BodyTalk Media Kit
The International BodyTalk Association
has provided consciousness based
healthcare training and education to
more than 10,000 people worldwide.
The IBA is made up of a membership
more than 3000 practitioners and
laypersons, all of whom share an interest
and/or expertise in the concepts of the
System and its related
“BodyTalk is perhaps the easiest and most powerful method
you can learn to keep your family healthy. This applies to
everyone, whether you are a medical doctor, an athlete, a
mother, a kindergarten pupil, a therapist or any kind of a Ph.D.
James Oschman, Ph.D., biophysicist and author of
Energy Medicine
in Therapeutic and Human Performance
The purpose of this media kit is to
introduce (or re-introduce) you to the
International BodyTalk Association
(IBA), a wellness and life sciences
educational organization based in
Sarasota, Florida, with branches in
Australia and Germany.
So just what
is BodyTalk?
According to IBA founder
Dr. John Veltheim:
“BodyTalk is a revolutionary
healthcare system that optimizes
the body’s internal
communications. This, in return,
helps the body to operate more
efficiently and to effectively
respond to injury and illness.
BodyTalk is consciousness based
health care in so much as it
acknowledges that the innate
intelligence of the body can be
utilized, through trained and
structured intuitive communication,
to guide the practitioner towards
the best combinations of
modalities to bring about positive
wellbeing and life style changes.”
More simply, he says: “When we
cut a finger, bruise a limb or get
the sniffles, we generally take
minimal action and then sit back
and wait for our bodies to heal
“We don’t even think twice about
it,” he says. “But we should.”
The body, which naturally and
innately heals our day-to-day
injuries and ailments, is capable of
doing much more, according to Dr.
Veltheim. “It’s just a matter of
making sure all the body’s
systems are working well and
together to maintain good
health and help address health
BodyTalk is WholeHealthCare
It’s about understanding the psychology of the body and the influence it has
on your health.
BodyTalk is a comprehensive system of non-invasive techniques designed to
re-establish healthy communication within the body systems. It incorporates
state-of-the-art science and philosophy to help the body unlearn the habits,
beliefs, biochemical pathways and postural patterns that are restricting the
healthy functioning of the bodymind complex.
BodyTalk is a simple yet powerful way
to communicate directly with our bodies,
finding out what really lies at the core
of our physical or emotional symptoms.
Combining modern science with
traditional healing methods, BodyTalk
gently encourages our systems to reveal
what needs to be addressed. Really big
changes can be made without having to
relive the past or make huge efforts,
simply by asking the body what is going
on right now. By tapping into the
innate healing wisdom within each of
us, BodyTalk stimulates recovery,
balance and good health on all levels.
So, discover your body's wisdom!
Lucy Taylor, IBA Member
BodyTalk In Detail
The BodyTalk
System allows the practitioner to properly and
professionally address the patient’s need in a totally safe, holistic way
that does not involve drugs, surgery, or extraordinary costs. It enables
the practitioner to know when and how to address the patient’s issues,
and when to refer the patient to another medical specialist. By
stimulating the body’s innate ability to heal itself at all levels, it reduces
the patient’s dependence on current medical systems.
The BodyTalk
System enables the professional to comprehensively
explore the big picture of healthcare, outlining the patient’s health
challenges in a systematic and thorough fashion. BodyTalk has helped
people throughout the world to improve their health and well-being, by
treating a range of conditions from asthma to viruses.
BodyTalk is an astonishingly simple and effective form of consciousness
based health care that allows the body's systems to be re-synchronized
so they can operate as nature intended.
Each system, cell and atom in our bodies is in constant communication
with each other at all times. Through our exposure to the stresses of
day-to-day life, these lines of communication become compromised,
which then leads to a decline in physical, emotional and/or mental well-
being. Reconnecting these lines of communication enables the body's
mechanisms to function at optimal levels, thus preventing disease and
rapidly accelerating the healing process. In this way, BodyTalk
stimulates the body’s innate ability to balance and heal itself.
BodyTalk can be used as a stand-alone system to treat many health
problems, or it can be seamlessly integrated into any healthcare system
to increase its effectiveness.
BodyTalk's major assets are its simplicity, its safety and the speed of its
results. It is used by people from various countries across the globe and
from all walks of life, from professional athletes looking for a competitive
edge, to poor communities desperately in need of affordable healthcare.
