Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1051
Capital letters indicate new material added to existing statutes; dashes through words indicate deletions
from existin g statutes a nd such materia l not pa rt of act.
HOUSE BILL 03-1257
BY REPRESENTATIVE(S) Marshall, Bo yd, Col eman, Decker, Madden , Stengel, and Williams T.;
also SENATOR(S) Lamborn.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Colorado:
SECTION 1. Repeal of provisions being relocated in this act. Articles 1 to 10,
11, 20, 22, 23, and 25 of title 11, Colorado Revised Statutes, are repealed.
SECTION 2. Repeal of provisions not being relocated in this act. 11-1-104,
11-6-110, 11-6-111, 11-22-613 to 11-22-616, and 11-23-101, Colorado Revised
Statutes, are repealed.
SECTION 3. Title 11, Colorado Revised Statutes, is amended BY THE
General Provisions
11-101-101. [Formerly 11-1-101] Short title. Articles 1 to 11 and 22 and 23
101 TO 109 AND ARTICLE 10.5 of this title shall be known and may be cited as the
"Colorado Banking Code". of 1957". A reference to the code means the COLORADO
BANKING Code as amended from time to time.
11-101-102. [Formerly 11-1-101.5] Declaration of policy. (1) It is hereby
declared to be the policy of the state of Colorado that, to protect the public interest,
the business of all state banks be supervised and regulated in such manner as to:
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(a) Preserve and promote:
(I) Sound and constructive competition among financial services institutions;
(II) A dual federal and state banking system;
(III) The security of deposits;
(IV) The safe and sound conduct of the business of state banks; and
(V) A statewide safe and sound banking system;
(b) Seek:
(I) Regulatory coordination and cooperation; and
(II) Regulatory parity among financial services institutions; and
(c) Encourage diversity in financial products and services.
11-101-201. [Formerly 11-1-103] Effect on existing banks. The charters of the
state banks organized and existing prior to July 1, 1957 2003, under the laws of this
state shall continue in full force and effect. All such state banks, and, to the extent
applicable, all national banks doing business in this state on or after July 1, 1957
2003, shall, from that date, be subject to the provisions of this article. Any such state
bank, by filing an application under this code for an amendment of its charter or for
a merger, consolidation, or sale of all, or substantially all, of its assets, or the assets
of any department of such bank, shall be deemed to have expressly recognized that
it is so subject.
11-101-301. [Formerly 11-1-105] Application of code. (1) The provisions of
this code shall govern the incorporation, organization, corporate functions, merger,
consolidation, sale of assets, liquidation, dissolution, and reorganization procedures
of corporations operating as banks (whether or not, as a part of and in conjunction
with such operations, they engage in the trust or safe deposit business) in the state of
Colorado; but the provisions of articles 1 to 11 10.5 AND 101 TO 107 of this title only
apply to industrial banks and trust companies organized and operating under the
provisions of articles 22 and 23 108 AND 109 of this title when specifically provided
in said articles 1 to 11, 22, or 23 10.5 AND 101 TO 109 of this title, and articles 22
and 23 108 AND 109 of this title shall otherwise govern exclusively industrial banks
and trust companies.
(2) (a) (I) The regulation of banking is a matter of statewide concern, and in order
to maintain a uniform statewide system of banking and bank regulatory policy in
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1053
Colorado, the regulation by a political subdivision of deposits, lending, or other
services or products provided by banks in accordance with applicable state or federal
(II) Nothing in this subsection (2) shall preclude a political subdivision from
enacting and enforcing laws or rules of general applicability concerning public health,
safety, or welfare.
(b) For the purposes of this section, "political subdivision" means and includes
every county, city and county, city, town, school district, special district, and housing
authority within the state.
11-101-302. [Formerly 11-1-106] No private right of action. Except as
expressly provided in this code, no person, other than the banking board, shall have
the right to bring or maintain any private action, at law or in equity, for a violation
of or enforcement of this code.
11-101-401. [Formerly 11-1-102, 11-4-101, 11-6.3-101 (1), 11-6.4-102,
11-6.5-103, 11-7-100.3, 11-9-101, 11-25-102, and 11-10-105] Definitions. As
used in this code, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) "Account holder" means a person having an established demand, savings, or
loan account at a Colorado bank.
(2) "Account overline" means a banking transaction pursuant to which an account
holder debits his existing demand or savings account even though such debit may
create or extend a negative balance to be covered by an extension of credit, or would
create a negative balance but for an extension of credit to such account by the
Colorado bank.
(1) (3) "Action", in the sense of a judicial proceeding, includes MEANS A
recoupment, counterclaim, third party claims, cross-claims THIRD-PARTY CLAIM,
CROSS-CLAIM, setoff, suit in equity, arbitration, and any other proceedings
PROCEEDING in which rights are determined.
(1) (4) "Affiliate financial institution" means any bank, industrial bank, or savings
and loan association which THAT has its principal place of business in Colorado and
which THAT is controlled by a financial institution.
(2) (5) "Bank" means a state bank (other than an industrial bank) or bank and trust
company, chartered by this state or a national bank; EXCEPT THAT, FOR THE PURPOSE
OF PART 2 OF ARTICLE 104 OF THIS TITLE, "bank" means any bank organized or
chartered under articles 1 to 11 10.5 AND 101 TO 109 of this title, any bank organized
or chartered as a bank under the laws of any other jurisdiction, or any bank organized
or chartered under chapter 2 of Title 12 of the United States Code. The singular
"bank" includes the plural "banks".
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(2) (6) "Bank holding company" means any company which THAT has direct or
indirect control over any bank BANKING INSTITUTION.
(4) (7) "BANKING board" means the banking board WITHIN THE DIVISION
(b) (8) "Banking institution" means any institution organized or chartered under
this code or under chapter 2 of Title 12 of the United States Code, but does not
include a credit card national bank.
(3) (9) "Banking transactions" means cash withdrawals, deposits, account
transfers, payments from bank accounts, disbursements under a preauthorized credit
agreement, and loan payments initiated by an account holder at a communications
facility and accessing his OR HER account at a Colorado bank.
(2) (10) "Branch" means any branch bank, branch office, branch agency,
additional office, or any branch place of business of a financial institution located in
this state at which deposits are received, or checks ARE paid, or money IS lent, or trust
powers ARE exercised.
(1) (11) "Capital and surplus" or "capital stock and unimpaired surplus fund"
means paid-in capital stock plus surplus, undivided profits, subordinated notes and
debentures, reserves for contingencies and other capital reserves, and the reserve for
possible loan losses.
(1) (12) "Colorado affiliate", with respect to a Colorado bank or Colorado trust
company, means:
(a) Any company which THAT is controlled by a bank holding company which
THAT controls a Colorado bank or Colorado trust company; or
(b) Any company which THAT is controlled by or which THAT controls a Colorado
bank or Colorado trust company.
(3) (13) "Colorado bank" means a bank having its principal place of business in
(4) (14) "Colorado bank holding company" means a registered bank holding
company the operations of which are principally conducted in Colorado. "Colorado
bank holding company" does not include an out-of-state bank holding company that
acquires control of one or more Colorado bank holding companies or Colorado banks,
whether or not its operations are principally conducted in Colorado subsequent to
AFTER such acquisition, or any Colorado bank holding company the control of which
or as to which a majority nonvoting equity interest is first acquired by an out-of-state
bank holding company on or after July 1, 1988.
(4.5) (15) "Colorado financial institution" means a financial institution having its
principal place of business in Colorado.
(3) (16) "Colorado trust company" means:
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(a) A national banking association which THAT has its principal office in Colorado
and to which the comptroller of the currency has issued a certificate authorizing the
commencement of business and which THAT is required by said comptroller to limit
its operations to those of a trust company and any activities related thereto; or
(b) A trust company organized under article 23 109 of this title, which trust
company has its principal office in Colorado.
(3) (17) "Commissioner" means the state bank commissioner appointed and
serving pursuant to section 11-2-101 (2) 11-102-101 (2), who shall be the
commissioner of banking referred to in articles 1 to 11 101 TO 109 of this title.
(6) (18) "Communications facility" means an attended or unattended electronic
information processing device, other than an ordinary telephone instrument, located
in this state separate and apart from a Colorado bank or detached facility and through
which account holders and Colorado banks may engage in banking transactions by
means of either the instant transmission (on-line) of electronic impulses to and from
the Colorado bank or its data processing agent or the recording of electronic impulses
or other indicia of a banking transaction for delayed transmission (off-line) to a
Colorado bank or its data processing agent. Such a device located on the premises
of a Colorado bank or its detached facility shall be a communications facility if such
device is utilized by the account holders of other Colorado banks.
(4) (19) "Community" means a city, town, or incorporated village of this state, or
a trade area in this state in unincorporated territory.
(5) (20) "Company" means any corporation, partnership, business trust,
association, or similar organization; EXCEPT THAT, FOR THE PURPOSE OF ARTICLE 106
OF THIS TITLE, "company" means a bank or trust company that is authorized by the
division of banking or the comptroller of the currency to conduct fiduciary business
in Colorado.
(2) (21) "Constituent bank" means a party to a merger.
(5) (22) "Continuing bank" means a merging bank the charter of which becomes
the charter of the resulting bank.
SUBSECTION (23), A COMPANY WITH "control" means:
(a) (I) A company which THAT, either directly, indirectly, or acting through one or
more persons, owns, controls, or has the power to vote twenty-five percent or more
of the voting securities of another company; or
(b) (II) A company which THAT controls in any manner the election of a majority
of the directors, managers, or trustees of another company.
means that:
(a) (I) A company, either directly, indirectly, or acting through one or more
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persons, owns, controls, or has power to vote twenty-five percent or more of the
voting securities of a bank holding company or of a bank; or
(b) (II) A company controls in any manner the election of a majority of the
directors, managers, or trustees of a bank holding company or of a bank.
(d) (c) FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECTION 11-104-101, "control" means that:
(I) Any company directly or indirectly or acting through one or more persons owns,
controls, or has power to vote twenty-five percent or more of the voting securities of
the banking institution; or
(II) The company controls in any manner the election of a majority of the directors,
managers, or trustees of the banking institution.
(3) (24) "Converted bank" means the same bank after the conversion.
(6) (25) "Converting bank" means a bank converting from a state to a national
bank, or the reverse.
(7) (26) "Court" means a court of competent jurisdiction.
(e) (27) "Credit card national bank" means an institution which THAT is organized
or chartered as a national bank under chapter 2 of Title 12 of the United States Code,
which THAT engages only in credit card operations, and which THAT qualifies for
exception from the definition of a "bank" under section 2 (c) (2) (F) of the federal
"Bank Holding Company Act of 1956", Public Law 84-511, 12 U.S.C. sec. 1841 (c)
(2) (F).
(6.5) (28) "De novo branch" means a branch of a financial institution which THAT:
(a) Is originally established by the financial institution as a branch; and
(b) Does not become a branch of such financial institution as a result of:
(I) The acquisition by the financial institution of a depository institution or a
branch of a depository institution; or
(II) The conversion, merger, or consolidation of any such institution or branch.
(6.7) (29) "Deposit production office" means an office or branch used primarily
for the purpose of deposit production.
(1) (30) "Depositor" means a person delivering property or documents to a lessor
for safekeeping.
(8) (31) "Division" means the division of banking of this state created by this code.
(9) (32) "Executive officer", when referring to a bank, means a person who
participates or has authority to participate, other than in the capacity of a director, in
major policy-making functions of the bank, whether or not the officer has an official
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title, the title designates the officer as an assistant, or the officer is serving without
salary or other compensation. "Executive officer" includes the chairman of the board
of directors and the president, every vice-president, and the cashier of a bank, unless
any such officer is excluded by resolution of the board of directors or by the bylaws
of the bank from participation, other than in the capacity of a director, in major
policy-making functions of the bank and such officer does not actually participate
(7) (33) "Federal bank holding company act" means the federal "Bank Holding
Company Act of 1956", Public Law 84-511, 12 U.S.C. sec. 1841, et seq., as
(10) (34) "Fiduciary" means original or successor trustee of an expressed or
implied trust, including but not limited to a resulting or constructive trust, special
administrator, executor, administrator, administrator c.t.a., guardian, guardian-trustee
or conservator for a minor or other incompetent person, receiver, trustee in
bankruptcy, assignee for creditors, or any holder of a similar position of trust acting
alone or with others.
(6) (35) "Fiduciary business" means estate and trust administration,
conservatorship, agency, escrow, and custodian business and any other fiduciary
(7.1) (36) "Financial institution" means any bank, bank holding company,
industrial bank, industrial bank holding company, savings and loan association,
federal savings bank, or thrift holding company.
(7.3) (37) (a) "Foreign bank" means any bank, including any commercial bank,
merchant bank, or other institution that engages in banking activities which THAT are
usual in connection with the business of banking in the nations where such institution
is organized or operating, other than a bank which THAT is organized under the laws
of a state of the United States or a national bank which THAT maintains its head office
in a state of the United States.
(b) As used in this subsection (7.3) (37), "foreign nation" means any nation other
than the United States, including any subdivision, territory, trust territory,
dependency, or possession of any such nation. "Foreign nation" includes Puerto Rico,
Guam, American Samoa, the Virgin Islands, and any territory, trust territory,
dependency, or insular possession of the United States.
(11) (38) "Good faith" means honesty in fact in the transaction and some
reasonable ground for belief that the transaction is rightful or authorized.
(7.5) (39) "Home state" means:
(a) In the case of a national bank, the state in which the main office of the bank is
located; and
(b) In the case of a state bank, the state in which the bank is chartered.
(7) (40) "Interested party" means, with respect to the fiduciary business of a
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transferor for which a successor is substituted:
(a) Each person who is readily identifiable as a beneficiary or devisee because of
such person's receipt of statements of account;
(b) A parent, custodian, conservator, or guardian who receives statements of
account on behalf of a minor beneficiary or devisee;
(c) Each cofiduciary;
(d) Each surviving settlor of a trust;
(e) Each issuer of a security for which the transferor acts as a fiduciary;
(f) The plan sponsor for every employee benefit plan;
(g) The principal of every agency account; and
(h) The guardian or conservator of the person under guardianship.
(13) (41) "Item" means any instrument for the payment of money even though not
negotiable, but does not include money.
(2) (42) "Lessee" means a person contracting with a lessor for the use of a safe
deposit box.
(3) (43) "Lessor" means a bank, as defined in section 11-1-102 (2) SUBSECTION
(5) OF THIS SECTION, or subsidiary thereof, including any company operating pursuant
to section 11-9-102 11-105-501, or any other person or persons renting or
maintaining safe deposit facilities. "Lessor" includes any company organized and
operating on July 1, 1957, under the jurisdiction of the division solely for the purpose
of leasing safe deposit facilities. "Lessor" does not include any financial institutions
regulated by article 22, 23, 30, or 46 of this title or a credit union chartered under the
laws of the United States.
(14) (44) "Merger" includes consolidation.
(15) (45) "Merging bank" means a party to a merger.
(16) (46) "National bank" means a national banking association.
(17) (47) "Officer", when referring to a bank, means any person designated as
such in the bylaws and includes, whether or not so designated, any executive officer,
the chairman of the board of directors, the chairman of the executive committee, and
any trust officer, assistant trust officer, assistant vice-president, assistant treasurer,
assistant cashier, assistant comptroller, assistant secretary, auditor, or any person
who performs the duties appropriate to those offices.
(8) (48) The state where "operations are principally conducted" means that state
where the largest percentage of the aggregate deposits of all bank subsidiaries of the
bank holding company are held.
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(18) (49) "Order" means all or any part of the final disposition, whether
affirmative, negative, injunctive, or declaratory in form, by the commissioner or the
banking board of any matter other than the making of regulations RULES of general
(9) (50) "Out-of-state bank" means a bank the home state of which is another state.
The term "out-of-state bank" includes a foreign bank.
(10) (51) "Out-of-state bank holding company" means a registered bank holding
company the operations of which are principally conducted outside of Colorado.
(19) (52) "Person" means an individual, corporation, partnership, joint venture,
trust estate, unincorporated association, or any other legal or commercial entity.
(14) (53) "Registered bank holding company" means a bank holding company
registered with the federal reserve board pursuant to the federal "Bank Holding
Company Act".
(20) (54) "Resulting bank" means the combined banks and trust companies
carrying on business upon completion of a merger.
(7) (55) "Retailer" means a person primarily engaged in the business of selling or
leasing goods or services to consumers.
(8) (56) "Retail location" means a location where the primary business is selling
or leasing goods or services to consumers. The term includes only that portion of the
building or structure in which such goods or services are offered for sale or lease, but
it does not include a wholesale or manufacturing business.
(4) (57) "Safe deposit box" means a safe deposit box, vault, or other safe deposit
receptacle maintained by a lessor.
(21) (58) "State bank" means a bank (other than an industrial bank), or bank and
trust company, chartered by this state.
(8) (59) "Successor" means a company which THAT replaces the transferor as
fiduciary for all or part of the fiduciary business of the transferor.
(9) (60) "Transferor" means a company which THAT is replaced as fiduciary by a
successor for all or part of the ITS fiduciary business. of the transferor.
Division of Banking
11-102-101. [Formerly 11-2-101] Division of banking - creation - subject to
termination - repeal of article. (1) There is hereby created a division of banking
within the department of regulatory agencies. The division shall be charged with
functions provided by law. Whenever any law of this state refers to the banking
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department, said law shall be construed as referring to the division of banking.
(2) The administrative head of the division shall be the commissioner of banking,
who shall be the state bank commissioner appointed and serving as provided by law,
and the deputies and employees of the commissioner shall also be deputies and
employees of the division of banking hereby created. The bank commissioner, at the
time of his OR HER appointment, shall be experienced in the theory and practice of the
business and regulation of financial services institutions under the jurisdiction of the
banking board.
(3) to (9) Repealed.
(10) (3) (a) The provisions of section 24-34-104, C.R.S., concerning the
termination schedule for regulatory bodies of the state unless extended as provided
in that section, are applicable to the division of banking created by this section.
(b) This article is repealed, effective July 1, 2004.
11-102-102. [Formerly 11-2-106] Powers of commissioner. (1) The
commissioner shall be the administrative head of the division, and shall set
administrative policy therefor, and shall be responsible for the internal administration
thereof, including personnel matters, records, reports, systems, and procedures.
(2) The commissioner shall be the appointing authority for employees of the
division under the state personnel system.
(3) The bank commissioner shall be responsible for all examination and
enforcement functions of the division of banking subject to the policy-making and
rule-making authority of the banking board. In carrying out the responsibilities for
examinations and enforcement, in addition to other powers conferred by this code and
delegated by the BANKING board, the commissioner has the power to require a bank
(a) Comply with the standards which THAT the BANKING board may prescribe for
determining the value of various types of assets;
(b) Charge off the whole or any part of an asset which THAT, at the time of the
commissioner's action, could not lawfully be acquired;
(c) Write down an asset to its market value;
(d) File, record, or otherwise make effective liens and other interests in property;
(e) Obtain a financial statement from a person with present or prospective liability
to the bank to the extent that the bank can do so;
(f) Obtain insurance against damage to real estate taken as security;
(g) Obtain title insurance for real estate taken as security;
(h) Maintain adequate insurance against such other risks as the commissioner or
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the BANKING board may determine to be necessary and appropriate for the protection
of depositors and the public.
(4) The commissioner shall have primary responsibility for the preparation of the
preliminary budget draft for the division for review and comment by the banking
board prior to its submission to the department of regulatory agencies.
(5) The commissioner shall have the power to perform any acts and to make any
decisions incidental to or necessary for carrying out any functions specified by this
code or delegated by the banking board pursuant to this code.
(6) The commissioner has the power, subject to the approval of the banking board
and subject to the laws and state constitution, to appoint a chief deputy commissioner
and such other deputy commissioners as shall be necessary to efficiently perform the
duties of the commissioner. All such officers and employees shall receive such
compensation for their services as shall be fixed under general provisions of law
relating to the compensation of state officers and employees.
(7) The commissioner, the deputies, and all other employees of the division shall,
before entering upon the discharge of their duties, in addition to any oath required by
the state constitution, take and subscribe an oath to keep secret all information
acquired by them in the discharge of their duties, except as may be otherwise required
by this code or by law. Willful violation of this oath is declared to be a criminal
offense. The commissioner, all deputies, and all other employees of the division shall
be subject to article 18 of title 24, C.R.S.
(8) The commissioner may delegate to any officer or employee of the division any
of the commissioner's powers and may designate any officer or employee of the
division to perform any of the commissioner's duties.
(9) The commissioner, and such other officers and employees handling money or
securities in the course of their duties as the banking board may determine, shall be
bonded in such amount as the banking board may fix. The cost thereof shall be
charged as an expense of the division.
(10) The commissioner, all deputies, and all the employees, except special deputies
and assistants employed in liquidating failed banks, shall devote their entire time and
attention to the duties of their several positions and shall not, during their term TERMS
of service, receive any salary or compensation whatsoever from any bank.
(11) In the case of a vacancy in the office of the commissioner for any cause, and
until such vacancy is filled, the chief deputy commissioner shall have and exercise all
the powers and duties conferred by law or by the BANKING board upon the
commissioner, with the same authority as if those powers and duties were exercised
and performed by the commissioner. If there is no chief deputy at the time of such
vacancy, a chief deputy shall be appointed.
(12) The commissioner shall have a seal of office containing the words
"Commissioner of Banking of Colorado" in the form of a circle and the word "seal"
within the circle.
1062 Financial Institutions Ch. 152
(13) Repealed.
11-102-103. [Formerly 11-2-102] Banking board. (1) (a) There is hereby
established in the division a banking board, which shall consist of eight members AS
(2) (a) There shall be four members who during their tenure are, and shall remain,
executive officers of state banks, and EACH OF WHOM shall have not less than five
years' practical experience as an active executive officer of a bank.
(a.1) (b) There shall be one member who during his or her tenure is, and shall
remain, the executive officer of an industrial bank.
(a.2) (c) There shall be one member who during his or her tenure is, and shall
remain, the executive officer of a trust company.
(b) (d) There shall also be two members to serve as public members of the banking
board who shall have expertise in finance through their current experience in
business, industry, agriculture, or education.
(c) (3) No member of the banking board shall have any interest, direct or indirect,
in a bank in which another member of the banking board has any such interest. Not
more than one of the members shall be an executive officer or employee of any one
bank holding company or affiliate thereof.
(d) (4) Of the eight members appointed under this subsection (2) OF THIS SECTION,
not more than four shall be of the same major political party. At all times, at least
one member shall reside west of the continental divide.
(3) (5) Members shall be appointed by the governor, with the consent of a majority
of the elected members of the senate at the next meeting thereof. Appointments made
to take effect on January 1, 1983, shall be made in accordance with section 24-1-135,
C.R.S. Persons holding office on June 15, 1987, are subject to the provisions of
section 24-1-137, C.R.S. Thereafter, except as provided in subsection (9) of this
section, The term of office of each member shall be four years. In the event of the
death, resignation, nonresidency in the congressional district from which appointed,
inability TO ACT, or refusal to act of any member of the banking board, or the
occurrence of any other event which THAT disqualifies the member from serving the
remainder of his OR HER term on the BANKING board, the governor within forty-five
days thereafter, or in the event of his THE GOVERNOR'S failure to act, the banking
board, shall make an interim appointment of a member to serve for the unexpired term
on the banking board, subject to the approval of a majority of the elected members
of the senate at the next meeting thereof. A member who moves out of the
congressional district from which appointed shall promptly notify the governor of the
date of such move, but such notice is not a condition precedent to the occurrence of
the vacancy. The governor may, after notice and hearing, remove a member for
cause. Any banking board member who is absent from three consecutive BANKING
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board meetings is subject to immediate removal by the governor.
(4) (6) Each member of the BANKING board shall receive the same per diem
compensation and reimbursement of expenses as those provided for members of
boards and commissions in the division of registrations pursuant to section 24-34-102
(13), C.R.S. Payment for all such expenses and allowances shall be made upon
vouchers therefor, which shall be filed with the department of personnel.
(5) (7) The BANKING board shall meet at least once in each calendar month. The
chairman of the BANKING board may call additional meetings of the BANKING board
upon at least seventy-two hours' notice to all members of the BANKING board and
shall do so upon the request of two members. All members of the BANKING board
shall be subject to immediate call in the event of an emergency. Four members of the
BANKING board shall constitute a quorum, and action taken by a majority of those
present at any meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the action of the
BANKING board. Upon the affirmative vote of a majority of those present at any
meeting at which a quorum is present, one or more members may be authorized to
conduct any hearing required under this code. In the event that less than a quorum
of the BANKING board is present during the conduct of the hearing, at least a quorum
of the BANKING board shall read the entire record before voting thereon. No member
shall participate in a proceeding before the BANKING board when any corporation,
partnership, or unincorporated association of which he OR SHE is, or was at any time
in the preceding twelve months, a director, officer, partner, employee, member, or
stockholder is a party to such proceedings. A member may disqualify himself OR
HERSELF from participating in a proceeding for any other cause deemed by him OR
HER to be sufficient.
(6) (a) Repealed.
(b) (8) A quorum may be established by means of a conference telephone call,
which shall be recorded in the BANKING board's minutes. Upon the affirmative vote
of a majority of those present at any meeting at which a quorum is present, the
BANKING board may hold an executive session to consider certain matters required
by statute to be kept confidential under this code. Any agenda and the minutes of
executive sessions shall be kept confidential by the BANKING board.
(7) (9) THE DIVISION SHALL PROVIDE such clerical, technical, and legal assistance
as the BANKING board may require. shall be provided by the division.
(8) (10) The members of the BANKING board shall, before entering upon the
discharge of their duties, in addition to any oath required by the state constitution,
take and subscribe an oath to keep secret all information acquired by them in the
discharge of their duties, except as may be otherwise required by law. Willful
violation of this oath shall be a criminal offense.
(9) On July 1, 1989, the terms of office of the members of the banking board
serving immediately prior to such date shall continue, except as necessary to comply
with the requirements of subsection (2) of this section. The governor shall appoint
members to the board, to fill the vacancies so created. Such appointments shall be
subject to confirmation by the senate at the next meeting thereof. Of the members
appointed to take office pursuant to this subsection (9), three shall be appointed to
1064 Financial Institutions Ch. 152
serve until July 1, 1989, and four shall be appointed to serve until July 1, 1991.
Appointments to fill vacancies created to comply with the requirements of subsection
(2) of this section shall take effect July 1, 1989, for the remainder of the term so
vacated. Thereafter the term of office of each member shall be four years.
(10) (11) The BANKING board shall elect a chairman CHAIRPERSON from among
its members to serve for a term not exceeding two years, as determined by the
BANKING board. No chairman CHAIRPERSON shall be eligible to serve as such for
more than two successive terms. In addition to the amounts received pursuant to
subsection (4) (6) of this section, the chairman CHAIRPERSON shall receive per diem
compensation and reimbursement of expenses in the amounts provided by section
24-34-102 (13), C.R.S., for each day spent in attending to the duties of the banking
(11) (12) The banking board may enter into contracts with temporary employees
and for the provision of such other services as it may deem necessary in accordance
with section 13 of article XII of the state constitution.
11-102-104. [Formerly 11-2-103] Powers of banking board. (1) The banking
board is the policy-making and rule-making authority for the division of banking and
has the power to:
(a) Make, modify, reverse, and vacate rules and regulations for the proper
enforcement and administration of this code and the "Public Deposit Protection Act",
article 10.5 of this title;
(b) Make, promulgate, alter, amend, or revise reasonable rules and regulations as
may be necessary for the enforcement and execution of the provisions of the "Money
Order Act", article 52 of title 12, C.R.S.; and
(c) Regulate procedure and practice of the banking board.
(2) In addition to any other powers conferred on it by this code, the banking board
has the power to:
(a) Make all final decisions with respect to ownership including, but not limited
(I) Chartering and conversions;
(II) Mergers;
(III) Acquisitions; and
(IV) Change of control;
(b) Make all final decisions with respect to certification pursuant to sections
11-6.4-103 and 11-6.4-104 SECTION 11-104-202;
(c) Make all final decisions with respect to the taking of possession, liquidation,
or reorganization of banks and the emergency grant of new charters and branch
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1065
(d) Make all final decisions with respect to requests for detached facilities;
(e) (d) Make all final decisions with respect to requests to exercise trust, fiduciary,
and agency powers.
(3) The banking board has the power to prohibit the taking of deposits or to restrict
the withdrawal of deposits, or both, from any one or more state banks when the
banking board finds that extraordinary circumstances make such a restriction
necessary for the proper protection of depositors in the affected state bank.
(4) The banking board has the power to authorize state banks under circumstances
in which state banks are not given authority under this code to act without the
approval of the banking board; to participate in any public agency created after July
1, 1957, under the laws of this state or the United States, the purpose of which is to
afford advantages or safeguards to banks or depositors; and to authorize compliance
with all requirements and conditions imposed upon such participants.
(5) The banking board has the power to authorize such banks to engage in any
banking activity in which state banks could engage were they operating as national
banks at the time such authority is granted, so long as such activity is not prohibited
elsewhere in this code and to the extent permissible under rules and regulations of the
banking board promulgated pursuant to subsection (1) of this section consistent with
the policies set forth in section 11-1-101.5 11-101-102, or under any other provision
of this code. State banks may engage in interstate branching to the same extent as if
they were operating as national banks so long as such activity is in accordance with
the rules and regulations of the banking board.
(6) The banking board has the power to affirm, modify, reverse, vacate, or stay the
enforcement of any order of OR ruling made by a hearing officer acting pursuant to
section 11-2-103.6 (1) 11-102-201 or the bank commissioner acting pursuant to
authority delegated by the banking board.
(7) The banking board has the power to order any person to cease violating a
provision of this code or a rule or a regulation issued pursuant to this code or to cease
engaging in any unsound banking practice, to impose civil money penalties pursuant
to section 11-2-117 11-102-503, to suspend or remove a director or officer pursuant
to section 11-2-119 11-102-505, and to take such other enforcement action as is
authorized by sections 11-2-120 to 11-2-122 11-102-506 TO 11-102-508 and any
other provision of this code.
(8) With respect to any action pursuant to subsection (3) or (7) of this section, ten
days' notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, and THE OPPORTUNITY FOR A
hearing shall be provided to the bank, the directors of the bank, and any person
ordered to cease violating provisions of this code pursuant to subsection (7) of this
section in advance of any action taken by the banking board. In cases found by the
banking board to involve extraordinary circumstances requiring immediate action, the
banking board may take such action without notice or hearing but shall promptly
afford a subsequent OPPORTUNITY FOR hearing upon application by the bank or
directors of the bank to rescind the action taken. With respect to any authorization
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requested pursuant to subsection (4) or (5) of this section, the banking board may, on
its own motion, or shall if requested by the applicant, hold a hearing on such request.
(9) The banking board has the power to issue a declaratory order with respect to
the applicability of this code or a rule and regulation issued by the banking board to
any person, property, or state of facts under this code.
(10) The banking board has the power to review and comment on the preliminary
budget draft for the division prior to its submission to the department of regulatory
(11) The banking board shall annually establish such fees and assessments and the
percentages thereof as are necessary to generate the moneys appropriated by the
general assembly for the division.
(12) The banking board has the power to comment on who shall be the bank
commissioner and to recommend the termination of the commissioner for cause. The
banking board's comments and recommendations shall be given to the appropriate
office or officer of the state having appointment or termination powers with regard
to the commissioner.
(13) The banking board has the power to perform any acts and make any decisions
incidental to or necessary for carrying out its functions as set forth in this code.
(14) The banking board shall not delegate to the commissioner any of its powers
under subsections (1) to (12) of this section except informal enforcement powers
arising under section 11-2-121 11-102-507, which POWERS shall be delegable
pursuant to subsection (15) of this section.
(15) Except as provided in subsection (14) of this section, the banking board may,
in its discretion, delegate to the commissioner any of its powers, duties, and functions;
except that all powers under this code vest in the banking board unless delegated to
the commissioner by statute.
(16) The banking board may, in its discretion, require the commissioner to report
to the banking board periodically with respect to any powers delegated pursuant to
subsection (15) of this section.
(17) The banking board shall have a seal of office containing the words "Banking
Board of Colorado" in the form of a circle and the word "seal" within the circle.
11-102-105. [Formerly 11-2-103.5 and 11-2-107] Roles and authority of
banking board and commissioner - rules - exercise of powers.
(1) to (3) Repealed.
(4) (1) All rules of the commissioner lawfully adopted prior to April 15, 1988,
shall continue to be effective until revised, amended, repealed, or nullified pursuant
to law.
(5) Repealed.
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1067
(2) The banking board and the commissioner in the exercise of their powers
pursuant to this code shall be guided by and shall act in a manner consistent with the
policies of the state of Colorado with respect to state banks as set forth in section
11-1-101.5 11-101-102.
11-102-201. [Formerly 11-2-103.6] Hearing officers - powers - procedure -
order final. (1) The BANKING board has the power to designate a person to act as
a hearing officer to conduct any public hearing authorized or required by this code
except in the case of charter applications which THAT have been timely protested
pursuant to the rules and regulations of the banking board. The BANKING board may
determine the qualifications required for a person to be designated pursuant to this
subsection (1) based upon the education and experience required for the particular
hearing. Such person may, but need not be, an administrative law judge serving
pursuant to section 24-30-1003, C.R.S.
(2) Any such hearing officer shall have the powers of a hearing officer prescribed
in section 24-4-105, C.R.S.
(3) After the conclusion of a hearing, the hearing officer shall prepare in writing
his WRITTEN findings and recommendations based thereon ON THE HEARING and shall
certify the same SUCH FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS to the BANKING board and
to each party. If the BANKING board does not affirm, modify, reverse, remand for
further findings, or vacate such written recommendations within sixty days after
receipt thereof OF THE RECOMMENDATIONS, the same shall be deemed the
determination and order of the banking board. The BANKING board may extend such
sixty-day period by no more than thirty additional days.
11-102-202. [Formerly 11-2-104] Subpoenas - witnesses - production of
records. (1) The commissioner, or the banking board, has the power to subpoena
witnesses, compel their attendance, require the production of evidence, administer an
oath, and examine any person under oath in connection with any subject relating to
a duty imposed upon, or a power vested in, the commissioner or the banking board.
(2) In case of a refusal of any person to comply with a lawful subpoena or order
of the commissioner or of the banking board issued pursuant to this section, upon
proper petition by the commissioner or the BANKING board to the district court, the
court shall require compliance therewith, and further refusal shall be punishable as
contempt of court.
11-102-203. [Formerly 11-2-104.5] Effect of good faith reliance on orders
or rules of banking board. No person who in good faith relies on any order OR rule
or regulation of the banking board shall be subjected to any civil or criminal liability
for any act or omission to act, notwithstanding a subsequent decision by a court
invalidating any such order OR rule. or regulation.
11-102-204. [Formerly 11-2-105] Court review. (1) Any person aggrieved and
directly affected by an order of the banking board issued under this code may seek a
review in the district court in and for the county in which the bank is located, or
1068 Financial Institutions Ch. 152
proposed bank is to be located, within thirty days after receipt of written notice of the
issuance of said order; except that any person aggrieved or directly affected by an
order of the banking board pursuant to section 11-3-110 11-103-304 granting or
denying a charter for a new state bank may seek a review in the court of appeals and
not the district court. Such review in the court of appeals shall be in accordance with
section 24-4-106 (11), C.R.S. The validity of an order may be tested only by such
a review and may not be placed in issue in an action to enforce it. The filing of such
a petition for review shall not, of itself, stay enforcement of an order, but the court
may order a stay upon such terms as it deems proper.
(2) The court may affirm the order of the banking board or may direct the banking
board to take any action deemed proper. It may reverse or modify the order of the
banking board if it THE ORDER was issued pursuant to an unconstitutional statutory
provision, was in excess of statutory authority, was issued upon unlawful procedure,
or is not supported by substantial evidence in the record.
11-102-301. [Formerly 11-2-108] Examinations and examiner's reports.
(1) The commissioner shall examine the books and records of every state bank as
often as deemed advisable and to the extent required by the banking board, shall
make and file in his OR HER office a correct report in detail disclosing the results of
such examination, and shall mail a copy of such report to the bank examined.
(1.1) (2) The commissioner shall examine, as often as deemed advisable and to the
extent required by the banking board, any electronic data processing centers of a state
bank or any electronic data processing centers which THAT serve a state bank, without
regard to the location of the electronic data processing center; shall make and file in
his OR HER office a correct report in detail disclosing the results of such examination;
and shall mail a copy of such report to the data processing centers examined and the
state bank which THAT they serve.
(1.2) (3) (a) The commissioner, if he OR SHE deems it necessary or if required by
the banking board, may examine the books and records of the controlling shareholder
of a state bank and any affiliated entities of the controlling shareholder for the
purpose of determining the safety and soundness of the state bank.
(b) If the controlling shareholder or affiliate's records are located outside this state,
the controlling shareholder or affiliate shall either make them available to the
commissioner at a convenient location within this state or pay the reasonable and
necessary expenses for the commissioner or his THE COMMISSIONER'S representative
to examine them THE RECORDS at the place where they are located.
(c) The commissioner may designate representatives, including comparable
officials of the state in which the records are located, to inspect them THE RECORDS
on his THE COMMISSIONER'S behalf.
(d) If a controlling shareholder or affiliate refuses to permit the commissioner to
make an examination, the banking board may fine such controlling shareholder or
affiliate an amount not to exceed one thousand dollars for each day any such refusal
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1069
(e) In lieu of any examination required by this subsection (1.2) (3), the
commissioner may accept an audit for the previous fiscal year prepared by an
independent certified public accountant, independent registered accountant, or other
independent qualified person. If the commissioner accepts an audit prepared by such
independent person, no costs thereof OF THE AUDIT shall be borne by the
commissioner and all costs of such audit shall remain the obligation of the controlling
shareholder or affiliate.
(b) (f) For purposes of this subsection (1.2) (3):
(I) "Affiliated entity" or "affiliate" means an entity in control of a controlling
(II) "Controlling shareholder" means a shareholder in control of a state bank.
(III) "In control of" means that an entity or shareholder meets the same criteria for
acquiring control as is set forth in section 11-2-109 (4) 11-102-303 for acquiring
control of a state bank.
(2) (4) If the commissioner deems it necessary, he THE COMMISSIONER may
examine any corporation the majority of the stock of which is owned by a state bank
or which CORPORATION is found by the BANKING board to be controlled by a state
bank, but the provisions of this subsection (2) (4) shall not apply when such stock is
held in a fiduciary capacity by the bank.
(3) (5) If the banking board finds any officer, director, or employee of any state
bank to be dishonest, reckless, incompetent, or acting in violation of this code, it
shall, in writing, report the facts regarding such officer, director, or employee to the
board of directors of said THE state bank, and, if the directors of said THE STATE bank
fail or refuse to take action on such report within ten days, the banking board may,
if it deems it advisable, send a copy of such report to the surety on the bond of said
11-102-302. [Formerly 11-2-109] Bank reports to banking board - generally.
(1) Every state bank shall make and file with the banking board not less than three
reports during each calendar year according to the form which THAT may be
prescribed by such THE BANKING board, verified by the oath of either the president,
the vice-president, the cashier, or the secretary and attested by the signature of three
or more of the directors. Each such report shall exhibit in detail, as may be required
by the banking board, the resources and liabilities of the state bank at the close of
business on the day past to be DATE specified by said THE banking board. in writing.
(2) Said reports shall be transmitted to the banking board within thirty days after
its request. therefor.
(3) The banking board has power to call for special reports from any particular
state bank if, in its THE BANKING BOARD'S judgment, the same SPECIAL REPORTS are
necessary to ESTABLISH a full and complete knowledge of its THE STATE BANK'S
condition. No such special report, nor any summary thereof OF A SPECIAL REPORT,
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shall be required to be published. The reports required by, and filed pursuant to, this
section shall be in lieu of all others required by law from state banks. Every state
bank which THAT fails to comply with this section shall pay to the banking board a
penalty in an amount set by the banking board pursuant to section 11-2-103 (11)
11-102-104 (11). The banking board, for valid reasons and good cause, may waive
such penalty.
11-102-303. [Formerly 11-2-109] Bank reports to banking board -
requirements for acquiring control. (4) (a) (1) As used in this subsection (4)
SECTION, unless the context otherwise requires:
(I) (a) "Person" means an individual, a corporation, a partnership, a trust, or any
other legal entity.
(II) (b) "Controlling person" means a person who is in control of a state bank or
would be in control of a state bank after a proposed acquisition.
(b) (2) A person shall be deemed to have acquired control of a state bank if, as a
result of acquisition, such person:
(I) (a) Directly or indirectly owns, controls, holds with the power to vote, or holds
proxies representing twenty-five percent or more of the outstanding voting stock
(II) (b) Controls in any manner the election of a majority of the directors thereof;
(III) (c) Exercises a controlling influence over the management or policies thereof.
(c) (I) (3) (a) Whenever a person proposes to acquire control of any state bank,
such person shall first make application to the banking board for approval. Without
approval from the banking board pursuant to paragraph (d) of this subsection (4) OF
THIS SECTION, a person shall be prohibited from making such an acquisition.
(II) (b) An application required by subparagraph (I) of this paragraph (c)
PARAGRAPH (a) OF THIS SUBSECTION (3) shall contain the following information to the
extent that it is known by the person making the application:
(A) (I) The number of shares involved;
(B) (II) The name of each seller or transferor;
(C) (III) The name of each purchaser or transferee;
(D) (IV) The name of each beneficial owner if the share or shares are registered
in another name;
(E) (V) The purchase price;
(F) (VI) Detailed information concerning any loans made in connection with the
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1071
(G) (VII) Such other information concerning the transaction as may be required
by the banking board regarding the effect of the transaction upon the control of the
state bank involved;
(H) (VIII) Biographical and financial information concerning each purchaser,
controlling person, or person in control of a controlling person participating in the
proposed acquisition; and
(I) (IX) The name of each controlling person and each person in control of a
controlling person participating in the proposed acquisition.
(d) (I) (4) (a) After receipt of an application, the commissioner shall make an
investigation, and the banking board shall approve the change of control only after
the BANKING board has determined:
(A) (I) That the person proposing to acquire control is qualified by character,
experience, and financial responsibility to control the state bank in a legal and proper
(B) (II) That the interests of the public generally will not be jeopardized by the
proposed acquisition; and
(C) (III) That the person proposing to acquire control has satisfied the
requirements of subsections (4) and (5) (1) TO (7) of this section and the other
provisions of articles 1 to 11 101 TO 109 of this title.
(II) (b) The general assembly declares that the acquisition of control of, or of any
ownership interest in, state banks by persons owned or controlled by a country with
which it has been determined to be against the national interest to trade without
export controls for national security purposes by the president of the United States or
another appropriate agency of the federal government as directed by the president
pursuant to the "Export Administration Act of 1979", 50 U.S.C. Appendix sec. 2401
et seq., the "International Emergency Economic Powers Act", 50 U.S.C. sec. 1701
et seq., or any rule, regulation, order, or decision promulgated in connection
therewith, is against the public interest. If the application or the commissioner's
investigation indicates that any person seeking to have control of or any ownership
interest in a state bank is owned or controlled by such a country, the banking board
may SHALL not approve any such change of control.
(e) (5) This subsection (4) SECTION shall not apply to the acquisition of:
(I) (a) Voting proxies acquired in the normal course of business as a result of a
proxy solicitation in conjunction with a stockholders' meeting;
(II) (b) Stock held in a fiduciary capacity unless the acquiring person has sole
discretionary authority to exercise voting rights with respect thereto;
(III) (c) Stock acquired in securing or collecting, in whole or in part, a debt
contracted in good faith or stock acquired through testate or intestate succession or
bona fide gift, if the acquirer advises the banking board of such acquisition within
thirty days after the acquisition and provides any information required or requested
1072 Financial Institutions Ch. 152
by the banking board or commissioner;
(IV) (d) Stock acquired by an underwriter in good faith and without any intent to
evade the purpose of this subsection (4) SECTION if the shares are held only for such
reasonable period of time as will permit the sale thereof OF THE SHARES; or
(V) (e) Pro rata stock dividends.
(f) (6) If the BANKING board has not acted upon a completed application within
sixty days of AFTER receipt thereof, unless extended for an additional thirty days by
the banking board, such application shall be considered approved.
(5) (7) Whenever any person proposes to acquire control of any state bank and is
required by the "Change in Bank Control Act of 1978" (section 7 (j) of the "Federal
Deposit Insurance Act", 12 U.S.C. 1817 (j)), as such act may be amended from time
to time, to give the appropriate federal banking agency prior written notice of such
proposed acquisition, a copy of such notice with supporting information shall be given
concurrently to the banking board for information. The banking board may use such
information in evaluating applications submitted pursuant to subsection (4) of this
section and shall submit its recommendations and comments to the appropriate federal
regulatory authority in a timely manner.
