI features embedded within Oracle
Fusion Cloud Applications, helps organizations discover insights
more quickly and automate end-to-end business processes—
all while improving productivity.
7. A single source of truth
To quickly respond to unforeseen disruptions or market
opportunities, you need a single point of truth to chart the
optimal course for the entire business and ensure complete
alignment from every team. With a unied data source, you can
build end-to-end business processes across your organization
with consistent business rules, minimal redundancy, and
streamlined execution. Your teams can make faster decisions
for beer business outcomes—from planning to execution—
by accessing cross-domain analytics without delay.
Unify your back oce to control costs and
improve eciency
Siloed HR and nance systems create mismatched data, making it
dicult to analyze workforce costs, assess the impact of potential
changes, and scale the workforce up or down in response to business
needs. By unifying your HR and nance systems, you will provide
your business with the following benets:
Monitor the performance of the entire business though unied data
Deliver end-to-end business processes with increased security
Increase adoption by providing simple and engaging experiences
to employees
Plan for growth with insight into labor expenses, talent development,
and service costs
One cloud can strengthen alignment between nance and HR to
realize beer business outcomes
View the ERP and HCM unied solution
The power of unied data & the subscription
Subscriptions can provide a path to greater revenue predictability,
so even B2B organizations such as industrial manufacturers with
complex goods and services are pursuing these newer business
models. Managing subscriptions successfully, though, requires
unied data across your business. Only with unied data can
you deliver hard goods, digital goods, and services in a single
subscription and track, process, and manage recurring revenues
accurately and eciently. Oracle Subscription Management
integrates front and back-oce processes on a unied platform for
centralized control so your teams can maintain revenue recognition
and deliver a more consistent customer experience.
We deliver the most complete cloud available today, from
Financials, Supply Chain and Manufacturing, Human
Resources, Sales, Service, and Marketing—all on a unied
technology stack, all on best-in-class technology—which allows
you to adopt the most complete solution, not just disparate
products that you have to weave together into a solution. This
gives you a beer experience, beer cost, beer performance.
Steve Miranda,
Executive Vice President, Oracle Applications Development
Pervasive AI
Make AI work for your business and IT operations. Accelerate
automation, help reduce human errors, surface anomalies and
risks, get beer business insights, and deliver personalized
recommendations across Oracle Fusion Cloud CX, HCM, ERP,
and SCM Applications.
With embedded articial intelligence and machine learning, these
applications are ready to go and can be activated by the customer
when needed. This can enable faster time to business insights,
acceleration of processes, faster time to market, improved customer
experiences, and competitive advantage—all while helping to reduce
costs and improve productivity.
Explore Oracle AI for Fusion Apps
Power your business with Oracle's Generative AI
Together with traditional AI, Oracle is building generative AI features
that will surface outcomes inside the Fusion environment our
customers are used to working in every day.
Security and performance is included and the generative AI models
sit within the same Oracle Cloud Infrastructure as your Fusion Cloud
Application. Oracle's platform the prompts submied to the Large
Language Models (LLM) when the ‘AI Assist’ buon is pressed by the
user. When the response is returned within the Fusion environment,
users need to review the content before it can be used to complete a
task. Users are in full control and can use the content provided, edit
it in-line or ignore entirely, and use their own content.
Oracle generative AI, embedded in Fusion, provides smart guardrails
designed to help improve the accuracy and appropriateness of
outputs and puts control in the hands of users on how these outputs
are used in their business.
One of the key capabilities in Oracle's new generative AI-assisted
authoring includes suggestions and summarizations that can
drastically reduce the time it takes to complete tasks, improve
customer and employee experience, enhance the accuracy of
data insights, and ultimately increase business value. As a result,
organizations can quickly and easily adopt the latest AI capabilities
to help increase productivity, automate end-to-end business
processes, to help improve decision making, and reduce the cost
of doing business.
Learn more about Oracle's AI Strategy for Fusion Applications
Best technology: next-generation cloud
infrastructure designed for Fusion Applications
As a business user, why should you care about the technology
your cloud applications are running on?
Fusion Applications Suite delivers the world’s most complete,
natively integrated suite of business solutions on a single
data platform.
Organizations today are faced with navigating an uncertain world
and addressing new business challenges. With an increased focus
on eciency, protability, and productivity, organizations need to
react quickly and achieve more with less. This makes it is critical to
partner with a technology provider that owns the entire stack.
Built on our own next-generation cloud infrastructure, we can
support customers of all sizes and industries and enable them
to benet from the latest advances in technology. Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure (OCI) gives you everything you need to build new
applications and extend your existing ones.