The IBA’s website,
includes testimonials from
numerous practitioners and
patients who have used, or
benefited from, BodyTalk in
addressing a wide range of
illnesses and disorders,
such as:
Birth Defects
Blood Diseases
Breathing Issues
Cardiac Problems
Chronic Pain
Depression and Anxiety
Emotional Disorders
Food Intolerances
Mental Illness
Multiple Sclerosis
Musculoskeletal Issues
Neurological Disorders
Physical Injury
Psychological Disorders
Relationship Challenges
Reproductive Disorders
Scars and Blemishes
Vision Problems
The Living Proof
BodyTalk Works!
As a newcomer to BodyTalk, I
was willing to give it a go!! After
attending Karen's BodyTalk
Access course a few weeks ago
I can confirm that it certainly
does. I had reason to visit my
doctor last week, and contrary to
his earlier assessment, I have
now reduced both my cholesterol
and blood pressure without
taking any additional medication.
I am sleeping better and also
notice that my "nerves" and
boiling point are much improved.
Keep on Tapping I say!! I can't
wait to do Modules 1 & 2 and
find out more!
Valerie Southwick-Page, BodyTalk
Student, Woking, UK
BodyTalk has made a huge
impact in my life. I had a number
of problems with my health over
a number of years and had been
unsuccessful at conceiving. A
close friend recommended
BodyTalk as she had had a
positive experience. At this point,
I was willing to try anything and
BodyTalk appealed to me even
though this was the first time I
had heard of the technique.
Within two months of doing
regular BodyTalk sessions, I was
pregnant with twins and I'm
convinced that BodyTalk healed
my body from within in order for
me to conceive, and the result
was two beautiful healthy babies!
Anuja Thappa, BodyTalk
Client/Student, Hong Kong
My husband and I were having
constant health problems and
were becoming disillusioned with
western medicine, its lack of
results, quality and side effects.
As a result, over the past few
years we've turned to a lot of
alternative health care providers.
Naturopaths, homeopathy and
acupuncture - we've done it all -
often with very satisfying (very
expensive) results. BodyTalk
takes my health care to a whole
new level. It's adjusting not only
my sick organs but my out of
balance emotions, thinking and
behaviors that are affecting my
health in more ways than I ever
thought possible, all without pills,
herbs, drops, needles, lots of
traveling and great expense.
BodyTalk Client, Yorkton, SK,
My daughter has a tendency to
get boils, and has in the past had
to take antibiotics to get rid of
them. With the last boil I did
BodyTalk Access daily, BodyTalk
Fast Aid to the area twice a day,
and the occasional BodyTalk
BodyChemistry when I could fit it
in. The boil was totally gone in 3
days, no antibiotics needed!
Rachael Aberle, BodyTalk Student,
Meet the Founder
The International BodyTalk Association was founded by Dr. John Veltheim.
Dr. Veltheim is a chiropractor, traditional acupuncturist, philosopher, Reiki
Master, lecturer, teacher and the creator of the BodyTalk
System. The
System is a consciousness based system which utilizes the
body’s innate healing ability to address health challenges and maintain good
BodyTalk was first developed in the 1990’s by Dr. John Veltheim. Originally
from Australia, Dr. Veltheim ran a very successful clinic in Brisbane for 15
years. He was also the Principal of the Brisbane College of Acupuncture and
Natural Therapies for five years. His extensive post-graduate studies include
applied kinesiology, bio-energetic psychology, osteopathy, sports medicine,
counseling and comparative philosophy and theology.
In 1998, Dr. Veltheim moved to Sarasota, Florida to further his practice and research of BodyTalk. Soon
he began to teach the BodyTalk
System to professionals as well as lay people. When word spread
about the successes of this remarkable new healthcare system, he took on the task of training other
instructors so the BodyTalk
System could be taught worldwide. By 2009 there were over 160 instructors
teaching in over 40 countries with translation of training materials into 10 languages.
Today, Dr. Veltheim travels the world, teaching sessions in BodyTalk and its related wellness programs to
professionals as well as lay people. He continues to mentor and train a network of instructors to ensure
this remarkable new healthcare system can be taught worldwide.
Dr. Veltheim is available for interviews on the subjects noted, as well as the importance of preventive
measures in the overall healthcare debate.