(6) (8) Any person who becomes a director, executive officer, or other person who,
directly or indirectly, is responsible for the management, control, or operations of a
state bank shall within ninety days thereafter file a report with the banking board
containing: A statement describing any civil or criminal offenses affecting such
person's qualification to serve in such capacity with respect to which such person has
been found guilty or liable by any federal or state court or federal or state regulatory
agency; such biographical information as the banking board requires; and such other
information as the banking board requires pursuant to its rules. and regulations. If
any statement contained in such report subsequently becomes inaccurate or
misleading in any way, such person shall file an amended report within thirty days
after the date on which the statement in the report first becomes inaccurate or
misleading. Any person who fails to comply with this subsection (6) (8) shall be
required by the banking board to pay a penalty in an amount set by the banking board
by rule, and regulation, which PENALTY shall not exceed twenty-five dollars per day,
and such penalties PENALTY shall be deposited in the general fund. The banking
board, for valid reasons and good cause, may waive such penalty.
(7) (9) If any state bank changes any executive officer, director, or other person
who, directly or indirectly, is responsible for the management, control, or operations
of the state bank, such changes shall be promptly reported to the banking board, and
the state bank shall provide such information concerning such person as may be
requested by the banking board on such forms as the banking board may require,
including information about the reasons for termination from any prior employment
and whether such person was charged or convicted of any civil or criminal offenses
enumerated in subsection (6) (8) of this section. No civil liability shall arise for any
state bank, its directors, executive officers, employees, or agents, or other persons due
to compliance with the requirements of this subsection (7) (9). The purpose of such
information is to inform the banking board of the qualifications of such person as they
may affect the safety and soundness of the state bank. The information shall be
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1073
treated as confidential under this code. Any bank that fails to comply with this
subsection (7) (9) shall be required to pay a penalty in an amount set by the banking
board by rule, and regulation, which PENALTY shall not exceed twenty-five dollars
per day, and such penalties PENALTY shall be deposited in the general fund. The
banking board, for valid reasons and good cause, may waive such penalty.
11-102-304. [Formerly 11-2-110] Commissioner's annual report -
publications. For each calendar year, the commissioner shall compile and publish
an annual report in such form and containing such information as the commissioner
may determine necessary to reasonably summarize the operations of the division
during such year.
11-102-305. [Formerly 11-2-111] Records. (1) Information from the records
of the division shall be revealed only to members of the banking board, except insofar
as the same DISCLOSURE may be rendered necessary by law; except that any party
entitled to appear in a hearing on an application for bank charter shall have access to
the applicant's proposed articles or amended articles of incorporation, application for
charter, and proposed bylaws and except that the commissioner may exchange
information as to the condition of banks with the United States comptroller of the
currency, banking departments of other states, the federal reserve system and its
examiners, and the federal deposit insurance corporation and its examiners.
Notwithstanding any other provision of articles 1 to 11 101 TO 109 of this title to the
contrary, the commissioner, his THE COMMISSIONER'S deputies, and the members of
the banking board may disclose any information in the records of the division or
acquired by them in the discharge of their duties which THAT is publicly available
from the federal deposit insurance corporation, the United States comptroller of the
currency, or the federal reserve system or the disclosure of which has been
specifically authorized by the board of directors of the financial institution to which
such information relates.
(2) Reports of examinations made by the division shall be retained by it THE
DIVISION for seven years.
(3) Upon request and upon payment of such reasonable charges as the
commissioner shall prescribe, the commissioner shall furnish to any person a certified
copy of any document on file with the division which THAT is a public record. Such
certified copy shall be admissible in evidence in lieu of the original and shall
constitute prima facie evidence of the contents of the original.
11-102-306. [Formerly 11-2-111.5] Information confidential. The banking
board, the bank commissioner, and all deputies and employees of the division shall
not divulge any information acquired by them in the discharge of their duties except
insofar as the same DISCLOSURE may be rendered necessary by law. The banking
board, the commissioner, and their designees may exchange information with the
United States comptroller of the currency, the federal deposit insurance corporation,
the board of governors of the federal reserve system, the federal home loan bank in
which an institution is a member or is making an application to become a member,
the executive director of the department of regulatory agencies, the division of
financial services, and banking regulatory agencies of other states, subject to any
confidentiality agreement entered into between the banking board or the
commissioner and the United States comptroller of the currency, the federal deposit
1074 Financial Institutions Ch. 152
insurance corporation, the board of governors of the federal reserve system, or the
federal home loan bank in which an institution is a member or is making an
application to become a member. In addition, the BANKING board, the commissioner,
and their designees may exchange information obtained by the BANKING board as to
possible violations of the federal "Employee Retirement Income Security Act of
1974", 29 U.S.C. sec. 1001 et seq., with the federal department of labor or the
executive director of the department of regulatory agencies. In addition, the BANKING
board, the commissioner, and their respective designees may exchange information
obtained by the BANKING board as to possible criminal violations of federal law
relating to the activities of a federally-insured institution with the federal bureau of
investigation or the executive director of the department of regulatory agencies. The
executive director of the department of regulatory agencies and the state
commissioner of financial services and their deputies shall, before entering upon the
discharge of their duties specified in this section, in addition to an oath required by
the state constitution, take and subscribe an oath to keep secret all information
acquired by them in the discharge of such duties, except as may otherwise be required
by law. Willful violation of this oath shall be a criminal offense. Notwithstanding
any other provision of this article to the contrary, the bank commissioner, the
deputies, and the members of the banking board may disclose any information in the
records of the division of banking or acquired by them within the discharge of their
duties which THAT is publicly available from the federal deposit insurance
corporation, the United States comptroller of the currency, or the federal reserve
system and disclose information which THAT has been specifically authorized by the
board of directors of the bank to which such information relates. Nothing in this
section shall be construed to authorize the board of directors of a bank to waive any
privileges which THAT belong solely to the banking board, the division, or its
11-102-307. [Formerly 11-2-112] Access to records. The commissioner shall
have access to any record of the division relating to state banks, and the appointive
members of the BANKING board shall have such access upon the affirmative vote of
a majority of the members of the BANKING board.
11-102-308. [Formerly 11-2-113] Bank records - preservation -
reproduction. (1) Every state bank shall retain its business records for such periods
as are prescribed by or in accordance with the terms of this section.
(2) Each state bank shall retain permanently the minute books of meetings of its
stockholders and directors, its capital stock ledger and capital stock certificate ledger
or stubs, its general ledger (or the record kept by the bank in lieu thereof), its daily
statements of condition, and all records which THAT the banking board shall, in
accordance with the terms of this section, require to be retained permanently.
(3) All other state bank records shall be retained for such periods as the banking
board shall, in accordance with the terms of this section, prescribe.
(4) The banking board shall from time to time issue regulations RULES classifying
all records kept by state banks and prescribing the period for which records of each
class shall be retained. Such periods may be permanent or for a term of years. Such
regulations RULES may be amended or repealed. Prior to issuing any such regulation
RULE, the banking board shall consider:
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1075
(a) Actions and administrative proceedings in which the production of bank
records might be necessary or desirable;
(b) State and federal statutes of limitation applicable to such actions or
(c) The availability of information contained in bank records from other sources;
(d) Such other matters as the banking board deems pertinent in order that its
regulations RULES will require banks to retain their records for such periods as are
commensurate with the interests of bank customers and shareholders and of the
people of this state in having bank records available.
(5) Any state bank may dispose of any record which THAT has been retained for
the period prescribed, in accordance with the terms of this section for retention of
records of its class, and shall, after it has disposed of a record, thereafter be under no
duty to produce such record in any action or proceeding.
(6) In lieu of retention of the original records, any state bank may cause any of its
records and records at any time in its custody, including those held by it as a
fiduciary, to be photographed or otherwise reproduced in permanent form. Any such
photograph or reproduction shall have the same force and effect as the original
thereof and be admitted in evidence equally with the original.
(7) To the extent that they are not in contravention of any statute of the United
States or regulations ANY RULE promulgated thereunder, the provisions of this section
shall apply to all banks doing business in this state.
11-102-401. [Formerly 11-2-114] Assessments. (1) The banking board shall
annually establish fees and assessments pursuant to section 11-2-103 (11)
11-102-104 (11). Assessments may be made more frequently than annually at the
discretion of the banking board.
(2) For the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1992 2003, and for each fiscal year
thereafter, the banking board shall establish its annual AN assessment to be collected
at least semiannually in such amounts as are sufficient to generate the moneys
appropriated by the general assembly to the division of banking for each such fiscal
(3) In addition to each assessment established pursuant to subsections (1) and (2)
of this section, for each fiscal year beginning July 1, 1992, and ending June 30, 1994,
and for the period ending January 31, 1995, the banking board shall collect a
semiannual repayment of the fiscal year 1991-1992 general fund advance to the
division of banking in an amount equal to one-sixth of the amount of the banking
board's assessment that would have been collected in September 1992.
11-102-402. [Formerly 11-2-114.1] Administrative fees.
1076 Financial Institutions Ch. 152
(1) Repealed.
(2) (1) The banking board shall assess filing fees to banks and bank holding
companies outside of Colorado which THAT are seeking to acquire a bank or bank
holding company in Colorado in such amount as determined to be sufficient to
reimburse the state for the cost of administration of sections 11-6.4-103 (8) and (9)
and 11-6.4-104 11-104-202 (8) AND (9) AND 11-104-203 and the requirements
(3) (2) No moneys collected pursuant to this section shall be expended except upon
appropriation by the general assembly.
11-102-403. [Formerly 11-2-114.5] Division of banking cash fund - creation.
All fees and assessments collected by the banking board shall be transmitted to the
state treasurer, who shall credit the same to the division of banking cash fund, which
fund is hereby created in the state treasury. All moneys in the fund shall be subject
to appropriation by the general assembly for the direct and indirect costs of the
activities of the banking board and the division. All interest derived from the deposit
and investment of moneys in the fund shall be credited to the fund. Any moneys not
appropriated shall remain in the fund and shall not be transferred or revert to the
general fund of the state at the end of any fiscal year.
11-102-501. [Formerly 11-2-115] Banking interests of officers and
employees. No officer or employee of the division shall be an officer, director,
attorney, owner, or shareholder in any bank, or, except as provided in this article,
receive, directly or indirectly, any payment or gratuity from any such bank, or be
indebted to any bank or other institution over which the division has supervisory
control. Willful violation of this section is declared to be a criminal offense. This
section shall not prohibit being a depositor or the lessee of a safe deposit box on the
same terms as are available to the public generally, or being indebted to a bank:
Upon a mortgage loan upon the mortgagor's own home, or upon an installment debt
transferred to a bank in the regular course of business by a seller of consumer goods
including automobiles purchased by the officer or employee. Further, this section
shall not prohibit the four banker members of the banking board, provided for in
section 11-2-102 (2) (a) 11-102-103 (2) (a), from being executive officers in banks
and from receiving bona fide compensation as such officers.
11-102-502. [Formerly 11-2-116] Exemption from liability - when. No
member of the banking board or officer or employee of the division shall be liable in
any civil action for damages for any act done or omitted in good faith in performing
the functions of his OR HER office.
11-102-503. [Formerly 11-2-117] Assessment of civil money penalties by
banking board. (1) (a) (I) After notice and a hearing as provided in article 4 of title
24, C.R.S., and after making a determination that no other appropriate governmental
agency has taken similar action against such person for the same act or practice, the
banking board may assess against and collect a civil penalty from:
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1077
(A) Any person who has violated any final cease and desist order issued by the
banking board pursuant to section 11-2-103 (7) 11-102-104 (7); and
(B) Any state bank which THAT, or any executive officer, director, employee,
agent, or other person participating in the conduct of the affairs of such bank who,
violates or knowingly permits any person to violate any of the provisions of this code
or any rule or regulation promulgated pursuant to this code, or engages or participates
in any unsafe or unsound practice in connection with a bank. The civil money penalty
shall not exceed one thousand dollars per day for each day such violation continues.
This provision shall include, but not be limited to, the following violations: Making,
or causing to be made, delinquent payment of assessments under section 11-2-114
11-102-401; submitting, or causing to be submitted, delinquent reports, including but
not limited to call reports; or knowingly submitting, or causing to be submitted, to the
banking board any report or statement which THAT contains materially false or
misleading information.
(II) The banking board may, in extraordinary circumstances, at its option, and upon
waiver of the right to a public hearing by a respondent, close to the public any hearing
concerning an assessment of a civil money penalty, an order of suspension or removal
from office, an order to cease and desist from any unlawful or unsafe and unsound
practices, or any other formal enforcement action by the banking board. Such
extraordinary circumstances occur when specific concern arises about prompt
withdrawal of moneys from or the safety and soundness of the institution.
(b) For the purposes of this section, a violation shall include, but is not limited to,
any action, by any person alone or with another person, which THAT causes, brings
about, or results in the participation in, counseling of, or aiding or abetting of a
(2) Civil money penalties shall be assessed by written notice of assessment of a
civil money penalty served upon the person to be assessed. The notice of assessment
of a civil money penalty shall state the amount of the penalty, the period for payment,
the legal authority for the assessment, and the matters of fact or law constituting the
grounds for assessment. The notice of assessment of a civil money penalty shall
constitute a final order for purposes of judicial review pursuant to section 24-4-106,
(3) The banking board shall have authority to determine the amount of any civil
money penalty assessed against any executive officer, director, employee, agent, or
other person participating in the affairs of a bank, except as expressly limited by this
code. In determining the amount of the civil money penalty to be assessed, the
banking board shall consider the good faith of the person assessed, the gravity of the
violation, any previous violations by the person assessed, the nature and extent of any
past violations, and such other matters as the banking board may deem appropriate;
except that the civil money penalty shall be not more than one thousand dollars per
day for each day the person assessed remains in violation.
(4) Civil money penalties assessed pursuant to this section shall be due and
payable and collected within thirty days after the notice of assessment of a civil
money penalty is issued by the banking board; except that the banking board may, in
its discretion, compromise, modify, or set aside any civil money penalty. Any civil
1078 Financial Institutions Ch. 152
money penalty collected pursuant to this section shall be transmitted to the state
treasurer, who shall credit it to the general fund.
11-102-504. [Formerly 11-2-118] No indemnification or insurance against
civil money penalties. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no state bank
shall indemnify or insure any executive officer, director, employee, agent, or person
participating in the conduct of affairs of such bank against civil money penalties.
11-102-505. [Formerly 11-2-119] Removal of director, officer, or other
person. (1) The banking board may serve any executive officer, director, employee,
agent, or other person participating in the conduct of the affairs of a bank with a
written notice of its intention to remove him SUCH PERSON from office whenever the
banking board determines:
(a) That any such person has committed any violation of this code, rule and
regulation OF THE BANKING BOARD, or cease and desist order of the banking board
which THAT has become final; or has engaged or participated in any unsafe or
unsound practice in connection with a bank; or has committed or engaged in any act,
omission, or practice which THAT constitutes a breach of his fiduciary duty to the
state bank; or has been found liable for or guilty of any of the civil or criminal
offenses enumerated in section 11-2-109 (6) 11-102-303 (8); and
(b) (I) That the state bank has suffered or probably will suffer substantial financial
loss or other damage or that the interests of its depositors could be seriously
prejudiced by reason of such violation, or practice, or breach of fiduciary duty, or
offense; or
(II) That such person has received financial gain by reason of such violation, or
practice, or breach of fiduciary duty, or offense; or
(III) That such violation is one involving personal dishonesty on the part of such
person or one which THAT demonstrates a willful or continuing disregard for the
safety or soundness of the state bank.
(2) Whenever the banking board determines that an executive officer, director,
employee, agent, or other person participating in the conduct of the affairs of a state
bank, by conduct or practice with respect to another bank or business institution
which THAT results in substantial financial loss or other damage, has evidenced either
his personal dishonesty or a willful or continuing disregard for such state bank's
safety and soundness, and, in addition, has evidenced his unfitness to continue his
SUCH PERSON'S relationship with the state bank, the banking board may serve upon
such person a written notice of its intention to remove him OR HER from office or to
prohibit his THE PERSON'S further participation in any manner in the conduct of the
affairs of the state bank.
(3) A notice of intention to remove a director, executive officer, or other person
from office or to prohibit his SUCH PERSON'S participation in the conduct of the affairs
of a state bank shall contain a statement of the facts constituting grounds therefor and
shall fix a time and place at which a hearing shall be held thereon. Such hearing shall
be fixed for a date not earlier than thirty days nor later than sixty days after the date
of service of such notice, unless an earlier or a later date is set by the banking board
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1079
at the request of such director or executive officer or other person, and for good cause
shown. Unless such director, executive officer, or other person appears at the hearing
in person or by a duly authorized representative, he SUCH PERSON shall be deemed to
have consented to the issuance of an order of removal or prohibition as specified in
the notice issued pursuant to subsection (1) or (2) of this section. In the event of such
consent or, if, upon the record made at any such hearing, the banking board finds that
any of the grounds specified in such notice have been established, the banking board
may issue such orders of suspension or removal from office as it may deem
appropriate. Any such order shall become effective at the expiration of thirty days
after service upon such bank and the director, executive officer, or other person
concerned except in the case of an order issued upon consent, which shall become
effective at the time specified therein. Such order shall remain effective and
enforceable except to such extent as it is stayed, modified, terminated, or set aside by
action of the banking board or a reviewing court.
11-102-506. [Formerly 11-2-120] Suspension of director, officer, or other
person. (1) The banking board may suspend an executive officer, director,
employee, agent, or other person participating in the conduct of the affairs of a state
bank who becomes ineligible to hold his SUCH position, or who after receipt of an
order of the banking board to cease and desist violates this code or a lawful rule and
regulation or order issued pursuant thereto, or who is dishonest, or who is reckless or
grossly incompetent in the conduct of banking business, or who may be subject to
removal under section 11-2-119 11-102-505. It shall be a criminal offense for any
such person, after receipt of a suspension order, to perform any duty or exercise any
power of any state bank until the BANKING board vacates such suspension order. A
suspension order shall specify the grounds thereof. A copy of the order shall be sent
to the bank concerned and to each member of its board of directors.
(2) With respect to any action pursuant to this section, ten days' notice, by certified
mail, return receipt requested, and AN OPPORTUNITY FOR hearing shall be provided
to the bank affected, in advance of any action taken by the banking board. In cases
found by the banking board to involve extraordinary circumstances requiring
immediate action, the banking board may take such action, without notice or hearing,
but shall promptly afford a subsequent OPPORTUNITY FOR hearing, upon application
to rescind the action taken.
11-102-507. [Formerly 11-2-121] Informal enforcement authority. The
banking board, or the commissioner if so authorized by the banking board, shall have
authority to initiate informal actions to enforce the provisions of this code. In this
regard the banking board or the commissioner may, in its or his THE BANKING
BOARD'S OR THE COMMISSIONER'S discretion, enter into written agreements such as
a memorandum of understanding with, or an informal commitment letter from, or
strongly worded letter of reprimand to any bank or any executive officer, director,
employee, agent, or other person participating in the conduct of the affairs of a bank.
11-102-508. [Formerly 11-2-122] Statements derogatory to state banks -
penalty. Any person who willfully makes, circulates, or transmits to another any
false statement, written or oral, which THAT is directly or by inference derogatory to
the financial condition of any state bank and which THAT results in an extraordinary
withdrawal of funds from such bank or which THAT results in impairing public
confidence in such bank and any person who shall counsel, aid, procure, or induce
1080 Financial Institutions Ch. 152
another to start, transmit, or circulate any such statement knowing the statement to
be false commits a class 2 misdemeanor and shall be punished as provided in section
18-1.3-501, C.R.S.
Organization and Corporate Functions
11-103-101. [Formerly 11-3-101] General corporate powers. (1) A state
bank may be organized to exercise the powers provided in this code.
(2) Subject to the provisions of section 11-3-102 11-103-102, a state bank
organized under the laws of this state shall, without specific mention thereof in its
charter, have all the powers conferred by this code and the following additional
general corporate powers:
(a) To continue perpetually as a corporation;
(b) To make contracts;
(c) To sue and be sued, complain, and defend in its corporate name;
(d) To have a corporate seal, which may be altered at pleasure, and to use the same
by causing it or a facsimile thereof to be impressed or affixed, or in any manner
(e) To make, alter, amend, and repeal bylaws, not inconsistent with its charter or
with law, for the administration and regulation of the affairs of the corporation;
(f) To elect, appoint, or remove officers and agents of the bank and to define their
duties and fix their compensation;
(g) To adopt and operate reasonable bonus, profit-sharing, and pension plans for
officers and employees;
(h) To grant, subject to approval of the banking board, and by vote of two-thirds
of the outstanding voting stock voted at a meeting of the stockholders, options to
purchase, to sell, or enter into agreements to sell shares of its capital stock to its
employees, whether or not such transactions qualify for special tax treatment under
the "Internal Revenue Code", as amended, and regulations RULES promulgated
(2.5) (3) A state bank, organized under the laws of this state, if so provided in its
charter, has the general corporate power to eliminate or limit the personal liability of
a director to the corporation or to its stockholders for monetary damages for breach
of fiduciary duty as a director; except that such provision shall not eliminate or limit
the liability of a director to the corporation or to its shareholders for monetary
damages for: Any breach of the director's duty of loyalty to the corporation or its
stockholders, acts or omissions not in good faith or which THAT involve intentional
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1081
misconduct or a knowing violation of law, or any transaction from which the director
derived an improper personal benefit. No such provision shall eliminate or limit the
liability of a director to the corporation or to its shareholders for monetary damages
for any act or omission occurring prior to the date when such provision becomes
(3) (4) A state bank, organized under the laws of this state, without specific
mention in its charter, shall also have the power, in addition to all other powers, to
make contributions to, or for the use or benefit of, the following:
(a) The United States, any state, territory, or political subdivision thereof, the
District of Columbia, or any possession of the United States for exclusively public
(b) A corporation, foundation, trust, community chest, or other organization
created or organized in the United States, or in any state or territory, or the District
of Columbia, or any possession of the United States, and organized and operated
exclusively for religious, charitable, scientific, veteran rehabilitation service, civic
enterprise, OR literary or educational purposes, or for the prevention of cruelty to
children or animals, no part of the net earnings of which inures to the benefit of any
private shareholder or individual, and no substantial part of the activities of which is
carrying on propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence legislation; or
(c) Other lawful expenditures, contributions, and donations to the extent
authorized, approved, or ratified by action of the board of directors of the corporation,
except as otherwise specifically provided or limited by its articles of incorporation,
its bylaws, or resolution duly adopted by its stockholders.
(4) (5) A state bank organized under the laws of this state, without specific
mention in its charter, shall also have the power to act as escrow agent.
(5) (6) If the name of a state bank organized under the laws of this state contains
the word "bank", said bank need not comply with the requirements of part 6 of article
90 of title 7, C.R.S.
11-103-102. [Formerly 11-3-102] Trust, fiduciary, and agency powers - when
authorized. In addition to its other powers, a state bank which THAT is authorized
by its charter to exercise trust powers, upon proper qualification under this code, has
the power to act as a fiduciary in any capacity. It may also act as registrar, transfer
agent, fiscal agent, or attorney-in-fact and have the power to receive, manage, and
apply sinking funds. Every state bank which THAT is authorized by its charter to
exercise trust powers pursuant to this section shall make and file with the
commissioner an annual report of trust assets and such other reports as the banking
board may require by rule, and regulation, on such forms as may be prescribed by the
banking board. No report filed pursuant to this section shall be required to be
11-103-201. [Formerly 11-3-103] Capital. The banking board shall establish
1082 Financial Institutions Ch. 152
by rules and regulations RULE the capital standards and guidelines, the methods for
measuring capital, and the definitions of "capital", "capital adequacy", "capital
inadequacy", and other related terms for banks subject to this code, which THAT may
differ for specific purposes. In promulgating such rules, and regulations, the banking
board shall consider all relevant factors, including, without limitation, the policies set
forth in section 11-1-101.5 11-101-102 and relevant federal laws and regulations
RULES. Each bank subject to this code shall at all times comply with the capital rules
and regulations promulgated by the banking board.
11-103-202. [Formerly 11-3-104] Inadequacy of capital - assessments. (1) If
the banking board has reason to believe that the capital of any bank is inadequate
under the rules and regulations of the banking board, the banking board may ascertain
the facts and furnish the bank with a copy of its determination. If the banking board
determines an inadequacy of capital based upon such determination, the
commissioner, with the approval of the banking board, may direct the state bank to
levy an assessment in a designated amount upon the holders of record of common
stock to remedy an inadequacy of capital. Upon receipt of an order to levy an
assessment, the directors shall cause to be sent to all holders of common stock, at
their addresses, a copy of the order and a copy of this subsection (1). If an
assessment is not paid within the time prescribed in the order or such shorter period
as the directors decide, but not less than thirty days, the state bank may, within sixty
days thereafter as the banking board may prescribe in its order, offer the shares of the
defaulting stockholders for sale at public auction or private sale at a price which THAT
shall not be less than the amount of the assessment and the cost of the sale. Any
excess shall be paid to the prior owners. Except under circumstances where section
11-3-105 11-103-203 applies, the method of collection provided in this section shall
be the sole method of collecting assessments. If an assessment is not paid within
ninety days after the date of the order to levy or at such other date as may be specified
in the order, but in no event less than thirty days, the commissioner may, with the
approval of the banking board, proceed pursuant to PART 8 OF THIS article; 5 of this
title; however, for good cause shown to the banking board by the affected bank, the
BANKING board may extend the ninety-day limit.
(2) If the banking board determines that the capital or reserves of any bank are
inadequate, the banking board may order the bank not to make new loans or
11-103-203. [Formerly 11-3-105] Liability of shareholders. (1) The
shareholders of every state bank shall be held individually responsible, equally and
ratably, and not for another, for all contracts, debts, and engagements of said bank,
to the extent of double the amount of their stock therein, at the par value thereof, in
addition to the amount invested in such shares.
(2) The term "shareholder" shall apply not only to such persons as appear on the
books of the bank as shareholders, but also to every owner of stock, legal or
equitable, although the stock may stand on such books in the name of another person,
but not to a person who holds the stock as collateral security for the payment of a
(3) Any shareholder of any state bank who has transferred his OR HER shares or
caused such transfer to appear on the books of the bank within sixty days next before
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1083
IMMEDIATELY PRECEDING the capital inadequacy of such bank, or who has made such
transfer with knowledge of such impending capital inadequacy, shall be liable to the
same extent that the transferee or subsequent transferee fails to meet such liability.
This section shall not be construed to affect in any way any recourse which THAT
such shareholder might otherwise have against those in whose names such shares
appear upon the books of the bank at the time of such capital inadequacy.
(4) If the capital of any state bank becomes inadequate, and its assets and affairs
have been taken possession of by the banking board pursuant to this code, and the
banking board is of the opinion that it will become necessary in the course of
liquidation of such bank to resort to the liability of the shareholders as provided for
in this section, in order to make good the contracts, debts, or engagements of such
bank, it shall be lawful for the banking board to file in the office of the county clerk
and recorder of any county in this state, wherein any real estate belonging to any
shareholder of such bank is situated, a statement in writing to the effect that such
person is a stockholder of such bank (naming it) AND that such bank is in process of
liquidation, and stating the number of shares held by such shareholder and their
aggregate par value and the extent of such shareholder's liability under this code.
(5) Such statement shall be duly endorsed as filed by such county clerk and
recorder, giving the date of filing, and shall be indexed with the name of the
shareholder as grantor and the name of the bank as grantee, and shall be recorded as
mortgages of real estate are required to be recorded, and from the date of filing of
such statement the same shall be a lien upon any real estate of such shareholder
located in such county.
(6) If such shareholder thereafter deposits with the banking board an amount of
money equal to double the amount of the par value of his OR HER shares, to be held
by the banking board as security for his THE SHAREHOLDER'S liability under this
section, then the banking board shall execute and file with such county clerk and
recorder a release of such lien and, upon completing the liquidation of such bank,
shall return to such shareholder any excess of such deposit, if such shareholder's
ultimate liability shall prove to be less than the amount so deposited with the banking
board; and in all cases where the liability of the shareholder has been satisfied, either
as the result of litigation or otherwise, such liens so filed shall be released by the
banking board. The expense of filing and recording such liens and releases thereof
shall be paid out of any assets of the bank in the possession of the banking board.
(7) The liability imposed by this section shall not extend to shareholders in any
bank that has become a member of the federal deposit insurance corporation; but if
any bank which THAT has become a member of the federal deposit insurance
corporation ceases to remain a member thereof, the double liability mentioned in this
section shall extend to the shareholders in any such bank as provided in this section.
(8) No stockholder of a state bank shall set off against his OR HER stockholder
liability any claim he OR SHE may have as a depositor in or creditor of any insolvent
1084 Financial Institutions Ch. 152
11-103-301. [Formerly 11-3-106] Incorporators. Five or more individual
incorporators desiring to organize a state bank shall file with the banking board, in
triplicate, an application for charter on the form prescribed therefor and together with
all other documents required by section 11-3-109 11-103-303, all of which
instruments shall be duly signed by each of the incorporators and sworn to before an
officer authorized by the laws of this state to administer oaths. A majority of the
incorporators shall be residents of the state and citizens of the United States. Each
incorporator shall, prior to the filing of said application, subscribe and pay in full in
cash for stock having a par value of not less than one percent of the minimum capital
and paid-in surplus requirements.
11-103-302. [Formerly 11-3-107] Application fees. Each application for
charter shall be accompanied by a fee established by the banking board pursuant to
section 11-2-103 (11) 11-102-104 (11). The fee may be refunded to the
incorporators if the application for charter is withdrawn prior to the date set for public
11-103-303. [Formerly 11-3-109] Application for charter. (1) After the
capital stock has been fully subscribed, the incorporators shall make application to
the banking board for a charter. The incorporators shall submit to the banking board
the following:
(a) Its proposed articles of incorporation in duplicate, in such form as the banking
board shall prescribe and as shall be acceptable to the secretary of state for purposes
of filing, containing the following information: The name of the state bank; whether
the state bank is to exercise trust powers; the community in which it is to be located;
the amount of capital, the number of shares of each class, the relative preferences,
powers, and the rights of each class, the par value of the shares of each class, and the
amount of the paid-in surplus; a statement whether voting for directors shall or shall
not be cumulative, and the extent of the preemptive rights of stockholders; and such
other proper provisions to govern the business and affairs of the state bank as may be
desired by the incorporators.
(b) An application for a charter in such form and containing such information as
the banking board requires, including but not limited to the following: The name,
business and residence address, and business and professional affiliations of each
director and executive officer; the name, residence, citizenship, and occupation of
each subscriber and the number of shares for which he OR SHE has subscribed; the
past and present connection with any bank, other than as a customer, on terms
generally available to the public of each director and each subscriber to more than
five percent of the capital stock; the amount to be borrowed and from whom borrowed
on any stock issued to a subscriber to more than five percent of the capital stock; the
address at which it is proposed that the state bank do business or, if such address is
not known, the area within a radius of one-half mile in which the proposed bank is to
be located and the community which THAT it proposes to serve; a statement that all
the proposed bylaws have been attached as an exhibit to the application; and such
other information as the banking board may reasonably require to enable it to
determine whether a charter should be issued. The proposed bylaws shall be attached
to the application as an exhibit.
(2) If the proposed articles of incorporation or application do not comply with the
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1085
requirements of this code, and with the requirements of the banking board issued
pursuant thereto, the banking board shall, within thirty days after the receipt thereof,
return both of the said documents to the incorporators, calling attention to the defects
therein. If such articles of incorporation and application are not so returned by the
banking board within thirty days of AFTER the receipt thereof, they shall be deemed
to have been filed with the banking board as of the date received in its office;
otherwise they shall be deemed filed as of the date the amended documents, with all
defects corrected, are received in the commissioner's office.
(3) Not more than forty days after the date upon which the completed application
and all required documents are properly filed with the banking board, the banking
board shall mail notice of such filing by registered or certified mail to each bank
within a three-mile radius of the location of the proposed bank and to such other
persons or banks as the banking board may designate. Such notice shall be in the
form prescribed therefor by the banking board and shall include a statement that an
application for a state banking charter has been filed, the date of such filing, the
names and addresses of the incorporators thereof, and the location of the proposed
bank. The banking board shall also cause such notice to be published, at least one
time, not more than forty days after the date of filing such completed application, in
a newspaper of general circulation within the community in which such proposed
bank is to be located.
11-103-304. [Formerly 11-3-110] Procedure for granting or denying charter.
(1) Within sixty days following the filing of the completed application for charter,
the commissioner shall make or cause to be made a careful investigation to determine
that the following requirements have been met:
(a) That the applicant has proceeded in a lawful manner;
(b) That the name is not deceptively similar to that of another bank or otherwise
(c) That the persons who will serve as directors or officers, insofar as such persons
are known, possess the qualifications and experience required under rules
promulgated by the banking board and that the qualifications and financial status of
the incorporators, directors, officers, and persons in control of the bank, as defined
in section 11-2-109 (4) 11-102-302 (2), are consistent with their responsibilities and
(d) That the proposed capital satisfies the standards and guidelines in the rules and
regulations promulgated by the banking board;
(e) That the proposed or amended articles of incorporation and bylaws are
appropriate or may be amended to be appropriate.
(2) If the commissioner determines that any of the requirements in subsection (1)
of this section have not been met in any respect, he OR SHE shall notify the applicant
of such deficiencies and of corrective measures deemed appropriate. Within six
months after the filing of an application for charter, and prior to the hearing
prescribed in subsection (3) of this section, the commissioner shall report to the
banking board that the applicant has met all of the requirements of subsection (1) of
1086 Financial Institutions Ch. 152
this section, if such be the case, or shall report which requirements have been met and
which have not been met, together with the circumstances respecting such
deficiencies. This report shall be introduced by the banking board into the record of
the hearing on such application.
(3) (a) The banking board, within six months after the filing of an application for
charter, and subject to subsection (7) of this section, shall hold a public hearing to
consider the application; except that the banking board, for valid reasons and good
cause, may postpone such hearing. At such hearing, the applicant shall have the
burden of proving:
(I) That the proposed bank will serve a public need and advantage in the
community or area of the community which THAT the bank will serve; and
(II) That the volume of business in the community or area of the community which
THAT the proposed bank will serve is such that profitable operation of the bank may
be reasonably projected.
(b) In the event of an application for a charter in a county with one existing bank
which operates a detached facility pursuant to section 11-6-101 (1.5) or in a county
without a chartered bank but with a detached facility established pursuant to section
11-6-101 (1.6), the board shall not consider the existence of such detached facility
in its deliberations concerning the approval or denial of a charter; except that the
board may consider data regarding such detached facility in determining public need.
(c) (b) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, if the BANKING board
has given notice pursuant to subsection (5) of this section of a hearing on any
application for charter filed pursuant to this section and the BANKING board has
received no written protests against such charter application within ten days of ON OR
board may grant such charter without a hearing as otherwise required in this section
if the applicants for such charter are known to the BANKING board.
(4) On hearing, the banking board may admit in evidence the application for
charter and any other relevant information in the files of the division. The applicant
and all others receiving notice by registered or certified mail under subsection (5) of
this section are also entitled to be heard and to introduce testimony at such hearing,
as well as such others as the banking board may determine to be necessary.
(5) The banking board shall give notice of the hearing on application for charter
provided in subsection (3) of this section at least thirty days in advance of the hearing
date fixed by the BANKING board, by registered or certified mail, to the applicant, to
each bank within a three-mile radius of the location of the proposed bank, and to such
other persons or banks as the banking board may designate. Such notice shall be in
the form prescribed by the banking board and shall include the names of the
incorporators, the name of each stockholder subscribing to ten percent or more of the
stock of the bank, the name and location of the proposed bank, the date, time, and
place of the hearing, and A STATEMENT DECLARING that the application and proposed
articles of incorporation or amended articles of incorporation are available for
inspection in the office of the banking board. The banking board shall also cause
such notice to be published at least one time not less than twenty days prior to the
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1087
date fixed for such hearing in a newspaper of general circulation within the
community in which the proposed bank is to be located.
(6) Within one hundred twenty days following the date of conclusion of the
hearing, the banking board shall issue a written order requiring the commissioner to
grant a charter if a majority of the banking board finds that the requirements of
subsection (1) of this section have been met and that the applicant has met the burden
of proof prescribed in subsection (3) of this section. The banking board shall make
execution of its order to grant a charter contingent upon the proposed bank making
a bona fide application for membership in the federal deposit insurance corporation
or the federal reserve system. In applications where management has not been fully
disclosed at the time of the hearing, the banking board may make execution of its
order to grant a charter contingent upon its subsequent approval of management. If
a majority of the banking board finds that the requirements of subsection (1) of this
section or the burden of proof of subsection (3) of this section have not been met, the
application for charter shall be denied. The banking board may revoke a charter
which THAT may have been granted in any case where the proposed bank has not
exercised its charter and opened for business within six months after the date of the
order to grant the charter.
(7) If within a ninety-day period there has HAVE been filed with the banking board
two or more applications for charter for state banks to serve the same community, the
banking board may hold a single hearing to consider such applications. The banking
board may grant or deny a charter to any one or more of the applicants without regard
to the priority in time of filing applications. The determination of the banking board
to deny a charter to an applicant who might otherwise qualify for a charter under
subsections (1) and (3) of this section shall be based upon a finding that the public
need or advantage of the community or area of the community in which the proposed
bank will be located will best be served by such denial and by the granting of a
charter on another application or other applications heard at such single hearing.
(8) It shall be a criminal offense against this code for a proposed state bank to
perform any act as a state bank other than to perfect its organization, obtain and equip
a place of business, and OR otherwise prepare to do business as a state bank prior to
receiving a charter.
(9) Unless otherwise provided by law to the contrary, articles of incorporation,
amended articles of incorporation, or amendments to articles of incorporation shall
be delivered and filed as follows:
(a) Duplicate originals shall be delivered to the secretary of state for filing in
accordance with the general corporate laws of this state;
(b) A verified copy shall be filed in the office of the clerk and recorder for the
county in which the state bank is located;
(c) A copy to which the commissioner shall affix the charter, or certificate of
approval in the case of amendments, shall be delivered by the commissioner to the
1088 Financial Institutions Ch. 152
11-103-401. [Formerly 11-3-111] Subscription calls. After a charter has been
granted, the directors may call for the payment of the subscriptions in full within
thirty days from AFTER the date of the notice thereof THAT THE CHARTER HAS BEEN
GRANTED. No share shall be issued until the par value and the pro rata portion of the
paid-in surplus specified in the charter have been paid in full in cash.
11-103-402. [Formerly 11-3-112] First meetings of stockholders - director's
oath - bylaws. (1) After the capital and surplus have been fully paid in cash and
before any business shall be IS transacted, the incorporators shall call a meeting of
the stockholders, on at least ten days' notice, to elect directors and to adopt bylaws,
and shall direct the call, on at least five days' notice, of the first meeting of directors
for election of officers.
(2) Every director of a state bank shall take and subscribe to an oath before a
disinterested notary public that he THE DIRECTOR will, insofar as the duty devolves
upon him OR HER, diligently and honestly administer the affairs of the bank and that
he OR SHE will not knowingly violate nor willingly permit to be violated any provision
of the law.
(3) Bylaws may be adopted and amended by a majority vote at a stockholders'
meeting, but the bylaws may provide for adoption or amendment by the board of
directors of any provisions other than those relating to the duties, term of office,
remuneration, reimbursement, or indemnification of a director. Copies of all bylaws
and amendments thereto shall be filed with the commissioner.
11-103-403. [Formerly 11-3-113] Stockholders' meetings - voting trusts -
preemptive right - transfer of stock. (1) A regular annual meeting of stockholders
shall be held each year as the bylaws direct. A special meeting may be called at any
time by the banking board or the commissioner, by not less than one-third of the
directors, or by the holders of twenty-five percent of the outstanding voting shares.
The regular annual meeting and special meetings of the stockholders shall be held at
such place as may be designated in the bylaws. Notice shall be mailed at least ten
days before a meeting to every person who is a stockholder of record twenty days
before the date of the meeting or at such longer period as may be provided in the
bylaws. Such notice shall be mailed to the stockholder's address on the records of the
bank. No business shall be transacted at a special meeting which THAT is not
specified in the notice thereof or necessary or proper in connection with or incidental
to the business specified. The holders of a majority of the outstanding voting shares,
or their authorized representatives, shall constitute a quorum. In the absence of a
quorum, a meeting may be adjourned from time to time without notice to the
(2) Except on the election of directors, when cumulative voting is provided for in
the charter, each share of common stock shall have one vote, which may be cast by
the owner of record on the record date or his BY SUCH OWNER'S proxy, whether or not
the owner of record has the beneficial interest therein. The bank may not vote shares
which THAT it holds in any capacity other than as fiduciary.
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1089
(3) A stockholder authorized to vote may, by his MEANS OF A proxy executed in
writing, appoint a representative to cast his OR HER vote. The banking board may
promulgate rules governing proxies and the solicitation thereof.
(4) No shares deposited under a voting trust agreement shall be voted by the
trustee unless the agreement has been approved by the banking board. Approval shall
be withheld or, if previously granted, revoked if it appears that the existence of the
trust would tend to reduce competition among lending institutions or to affect
adversely the character or competence of the management or the bank's policies or
operating procedures. In the absence of such approval, the record owner may vote
his OR HER shares.
(5) Unless otherwise provided in the charter, if additional stock of a class is
offered for sale, stockholders of record of the same class on the date of the offer shall
have the right to subscribe to such proportion of the shares as the stock held by them
bears to the total of the outstanding stock. This right shall be transferable, but shall
terminate if not exercised within thirty days of AFTER the offer. If the right is not
exercised, the stock shall not be offered for sale to others at a lower price, or on other
more favorable terms, without the stockholders again being accorded a preemptive
right to subscribe.
(6) No transfer of shares of stock shall be effective with respect to the bank until
it has been entered upon the transfer books. The stock book shall be available for
examination by a stockholder of the corporation at the principal place of business
during its business hours.
11-103-404. [Formerly 11-3-116] Waiver of notice - meeting or vote.
(1) When a notice is required to be given to stockholders or directors under this code,
or the charter or bylaws of any state bank, a waiver thereof in writing, signed by the
person entitled to said notice, whether EITHER before or after the time stated therein,
shall be deemed equivalent thereto.
(2) If the vote of stockholders or directors at a meeting thereof is required or
permitted to be taken in connection with any corporate action by any section of this
code, the meeting and vote of stockholders or directors may be dispensed with, if all
of the stockholders or directors who would have been entitled to vote upon the action
if such meeting were held shall consent in writing to such corporate action being
(3) In the event that the action which THAT is consented to is such as would have
required the filing of a certificate under any of the other sections of this code if such
action had been voted upon by the stockholders or directors at a meeting thereof, the
certificate filed under such other section shall state that written consent has been
given under this section, in lieu of stating that the stockholders have voted upon the
corporate action in question, if such last mentioned statement is required thereby.
11-103-405. [Formerly 11-3-117] Amendment of articles - change of location
- authorized but unissued stock. (1) A state bank may apply to the banking board
to amend its articles of incorporation or to change its location.
(2) An application for an amendment of the articles of incorporation to change the
1090 Financial Institutions Ch. 152
authorized capital and the number and par value of the shares, to acquire or abandon
trust powers, or to change its location shall be authorized by the vote of two-thirds
of the outstanding voting stock voted at a meeting of the stockholders. Any other
application may be authorized by the vote of a majority of the outstanding voting
stock voted at a meeting of the stockholders.
(3) Notice of the application shall be sent to such persons and organizations as the
banking board may require.
(4) The banking board shall approve an application:
(a) To change the name of the corporation if the proposed name is not deceptive
or misleading;
(b) Repealed.
(c) (b) To increase the total capital by increasing the amount of capital stock; but
an amendment increasing the total capital shall not become effective until the banking
board finds that the new capital has been fully paid in cash; except that amendments
increasing the capital stock of the bank in the category of authorized but unissued
stock shall be approved pursuant to the provisions of subsection (6) of this section.
(5) In making its determination thereon, the banking board shall consider whether
the public need and advantage would be served by granting the application and shall
be guided by the standards prescribed for the approval of an application for a charter,
insofar as they are reasonably applicable. In making its determination upon an
application for change of location, the banking board shall consider the need and
advantage of both the community or area of the community in which the bank will be
located and the community or area of the community from which the bank will be
(6) A state bank, upon application to and approval by the banking board and by
vote of two-thirds of the outstanding voting stock voted at a meeting of the
stockholders, by an amendment of the articles of incorporation, may authorize an
increase in the capital stock of the bank in the category of authorized but unissued
stock. Such authorized but unissued stock may be issued from time to time to
employees of the bank pursuant to stock option or stock purchase plans adopted in
accordance with the provisions of section 11-3-101 (2) (h) 11-103-101 (2) (h), or in
exchange for convertible preferred stock or convertible capital debentures in
accordance with the terms and provisions of such securities. Authorized but unissued
stock may also be issued from time to time for such other purposes and considerations
as may be approved by the board of directors of the state bank and the banking board.