At Oracle, we own all
of the technology stack that powers our suite of cloud applications.
And because we own the stack, you can run your applications more
eciently and with the performance, resiliency, and security that
enterprises need. And, you can bring your enterprise applications to
the cloud without refactoring or rewrites.
Many organizations have challenges related to service management
and monitoring, and with visibility into various parts of the business.
With Oracle Fusion Applications Environment Management,
available through Oracle Cloud Console, the administrative
experience for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure and Fusion Applications
services is unied through a single interface. Users can easily
manage Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications subscription services,
provision test environments, view and manage subscription
mapping, enhance security, and extend Oracle Fusion Cloud
Applications functionality. This helps administrators keep up with
the speed of change and adapt to business changes more quickly
all while gaining a more holistic view of the business.
The AI features within Fusion Applications are powered by Oracle
Cloud Infrastructure (OCI), which is uniquely positioned to run AI
workloads as it delivers the highest performance and the highest
bandwidth RDMA network in the cloud. The combination of OCI,
Fusion Applications, and the thousands of customers that use the
applications daily enables Oracle to continuously improve its AI
capabilities to deliver best-in-class AI.
Best infrastructure
Connect your business
A connected business is a smart business. Make work seamless
using cloud applications that can easily integrate with third-party
and custom applications. It’s essential to select a cloud provider with
an open standards-based cloud platform that can connect your
business without expensive-to-maintain interfaces and integration
tools. Whether it’s on-premises systems to the cloud or cloud to
cloud, you need to smoothly and eciently automate processes and
share data across your business.
Security-rst design
Our highly automated and secure cloud infrastructure is designed to
run the most mission-critical, high-volume, and high-performance
applications for customers of any size, and our cloud applications
suite was developed with a focus on security rst. An isolated design
improves data protection, scalability, and performance. As part of
a global ecosystem, the suite can connect securely to multicloud
environments and other systems.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications Suite enables customers to benet
from the latest advances in the best technology, including industry-
leading security, enterprise-grade scalability, and mission critical
performance—all in a connected ecosystem. We do it all, so you can
focus on innovation and serving your customers.
Digital assistants
Build AI-driven, conversational experiences for your business processes. This emerging technology interprets the users intent, automating
processes and delivering contextual responses to voice or text commands. Discover how many forward-thinking businesses are using digital
assistants, or chatbots, to gain eciencies and oer smart customer experiences.
Oracle Digital Assistants for HCM
Oracle Digital Assistant for ERP & SCM
Oracle Digital Assistants for CX
Simply, Oracle’s tradition is to deliver the best
technology to our customers.
Steve Miranda,
Executive Vice President, Oracle Applications Development
Data that can help shape your future
Most companies have invested years of eort into implementing
the enterprise software applications that run their business. They
want to leverage the data in these applications to generate insights
and create reports, but most analytics ventures require complex
data models, custom-developed interfaces, and highly skilled IT
professionals to guide the eort.
An added value of Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications Suite is that
companies that use embedded reporting within Oracle's Cloud ERP,
HCM, CX, and SCM Applications can jump-start these analytics
endeavors with Oracle Fusion Analytics. Designed for line-of-
business managers, executives, and analysts who want to go
beyond the standard reporting in Oracle Cloud Applications, Oracle
Fusion Analytics includes tools, such as out-of-the-box dashboards,
reports, and key performance indicators (KPIs). You can quickly start
analyzing your application data to enhance business operations in
nance, HR, sales, marketing, supply chain, and other domains.
Oracle’s prebuilt analytics environment complements and extends
the reporting capabilities embedded in Oracle Fusion Cloud
Applications—and takes these reporting capabilities to the next level.
Oracle Fusion Analytics is prebuilt and integrates seamlessly
with Oracle Cloud Applications to help you get real-time access
to unied company data so you can make more informed
business decisions.
Build your business for the future
Plan for what’s next
In addition to fast, accurate insights, Oracle Fusion Cloud Enterprise
Performance Management (EPM) application capabilities, such as
scenario planning, are essential for organizations looking to increase
growth and dene their own future. Scenario planning tools and
other performance management features can add tremendous
value to the nancial planning process.
With these tools, you can analyze the impact of outlier economic
events, supply chain disruptions, and other unpredictable business
changes. They also help you to align plans across not only nance,
but all lines of business.