“BodyTalk very often provides that missing piece, that subliminal information or tipping
point, which some of our more stubborn cases require. For example, I recall the cases of
patients who had stubborn foot lesions, because of on-going diabetes, which, once they
appeared, would take many, many months to heal. Once we introduced BodyTalk into the
formula of their care, without abandoning the more conventional approaches to diabetes,
including diet and some insulin management, these people would respond in a matter of
days, or perhaps a few short weeks, rather than many months of recuperation.”
Nancy Werner, M.D., Mexico City
Beyond BodyTalk
In addition to the BodyTalk
System, Dr. Veltheim along with
Esther Veltheim, have developed
three other ground-breaking life-
science training modules that can
greatly expand a participant’s full
human potential. They are:
In BreakThrough 1 and 2,
participants explore the coping
mechanisms that they allow to
control their behavior. They learn
about self-honesty and how to
transform reactionary behaviors, so
they can begin to live life more fully
and freely.
MindScape and Advanced
These are weekend workshops in
which participants can “open” the
powerful latent intuitive powers of the
mind and learn techniques to tap into
this resource at will, to immense
benefit. These sessions are taught
around the world both to public
audiences as well as specialized
groups that include therapists,
athletes and business leaders.
Clients include some of the world’s
largest companies, who have found
the methods effective in enhancing
creative thinking and intuition within
the ranks of their senior executives
and managers.
FreeFall is an empowering and
transformative workshop in which
participants can address the matrix
of fears, judgments, beliefs and
behaviors that restrict an individual
from embracing and loving life.
IBA Seminars and Training
Each year, the IBA and its Instructors hold hundreds of training sessions
and educational programs throughout the world. For a full listing, consult
the IBA website, Coursework offered includes:
BodyTalk Access
BodyTalk Access was developed to provide the layperson, family and
community with a simple set of techniques to make health maintenance
and management of daily health challenges accessible to as many people
as possible. It was created by the IBA in recognition of the need for a
simplified version of BodyTalk that can easily service a community.
BodyTalk Fundamentals
This course provides a comprehensive introduction to the BodyTalk
System and presents many powerful treatment techniques that address a
wide variety of imbalances. They provide the fundamental material
necessary to become a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner. Once this basic
level of BodyTalk is learned, health-care practitioners can immediately
utilize the System to enhance results for their clients while significantly
expanding their scope of practice. Laypersons also can greatly expand
on the basic techniques learned in BodyTalk Access to maintain and
enhance the health of their family and friends.
BodyTalk Advanced Courses
The advanced courses take the BodyTalk
System student deeper into
the many areas of the BodyMind complex. Subjects covered in these
courses include BodyMind Consciousness, Body Psychology,
Musculoskeletal Structural Optimization, Chinese Medicine Principles and
Matrix Dynamics. The advanced courses allow the student to tap into the
unlimited potential and application of the BodyTalk
BodyTalk for Animals
BodyTalk for Animals techniques can be applied within a clinical setting
for licensed veterinarians, vet technicians, shelter workers and other
trained professionals. BodyTalk for Animals can also be learned by
virtually anyone to use with their own animal companions at home.
PaRama BodyTalk Units 1 & 2
This advanced BodyTalk curriculum delves deeper into the intricate
workings of the brain and cellular biophysics to explore the scientific basis
for energy medicine itself why it works and how to specifically address
imbalances at a deeper level.
BodyTalk Published
Soren Ventegodt, John Veltheim, Joav Merrick
Special issue on “BodyTalk”
Journal of Alternative and Complimentary Healthcare
Volume 3, Number 3 (2012)
Laura L Stuve, PhD, Honghu Liu, PhD , Jie Shen, PhD
, Jill Gianettoni , and Janet Galipo, MA, DOM
Evaluation of BodyTalk, a novel mind-body medicine,
for chronic pain treatment
Nova Science Publishers, Inc. (2015) (p 279-290)
The ultimate miracle, however, is when the client
recognizes his or her own body’s ability to heal. “There
is a strong, grounded aspect to this,” Hames said.
“Reiki and other healing techniques, I see them as
tools, and they are very good. But BodyTalk is the
whole toolbox.”
BodyTalk practitioner coming to S.F. to demonstrate human
anatomy’s ability to heal itself, Ben Swan - The New Mexican
But, one month later, the results of three sessions
have shaken my scepticism. All physical complaints
disappeared within hours of treatment. More surprising
has been my change in mood: I feel increasingly clear-
headed, light-chested, optimistic and energetic, as if
the white noise of 21st-century urban life has been
switched off in my head.