11-103-406. [Formerly 11-3-118] Dividends - when payable. The board of
directors of a state bank may declare dividends from retained earnings and from other
components of capital specifically approved by the banking board so long as the
declaration is made in compliance with the rules and regulations established by the
banking board.
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1091
11-103-501. [Formerly 11-3-114] Directors and officers. (1) The affairs of
a state bank shall be managed by a board of directors, which shall exercise its powers
and be responsible for the discharge of its duties. The number of directors, not less
than three nor more than twenty-five, shall be as fixed by the bylaws, and the number
so fixed shall be the board, regardless of vacancies. At least three-fourths of the
directors shall be citizens of the United States, two-thirds shall be residents of this
state, and a majority shall reside within one hundred miles of the place of business of
the bank; except that, if the bank is organized solely to do business with other
financial institutions, is owned primarily by the financial institutions with which it
does business, and does not do business with the general public, at least three-fourths
of the directors shall be citizens of the United States and a majority shall be residents
of this state. A director need not own shares. No director may serve who has been
convicted of fraud involving any financial institution or of a felony, but the banking
board may waive this provision regarding a felony if it determines that the particular
felony does not jeopardize the person's ability to act as a director. A director who is
disqualified may be removed by the board of directors or by the banking board. No
action taken by a director prior to his OR HER resignation or removal shall be subject
to attack on the ground of his OR HER disqualification.
(2) Directors shall receive such reasonable compensation as the bylaws may
prescribe and shall serve until their successors are elected and qualify.
(3) Directors shall be elected by the stockholders at the first meeting, and
thereafter, at the annual meeting or at a special meeting called for the purpose. If the
charter provides for cumulative voting, the votes of each share may be cast for one
person or divided among two or more, as the stockholder may choose. The person (to
the number of directors to be elected) having the largest number of votes shall be
(4) The term of office of directors shall be one year. Vacancies may be filled by
vote of the board of directors until the next meeting of the stockholders.
(5) A director may be removed by the stockholders at a meeting. Where
cumulative voting for directors is provided in the charter, no director shall be
removed unless the votes cast against a motion for his OR HER removal are less than
the total number of shares outstanding divided by the number of authorized directors,
but all of the directors shall be removed if a majority of the outstanding shares
approves a motion for the removal of all.
(6) The officers designated by the bylaws shall be elected by the board of
directors. A member of the board of directors shall be elected president. No officer
shall be elected, or a contract executed for his THE OFFICER'S employment, for a
period longer than one year. No person may be employed as an officer of a state
bank who has been convicted of fraud involving any financial institution or of a
felony, but the banking board may waive this provision regarding a felony if it
determines that the particular felony does not jeopardize the person's ability to act as
an officer. An officer may be removed by the board of directors at any time, but
removal shall not prejudice any rights that he THE OFFICER may have to damages for
breach of contract of employment, unless he THE OFFICER falsely answered any
question or made any material misstatement of facts relating to any matter leading to
or constituting any inducement to such employment.
1092 Financial Institutions Ch. 152
(7) Repealed.
11-103-502. [Formerly 11-3-115] Directors' meetings - duties. (1) The board
of directors of a state bank shall meet at least once each calendar month. The
banking board, the commissioner, or an executive officer may call a special meeting.
A majority of the board of directors shall constitute a quorum. The board shall keep
minutes of each meeting, including a record of attendance. Any director who fails to
attend meetings of such board of directors for three consecutive months shall
automatically cease to be a director, unless his SUCH absence is satisfactorily
explained to the banking board or the commissioner, who shall, in such event, notify
the president of such bank of the approval thereof.
(2) The board of directors or the executive committee of the board shall review at
least monthly the following transactions occurring since the last review:
(a) Each loan, advance, discount, overdraft, and purchase or sale of a security
which THAT exceeds in amount one percent of the capital of the corporation pursuant
to the rules and regulations promulgated by the banking board, and each loan,
advance, discount, and overdraft which THAT makes the total obligations from one
obligor exceed that amount;
(b) Each purchase or sale of a security which THAT, together with the bank's other
purchases and sales in the security during the preceding two months, involves such
(3) (a) The board of directors shall cause the financial statements of the state bank
to be prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles
consistently applied, except as the banking board may otherwise provide in order to
establish regulatory and competitive parity and pursuant to the policies expressed in
section 11-1-101.5 11-101-102.
(b) The board of directors shall cause an audit of the state bank to be completed
by an accounting firm composed of certified public accountants or a directors'
examination by a public accountant or any other independent person or persons as
determined by the banking board at least annually but at intervals of not more than
fifteen months, as may be required by the banking board or its rules. and regulations.
The banking board shall adopt regulations RULES regarding the qualifications of such
public accountant and other independent person or persons, who shall assume the
responsibility for due care in such director's examinations. The banking board's
regulations RULES shall also establish the scope of such directors' examinations,
which shall include safeguards to insure that such examinations adequately describe
the financial condition of the financial institution. The banking board may require an
audit to be completed by an accounting firm composed of certified public accountants
under certain circumstances. A report of the audit or directors' examination and any
related management letters and documents shall be completed and submitted to the
banking board within the time frames PERIODS, in the form, and containing such
information as the banking board may require in its rules. and regulations. Such
report of the audit or directors' examination and any related management letters and
documents shall be reviewed by the directors at the next meeting of the board of
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1093
(c) If a bank is owned or controlled by a bank holding company, the requirement
of paragraph (b) of this subsection (3) may be fulfilled if:
(I) As required by the banking board and its rules, and regulations, the controlling
bank holding company is audited or examined in a directors' examination annually
at intervals of not more than fifteen months and the bank is included in the annual
audit or directors' examination of the bank holding company by that firm;
(II) A report of the audit or directors' examination for the controlling bank holding
company and any related management letters and documents is completed and
submitted to the banking board within the time frames PERIODS, in the form, and
containing such information as the banking board may require in its rules; and
regulations; and
(III) An annual internal examination of the bank is prepared by the internal
examination staff of the controlling bank holding company which shall be submitted
AND KEPT AVAILABLE FOR SUBMISSION to the banking board immediately upon its THE
(d) A bank or bank holding company whose fiscal year ended during the period
from July 1, 1989, to June 7, 1990, shall be required to comply with the audit or
directors' examination requirements of this section annually at intervals of not more
than fifteen months and not necessarily as of its fiscal year end.
(4) A state bank authorized to exercise trust powers shall not accept, or voluntarily
relinquish, a fiduciary account without the approval or ratification of the board of
directors, or of a committee of officers or directors designated by the board to
perform this function, but the board of directors or the committee may prescribe
general rules governing acceptances or relinquishment of fiduciary accounts, and
action taken by an officer in accordance with these rules is sufficient approval. Any
committee so designated shall keep minutes of its meetings and report at each monthly
meeting of the board of directors all action taken since the previous meeting of the
board. The board of directors shall designate one or more committees of not less than
three qualified officers or directors to supervise the investment of fiduciary funds. No
such investment shall be made, retained, or disposed of without the approval of a
committee as to which the bank has investment or review responsibility. At least
once in every calendar year, the committee shall review the records of each fiduciary
account as to which the bank has investment or review responsibility and shall
determine the current value, safety, and suitability of the investments and whether the
same INVESTMENTS should be modified or retained. The committee shall keep
minutes of its meetings and shall report at each monthly meeting of the board of
directors its conclusions on all questions considered and all action taken since the
previous meeting of the board.
11-103-503. [Identical to 11-103-404.] Waiver of notice - meeting or vote.
1094 Financial Institutions Ch. 152
11-103-601. [Formerly 11-3-120] Director and officer insurance and fidelity
bonds - legislative declaration. (1) The directors of a state bank shall require good
and sufficient fidelity bonds on all active officers and employees, whether or not they
draw salary or compensation, which bonds shall provide for indemnity to such bank
on account of any losses sustained by it as the result of any dishonest, fraudulent, or
criminal conduct by them acting independently or in collusion or combination with
any person. Such bonds may be in individual, schedule, or blanket form, and the
premiums therefor shall be paid by the bank.
(2) The said directors shall also require suitable insurance protection to the bank
against burglary, robbery, theft, and other insurable hazard to which the bank may
be exposed in the operations of its business on the premises or elsewhere.
(3) The directors shall be responsible for prescribing, at least once in each
calendar year, the amount or penal sum of the bonds and policies specified in this
section and the sureties or underwriters thereon after giving due and careful
consideration to all known elements and factors constituting such risk or hazard.
Such action shall be recorded in the minutes of the board of directors.
(4) (a) The general assembly hereby finds, determines, and declares that the
following is enforceable and in conformity with the public policy of this state, as
expressed in this code, including the provisions of section 11-1-101.5 11-101-102:
(I) Any insurance policy, form, contract, endorsement, or certificate in effect or
issued on or after April 30, 1993, which THAT provides insurance coverage to
directors or officers, or both, of a bank but which THAT does not grant coverage or
which THAT excludes coverage for claims made by any depository insurance
organization or any other state or federal corporation, organization, or entity acting
as receiver, conservator, or liquidator of such bank, whether in its own name or in ON
behalf of any other person or entity; or
(II) Any fidelity bond, financial institution bond, or depository institution bond in
effect or issued on or after April 30, 1993, that provides for termination of such bond
upon the taking over of the bank by a receiver or other liquidator or by state or
federal officials.
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1095
(b) No provision of PART 8 THIS article 5 of this title shall be construed to
contravene or modify the expressed public policy set forth in this subsection (4).
11-103-602. [Formerly 11-3-121] Indemnification and personal liability of
directors, officers, employees, and agents. The state bank sha ll have the same
powers, rights, and obligations and shall be subject to the same limitations as apply
to corporations for profit as set forth in article 109 of title 7, C.R.S. State bank
directors, officers, employees, and agents shall have the same rights as directors,
officers, employees, and agents, respectively, of corporations for profit as set forth
in article 109 of title 7, C.R.S. State bank directors and officers shall have the benefit
of the same limitations on personal liability for any injury to person or property
arising out of a tort as set forth in section 7-108-402 (2), C.R.S., for directors and
officers, respectively, of corporations for profit. Any reference in said sections to
shareholders shall be construed to refer to stockholders for the purposes of this
11-103-603. [Formerly 11-3-122] Deposit insurance - membership in federal
reserve system - federal national mortgage association. (1) A state bank is
authorized to do any act necessary to obtain insurance of its deposits by the United
States or any agency thereof and to acquire and hold membership in the federal
reserve system or to take advantage of any other act or resolution of congress that
may be enacted to aid, regulate, or safeguard state banks and their depositors,
including any amendments of the same or any substitutions thereof. It may also
subscribe for and acquire any stock, debentures, bonds, or other types of securities
of the federal deposit insurance corporation and comply with the lawful regulations
and requirements from time to time issued or made by such corporation.
(2) A state bank which THAT is a member of the federal reserve system, or of the
federal deposit insurance corporation, or of both may make payments to the federal
national mortgage association, a constituent agency of the national housing and home
finance agency, of nonrefundable capital contributions, receive stock evidencing such
capital contributions and hold and dispose thereof, contract with said association, and
incur the expenses and otherwise comply with the then lawful regulations and
requirements issued by said association from time to time to the extent a national
bank in like circumstances is authorized by any act or resolution by the United States
congress or by any lawful rule or regulation issued pursuant thereto.
11-103-701. [Formerly 11-4-102] Merger or conversion. (1) Upon approval
of the banking board, banks may be merged with, or converted into, a resulting state
bank as prescribed in this article; except that the action by a constituent national bank
shall be taken in the manner prescribed by, and shall be subject to, any limitation or
requirements imposed by any law of the United States, which LAW shall also govern
the rights of its dissenting shareholders.
(2) Nothing in the law of this state shall restrict the right of a state bank to merge
with, or convert into, a resulting national bank. The action to be taken by a
constituent state bank and its rights and liabilities and those of its shareholders shall
1096 Financial Institutions Ch. 152
be the same as those prescribed for national banks at the time of the action by the
applicable laws of the United States and not by the law of this state.
11-103-702. [Formerly 11-4-103] Approval of merger by directors.
(1) Where there is to be a resulting state bank, the board of directors of each
constituent state bank shall, by a majority of the entire board, approve a merger
agreement, which AGREEMENT shall contain:
(a) The name of each constituent bank and the location of each office;
(b) With respect to the resulting bank, the name and the location of each proposed
office; the name and residence of each director to serve until the next annual meeting
of the stockholders; the name and residence of each officer; the amount of capital, the
number of shares, and the par value of each share; whether preferred stock is to be
issued and the amount, terms, and preferences; the amendments to the charter and
(c) The terms for the exchange of shares of the constituent banks for those of the
resulting bank;
(d) A statement that the agreement is subject to approval by the banking board and
by the stockholders of each constituent bank;
(e) Provisions governing the manner of disposing of the shares of the resulting state
bank not taken by dissenting shareholders of constituent banks;
(f) Such other provisions as the banking board requires to enable it to discharge
its duties with respect to the merger.
11-103-703. [Formerly 11-4-104] Approval by banking board. (1) After
approval by the board of directors of each constituent bank, the merger agreement
shall be submitted to the banking board for approval, together with certified copies
of the authorizing resolutions of the several boards of directors showing approval by
a majority of the entire board and evidence of proper action by the board of directors
of any constituent national bank.
(2) Without approval by the banking board, no asset shall be carried on the books
of the resulting bank at a valuation higher than that on the books of the constituent
bank at the time of the last examination by a state or national bank examiner before
the effective date of the merger.
(3) Within thirty days after receipt by the banking board of the papers specified in
subsection (1) of this section, the banking board shall approve or disapprove the
merger agreement. The banking board shall approve the agreement if it appears that:
(a) The resulting state bank meets all the requirements of state law as to the
formation of a new state bank;
(b) The agreement provides for adequate capital as established by the banking
board in its rules; and regulations;
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1097
(c) The agreement is fair;
(d) The merger is not contrary to the public interest.
(4) If the banking board disapproves an agreement, it shall state its objections and
give an opportunity to the constituent banks to amend the merger agreement to
obviate such objection.
(5) Where the resulting state bank is not to exercise trust powers, the banking
board shall not approve a merger until satisfied that adequate provision has been
made for successors to fiduciary positions held by constituent banks.
11-103-704. [Formerly 11-4-105] Approval by stockholders - rights of
dissenters. (1) To be effective, a merger must be approved by the stockholders of
each constituent state bank by a vote of two-thirds of the outstanding voting stock, at
a meeting called to consider such action, which vote shall constitute the adoption of
the charter and bylaws of the resulting state bank, including the amendments set forth
in the merger agreement.
(2) The notice of the meeting of stockholders shall state that dissenting
stockholders will be entitled to payment of the value of only those shares which THAT
are voted against the approval of the plan.
(3) The owners of shares which THAT were voted against the approval of the
merger shall be entitled to receive their value in cash, if and when the merger
becomes effective, upon written demand made to the resulting state bank at any time
within thirty days after the effective date of the merger, accompanied by the surrender
of the stock certificates. The value of such shares shall be determined as of the date
of the shareholders' meeting approving the merger by three appraisers, one to be
selected by the owners of two-thirds of the dissenting shares involved, one by the
board of directors of the resulting state bank, and the third by the two so chosen. The
valuation agreed upon by any two appraisers shall govern. If the appraisal is not
completed within ninety days after the merger becomes effective, the commissioner
shall cause an appraisal to be made.
(4) The expenses of appraisal shall be paid by the resulting state bank.
(5) The resulting state bank may fix an amount which THAT it considers to be not
more than the fair market value of the shares of a constituent bank at the time of the
stockholders' meeting approving the merger, which it will pay dissenting shareholders
of that constituent bank entitled to payment in cash. The amount due under such
accepted offer or under the appraisal shall constitute a debt of the resulting state
11-103-705. [Formerly 11-4-106] Effective date of merger - certificate.
(1) A merger shall, unless a later date is specified in the agreement, become effective
upon the filing with the banking board of the executed agreement, together with
copies of the resolutions of the stockholders of each constituent bank approving it,
certified by such bank's president or a vice-president and a secretary. The charters
of the constituent banks, other than the resulting bank, shall thereupon be deemed
1098 Financial Institutions Ch. 152
(2) The banking board shall thereupon issue to the resulting bank a certificate of
merger, setting forth the name of each constituent bank and the name of the resulting
state bank. Such certificate shall be conclusive evidence of the merger and of the
correctness of all proceedings therefor in all courts and places and may be recorded
in any office for the recording of deeds to evidence the new name in which the
property of the constituent banks is held.
11-103-706. [Formerly 11-4-107] Continuation of corporate entity. (1) The
resulting state bank shall be considered the same business and corporate entity as
each constituent bank with all of the rights, powers, and duties of each constituent
bank, except as limited by the charter and bylaws of the resulting state bank.
(2) The resulting state bank has the right to use the name of any constituent bank
whenever it can do any act under such name more conveniently.
(3) Any reference to any constituent bank in any writing, whether executed or
taking effect before or after the merger, shall be deemed a reference to the resulting
state bank if not inconsistent with the other provisions of such writing.
11-103-707. [Formerly 11-4-108] Conversion from state bank to national
and vice versa. (1) Nothing in the law of this state shall restrict the right of a state
bank to convert into a national bank upon compliance with the laws of the United
States, and, upon completion of such conversion, it shall surrender its charter as a
state bank.
(2) A national bank located in this state which THAT follows the procedure
prescribed by federal law to convert into a state bank shall be granted a state charter
if it meets the requirements for the incorporation of a state bank. Any requirement
that shares must be paid in cash may be satisfied by the exchange of shares of the
converted state bank for those of the converting national bank, which may be valued
at no more than their fair cash market value. The procedure for incorporation of a
state bank may be modified to the extent made necessary by the difference between
an ordinary incorporation and a conversion.
(3) The converted bank shall be considered the same business and corporate entity
as the converting bank with all of the rights, powers, and duties of the converting
bank except as limited by the charter and bylaws of the resulting bank. It may use
the name of the converting bank whenever it can do any act under such name more
(4) Any reference to the converting bank in any writing, whether executed or
taking effect before or after the conversion, shall be deemed a reference to the
converted bank if not inconsistent with the other provisions of such writing.
11-103-708. [Formerly 11-4-109] Nonconforming assets. If a constituent bank
has assets which THAT do not conform to the requirements of state law for the
resulting bank, or if a converting national bank has assets which THAT do not conform
to the requirements of a state law for the converted state bank, or if, in either case,
there are business activities which THAT are not permitted for the resulting or
converted state bank, the banking board may permit a reasonable time to conform
with state law.
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1099
11-103-709. [Formerly 11-4-110] Sale of all assets of bank or department.
(1) Any state bank may sell to any other bank all, or substantially all, of the selling
bank assets and business, or all, or substantially all, of the assets and business of any
department of the selling bank.
(2) Any state bank may, upon assuming the liabilities relating thereto, purchase all,
or substantially all, of the assets and business of another bank, or all, or substantially
all, of the assets and business of any department of another bank.
(3) The agreement of purchase and sale shall be authorized and approved by the
banking board and by the vote of a majority of the stockholders of the purchasing and
selling banks at meetings called for the purpose in like manner as meetings to approve
mergers are called, and filed with the commissioner, accompanied by evidence of
such stockholders' approval in like manner as agreements of merger are filed. After
such approval is given by the stockholders, a notice of such sale shall be published
once a week for three successive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in the
county in which the selling bank has its principal office. Proof of such publication
shall be filed with the division.
(4) Notwithstanding any term of the agreement, or of his OR HER contract of
deposit, any depositor whose business is thus sold has the right, upon payment of any
indebtedness owing by him THE DEPOSITOR to the bank, to withdraw his OR HER
deposit in full on demand after such sale unless, by dealing with the purchasing bank
with knowledge of the purchase, he THE DEPOSITOR ratifies the transfer.
(5) The agreement of sale may provide for the transfer to the purchasing bank of
all fiduciary positions held by the selling bank pursuant to section 11-10-106
(6) No right against, or obligation of, the selling bank, in respect of the assets or
business sold, shall be released or impaired by the sale until one year from the last
date of publication of the notice, pursuant to subsection (3) of this section, but, after
the expiration of such year, no action shall be brought against the selling bank on
account of any deposit, obligation, trust, or asset transferred to or liability assumed
by the purchasing bank.
11-103-801. [Formerly 11-5-101] Voluntary liquidation and dissolution.
(1) With the approval of the banking board, a state bank may liquidate and dissolve.
The banking board shall grant such approval if it appears that the proposal to
liquidate and dissolve has been approved by a vote of two-thirds of the outstanding
voting stock at a meeting called for that purpose and that the capital of the state bank
is adequate and such state bank has sufficient liquid assets to pay off depositors and
creditors immediately.
(2) (a) Upon approval by the banking board, the bank shall forthwith cease to do
business, shall have only the powers necessary to effect an orderly liquidation, and
shall proceed to pay its depositors and creditors and to wind up its affairs.
1100 Financial Institutions Ch. 152
(b) Within thirty days of AFTER the approval, a notice of liquidation shall be sent
by mail to each depositor, creditor, person interested in funds held as a fiduciary,
lessee of a safe deposit box, and bailor of property at the address of such person as
shown on the books of the bank. The notice shall be posted conspicuously on the
premises of the bank and shall be given such publication as the banking board may
require. The bank shall send with each notice a statement of the amount shown on
the books to be the claim of the depositor or creditor. The notice shall demand that
property held by the bank as bailee or in a safe deposit box be withdrawn by the
person entitled thereto and that claims of depositors and creditors, if the amount
claimed differs from that stated in the notice to be due, be filed with the bank before
a specified date not earlier than sixty days thereafter, in accordance with the
procedure prescribed in the notice.
(c) As soon after approval as may be practicable, the state bank shall resign all
fiduciary positions and take such action as may be necessary to settle its fiduciary
(d) Safe deposit boxes, the contents of which have not been removed within thirty
days after demand, shall be opened. Sealed packages containing the contents of such
box, with a certificate of inventory of contents, together with any other unclaimed
property held by the bank as bailee and certified inventories thereof shall be
transferred to the banking board, which shall retain them for six years unless sooner
claimed by the person entitled to them. After six years the banking board shall sell
or otherwise appropriately dispose of the property. The proceeds of any sale shall be
transferred to the state treasurer as abandoned funds.
(e) The approval of an application for liquidation shall not impair any right of a
depositor or creditor to payment in full, and all lawful claims of creditors and
depositors shall promptly be paid. The unearned portion of the rental of a safe
deposit box shall be returned to the lessee.
(f) Any assets remaining after the discharge of all obligations shall be distributed
to the stockholders in accordance with their respective interests. No such distribution
shall be made before all claims of depositors and creditors have been paid or, in the
case of any disputed claim, the bank has transmitted to the banking board a sum
adequate to meet any liability that may be judicially determined and any funds
payable to a depositor or creditor and unclaimed have been transmitted to the banking
(3) Any unclaimed distribution to a stockholder or depositor shall be held until
ninety days after the final distribution and then transmitted to the banking board.
Such unclaimed funds shall be held by the banking board for six years and, unless
sooner claimed by the person entitled thereto, shall be transferred to the treasury of
the county in which the bank is located. The county treasurer and his successors shall
hold such money in trust for a period of six years, unless the same shall be sooner
paid out to the beneficial owner thereof or a suit is instituted to recover such money
or a portion thereof. Any money remaining in said fund six years after the same is
paid into the treasury of the county, for the recovery of which no action is pending,
shall be transferred to the general fund of the county, and all rights of the former
beneficial owners therein to recover the same shall be forever barred.
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1101
(4) If the banking board finds that the assets will be insufficient for the full
discharge of all obligations, or that completion of the liquidation has been unduly
delayed, it may take possession and complete the liquidation in the manner provided
in this code for involuntary liquidations.
(5) The banking board may require reports of the progress of liquidation. If it is
satisfied that the liquidation has been properly completed, it shall cancel the charter
and enter an order of dissolution.
11-103-802. [Formerly 11-5-102] Involuntary liquidation by banking board
- reorganization. (1) (a) Except as otherwise provided in this code, only the
banking board may take possession of a state bank if, after a hearing before the
banking board, the banking board shall find FINDS: The bank's capital is inadequate
or it is otherwise in an unsound condition; the bank's business is being conducted in
an unlawful or unsound manner; the bank is unable to continue normal operations;
examination of the bank has been obstructed or impeded; or control of the bank has
been assumed by any person or persons convicted of fraud or a felony in this state or
any other jurisdiction, or by any partnership, association, or corporation controlled,
directly or indirectly, by any person so convicted, unless the BANKING board
determines that such person has been duly rehabilitated or otherwise that the bank
will be honestly and efficiently managed.
(b) Notice of hearing shall be mailed by first class mail to the bank and the
directors of the bank no less than ten days prior to the hearing. Any proceedings
conducted pursuant to this subsection (1) shall be exempt from any provision of law
requiring that proceedings of the banking board be conducted publicly.
(2) (a) The commissioner, upon order of the banking board, shall take possession
by posting upon the premises a notice reciting that he THE COMMISSIONER is assuming
possession pursuant to this code and the time, not earlier than the posting of the
notice, when his OR HER possession shall be deemed to commence. A copy of the
notice shall be filed in the district court in and for the county in which the bank is
located. The commissioner shall notify the federal reserve bank of the district of
taking possession of any state bank which THAT is a member of the federal reserve
system and shall notify the federal deposit insurance corporation of taking possession
of any state bank which THAT is a member of the federal deposit insurance
(b) When the commissioner has taken possession of a state bank, he THE
COMMISSIONER shall be vested with the full and exclusive power of management and
control, including the power to continue or to discontinue the business; to stop or to
limit the payment of its obligations; to employ any necessary assistants, including
legal counsel; to execute any instrument in the name of the bank; to commence,
defend, and conduct in its name any action or proceeding to which it may be a party;
to terminate his SUCH possession by restoring the bank to its board of directors; and
to reorganize or liquidate the bank in accordance with this code. As soon as
practicable after taking possession, the commissioner shall make an inventory of the
assets and file a copy thereof with the court in which the notice of possession was
(c) When the commissioner is in possession and while his THE COMMISSIONER'S
1102 Financial Institutions Ch. 152
possession continues, there shall be a postponement, until six months after such
taking, of the date upon which any period of limitation fixed by statute or agreement
would otherwise expire on a claim or right of action of the bank, or upon which a
review must be taken, or a pleading, or other document must be filed, by the bank in
any pending action or proceeding.
(3) (a) If the banking board determines, after hearing before the banking board, to
liquidate the state bank, it shall give notice of its determination by posting upon the
premises a notice reciting that the determination has been made to liquidate the bank.
A copy of the notice shall be filed in the district court in and for the county in which
the bank is located. The commissioner, upon order of the banking board, shall tender
to the federal deposit insurance corporation or its successor the appointment as
liquidator under section 11-5-105 11-103-805.
(b) If, in the opinion of the banking board, an emergency exists which THAT may
result in serious losses to the depositors, it may take possession of a state bank and
may immediately appoint the federal deposit insurance corporation or its successor
as liquidator in accordance with section 11-5-105 11-103-805 without notice of a
hearing. Notice of the banking board's emergency determination shall be posted and
filed in the same manner as prescribed in paragraph (a) of this subsection (3). Within
ten days after the banking board's emergency determination, the bank or the directors
of the bank may file an application with the banking board to rescind its
determination. The filing of an application shall not act as a stay of the banking
board's action pursuant to this subsection (3). The banking board shall grant the
application if it finds that its action was unauthorized and shall rescind its action
taking possession and restore the bank to its board of directors. If no application is
filed within ten days after the banking board's emergency determination, all action
taken by the banking board shall be final.
(c) Notice of hearing shall be mailed by first class mail to the bank and the
directors of the bank no less than ten days prior to the hearing. Any proceeding
conducted pursuant to this subsection (3) shall be exempt from any provision of law
requiring that proceedings of the banking board be conducted publicly.
(d) If the federal deposit insurance corporation or its successor does not accept the
tender of appointment as liquidator, the banking board as liquidator shall proceed to
liquidate the institution, upon first providing a bond executed by some surety
company authorized to do business in this state, running to the people of the state of
Colorado, which THAT meets with the approval of the banking board, for the faithful
discharge of its duties in connection with such liquidation and the accounting for all
moneys coming into its hands. The cost of such bond shall be paid from the assets of
the bank. Suit may be maintained on such bond by any person injured by a breach
of conditions thereof.
(e) If the commissioner determines to reorganize the state bank or if the banking
board, after staying its liquidation, orders such reorganization, the commissioner,
after according a hearing to all interested persons, shall enter an order proposing a
reorganization plan. A copy of the plan shall be sent to each depositor and creditor
who shall not receive payment of his OR HER claim in full under the plan, together
with notice that, unless within fifteen days the plan is disapproved in writing by
persons holding one-third or more of the aggregate amount of such claims, the
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1103
commissioner will proceed to effect the reorganization. A department, agency, or
political subdivision of this state holding a claim which THAT will not be paid in full
is authorized to participate as any other creditor.
(4) No judgment, lien, or attachment shall be executed upon any asset of the state
bank while it is in the possession of the banking board. Upon the election of the
banking board, in connection with a liquidation or reorganization:
(a) Any lien or attachment, other than an attorney's or mechanic's lien, obtained
upon any asset of the state bank during the banking board's possession, or within four
months prior to commencement thereof, shall be vacated and voided, except liens
created by the banking board while in possession and further excepting liens or
security interests obtained by the federal reserve bank;
(b) Any transfer of an asset of the state bank made after or in contemplation of its
insolvency, with intent to effect a preference, shall be voided.
(5) With the approval of the banking board, the commissioner may borrow money
in the name of the state bank and may pledge its assets as security for the loan.
(6) All necessary and reasonable expenses of the commissioner's possession of a
state bank and of its reorganization or liquidation shall be defrayed from the assets
11-103-803. [Formerly 11-5-103] Reorganization plan. (1) A plan of
reorganization shall not be prescribed under this code unless:
(a) The plan is feasible and fair to all classes of depositors, creditors, and
(b) The aggregate face amount of the interest accorded to any class of depositors,
creditors, or stockholders under the plan does not exceed the value of the assets upon
liquidation, less the full amount of the claims of all prior classes, subject to any fair
adjustment for new capital that any class will pay in under the plan;
(c) The plan provides for the issuance of capital stock and, if necessary, debentures
and other securities and instruments in an amount that will comply with the rules and
regulations promulgated by the banking board;
(d) Any exchange of new common stock for obligations or stock of the bank will
be effected in inverse order to the priorities in liquidation of the classes that will
retain an interest in the bank and upon terms that fairly adjust any change in the
relative interests of the respective classes that will be produced by the exchange;
(e) The plan assures the removal of any director, officer, or employee responsible
for any unsound or unlawful action or the existence of an unsound condition;
(f) Any merger or consolidation provided by the plan conforms to the requirements
of this code.
(2) If, in the course of reorganization, supervening conditions render the plan
1104 Financial Institutions Ch. 152
unfair or its execution impractical, the commissioner, upon approval of the banking
board, may modify the plan or liquidate the institution. Any such action shall be
taken by order of the banking board upon appropriate notice.
11-103-804. [Formerly 11-5-104] Liquidation by commissioner - procedure.
(1) In liquidating a state bank, the commissioner may exercise any power thereof, but
he THE COMMISSIONER shall not, without the approval of the court in which notice of
possession has been filed:
(a) Sell any asset of the bank having a value in excess of five hundred dollars;
(b) Compromise or release any claim if the amount of the claim exceeds five
hundred dollars, exclusive of interest;
(c) Make any payment on any claim, other than a claim upon an obligation
incurred by the commissioner, before preparing and filing a schedule of his THE
COMMISSIONER'S determinations in accordance with this code.
(2) Within six months of AFTER the commencement of liquidation, the
commissioner may, by his OR HER election, terminate any executory contract for
services or advertising to which the state bank is a party, or any obligation of the
bank as a lessee. A lessor who receives at least sixty days' notice of the
commissioner's election to terminate the lease shall have no claim for rent, other than
rent accrued to the date of termination, nor for damages for such termination.
(3) As soon after the commencement of liquidation as is practicable, the
commissioner shall take the necessary steps to terminate all fiduciary positions held
by the state bank and take such action as may be necessary to surrender all property
held by the bank as a fiduciary and to settle its fiduciary accounts.
(4) The right of any agency of the United States insuring deposits to be subrogated
to the rights of depositors upon payment of their claims shall not be less extensive
than the law of the United States requires as a condition of the authority to issue such
insurance or make such payments to depositors of national banks.
(5) As soon after the commencement of liquidation as is practicable, the
commissioner shall send notice of the liquidation to each known depositor, creditor,
and lessee of a safe deposit box and bailor of property held by the bank at the address
shown on the books of the institution. The notice shall also be published in a
newspaper of general circulation in the county in which the institution is located once
a week for three successive weeks. The commissioner shall send with each notice a
statement of the amount shown on the books of the institution to be the claim of the
depositor or creditor. The notice shall demand that property held by the bank as
bailee, or in a safe deposit box, be withdrawn by the person entitled thereto and the
claim of a depositor or creditor, if the amount claimed differs from that stated in the
notice to be due, be filed with the commissioner before a specified date, not earlier
than sixty days thereafter, in accordance with the procedure prescribed in the notice.
(6) Safe deposit boxes, the contents of which have not been removed before the
date specified, shall be opened by the commissioner. Sealed packages containing the
contents of such box, with a certificate of inventory of contents, together with any
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1105
unclaimed property held by the bank as bailee and certified inventories thereof, shall
be held by the commissioner for six years unless sooner claimed by the person
entitled thereto. After six years the commissioner may sell or otherwise appropriately
dispose of the property. The proceeds of a sale shall be transferred and disposed of
in accordance with the provisions of subsection (11) of this section.
(7) Within six months after the last day specified in the notice for the filing of
claims, or within such longer period as may be allowed by the court in which notice
of possession has been filed, the commissioner shall:
(a) Reject any claim if he OR SHE doubts the validity thereof;
(b) Determine the amount, if any, owing to each known creditor or depositor and
the priority class of his SUCH claim under this code;
(c) Prepare a schedule of his THE COMMISSIONER'S determinations for filing in the
court in which notice of possession was filed;
(d) Notify each person whose claim has not been allowed in full and publish once
a week for three successive weeks, in a newspaper of general circulation in the county
in which the institution is located, a notice of the time when and the place where the
schedule of determinations will be available for inspection and the date, not sooner
than thirty days thereafter, when the commissioner will file his THE schedule in court.
(8) Within twenty days after the filing of the commissioner's schedule, any
creditor, depositor, or stockholder may file an objection to any determination made
which THAT adversely affects such objector. Any objections so filed shall be heard
and determined by the court upon such notice to the commissioner and interested
claimants as the court may prescribe. If the objection is sustained, the court shall
direct an appropriate modification of the schedule. After filing his THE schedule, the
commissioner may, from time to time, make partial distribution to the holders of
claims which THAT are undisputed or have been allowed by the court if a proper
reserve is established for the payment of disputed claims. As soon as is practicable
after the determination of all objections, the commissioner shall make final
(9) (a) On liquidation of a state bank, after payment of federal deposit insurance,
claims for payment have the following priority:
(I) Obligations incurred by the commissioner, fees and assessments due to the
division, and expenses of liquidation, all of which may be covered by a proper reserve
of funds;
(II) Claims of depositors having an approved claim against the general liquidating
account of the bank;
(III) Claims of general creditors having an approved claim against the general
liquidating account of the bank;
(IV) Claims otherwise proper that were not filed within the time prescribed by this
1106 Financial Institutions Ch. 152
(V) Approved claims of subordinate creditors; and
(VI) Claims of stockholders of the bank.
(b) On liquidation of a state bank, after payment of federal deposit insurance,
claims by governmental units for payment of uninsured deposits collateralized
pursuant to the "Public Deposit Protection Act of 1975", article 10.5 of this title, shall
be governed by the provisions of said article. Claims by governmental units for
payment of uninsured deposits not collateralized pursuant to article 10.5 of this title
shall have the same priority assigned to depositors under subparagraph (II) of
paragraph (a) of this subsection (9).
(10) Any assets remaining after all claims have been paid shall be distributed to
the stockholders in accordance with their respective interests.
(11) Unclaimed funds remaining after completion of the liquidation shall be
retained for six years by the commissioner unless sooner claimed by the owner. At
the expiration of such period, the remaining sum shall be transferred to the treasury
of the county in which the bank is located. The county treasurer and his OR HER
successors shall hold such money in trust for a period of six years, unless the same
is sooner paid out to the beneficial owner or owners thereof, or a suit is instituted to
recover such money or a portion thereof. Any money remaining in said fund six years
after the same is paid into the treasury of the county, for the recovery of which no
action is pending, shall be transferred to the general fund of the county, and all rights
of the former beneficial owners therein to recover the same shall be forever barred.
(12) When the assets have been distributed in accordance with this code, the
commissioner shall file an account with the court. Upon approval thereof, the
commissioner shall be relieved of liability in connection with the liquidation, and
shall cancel the charter.
11-103-805. [Formerly 11-5-105] Federal deposit insurance corporation or
successor as liquidator. (1) The federal deposit insurance corporation, created by
section 12B of the "Federal Reserve Act", as amended, or its successor is authorized
to act without bond as liquidator of any banking institution, the deposits in which are
to any extent insured by said corporation or its successor pursuant to section
11-5-102 11-103-802.
(2) Pursuant to section 11-5-102 11-103-802, the commissioner, upon order of the
banking board, shall tender to said corporation or its successor the appointment as
liquidator of such banking institution.
(3) After being notified in writing of the acceptance of such an appointment, the
commissioner shall file in the office of the clerk and recorder in the county in which
the bank is situated a certificate evidencing the appointment of the federal deposit
insurance corporation or its successor. Upon such an appointment, the possession of
all the assets, business, and property of such bank of every kind and nature,
wheresoever situated, shall be deemed transferred from such bank and the banking
board to the federal deposit insurance corporation or its successor. Without the
execution of any instruments of conveyance, assignment, transfer, or endorsement,
the title to all such assets and property shall be vested in the federal deposit insurance
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1107
corporation or its successor, and the banking board and the commissioner shall be
forever thereafter relieved from all responsibility and liability in respect to the
liquidation of such bank; except that the banking board may retain jurisdiction over
and responsibility for liquidation of eligible collateral pledged pursuant to the "Public
Deposit Protection Act", article 10.5 of this title, to secure public deposits not insured
by the federal deposit insurance corporation or its successor.
(4) If the corporation or its successor accepts said appointment, it has all the
powers and privileges provided by the laws of this state with respect to the liquidation
of a banking institution, its depositors, and other creditors.
(5) (a) When a state bank is liquidated, after payment of federal deposit insurance,
claims for payment shall have the following priority:
(I) Obligations incurred by the banking board, fees and assessments due to the
division of banking, and expenses of liquidation, all of which may be covered by a
proper reserve of funds;
(II) Claims of depositors having an approved claim against the general liquidating
account of the bank;
(III) Claims of general creditors having an approved claim against the general
liquidating account of the bank;
(IV) Claims otherwise proper that were not filed within the time prescribed by this
(V) Approved claims of subordinate creditors; and
(VI) Claims of stockholders of the bank.
(b) When a state bank is liquidated, after payment of federal deposit insurance,
claims of official custodians of public funds for payment of uninsured public funds
pursuant to the "Public Deposit Protection Act", article 10.5 of this title, shall be
governed by the provisions of this subsection (5). In the event that the state bank
holds collateral which THAT is pledged for the safekeeping and protection of
uninsured public funds on deposit pursuant to article 10.5 of this title, such collateral
shall be considered to be held in trust in behalf of the official custodian, and the
liquidator shall not use such collateral to pay any claim or liability other than that of
the official custodian until all claims for uninsured public funds have been paid. In
the event that such collateral is insufficient to pay all claims made by official
custodians, the payment of such claims shall be made according to a pro rata formula.
Claims by official custodians for payment of uninsured deposits not collateralized
pursuant to article 10.5 of this title shall have the same priority as that assigned to
depositors under subparagraph (II) of paragraph (a) of this subsection (5).
11-103-806. [Formerly 11-5-106] Assets sold or pledged as security.
(1) With respect to any banking institution closed on account of inability to meet the
demands of its depositors or by action of the banking board or by action of its
directors or in the event of its capital inadequacy or suspension, the liquidator of such
institution may borrow from the federal deposit insurance corporation and furnish any
1108 Financial Institutions Ch. 152
part or all of the assets of said institution to said corporation as security for a loan
from same, but, if said corporation is acting as such liquidator, the order of a court
of record of competent jurisdiction shall be first obtained approving such loan. Upon
the order of a court of record of competent jurisdiction, all or any part of the assets
of such institution may be sold.
(2) The provisions of this section shall not be construed to limit the power of any
banking institution, the commissioner, or the liquidators to pledge or sell assets in
accordance with any existing law.
11-103-807. [Formerly 11-5-107] Enforcement of directors' liability. Among
its other powers, the federal deposit insurance corporation, in the performance of its
powers and duties as such liquidator, has the right and power, upon the order of a
court of record of competent jurisdiction, to enforce the individual liability of the
directors of any such banking institution.
11-103-808. [Formerly 11-5-108] Emergency grant of new charter. In
addition to powers regarding liquidation or reorganization, the banking board may,
in the interest of protecting the public and the depositors of a closed state bank or
national banking association with its principal office in this state, issue a new bank
charter to qualified individuals for the same location as the closed bank, contingent
upon the new bank assuming full liability for such deposits of the closed bank as may
be transferred to it. Under such conditions, a new charter may be issued summarily
without the publication of notice, without the holding of a public hearing, and without
complying with any of the other provisions and procedures specified in this code.
11-103-809. [Formerly 11-5-109] Emergency grant of branch facility -
legislative declaration. (1) The general assembly hereby finds, determines, and
declares that the economy of this state and its communities and the public interest will
be better served by permitting financial institutions, as defined in section 11-25-102
(3) 11-101-401 (35), to operate at the same location as a closed bank.
(2) (a) In addition to powers regarding liquidation or reorganization, the banking
board, in the interest of protecting the public and the depositors of a closed bank or
national banking association with its principal place of business in this state, may
issue an emergency grant of authority to another financial institution, which financial
institution has its principal place of business in this state and which financial
institution has acquired assets and liabilities of the closed bank, to operate a branch
facility at the same location as the closed bank, or within a one-half mile radius of the
location of the nearest point on the boundary of the premises of the closed bank's
place of business, contingent upon the bank assuming full liability for such deposits
of the closed bank as may be transferred to it. Such branch facility shall not be
located at any other location if such other location is within three hundred feet of the
boundary of the premises of another bank or another bank's detached facility unless
the other bank consents to a closer location.
(b) Under such conditions, the authority to operate the branch facility may be
issued summarily without the publication of notice, without the holding of a public
hearing, and without complying with any of the other provisions and procedures
specified in this code.
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1109
(3) No financial institution may hold, acquire, control, or operate more than two
branch facilities pursuant to this section; however, if the banking board determines
that, because of this limitation, no qualified financial institution can bid on the assets
and liabilities of the closed bank, the BANKING board may authorize and issue such
an emergency grant to another financial institution, in excess of such limit, but in no
event more than two additional branch facilities.
(4) (Deleted by amendment, L. 92, p. 945, § 1, effective May 29, 1992.)
(5) (a) (Deleted by amendment, L. 92, p. 945, § 1, effective May 29, 1992.)
(b) (4) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, a branch facility
operated pursuant to this section on or before August 1, 1991, may continue to
operate in perpetuity as a branch without being subject to any percentage limitation
on branches as set forth in section 11-25-103 11-105-602.
Holding Companies
11-104-101. [Formerly 11-6.3-101 (2)] Prohibition on acquisition or control
- limited service banking institutions. (2) Notwithstanding any other provision of
law, no bank holding company or any other company may acquire or control any
banking institution located in this state that does not both accept deposits that the
depositor has a legal right to withdraw on demand and engage in the business of
making commercial loans.
11-104-201. [Formerly 11-6.4-101] Legislative declaration. (1) The general
assembly finds, determines, and declares that, in authorizing expansion of interstate
banking to this state, primary consideration should be given to providing positive
benefits for the people of this state; to affording protection to bank depositors in this
state; to enhancing the opportunity of the people of this state to receive services
provided by banks and bank holding companies; and to setting forth the standards
under which out-of-state bank holding companies may acquire or control Colorado
banks and bank holding companies.