When executed properly, scenario planning is more than a nancial
tool. It’s an integrated approach to dealing with uncertainty and
visualizing the future, enabling nance organizations to build agility
and move the business forward. With a modern EPM solution, CFOs
can model multiple scenarios, which is a capability that has become
a requirement in a time when historical trends and assumptions are
no longer reliable.
Scenario planning and related EPM software solutions oer key ways
to enhance the role of nance teams—so they can take actions that
will drive smarter, more accurate decision-making.
A roadmap for your business
A complete SaaS suite built on an advanced cloud infrastructure
is a good choice to gain business agility and be ready for growth.
But the reality is that your business may not be ready to use all of
the technology or all of the business processes available across
nance (ERP), SCM, HCM, and CX. That’s why it’s important that your
solution makes it easy to modernize key business processes and
activate application capabilities as you need them.
An end-to-end suite of applications provides a way to move your
business forward. With modern, fully connected business processes
that are continuously updated in your application's software, you
don't have to reinvent the process wheel. Yet if you want to extend or
create new applications, you can do that, too.
6 Principles to build a beer
business with the Oracle Platform
1. Unleash the power of data with the suite approach
We architect our applications based on unied data so you can
bring your teams together and make beer decisions faster by
operating your business from a single point of truth.
2. Develop, deploy, and manage robust enterprise
applications with a full stack technology platform
As the only cloud provider running its applications on its own
cloud, we leverage Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI). From new
feature development to hosting to maintenance upgrades, we
pass the benets to our Fusion Applications customers.
99.9% - Industry-leading Service Level Availability
(SLA) commitment for Fusion Applications achieved
after switching over to OCI.
3. Safeguard data with layers of built-in security
Taking a holistic approach to information security, Oracle
implements stringent security practices from the management
of hosting facilities to data transmission and storage to software
4. Make beer decisions faster with accurate analytics
Leveraging machine learning capabilities, our prebuilt analytics
help you get timely access to critical cross-departmental insights
and provide on-target forecast without lengthy implementation.
5. Connect your entire business ecosystem with
powerful integrations
Oracle’s out-of-the-box integrations and pre-built adapters help
you quickly connect to business-critical service providers and
other applications for end-to-end business processes execution.
6. Innovate at your own speed with the latest enhancements
and tools
Our quarterly update delivery and Applications Platform make
sure you always have the latest functionalities and tools for new
business requirements or to extend Fusion Applications for your
own needs.
Learn more about the platform that powers Oracle Fusion
Cloud Applications.
Read the ebook
Continuous change requires continuous innovation, and Oracle puts
you in the driver seat to decide the pace. We introduce new features
to customers’ Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications environments every
quarter to help you be competitive and meet evolving stakeholder
demands. These new features are turned o on delivery to maintain
operational continuity and you decide when to adopt the new
features based on your business needs.
We also want to bring the innovation in consumer applications into
the business world. These applications have made it easier for us
to communicate with our friends and family, manage our vacation
bookings, and shop for daily necessities. Why can’t we have the
same level of experiences for our business tasks? This is where
Redwood Design System and Oracle Applications Platform comes in.
What is the Redwood Design System?
Redwood is Oracle’s next-generation user experience. It brings
state-of-the-art, consumer grade user experiences across devices
to Oracle’s business applications and its principles extend to our
interactions with our customers, partners, and employees.
Creating state-of-the-art user experience at scale requires careful
collaboration and coordination, a shared vision around high-end
quality, and lots of patience and discipline. The resulting Redwood
Design System is a collection of prefabricated components,
templates, and paerns to enable developers to quickly create very
sophisticated and polished interactions that are upgrade-safe.
With Redwood and Oracle Applications Platform, Fusion Cloud
Applications developers can quickly address the latest demand from
our customer community. Now you have the same tools for your
own business needs.
Built for you
A shared resource you can
use to extend and build applications
Here are a few reasons why applications built using the Redwood
Design System deliver extraordinary results:
Consumer-grade and user-centric UX—positive and productive
interactions while conducting business
Embedded conversational and search capabilities—nd the
information you need and complete tasks easily
Out-of-the box AI/machine learning technology—continually
improve your business operations based on user behavior,
without extensive coding
Extensive data visualization components let you access data when
and where you need it without worrying where the data resides
The same modern UX components and tools that Oracle
uses internally
Easy-to-assemble application building blocks address new
business needs quickly, without expensive IT investment
By using a thoughtfully designed set of pre-dened
components and paerns in our code, we do a lile more
work up front, but we can then scale quickly with quality,
consistency, and coherence. And ultimately, having a
suite with a coherent and unied experience, means less
confusion, and more satisfaction for our end users.