BodyTalk: Could a new therapy be the answer to all your
aches and pains?, Tessa Boase -Telegraph UK,
"I met with doctors after returning home to Orlando [in
September], and they fixed it, even though it took them
four sessions,"(Annika) Sorenstam said. "They used a
new therapy called 'Body Talk' and told me I probably
got the problems in my hip because of the things I've
gone through in my personal life. It was a mental thing
that made me fragile in a physical way. All was fine
after September. I can swing the clubs like I want
Sorenstam continues picking up the pieces, Ron Sirak - Golf
The technique can be applied to animals, whether
through working with the animal directly or through the
animal’s companion, Hames said. Often, animals are
so connected to their human companions that they are
also dealing with their human’s issues.
Get a Read on Your Pet’s Health- New Mexican 1.14.09
The BodyTalk™ protocol covers all aspects from
western anatomy and physiology to eastern systems,
including meridians and chakras, as well as the
environment, genetic factors and emotional and mental
BodyTalk™ is very much a system of personal health
empowerment as opposed to health dependency.
BodyTalk™ is a fast growing approach to healthcare
and personal development. Evidence of this includes
an invitation by the ISSSEEM (International Society for
the Studies of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine)
to Dr Veltheim to speak at their conference last June.
Further credence has been given to The BodyTalk
System by The World Peace Centre in India, with its
generous invitation to Dr. Veltheim to the centre,
offering the use of its facilities and state-of-the-art
equipment. The centre owns instrumentation that can
photograph and document changes in the body’s
energy fields. In South Africa 2,000 nurses are about
to add the BodyTalk™ Access techniques to their
The BodyTalk System - The Body's Innate Wisdom, Sally
Kingsley - Positive Health Magazine UK, Issue 135 - May
"The basic premise underlying BodyTalk constitutes a
new paradigm for synchronizing and balancing the
bodymind that can be implemented in conjunction with
any health care system. The body is a very complex
ecosystem involving a delicate balance between
physiological and biochemical functions, emotional and
mental interactions, environmental influences,
hereditary and genetic restrictions, and the need to
synchronize all these factors into a cohesive whole."
Wholelife Wholeness & Wellness Journal Of Saskatchewan
Invest in the Medicine of the Future
The mission of the IBF is to fulfill a role of service through two priorities of
Outreach Programs providing the necessary resources to promote and
sustain the dissemination of BodyTalk Access worldwide. This
humanitarian effort seeks to make high quality basic healthcare accessible
to people everywhere, regardless of personal economics.
Scientific Research through third party research studies, clearly
demonstrating sustainable advances in energy medicine in general and
the BodyTalk
System, in particular. This will establish BodyTalk as a
cutting edge healthcare modality within the realm of mainstream
“The International BodyTalk Foundation
(IBF) was established as a 501 (c) (3)
organization with the primary objectives of
scientific research and outreach education in
the BodyTalk System.
The promotion of independent scientific
protocols will demonstrate and document the
efficacy of the BodyTalk System as a
healthcare and health maintenance modality.
The second objective of IBF programs is to
fund outreach projects for bringing BodyTalk
Access to less fortunate communities around
the world where the availability of affordable
healthcare is very limited.”
-Dr. John Veltheim, founder of the
International BodyTalk Association and
the International BodyTalk Foundation
“BodyTalk Access describes a deceptively
simple process that is urgently needed in all of
the developed nations, where healthcare systems
are not only failing but are simultaneously
pushing toward economic collapse. Access is
equally important for Third World nations
that are entirely lacking in medical
infrastructurefor places where the closest
emergency medical care may be many miles
away, with no other transportation than
walking. John Veltheim has a generosity of
spirit that has compelled him to form the
International BodyTalk Foundation, which is
giving this teaching to many impoverished
peoples around the world.”
James L. Oschman, Ph.D., biophysicist
and published author
For additional information on the International BodyTalk Association and its programs,
or to schedule an interview with Dr. John Veltheim, please contact:
Paul Clayson
Chief Operations Officer
International BodyTalk Association
2750 Stickney Point Rd. #203
Sarasota, Florida USA 34231
P: 941.921.7443
F: 941.924.3779