(2) In order to comply with the considerations set forth in subsection (1) of this
section with respect to interstate branch banking, the general assembly finds that it
is in the best interests of the citizens of this state to declare that interstate branching
in Colorado is prohibited prior to June 1997. The general assembly further finds and
declares that de novo interstate branching in this state is expressly prohibited and that
interstate branching through the acquisition of a branch of an insured financial
institution without the acquisition of such financial institution which THAT has been
in operation for at least five years at the time of acquisition is expressly prohibited.
1110 Financial Institutions Ch. 152
11-104-202. [Formerly 11-6.4-103] Acquisition of control of bank holding
companies and banks by bank holding companies in different states - interstate
banking and branching. (1) On and after January 1, 1991, A Colorado bank
holding company may acquire control of out-of-state bank holding companies and
out-of-state banks; and, on and after January 1, 1991, subject to the limitations of
subsections (2) to (6) of this section, an out-of-state bank holding company may
acquire control of Colorado financial institutions.
(2) An out-of-state bank holding company may not acquire control of, or acquire
all or substantially all of the assets of, a Colorado depository institution having its
principal place of business in Colorado unless such depository institution has been in
operation for at least five years at the time of the acquisition of control. An
out-of-state bank holding company acquiring control of a Colorado bank holding
company, industrial bank holding company, or thrift holding company may acquire
control of any Colorado depository institution having its principal place of business
in Colorado controlled by the Colorado bank holding company, industrial bank
holding company, or thrift holding company even though such depository institution
has been in operation for less than five years.
(3) A Colorado bank holding company may acquire control of any Colorado bank
by organizing or seeking to charter de novo a Colorado bank.
(4) A bank holding company may not acquire control of any financial institution
if such acquisition of control will result, at the time of such acquisition, in the bank
holding company controlling more than twenty-five percent of the aggregate of all
deposits in all banks, savings and loan associations, federal savings banks, and other
financial institutions located in Colorado, which are federally insured. For the
purpose of this subsection (4), deposits shall be determined based upon the public
reports most recently filed with the appropriate federal regulatory agency.
(5) A bank holding company may not acquire control of a Colorado financial
institution unless, immediately before such acquisition, such bank holding company
has such capital as the banking board may require by rule. and regulation.
(6) On and after June 1, 1997, Interstate branching through the acquisition of a
branch of an insured financial institution without the acquisition of such financial
institution is expressly prohibited. De novo interstate branching is expressly
prohibited. Deposit production offices are expressly prohibited.
(7) No bank holding company may acquire control of any financial institution
which THAT controls a Colorado financial institution except in accordance with the
provisions of this section and with prior approval of the federal reserve board under
section 3(a) of the federal "Bank Holding Company Act", 12 U.S.C. sec. 1842(a).
(8) A bank or bank holding company that intends to acquire control of any
Colorado financial institution or to conduct interstate branching in Colorado on or
after June 1, 1997, shall provide the banking board with the name or names under
which it proposes to conduct the business of such bank, bank holding company, or
branch. The bank or bank holding company shall not be eligible to conduct interstate
branching or make any such acquisition if the proposed name is either:
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1111
(a) Identical to or deceptively similar to the name of any existing Colorado
financial institution; except that this paragraph (a) shall not apply if the bank or bank
holding company obtains express written consent of the affected existing Colorado
financial institution; or
(b) Likely to cause the public to be confused, deceived, or mistaken.
(9) Concurrently with the filing of its application or notice with the appropriate
federal regulatory agency concerning the acquisition or control of a Colorado
financial institution, or concerning an interstate branch, on or after June 1, 1997, a
bank or bank holding company shall file a copy of said application or notice with the
banking board, which may submit advisory comments to the federal regulatory
(10) No bank or bank holding company may conduct interstate branching in
Colorado or acquire control, directly or indirectly, of any Colorado financial
institution without first obtaining a certificate from the banking board certifying that
such branch or acquisition complies with the provisions of this article. Such
certificate shall accompany any advisory comments submitted by the banking board
to the appropriate federal regulatory agency pursuant to subsection (9) of this section.
If the banking board refuses to issue a certificate pursuant to this subsection (10),
such refusal and the reasons therefor shall be submitted pursuant to subsection (9) of
this section to the appropriate federal regulatory agency with advisory comments.
The banking board shall act on any application or notice filed pursuant to subsection
(9) of this section and shall issue or refuse to issue the certificate required by this
subsection (10) within ninety days of AFTER the filing of any such application.
11-104-203. [Formerly 11-6.4-104] Authority of banking board to enforce
provisions of article. (1) Any bank holding company controlling any other bank
holding company or bank pursuant to the provisions of this code in this state shall, for
purposes of enforcing the provisions of this article, be subject to the jurisdiction of
the banking board with respect to its operations and affairs in the state of Colorado.
The banking board may utilize the applicable powers conferred by this code to carry
out the duties imposed by this section.
(2) The banking board shall have the authority to examine the records and affairs
of any bank holding company filing an application to acquire control of a Colorado
bank or Colorado bank holding company pursuant to this article. The banking board
shall have the power to subpoena witnesses, compel their attendance, require the
production of evidence, administer an oath, and examine any person under oath in
connection with any subject relating to a duty imposed upon, or power vested in, the
banking board pursuant to this section. In case of a refusal of any person to comply
with a lawful subpoena or order of the banking board issued pursuant to this section,
upon proper petition by the BANKING board to the district court, the court shall require
compliance therewith, and further refusal shall be punishable as contempt of court.
(3) The banking board may, after notice and hearing pursuant to article 4 of title
24, C.R.S., order any person to cease and desist from violating any provision of this
(4) The banking board may, after notice and hearing pursuant to article 4 of title
1112 Financial Institutions Ch. 152
24, C.R.S., order any bank holding company controlling any other bank holding
company or any bank in this state in violation of the provisions of this article to divest
its interest in any such bank holding company or bank.
Banking Practices
11-105-101. [Formerly 11-6-101] Branch banks and practices prohibited.
(1) Any bank, upon application to and approval by the banking board, may operate
one loan production office as defined by the banking board. Any bank, upon
application to and approval by the banking board, may also operate one detached
facility only if the detached facility is located within three thousand feet of the nearest
point on the boundary of the premises of the bank's place of business and is not
located within three hundred feet of the boundary of the premises of another bank or
another bank's detached facility unless the other bank consents to a closer location.
The banking board shall give written notice of every application to each bank located
within a three-mile radius of the applicant bank and may, in its discretion, order a
public hearing with respect thereto. Approval shall be granted by the banking board
only upon a showing of need. Banking activities at such detached facility shall be
restricted to receiving deposits, issuing money orders, cashiers' checks, and travelers'
checks or similar instruments, cashing checks or drafts, making change, receiving
note payments, receiving or delivering cash and instruments and securities, and
disbursing loan proceeds by machine.
(1.1) (2) For purposes of this subsection (1.1) (2), "elementary school" means any
public or private school with students in kindergarten through eighth grade. A bank
which THAT both opens accounts and accepts students' deposits at elementary schools
in conjunction with other educational programs presented by the bank is not engaged
in branch banking as defined in section 11-25-102 (2) 11-101-401 (10). Any bank
establishing a location in an elementary school pursuant to this section shall receive
the prior approval of the banking board. Approval shall be granted if the program is
predominantly educational.
(1.2) (3) Any other facility, agency, or paying or receiving station operated by any
bank or agent shall constitute a branch within the meaning of this section. Any
facility authorized by the United States treasury department shall not be subject to the
limitations of this section.
(1.5) In the case of a county wherein there is only one chartered bank, that bank,
upon application to and approval by the banking board, pursuant to subsection (1) of
this section, may operate one detached facility, which shall be located within the
county. In the event that a second bank charter is approved in a one-bank county in
which such a detached facility has been approved, said detached facility may continue
in operation or may be made operational only if the detached facility and approved
second bank are located in different communities within the county.
(1.6) In the case of a county wherein there is no chartered bank, any bank having
its principal place of business in a county contiguous to such county, upon application
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1113
to and approval by the banking board, may operate one detached facility in such
county wherein there is no chartered bank. In the event that a charter is approved for
a bank in a county having no chartered bank, said detached facility may continue in
operation or may be made operational only where the detached facility and approved
bank are located in different communities within the county.
(1.7) Repealed.
(2) (4) As authorized under section 10-2-601 (2), C.R.S., any bank may, pursuant
to federal law or under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the
banking board and subject to regulations RULES promulgated by the commissioner of
insurance concerning the sale of insurance by financial institutions as provided in
section 10-2-601, C.R.S., as such laws AND rules and regulations are applicable to
the bank, depending upon whether such bank is a national bank or a state bank, act
as the agent for any fire, life, or other insurance company authorized to do business
in this state by soliciting and selling insurance and collecting premiums on policies
issued by such company. For services so rendered, such bank may receive such fees
or commissions as may be agreed upon between the bank and the insurance company
for which it may act as agent. For purposes of this subsection (2) (4), "bank" shall
have the same meaning as set forth in section 11-1-102 (2) 11-101-401 (3).
(3) (5) Except as provided in the federal "Gramm-Leach-Bliley Financial
Modernization Act", Public Law 106-102, 113 Stat. 1388, it is unlawful for a bank,
or an officer, director, employee, or affiliate of a bank, to engage in the business of
issuing, floating, underwriting, distributing, or promoting the sale of stocks, bonds,
or other securities, or to be an officer, trustee, director, employee, stockholder, or
partner of any person engaged principally in any such business. Additional
exceptions to this section shall be securities issued or guaranteed as to principal and
interest by the United States or any agency thereof or by a state or territory of the
United States or a subdivision, instrumentality, or public authority organized under
the laws of such state or territory or pursuant to an interstate compact between two
or more states.
(4) (6) Except as expressly permitted in this code, a state bank shall not assume
liability as an insurer, nor shall it become a guarantor or endorser of any security
instrument or obligation in which, or with respect to which, it has no property interest.
(5) (7) No officer, director, employee, or agent of a state bank shall maintain, or
authorize the maintenance of, any account of the bank in a manner which THAT, to his
OR HER knowledge, does not conform to the requirements prescribed by this code OR
by the commissioner or the banking board.
(6) (8) No officer, director, employee, or agent of a state bank shall obstruct, or
endeavor to obstruct, a lawful examination of the institution by an officer or employee
of the division.
11-105-102. [Formerly 11-6-102] Accounts and interest. (1) A state bank
may maintain demand, savings, and time deposit accounts and any type of account
which THAT a national bank may maintain.
(2) Savings deposits shall be repaid to the depositors under such regulations RULES
1114 Financial Institutions Ch. 152
as the board of directors of the state bank shall, from time to time, prescribe. Such
regulations RULES shall be conspicuously exposed in some place accessible and
visible in the business office of the state bank. No alterations which THAT may at any
time be made in the rules and regulations shall in any manner affect the rights of a
depositor within the contract period in respect to deposits made previous to such
(3) The banking board may by regulation RULE establish the maximum annual rate
of interest which THAT a state bank may pay on any type of deposit or account. In the
absence of such regulation RULE, a state bank shall be subject only to applicable
federal law in the payment of interest.
11-105-103. [Formerly 11-6-103] Saturday closing - notice - effect. Any state
bank or trust company, national banking association, or federal reserve bank may, by
brief notation on its front door, fully dispense with, or restrict to such extent as it may
determine, the hours within which it will be open for business on all, or less than all,
Saturdays. However, the fact that a bank remains open for business on all, or less
than all, Saturdays shall not make that day, or any part thereof, a banking day for the
purposes of section 4-4-104 (a) (3), C.R.S., of the "Uniform Commercial Code".
Any plan so adopted by any such organization may be changed by it from time to time
in its discretion. Every Saturday on which any such state bank, national banking
association, or federal reserve bank, in observance of such notation, is not open for
business shall be, with respect to the particular organization, the equivalent of a legal
holiday, as specified in section 24-11-101, C.R.S. Any act authorized, required, or
permitted to be performed at, by, or with respect to such organization on a Saturday
which THAT is for it a holiday may be performed on the next succeeding business day,
notwithstanding the provisions of any other law of this state to the contrary, and no
liability or loss of right of any kind shall result from such delay. The provisions of
this section shall not operate to invalidate or prohibit the doing on any Saturday of
any such act by any person or organization referred to in this section.
11-105-104. [Formerly 11-6-104] Minor or institutional deposits. (1) A bank
may operate a deposit account for a minor with the same effect upon its liability as
if the minor were of full age unless his SUCH MINOR'S guardian or conservator files
with the bank a certified copy of the order of a Colorado court having jurisdiction
appointing him OR HER and directs otherwise.
(2) Subject to such regulations RULES, not in conflict with section 11-6-101
11-105-101, as the banking board may prescribe for the protection of depositors, a
bank may contract with the proper authorities of any public or nonpublic elementary
or secondary school or any public or charitable institution caring for minors for the
participation by the bank in any school or institutional thrift or savings plan.
11-105-105. [Formerly 11-6-105] Joint deposits - right of survivor. Except
as to accounts, which are defined in and which shall be paid as provided in article 15
of title 15, C.R.S., when a bank deposit in any bank transacting business in this state
is made in the names of two or more persons payable to them or to any of them, such
deposit, or any part thereof or interest thereon, may be paid to any one of said persons
whether the others are living or not, and the receipt or acquittance of the person so
paid shall be valid and sufficient discharge to the paying bank from all said persons
and their heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns; such deposit shall be deemed,
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1115
so far as the rights and liabilities of the bank are concerned, to be owned by said
persons in joint tenancy with the right of survivorship, but the bank has the right of
setoff against such deposit, to the extent thereof, to collect a debt owed to the bank
by any joint depositor, which right shall not be affected by death.
11-105-106. [Formerly 11-6-106] Final adjustment - statement of account.
(1) When a statement of account has been rendered by a bank to a depositor and
accompanied by vouchers, if any, which THAT are the basis for debit entries in such
account, or when the depositor's passbook or savings account book has been written
up by the bank, showing the condition of the depositor's account, and delivered to
such depositor with like accompaniment of vouchers, if any, such account shall, after
the period of one year from the date of its rendition, in the event no objection thereto
has been theretofore made by the depositor, be deemed finally adjusted and settled
and its correctness conclusively presumed. Such depositor shall thereafter be barred
from questioning the correctness of such account for any cause.
(2) Nothing in this section shall be construed to relieve the depositor from the duty
of exercising due diligence in the examination of such account and vouchers, if any,
when rendered by the bank and of immediate notification to the bank upon discovery
of any error therein, nor from the legal consequences of neglect of such duty.
(3) A statement of account may be rendered to a depositor by mailing such
statement, with supporting vouchers, if any, to his SUCH DEPOSITOR'S address as
shown on the books of the bank.
11-105-107. [Formerly 11-6-107] Adverse claim deposits. (1) Notice to any
bank of an adverse claim to a deposit standing on its books to the credit of any
person, or to securities or other property deposited by any person with the bank, shall
not be effectual to cause said bank to recognize said adverse claimant, unless said
adverse claimant shall also either procure a restraining order, injunction, or other
appropriate process against and served upon said bank from a court of competent
jurisdiction in an action instituted by him SAID ADVERSE CLAIMANT wherein the
person to whose credit the deposit stands or for whose account the securities or other
property are held is made a party and served with summons or shall comply with
subsection (2) of this section.
(2) Such adverse claimant, in lieu of a court order, shall execute to said bank, in
form and amount and with sureties acceptable to it, a bond indemnifying said bank
from all liability, loss, damage, costs, and expenses, whether on account of the
payment of such adverse claim or the dishonor of the check or other order of the
person to whose credit the deposit stands on the books of said bank or on account of
the delivery of said securities or other property to the adverse claimant or the refusal
to comply with any order of the depositor of the securities or property held, as the
case may be.
(3) This section shall not apply in any instance where the person to whose credit
the deposit stands or for whose account the securities or other property is held, is a
fiduciary designated as such by words indicating the deposit or other property is, or
the securities are, held for the benefit of such adverse claimant, and the facts showing
reasonable cause of belief on the part of said claimant that the fiduciary is about to
misappropriate such deposit, securities, or other property are made to appear by the
1116 Financial Institutions Ch. 152
affidavit of such claimant.
11-105-108. [Formerly 11-6-108] Transmitting money - foreign exchange.
(1) A bank may accept money for transmission and may transmit money.
(2) A bank may buy and sell foreign exchange to the extent necessary to meet the
needs of customers.
11-105-109. [Formerly 11-6-109] Temporary closing of banks - when.
(1) Any bank doing business in this state may remain closed on any day on which,
by reason of an occasion of national mourning or rejoicing or national or local
emergency affecting the community in which such bank is located, the governor shall
by proclamation request the people of the state or of said community to close their
places of business.
(2) If the banking board is of the opinion that an emergency exists affecting banks
located in the state or in any part thereof, it may authorize banks located in the area
affected by the emergency to close any or all of their offices, and it shall make public
announcement of such authorization. In addition, if the banking board is of the
opinion that an emergency exists which THAT affects a particular bank or a particular
office thereof, but not banks located in the area generally, it may authorize the
particular bank or office so affected to close. As used in this subsection (2), the word
"emergency" shall include any condition which THAT may interfere with the conduct
of the normal operations of, or the transportation of employees to or from, a bank or
one or more offices thereof, or which THAT poses an existing or imminent threat to
the safety or security of bank personnel or property, including without limitation
conditions arising by reason of fire, flood, windstorm, snowstorm, or other casualty,
interruption of transportation or power facilities, war or other enemy action, riots,
civil commotion, or other acts of lawlessness or violence.
(3) If the officers of a bank are of the opinion that conditions exist which THAT
pose an existing or imminent threat to the safety or security of bank personnel or
property generally or at any one or more offices thereof, they may close the bank or
the office affected by such threat, as the case may be, irrespective of whether the
governor or the banking board has acted under this section. As used in this section,
the word "officers" shall mean the person designated by the board of directors, board
of trustees, or other governing body of a bank to act for the bank in carrying out the
provisions of this section or, in the absence of any such designation or the officer so
designated, the president or any other officer currently in charge of the operations of
the bank or of the office in question. A bank closing an office pursuant to this section
shall give as prompt notice to the banking board of such action as conditions permit.
(4) Any bank or office thereof which THAT is closed by action of the banking board
under this section may remain closed until it declares that the emergency has ended.
Any bank or office thereof which THAT is closed by decision of the officers of the
bank may remain closed until such officers determine that the threat has ended. In
either event, any bank or office thereof may remain closed for such further time
thereafter as may reasonably be required to reopen, but in any event not later than the
normal time of opening on the next business day.
(5) Any day on which a bank remains closed and any day on which a bank or any
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1117
one or more of its offices is closed during any part or all of its normal banking hours,
by decision of the banking board or by decision of its officers, shall be, with respect
to such bank, or if not all of its offices are closed, then with respect to those offices
which THAT are closed, the equivalent of a legal holiday, as specified in section
24-11-101, C.R.S., and any act authorized, required, or permitted to be performed at
or by or with respect to such bank or such office, as the case may be, on such day
may be performed on the next succeeding business day without any liability or loss
of rights resulting from such delay.
11-105-110. [Formerly 11-6-113] Disclosure of information pursuant to legal
process. Any bank, savings and loan association, industrial bank, credit union, or
any agent or employee of such financial institutions which THAT makes a disclosure
of records or information on the direction contained in a lawful notice, subpoena,
written request, search warrant, grand jury subpoena, or other process issued by any
governmental authority or by a court shall not be held civilly or criminally liable for
such disclosure, nor shall the financial institution be held liable to the customer or any
other person for such disclosure.
11-105-201. [Formerly 11-6.5-101] Short title. This article PART 2 shall be
known and may be cited as the "Bank Electronic Funds Act".
11-105-202. [Formerly 11-6.5-102] Legislative declaration. The purposes of
this article PART 2 are to authorize Colorado banks, notwithstanding the limitations
imposed by section 11-6-101 11-105-101, to engage in certain banking transactions
with their account holders through communications facilities and to own, establish,
control, and use such facilities under specified conditions and limitations and to
authorize and regulate these activities through the police powers of this state for
regulating the banking business and communications transmission facilities. This
article PART 2 does not authorize a bank which THAT has its principal place of
business outside this state to conduct banking business in this state.
11-105-203. [Formerly 11-6.5-104] Conditions of authority. (1) (a) Effective
January 1, 1978, A Colorado bank may engage in banking transactions with its
account holders through a communications facility and may own, establish, control,
or use a communications facility under the authority of this article PART 2 only if all
of the following conditions are met:
(I) (a) The communications facility is available to any Colorado bank for the use
of its account holders.
(II) (b) Any Colorado bank whose account holders use the communications facility
shall first have agreed with the person having control of the communications facility
to meet necessary and reasonable technical standards and to pay charges for the use
thereof; except that such standards and charges shall be fair, equitable, and
nondiscriminatory among Colorado banks and such charges shall not exceed an
equitable proportion of both the costs of establishing the communication facility,
including provision for amortization of development costs and capital expenditures
over a reasonable period of time, and the costs of operation and maintenance of the
1118 Financial Institutions Ch. 152
communications facility, plus a reasonable return on such costs, and shall be related
to the services provided to the bank or its account holders.
(III) Repealed.
(IV) (c) The communications facility and its operation meet all reasonable
standards of privacy, communications integrity, and financial safety as may be
imposed by rule regulation, or order of the BANKING board; except that no rule
regulation, or order of the BANKING board shall be imposed on any communications
facility owned or leased by a retailer to the extent that such facility is used for
nonbanking transactions.
(V) Repealed.
(VI) (d) The use of the communications facility has not been halted, prevented, or
terminated by order of the BANKING board.
(b) (2) The provisions of subparagraphs (I) to (III) of paragraph (a) of this
PARAGRAPHS (a) AND (b) OF subsection (1) OF THIS SECTION shall not apply to a
communications facility located on the premises of a Colorado bank. or its detached
facility. A Colorado bank having control of such a facility may, but is not required
to, make the use thereof available to account holders of other Colorado banks.
(2) Repealed.
11-105-204. [Formerly 11-6.5-105] Conditions for retailers.
(1) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 11-6.5-104 11-105-203, any
agreement between a person owning or establishing a communications facility or
utilizing a communications facility owned by another and the retailer at whose retail
location the facility is operated shall be upon such commercially reasonable terms and
conditions as the parties may agree. The parties to such agreement shall not
discriminate in price with the intent to destroy or prevent competition in the offering
of banking transactions through communications facilities, after making allowance
for the differences, if any, in costs. A retailer at whose retail location one or more
communications facilities are operated may limit by contract the types of banking
transactions performed at each such facility, but, subject to the exceptions in this
subsection (1), all such banking transactions, including those involving account
overlines, that are performed at each such communications facility shall be made
available upon request to all Colorado banks. Banking transactions, other than
account overline transactions, that involve a seller or lender credit card or similar
arrangement as defined in section 5-1-301 (24) and (43), C.R.S., are excepted from
the availability requirement of this subsection (1).
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 11-6.5-106 11-105-205, a
communications facility owned or leased by a retailer and operated at a retail location
may be examined with respect to any banking transaction provided through that
facility only to the same extent as if such transaction were being performed by a
Colorado bank itself on its own premises. Facts and information obtained from such
examination shall be disclosed only to the retailer at whose retail location the facility
is operated and to the examinee Colorado bank, or as otherwise provided by law.
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1119
(3) A retailer at whose retail location a communications facility is established and
maintained may also utilize such facility to perform internal business functions of
such retailer.
(4) A retailer may limit the number of communications facilities located at a retail
11-105-205. [Formerly 11-6.5-106] Powers of the banking board. (1) The
BANKING board shall have the authority to make rules and regulations and to issue
orders, including cease and desist orders, and issue subpoenas, necessary or incident
to the provisions and intent of this article PART 2, to examine periodically
communications facilities and the use thereof by Colorado banks, to require periodic
reports from Colorado banks pertaining to the communications facilities used by their
account holders, and to prescribe the form of notices and reports. The BANKING
board shall also hear and decide disputes which THAT may arise with respect to
access, technical standards, and charges for the use of communications facilities. If
the BANKING board determines that any communications facility or the operation or
use thereof is not in compliance with this article PART 2 and rules and regulations
issued by the BANKING board under this article PART 2 and if such deficiency is not
corrected pursuant to order of the BANKING board, the BANKING board shall order that
a Colorado bank's operation or use of the communications facility be prevented,
halted, or terminated. The BANKING board shall also hear and decide complaints by
a Colorado bank which THAT allege that it is precluded from effective use of any
communications facility by reason of imposition of technical standards or charges in
the process of transmitting and routing electronic messages between the
communications facility and the Colorado bank or its data processing agent, which
standards and charges are alleged to be discriminatory, unfair, or inequitable among
Colorado banks. If the BANKING board so finds, it shall order use of the
communications facility by Colorado banks prevented, halted, or terminated.
(2) Repealed.
(3) (2) Nothing contained in this section shall authorize the BANKING board to
impose any rule regulation, or order on a retailer who establishes and operates a
communications facility or to regulate the conduct of business functions of such
11-105-206. [Formerly 11-6.5-107] Jurisdiction of the district court. The
district court in and for the county in which one or more communications facilities are
located shall hear and decide complaints and disputes and shall issue such orders as
the BANKING board is authorized to do in any case where the BANKING board does not
have jurisdiction over a party. Such district court shall also review orders of the
BANKING board on petition by an aggrieved person in the manner prescribed in
section 11-2-105 11-102-204.
11-105-207. [Formerly 11-6.5-108] Fees. The banking board shall annually
establish fees and assessments for the administration of this article PART 2 pursuant
to section 11-2-103 (11) 11-102-104 (11).
11-105-208. [Formerly 11-6.5-109] Consumer protection. (1) Every
Colorado bank using a communications facility shall provide its account holders, at
1120 Financial Institutions Ch. 152
the time the facility is used, with a receipt or record of each banking transaction
initiated at a facility. Such receipt or record shall be admissible as evidence in any
legal action or proceeding and shall constitute prima facie proof of the banking
transaction evidenced by such receipt or record. When a Colorado bank furnishes a
statement of a demand, savings, or loan account to an account holder, such statement
shall reflect each banking transaction affecting such account made by the account
holder at a communications facility during the period covered by the statement.
(2) With respect to any card or other device issued to an account holder for use at
a communications facility, any account holder whose card or device is lost or stolen
and subsequently used by an unauthorized person shall only be liable for the lesser
of fifty dollars or the amount of money, goods, or services obtained by the
unauthorized use prior to notice to the Colorado bank which THAT issued the card or
device of the theft or loss. If the unauthorized use occurs through no fault of the
account holder, no liability shall be imposed on the account holder.
(3) No account holder shall be held liable for any loss occurring as the result of
any tampering or manipulation of a communications facility unless he SUCH ACCOUNT
HOLDER performs or authorizes such acts.
(4) Commercial banks shall continue to offer customers the right to use checking
accounts. No bank shall make the use of such accounts burdensome with intent to
discourage such use. The banking board shall issue regulations RULES designed to
prevent violation of this provision.
11-105-209. [Formerly 11-6.5-110] Permissive sharing among dissimilar
institutions. A Colorado bank having control of a communications facility may, but
is not required to, make the use thereof available to savings and loan associations,
credit unions, and industrial banks located in this state. Any such use shall be on a
fair and reasonable contractual basis. Any savings and loan association, credit union,
or industrial bank, having been denied use of a communications facility on arbitrary
and capricious grounds, may seek review of such denied use by the BANKING board.
Nothing in this article PART 2 shall authorize any person to engage in any type of
banking transactions not otherwise permitted by applicable law.
11-105-210. [Formerly 11-6.5-111] No operation by bank employees. No
communications facility located separate and apart from a Colorado bank or detached
facility shall be operated by an employee or agent of any Colorado bank, and no
agent or employee of the retailer where a facility is located who operates it shall be
deemed to be the agent or employee of any financial institution using the facility or
with which transactions are accomplished by means of the facility. No employee or
agent of any Colorado bank shall be stationed at any communications facility located
separate and apart from a Colorado bank or detached facility except on a temporary
basis for the purpose of instructing customers in the use of facilities or for servicing
or observing the operation of such facilities.
11-105-301. [Formerly 11-7-101] Reserves against deposits. State banks
which THAT are subject to reserve provisions of the "Federal Reserve Act" shall
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1121
maintain such reserves against deposits as may be required by the "Federal Reserve
Act", but, in addition thereto, the banking board may by regulation RULE impose
reserve requirements which THAT it deems prudent and sound on said banks or on
state banks not subject to reserve provisions of the "Federal Reserve Act".
11-105-302. [Formerly 11-7-102] Loans, acceptances, investments, and
letters of credit. A state bank may make such loans, secured or unsecured, accept
such drafts, make such investments, and issue such letters of credit as shall be
permissible pursuant to rules and regulations promulgated by the banking board or
otherwise permitted by this code. In promulgating such rules and regulations the
banking board shall consider all relevant factors, including without limitation the
policies set forth in section 11-1-101.5 11-101-102.
11-105-303. [Formerly 11-7-103] Corporate powers - interest and charges.
In addition to the general corporate powers granted by this code, a state bank has the
power, subject to the limitations and restrictions imposed by this code and the rules
and regulations of the banking board, to lend money either upon the security of real
property or personal property, or otherwise; to charge, or to receive in advance,
interest therefor; and to contract for a charge for a secured or unsecured installment
11-105-304. [Formerly 11-7-106] Bank investments - customers' orders.
(1) In addition to other investments, expressly authorized by this code or the rules
and regulations promulgated by the banking board, a state bank may purchase:
(a) Obligations which THAT satisfy the requirements of this code or the rules and
regulations promulgated by the banking board for loans;
(b) Obligations of, or fully guaranteed by, the United States, a state of the United
States, or the Dominion of Canada;
(c) Obligations of the international bank for reconstruction and redevelopment;
(d) Farm loan bonds issued by any federal land bank organized pursuant to an act
of congress approved July 17, 1916, entitled: "An Act to provide capital for
agricultural development, to create standard forms of investment based upon farm
mortgages, to furnish a market for United States bonds, to create government
depositories and financial agents for the United States, and for other purposes." and
known as the "Federal Farm Loan Act", and acts amendatory thereto. Such farm loan
bonds shall be accepted as security for all public deposits and in all cases where
bonds are required by law to be deposited with any department or public official of
this state, but this section shall not be so construed as to prohibit such moneys or
deposits from being invested in such other securities provided for by law.
(e) General obligations of a territory of the United States, a province of the
Dominion of Canada, a political subdivision or instrumentality of a state or territory
of the United States;
(f) Obligations of a corporation chartered by the United States or a state thereof
doing business in the United States; an authority organized under state law, an
interstate compact, or by substantially identical legislation adopted by two or more
1122 Financial Institutions Ch. 152
states if any of the foregoing under this paragraph (f) are approved by the banking
board for investment;
(g) Revenue obligations issued to provide, enlarge, or improve electric power, gas,
water, and sewer facilities by any city or town having a population of not less than
two thousand people at the time of the investment, located in any state in the United
States or territories thereof;
(h) Such other obligations as the general assembly has designated or may from
time to time designate as legal investments for public funds.
(2) A state bank may invest an amount not exceeding ten percent of its capital as
defined in the rules and regulations promulgated by the banking board in the stock of
a corporation exclusively engaged in trust business and incorporated as a trust
company under the "Colorado Trust Company Act", but every such investment shall
be subject to prior approval of the banking board.
(3) Repealed.
(4) (3) A state bank's investment in the stock of a safe deposit company is
governed by section 11-9-102 11-105-501.
(5) (4) A state bank may purchase or sell without recourse any security, including
corporate stock, upon the order of a customer and for his SUCH CUSTOMER'S account.
(6) (5) A state bank may, to the extent that banks subject to the laws of the federal
government are permitted so to do and to the extent permitted by the rules and
regulations of the banking board, purchase shares of stock in small business
investment companies organized under Public Law No. 85-699, 85th Congress,
known as the "Small Business Investment Act of 1958", and as amended, but in no
event shall any state bank hold shares in small business investment companies in an
amount aggregating more than three percent of the bank's capital and surplus.
(7) (6) No limitation or prohibition otherwise imposed by any provision of state
law relating to banks shall prevent a state bank from investing not more than ten
percent of the bank's capital as defined in the rules and regulations promulgated by
the banking board in a bank service corporation as defined in 12 U.S.C. 1861 to
1865, inclusive, and as amended, subject to the rights, powers, and limitations
contained therein, and such investment by state banks is expressly authorized to the
extent permitted by the rules and regulations of the banking board.
(8) (7) Notwithstanding any restrictions upon investments in obligations, powers,
or activities contained in this code, a state bank may invest in any obligation, exercise
such powers, and engage in such activities which THAT such bank could legally
acquire, exercise, and engage in were it operating as a national bank at the time such
investment was made, such powers were exercised, or such activities were engaged
in, to the extent permitted by the rules and regulations promulgated by the banking
(9) (8) A state bank may invest an amount not exceeding ten percent of its capital
as defined in the rules and regulations promulgated by the banking board in the stock
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1123
of any bank or bank holding company which THAT provides services solely to
depository institutions and their shareholders, directors, officers, and employees,
wherein the ownership of stock of the bank or bank holding company, except for any
stock required by law to be owned by directors of the bank or bank holding company,
is restricted to banks or bank holding companies. The amount of stock owned by a
state bank in any such bank or bank holding company shall not be in excess of five
percent of the voting shares of such bank or bank holding company.
(10) (9) (a) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 11-6-101 (2) 11-105-102
(2), a state bank may directly engage in activities which THAT are primarily
investments in real estate or may acquire and hold the voting stock of one or more
corporations the activities of which are primarily investments in real estate. Such
activities may include subdividing and developing real property and building
residential housing or commercial improvements on such property and may also
include owning, renting, leasing, managing, operating for income, or selling such
property. Investments in real estate subject to section 11-8-101 11-105-401 may, at
the bank's option, be included in investments authorized in this subsection (10) (9)
and thereby be removed from the restrictions of section 11-8-101 11-105-401. Such
property shall be entered on the books at not more than cost or fair market value,
whichever is less, but without any charge off as required under section 11-8-101 (1)
(d) 11-105-401 (1) (d). The total of all investments made by a state bank pursuant
to the authority of this subsection (10) (9), including any loans and guarantees made
by the bank on such property or made to or for the benefit of corporations the stock
of which it holds pursuant to the authority of this subsection (10) (9), shall not exceed
ten percent of its total assets. The authority provided in this subsection (10) (9) is in
addition to investment in fixed assets of the bank pursuant to section 11-8-102
(b) Upon finding that such restrictions are necessary according to the criteria set
forth in section 11-2-107 11-102-105 and the policies set forth in section 11-1-101.5
11-101-102, the banking board may adopt rules and regulations which THAT restrict
the total investments of a state bank under this subsection (10) (9) to a percentage
less than ten percent of the bank's total assets. Nothing in this subsection (10) (9)
shall authorize a state bank to contravene a lawful order of the BANKING board or
commissioner with respect to investments by the state bank in real estate or
corporations engaging in real estate activities. A state bank which THAT intends to
initiate a program of investments under the authority of this subsection (10) (9) shall
give sixty days' advance notice to the division of such intent; except that such notice
may be waived in the BANKING board's discretion where such notice is impracticable
or unnecessary. The state bank shall also notify the division within ten days after the
commencement of the investment program. If similar notices are required by the
bank's federal supervisory agency, the same form of notice may be used for purposes
of notice under this subsection (10) (9).
(11) (10) A state bank may invest in the securities of, or other interests in, any
open-end and closed-end management type investment company or investment trust
registered under the federal "Investment Company Act of 1940", 15 U.S.C. section
80(a)-1 et seq., if the portfolio of such investment company or investment trust is
limited to United States government obligations which THAT are backed by the full
faith and credit of the United States government and to repurchase agreements fully
collateralized by such obligations and if any such investment company or investment
1124 Financial Institutions Ch. 152
trust actually takes delivery of such collateral, either directly or through an authorized
11-105-305. [Formerly 11-7-107] Acceptances - letters of credit. (1) A state
bank may accept:
(a) A draft which THAT has not more than six months' sight to run, exclusive of
days of grace, and is drawn to finance the purchase of goods with maturity in
accordance with the original terms of purchase, or is secured by shipping documents
transferring or securing title to goods, or by receipt of a licensed or bonded
warehouse or elevator transferring or securing title to readily marketable staples;
(b) A draft which THAT has no more than three months' sight to run, exclusive of
days of grace, and is drawn by a bank outside the continental limits of the United
States for the purpose of furnishing dollar exchange for trade.
(2) A state bank may issue letters of credit, but, unless the authority conferred to
draw upon the bank or its correspondents is limited to such drafts as a bank is
authorized by this section to accept, the amount of the credit outstanding at any one
time shall be deemed to be a loan to the person for whose account the credit was
11-105-401. [Formerly 11-8-101] Acquisition of property to satisfy
indebtedness. (1) A state bank may take property of any kind to satisfy, in whole
or in part, or to protect indebtedness previously created in good faith by it. Property
acquired by a state bank to apply on an indebtedness to a state bank shall be held
subject to the following limitations:
(a) Stock shall be sold within six months or such additional period not exceeding
eighteen months as the banking board may allow.
(b) Real estate may be used in the banking business, subject to the conditions
prescribed by this code for property purchased for such use, or may be rented. Real
estate may be put in such condition as will reasonably facilitate its sale. Unless used
in the banking business, it shall be sold within fifteen years or such longer period as
the banking board may allow.
(c) Other property, the acquisition of which is not otherwise authorized by this
code, shall be sold within two years or such longer period as the banking board may
(d) (I) The property shall be entered on the books at not more than cost or fair
market value, whichever is less, except as otherwise provided by the banking board.
Each bank maintaining property acquired to satisfy indebtedness will obtain an initial
written appraisal and subsequent appraisals as to fair market value by a qualified
independent appraiser or such other person as the banking board may approve. Such
subsequent appraisals shall be obtained pursuant to rules and regulations of the state
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1125
banking board; except that, for purposes of this paragraph (d), an appraisal, as
defined in section 12-61-702 (1), C.R.S., by an appraiser certified, licensed, or
registered pursuant to section 12-61-708, C.R.S., shall not be required on properties
initially valued pursuant to this paragraph (d) at one hundred thousand dollars or less.
If such appraiser or other person approved by the banking board certifies in writing
such appraiser's or other person's opinion that the fair market value has not declined,
this opinion may be substituted for a subsequent appraisal.
(II) Repealed.
11-105-402. [Formerly 11-8-102] Banking property - acquisition. (1) A state
bank may invest in fixed assets of the bank or the stock or obligations of any
corporation holding such fixed assets or may make loans to or upon the security of the
stock of any such corporation, but the aggregate of all such investments and loans
shall not exceed one hundred percent of the bank's capital, as provided in the rules
and regulations promulgated by the banking board; except that the banking board may
approve a larger investment upon application of the bank if the banking board deems
the same prudent. As used in this subsection (1), "fixed assets" means real estate,
leasehold improvements, fixtures, furniture, and equipment; "real estate" and
"leasehold improvements" include land and buildings to be used in the transaction of
the bank's business and any excess space which THAT may be rented to others.
(2) Repealed.
(3) (2) The rate of depreciation of property so acquired may be prescribed by the
banking board.
11-105-403. [Formerly 11-8-103] Sale of assets. A state bank may sell any
asset in the ordinary course of business or, with the approval of the banking board,
in any other circumstance. The sale of all, or substantially all, of the assets of a bank
or of a department thereof shall be governed by section 11-4-110 11-103-709.
11-105-404. [Formerly 11-8-105] Pledge of assets. (1) A state bank may
pledge its assets to:
(a) Enable it to act as agent for the sale of obligations of the United States;
(b) Secure borrowed funds;
(c) Secure deposits when the depositor is required to obtain such security by the
laws of the United States, by the terms of any interstate compact, by the laws of any
state, or by the order of a court of competent jurisdiction;
(d) Otherwise comply with the provisions of this code.
11-105-405. [Formerly 11-8-106] Signature guaranty. (1) A bank may
become guarantor of the genuineness of a signature.
(2) A bank guaranteeing the signature of a person on any document warrants to
any person relying on such guaranty only that:
1126 Financial Institutions Ch. 152
(a) The signature is that of a person signing;
(b) The signer is the holder, or the signer has purported authority to sign in the
name of the holder; except that, if the holder purports to act as a fiduciary, as
"fiduciary" is defined either in this code or in article 1 of title 15, C.R.S., or if his THE
HOLDER'S name is signed by a person purporting to act on the holder's behalf as such
a fiduciary, the bank warrants that such holder or such person so signing as such
fiduciary is in fact the fiduciary he OR SHE purports to be and warrants that the bank
has no actual knowledge that such fiduciary is committing a breach of his SUCH
FIDUCIARY'S obligation as such fiduciary in signing such document and that it has no
knowledge of such facts that its action in guaranteeing the signature amounts to bad
faith; and
(c) The signer has legal capacity to sign.
(3) A bank may disclaim in its guaranty all or any part of the obligations set forth
in PARAGRAPH (b) OF subsection (2) (b) of this section.
11-105-501. [Formerly 11-9-102] Safe deposit boxes - leasing and subsidiary
company. (1) Subject to such regulations RULES as the banking board may
prescribe, a bank, company, other person or persons defined as a lessor in this article
PART 5, may maintain and lease safe deposit boxes and may accept property for
safekeeping if, except in the case of night depositories, it issues a receipt therefor.
(2) A bank may own stock in a safe deposit company located in the same
community in which the bank is doing business, not exceeding in aggregate cost
fifteen percent of its capital and surplus, but at least ninety percent of the stock in
such safe deposit company in which such stock is so owned must be owned by banks
or trust companies.
11-105-502. [Formerly 11-9-103] Access by fiduciaries. (1) Where a safe
deposit box is made available by a lessor to one or more persons acting as fiduciaries,
the lessor may, except as otherwise expressly provided in the lease or the writings
pursuant to which such fiduciaries are acting, allow access thereto as follows:
(a) By any one or more of the persons acting as executors or administrators;
(b) By any one or more of the persons otherwise acting as fiduciaries, when
authorized in writing, signed by all other persons so acting;
(c) By any agent authorized in writing, signed by all of the persons acting as
11-105-503. [Formerly 11-9-104] Lease to minor. A lessor may lease a safe
deposit box to, or accept property for safekeeping from, a minor and, in connection
therewith, deal with him SUCH MINOR to the same effect as if dealing with a person
of full legal capacity, unless and until his THE MINOR'S guardian or conservator files
with the lessor a certified copy of the order of a Colorado court having jurisdiction
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1127
appointing him SUCH GUARDIAN OR CONSERVATOR and directs otherwise.
11-105-504. [Formerly 11-9-105] Death of lessee - procedure. The provisions
of section 15-10-111, C.R.S., shall apply on the death of a lessee of a safe deposit
box as defined in section 11-9-101 11-101-401.
11-105-505. [Formerly 11-9-106] Adverse claims to safe deposit box. (1) An
adverse claim to the contents of a safe deposit box is not sufficient reason to require
the lessor to deny access to its lessee unless:
(a) The lessor is directed to do so by a court order issued in an action in which the
lessee is served with process and named as a party by a name which THAT identifies
him THE LESSEE with the name in which the safe deposit box is leased; or
(b) The safe deposit box is leased, or the property is held, in the name of a lessee
with the addition of words indicating that the contents, or property, are held in a
fiduciary capacity for a named beneficiary or beneficiaries, and the adverse claim is
supported by a sworn written statement of facts disclosing that it is made by, or on
behalf of, such a beneficiary and that there is reason to know that the fiduciary may
misappropriate the trust property.
(2) A claim is also an adverse claim where one of several lessees claims, contrary
to the terms of the lease, an exclusive right of access, or where one or more persons
claim a right of access as agents or officers of a lessee to the exclusion of others as
agents or officers, or where it is claimed that a lessee is the same person as one using
another name.
11-105-506. [Formerly 11-9-107] Annual fees. Every lessor, except a bank as
defined in section 11-1-102 (2) 11-101-401 (5) or subsidiary thereof, shall pay
annually to the division of banking such fees as are determined by the banking board
to be sufficient to defray the cost to the state of regulating such lessor.
11-105-601. [Formerly 11-25-101] Legislative declaration. (1) The general
assembly finds, determines, and declares that distinctions in function and services of
various types of financial institutions have become so narrow that organizational and
operational equality should be encouraged and facilitated in this state. It is the intent
of the general assembly to enact legislation which THAT will promote the safety and
soundness of financial institutions for the benefit of the public, which will improve
efficiency for the economic operation of those financial institutions, and will ensure
that the state of Colorado, by its appropriate action, will continue its control of those
financial institutions within its jurisdiction.