Steve Miranda,
Executive Vice President, Fusion Applications
Oracle Applications Platform—Go beyond standard
What if you want to extend your Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications
or add your own features? The Oracle Applications Platform helps
you do that with a comprehensive collection of user experience
(UX) building blocks and development tools that enable enterprise
developers to quickly create consumer-grade applications
engineered to scale with Oracle Cloud Applications.
With the new applications platform, you can:
Build and extend your applications with sophisticated UX
components based on our next generation Redwood Design
System across all devices
Easily incorporate user productivity technology including powerful
search, intelligent recommendations, conversational experience,
and data visualization
Address your unique needs while oering users the interactions
consistent with Oracle Fusion Applications
Preserve your extensions through quarterly software updates
by using the same set of tools for Oracle’s business applications
Continue to enhance user experience and productivity as AI learns
from people’s unique way of working
Leveraging the tools and technology on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure,
the Oracle Applications Platform makes it easier and faster
for developers to build enterprise applications with low-code
development tools, telemetry, and business logic engine. Now you
can beer support your business requirements without the need to
sta up technical resources.
As the business environment keeps changing—quickly and
unpredictably—businesses are using software to be more
competitive and meet evolving stakeholder demands. Cloud
application software provides built-in innovation and gives you
the ability to respond faster to a dynamic marketplace.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications delivers the right technology at
the right time via a consistent and modern user experience. This
makes it easier for people to complete their tasks, whether theyre at
their desks or on the go. They also do tasks for your people: using
powerful AI and machine learning that’s already embedded in the
applications to automate manual work and enable new business
capabilities that weren’t possible before.
Customers also automatically receive new innovations and
functionality 4 times a year. They know that Oracle has a long track
record of anticipating their needs. But at the same time, they don’t
want to be constantly updating their business processes. That’s why
we ship all of our new functionality as opt-in features and allow our
customers to adopt at their own pace.
Making the choice to plan for continuous innovation now will help
you turn changes in business and technology into an opportunity.
Compared to on-premises systems, cloud software makes it possible
for you to spend less time maintaining and upgrading systems and
more time focused on driving innovation and serving
your customers.
Oracle’s success depends on innovation that maers, and we
help our customers achieve the same through our commitment
to research, rapid development, and rollout of new features,
sustainability, and more.
Commied to innovation that maers, including strategic solutions
for key industries including healthcare, utilities, government,
and more. Embed sustainability into our business—our innovations
extend across cloud operations and cloud applications that help our
customers run their own businesses at lower costs and with less
energy use.
More than US$64B in R&D since FY2012
Rated as a cloud applications leader 49 times
Have 48,000 developers
Have 27,000 partners globally so that your business has the
ongoing support and resources you need
Listen to our customers—80% of our innovations are
customer sourced
Deliver regular streams of innovations for our cloud applications
Deliver more than 1,200 cloud application features across the suite
annually—updates are done automatically for minimal disruption
to your business
Completely re-engineered Oracle Cloud Infrastructure so speed
and application performance concerns aren’t at the top of your list
Built a security-rst design into every layer of the technology stack,
so you don’t have to worry about who has access to your data
Innovation that maers
Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications Suite
Whether you want to improve an existing or new business process, innovate in one key area, or reduce data silos with a unied suite of
applications, we are here to support your journey every step of the way. Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications Suite is a complete, connected suite
of cloud applications and the best technology, with comprehensive security, scalable deployment, and high performance for:
Gain the resilience and agility you need and position your
for continuous innovation and growth. Move to the cloud
faster, more easily, and with less risk than with other ERP providers.
EPM: Seamlessly connect nance with every part of your business
for enterprisewide agility, alignment, and insights. Analyze, plan,
budget, forecast, and generate reports by using embedded
intelligence to drive beer decisions with scenario modeling and
built-in, advanced analytics.
HCM: Deliver a consistent experience across devices with a single
source of truth for beer-informed decision-making. Easy access,
simple and intuitive AI, and personalized experiences increase
business agility and help your workforce do their best work.
SCM: Proactively adapt to changing conditions with the latest
innovations at your ngertips. Make faster and smarter decisions
with agile manufacturing and supply chain logistics and planning
that meet the demands of connected sales, service, and operations.
CX: Develop strong and lasting customer relationships with
personalized experiences built on intelligent interpretations of
customer signals. Unify your systems and applications across the
organization to deliver real-time personalized customer experiences.
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