(2) In order to provide equality among financial institutions, the banking board and
the financial services board shall monitor and require reports on the activities of each
financial institution conducting business at a location in Colorado.
11-105-602. [Formerly 11-25-103] Financial institutions - branches allowed
1128 Financial Institutions Ch. 152
- conversion of financial institutions to branches - acquisitions. (1) (a) On and
after August 1, 1991, Any financial institution may convert any affiliate financial
institution to a branch. pursuant to the following schedules and limitations:
Commencing of Affiliates
August 1, 1991 60%
July 1, 1992 80%
July 1, 1993
and thereafter 100%
(b) Such percentages and minimum numbers are cumulative, and the failure to
convert in any year will nevertheless allow the conversion in any subsequent year up
to the cumulative total. In calculating the maximum number of affiliates which may
be converted according to the percentage limitations, a fractional number shall be
reduced to the next lower whole number, but not less than one.
(2) The number of affiliate financial institutions shall be determined as of April 1,
1991, including all affiliate financial institutions controlled by any financial
institution which are chartered, open, in organization, or conditionally or
preliminarily approved by the appropriate regulatory entity as of such date and if on
or after April 1, 1991, a financial institution acquires another financial institution, the
financial institution acquired and the number of affiliated institutions so acquired
shall be transferred to the acquiring financial institution for purposes of calculating
the maximum number of branches according to the percentage limitations set forth in
paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of this section.
(3) (2) Notwithstanding subsection (2) of this section, Any financial institution
which THAT has its principal place of business in Colorado may acquire any other
financial institution existing on such date for conversion to a branch or branches.
without regard to the percentage and numerical limitations set forth in paragraph (a)
of subsection (1) of this section. For purposes of this subsection (3), a financial
institution existing on April 1, 1991, includes the charter issued to a failed industrial
bank by the state of Colorado, if acquired separately from any other assets of that
failed industrial bank so long as those assets have not been finally liquidated and
subject to rules and regulations promulgated and adopted by the banking board. The
location of any financial institution acquired pursuant to this subsection (3) may be
changed pursuant to law.
(4) Except as provided in subsections (7) and (8) of this section, no de novo branch
of any financial institution shall be established or operated on or after August 1,
1991, nor shall any de novo financial institution charter approved or conditionally or
preliminarily approved after April 1, 1991, be converted to a branch of any financial
(5) Any detached facility in existence on April 1, 1991, may continue to be
operated as a detached facility of a financial institution or as a detached facility in
connection with the operations of a branch which previously had been the bank
operating such detached facility. For purposes of meeting the location requirements
set forth in section 11-6-101 (1), the distance requirements shall be complied with if
measured either from the financial institution or a branch thereof which previously
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1129
had been the bank operating such detached facility. No detached facility in existence
on April 1, 1991, shall be taken into account for purposes of calculating the maximum
number of branches according to the percentage limitations set forth in paragraph (a)
of subsection (1) of this section.
(6) Any branch in existence on April 1, 1991, may continue to be operated as a
branch of a financial institution and no such branch shall be taken into account for
purposes of calculating the maximum number of branches according to the percentage
limitations set forth in paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of this section.
(7) (a) (I) Notwithstanding any other provision of this title, any bank or industrial
bank upon application to and approval by the banking board or any savings and loan
association upon application to and approval by the state commissioner of financial
services may establish a de novo branch in any economically depressed community
or economically depressed area of a community in this state where the proposed
branch will serve a public need and advantage within such community or area of such
community, and where the volume of business in such community or area of such
community which the proposed branch will serve is such that profitable operation of
the bank, industrial bank, or savings and loan association and the proposed branch
may be reasonably projected.
(II) Not more than a total of ten de novo branches may be approved pursuant to
this subsection (7).
(b) The bank, industrial bank, or savings and loan association establishing such a
branch must have its principal place of business located in the county in which such
community or area of such community is situated or in a county in this state
contiguous to such county.
(c) The banking board or the state commissioner of financial services, within three
months after the filing of an application for such a branch shall hold a public hearing
to consider the application; except that the banking board or the state commissioner
of financial services, for valid reason and good cause may postpone such hearing. If
the banking board or the state commissioner of financial services has given written
notice pursuant to paragraph (e) of this subsection (7) of a hearing on any application
for such branch and the board or commissioner has received from those persons to
whom notice of the application has been given no written protest against such
application within five days of the hearing, the board or commissioner may grant such
application without a hearing, if the applicant has met the burden of proof prescribed
in paragraph (f) of this subsection (7).
(d) On hearing, the banking board or the state commissioner of financial services
may admit in evidence the application for such branch and any other relevant
information. The applicant and all others receiving notice are also entitled to be
heard and to introduce testimony at such hearing, as well as such others as the
banking board or the state commissioner of financial services may determine.
(e) The banking board or the state commissioner of financial services shall give
notice of the hearing on such application at least thirty days in advance of the hearing
date fixed by registered or certified mail to the applicant, to each bank and industrial
bank, if the applicant is a bank or industrial bank, or to each savings and loan
1130 Financial Institutions Ch. 152
association, if the applicant is a savings and loan association, and to any branch of
any of the foregoing located within a three-mile radius of the location of the proposed
branch and to such other persons as the board or the commissioner may designate.
The banking board or the state commissioner of financial services shall also cause
such notice to be published at least one time not less than twenty days prior to the
date fixed for such hearing in a newspaper of general circulation within the
community in which the proposed branch is to be located. Such notice shall be in the
form prescribed by the banking board or the state commissioner of financial services
and shall include the name of the applicant, the location of such proposed branch, and
the date, time, and place of the hearing.
(f) The applicant shall have the burden of proving:
(I) That the proposed branch will be established in a community or area of a
community in this state where the proposed branch will serve a public need and
advantage within such community or area of such community;
(II) That the volume of business in such community or area of such community
which the proposed branch will serve is such that profitable operation of the bank,
industrial bank, or savings and loan association and the proposed branch may be
reasonably projected; and
(III) That such community or area of such community is economically depressed.
(g) An "economically depressed" community or area of a community is defined as
a community or area of such community which meets at least two of the following
three criteria:
(I) An unemployment rate of at least twenty-five percent above the state average
for the most recent period of twelve consecutive months for which data are available
from the department of labor and employment;
(II) A per capita income less than seventy-five percent of the state average for the
most recent period for which data are available from the United States census bureau
or the department of local affairs;
(III) Assessed value of commercial and residential real property in the community
or area of a community of less than seventy-five percent of comparable commercial
and residential real property of the county or city and county where located, as
determined by the records of the county assessor.
(h) Any municipality with a population not exceeding two thousand, as determined
by the latest federal census, where there is no bank, industrial bank, savings and loan
association, federal savings bank, or any branch thereof, shall be deemed an
economically depressed community.
(i) A public need and advantage may be proven in this subsection (7) if an
applicant proves that the granting of authority to operate the proposed branch will,
among other things:
(I) Enhance the quality or quantity of services of banks, industrial banks, and
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1131
savings and loan associations available to the public in the community or area of the
community which the branch will serve; or
(II) Enhance the convenience of existing customers of the applicant.
(j) If within a forty-five day period there has been filed with the banking board or
the state commissioner of financial services two or more applications to establish a
branch in the same community or same area of the community, the board or the
commissioner may hold a single hearing to consider such applications. The banking
board or the state commissioner of financial services may grant the application of not
more than one applicant and may do so without regard to the priority in time of filing
applications. The determination of the banking board or state commissioner of
financial services to deny an application which might otherwise qualify under this
subsection (7) shall be based upon a finding that the public need for financial services
in the community or area of such community in which the proposed branch will be
located will be best served by such denial and by the granting of another application.
(k) Within sixty days following the date of the conclusion of the hearing, the
banking board or the state commissioner of financial services shall issue a written
order granting the application for such branch if the banking board or the state
commissioner of financial services finds that the requirements of paragraphs (a) and
(b) of this subsection (7) have been met and that the applicant has met the burden of
proof prescribed in paragraph (f) of this subsection (7).
(l) Nothing in this article or any other article of this title shall authorize interstate
branching prior to June 1, 1997.
(8) (3) (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this title, on and after January
1, 1993, Any bank which THAT has its principal place of business in this state or any
industrial bank which THAT has its principal place of business in this state, upon thirty
days' prior written notice to the banking board, or any savings and loan association
which THAT has its principal place of business in this state, upon thirty days' prior
written notice to the state commissioner of financial services, may establish one OR
MORE de novo branch BRANCHES anywhere in this state.
(b) On and after January 1, 1997, any such bank, industrial bank, or savings and
loan association may, upon thirty days' written notice to the board or commissioner,
establish one or more de novo branches anywhere in this state.
(c) (b) On and after January 1, 1997, Any such bank, industrial bank, or savings
and loan association which has had its charter approved or conditionally or
preliminarily approved on or after April 1, 1991, may, upon thirty days' written notice
to the BANKING board or commissioner, be converted to a branch of any bank,
industrial bank, or savings and loan association.
(d) (c) The BANKING board and the commissioner shall adopt policies and
procedures by regulation RULE no more restrictive than federal regulatory policies and
procedures relative to application and approval of branches to be established under
this subsection (8) (3).
(9) If any financial institution has, on or after June 1, 1991, established a branch
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in any county having a population of less than thirty thousand, as determined by the
latest federal census, which is located within the market area of any other financial
institution which has its principal place of business in such county, then such latter
financial institution, if it has no other branch, may establish one de novo branch
within that county.
11-105-603. [Formerly 11-25-104] Financial institutions - common powers
and limitations. (1) Nothing in this article shall be construed to authorize the
conversion of a detached facility to a branch of any financial institution.
(2) (1) Any acquisition of a branch from another financial institution shall be
subject to the percentage limitation set forth in subsection (7) (5) of this section.
Such an acquisition by a financial institution which THAT has its principal place of
business in Colorado is expressly authorized, and the location of such branch may be
changed pursuant to law.
(3) Any acquisition of a branch from another financial institution in connection
with the acquisition of such financial institution shall be subject to any percentage
limitation set forth in subsection (7) of this section. Such an acquisition by a
financial institution which has its principal place of business in Colorado is expressly
authorized, and the location of such branch may be changed pursuant to law.
(4) (2) Nothing in this article PART 6 shall be construed to apply to a branch
facility operating under an emergency grant pursuant to section 11-5-109 or
11-22-611 11-103-809 OR 11-108-611; however, such a branch facility may continue
to operate in perpetuity as a branch without being subject to any percentage limitation
on branches set forth in this article PART 6.
(5) (3) Nothing in this article or in article 6.4 PART 6 OR PART 2 OF ARTICLE 104
of this title shall be construed to prevent the acquisition of any financial institution
in this state by any other financial institution the principal operations of which are
located in this state; however, any conversion of all or any part thereof to a branch
shall be in accordance with the provisions of this article PART 6.
(6) (4) If any financial institution converts any affiliate financial institution to a
branch pursuant to the provisions of this article PART 6, such financial institution at
the time of such conversion or immediately thereafter shall meet the capital standards
for banks in Colorado as required by the "Colorado Banking Code", of 1957, by any
rules and regulations of the banking board, or by the commissioner.
(7) (5) Notwithstanding any other provision of this article PART 6, no financial
institution which THAT acquires any other financial institution on or after August 1,
1991, may convert the acquired financial institution to a branch or branches if such
conversion or conversions will result in the acquiring financial institution controlling
more than twenty-five percent of the aggregate of all deposits in all banks, savings
and loan associations, federal savings banks, and other financial institutions located
in Colorado which THAT are federally insured. For the purpose of this subsection (7)
(5), deposits shall be determined based upon the public reports most recently filed
with the appropriate federal regulatory agency.
11-105-604. [Formerly 11-25-105] Subsidiary depository institutions as
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1133
agent. (1) Any bank subsidiary of a bank holding company may receive deposits,
renew time deposits, close loans, service loans, and receive payments on loans and
other obligations as an agent for an affiliate financial institution, as such authority is
set forth in section 101(d) of the federal "Riegle-Neal Interstate Banking and
Branching Efficiency Act of 1994". Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a
bank acting as an agent in accordance with this subsection (1) for an affiliate
financial institution shall not be considered to be a branch of the affiliate.
(2) Any contract entered into pursuant to this section SECTION 11-25-105 as it
existed prior to July 1, 1995, shall remain valid and in effect according to the terms
of the contract and any subsequent agreement of the contracting financial institutions.
11-105-605. [Formerly 11-25-106] Rule-making by banking board and state
commissioner of financial services. (1) The banking board shall promulgate and
adopt such rules and regulations as are necessary to accomplish the purposes of this
article PART 6.
(2) The state commissioner of financial services shall promulgate and adopt such
rules and regulations as are necessary to accomplish the purposes of this article PART
(3) The banking board and the state commissioner of financial services shall
coordinate their rule-making which THAT implements the provisions of this article
PART 6 so that the procedures and time periods are the same for each type of financial
institution to make application for a branch thereunder.
11-105-606. [Formerly 11-25-107] Notice of branch closing. No later than
ninety days prior to the proposed date of any branch closing, the "notice of branch
closing" required to be filed with the appropriate federal regulatory agency shall be
filed with the banking board or the financial services board. The notice of branch
closing shall include a detailed statement of the reasons for the decision to close the
branch and statistical or other information in support of such reasons.
Fiduciary Business
11-106-101. [Formerly 11-10-101] Bank as fiduciary. It shall be unlawful for
a state bank to act as fiduciary, other than as escrow agent, unless it is authorized by
its charter or amendments thereto to exercise trust powers.
11-106-102. [Formerly 11-10-102] Investment power. A bank acting as
fiduciary shall have the same investment powers as an individual fiduciary under like
11-106-103. [Formerly 11-10-103] General fiduciary powers. Unless
otherwise expressly provided by statute, a bank acting as a fiduciary shall have all
of the rights, powers, privileges, and immunities and be subject to the same
obligations and duties as an individual fiduciary under like circumstances.
11-106-104. [Formerly 11-10-104] Agency powers. In addition to its other
powers, any bank which THAT is authorized to exercise fiduciary powers shall, upon
1134 Financial Institutions Ch. 152
proper qualification under this code, have the power to act as a fiduciary in any
capacity. It may also act as registrar, transfer agent, or attorney-in-fact and have the
power to receive, manage, and apply sinking funds.
11-106-105. [Formerly 11-10-106] Substitution of Colorado bank or
Colorado trust company. (1) In addition to the procedures initiated by an
interested party concerning internal affairs of their trust under section 15-16-201,
C.R.S., or procedures otherwise permitted by Colorado law, and unless a will,
agreement, or trust instrument otherwise provides, a company may be substituted as
fiduciary for all or a part of the fiduciary business of another company without court
approval if:
(a) The successor is a Colorado affiliate of the transferor and the boards of
directors of the transferor and successor both adopt resolutions to cause the successor
to be substituted as fiduciary for all or part of the fiduciary business of the transferor;
(b) The transferor is discontinuing all or part of its fiduciary business and the
boards of directors of the transferor and successor both adopt resolutions to cause the
successor to be substituted as fiduciary for the fiduciary business of the transferor
which THAT is being discontinued; or
(c) There is a merger or consolidation of the transferor and the successor, with the
successor being the surviving entity, and the boards of directors of the transferor and
successor both adopt resolutions to cause the successor to be substituted as fiduciary
for all of the fiduciary business of the transferor.
(2) If the boards of directors adopt such resolutions as provided in subsection (1)
of this section and comply with the notice and delivery provisions pursuant to
subsection (3) of this section, the successor shall replace the transferor as fiduciary
and shall be the successor fiduciary possessing all the rights, powers, and duties
which THAT were granted to or imposed on the transferor. Such rights, powers, and
duties shall vest in the successor upon effectuation of the substitution, irrespective of
the date on which the fiduciary relationship is established or of the date of any related
written agreement establishing the fiduciary relationship or of the date of the death
of any decedent whose estate is being so administered. Nothing in connection with
a substitution affects a renunciation or revocation of any letters of administration or
letters testamentary pertaining to a fiduciary relationship or a removal or resignation
of the transferor as personal representative, trustee, custodian, or other fiduciary.
(3) At least thirty days prior to the effective date of the substitution, a certified
copy of the resolutions of the boards of directors of the transferor and successor shall
be delivered to the division of banking, and a written notice of such substitution shall
be delivered to each interested party. Delivery will be deemed to have occurred upon
the earlier of actual delivery or three days after depositing such resolutions or
notification in the United States mails, certified mail with return receipt prepaid. The
effective date of the substitution as fiduciary for all or part of the fiduciary business,
as set forth in the resolutions, shall be the date provided in the resolutions, which
shall not be earlier than thirty days after the date of delivery in accordance with this
subsection (3). If the resolutions provide no effective date, the effective date shall be
thirty days after the date of delivery in accordance with this subsection (3).
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1135
11-106-106. [Formerly 11-10-107] Investment in securities. Notwithstanding
any other law to the contrary and subject to the standard contained in sections
11-50-113 (2) and 15-1-304, C.R.S., a Colorado bank or trust company may invest
and reinvest the assets which THAT it maintains in its trust in the securities of any
open-end or closed-end management investment company or investment trust
registered under the federal "Investment Company Act of 1940", 15 U.S.C. sec.
80a1-64, as amended. A Colorado bank or trust company shall be allowed to make
such investment even if it exercises investment discretion as a fiduciary, custodian,
managing agent, or otherwise with respect to the investment and reinvestment of
assets that it maintains in its trust department. The fact that a Colorado bank or trust
company, or any affiliate thereof, is providing services to the investment company or
trust as investment advisor, sponsor, distributor, custodian, transfer agent, registrar,
or otherwise, and receiving reasonable remuneration for the services, does not
preclude such bank or trust company from investing in the securities of such
investment company or trust.
Criminal Offenses
11-107-101. [Formerly 11-11-101] Unauthorized conduct of banking
business. It is a criminal offense for any person not authorized to carry on a banking
business under this code, falsely and with intent to defraud, to act as a bank or to
represent that he OR SHE is or is acting for a bank or to use an artificial or corporate
name which THAT is the name of a bank.
11-107-102. [Formerly 11-11-102] Receipt of deposits while insolvent. It is
a criminal offense if a state bank receives any deposit while insolvent, or an officer,
director, or employee knows or, in the proper performance of his OR HER duty should
know, of such insolvency and receives or authorizes the receipt of such deposit, or if
such state bank or person has knowingly concealed or misstated material facts
regarding the insolvency of the state bank from or to the banking board,
commissioner, or division of banking.
11-107-103. [Formerly 11-11-103] Unlawful service as officer or director.
(1) It is a criminal offense for any person to serve as an officer or director of a state
bank, or serve as commissioner, deputy commissioner, or employee of the division:
(a) Who has been convicted of an unpardoned offense constituting, in the
jurisdiction in which the conviction was had, a violation of the banking laws, a felony
involving moral turpitude, or a breach of trust;
(b) Who is indebted to the bank for more than thirty days upon a judgment that has
become final.
11-107-104. [Formerly 11-11-104] Unlawful gratuity, compensation, or
transactions. (1) It is a criminal offense for an affiliate of a state bank or for an
officer, director, or employee of a state bank or affiliate of a state bank:
(a) To solicit, accept, or agree to accept, directly or indirectly, from any person
other than the institution, any gratuity, compensation, or other personal benefit for
any action taken by the institution, or for endeavoring to procure any such action;
1136 Financial Institutions Ch. 152
(b) To have any interest, direct or indirect, in the purchase at less than its face
value of any evidence of indebtedness issued by the institution.
(2) In this section and section 11-6-101 (3) 11-105-101 (5), the term "affiliate" of
a state bank shall include:
(a) Any person who holds a majority of the stock of the bank or has been
determined by the banking board to hold a controlling interest therein, any other
corporation in which such person owns a majority of the stock, and any partnership
in which he SUCH PERSON has an interest;
(b) Any corporation in which the state bank or an officer, director, or employee
thereof holds a majority of the stock and any partnership in which such person has an
(c) Any corporation of which a majority of the directors are officers, directors, or
employees of the state bank or of which officers, directors, trustees, or employees
constitute a majority of the directors of the state bank.
11-107-105. [Formerly 11-11-105] Unlawful concealment of transactions.
(1) It is a criminal offense for an officer, director, employee, attorney, or agent of a
state bank:
(a) To conceal, or endeavor to conceal, any transaction of the bank from any
officer, director, or employee of the bank or any official or employee of the division
to whom it should properly be disclosed;
(b) With intent to deceive, to make any false or misleading statement or entry, or
omit any statement or entry that should be made in any book, account, report, or
statement of the institution.
(2) No bank shall sell, assign, or transfer any of its assets when insolvent, or in
contemplation of insolvency with the intent of preferring any credit, or preventing the
application of such assets to the subrogation of its debts; nor shall any officer,
director, or employee of any bank personally authorize or permit the same to be done.
11-107-106. [Formerly 11-11-106] Unlawful payment of penalties and
judgment against others. It is a criminal offense for a state bank to pay a fine, or
penalty imposed by law upon any other person, or any judgment against such person,
or to reimburse directly or indirectly any person by whom such fine, penalty, or
judgment has been paid, except in settlement of its own liability or in connection with
the acquisition of property against which such judgment is a lien or as provided in
section 11-3-121 11-103-602.
11-107-107. [Formerly 11-11-107] Embezzlement or misapplication of funds.
It is a criminal offense for any officer, director, shareholder, or employee of any bank
to directly or indirectly embezzle, abstract, or misapply, or cause to be embezzled,
abstracted, or misapplied, any of the funds or securities or other property of or under
the control of the bank with intent to deceive, injure, cheat, wrong, or defraud any
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1137
11-107-108. [Formerly 11-11-108] Unlawful acts or omissions - penalties.
(1) Any person responsible for an act or omission expressly declared to be a criminal
offense by this code:
(a) Is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by
a fine of not more than one thousand dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail for
not more than one year, or by both such fine and imprisonment;
(b) If the act or omission was intended to defraud, commits a class 6 felony and
shall be punished as provided in section 18-1.3-401, C.R.S.
(2) An officer, director, employee, agent, or attorney of a state bank shall be
criminally responsible for an act or omission of the institution declared to be a
criminal offense by this code if, knowing that such act or omission is a criminal
offense, he OR SHE participates in authorizing, executing, ratifying, or concealing such
act or in authorizing or ratifying such omission or, having a duty to take the required
action, omits to do so.
(3) Unless otherwise provided in this code, it is no defense to a criminal
prosecution under this code that the defendant did not know the facts establishing the
criminal character of the act or omission charged, if he THE DEFENDANT could and
should have known such facts in the proper performance of his OR HER duty.
11-107-109. [Formerly 11-20-117] Unlawful acts or failure to perform -
penalty. Any person who willfully or knowingly fails to perform any act required,
and as required by section 11-2-106 (10) or 11-2-115 11-102-102 (10) OR
11-102-501, or who commits any act in violation of said sections commits a class 5
felony and shall be punished as provided in section 18-1.3-401, C.R.S.
11-107-110. [Formerly 11-11-109] Injunction. (1) If a violation of this code
by a state bank or an officer, director, or employee thereof is threatened or impending
and may cause substantial injury to the institution or to the depositors, creditors, or
stockholders thereof, the district court in and for the county in which the bank is
located may, upon the suit of the banking board, issue an injunction restraining such
(2) If any person, not authorized to carry on a banking business under this code,
falsely acts as a bank, or falsely represents that he SUCH PERSON is acting for a bank,
or uses an artificial or corporate name which THAT is the name of a bank, the said
district court may, upon the suit of the banking board, issue an injunction restraining
such act.
11-107-111. [Formerly 11-11-110] General corporation laws applicable. The
provisions of articles 30 to 52, 101 to 117, and 121 to 137 of title 7, C.R.S., relating
to corporations and nonprofit corporations shall, insofar as the same are not
inconsistent with this code, govern corporations and nonprofit corporations operating
under the provisions of this code.
Industrial Banks
1138 Financial Institutions Ch. 152
11-108-101. [Formerly 11-22-101] Definitions. As used in this article, unless
the context otherwise requires:
(1) "Bank" or "industrial bank" means an industrial bank incorporated under the
provisions of section 11-22-101.2 11-108-102.
(1.5) (2) "Banking board" means the banking board created in section 11-2-102
(2) (3) "Commissioner" means the state bank commissioner.
(3) "Guaranty corporation" means the industrial bank savings guaranty corporation
of Colorado.
(4) "Member" means a bank required by this article to be a member of the
guaranty corporation FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION and shall include
"new member" except where the term "new member" is used in the same section or
(5) "New member" means a member which THAT had no outstanding savings
obligations as of the last day of the calendar year preceding the year in which an
assessment is made and which THAT has not filed with the commissioner an
undertaking not to issue savings obligations.
(6) "Primary service area" means the smallest geographical area from which it is
anticipated that the proposed industrial bank will draw seventy-five percent of its
individual, partnership, and corporate deposits.
(7) "Savings obligations" means savings deposits of any type including contracts,
agreements, certificates of deposit, however evidenced, and savings accounts and
unpaid interest accrued thereon.
11-108-102. [Formerly 11-22-101.1] Applicability of powers of banking
board and bank commissioner to industrial banks. The powers, duties, and
functions of the banking board and the commissioner contained in article 2 102 of this
title and the declaration of policy contained in section 11-1-101.5 11-101-102 shall
apply to the provisions of this article.
11-108-103. [Formerly 11-22-115.6] No private right of action. Except as
expressly provided in this article, no person, other than the banking board, shall have
the right to bring or maintain any private action, at law or in equity, for a violation
of or enforcement of this article.
11-108-201. [Formerly 11-22-106] Powers - general corporate - loans and
investments - rules of banking board. (1) Every industrial bank duly organized
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1139
and chartered under the provisions of this article has the powers granted general
business corporations by the laws of the state of Colorado to the extent the same are
not inconsistent with or contrary to this article, including such special powers
provided in this article, without the necessity of such powers or special powers being
specifically recited or set out in the articles of incorporation of said industrial bank
or any amendments thereto.
(2) No industrial bank shall be authorized to engage in any business or activity
except as may be authorized by this article.
(3) No stock shall be issued for any consideration other than cash, except stock
(4) An industrial bank may make such loans, secured or unsecured, accept such
drafts, make such investments, and issue such letters of credit as shall be permissible
pursuant to rules and regulations promulgated by the banking board or otherwise
permitted by this article. In promulgating such rules and regulations the banking
board shall consider all relevant factors, including without limitation the policies set
forth in section 11-1-101.5 11-101-102.
(5) In addition to the general corporate powers granted by this code, an industrial
bank has the power, subject to the limitations and restrictions imposed by this code
and the rules and regulations of the banking board, to lend money either upon the
security of real property or personal property, or otherwise; to charge, or to receive
in advance, interest therefor; and to contract for a charge for a secured or unsecured
installment loan.
(6) As authorized pursuant to section 10-2-601 (2), C.R.S., an industrial bank
may, pursuant to federal law or under such rules as may be adopted by the banking
board or the commissioner of insurance pursuant to section 10-2-601, C.R.S., act as
the agent for any insurance company authorized to do business in this state by
soliciting and selling insurance and collecting premiums on policies issued by such
company. For such services, an industrial bank may receive such fees or
commissions as may be agreed between the industrial bank and the insurance
(7) (a) It is unlawful for an industrial bank, or an officer, director, employee, or
affiliate of an industrial bank, to:
(I) Engage in the business of issuing, floating, underwriting, distributing, or
promoting the sale of stocks, bonds, or other securities; or
(II) Be an officer, trustee, director, employee, stockholder, or partner of any person
engaged principally in such A business DESCRIBED IN SUBPARAGRAPH (I) OF THIS
(b) Nothing in paragraph (a) of this subsection (7) shall include securities issued
or guaranteed as to principal and interest by:
(I) The United States or any agency of the United States;
1140 Financial Institutions Ch. 152
(II) A state or territory of the United States; or
(III) A subdivision, instrumentality, or public authority organized under the laws
of such state or territory pursuant to an interstate compact between two or more
11-108-202. [Formerly 11-22-107] Special powers. (1) Every industrial bank,
in addition to the powers granted by this article or the rules and regulations
promulgated by the banking board, has all of the following powers:
(a) The right to purchase and carry obligations of, or fully guaranteed by, the
United States or a state of the United States; obligations of a corporation chartered
by the United States or a state of the United States doing business in the United
States; obligations of an authority organized under state law, under an interstate
compact, or by substantially identical legislation adopted by two or more states if any
such authority is approved for investment by the rules and regulations of the banking
board; revenue obligations issued to provide, enlarge, or improve electric power, gas,
water, and sewer facilities by any city or town having a population of not less than
two thousand people at the time of investment, located in any state of the United
States; general obligations of a territory of the United States, or a political
subdivision or instrumentality of a state or territory of the United States; obligations
which THAT the general assembly of Colorado designates from time to time as legal
investments for public funds; notes, secured or unsecured; mortgages; contracts;
acceptances; bills of exchange; or trust receipts. All assets and funds of an industrial
bank shall at all times be maintained within the United States and in legal investments
within the United States as recited in this paragraph (a); but, with the written consent
of the banking board, industrial banks may purchase and carry other types of assets
but shall only be permitted to make such investments as are permitted by law to
(b) The right to lend money upon the security of the character and earning capacity
of the borrower, comakers, personal chattels, real property, or any other property, or
a combination of the foregoing;
(c) If a member in good standing of the guaranty corporation FEDERAL DEPOSIT
INSURANCE CORPORATION, the right to issue certificates of deposit, contracts, or
agreements under any descriptive name and receive savings deposits which THAT may
bear such interest as their terms may provide. except that industrial banks need not
be members of the guaranty corporation if they are members of the federal deposit
insurance corporation. Industrial banks may pay interest on savings deposits,
certificates of deposit, contracts, or agreements at a rate, without regard to
compounding, not to exceed one-half percent per annum greater than the rates of
interest which THAT any national or state bank, savings and loan association, or
building and loan association in the state is permitted by law to pay on the same type
of savings deposit, certificate of deposit, contract, or agreement, whichever is greater.
If any national or state bank, savings and loan association, or building and loan
association is not limited by applicable law or regulation RULE with regard to the rate
of interest on any type of savings deposit, certificate of deposit, contract, or
agreement, banks shall also not be limited in the same manner. Such certificates of
deposit, contracts, or agreements shall be issued with a maturity of not less than seven
days and shall be sold at not less than par.
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1141
(d) Repealed.
(e) (d) The right to issue, with the prior approval of the banking board based upon
the facts and circumstances of each case, capital notes, debentures, or evidences of
indebtedness which THAT will not be covered by a guaranty and may be included as
a part of the capital and surplus and which THAT:
(I) Have a maturity of not less than five years;
(II) Will be paid by the bank at or prior to maturity in part or in whole only upon
written permission of the banking board and are at all times and in all respects wholly
subject, subordinate, junior, and inferior to all senior debts of the bank with respect
to right of payment;
(III) Provide that the holder of the note by its acceptance thereof must agree that
the payment of the principal and interest of the note is expressly subordinated to the
prior payment of the principal and interest on all existing and future obligations of the
bank to its savings depositors and certificate holders; and
(IV) Contain a provision in the note that no amount shall be paid by the bank as
principal or interest unless the capital of the bank, as defined in rules and regulations
of the banking board, increases over its capital as of the date of the execution of the
note by not less than the amount of such principal or interest payment.
(f) (e) The right to invest not more than ten percent of its assets in personal
property leases to the same extent and in the same manner as allowed national or
other state banks; except that an industrial bank shall not invest in any lease in excess
of fifteen percent of its capital, as defined in rules and regulations of the banking
board, less any inadequacy of capital to any person, association, partnership, or
corporation and except that an industrial bank may exceed the limit established by
this paragraph (f) (e) subsequent to investing in the lease if such excess is necessary
to protect the lease.
(g) (f) The right to broker first mortgage loans.
11-108-203. [Formerly 11-22-107.5] Trust, fiduciary, and agency powers -
when. In addition to its other powers, an industrial bank that is authorized by its
charter to exercise trust powers, upon proper qualification under this article, has the
power to act as a fiduciary in any capacity. It may also act as registrar, transfer
agent, fiscal agent, or attorney-in-fact and have the power to receive, manage, and
apply sinking funds. Every industrial bank that is authorized by its charter to
exercise trust powers pursuant to this section shall make and file with the
commissioner an annual report of trust assets and such other reports, as the banking
board may require by rule, and regulation, on such forms as may be prescribed by the
banking board. No report filed pursuant to this section shall be required to be
11-108-204. [Formerly 11-22-108] Forbidden powers. (1) No industrial bank
has power to do any of the following:
(a) To accept demand deposits that the depositor may withdraw by check or similar
1142 Financial Institutions Ch. 152
means for payment to third parties;
(b) and (c) Repealed.
(d) (b) To engage in, or acquire any interest in, any business except as permitted
by this article.
(2) In calculating the obligations of a single obligor or the obligations of a
specified class for the purposes of paragraph (b) of subsection (1) of this section,
there shall be included:
(a) In the case of obligations of a partnership or association, the obligations of
each general partner or each member of the association;
(b) In the case of obligations of a general partner or a member of an association,
the obligations of the partnership or association;
(c) In the case of obligations of a corporation, the obligations of any subsidiaries
in which it owns, directly or indirectly, a majority of the outstanding voting stock;
(d) In the case of obligations of a corporation, the amount of a loan made to any
other person to the extent that the proceeds of such loan, directly or indirectly, are to
be loaned to the corporation; or used for the acquisition from the corporation of any
securities issued by the corporation, other than securities acquired by an underwriter
for public offering; or transferred to the corporation without fair and adequate
consideration. The discharge of an equivalent amount of debt previously incurred in
good faith for value shall be deemed fair and adequate consideration.
11-108-301. [Formerly 11-22-101.2] Incorporation. Three or more persons
desiring to form a bank, as permitted in this article, may incorporate such bank, and
said bank may be chartered by the banking board to engage in the business of a bank
upon compliance with the provisions of this article.
11-108-302. [Formerly 11-22-102] Charter - application - fee - issuance
procedure - change in location. (1) The incorporators of a proposed industrial
bank shall submit to the banking board an application for an industrial bank charter
and in support thereof shall submit the following:
(a) An application for a charter in such form as may be prescribed by the banking
board by rule, and regulation, including the following: The name, address, and
business affiliation of each director and proposed officer and the name and address
of any and all other industrial banks with which each director and proposed officer
may be affiliated as a director, officer, or stockholder; the name, address, and
business affiliation of each subscriber to stock and the amount of stock subscribed
for; the address at which it is proposed the industrial bank will maintain its place of
business or, if such address is not known, the area within a radius of one-half mile in
which the bank is to be located; a designation of the primary service area it proposes
to serve; and such other information as the banking board may reasonably require to
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1143
enable it to determine whether such charter should be issued;
(b) Proposed articles of incorporation, containing: The name of the proposed
industrial bank; the city or county in which it is to be located; the amount of capital;
the number and par value of the shares authorized; the number of directors; a
statement whether cumulative voting will be permitted for directors; preemptive
rights, if any, of stockholders; its term of existence; and such other proper provisions
as may be approved by the banking board to govern the affairs and business of the
proposed industrial bank, including such provisions required by law for the
incorporation of ordinary corporations. The name of the industrial bank need not
comply with the requirements of part 6 of article 90 of title 7, C.R.S. Only one class
of par value stock of not less than ten dollars per share shall be authorized, but the
foregoing shall not affect industrial banks chartered prior to July 1, 1965, having
other classes of stock or other par value than recited in this article. The articles of
incorporation shall not contain any provisions authorizing such proposed industrial
bank to engage in any business or activity except as may be authorized by this article.
(c) Bylaws of the proposed industrial bank;
(d) An application fee established by the banking board pursuant to section
11-2-103 (11) 11-102-103 (12). The fee may be refunded to the incorporators by the
banking board if the application for charter is withdrawn by the incorporators prior
to the date set for public hearing. The applicants shall also submit evidence
satisfactory to the banking board that the stock, in an amount not less than the
minimum required by section 11-22-105 11-108-305, has been fully subscribed and
paid in and that the subscribing stockholders have, in addition thereto, deposited an
estimated amount to cover organizational expense.
(1.5) Repealed.
(2) (a) Within sixty days of AFTER the submission of an application, the banking
board shall determine whether the application is complete or whether deficiencies
exist in the application and shall notify the applicant of such finding and shall specify
any deficiencies which THAT have been found to exist. In the event that the
application is not completed in accordance with this section and the rules of the
banking board within ninety days of AFTER the submission date, the application shall
be deemed withdrawn and the application fee forfeited.
(b) After the application has been properly completed within the required
ninety-day period, the hearing required by this section shall be held and a decision
rendered by the banking board on the charter application at least thirty days prior to
any hearing on any later filed application for a bank proposing to serve any portion
of the same primary service area.
(c) The banking board, upon determining that the application is complete, shall fix
a time and place for a hearing upon such application not less than thirty days nor
more than ninety days after such determination or not less than thirty days nor more
than ninety days after the banking board renders a decision on an earlier filed
application to serve a portion of the same primary service area. At least thirty days
prior to the hearing, the banking board shall notify the applicants thereof and mail
notices of the hearing upon such application to each industrial bank doing business
1144 Financial Institutions Ch. 152
in the primary service area to be served by the applicant and to such other persons
and organizations as the banking board may select. If any person or organization
objects to the application, such person or organization may file with the banking
board a written objection within twenty days after receipt of the notice of hearing.
At such hearing, applicants, persons notified by this subsection (2), and other persons
interested may appear and offer testimony in support of, or in opposition to, such
application, and such testimony shall be transcribed. The banking board may
continue the hearing from time to time for the purpose of taking additional testimony.
(d) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, if the BANKING board has
given notice pursuant to paragraph (c) of this subsection (2) of a hearing on any
application for charter filed pursuant to this section and the BANKING board has
received no written protests against such charter application within ten days of PRIOR
TO the hearing, the BANKING board may grant such charter without a hearing as
otherwise required in this section if the applicants for such charter are known to the
BANKING board.
(3) (a) Upon the receipt of the instruments recited in subsection (1) of this section,
the banking board shall investigate the facts and the application and, after a hearing,
shall grant the charter if it finds that:
(I) Allowing the applicants to engage in such business will serve the public need
and advantage in the primary service area in which the business of the applicants is
to be conducted; and that the volume of business in the primary service area which
THAT the applicants propose to serve, attributable to industrial banking, is such that
profitable operation of the industrial bank may reasonably be projected;
(II) The experience, financial responsibility, character, and general fitness of the
proposed officers, directors, stockholders, and persons in control of the industrial
bank, as defined in section 11-22-101 (1) 11-108-101 (1), are such as to command
the confidence of the public and to warrant belief that the business will be operated
lawfully and within the purposes of this article. In making a determination under the
provisions of this subparagraph (II), the banking board shall be governed by the
provisions of section 24-5-101, C.R.S.; and
(III) The articles of incorporation and bylaws are in compliance with law and any
regulations RULES of the banking board and its proposed capital satisfies the
standards and guidelines in the rules and regulations promulgated by the banking
(b) The applicants shall have the burden of proving the matters set forth in
paragraph (a) of this subsection (3).
(4) Such charter shall not be issued until: The articles of incorporation, duly
approved by the banking board, have been filed by the incorporators with the
secretary of state of Colorado and with the banking board; the proposed capital
satisfies the standards and guidelines in the rules and regulations promulgated by the
banking board; and the organization of said industrial bank, including adoption of the
bylaws, election of members to the board, and the election of its officers have been
duly completed.
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1145
(5) The banking board shall grant or deny an application for a charter within thirty
days after conclusion of the hearings thereon. Within ten days after the entry of an
order denying or granting an application, the banking board shall give written notice
thereof and the BANKING board's reasons therefor to the applicants and to such
industrial banks or other persons who appeared at the hearing in opposition to the
granting of such application. The banking board shall make execution of its order to
grant a charter contingent upon the proposed industrial bank's making a bona fide
application for, and receiving membership in, the federal deposit insurance
corporation or the federal reserve system.
(6) The proposed incorporators, or any industrial bank, or other persons aggrieved
by the order of denial or granting of the application may seek a review thereof in any
district court of Colorado within thirty days after written notice of the issuance of said
order. The court may affirm the order of the banking board, or may reverse or modify
the same, or direct the banking board to take any action deemed proper if it finds that
the banking board abused its discretion or exceeded its jurisdiction. Review by
appeal may be prosecuted from the final judgment of the district court as provided by
law and the Colorado appellate rules in the same manner as appeals are taken from
judgments of the district court in civil actions.
(7) (a) If a bank chartered under the provisions of this article desires to move from
the location for which the charter was granted, the bank shall submit to the banking
board in such form as the banking board may prescribe an application for change of
location. The application for change of location shall include the following: The new
address at which the bank proposes to maintain its place of business; a designation
of the primary service area it proposes to serve; evidence satisfactory to the banking
board that the requirements of section 11-22-105 (1) 11-108-305 (1) relating to the
proposed new location have been met; and such other information as the banking
board may reasonably require to enable it to determine whether the application for
change of location should be granted.
(b) If the proposed new location of the bank is over five hundred feet from the
location for which the charter was granted, then, within thirty days following the
submission of an application for change of location, the bank shall give notice to the
public of the proposed new location by publishing, at least twice in a newspaper of
general circulation in the primary service area that such bank serves, a notice
identifying the present location of the bank and the proposed new location. If the
proposed new location of the bank is five hundred feet or less from the location for
which the charter was granted, no such public notice shall be required under this
paragraph (b), and the banking board shall grant or deny the application for a change
of location within sixty days after submission by the applicant.
(c) If the proposed new location of the bank is more than five hundred feet from
and within a radius of one-half mile of the location for which the charter was granted,
the banking board shall mail notice of such application for change of location within
thirty days following submission of the application to each bank doing business in the
primary service area to be served by the applicant. If no bank which received notice
of the application objects in writing to the banking board within thirty days of AFTER
mailing of such notice, the banking board may grant or deny the application, without
a hearing, based upon the merits of the application, but such application shall be
granted only if the provisions of section 11-22-105 (1) 11-108-305 (1) relating to the
1146 Financial Institutions Ch. 152
proposed new location have been met. If any bank receiving notice does object in
writing and requests a hearing on the application, the banking board shall determine
if a hearing is advisable, and, if it finds IT advisable the banking board shall mail a
notice of such hearing to the guaranty corporation and to each bank doing business
in the primary service area to be served.
(d) If the proposed new location of the bank is more than one-half mile from the
location for which the charter was granted, the banking board shall give notice within
thirty days following submission of the application to each bank doing business in the
primary service area to be served by the applicant to the guaranty corporation, and
to such other persons and organizations as the banking board determines. If no bank,
person, or organization receiving notice of the application objects in writing to the
banking board within thirty days of AFTER mailing of such notice, the banking board
may grant or deny the application, with or without a hearing, at its discretion, based
on the merits of the application, but such application shall be granted only if the
provisions of section 11-22-105 (1) 11-108-305 (1) relating to the proposed new
location have been met. If any bank, person, or organization receiving notice does
object in writing and requests a hearing on the application, the banking board shall
hold a hearing on the application, and the banking board shall mail a notice of such
hearing to all persons and organizations who were mailed notice of application to
change location.
(e) Any hearing held under the provisions of this subsection (7) shall be held
within ninety days following the date of mailing of the notice of hearing. At such
hearing, the applicant, persons, or organizations notified pursuant to this subsection
(7), and other persons interested may appear and offer testimony in support of, or in
opposition to, the application for change of location, and such testimony shall be
(f) The banking board shall grant or deny an application for change of location
within ninety days of AFTER the conclusion of any hearing held on the application or,
if no hearing is held, within ninety days of AFTER the receipt of the application.
11-108-303. [Formerly 11-22-103] Amendment - where filed. In the event of
an amendment to the certificate of incorporation of any industrial bank, certificates
setting forth such amendment shall be executed in duplicate and filed in the offices
of the secretary of state and the banking board.
11-108-304. [Formerly 11-22-104] Certificate approving amendment. If the
banking board is satisfied that such amendment has been legally made, and that it in
no way impairs the financial standing of said industrial bank, it shall issue to the
industrial bank a certificate approving the amendment and authorizing the bank to
conduct business pursuant thereto, and no such authority of amendment shall be
effective until so approved by the banking board.
11-108-305. [Formerly 11-22-105] Capital structure - inadequacy. (1) The
banking board shall establish by rules and regulations the capital standards and
guidelines, the methods for measuring capital, and the definitions of "capital",
"capital adequacy", "capital inadequacy", and other related terms for industrial banks
subject to this article, which may differ for specific purposes. In promulgating such
rules, and regulations, the banking board shall consider all relevant factors, including
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1147
without limitation the policies set forth in section 11-1-101.5 11-101-102 and
relevant federal laws and regulations. Each industrial bank subject to this article
shall at all times comply with the capital rules and regulations promulgated by the
banking board.
(2) The board of directors of an industrial bank may declare dividends from
retained earnings and from other components of capital specifically approved by the
banking board so long as the declaration is made in compliance with the rules and
regulations established by the banking board.
(3) If the banking board has reason to believe that the capital of any industrial
bank is inadequate under the rules and regulations of the banking board, the banking
board may ascertain the facts and furnish the bank with a copy of its determination.
If the banking board determines an inadequacy of capital based upon such
determination, the commissioner, with the approval of the banking board, may direct
the industrial bank to levy an assessment in a designated amount upon the holders of
record of common stock to remedy an inadequacy of capital. Upon receipt of an order
to levy an assessment, the directors shall cause to be sent to all holders of common
stock, at their addresses, a copy of the order and a copy of this subsection (3). If an
assessment is not paid within the time prescribed in the order or such shorter period
as the directors decide, but not less than thirty days, the bank may offer the shares of
the defaulting stockholders for sale at public auction or private sale at a price which
THAT shall not be less than the amount of the assessment and the cost of the sale.
Any excess shall be paid to the prior owners. Except under circumstances where
section 11-3-105 11-103-203 applies, the method of collection provided in this
section shall be the sole method of collecting assessments. If an assessment is not
paid within ninety days after the date of the order to levy or at such other date as may
be specified in the order, but in no event less than thirty days, the commissioner may,
with the approval of the banking board, proceed pursuant to part 6 of this article;
however, for good cause shown to the banking board by the affected bank, the
BANKING board may extend the ninety-day limit. If the banking board determines that
the capital or reserves of any bank are inadequate, the banking board may order the
bank not to make new loans or discounts.
(4) Any industrial bank upon application to and approval by the banking board,
may operate one loan production office as defined by the banking board. Any
industrial bank, upon application to and approval by the banking board, may also
operate one detached facility. Such facility shall be located within three thousand feet
of the nearest point on the boundary of the premises of the bank's place of business
but cannot be located within three hundred feet of the boundary of the premises of
another industrial bank, state bank, or national bank or any of such other banks'
detached facility, unless such other bank consents to a closer location. The banking
board shall give written notice of an application for a detached facility to each
industrial bank and each state or national bank located within a three-mile radius of
the applicant bank and, at its discretion, the banking board may order a public hearing
with respect to the application. Approval shall be granted by the board only upon a
showing of need. Banking activities at detached facilities shall be restricted to
receiving deposits, issuing money orders or drafts, cashing checks or drafts, making
change, receiving note payments, receiving or delivering cash, instruments, and
securities, and disbursing loan proceeds by machine. Any other facility, agency, or
paying or receiving station operated by any bank or agent shall constitute a branch
1148 Financial Institutions Ch. 152
within the meaning of this subsection (4). Notwithstanding the limitations of this
subsection (4), an industrial bank is authorized to engage in such deposit and loan
activities as are expressly authorized by this article through a communications
facility, as defined in section 11-48-103.
(5) Repealed.
11-108-306. [Formerly 11-22-111] Assessments. (1) The banking board shall
annually establish fees and assessments pursuant to section 11-2-103 (11)
11-102-104 (11). Assessments may be made more frequently than annually at the
discretion of the banking board.
(2) For the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1992, and for each fiscal year thereafter,
the banking board shall establish its annual assessment to be collected at least
semiannually in such amounts as are sufficient to generate the moneys appropriated
by the general assembly to the division of banking for each such fiscal year.
(3) In addition to each assessment established pursuant to subsections (1) and (2)
of this section, for each fiscal year beginning July 1, 1992, and ending June 30, 1994,
and for the period ending January 31, 1995, the banking board shall collect a
semiannual repayment of the fiscal year 1991-1992 general fund advance to the
division of banking in an amount equal to one-sixth of the amount of the banking
board's assessment that would have been collected in September 1992.
11-108-401. [Formerly 11-22-109] Subject to corporation laws - powers of
banking board - examinations by commissioner - reports by industrial banks.
(1) Industrial banks shall be subject to and governed by the laws relating to general
business corporations, except where inconsistent with the provisions of this article,
but, in addition thereto, the commissioner shall examine the books and records of
every industrial bank as often as deemed advisable and to the extent required by the
banking board. The cost of the examination shall be borne by the industrial bank at
the rate provided for in section 11-22-111 11-108-306.
(1.1) (2) The commissioner shall examine, as often as deemed advisable and to the
extent required by the banking board, any electronic data processing centers of an
industrial bank or any electronic data processing centers which THAT serve an
industrial bank, without regard to the location of the electronic data processing center;
shall make and file in his OR HER office a correct report in detail disclosing the results
of such examination; and shall mail a copy of such report to the data processing
centers examined and the industrial bank which THAT they serve.
(1.2) (3) (a) The commissioner, if he OR SHE deems it necessary or if required by
the banking board, may examine the books and records of the controlling shareholder
of an industrial bank and any affiliated entities of the controlling shareholder for the
purpose of determining the safety and soundness of the industrial bank. If the
controlling shareholder or affiliate's records are located outside this state, the
controlling shareholder or affiliate shall either make them available to the
commissioner at a convenient location within this state or pay the reasonable and
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1149
necessary expenses for the commissioner or his THE COMMISSIONER'S representative
to examine them at the place where they are located. The commissioner may
designate representatives, including comparable officials of the state in which the
records are located, to inspect them on his THE COMMISSIONER'S behalf. If a
controlling shareholder or affiliate refuses to permit the commissioner to make an
examination, the banking board may fine such controlling shareholder or affiliate an
amount not to exceed one hundred dollars for each day any such refusal continues.
In lieu of any examination required by this subsection (1.2) (3), the commissioner
may accept an audit for the previous fiscal year prepared by an independent certified
public accountant, independent registered accountant, or other independent qualified
person. If the commissioner accepts an audit prepared by such independent person,
no costs thereof shall be borne by the commissioner and all costs of such audit shall
remain the obligation of the controlling shareholder or affiliate.
(b) For purposes of this subsection (1.2) (3):
(I) "Affiliated entity" or "affiliate" means an entity in control of a controlling
(II) "Controlling shareholder" means a shareholder in control of an industrial bank.
(III) "In control of" means that an entity or shareholder meets the same criteria for
acquiring control as are set forth in section 11-2-109 (4) 11-102-303 for acquiring
control of a state bank.
(2) Repealed.
(2.1) (4) Any person who becomes a director, executive officer, or other person
who, directly or indirectly, is responsible for the management, control, or operations
of an industrial bank shall within ninety days thereafter file a report with the banking
board containing: A statement describing any civil or criminal offenses involving
fraud, dishonesty, moral turpitude, bribery, perjury, larceny, theft, robbery, extortion,
forgery, counterfeiting, embezzlement, misappropriation of property, or conspiracy
to commit any of such offenses, or an offense affecting such person's qualification to
serve in such capacity with respect to which such person has been found guilty or
liable by any federal or state court or federal or state regulatory agency; such
biographical information as the banking board requires; and such other information
as the banking board requires pursuant to its rules. and regulations. If any statement
contained in such report subsequently becomes inaccurate or misleading in any way,
such person shall file an amended report within thirty days after the date on which the
statement in the report first becomes inaccurate or misleading. Any person who fails
to comply with this subsection (2.1) (4) shall be required by the banking board to pay
a penalty in an amount set by the banking board by rule, and regulation, which shall
not exceed twenty-five dollars per day, and such penalties shall be deposited in the
general fund. The banking board, for valid reasons and good cause, may waive such
(2.2) (5) If any industrial bank changes any executive officer, director, or other
person who, directly or indirectly, is responsible for the management, control, or
operations of the bank, such changes shall be promptly reported to the banking board,
and the bank shall provide such information concerning such person as may be
1150 Financial Institutions Ch. 152
requested by the banking board on such forms as the banking board may require,
including information about the reasons for termination from any prior employment
and whether such person was charged or convicted of any civil or criminal offenses
enumerated in subsection (2.1) (4) of this section. No civil liability shall arise for
any industrial bank, its directors, executive officers, employees, or agents, or other
persons due to compliance with the requirements of this subsection (2.2) (5). The
purpose of such information is to inform the banking board of the qualifications of
such person as they may affect the safety and soundness of the bank. The information
shall be treated as confidential under this article. Any industrial bank that fails to
comply with this section shall be required by the banking board to pay a penalty in
an amount set by the banking board by rule, and regulation, which shall not exceed
twenty-five dollars per day, and such penalties shall be deposited in the general fund.
The banking board, for valid reasons and good cause, may waive such penalty.
(3) (6) An industrial bank shall not permit other businesses to be carried on at its
place of business except as permitted by this article, unless such businesses were
carried on at the place of business of the bank prior to July 1, 1965. A bank shall
identify other businesses carried on at its place of business by conspicuous signs
placed in or upon the exterior of and adjacent to the principal entrance of its place of
(4) (7) (a) Industrial banks which THAT are subject to reserve provisions of the
"Federal Reserve Act", as amended, shall maintain such reserves against deposits as
may be required by the "Federal Reserve Act", as amended, but in addition thereto
the banking board may by regulation RULE impose reserve requirements which THAT
it deems prudent and sound on said industrial banks. The banking board may also
impose reserve requirements by regulation RULE on industrial banks not subject to
reserve provisions of the "Federal Reserve Act", as amended.
(b) In addition to the reserve against deposit liability, a bank shall maintain a
reserve against bad debts as required by law and the banking board.
(5) (8) In addition to other powers conferred by this article, the banking board has
power to:
(a) Regulate the procedure and practice at hearings;
(b) Implement by order and regulation RULE any provision of this article and obtain
restraining orders and injunctions to prevent violation of, and enforce compliance
with, the provisions of this article and the orders and regulations RULES issued
thereunder. In the exercise of such power to make orders and regulations RULES to
implement the provisions of this article, the banking board shall act, consistent with
the policies expressed in section 11-1-101.5 11-101-102, in the interests of promoting
and maintaining a sound industrial banking system, the security of deposits and
depositors, and the protection of other customers.
(c) Restrict the withdrawal of deposits from any industrial bank or the payment of
any certificate of deposit, contract, or agreement when the banking board determines
that the capital of such industrial bank is inadequate pursuant to the provisions of
section 11-22-115 (1) (a) 11-108-501 (1) (a);
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1151
(d) Order any person or industrial bank to cease violating a provision of this
article, or a lawful regulation RULE issued thereunder, or to cease engaging in
unsound business practices. A copy of such order shall be mailed to each director of
the industrial bank involved.
(e) Require the board of directors of industrial banks to:
(I) (A) Cause an annual audit of the industrial bank to be completed by an
accounting firm composed of certified public accountants or a directors' examination
by a public accountant or any other independent person or persons as determined by
the banking board at least annually but at intervals of not more than fifteen months
as may be required by the banking board or its rules. and regulations. The banking
board shall adopt regulations RULES regarding the qualifications of such public
accountant and other independent person or persons who shall assume the
responsibility for due care in such directors' examinations. The banking board's
regulations RULES shall also establish the scope of such director's examinations,
which shall include safeguards to insure ENSURE that such examinations adequately
describe the financial condition of the financial institution. The banking board may
require an audit to be completed by an accounting firm composed of certified public
accountants under certain circumstances. A report of the audit or directors'
examination and any related management letters and documents shall be completed
and submitted to the banking board within the time frames, in the form, and
containing such information as the banking board may require in its rules. and
regulations. Such report of the audit or directors' examination and any related
management letters and documents shall be reviewed by the directors at the next
meeting of the board of directors.
(B) If an industrial bank is owned or controlled by a bank holding company, the
requirement of sub-subparagraph (A) of this subparagraph (I) may be fulfilled if: As
required by the banking board and its rules, and regulations, the controlling bank
holding company is audited or examined in a directors' examination annually at
intervals of not more than fifteen months and the industrial bank is included in the
annual audit or directors' examination of the bank holding company by that firm; a
report of the audit or directors' examination for the controlling bank holding company
and any related management letters and documents is completed and submitted to the
banking board within the time frames, in the form, and containing such information
as the banking board may require in its rules; and regulations; and an annual internal
examination of the industrial bank is prepared by the internal examination staff of the
controlling bank holding company which shall be submitted to the banking board
immediately upon its request.
(II) Repealed.
(III) (II) Cause the financial statements of the industrial bank to be prepared in
accordance with generally accepted accounting principles consistently applied, except
as the banking board may otherwise provide in order to establish regulatory and
competitive parity and pursuant to the policies expressed in section 11-1-101.5
(IV) and (V) Repealed.
1152 Financial Institutions Ch. 152
(VI) (III) File, record, or otherwise make effective any lien or other interests in
(VII) (IV) Obtain a financial statement from a person with present or prospective
liability to the industrial bank to the extent that the industrial bank can do so;
(f) (I) After notice and hearing, suspend any officer or director for fraud,
embezzlement, or failure to comply with any provision of this article or any valid
order or regulation RULE of the banking board.
(II) With respect to any action pursuant to this section, ten days' notice, by certified
mail, return receipt requested, and hearing shall be provided to the bank affected in
advance of any action taken by the banking board. In cases found by the banking
board to involve extraordinary circumstances requiring immediate action, the banking
board may take such action, without notice of hearing, but shall promptly afford a
subsequent hearing upon application to rescind the action taken.
(g) Order any industrial bank to cease making loans if the banking board
determines that the reserves against savings obligations as required in subsection (4)
(7) of this section, are deficient, or are not in compliance with this article, or are
otherwise inadequate, or order any industrial bank to cease taking savings obligations
if the banking board determines that the capital of such bank are inadequate.
(6) (9) The banking board has the power to subpoena witnesses, compel their
attendance, require the production of evidence, administer oaths, and examine any
person under oath in connection with any subject relating to a duty imposed upon, or
a power vested in, the BANKING board.
(7) Repealed.
(8) (10) Any industrial bank aggrieved and directly affected by an order or
regulation RULE of the banking board issued under this article may seek a review in
the district court of Colorado in and for the county in which the industrial bank is
located, within thirty days after receipt of written notice of the issuance of said order
or regulation RULE. The filing of such a petition for review shall not, of itself, stay
enforcement of an order or regulation RULE, but the court, upon a finding that
irreparable injury would otherwise result, may order a stay upon such terms as it
deems proper. The court may affirm the order of the banking board or may direct
said THE BANKING board to take any action deemed proper.
(9) Repealed.
(10) (11) (a) A bank shall not, without the written consent of the banking board,
(I) and (II) Repealed.
(III) purchase real estate or any interest therein or make substantial improvements
thereon; except that an industrial bank shall not be prohibited from purchasing or
otherwise acquiring real estate or any interest therein pursuant to section 11-22-119
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1153
(b) Any consent given by the banking board under the provisions of paragraph (a)
of this subsection (10) (11) shall not constitute any determination by the banking
board as to the value of any real estate or the improvements thereon.
(11) (12) No industrial bank shall advertise, display, distribute, or broadcast, or
cause or permit to be advertised, displayed, distributed, or broadcasted, in any
manner whatsoever, false, misleading, or deceptive statements or representations with
regard to the charges for, or terms of, loans, or with reference to its savings deposits
or certificates of deposit. The banking board has the power to require that all
advertisements of any industrial bank be stated fully and clearly and in such manner
as the banking board may deem necessary to prevent misunderstanding thereof by
prospective borrowers, depositors, or purchasers of certificates of deposit.
(12) (13) The provisions of article 52 of title 12, C.R.S., known as the "Money
Order Act", shall not be applicable to industrial banks, nor shall industrial banks be
required to comply therewith.
(13) (14) No person who in good faith relies on any order OR rule or regulation of
the banking board shall be subjected to any civil or criminal liability for any act or
omission to act, notwithstanding a subsequent decision by a court invalidating any
such order OR rule. or regulation.
(14) (15) The banking board, the bank commissioner, and all deputies and
employees of the division of banking shall not divulge any information acquired by
them in the discharge of their duties except insofar as the same may be rendered
necessary by law. The banking board, the commissioner, and their designees may
exchange such information with the United States comptroller of the currency, the
federal deposit insurance corporation, the board of governors of the federal reserve
system, the executive director of the department of regulatory agencies, the division
of savings and loan, and banking regulatory agencies of other states. In addition, the
BANKING board, the commissioner, and their designees may exchange information as
to possible violations of the federal "Employee Retirement Income Security Act of
1974", as amended, with the federal department of labor or the executive director of
the department of regulatory agencies. The executive director of the department of
regulatory agencies and the state commissioner of savings and loan associations and
their deputies shall, before entering upon the discharge of their duties specified in this
section, in addition to an oath required by the state constitution, take and subscribe
an oath to keep secret all information acquired by them in the discharge of such
duties, except as may otherwise be required by law. Willful violation of this oath
shall be a criminal offense. Notwithstanding any provision of this article to the
contrary, the bank commissioner, the deputies, and the members of the banking board
may disclose any information in the records of the division of banking or acquired by
them within the discharge of their duties which THAT is publicly available from the
federal deposit insurance corporation, the United States comptroller of the currency,
or the federal reserve system and disclose information which THAT has been
specifically authorized by the board of directors of the bank to which such
information relates.
(15) (16) Any person who willfully makes, circulates, or transmits to another any
false statement, written or oral, which THAT is directly or by inference derogatory to
the financial condition of any industrial bank and which THAT results in an
1154 Financial Institutions Ch. 152
extraordinary withdrawal of funds from such bank or which THAT results in impairing
public confidence in such bank and any person who shall counsel, aid, procure, or
induce another to start, transmit, or circulate any such statement knowing the
statement to be false commits a class 2 misdemeanor and shall be punished as
provided in section 18-1.3-501, C.R.S.
11-108-402. [Formerly 11-22-109.5] Requirements for acquiring control of
industrial banks - definitions. (1) As used in this section, unless the context
otherwise requires:
(b) (a) "Controlling person" means a person who is in control of an industrial bank
or would be in control of an industrial bank after a proposed acquisition.
(a) (b) "Person" means an individual, a corporation, a partnership, a trust, or any
other legal entity.
(2) A person shall be deemed to have acquired control of an industrial bank if, as
a result of acquisition, such person:
(a) Directly or indirectly owns, controls, holds with the power to vote, or holds
proxies representing twenty-five percent or more of the outstanding voting stock
(b) Controls in any manner the election of a majority of the directors thereof; or
(c) Exercises a controlling influence over the management or policies thereof.
(3) (a) Whenever a person proposes to acquire control of any industrial bank, such
person shall first make application to the banking board for approval. Without
approval from the banking board pursuant to subsection (4) of this section, a person
shall be prohibited from making such an acquisition.
(b) An application required by paragraph (a) of this subsection (3) shall contain
the following information to the extent that it is known by the person making the
(I) The number of shares involved;
(II) The name of each seller or transferor;
(III) The name of each purchaser or transferee;
(IV) The name of each beneficial owner if the share or shares are registered in
another name;
(V) The purchase price;
(VI) Detailed information concerning any loans made in connection with the
(VII) Such other information concerning the transaction as may be available to
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1155
inform the commissioner of the effect of the transaction upon the control of the
industrial bank involved;
(VIII) Biographical and financial information concerning each purchaser,
controlling person, or person in control of a controlling person participating in the
proposed acquisition; and
(IX) The name of each controlling person and each person in control of a
controlling person participating in the proposed acquisition.
(4) (a) After receipt of an application, the commissioner shall make an
investigation, and the banking board shall approve the change of control only after
the BANKING board has determined:
(I) That the person proposing to acquire control is qualified by character,
experience, and financial responsibility to control the industrial bank in a legal and
proper manner;
(II) That the interests of the public generally will not be jeopardized by the
proposed acquisition; and
(III) That the person proposing to acquire control has satisfied the requirements of
this section and the other provisions of articles 1 to 11 101 TO 104, PARTS 1 TO 5 OF
ARTICLE 105, AND ARTICLES 106 AND 107 of this title and this article.
(b) The general assembly declares that the acquisition of control of or of any
ownership interest in industrial banks by persons owned or controlled by a country
with which it has been determined to be against the national interest to trade without
export controls for national security purposes by the president of the United States or
another appropriate agency of the federal government as directed by the president
pursuant to the "Export Administration Act of 1979", 50 U.S.C. Appendix sec. 2401
et seq., the "International Emergency Economic Powers Act", 50 U.S.C. sec. 1701
et seq., or any rule, regulation, order, or decision promulgated in connection therewith
is against the public interest. If the application or the commissioner's investigation
indicates that any person seeking to have control of or any ownership interest in an
industrial bank is owned or controlled by such a country, the banking board may not
approve any such change of control.
(5) This section shall not apply to the acquisition of:
(a) Voting proxies acquired in the normal course of business as a result of a proxy
solicitation in conjunction with a stockholders' meeting;
(b) Stock held in a fiduciary capacity unless the acquiring person has sole
discretionary authority to exercise voting rights with respect thereto;
(c) Stock acquired in securing or collecting, in whole or in part, a debt contracted
in good faith or stock acquired through testate or intestate succession or bona fide
gift, if the acquirer advises the banking board of such acquisition within thirty days
after the acquisition and provides any information required or requested by the
banking board or commissioner;
1156 Financial Institutions Ch. 152
(d) Stock acquired by an underwriter in good faith and without any intent to evade
the purpose of this section if the shares are held only for such reasonable period of
time as will permit the sale thereof; or
(e) Pro rata stock dividends.
(6) If the BANKING board has not acted upon a completed application within sixty
days of AFTER receipt thereof, unless extended for an additional thirty days by the
banking board, such application shall be considered approved.
(7) Whenever any person proposes to acquire control of any industrial bank and
is required by the "Change in Bank Control Act of 1978" (section 7 (j) of the
"Federal Deposit Insurance Act", 12 U.S.C. 1817 (j)), as such act may be amended
from time to time, to give the appropriate federal banking agency prior written notice
of such proposed acquisition, a copy of such notice with supporting information shall
be given concurrently to the banking board for information. The banking board may
use such information in evaluating applications submitted pursuant to this section and
shall submit its recommendations and comments to the appropriate federal regulatory
authority in a timely manner.
11-108-403. [Formerly 11-22-109.6] Industrial banks reports on condition
and income to commissioner. (1) Every industrial bank shall make and file with
the commissioner not less than three reports during each calendar year according to
the form which THAT may be prescribed by him THE COMMISSIONER, verified by the
oath of either the president, the vice-president, the cashier, or the secretary and
attested by the signature of three or more of the directors. Each such report shall
exhibit in detail, as may be required by the commissioner, the resources and liabilities
of the industrial bank at the close of business on the day past to be specified by said
commissioner in writing.
(2) Said reports shall be transmitted to the commissioner within thirty days after
the request therefor.
(3) The commissioner has power to call for special reports from any particular
industrial bank if, in his THE COMMISSIONER'S judgment, the same are necessary to
a full and complete knowledge of its condition. No such special report, nor any
summary thereof, shall be required to be published. The reports required by, and
filed pursuant to, this section shall be in lieu of all others required by law from
industrial banks. Every industrial bank which THAT fails to comply with this section
shall pay to the commissioner a penalty in an amount set by the banking board
pursuant to section 11-2-103 (11) 11-102-104 (11) for each day's delay. The
commissioner, for valid reasons and good cause, may waive such penalty.
11-108-404. [Formerly 11-22-110] Industrial bank converted to state bank.
(1) Any industrial bank organized under the laws of this state may apply to the
banking board, in such form and with such exhibits as it shall prescribe, to be
converted into a state bank. Proposed amended articles of incorporation shall
accompany the application.
(2) Upon receipt of such application and proposed amended articles of
incorporation, the banking board shall proceed to process and hear such application
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1157
and grant or deny a charter in the same manner and upon the same standards as
prescribed in section 11-3-110 11-103-304, relating to the granting or denying of a
(3) In the event of a denial of an application for conversion, the applicant has the
right of review and appeal in the manner and form provided in section 11-22-102 (6)
11-108-302 (6).
(4) Upon a charter being granted, the industrial bank shall file amended articles
of incorporation and also certified copies of the resolution passed by the board of
directors and stockholders representing not less than two-thirds of the capital stock
of such bank authorizing such conversion. The resolutions of the stockholders shall
declare that the officers have been authorized and required to file amended articles
of incorporation and to take all steps necessary or proper to convert the industrial
bank into a state bank. Upon the filing of the amended articles of incorporation, the
banking board shall issue a charter to the industrial bank authorizing it to commence
business in the same form as is issued to a state bank. The officers, after executing
the amended articles of incorporation, have the power to execute all other papers and
perform all other acts as may be required in connection with the conversion of the
industrial bank.
(5) Upon the filing of the amended articles of incorporation, such bank and all of
its stockholders, officers, and employees have the same rights, powers, and privileges
and shall be subject to the same duties, liabilities, and obligations in all respects as
are applicable to state banks originally organized as such under the laws of this state.
The shares of stock of any such bank may continue to be for the same amount each
as they were before the conversion, and the directors and officers of such bank may
continue until others are elected or appointed.
(6) Upon the filing of the amended articles of incorporation, all of the property of
the industrial bank, including all of its right, title, and interest therein as to all
property of whatever kind, whether real, personal, or mixed, and things in action, and
every right, privilege, interest, and asset of any conceivable value then existing,
belonging to it or which THAT would inure to it, shall be vested, immediately by act
of law and without conveyance or transfer and without any further act or deed, in and
be the property of the state bank, which shall have, hold, and enjoy the same in its
own right as fully and to the same extent as the same was possessed, held, and
enjoyed by the industrial bank. The bank converted under this part 1 4, in every
respect, shall be subject to the provisions of the law pertaining to state banks and
shall be deemed to have a continuation of the entity and of the identity of the
industrial bank, and all the rights, obligations, and relations of the industrial bank to
or in respect to any person, creditor, or depositor shall remain unimpaired.
(7) If necessary, the banking board, for a period not to exceed one year from AFTER
the date of the issuance of the charter to commence business, subject to such
condition as it may prescribe, may permit the converted bank to continue and carry,
at a value determined by the banking board, such of the assets of the converted bank
as do not conform to the legal requirements relative to assets required and held by
state banks.
(8) Any industrial bank organized under this article has the power to purchase and
1158 Financial Institutions Ch. 152
hold, for the purpose of becoming a member of a federal reserve bank, so much of the
capital stock thereof as will qualify it for membership in such bank pursuant to the
"Federal Reserve Act", and acts amending such act; to become a member of such
federal reserve bank and to have and exercise all powers, not in conflict with the laws
of this state, which THAT are conferred upon any such member by the "Federal
Reserve Act", and acts amending such act. Such industrial bank and its directors,
officers, and stockholders shall continue to be subject to all liabilities and duties
imposed upon them by any law of the state and to all provisions of this article.
(9) Any industrial bank organized under this article has power to obtain federal
deposit insurance or other deposit insurance and to assume and discharge such
obligations to the federal deposit insurance corporation or other insurance
corporations as may be necessary or required for the purpose of maintaining deposit
insurance in such corporations.
11-108-501. [Formerly 11-22-115] Unsound business practices. (1) For the
purposes of this article, an unsound business practice includes, but is not limited to,
the following:
(a) The conducting of any business by a bank while the capital of any such bank
is inadequate under rules and regulations of the banking board. The capital of a bank
shall be deemed inadequate if the capital is less than the requirements set by the
banking board pursuant to the provisions of section 11-22-105 11-108-305.
(b) The violation by a bank of its articles of incorporation, of any provision of this
article or any regulation RULE promulgated pursuant thereto, or of any other law or
regulation RULE of this state which THAT may impair the financial soundness of the
(c) The conducting by a bank of its business in an unsafe or unauthorized manner;
(d) The refusal by a bank to submit its books, papers, and affairs for reasonable
inspection by any representative of the division of banking; or of the guaranty
(e) The refusal by any officer, director, employee, or agent of any bank to be
examined under oath regarding the condition of such bank;
(f) The suspension by a bank of the payment of its obligations;
(g) The operation of a bank in a manner which THAT significantly impairs the
condition of the bank or otherwise materially affects the interests of its depositors;
(h) The failure to maintain adequate reserves for losses;
(i) The payment of management or other fees to any person, firm, corporation, or
other entity for services rendered in an amount not justified by the actual services
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1159
(j) The payment by a bank of dividends if such payment results in an inadequacy
of capital as defined in paragraph (a) of this subsection (1). In making such a
determination, the adequacy of loss reserves maintained by the bank shall be taken
into consideration.
(k) The repayment of any capital notes, debentures, or evidences of indebtedness
which THAT have been included as part of the capital of a bank, without the express
prior written consent of the banking board;
(l) The extension of credit to any officer, director, or principal shareholder of a
bank, or any related interest of that person, unless the extension of credit:
(I) (A) Is made on substantially the same terms including interest rates, maturity,
and collateral as those prevailing at the time for comparable transactions by a bank
with other persons; or
(B) Is made pursuant to a benefit or compensation program that is widely available
to employees of the bank and does not give preference to any insider; and
(II) Does not involve more than the normal risk of repayment or present other
unfavorable features.
(III) Repealed.
(m) Repealed.
11-108-502. [Formerly 11-22-115.1] Assessment of civil money penalties by
banking board. (1) (a) (I) After notice and a hearing as provided in article 4 of title
24, C.R.S., and after making a determination that no other appropriate governmental
agency has taken similar action against such person for the same act or practice, the
banking board may assess against and collect a civil penalty from:
(A) Any person who has violated any final cease and desist order issued by the
banking board pursuant to section 11-22-109 (5) (d) 11-108-401 (8) (d); and
(B) Any industrial bank which THAT, or any executive officer, director, employee,
agent, or other person participating in the conduct of the affairs of such industrial
bank who, violates or knowingly permits any person to violate any of the provisions
of this article or any rule or regulation promulgated pursuant to this article, or
engages or participates in any unsafe or unsound practice in connection with an
industrial bank. The civil money penalty shall not exceed one thousand dollars per
day for each day such violation continues. This provision shall include, but need not
be limited to, the following violations: Making, or causing to be made, delinquent
payment of assessments under this section; submitting, or causing to be submitted,
delinquent reports, including but not limited to call reports; or knowingly submitting,
or causing to be submitted, to the banking board any report or statement which THAT
contains materially false or misleading information.
(II) The banking board may, at its option and upon waiver of the right to a public
1160 Financial Institutions Ch. 152
hearing by a respondent, close to the public any hearing concerning an assessment of
a civil money penalty, an order of suspension or removal from office, an order to
cease and desist from any unlawful or unsafe and unsound practices, or any other
formal enforcement action by the banking board.
(b) For the purposes of this section, a violation shall include but need not be
limited to any action, by any person alone or with another person, which causes,
brings about, or results in the participation in, counseling of, or aiding or abetting of
a violation.
(2) Civil money penalties shall be assessed by written notice of assessment of a
civil money penalty served upon the person to be assessed. The notice of assessment
of a civil money penalty shall state the amount of the penalty, the period for payment,
the legal authority for the assessment, and the matters of fact or law constituting the
grounds for assessment. The notice of assessment of a civil money penalty shall
constitute a final order for purposes of judicial review pursuant to section 24-4-106,
(3) The banking board shall have authority to determine the amount of any civil
money penalty assessed against any executive officer, director, employee, agent, or
other person participating in the affairs of an industrial bank, except as expressly
limited by this article. In determining the amount of the civil money penalty to be
assessed, the banking board shall consider the good faith of the person assessed, the
gravity of the violation, any previous violations by the person assessed, the nature and
extent of any past violations, and such other matters as the banking board may deem
appropriate; except that the civil money penalty shall be not more than one thousand
dollars per day for each day the person assessed remains in violation.
(4) Civil money penalties assessed pursuant to this section shall be due and
payable and collected within thirty days after the notice of assessment of a civil
money penalty is issued by the banking board; except that the banking board may, in
its discretion, compromise, modify, or set aside any civil money penalty. Any civil
money penalty collected pursuant to this section shall be transmitted to the state
treasurer, who shall credit the same to the general fund.
11-108-503. [Formerly 11-22-115.2] No indemnification or insurance against
civil money penalties. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no industrial
bank shall indemnify or insure any executive officer, director, employee, agent, or
person participating in the conduct of affairs of such industrial bank against civil
money penalties.
11-108-504. [Formerly 11-22-115.3] Removal of director, officer, or other
person. (1) The banking board may serve any executive officer, director, employee,
agent, or other person participating in the conduct of the affairs of an industrial bank
with a written notice of its intention to remove him SUCH PERSON from office
whenever the banking board determines:
(a) That any such person has committed any violation of this article, rule, and
regulation, or cease and desist order of the banking board, which THAT has become
final, or has engaged or participated in any unsafe or unsound practice in connection
with an industrial bank, or has committed or engaged in any act, omission, or practice
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1161
which THAT constitutes a breach of his SUCH PERSON'S fiduciary duty to the industrial
bank; and
(b) (I) That the industrial bank has suffered or probably will suffer substantial
financial loss or other damage or that the interests of its depositors could be seriously
prejudiced by reason of such violation or practice or breach of fiduciary duty or
offense; or
(II) That such person has received financial gain by reason of such violation or
practice or breach of fiduciary duty or offense; or
(III) That such violation is one involving personal dishonesty on the part of such
person or one which THAT demonstrates a willful or continuing disregard for the
safety or soundness of the trust company.
(2) Whenever the banking board determines that an executive officer, director,
employee, agent, or other person participating in the conduct of the affairs of an
industrial bank, by conduct or practice with respect to another industrial bank or
business institution which THAT results in substantial financial loss or other damage,
has evidenced either his personal dishonesty or a willful or continuing disregard for
its THE BANK'S safety and soundness and, in addition, has evidenced his unfitness to
continue his OR HER relationship with the industrial bank, the banking board may
serve upon such person a written notice of its intention to remove him OR HER from
office or to prohibit his OR HER further participation in any manner in the conduct of
the affairs of the industrial bank.
(3) A notice of intention to remove a director, executive officer, or other person
from office or to prohibit his SUCH PERSON'S participation in the conduct of the affairs
of an industrial bank shall contain a statement of the facts constituting grounds
therefor FOR REMOVAL and shall fix a time and place at which a hearing shall be held.
thereon. Such hearing shall be fixed for a date not earlier than thirty days nor later
than sixty days after the date of service of such notice, unless an earlier or a later date
is set by the banking board at the request of such director or executive officer or other
person, and for good cause shown. Unless such director, executive officer, or other
person appears at the hearing in person or by a duly authorized representative, he
SUCH PERSON shall be deemed to have consented to the issuance of an order of
removal or prohibition as specified in the notice issued pursuant to subsection (1) or
(2) of this section. In the event of such consent or, if, upon the record made at any
such hearing, the banking board finds that any of the grounds specified in such notice
have been established, the banking board may issue such orders of suspension or
removal from office as it may deem appropriate. Any such order shall become
effective at the expiration of thirty days after service upon such industrial bank and
the director, executive officer, or other person concerned except in the case of an
order issued upon consent, which shall become effective at the time specified therein
IN THE ORDER. Such order shall remain effective and enforceable except to such
extent as it is stayed, modified, terminated, or set aside by action of the banking board
or a reviewing court.
11-108-505. [Formerly 11-22-115.4] Suspension of director, officer, or other
person. (1) The banking board may suspend an executive officer, director,
employee, agent, or other person participating in the conduct of the affairs of an
1162 Financial Institutions Ch. 152
industrial bank who becomes ineligible to hold his SUCH PERSON'S position, or who
after receipt of an order of the banking board to cease and desist violates this article
or a lawful rule and regulation or order issued thereunder, or who is dishonest, or who
is reckless or grossly incompetent in the conduct of business of an industrial bank, or
who may be subject to removal under section 11-22-115.3 11-108-504. It shall be
a criminal offense for any such person, after receipt of a suspension order, to perform
any duty or exercise any power of any industrial bank until the banking board vacates
such suspension order. A suspension order shall specify the grounds thereof. A copy
of the order shall be sent to the industrial bank concerned and to each member of its
board of directors.
(2) With respect to any action pursuant to this section, ten days' notice, by certified
mail, return receipt requested, and hearing shall be provided to the industrial bank
affected, in advance of any action taken by the banking board. In cases found by the
banking board to involve extraordinary circumstances requiring immediate action, the
banking board may take such action, without notice or hearing, but shall promptly
afford a subsequent hearing, upon application to rescind the action taken.
11-108-506. [Formerly 11-22-115.5] Informal enforcement authority. The
banking board, or the commissioner if so authorized by the banking board, shall have
authority to initiate informal actions to enforce the provisions of this article. In this
regard the banking board or the commissioner may, in its or his THE COMMISSIONER'S
discretion, enter into written agreements such as a memorandum of understanding
with, or an informal commitment letter from, or a strongly worded letter of reprimand
to any industrial bank or any executive officer, director, employee, agent, or other
person participating in the conduct of the affairs of the industrial bank.
11-108-507. [Formerly 11-22-116] Director and officer insurance and
fidelity bonds - legislative declaration. (1) If any director or officer of a bank
knowingly engages in any unsafe or unsound business practice or knowingly violates,
in conducting the business of the bank, a law or rule or regulation or any condition
imposed in writing by the banking board or commissioner, every director or officer
participating in or knowingly assenting to such violation shall be held liable in his
SUCH PERSON'S individual capacity for all damages which THAT the bank, its
shareholders, the guaranty corporation, or any other person shall have sustained in
consequence of such violation.
(2) If the banking board deems any officer of any bank to be dishonest, to be
engaging in an unsafe or unsound business practice, or to be incompetent, it shall
report in writing the facts regarding such officer to the board of directors or owners
of said bank, and, if the directors or owners of said bank fail or refuse to take action
on such report within ten days, the commissioner, if he OR SHE deems it advisable,
may send a copy of such report to the surety on the bonds of said officer.
(3) For the purposes of this section, "officer" means any person or entity that has
the power to direct or cause the direction of the management and policies of the bank,
other than in the capacity of a director, through the ownership of voting stock, by
contract, or otherwise, and regardless of whether he SUCH PERSON has an official title,
whether his SUCH PERSON'S title contains a designation of assistant, and whether he
SUCH PERSON is serving without salary or other compensation.
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1163
(4) In the event of liquidation of a bank, the banking board may prosecute an
action under this section to collect damages from such director or officer on behalf
of such bank in any court of competent jurisdiction.
(5) (a) The general assembly hereby finds, determines, and declares that the
following is enforceable and in conformity with the public policy of this state, as
expressed in this article, including the provisions of section 11-1-101.5 11-101-102:
(I) Any insurance policy, form, contract, endorsement, or certificate which THAT
provides insurance coverage to directors or officers, or both, of an industrial bank but
which THAT does not grant coverage or which THAT excludes coverage for claims
made by any depository insurance organization or any other state or federal
corporation, organization, or entity acting as receiver, conservator, or liquidator of
such industrial bank, whether in its own name or in behalf of any other person or
entity; or
(II) Any fidelity bond, financial institution bond, or depository institution bond that
provides for termination of such bond upon the taking over of the industrial bank by
a receiver or other liquidator or by state or federal officials.
(b) No provision of part 6 of this article shall be construed to contravene or modify
the expressed public policy set forth in this subsection (5).
11-108-601. [Formerly 11-22-601] Voluntary liquidation and dissolution.
(1) With the approval of the banking board, a bank may liquidate and dissolve. The
banking board shall grant such approval if it appears that the proposal to liquidate
and dissolve has been approved by a vote of two-thirds of the outstanding voting
stock of the bank at a meeting called for that purpose and that the capital of the bank
is adequate and such bank has sufficient liquid assets to pay off depositors and
creditors immediately.
(2) (a) Upon approval by the banking board, the bank shall forthwith cease to do
business, shall have only the powers necessary to effect an orderly liquidation, and
shall proceed to pay its depositors and creditors and to wind up its affairs.
(b) Within thirty days of AFTER the approval, a notice of liquidation shall be sent
by mail to each depositor and creditor at the address of such person as shown in the
records of the bank. The notice shall be posted conspicuously on the premises of the
bank and shall be published in such a manner as the banking board may require.
With each notice, the bank shall send a statement of the amount shown in the records
of the bank to be the claim of the depositor or creditor. The notice shall require that
claims of depositors and creditors, if the amount claimed differs from the amount
stated in the notice to be due, be filed with the bank before a specified date not earlier
than sixty days thereafter, in accordance with the procedure prescribed in the notice.
(c) The approval of an application for liquidation shall not impair any right of a
depositor or creditor to payment in full, and all lawful claims of creditors and
depositors shall promptly be paid.
1164 Financial Institutions Ch. 152
(d) Any assets remaining after the discharge of all obligations shall be distributed
to the stockholders in accordance with their respective interests. No such distribution
shall be made before all claims of depositors and creditors have been paid or any
funds payable to a depositor or creditor and unclaimed have been transmitted to the
banking board or before, in the case of any disputed claim, the bank has transmitted
to the banking board a sum adequate to meet any liability that may be judicially
(3) Any unclaimed distribution to a stockholder or depositor shall be held until
ninety days after the final distribution and then transmitted to the banking board.
Such unclaimed funds shall be held by the banking board for six years and, unless
sooner claimed by the person entitled thereto, shall be transferred to the treasury of
the county in which the bank is located. The county treasurer and his THE
TREASURER'S successors shall hold such money in trust for a period of six years,
unless the same MONEY shall be sooner paid out to the beneficial owner thereof. Any
money remaining in said THE fund six years after the same MONEY is paid into the
treasury of the county, for the recovery of which no action is pending, shall be
transferred to the general fund of the county, and all rights of the beneficial owners
therein to recover the same shall be forever barred.
(4) If the banking board finds that the assets will be insufficient for the full
discharge of all obligations or that completion of the liquidation has been unduly
delayed, it may take possession and complete the liquidation in the manner provided
in this article for involuntary liquidations.
(5) The banking board may require reports of the progress of liquidation. If the
banking board is satisfied that the liquidation has been properly completed, it shall
cancel the charter and enter an order of dissolution.
11-108-602. [Formerly 11-22-602] Involuntary liquidation by banking board
- reorganization. (1) Except as otherwise provided in this article, only the banking
board may take possession of a bank if it finds, after a hearing before the banking
board, that: The bank's capital is inadequate; the bank is committing or has
committed an unsound business practice as defined in section 11-22-115 11-108-501;
the bank is unable to continue normal operations; or the control of the bank has been
assumed by any person or persons convicted of fraud or a felony involving moral
turpitude or financial dealings in this state or any other jurisdiction or by any
partnership, association, or corporation controlled, directly or indirectly, by any
person so convicted, unless the banking board determines that such person has been
duly rehabilitated or otherwise that the bank will be honestly and efficiently managed.
(2) (a) The banking board shall take possession of a bank by posting upon the
premises a notice reciting that it is assuming possession pursuant to this article and
the time, not earlier than the posting of the notice, when such possession shall be
deemed to commence. A copy of the notice shall be filed in the district court of the
county in which the bank is located. The banking board shall notify the federal
reserve bank of the district of its taking possession of any bank which THAT is a
member of the federal reserve system and shall notify the federal deposit insurance
corporation of its taking possession of any bank which THAT is a member of the
federal deposit insurance corporation.
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1165
(b) When the banking board has taken possession of a bank, it shall be vested with
the full and exclusive power of control, including the power to stop or to limit the
payment of its obligations, to employ any necessary assistants, including legal
counsel after possession of the bank has been taken, to execute any instrument in the
name of the bank, to commence, defend, and conduct in its name any action or
proceeding to which it may be a party, to appoint a bank receiver pursuant to section
11-22-613 11-108-612, to terminate its possession by restoring the bank to its board
of directors and stockholders upon conditions prescribed by the banking board, and
to reopen a closed bank or liquidate the bank in accordance with this article. As soon
as practicable after taking possession, the banking board shall make an inventory of
the assets and file a copy thereof with the court in which the notice of possession was
(c) For six months after the posting of the notice of possession and while the
banking board's possession continues, there shall be a postponement of the date upon
which any period of limitation fixed by statute or agreement would otherwise expire
on a claim or right of action of the bank, or upon which a review must be taken, or
a pleading or other document must be filed by the bank in any pending action or
(d) If, in the opinion of the banking board, an emergency exists which THAT may
result in serious losses to the depositors, it may take possession of an industrial bank
without a prior hearing. Within ten days after the BANKING board has taken
possession, any interested person may file an application with the banking board for
an order vacating such possession. The banking board shall grant the application if
it finds its action was unauthorized.
(3) (a) For the purposes of the article, a bank shall be deemed to be closed when
the banking board has closed the bank for business for the purpose of liquidation.
Unless the banking board tenders to the federal deposit insurance corporation the
appointment as liquidator under section 11-22-606 11-108-606 and except as
otherwise provided in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this subsection (3), the banking board
shall mail notice of its intent to liquidate the bank to the directors, stockholders, and
depositors at their addresses as shown on the records of the bank, and the banking
board shall proceed to liquidate the bank. With each notice to the depositors, the
banking board shall send a statement of the amount shown in the records of the bank
to be the claim for each depositor. If the amount of a depositor's claim differs from
the amount stated in the notice to be due, the depositor's claim must be filed with the
banking board before a specified date, not earlier than sixty days thereafter, in
accordance with the procedure prescribed in the notice. The banking board may
appoint a liquidator to conduct the liquidation of the affairs of any bank. The
liquidator shall perform all of the duties required of the banking board under this
article and shall make such periodic reports as the banking board shall require. If the
bank is a member of the guaranty corporation, the banking board may offer the
position of liquidator first to the guaranty corporation, which may decline in its
discretion. The liquidator may employ such other assistants and legal counsel at such
reasonable compensation as the liquidator shall determine to be necessary. All
expenses incident to the liquidation shall be paid out of the assets of the bank. If a
liquidator is appointed, and is other than the guaranty corporation, the federal deposit
insurance corporation or an employee of the division of banking, the liquidator and
any assistants shall provide a bond executed by a surety company authorized to do
1166 Financial Institutions Ch. 152
business in this state, running to the people of the state of Colorado, which meets with
the approval of the banking board, for the faithful discharge of their duties in
connection with such liquidation and the accounting for all moneys coming into their
hands. The cost of such bond shall be paid from the assets of the bank. Suit may be
maintained on such bond by any person injured by a breach of the conditions thereof.
(b) Any notice sent to a depositor pursuant to paragraph (a) of this subsection (3)
may contain any additional information or forms as deemed appropriate by the
banking board. or the guaranty corporation. The banking board shall not be required
to send a notice to a depositor pursuant to paragraph (a) of this subsection (3) if no
address is shown in the records of the bank.
(c) If the amount shown in the records of the bank to be the claim of a depositor
is less than ten dollars, no notices shall be required under this part 6. The banking
board or the guaranty corporation may satisfy such claim by mailing the full amount
of the claim to the address shown in the records of the bank. If no such address is
shown in the records of the bank, the unclaimed funds or property shall be held for
disposition pursuant to section 11-22-604 (10); except that any unclaimed funds
representing funds of the guaranty corporation shall be held for disposition pursuant
to section 11-22-501 (1) (b) 11-108-604.
(4) No judgment, lien, or attachment shall be executed upon any asset of the bank
while it is in the possession of the banking board. Upon the election of the banking
board, in connection with a liquidation:
(a) Any nonconsensual lien or attachment, other than an attorney's or mechanic's
lien, obtained upon any asset of the bank during the banking board's possession, or
within four months prior to commencement thereof, shall be vacated and voided,
except liens created by the banking board while in possession and further excepting
liens or security interests obtained by the federal reserve banks;
(b) Any transfer of an asset of the bank made after or in contemplation of its
capital inadequacy, with intent to effect or which THAT results in a preference, shall
be voided.
(5) With the approval of the court in which notice of possession has been filed, the
banking board may borrow money in the name of the bank and may pledge its assets
as security for the loan.
(6) All necessary and reasonable expenses of the banking board's possession of a
bank and of its liquidation shall be paid from the assets thereof.
11-108-603. [Formerly 11-22-603] Injunctions - appeals. (1) Whenever the
banking board has taken possession of a bank and the bank deems itself aggrieved
thereby, such bank, within ten days after such taking, may apply to the court in which
notice of possession has been filed to enjoin further proceedings. After citing the
banking board to show cause why further proceedings should not be enjoined and
after a hearing, the court may dismiss the application of the bank or may enjoin the
banking board from further liquidation proceedings and direct the banking board to
surrender possession of the bank.
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1167
(2) An appeal may be taken by the banking board or by the bank from the
judgment of the court in the manner provided by law for appeals from judgments of
the district court. An appeal from the judgment does not operate as a stay of
judgment. If the appeal is taken by the banking board, no bond need be given, but if
the appeal is taken by the bank, a bond shall be given as required by the Colorado
rules of civil procedure.
11-108-604. [Formerly 11-22-604] Liquidation by banking board -
procedure. (1) In liquidating a bank, the banking board may exercise any power
thereof and shall have the duty to collect all assets, debts, and claims belonging to the
bank. Unless the banking board obtains the approval of the court in which notice of
possession has been filed by petition setting forth the material facts and upon such
notice to the officers, directors, or stockholders in such form as the court may require,
the banking board shall not:
(a) Sell any asset of the bank having a value in excess of one thousand dollars;
(b) Compromise or release any claim if the amount to be compromised or released
exceeds one thousand dollars;
(c) Make any payment on any claim, other than a claim upon an obligation
incurred by the banking board, before preparing and filing a schedule of its
determinations in accordance with this article.
(2) Within six months of AFTER the commencement of liquidation, the banking
board may, by its election, terminate any executory contract for services or
advertising to which the bank is a party or any obligation of the bank as a lessee. A
lessor who receives at least sixty days' notice of the banking board's election to
terminate the lease shall have no claim for rent, other than rent accrued to the date of
termination, nor for damages for such termination.
(3) The right of any agency of the United States insuring savings obligations to be
subrogated to the rights of depositors upon payment of their claims shall not be less
extensive than the law of the United States requires as a condition of the authority to
issue such insurance or make such payments to depositors of national banks.
(4) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (4.5) (5) of this section, as soon
after the commencement of liquidation as is practicable, the banking board shall send
notice of the liquidation to each known creditor and bailor of property held by the
bank at the address shown in the records of the bank. The notice shall also be
published once a week for three successive weeks in a newspaper of general
circulation in the city or county in which the bank is located. With each notice, the
banking board shall send a statement of the amount shown in the records of the bank
to be the claim of the creditor or bailor. The notice shall demand that property held
by the bank as bailee be withdrawn by the person entitled thereto and that the claim
of creditor, if the amount claimed differs from the amount stated in the notice to be
due, be filed with the banking board before a specified date, not earlier than sixty
days thereafter, in accordance with the procedure prescribed in the notice. The notice
may contain any additional information or forms deemed appropriate by the banking
board. or the guaranty corporation. The banking board shall not be required to send
a notice pursuant to this subsection (4) to a creditor or bailor if no address is shown
1168 Financial Institutions Ch. 152
in the records of the bank.
(4.5) (5) If the amount shown in the records of the bank to be the claim of a
creditor or bailor of property held by the bank is less than ten dollars, no notice shall
be required under this part 6. The banking board or the guaranty corporation may
satisfy such claim by mailing the full amount of the claim to the address shown in the
records of the bank. If no address is shown in the records of the bank, the unclaimed
funds or property shall be held for disposition pursuant to subsection (10) (11) of this
(5) (6) Any unclaimed property held by the bank as bailee and certified inventories
thereof shall be held by the banking board for six years unless sooner claimed by the
person entitled thereto. After six years the banking board may sell or otherwise
appropriately dispose of the property. The proceeds of a sale shall be transferred and
disposed of in accordance with the provisions of subsection (10) (11) of this section.
(6) (7) Within six months after the last day specified in the notice for the filing of
claims, or within such longer period as may be allowed by the court in which notice
of possession has been filed, the banking board shall:
(a) Reject any claim if the banking board determines the invalidity thereof;
(b) Determine the amount, if any, owing to each known creditor or depositor and
the priority class of his SUCH claim under this article;
(c) Prepare a schedule of the banking board's determinations for filing in the court
in which notice of possession was filed;
(d) Notify each person whose claim has not been allowed in full and publish once
a week for three successive weeks, in a newspaper of general circulation in the city
or county in which the bank is located, a notice of the time when and the place where
the schedule of determinations will be available for inspection and the date, not
sooner than thirty days thereafter, when the banking board will file its schedule in
court. If there is no newspaper of general circulation in such city or county, then
publication shall be in the newspaper of general circulation published nearest thereto.
(7) (8) Within twenty days after the filing of the banking board's schedule, the
guaranty corporation or any creditor, depositor, or stockholder may file an objection
to any determination made which THAT adversely affects or may adversely affect such
objector. Any objections so filed shall be heard and determined by the court upon
such notice to the banking board and interested claimants as the court may prescribe.
If the objection is sustained, the court shall direct an appropriate modification of the
schedule. After filing its schedule, the banking board may, from time to time, make
partial distribution to the holders of claims which THAT are undisputed or have been
allowed by the court if a proper reserve is established for the payment of disputed
claims. As soon as is practicable after the determination of all objections, the
banking board shall make final distribution.
(8) (9) (a) The following claims shall have priority in the order specified:
Obligations incurred by the banking board; wages and salaries of officers and
employees earned during the three-month period preceding the banking board's
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1169
possession in an amount not exceeding five thousand dollars for any one person; fees
and assessments due to the banking board; claims of the federal reserve as a secured
creditor to the extent of the value of its collateral; amounts which THAT the federal
deposit insurance corporation shall be entitled to receive on account of its subrogation
to the claims of depositors; amounts which the guaranty corporation shall be entitled
to receive on account of its subrogation to the claims of depositors; (except that, such
amounts shall be paid only when the liquidated assets of the bank exceed the total
amount of claims with higher priority as defined in this subsection (8) and the total
amount of savings obligations guaranteed under section 11-22-305); all other claims
for savings obligations; claims of secured creditors to the extent of the value of their
collateral; and all other claims.
(b) After the payment of all other claims, with interest at the legal rate, the banking
board shall pay claims otherwise proper which THAT were not filed within the time
prescribed. If the sum available for any class is insufficient to provide payment in
full, such sum shall be distributed to the claimants in the class pro rata.
(9) (10) Any assets remaining after all claims have been paid shall be distributed
to the stockholders in accordance with their respective interests.
(10) (11) Unclaimed funds remaining after final distribution has been made by the
banking board shall be retained for six years by the banking board unless sooner
claimed by the owner. At the expiration of such period, the remaining sum shall be
transferred to the treasury of the county in which the bank is located. The county
treasurer and his THE TREASURER'S successors shall hold such money in trust for a
period of six years, unless the same MONEY is sooner paid out to the beneficial owner
or owners thereof or a suit is instituted to recover such money or a portion thereof.
Any money remaining in said THE fund six years after the same MONEY is paid into
the treasury of the county, for the recovery of which no action is pending, shall be
transferred to the general fund of the county, and all rights of the former beneficial
owners therein to recover the same shall be forever barred.
(11) (12) When the final distribution of the proceeds of liquidation have been
made in accordance with this article, the banking board shall file an account with the
court in which notice of possession was filed. Upon approval thereof, the banking
board shall be relieved of liability in connection with the liquidation and shall cancel
the charter.
11-108-605. [Formerly 11-22-605] Sale of bank stock. After failure of the
stockholders of a bank whose capital is inadequate to cure such inadequacy pursuant
to section 11-22-105 11-108-305, the banking board, at its discretion and at any time
before or after taking possession of the bank, may offer the stock of the bank for sale
at public auction or at private sale at a price not less than the amount required to cure
the capital inadequacy and to cover the cost of sale. Any excess over this minimum
amount plus the expenses of the banking board shall be paid to the prior owners.
11-108-606. [Formerly 11-22-606] Federal deposit insurance corporation as
liquidator. (1) The federal deposit insurance corporation, created by section 12B
of the "Federal Reserve Act", as amended, or its successor is authorized to act
without bond as liquidator of any bank, the deposits of which are to any extent
insured by said corporation or its successor and which bank shall have been closed
1170 Financial Institutions Ch. 152
on account of inability to meet the demands of its depositors or for any other lawful
(2) In the event of such closing, the banking board may tender to said corporation
or its successor the appointment as liquidator of such bank.
(3) Upon being notified in writing of the acceptance of such an appointment, the
commissioner shall forthwith file in the office of the clerk and recorder in the county
in which the bank is situated a certificate evidencing the appointment of the federal
deposit insurance corporation or its successor. Upon the filing of such certificate, the
possession of all the assets, business, and property of such bank of every kind and
nature, wheresoever situated, shall be deemed transferred from such bank and the
banking board to the federal deposit insurance corporation or its successor. Without
the execution of any instruments of conveyance, assignment, transfer, or endorsement,
the title to all such assets and property shall be vested in the federal deposit insurance
corporation or its successor, and the banking board and the commissioner shall be
forever thereafter relieved from all responsibility and liability in respect to the
liquidation of such bank.
(4) If the federal deposit insurance corporation or its successor accepts said
appointment, it has all the powers and privileges provided by the laws of this state
with respect to the liquidation of a bank, its depositors, and other creditors.
11-108-607. [Formerly 11-22-607] Assets sold or pledged as security.
(1) With respect to any bank closed on account of inability to meet the demands of
its depositors or by action of the banking board or by action of its directors or in the
event of its capital inadequacy or suspension, the liquidator of such bank may borrow
from the federal deposit insurance corporation and furnish any part or all of the assets
of said institution to said corporation as security for a loan from same, but, if said
corporation is acting as liquidator, the order of a court of record of competent
jurisdiction shall be first obtained approving such loan. Upon the order of a court of
record of competent jurisdiction, all or any part of the assets of such bank may be
sold to the federal deposit insurance corporation by the banking board or by the
liquidator with the permission of the banking board.
(2) The provisions of this section shall not be construed to limit the power of any
bank, the banking board, or the liquidators to pledge or sell assets in accordance with
any existing law.
11-108-608. [Formerly 11-22-608] Enforcement of directors' liability.
Among its other powers, the federal deposit insurance corporation or its successor,
in the performance of its powers and duties as such liquidator, has the right and
power, upon the order of a court of record of competent jurisdiction, to enforce the
individual liability of the directors of any such bank.
11-108-609. [Formerly 11-22-609] Application of deposits. (1) Deposits of
all persons indebted to a bank in the possession of the banking board, whether such
indebtedness is due or to become due, shall be applied by the banking board on
account of such indebtedness; except that no stockholder shall set off against his OR
HER stockholder's liability any claim he OR SHE may have as a depositor in or creditor
of any bank in the possession of the banking board.
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1171
(2) The guaranty corporation, The banking board and any bank which THAT may
assume the liability for savings obligations of a bank in the possession of the banking
board need not honor and shall not be liable for any agreement between the bank in
the possession of the banking board and any other party relating to any savings
obligation which agreement is not disclosed on the records of the bank. Neither the
guaranty corporation nor any assuming bank nor any bank to which a savings
obligation is transferred shall be required to recognize as the owner of any portion of
a savings obligation any claimant whose name or interest is not disclosed on the
records of the bank of which the banking board has taken possession.
11-108-610. [Formerly 11-22-610] Emergency grant of new charter. (1) In
addition to powers regarding liquidation, the banking board, in the interest of
protecting the public and the depositors of a bank, may issue a new bank charter to
qualified individuals for the same location as the bank in its possession, contingent
upon the new bank assuming full liability for such savings obligations of the bank in
its possession as may be transferred to such new bank. Under such conditions, a new
charter may be issued summarily without the publication of notice, without the
holding of a public hearing, and without complying with any of the other provisions
and procedures specified in this article.
(2) The banking board may sell the right to assume the outstanding savings
obligations of a bank in its possession along with such other assets and under such
terms and conditions as it deems advisable. In such event the guaranty corporation,
to the extent it has not already done so and with the approval of the banking board,
may agree to fund to the assuming bank an amount not to exceed the total savings
obligations which are guaranteed in the bank in possession of the banking board as
determined by section 11-22-305. Thereafter, the guaranty corporation may make
claim against the proceeds of the liquidation. pursuant to section 11-22-501 (4). The
guaranty corporation may require the depositor to accept a new account at the newly
chartered bank within a reasonable time period in view of the claim procedure and
may impose such other reasonable requirements as it deems necessary to protect its
11-108-611. [Formerly 11-22-611] Emergency grant of branch facility.
(1) (a) In addition to powers regarding liquidation, the banking board may issue a
grant of authority to a financial institution, as defined in section 11-25-102 (3)
11-101-401 (36), which has its principal place of business in this state, to operate a
branch at the same location as a closed industrial bank.
(b) Under such conditions, the authority to operate the branch facility may be
issued summarily without the publication of notice, without the holding of a public
hearing, and without complying with any of the other provisions and procedures
specified in this article.
(2) (Deleted by amendment, L. 92, p. 946, § 2, effective May 29, 1992.)
(3) (a) (Deleted by amendment, L. 92, p. 946, § 2, effective May 29, 1992.)
(b) (2) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, a branch facility
operated pursuant to this section on or before August 1, 1991, may continue to
operate in perpetuity as a branch without being subject to any percentage limitation
1172 Financial Institutions Ch. 152
on branches as set forth in section 11-25-103 11-105-602.
11-108-701. [Formerly 11-22-112] Saturday closing - notice - effect. Any
industrial bank, by brief notation on its front door, may fully dispense with or restrict
to such extent as it may determine the hours within which it will be open for business
on all or less than all Saturdays. The fact that a bank remains open for business on
all or less than all Saturdays shall not make that day, or any part thereof, a banking
day for purposes of section 4-4-104 (a) (3), C.R.S., of the "Uniform Commercial
Code". Any plan so adopted by any such organization may be changed by it from
time to time in its discretion. Every Saturday on which any such industrial bank, in
observance of such notation, is not open for business shall be with respect to the
particular organization the equivalent of a legal holiday as specified in section
24-11-101, C.R.S. Any act authorized, required, or permitted to be performed at, by,
or with respect to such organization on a Saturday which is for it a holiday may be
performed on the next succeeding business day, notwithstanding the provisions of any
other law of this state to the contrary, and no liability or loss of right of any kind shall
result from such delay. The provisions of this section shall not operate to invalidate
or prohibit the doing on any Saturday of any such act by any person or organization
referred to in this section.
11-108-702. [Formerly 11-22-113] Limitations on secured borrowing.
(1) Unless authorized by the banking board, no bank shall borrow money upon a
secured basis by a pledge or assignment of its notes, mortgages, contracts, or other
assets unless it shall retain notes, mortgages, contracts, or other assets which THAT
are not pledged or assigned in an aggregate amount, without taking into account
unearned charges, of not less than the total amount of its savings deposits, certificates
of deposit, contracts, or agreements permitted by section 11-22-107 (1) (c)
11-108-202 (1) (c). In the event that any industrial bank should create or incur any
such secured indebtedness within the limitations as provided by this section, every
financial statement or report of such industrial bank published, issued, or distributed
shall indicate clearly therein the extent to which its assets are encumbered.
(2) If liquidation of a bank occurs, any secured indebtedness shall be paid from
assets remaining after depositors, other prior claims, and the expenses of liquidation
have been paid.
(3) The limitations of this section on secured indebtedness shall not apply to a bank
borrowing money upon a secured basis from a federal reserve bank.
(4) For the purposes of this section, "borrowing money upon a secured basis" shall
include, but not be limited to, the sale, pledge, or assignment of its notes, mortgages,
contracts, or other assets whereby the bank remains or may become liable or partially
liable for any indebtedness evidenced by such notes, mortgages, contracts, or other
11-108-703. [Formerly 11-22-701] Federal deposit insurance corporation
membership required. (1) On and after July 1, 1989, No industrial bank may
accept or hold savings obligations unless its savings obligations are insured by the
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1173
federal deposit insurance corporation.
(2) Members shall apply to the federal deposit insurance corporation or the federal
reserve system for membership not later than September 1, 1987. If any member
does not apply for membership in the federal deposit insurance corporation or the
federal reserve system by September 1, 1987, it shall not accept any savings
obligations with a maturity date after July 1, 1989.
(3) Upon written application to the banking board submitted on or before May 1,
1989, showing good cause, the banking board may grant to any member an extension
of time, not to exceed twelve months, to obtain membership in the federal deposit
insurance corporation or the federal reserve system. A copy of such application shall
be provided to the guaranty corporation by the member at the time of filing such
application with the banking board.
(4) Each member shall immediately give notice to the banking board and the
guaranty corporation when it has applied for membership in the federal deposit
insurance corporation or the federal reserve system and, thereafter, shall give
bimonthly reports on the status of its membership application to the banking board
and the guaranty corporation until final disposition of the application is made.
(5) Any member that is not a member of the federal deposit insurance corporation
or the federal reserve system on July 1, 1989, shall, except when an extension is
granted by the banking board, immediately return all savings obligations to its
depositors without an early withdrawal penalty.
11-108-704. [Formerly 11-22-119] Acquisition of property to satisfy
indebtedness. (1) An industrial bank may take property of any kind to satisfy, in
whole or in part, or to protect indebtedness previously created in good faith by it, and
such property shall be held subject to the following limitations:
(a) Real estate may be used in the banking business, subject to the conditions
prescribed by this article for property purchased for such use, or may be leased. Real
estate may be put in such condition as will reasonably facilitate its sale. Unless used
in the banking business, it shall be sold within five years or such longer period as the
banking board may allow.
(b) Other property, the acquisition of which is not otherwise authorized by this
article, shall be sold within six months or such longer period as the banking board
may allow.
(c) The property shall be entered on the books at not more than cost or fair market
value, whichever is less. Except as otherwise provided, each bank maintaining
property acquired to satisfy indebtedness will obtain an initial written appraisal and
subsequent appraisals as to fair market value by a qualified independent appraiser or
such other person as the banking board may approve. Such subsequent appraisals
shall be obtained pursuant to rules and regulations of the state banking board; except
that, for purposes of this paragraph (c), an appraisal, as defined in section 12-61-702
(1), C.R.S., by an appraiser certified, licensed, or registered pursuant to section
12-61-708, C.R.S., shall not be required on properties initially valued pursuant to this
paragraph (c) at one hundred thousand dollars or less. If such appraiser or other
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person approved by the banking board certifies in writing such appraiser's or other
person's opinion that the fair market value has not declined, this opinion may be
substituted for a subsequent appraisal.
11-108-801. [Formerly 11-22-114] Criminal offenses. (1) It shall be a
criminal offense for any officer, director, employee, or agent of any industrial bank
(a) Receive, take, or authorize the receipt or taking of any savings obligation with
knowledge that such industrial bank is insolvent or after receipt of any notice or order
issued by the banking board directing said industrial bank to cease taking savings
(b) Issue or cause to be issued, or to authorize or direct the issuance of, any
certificate of deposit, contract, or agreement under any descriptive name, under the
provisions of section 11-22-107 (1) (c) 11-108-202 (1) (c), with knowledge that such
industrial bank is insolvent or after receipt of any order or notice from the banking
board, ordering said industrial bank to cease issuing any such certificate of deposit,
contract, or agreement;
(c) Make or issue, or authorize or direct the making or issuing of, any certificate
of deposit, contract, or agreement authorized by section 11-22-107 (1) (c)
11-108-202 (1) (c) at any place whatsoever other than its banking premises;
(d) With intent to deceive, withhold, or secrete information, fail to record any
transaction made by said industrial bank upon the books and records of said industrial
banks by the close of the third business day, exclusive of Sundays and holidays, from
the consummation or completion of any such transaction;
(e) Make investments of industrial bank funds other than those permitted by this
(f) With intent to deceive, make any false or misleading statement or entry in any
book, account, report, or statement of the industrial bank, or fail to make an entry in
any book, account, report, or statement of the industrial bank affecting its operations,
assets, or liabilities;
(g) Cause, authorize, or permit any industrial bank to sell, assign, or transfer any
of its assets with knowledge that such industrial bank is insolvent, or in contemplation
of insolvency, with the intent of preferring any creditor or to prevent the application
of such assets to the payment of its debts;
(h) Receive or accept, or authorize the receipt or acceptance by and on behalf of
said industrial bank, of any false, bogus, or fictitious notes or other evidence of
indebtedness, knowing the same to be false, bogus, or fictitious.
(2) Any person responsible for any act or omission expressly declared in
subsection (1) of this section to be a criminal offense commits a class 1 misdemeanor
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1175
and shall be punished as provided in section 18-1.3-501, C.R.S.
(3) It is a criminal offense for any officer, director, shareholder, or employee of a
bank to directly or indirectly embezzle, abstract, or misapply, or cause to be
embezzled, abstracted, or misapplied, any of the funds, securities, or other property
of, or under the control of, such bank with the intent to deceive, injure, or defraud any
person. If the amount of funds, securities, or other property embezzled, abstracted,
or misapplied is less than five thousand dollars in total, a person commits a class 1
misdemeanor and shall be punished as provided in section 18-1.3-501, C.R.S. If the
amount of funds, securities, or other property embezzled, abstracted, or misapplied
is five thousand dollars or more in total, a person commits a class 6 felony and shall
be punished as provided in section 18-1.3-401, C.R.S. Any person found guilty of
a criminal offense under this subsection (3) shall be required to make restitution or
repayment of any funds, securities, or other property embezzled, abstracted, or
11-108-802. [Formerly 11-22-117] Certain violations. Any person willfully
or knowingly violating any of the provisions of this article for which no other
punishment is provided commits a class 1 misdemeanor and shall be punished as
provided in section 18-1.3-501, C.R.S.
11-108-803. [Formerly 11-22-118] Prosecutions. Whenever the banking board
determines that a violation of the provisions of this article constitutes a criminal
offense, it shall notify the district attorney for the district in which the bank involved
in the violation is located. The district attorney shall prosecute the party or parties
alleged to have committed the violation within sixty days following the date the
banking board notifies him THE DISTRICT ATTORNEY of such violation. Upon failure
or refusal of the district attorney to prosecute under this section, it shall be the duty
of the attorney general to prosecute such violation.
Trust Companies
11-109-101. [Formerly 11-23-102] Definitions. As used in this article, unless
the context otherwise requires:
(1) "Act as a fiduciary" or "acting as a fiduciary" means to:
(a) Accept or execute trusts, including to:
(I) Act as trustee under a written agreement;
(II) Receive money or other property in the capacity as trustee for investment in
real or personal property;
(III) Act as trustee and perform the fiduciary duties committed or transferred to the
trustee by order of a court of competent jurisdiction;
1176 Financial Institutions Ch. 152
(IV) Act as personal representative or trustee of the estate of a deceased person;
(V) Act as trustee for a minor or incapacitated person;
(b) Administer real or tangible personal property in any other fiduciary capacity;
(c) Act pursuant to an order of a court of competent jurisdiction as personal
representative, executor, or administrator of the estate of a deceased person or as a
guardian or conservator for a minor or incapacitated person.
(2) "Banking board" means the banking board created in section 11-2-102 SHALL
(3) "Commissioner" means the state bank commissioner.
(4) "Order" means all or any part of the final disposition, whether affirmative,
negative, injunctive, or declaratory in form, by the banking board of any matter other
than the making of rules of general application.
(5) "Person" means an individual, corporation, partnership, joint venture,
unincorporated association, or any other legal or commercial entity.
(6) "Representative trust office" means an office at which a trust company has
been authorized by the commissioner to engage in a trust business other than acting
as a fiduciary.
(7) "Savings deposit" means a deposit or account with respect to which the
depositor is not required by the deposit contract, but may at any time be required by
the trust company, to give written notice of an intended withdrawal not less than
seven days before withdrawal is made, and that is not payable on a specified date or
at the expiration of a specified time after the date of deposit, and funds deposited to
the credit of, or in which any beneficial interest is held by, a corporation, association,
partnership, or other organization operated for profit do not exceed one hundred fifty
thousand dollars per depositor at the trust company.
(8) "Time deposit" means a deposit that the depositor does not have a right to
withdraw for a period of seven days or more from the date of deposit. A "time
deposit" may be represented by a transferable or nontransferable, or a negotiable or
nonnegotiable, certificate, instrument, passbook, statement, or otherwise.
(9) "Transaction account" means a deposit or account that the depositor or account
holder may withdraw by check or by similar means for payment to third parties.
(10) "Trust business" means the holding out by a person to the public by
advertising, solicitation, or other means that the person is available to perform any
service authorized pursuant to section 11-23-103 11-109-201, including acting as a
(11) "Trust company" means a corporation organized pursuant to and subject to
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1177
regulation by the provisions of this article.
(12) "Trust institution" means a trust company, a federal or state chartered bank
with trust powers, or a trust company chartered under the laws of another state.
(13) "Trust office" means an office, other than the principal office, at which a trust
company is authorized by the banking board to engage in the trust business and to act
as a fiduciary.
11-109-102. [Formerly 11-23-102.3] Use of words "trust" or "trust
company". (1) It is unlawful for any person, firm, association, or corporation to use
or advertise the words "trust" or "trust company" in the conduct of its business in such
a manner as is likely to cause the public to be confused, deceived, or mistaken that
such person, firm, association, or corporation has been authorized to transact business
as a regulated financial institution unless such person, firm, association, or
corporation is organized under the "Colorado Banking Code", of 1957", articles 1 to
11 and 22 and 23 101 TO 109 AND ARTICLE 10.5 of this title, the "Colorado Trust
Company Act", article 23 of this title, article 70 of this title, or the national banking
laws and is authorized to use the words "trust" or "trust company" as part of its name.
(2) The provisions of subsection (1) of this section shall not apply to state banks
with trust powers, national banking associations located in Colorado that have trust
powers, and trust companies incorporated in Colorado.
11-109-103. [Formerly 11-23-102.5] Applicability of powers of banking
board and bank commissioner to trust companies. The powers, duties, and
functions of the banking board and the commissioner contained in article 2 102 of this
title and the declaration of policy contained in section 11-1-101.5 11-101-102 shall
apply to the provisions of this article.
11-109-104. [Formerly 11-23-117] Powers - banking board - commissioner.
(1) In addition to the other powers conferred on the banking board by this article, the
banking board shall have the power to:
(a) Implement by order and regulation RULE any provision of this article and to
obtain restraining orders and injunctions to prevent violation of and to enforce
compliance with the provisions of this article and the orders and regulations RULES
issued thereunder. In the exercise of the power to make orders and issue regulations
RULES, the banking board shall act in the interests of maintaining sound trust
companies and the security of fiduciary funds.
(b) Regulate the procedure and the practice at hearings;
(c) Repealed.
(d) (c) Order any person or a trust company to cease violating any provision of this
article or any regulation RULE and to mail a copy of the order to the person or trust
company and to each director of the trust company;
(e) (d) Suspend, after notice and hearing, any officer or director for fraud, theft,
or failure to comply with the provisions of this article or with any valid order or
1178 Financial Institutions Ch. 152
regulation RULE;
(f) (e) Subpoena witnesses, require the production of evidence, administer oaths,
and examine any person under oath in connection with any matter relating to the
powers and duties of the banking board;
(g) (f) Require that each trust company maintain such insurance and bonds as
necessary and appropriate;
(h) (g) Approve amendments to a trust company's articles of incorporation;
(i) (h) Approve or disapprove a change of location;
(j) (i) Approve or disapprove any merger or other corporate reorganization;
(k) Repealed.
(l) (j) Require a trust company holding fiduciary funds pursuant to section
11-23-113 11-109-906 to collateralize such funds as are in excess of federally
insured amounts in accordance with the rules and regulations adopted by the banking
(m) (k) Require that a trust company that is accepting deposits pursuant to section
11-23-103 (1) (d) 11-109-201 (1) (d) limit the aggregate amount of such deposits.
(1.1) (2) If the banking board has reason to believe that the capital of any trust
company is inadequate under the rules of the banking board, the banking board may
ascertain the facts and furnish the trust company with a copy of its determination. If
the banking board finds an inadequacy of capital based upon such determination, the
commissioner, with the approval of the banking board, may direct the trust company
to levy an assessment in a designated amount upon the holders of record of common
stock to remedy the inadequacy of capital. Upon receipt of an order to levy an
assessment, the directors shall cause to be sent to all holders of common stock, at
their addresses, a copy of the order and a copy of this subsection (1.1) (2). If an
assessment is not paid within the time prescribed in the order or such shorter period
as the directors decide, but not less than thirty days, the trust company may, within
sixty days thereafter as the banking board may prescribe in its order, offer the shares
of the defaulting stockholders for sale at public auction or private sale at a price that
shall not be less than the amount of the assessment and the cost of the sale. Any
excess shall be paid to the prior owners. The method of collection provided in this
subsection (1.1) (2) shall be the sole method of collecting assessments. If an
assessment is not paid within ninety days after the date of the order to levy or at such
other date as may be specified in the order, but in no event less than thirty days, the
commissioner may, with the approval of the banking board, proceed pursuant to
section 11-23-122 11-109-702. However, for good cause shown to the banking
board by the affected trust company, the BANKING board may extend the ninety-day
(1.2) (3) The term "shareholder" shall apply not only to such persons as appear on
the books of the trust company as shareholders, but also to every owner of stock,
legal or equitable, although the stock may stand on such books in the name of another
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1179
person, but not to a person that holds the stock as collateral security for the payment
of a debt.
(1.3) (4) Any trust company shareholder that has transferred such shareholder's
shares, caused such transfer to appear on the books of the trust company within sixty
days before the capital inadequacy of such trust company, or that has made such
transfer with knowledge of such impending capital inadequacy shall be liable to the
same extent that the transferee or subsequent transferee fails to meet such liability.
This section shall not be construed to affect in any way any recourse that such
shareholder might otherwise have against those in whose names such shares appear
upon the books of the trust company at the time of such capital inadequacy.
(1.4) (5) No stockholder of a trust company shall set off against the stockholder's
liability any claim such stockholder may have as a depositor in or creditor of any
insolvent trust company.
(2) (6) The commissioner shall examine the books and records of every trust
company as often as deemed advisable and to the extent required by the banking
board; shall make and file a correct report in detail disclosing the results of such
examination; and shall mail a copy of such report to the trust company examined.
(3) (7) The commissioner shall examine, as often as deemed advisable and to the
extent required by the banking board, any electronic data processing centers of a trust
company or any electronic data processing centers which THAT serve a trust company,
without regard to the location of the electronic data processing center; shall make and
file in his THE COMMISSIONER'S office a correct report in detail disclosing the results
of such examination; and shall mail a copy of such report to the data processing
centers examined and the trust company which THAT they serve.
(4) (8) (a) The commissioner, if he OR SHE deems it necessary or if required by the
banking board, may examine the books and records of the controlling shareholder of
a trust company and any affiliated entities of the controlling shareholder for the
purpose of determining the safety and soundness of the trust company. If the
controlling shareholder or affiliate's records are located outside this state, the
controlling shareholder or affiliate shall either make them available to the
commissioner at a convenient location within this state or pay the reasonable and
necessary expenses for the commissioner or his THE COMMISSIONER'S representative
to examine them at the place where they are located. The commissioner may
designate representatives, including comparable officials of the state in which the
records are located, to inspect them on his THE COMMISSIONER'S behalf. If a
controlling shareholder or affiliate refuses to permit the commissioner to make an
examination, the banking board may fine such controlling shareholder or affiliate an
amount not to exceed one thousand dollars for each day any such refusal continues.
In lieu of any examination required by this subsection (4) (8), the commissioner may
accept an audit for the previous fiscal year prepared by an independent certified
public accountant, independent registered accountant, or other independent qualified
person. If the commissioner accepts an audit prepared by such independent person,
no costs thereof shall be borne by the commissioner and all costs of such audit shall
remain the obligation of the controlling shareholder or affiliate.
(b) For purposes of this subsection (4) (8):
1180 Financial Institutions Ch. 152
(I) "Affiliated entity" or "affiliate" means an entity in control of a controlling
(II) "Controlling shareholder" means a shareholder in control of a trust company.
(III) "In control of" means that an entity or shareholder meets the same criteria for
acquiring control as is set forth in section 11-2-109 (4) 11-102-303 for acquiring
control of a state bank.
11-109-105. [Formerly 11-23-125] No private right of action. Except as
expressly provided in this article, no person, other than the banking board, shall have
the right to bring or maintain any private action, at law or in equity, for a violation
of or to enforce this article.
11-109-201. [Formerly 11-23-103] Powers of trust companies. (1) A trust
company shall be incorporated under and subject to the general corporation laws of
this state not inconsistent with this article. The business activities of a trust company
in this state shall be limited to the exercise of the power to:
(a) Act or be appointed by a court to act in like manner as an individual, an
executor, a personal representative, a trustee, an administrator, a guardian, a
conservator, an assignee, a custodian, a receiver, or a depository or in any other
fiduciary capacity for any purposes permitted by law;
(b) Act as a transfer agent, a registrar, an escrow agent, or an attorney-in-fact and
to receive, manage, and apply sinking funds;
(c) Maintain and rent safe deposit and safekeeping facilities;
(d) Receive and maintain savings deposits, time deposits, and certificates of
deposit, and to pay interest thereon at the rates permitted state banks under section
11-6-102 (3) 11-105-102 (3), subject to the restrictions of section 11-23-103.5
(e) Exercise the same investment powers as an individual fiduciary under like
(f) Accept and execute any fiduciary business permitted by the laws of this state
or any other state and the United States and to establish common trust funds as
provided by article 24 of this title;
(g) Take oaths and execute affidavits by the oath or affidavit of the president,
vice-presidents, secretary, assistant secretary, manager, trust officer, or assistant trust
(h) Act as an investment adviser under any applicable law;
(i) Do and perform any other acts necessary or proper to exercise the powers
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1181
enumerated in this section.
(2) Except for those powers specifically authorized in subsection (1) of this section
and section 11-23-114 11-109-907, a trust company shall not have the power to
conduct a banking business, receive and maintain transaction deposit accounts, nor
use the word "bank" in its name.
(3) As authorized pursuant to section 10-2-601 (2), C.R.S., a trust company may,
pursuant to federal law or under such rules as may be adopted by the BANKING board
or the commissioner of insurance pursuant to section 10-2-601, C.R.S., act as the
agent for any insurance company authorized to do business in this state by soliciting
and selling insurance and collecting premiums on policies issued by such company.
For such services, a trust company may receive such fees or commissions as may be
agreed between the trust company and the insurance company.
11-109-202. [Formerly 11-23-103.2] Offices of trust companies. (1) (a) Each
trust company shall have and continuously maintain a principal office in this state.
(b) Each executive officer at the principal office is an agent of the trust company
for service of process.
(c) A trust company may change its principal office to any location within this
state by filing a written notice with the banking board. The written notice shall
(I) The name of the trust company;
(II) The street address of its principal office before the change;
(III) The street address to which the principal office is to be changed; and
(IV) A copy of the resolution authorizing the change adopted by the board of
directors of the trust company.
(d) The change of principal office shall take effect on the thirty-first day after the
date the banking board receives the notice pursuant to paragraph (c) of this subsection
(1), unless:
(I) The banking board establishes an earlier or later date; or
(II) Prior to such day the banking board notifies the trust company that the trust
company shall establish, to the satisfaction of the banking board, that the relocation
is consistent with the original determination made under section 11-23-109
11-109-306 for the establishment of a trust company at that location, in which event
the change of principal office shall take effect when approved by the commissioner.
(2) A trust company may act as a fiduciary and engage in a trust business at each
trust office as permitted by this article.
(3) A trust company may not act as a fiduciary but may otherwise engage in a trust
business at a representative trust office as permitted by this article.
1182 Financial Institutions Ch. 152
(4) (a) A trust company may establish or acquire and maintain trust offices or
representative trust offices anywhere in this state.
(b) (I) A trust company desiring to establish or acquire and maintain an additional
office shall file a written notice with the banking board. The written notice shall
contain the following:
(A) The name of the trust company;
(B) The location of the proposed additional office; and
(C) Information indicating whether the additional office will be a trust office or a
representative trust office.
(II) The trust company shall also furnish a copy of the resolution authorizing the
additional office adopted by the board of directors of the trust company and shall pay
the filing fee, if any, prescribed by the banking board.
(c) The trust company may commence business at the additional office on the
thirty-first day after the date the banking board receives the notice, unless the banking
board specifies an earlier or later date.
(d) The thirty-day period of review may be extended by the banking board on a
determination that the written notice raises issues that require additional information
or additional time for analysis. If the period of review is extended, the trust company
may establish the additional office only on prior written approval by the banking
(e) The banking board may deny approval of the additional office if the banking
board finds that the trust company lacks sufficient financial resources to undertake
the proposed expansion without adversely affecting its safety or soundness or that
establishment of the proposed office would be contrary to the public interest.
(5) A trust company chartered by a state other than Colorado may establish and
maintain a trust office or representative trust office anywhere in this state if the
establishment and operation of such office is authorized expressly by rules
promulgated by the banking board for that purpose. The out-of-state trust company
must provide to the commissioner notice of its intent to open an office at least sixty
days before opening such office for business.
11-109-203. [Formerly 11-23-103.3] Activities not requiring a charter.
(1) Notwithstanding any other provision of this article to the contrary, a company
does not engage in the trust business, or in any other business in a manner requiring
a charter, under this article or in an unauthorized trust activity by:
(a) Acting in the scope of authority as an agent of a trust institution;
(b) Rendering a service customarily performed by an attorney or law firm in a
manner approved and authorized by the Colorado supreme court;
(c) Acting as trustee under a deed of trust delivered only as security for the
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1183
payment of money or for the performance of another act;
(d) Receiving and distributing rents and proceeds of sale as a licensed real estate
broker on behalf of a principal in a manner authorized by the real estate commission
pursuant to article 61 of title 12, C.R.S.;
(e) Engaging in a securities transaction or providing an investment advisory
service as a licensed and registered broker-dealer, investment advisor, or registered
representative of an investment advisor, if the activity is regulated by the securities
commissioner or the federal securities and exchange commission;
(f) Engaging in the sale and administration of an insurance product as an insurance
company or agent licensed by the division of insurance to the extent that the activity
is regulated by the division of insurance;
(g) Acting as trustee for a public, private, or independent institution of higher
education or a university system, including an institution of higher education's or
university system's affiliated foundations or corporations, with respect to endowment
funds or other funds owned, controlled, provided to, or otherwise made available to
such institution or system with respect to its educational or research purposes;
(h) Rendering services customarily performed by a certified public accountant in
a manner authorized by article 2 of title 12, C.R.S.;
(i) If the company is a trust institution and is not otherwise prohibited from
engaging in a trust business in this state:
(I) Marketing or soliciting in this state through the mails, telephone, any electronic
means, or in person with respect to acting or proposing to act as a fiduciary outside
of this state;
(II) Delivering money or other intangible assets and receiving the money or other
intangible assets from a client or other person in this state; or
(III) Accepting or executing outside of this state a trust of any client or otherwise
acting as a fiduciary outside of this state for any client.
11-109-204. [Formerly 11-23-103.5] Federal deposit insurance required.
(1) No trust company may accept or hold savings deposits, time deposits, or
certificates of deposit pursuant to section 11-23-103 (1) (d) 11-109-201 (1) (d) unless
such deposits are insured by the federal deposit insurance corporation or its
(2) Each trust company shall immediately give notice to the banking board when
it has applied to the federal deposit insurance corporation or its successor for deposit
insurance and, thereafter, shall give bi-monthly reports on the status of its application
for deposit insurance to the banking board until final disposition of the application is
11-109-205. [Formerly 11-23-103.7] Transactions with affiliates. (1) Unless
otherwise prohibited by law, a trust company and its affiliates may engage in any of
1184 Financial Institutions Ch. 152
the transactions described in subsection (2) of this section if such transactions are
(a) On terms and under circumstances, including credit standards, that are
substantially the same, or at least as favorable to such trust company or its subsidiary,
as those prevailing at the time for comparable transactions with or involving
nonaffiliated companies; or
(b) In the absence of comparable transactions, on terms and under circumstances,
including credit standards, that in good faith would be offered to, or would apply to,
nonaffiliated companies.
(2) Transactions covered. Subsection (1) of this section shall apply to the
(a) A purchase of, or an investment in, securities issued by the affiliate;
(b) A purchase of assets, including assets subject to an agreement to repurchase,
from the affiliate;
(c) The acceptance of securities issued by the affiliate as collateral security for a
loan or extension of credit to any person or company;
(d) The sale of securities or other assets to an affiliate, including assets subject to
an agreement to repurchase;
(e) The payment of money or the furnishing of services to an affiliate under
contract, lease, or otherwise;
(f) Any transaction in which an affiliate acts as an agent or broker or receives a fee
for its services for the trust company or for any other person; and
(g) Any transaction or series of transactions with a third party including those in
which an affiliate has a financial interest in the third party or is a participant in such
transaction or series of transactions.
(3) (a) A company or shareholder shall be deemed to have control over another
company if such company or shareholder:
(I) Directly or indirectly, or acting through one or more other persons, owns,
controls, or has power to vote twenty-five percent or more of any class of voting
securities of the other company; or
(II) Controls in any manner the election of a majority of the directors or trustees
of the other company.
(b) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, no company shall be
deemed to own or control another company by virtue of its ownership or control of
shares in a fiduciary capacity or if the company owning or controlling such shares is
a business trust.
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1185
(4) The banking board may promulgate rules to exempt transactions or
relationships from the requirements of this section if the banking board finds such
exemptions are in the public interest and consistent with the purposes of this section.
(5) As used in this section, unless the context otherwise requires:
(a) (I) "Affiliate" with respect to a trust company means:
(A) Any company that controls the trust company and any other company that is
controlled by the company that controls the trust company;
(B) Any company that is controlled, directly or indirectly, by a trust or otherwise,
by or for the benefit of shareholders who beneficially or otherwise control, directly
or indirectly, by trust or otherwise, the trust company or any company that controls
the trust company;
(C) Any company in which a majority of its directors or trustees constitute a
majority of the persons holding any such office with the trust company or any
company that controls the trust company;
(D) Any company, including a real estate investment trust, that is sponsored and
advised on a contractual basis by the trust company or any subsidiary or affiliate of
the trust company; and
(E) Any investment company with respect to which a trust company or any affiliate
thereof is an investment advisor as defined in 15 U.S.C. sec. 80a-2 (a) (20).
(II) "Affiliate" with respect to a trust company does not include:
(A) Any company that is a subsidiary of a trust company; and
(B) Any company engaged solely in holding the premises of the trust company.
(b) "Company" means a corporation, partnership, business trust, association, or
similar organization and, unless specifically excluded, the term "company" includes
a "trust company" and a "bank".
(c) "Securities" shall have the same meaning as set forth in section 11-51-201
11-109-301. [Formerly 11-23-104] Incorporators. Five or more individual
incorporators desiring to organize a trust company shall file with the banking board
an application for charter on the form prescribed by the banking board, together with
all other documents required by section 11-23-108 11-109-305, all of which
instruments shall be duly signed by each of the incorporators and sworn to before an
officer authorized by the laws of this state to administer oaths.
11-109-302. [Formerly 11-23-105] Application fee. Each application for
1186 Financial Institutions Ch. 152
charter shall be accompanied by an application fee established by the banking board
pursuant to section 11-2-103 (11) 11-102-104 (11). The fee may be refunded to the
incorporators if the application is withdrawn prior to the date set for public hearing.
11-109-303. [Formerly 11-23-105.5] Assessments. (1) The banking board
shall annually establish fees and assessments pursuant to section 11-2-103 (11)
11-102-104 (11). Assessments may be made more frequently than annually at the
discretion of the banking board.
(2) For the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1992, and for each fiscal year thereafter,
the banking board shall establish its annual assessment to be collected at least
semiannually in such amounts as are sufficient to generate the moneys appropriated
by the general assembly to the division of banking for each such fiscal year.
(3) In addition to each assessment established pursuant to subsections (1) and (2)
of this section, for each fiscal year beginning July 1, 1992, and ending June 30, 1994,
and for the period ending January 31, 1995, the banking board shall collect a
semiannual repayment of the fiscal year 1991-1992 general fund advance to the
division of banking in an amount equal to one-sixth of the amount of the banking
board's assessment that would have been collected in September 1992.
11-109-304. [Formerly 11-23-106] Capital. (1) The banking board shall
establish by rules and regulations the capital standards and guidelines, the methods
for measuring capital, and the definitions of "capital", "capital adequacy", "capital
inadequacy", and other related terms for trust companies subject to this article, which
may differ for specific purposes. In promulgating such rules, and regulations, the
banking board shall consider all relevant factors, including without limitation the
policies set forth in section 11-1-101.5 11-101-102 and relevant federal laws and
(2) Each trust company subject to this article shall at all times comply with the
capital rules and regulations promulgated by the banking board.
11-109-305. [Formerly 11-23-108] Application for charter. (1) After the
capital stock has been fully subscribed, the incorporators shall make application to
the banking board for a charter. The incorporators shall submit to the banking board
the following:
(a) The proposed articles of incorporation in such form as the banking board,
pursuant to rules, and regulations, shall prescribe and as shall be acceptable to the
secretary of state for purposes of filing;
(b) An application for a charter in such form and containing such information as
the banking board may require.
(2) If the proposed articles of incorporation or application do not comply with the
requirements of this article, and with the requirements of the banking board issued
pursuant thereto, the banking board shall, within thirty days after the receipt thereof,
return both of the said documents to the incorporators, calling attention to the defects
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1187
11-109-306. [Formerly 11-23-109] Procedure for granting or denying
charter. (1) Within sixty days following the filing of the completed application for
charter, the commissioner shall make or cause to be made a careful investigation to
determine that the following requirements have been met:
(a) That the applicant has proceeded in a lawful manner;
(b) That the name is not deceptively similar to that of another trust company or
otherwise misleading;
(c) That the persons who will serve as directors or officers, insofar as such persons
are known, are qualified by character and experience and that the qualifications and
financial status of the incorporators, directors, officers, and persons in control of the
trust company, as defined in section 11-23-115 11-109-401, are consistent with their
responsibilities and duties;
(d) That the proposed capital satisfies the standards and guidelines in the rules and
regulations promulgated by the banking board;
(e) That the proposed or amended articles of incorporation and bylaws are
appropriate or may be amended to be appropriate.
(2) Within ninety days of AFTER the filing of the application, the banking board
shall conduct a public hearing to consider the application. At least thirty days prior
to such hearing, the banking board shall give written notice thereof to all persons
doing a trust business in the community in which the proposed trust company is to be
located and to such other persons as it may designate. At such hearing, the applicants
shall have the burden of proving that:
(a) The public convenience and advantage will be promoted by the establishment
of the proposed trust company;
(b) Conditions in the locality in which the proposed trust company will transact
business afford reasonable promise of successful operation;
(c) The trust company is being formed for no other purpose than the legitimate
objects contemplated by this article;
(d) The applicants have complied with all of the applicable provisions of this
(e) The books and records of the proposed trust company will be maintained in
Colorado and a substantial portion of the proposed trust company's operations will
be conducted in Colorado.
(2.5) (3) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, if the banking board
has given notice pursuant to subsection (2) of this section of a hearing on any
application for charter filed pursuant to this section and the banking board has
received no written protests against such charter application within ten days of
BEFORE the hearing, the banking board may grant such charter without a hearing as
otherwise required in this section if the applicants for such charter are known to the
1188 Financial Institutions Ch. 152
banking board.
(3) (4) Within thirty days after the date of the conclusion of the hearing, the
banking board shall grant a charter to the applicants if the banking board determines
that the requirements of subsections (1) and (2) of this section have been met.
(4) (5) If the proposed trust company fails to open for business within six months
after the date of granting the charter, the privilege of transacting business shall
terminate. The banking board, for good cause and upon written application filed prior
to the expiration of such six-month period, may extend the time within which the trust
company may open for business.
(5) (6) Unless otherwise provided by law to the contrary, articles of incorporation,
amended articles of incorporation, or amendments to articles of incorporation shall
be delivered to the secretary of state for filing in accordance with the general
corporate laws of this state.
11-109-401. [Formerly 11-23-115] Acquisition of majority control over an
existing trust company - definitions. (1) As used in this section, unless the context
other requires:
(a) "Controlling person" means a person who is in control of a trust company or
would be in control of a trust company after the proposed acquisition.
(b) "Person" means an individual, a corporation, a partnership, a trust, or any other
legal entity.
(c) (b) A person shall be deemed to have acquired control of a trust company if as
a result of acquisition such person:
(I) Directly or indirectly owns, controls, holds with the power to vote, or holds
proxies representing twenty-five percent or more of the outstanding voting stock
(II) Controls in any manner the election of a majority of the directors thereof; or
(III) Exercises a controlling influence over the management or policies thereof.
(2) (a) Whenever a person proposes to acquire control of any trust company, such
person shall first make application to the banking board for approval. Without
approval from the banking board pursuant to subsection (3) of this section, a person
shall be prohibited from making such an acquisition.
(b) An application required by paragraph (a) of this subsection (2) shall contain
the following information to the extent that it is known by the person making the
(I) The number of shares involved;
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1189
(II) The name of each seller or transferor;
(III) The name of each purchaser or transferee;
(IV) The name of each beneficial owner if the share or shares are registered in
another name;
(V) The purchase price;
(VI) Detailed information concerning any loans made in connection with the
(VII) Such other information concerning the transaction as may be required by the
banking board regarding the effect of the transaction upon the control of the trust
company involved;
(VIII) Biographical and financial information concerning each purchaser,
controlling person, or person in control of a controlling person participating in the
proposed acquisition; and
(IX) The name of each controlling person and each person in control of a
controlling person participating in the proposed acquisition.
(3) (a) After receipt of an application, the banking board shall make an
investigation, and the banking board shall approve the change of control only after
the BANKING board has determined:
(I) That the person proposing to acquire control is qualified by character,
experience, and financial responsibility to control the trust company in a legal and
proper manner;
(II) That the interests of the public generally will not be jeopardized by the
proposed acquisition; and
(III) That the person proposing to acquire control has satisfied the requirements of
this section and the other provisions of this article.
(b) The general assembly declares that the acquisition of control of or of any
ownership interest in trust companies by persons owned or controlled by a country
with which it has been determined to be against the national interest to trade without
export controls for national security purposes by the president of the United States or
another appropriate agency of the federal government as directed by the president
pursuant to the "Export Administration Act of 1979", 50 U.S.C. Appendix sec. 2401
et seq., as amended, the "International Emergency Economic Powers Act", 50 U.S.C.
sec. 1701 et seq., as amended, or any rule, regulation, order, or decision promulgated
in connection therewith, is against the public interest. If the application or the
banking board's investigation indicates that any person seeking to have control of or
any ownership interest in a trust company is owned or controlled by such a country,
the banking board may not approve any such change of control.
(4) This section shall not apply to the acquisition of:
1190 Financial Institutions Ch. 152
(a) Voting proxies acquired in the normal course of business as a result of a proxy
solicitation in conjunction with a stockholders' meeting;
(b) Stock held in a fiduciary capacity unless the acquiring person has sole
discretionary authority to exercise voting rights with respect thereto;
(c) Stock acquired in securing or collecting, in whole or in part, a debt contracted
in good faith or stock acquired through testate or intestate succession or bona fide
gift, if the acquirer advises the banking board of such acquisition within thirty days
after the acquisition and provides any information required or requested by the
banking board or commissioner;
(d) Stock acquired by an underwriter in good faith and without any intent to evade
the purpose of this section if the shares are held only for such reasonable period of
time as will permit the sale thereof; or
(e) Pro rata stock dividends.
(5) If the banking board has not acted upon a completed application within sixty
days of AFTER receipt thereof, the time may be extended for an additional thirty days
by the banking board.
(6) Whenever any person proposes to acquire control of any trust company and is
required by the "Change in Bank Control Act of 1978" (section 7 (j) of the "Federal
Deposit Insurance Act", 12 U.S.C. 1817 (j)), as amended, to give the appropriate
federal banking agency prior written notice of such proposed acquisition, a copy of
such notice with supporting information shall be given concurrently to the banking
board for information. The banking board may use such information in evaluating
applications submitted pursuant to this section and shall submit its recommendation
and comments to the appropriate federal regulatory authority in a timely manner.
11-109-402. [Formerly 11-23-118] Reports to the banking board and to the
commissioner. (1) The board of directors shall cause the financial statements of the
trust company to be prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting
principles consistently applied, except as the banking board may otherwise provide
in order to establish regulatory and competitive parity and pursuant to the policies
expressed in section 11-1-101.5 11-101-102.
(2) The board of directors shall cause an annual audit of the trust company to be
completed by an accounting firm composed of certified public accountants or a
directors' examination by a public accountant or any other independent person or
persons as determined by the banking board at least annually but at intervals of not
more than fifteen months as may be required by the banking board or its rules. and
regulations. The banking board shall adopt regulations RULES regarding the
qualifications of such public accountant and other independent person or persons who
shall assume the responsibility for due care in such directors' examinations. The
banking board's regulations RULES shall also establish the scope of such directors'
examinations, which shall include safeguards to insure that such examinations
adequately describe the financial condition of the financial institution. The banking
board may require an audit to be completed by an accounting firm composed of
certified public accountants under certain circumstances. A report of the audit or
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1191
directors' examination and any related management letters and documents shall be
completed and submitted to the banking board within the time frames, in the form,
and containing such information as the banking board may require in its rules. and
regulations. Such report of the audit or directors' examination and any related
management letters and documents shall be reviewed by the directors at the next
meeting of the board of directors.
(3) If a trust company is owned or controlled by a bank holding company, the
requirement of subsection (2) of this section may be fulfilled if:
(a) As required by the banking board and its rules, and regulations, the controlling
bank holding company is audited or examined in a directors' examination annually
at intervals of not more than fifteen months and the trust company is included in the
annual audit or directors' examination of the bank holding company by that firm;
(b) A report of the audit or directors' examination for the controlling bank holding
company, and any related management letters and documents, is completed and
submitted to the banking board within the time frames, in the form, and containing
such information as the banking board may require in its rules; and regulations; and
(c) An annual internal examination of the trust company is prepared by the internal
examination staff of the controlling bank holding company, which shall be submitted
to the banking board immediately upon its request.
(3.5) (4) (a) Every trust company shall make and file with the commissioner not
less than three reports during each calendar year according to the form which THAT
may be prescribed by him, verified by the oath of either the president, the
vice-president, the cashier, or the secretary and attested by the signature of three or
more of the directors. Each such report shall exhibit in detail, as may be required by
the commissioner, the resources and liabilities of the trust company at the close of
business on the day past to be DATE specified by said THE commissioner. in writing.
(b) Said SUCH reports shall be transmitted to the commissioner within thirty days
after the request therefor.
(c) The commissioner has power to call for special reports from any particular trust
company bank if, in his THE COMMISSIONER'S judgment, the same SUCH REPORTS are
necessary to a full and complete knowledge of its condition. No such special report,
nor any summary thereof, shall be required to be published. The reports required by,
and filed pursuant to, this section shall be in lieu of all others required by law from
trust companies. Every trust company which THAT fails to comply with this section
shall pay to the commissioner a penalty in an amount set by the banking board
pursuant to section 11-2-103 (11) 11-102-104 for each day's delay. The
commissioner, for valid reasons and good cause, may waive such penalty.
(4) (5) Any person who becomes a director, executive officer, or other person who,
directly or indirectly, is responsible for the management, control, or operations of a
trust company shall within ninety days thereafter file a report with the banking board
containing: A statement describing any civil or criminal offenses affecting such
person's qualification to serve in such capacity with respect to which such person has
been found guilty or liable by any federal or state court or federal or state regulatory
1192 Financial Institutions Ch. 152
agency; such biographical information as the banking board shall require; and such
other information as the banking board shall require pursuant to its rules. and
regulations. If any statement contained in such report subsequently becomes
inaccurate or misleading in any way, such person shall file an amended report within
thirty days after the date on which the statement in the report first becomes inaccurate
or misleading. Any person who fails to comply with this subsection (4) (5) shall be
required by the banking board to pay a penalty in an amount set by the banking board
by rule, and regulation, which shall not exceed twenty-five dollars per day, and such
penalties shall be deposited in the general fund. The banking board, for valid reasons
and good cause, may waive such penalty.
(5) (6) If any trust company changes any executive officer, director, or other
person who, directly or indirectly, is responsible for the management, control, or
operations of the trust company, such changes shall be promptly reported to the
banking board, and the trust company shall provide such information concerning such
person as may be requested by the banking board on such forms as the banking board
may require, including information about the reasons for termination from any prior
employment and whether such person was charged or convicted of any civil or
criminal offenses enumerated in subsection (4) (5) of this section. No civil liability
shall arise for any trust company, its directors, executive officers, employees, or
agents, or any other persons due to compliance with the requirements of this
subsection (5) (6). The purpose of such information is to inform the banking board
of the qualifications of such person as they may affect the safety and soundness of the
trust company. The information shall be treated as confidential under this article.
Any trust company that fails to comply with this subsection (5) (6) shall be required
by the banking board to pay a penalty in an amount set by the banking board by rule,
and regulation, which shall not exceed twenty-five dollars per day, and such penalties
shall be deposited in the general fund. The banking board, for valid reasons and good
cause, may waive such penalty.
11-109-501. [Formerly 11-23-116] Directors' meetings - duties. (1) The
board of directors of a trust company shall meet at least quarterly. A special meeting
of the board of directors may be called by the banking board. The board of directors
shall maintain minutes of each meeting including the record of attendance. A director
who fails to attend three consecutive meetings of the board of directors shall cease to
be a director unless his SUCH absence is satisfactorily explained to the banking board.
(2) The board of directors shall establish the policies and procedures necessary for
the proper exercise of fiduciary powers by the trust company. In discharging this
responsibility, the board of directors may assign, by action duly entered in the
minutes, the administration of the trust company's powers as the board OF DIRECTORS
may consider proper to assign to any director, officer, employee, or committee as it
may designate.
(3) The board of directors of a trust company may declare dividends from retained
earnings and from other components of capital specifically approved by the banking
board so long as the declaration is made in compliance with the rules and regulations
established by the banking board.
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1193
11-109-502. [Formerly 11-23-117.5] Director and officer insurance and
fidelity bonds - legislative declaration. (1) The general assembly hereby finds,
determines, and declares that the following is enforceable and in conformity with the
public policy of this state, as expressed in this article, including the provisions of
section 11-1-101.5 11-101-102:
(a) Any insurance policy, form, contract, endorsement, or certificate in effect or
issued on or after April 30, 1993, which THAT provides insurance coverage to
directors or officers, or both, of a trust company but which THAT does not grant
coverage or which THAT excludes coverage for claims made by any depository
insurance organization or other state or federal corporation, organization, entity, or
agency acting as receiver, conservator, or liquidator of such trust company, whether
in its own name or in behalf of any other person or entity; or
(b) Any fidelity bond, financial institution bond, or depository institution bond in
effect or issued on or after April 30, 1993, that provides for termination of such bond
upon the taking over of any trust company by a receiver or other liquidator or by state
or federal officials.
(2) No provision of this article shall be construed to contravene or modify the
expressed public policy set forth in this section.
11-109-601. [Formerly 11-23-119] Penalty for noncompliance with the law.
It is unlawful for any person to carry on or conduct in this state a trust company
business, or to advertise or hold himself OR HERSELF out as being engaged in or doing
a trust company business, or to use the word "trust" or words "trust company" in
connection with its A business unless it SUCH PERSON has complied with the
provisions of this article or other laws of this state specifically authorizing a fiduciary
or trust business. Any person violating this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor
and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not more than one
thousand dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail for not more than one year,
or by both such fine and imprisonment.
11-109-602. [Formerly 11-23-119.1] Assessment of civil money penalties by
banking board. (1) (a) (I) After notice and a hearing as provided in article 4 of title
24, C.R.S., and after making a determination that no other appropriate governmental
agency has taken similar action against such person for the same act or practice, the
banking board may assess against and collect a civil penalty from:
(A) Any person who has violated any final cease and desist order issued by the
banking board pursuant to section 11-23-117 (1) (d) 11-109-104 (1) (c); and
(B) Any trust company which THAT, or any executive officer, director, employee,
agent, or other person participating in the conduct of the affairs of such trust company
who, violates or knowingly permits any person to violate any of the provisions of this
article or any rule or regulation promulgated pursuant to this article, or engages or
participates in any unsafe or unsound practice in connection with a trust company.
1194 Financial Institutions Ch. 152
The civil money penalty shall not exceed one thousand dollars per day for each day
such violation continues. This provision shall include, but not be limited to, the
following violations: Making, or causing to be made, delinquent payment of
assessments under this section; submitting, or causing to be submitted, delinquent
reports, including but not limited to call reports; or knowingly submitting, or causing
to be submitted, to the banking board any report or statement which THAT contains
materially false or misleading information.
(II) The banking board may, at its option and upon waiver of the right to a public
hearing by a respondent, close to the public any hearing concerning an assessment of
a civil money penalty, an order of suspension or removal from office, an order to
cease and desist from any unlawful or unsafe and unsound practices, or any other
formal enforcement action by the banking board.
(b) For the purposes of this section, a violation shall include, but is not limited to,
any action, by any person alone or with another person, which THAT causes, brings
about, or results in the participation in, counseling of, or aiding or abetting of a
(2) Civil money penalties shall be assessed by written notice of assessment of a
civil money penalty served upon the person to be assessed. The notice of assessment
of a civil money penalty shall state the amount of the penalty, the period for payment,
the legal authority for the assessment, and the matters of fact or law constituting the
grounds for assessment. The notice of assessment of a civil money penalty shall
constitute a final order for purposes of judicial review pursuant to section 24-4-106,
(3) The banking board shall have authority to determine the amount of any civil
money penalty assessed against any executive officer, director, employee, agent, or
other person participating in the affairs of a trust company, except as expressly
limited by this article. In determining the amount of the civil money penalty to be
assessed, the banking board shall consider the good faith of the person assessed, the
gravity of the violation, any previous violations by the person assessed, the nature and
extent of any past violations, and such other matters as the banking board may deem
appropriate; except that the civil money penalty shall be not more than one thousand
dollars per day for each day the person assessed remains in violation.
(4) Civil money penalties assessed pursuant to this section shall be due and
payable and collected within thirty days after the notice of assessment of a civil
money penalty is issued by the banking board; except that the banking board may, in
its discretion, compromise, modify, or set aside any civil money penalty. Any civil
money penalty collected pursuant to this section shall be transmitted to the state
treasurer, who shall credit the same to the general fund.
11-109-603. [Formerly 11-23-119.2] No indemnification or insurance against
civil money penalties. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no trust
company shall indemnify or insure any executive officer, director, employee, agent,
or person participating in the conduct of affairs of such trust company against civil
money penalties.
11-109-604. [Formerly 11-23-119.3] Removal of director, officer, or other
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1195
person. (1) The banking board may serve any executive officer, director, employee,
agent, or other person participating in the conduct of the affairs of a trust company
with a written notice of its intention to remove him OR HER from office whenever the
banking board determines:
(a) That any such person has committed any violation of this article, A rule and
regulation OF THE BANKING BOARD, or A cease and desist order of the banking board
which THAT has become final; or has engaged or participated in any unsafe or
unsound practice in connection with a trust company; or has committed or engaged
in any act, omission, or practice which THAT constitutes a breach of his fiduciary duty
to the trust company; and
(b) (I) That the trust company has suffered or probably will suffer substantial
financial loss or other damage or that the interests of its customers could be seriously
prejudiced by reason of such violation or practice or breach of fiduciary duty or
offense; or
(II) That such person has received financial gain by reason of such violation, or
practice, or breach of fiduciary duty, or offense; or
(III) That such violation is one involving personal dishonesty on the part of such
person or one which THAT demonstrates a willful or continuing disregard for the
safety or soundness of the trust company.
(2) Whenever the banking board determines that an executive officer, director,
employee, agent, or other person participating in the conduct of the affairs of a trust
company, by conduct or practice with respect to another trust company or business
institution which THAT results in substantial financial loss or other damage, has
evidenced either his personal dishonesty or a willful or continuing disregard for its
THE TRUST COMPANY'S safety and soundness, and, in addition, has evidenced his
unfitness to continue his OR HER relationship with the trust company, the banking
board may serve upon such person a written notice of its intention to remove him OR
HER from office or to prohibit his SUCH PERSON'S further participation in any manner
in the conduct of the affairs of the trust company.
(3) A notice of intention to remove a director, executive officer, or other person
from office or to prohibit his SUCH PERSON'S participation in the conduct of the affairs
of a trust company shall contain a statement of the facts constituting grounds therefor
FOR REMOVAL and shall fix a time and place at which a hearing shall be held thereon.
Such hearing shall be fixed for a date not earlier than thirty days nor later than sixty
days after the date of service of such notice, unless an earlier or a later date is set by
the banking board at the request of such director or executive officer or other person,
and for good cause shown. Unless such director, executive officer, or other person
appears at the hearing in person or by a duly authorized representative, he OR SHE
shall be deemed to have consented to the issuance of an order of removal or
prohibition as specified in the notice issued pursuant to subsection (1) or (2) of this
section. In the event of such consent or, if, upon the record made at any such hearing,
the banking board finds that any of the grounds specified in such notice have been
established, the banking board may issue such orders of suspension or removal from
office as it may deem appropriate. Any such order shall become effective at the
expiration of thirty days after service upon such trust company and the director,
1196 Financial Institutions Ch. 152
executive officer, or other person concerned except in the case of an order issued
upon consent, which shall become effective at the time specified therein. Such order
shall remain effective and enforceable except to such extent as it is stayed, modified,
terminated, or set aside by action of the banking board or a reviewing court.
11-109-605. [Formerly 11-23-119.4] Suspension of director, officer, or other
person. (1) The banking board may suspend an executive officer, director,
employee, agent, or other person participating in the conduct of the affairs of a trust
company who becomes ineligible to hold his OR HER position, or who after receipt of
an order of the banking board to cease and desist violates this article or a lawful rule
and regulation or order issued thereunder, or who is dishonest, or who is reckless or
grossly incompetent in the conduct of trust business, or who may be subject to
removal under section 11-23-119.3 11-109-604. It shall be a criminal offense for
any such person, after receipt of a suspension order, to perform any duty or exercise
any power of any trust company until the banking board vacates such suspension
order. A suspension order shall specify the grounds thereof. A copy of the order
shall be sent to the trust company concerned and to each member of its board of
(2) With respect to any action pursuant to this section, Ten days' notice, by
certified mail, return receipt requested, and hearing shall be provided to the ANY trust
company affected BY AN ACTION OF THE BANKING BOARD in advance of any action
taken by the banking board PURSUANT TO THIS SECTION. In cases found by the
banking board to involve extraordinary circumstances requiring immediate action, the
banking board may take such action, without notice or hearing, but shall promptly
afford a subsequent hearing, upon application to rescind the action taken.
11-109-606. [Formerly 11-23-119.5] Informal enforcement authority. The
banking board, or the commissioner if so authorized by the banking board, shall have
authority to initiate informal actions to enforce the provisions of this article. In this
regard the banking board or the commissioner may, in its or his THE COMMISSIONER'S
discretion, enter into written agreements such as a memorandum of understanding
with, or an informal commitment letter from, or a strongly worded letter of reprimand
to any trust company or any executive officer, director, employee, agent, or other
person participating in the conduct of the affairs of the trust company.
11-109-607. [Formerly 11-23-119.6] Receipt of deposits while insolvent. It
is a criminal offense if a trust company receives any deposit while insolvent, or an
officer, director, or employee knows or, in the proper performance of his OR HER duty
should know, of such insolvency and receives or authorizes the receipt of such
deposit, and if such trust company or person has knowingly concealed or misstated
material facts regarding the insolvency of the trust company from or to the banking
board, commissioner, or division of banking.
11-109-701. [Formerly 11-23-121] Discontinuance of trust business -
voluntary liquidation and dissolution. (1) A trust company may discontinue its
trust business upon furnishing to the banking board satisfactory evidence of its
release and discharge from all obligations and trusts which THAT it has undertaken
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1197
or which THAT have been imposed by law. Thereupon, the banking board shall cancel
the charter, and such trust company shall not be permitted to use the word "trust" in
its name or in connection with its business.
(2) (a) With the approval of the banking board, a trust company may liquidate and
dissolve. The banking board shall grant such approval if it appears that the proposal
to liquidate and dissolve has been approved by a vote of two-thirds of the outstanding
voting stock of the trust company at a meeting called for that purpose and that the
trust company is solvent and has sufficient liquid assets to pay off depositors and
creditors immediately.
(b) (I) Upon approval by the banking board, the trust company shall forthwith
cease to do business, shall have only the powers necessary to effect an orderly
liquidation, and shall proceed to pay its depositors and creditors and to wind up its
(II) Within thirty days of AFTER the approval, a notice of liquidation shall be sent
by mail to each depositor and creditor, at the address of such person as shown in the
records of the trust company. The notice shall be posted conspicuously on the
premises of the trust company and shall be published in such a manner as the banking
board may require. W ith each notice, the trust company shall send a statement of the
amount shown in the records of the trust company to be the claim of the depositor or
creditor. The notice shall require that claims of depositors and creditors, if the
amount claimed differs from the amount stated in the notice to be due, be filed with
the trust company before a specified date not earlier than sixty days thereafter, in
accordance with the procedure prescribed in the notice.
(III) The approval of an application for liquidation shall not impair any right of a
depositor or creditor to payment in full, and all lawful claims of creditors and
depositors shall promptly be paid.
(IV) Any assets remaining after the discharge of all obligations shall be distributed
to the stockholders in accordance with their respective interests. No such distribution
shall be made before all claims of depositors and creditors have been paid or any
funds payable to a depositor or creditor and unclaimed have been transmitted to the
banking board, or, in the case of any disputed claim, the trust company has
transmitted to the banking board a sum adequate to meet any liability that may be
judicially determined.
(c) Any unclaimed distribution to a stockholder or depositor shall be held until
ninety days after the final distribution and then transmitted to the banking board.
Such unclaimed funds shall be held by the banking board for six years and, unless
sooner claimed by the person entitled thereto, shall be transferred to the treasury of
the county in which the trust company is located. The county treasurer and his
successors shall hold such money in trust for a period of six years, unless the same
shall be MONEY IS sooner paid out to the beneficial owner. thereof. Any money
remaining in said THE fund six years after the same SUCH MONEY is paid into the
treasury of the county, for the recovery of which no action is pending, shall be
transferred to the general fund of the county, and all rights of the beneficial owners
therein to recover the same SUCH MONEY shall be forever barred.
1198 Financial Institutions Ch. 152
(d) If the banking board finds that the assets will be insufficient for the full
discharge of all obligations or that completion of the liquidation has been unduly
delayed, the banking board may take possession and complete the liquidation in the
manner provided in this article for involuntary liquidations.
(e) The banking board may require reports of the progress of liquidation. If the
banking board is satisfied that the liquidation has been properly completed, it shall
cancel the charter and enter an order of dissolution.
11-109-702. [Formerly 11-23-122] Involuntary liquidation. (1) Except as
otherwise provided in this article, only the banking board may take possession of a
trust company if, after a hearing before the banking board, it finds: The trust
company's capital is inadequate; the trust company's business is being conducted in
an unlawful or unsound manner; the trust company is unable to continue normal
operations; or the control of the trust company has been assumed by any person or
persons convicted of fraud or a felony involving moral turpitude or financial dealings
in this state or any other jurisdiction, or by any partnership, association, or
corporation controlled, directly or indirectly, by any person so convicted, unless the
banking board determines that such person has been duly rehabilitated or otherwise
that the trust company will be honestly and efficiently managed.
(2) (a) The banking board shall take possession of a trust company by posting upon
the premises a notice reciting that it is assuming possession pursuant to this article
and the time, not earlier than the posting of the notice, when its possession shall be
deemed to commence. A copy of the notice shall be filed in the district court of the
county in which the trust company is located. The commissioner shall notify the
guaranty corporation or the federal deposit insurance corporation of taking possession
of any trust company which THAT is a member of such corporation.
(b) When the banking board has taken possession of a trust company, the
commissioner shall be vested with the full and exclusive power of control, including
the power to stop or to limit the payment of its obligations; to employ any necessary
assistants, including legal counsel after possession of the trust company has been
taken; to execute any instrument in the name of the trust company; to commence,
defend, and conduct in its name any action or proceeding to which it may be a party;
to terminate his OR HER possession by restoring the trust company to its board of
directors and stockholders upon conditions prescribed by the banking board; and to
reopen a closed trust company or liquidate the trust company in accordance with this
article. As soon as practicable after the banking board takes possession, the
commissioner shall make an inventory of the assets and file a copy thereof with the
court in which the notice of possession was filed.
(c) For six months after the posting of the notice of possession and while the
banking board's possession continues, there shall be a postponement of the date upon
which any period of limitation fixed by statute or agreement would otherwise expire
on a claim or right of action of the trust company, or upon which a review must be
taken or a pleading or other document must be filed by the trust company in any
pending action or proceeding.
(d) If, in the opinion of the banking board, an emergency exists which THAT may
result in serious losses to the customers, it may take possession of a trust company
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1199
without a prior hearing. Within ten days after the BANKING board has taken
possession, any interested person may file an application with the banking board for
an order vacating such possession. The banking board shall grant the application if
it finds its action was unauthorized.
(3) For the purposes of this article, a trust company shall be deemed to be closed
when the banking board has closed the trust company for business for the purpose of
liquidation. The banking board shall mail notice of its intent to liquidate the trust
company to the directors, stockholders, and depositors at their addresses as shown on
the records of the trust company, and the commissioner shall proceed to liquidate the
trust company. The banking board may appoint a liquidator to conduct the liquidation
of the affairs of any trust company. The liquidator shall perform all of the duties
required of the commissioner under this article and shall make such periodic reports
as the banking board shall require. If the trust company is a member of the guaranty
corporation or the federal deposit insurance corporation, the banking board may offer
the position of liquidator to the guaranty corporation or the federal deposit insurance
corporation, which may decline in their discretion. The liquidator may employ such
other assistants and legal counsel at such reasonable compensation as the liquidator
shall determine to be necessary. All expenses incident to the liquidation shall be paid
out of the assets of the trust company. If a liquidator is appointed and is other than
the guaranty corporation, The liquidator and any assistants shall provide a bond
executed by a surety company authorized to do business in this state, running to the
people of the state of Colorado, which THAT meets with the approval of the banking
board, for the faithful discharge of their duties in connection with such liquidation and
the accounting for all moneys coming into their hands. The cost of such bond shall
be paid from the assets of the trust company. Suit may be maintained on such bond
by any person injured by a breach of the conditions thereof.
(4) No judgment, lien, or attachment shall be executed upon any asset of the trust
company while it is in the possession of the banking board. Upon the election of the
commissioner, in connection with a liquidation:
(a) Any nonconsensual lien or attachment, other than an attorney's or mechanic's
lien, obtained upon any asset of the trust company during the banking board's
possession, or within four months prior to commencement thereof, shall be vacated
and voided, except liens created by the banking board while in possession;
(b) Any transfer of an asset of the trust company made after or in contemplation
of its insolvency, with intent to effect or which THAT results in a preference, shall be
(5) With the approval of the court in which notice of possession has been filed, the
commissioner may borrow money in the name of the trust company and may pledge
its assets as security for the loan.
(6) All necessary and reasonable expenses of the banking board's possession of a
trust company and of its liquidation shall be paid from the assets thereof.
11-109-703. [Formerly 11-23-122.1] Emergency grant of new charter. In
addition to powers regarding liquidation, the banking board may, in the interest of
protecting the public and the depositors of a closed trust company with its principal
1200 Financial Institutions Ch. 152
office in this state, issue a new trust company charter to qualified individuals for the
same location as the closed trust company, contingent upon the new trust company
assuming full liability for such deposits of the closed trust company as may be
transferred to it. Under such conditions, a new charter may be issued summarily
without the publication of notice, without the holding of a public hearing, and without
complying with any of the other provisions and procedures specified in this article.
11-109-704. [Formerly 11-23-124] Liquidation by commissioner -
procedure. (1) In liquidating a trust company, the commissioner may exercise any
power thereof OF THE TRUST COMPANY and shall have the duty to collect all assets,
debts, and claims belonging to the trust company. Unless the commissioner obtains
the approval of the court in which notice of possession has been filed by petition
setting forth the material facts and upon such notice to the officers, directors, or
stockholders in such form as the court may require, the commissioner shall not:
(a) Sell any asset of the trust company having a value in excess of five hundred
(b) Compromise or release any claim if the amount of the claim exceeds five
hundred dollars, exclusive of interest;
(c) Make any payment on any claim, other than a claim upon an obligation
incurred by the commissioner, before preparing and filing a schedule of his OR HER
determinations in accordance with this article.
(2) Within six months of AFTER the commencement of liquidation, the
commissioner may, by his election, terminate any executory contract for services or
advertising to which the trust company is a party or any obligation of the trust
company as a lessee. A lessor who receives at least sixty days' notice of the
commissioner's election to terminate the lease shall have no claim for rent, other than
rent accrued to the date of termination, nor for damages for such termination.
(3) The right of any agency of the United States insuring savings obligations to be
subrogated to the rights of depositors upon payment of their claims shall not be less
extensive than the law of the United States requires as a condition of the authority to
issue such insurance or make such payments to depositors of trust companies.
(4) As soon after the commencement of liquidation as is practicable, the
commissioner shall send notice of the liquidation to each known depositor, creditor,
and bailor of property held by the trust company at the address shown in the records
of the trust company. The notice shall also be published once a week for three
successive weeks, in a newspaper of general circulation in the city or county in which
the trust company is located. With each notice, the commissioner shall send a
statement of the amount shown in the records of the trust company to be the claim of
the depositor, creditor, or bailor. The notice shall demand that property held by the
trust company as bailee be withdrawn by the person entitled thereto and the claim of
a depositor or creditor, if the amount claimed differs from the amount stated in the
notice to be due, be filed with the commissioner before a specified date, not earlier
than sixty days thereafter, in accordance with the procedure prescribed in the notice.
(5) Any unclaimed property, including the contents of safe deposit boxes, held by
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1201
the trust company as bailee and certified inventories thereof shall be held by the
commissioner for six years unless sooner claimed by the person entitled thereto TO
SUCH PROPERTY. After six years the commissioner may sell or otherwise
appropriately dispose of the property. The proceeds of a sale shall be transferred and
disposed of in accordance with the provisions of subsection (10) of this section.
(6) Within six months after the last day specified in the notice for the filing of
claims, or within such longer period as may be allowed by the court in which notice
of possession has been filed, the commissioner shall:
(a) Reject any claim if he THE COMMISSIONER determines the invalidity thereof;
(b) Determine the amount, if any, owing to each known creditor or depositor and
the priority class of his SUCH claim under this article;
(c) Prepare a schedule of his THE COMMISSIONER'S determinations for filing in the
court in which notice of possession was filed;
(d) Notify each person whose claim has not been allowed in full and publish once
a week for three successive weeks, in a newspaper of general circulation in the city
or county in which the trust company is located, a notice of the time when and the
place where the schedule of determinations will be available for inspection and the
date, not sooner than thirty days thereafter, when the commissioner will file his THE
schedule in court. If there is no newspaper of general circulation in such city or
county, then publication shall be in the newspaper of general circulation published
nearest thereto.
(7) Within twenty days after the filing of the commissioner's schedule, the guaranty
corporation, the federal deposit insurance corporation or any creditor, depositor, or
stockholder may file an objection to any determination made which THAT adversely
affects or may adversely affect such objector. Any objections so filed shall be heard
and determined by the court upon such notice to the commissioner and interested
claimants as the court may prescribe. If the objection is sustained, the court shall
direct an appropriate modification of the schedule. After filing his THE schedule, the
commissioner may, from time to time, make partial distribution to the holders of
claims which THAT are undisputed or have been allowed by the court if a proper
reserve is established for the payment of disputed claims. As soon as is practicable
after the determination of all objections, the commissioner shall make final
(8) (a) The following claims shall have priority in the order specified: Obligations
incurred by the commissioner; wages and salaries of officers and employees earned
during the three-month period preceding the commissioner's possession in an amount
not exceeding five thousand dollars for any one person; fees and assessments due to
the commissioner; amounts which the guaranty corporation or THAT the federal
deposit insurance corporation shall be ARE entitled to receive on account of their
subrogation to the claims of depositors; all other claims for savings obligations;
claims of secured creditors to the extent of the value of their collateral; and all other
(b) After the payment of all other claims, the commissioner shall pay claims
1202 Financial Institutions Ch. 152
otherwise proper which THAT were not filed within the time prescribed. If the sum
available for any class is insufficient to provide payment in full, such sum shall be
distributed to the claimants in the class pro rata.
(9) Any assets remaining after all claims have been paid shall be distributed to the
stockholders in accordance with their respective interests.
(10) Unclaimed funds remaining after final distribution has been made by the
commissioner shall be retained for six years by the commissioner unless sooner
claimed by the owner. At the expiration of such period, the remaining sum shall be
transferred to the treasury of the county in which the trust company is located. The
county treasurer and his OR HER successors shall hold such money in trust for a period
of six years, unless the same MONEY is sooner paid out to the beneficial owner or
owners thereof or a suit is instituted to recover such money or a portion thereof. Any
money remaining in said THE fund six years after the same SUCH MONEY is paid into
the treasury of the county, for the recovery of which no action is pending, shall be
transferred to the general fund of the county, and all rights of the former beneficial
owners therein OF SUCH MONEY to recover the same MONEY shall be forever barred.
(11) When the final distribution of the proceeds of liquidation have been made in
accordance with this article, the commissioner shall file an account with the court in
which notice of possession was filed. Upon approval thereof, the commissioner shall
be relieved of liability in connection with the liquidation and shall cancel the charter.
11-109-801. [Formerly 11-23-120] Appeals procedure. Any trust company
aggrieved and directly affected by an order or regulation RULE of the banking board,
issued under this article, may seek a review in the district court of this state in and for
the county in which the trust company is located, within thirty days after receipt of
written notice of the issuance of said SUCH order or regulation RULE. The filing of
such a petition for review shall not, of itself, stay enforcement of an order or
regulation RULE, but the court, upon a finding that irreparable injury would otherwise
result, may order a stay upon such terms as it deems proper. The court may affirm
the order of the banking board or may direct said banking board to take any action
deemed proper. No person shall be subjected to any civil or criminal liability for any
act or omission made in good faith reliance upon a then existing order or regulation
RULE of the banking board, notwithstanding a subsequent decision by a court
invalidating the order or regulation RULE.
11-109-802. [Formerly 11-23-123] Injunctions - appeals. (1) Whenever the
banking board has taken possession of a trust company and the trust company deems
itself aggrieved thereby, such trust company, within ten days after such taking, may
apply to the court in which notice of possession has been filed to enjoin further
proceedings. After citing the banking board to show cause why further proceedings
should not be enjoined and after a hearing, the court may dismiss the application of
the trust company or may enjoin the banking board from further liquidation
proceedings and direct the banking board to surrender possession of the trust
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1203
(2) An appeal may be taken by the banking board or by the trust company from the
judgment of the court in the manner provided by law for appeals from judgments of
the district court. An appeal from the judgment does not operate as a stay of
judgment. If the appeal is taken by the banking board, no bond need be given, but if
the appeal is taken by the trust company, a bond shall be given as required by the
Colorado rules of civil procedure.
11-109-901. [Formerly 11-23-109.5] Reserves against deposits. Trust
companies which THAT are subject to reserve provisions of the "Federal Reserve Act"
shall maintain such reserves against deposits as may be required by the "Federal
Reserve Act", but, in addition thereto, the banking board may by regulation RULE
impose reserve requirements which THAT it deems prudent and sound on trust
companies, including trust companies not subject to reserve provisions of the "Federal
Reserve Act". In promulgating these rules, and regulations, the banking board shall
consider all relevant factors, including without limitation, the factors set forth in
section 11-1-101.5 11-101-102.
11-109-902. [Formerly 11-23-110] Investments. (1) In addition to other
investments expressly authorized by this article or the rules and regulations
promulgated by the banking board, a trust company may purchase:
(a) Obligations which THAT satisfy the requirements of this article or the rules and
regulations promulgated by the banking board for loans for state banks;
(b) Obligations of, or fully guaranteed by, the United States, a state of the United
States, or the Dominion of Canada;
(c) Obligations of the international bank for reconstruction and redevelopment;
(d) Farm loan bonds issued by any federal land bank organized pursuant to an act
of congress approved July 17, 1916, entitled: "An Act to provide capital for
agricultural development, to create standard forms of investment based upon farm
mortgages, to furnish a market for United States bonds, to create government
depositories and financial agents for the United States, and for other purposes." and
known as the "Federal Farm Loan Act", and acts amendatory thereto. Such farm loan
bonds shall be accepted as security for all public deposits and in all cases where
bonds are required by law to be deposited with any department or public official of
this state, but this section shall not be so construed as to prohibit such moneys or
deposits from being invested in such other securities provided for by law.
(e) General obligations of a territory of the United States, a province of the
Dominion of Canada, or a political subdivision or instrumentality of a state or
territory of the United States;
(f) Obligations of a corporation chartered by the United States or a state thereof
doing business in the United States; OR an authority organized under state law, an
interstate compact, or by substantially identical legislation adopted by two or more
states if any of the foregoing under this paragraph (f) are approved by the banking
1204 Financial Institutions Ch. 152
board for investment;
(g) Revenue obligations issued to provide, enlarge, or improve electric power, gas,
water and sewer facilities by any city or town having a population of not less than
two thousand people at the time of the investment, located in any state in the United
States or territories thereof;
(h) Such other obligations as the general assembly has designated or may from
time to time designate as legal investments for public funds;
(i) The capital stock of other corporations, including the stock of a corporation
regulated under the federal "Investment Company Act of 1940", as amended, 15
U.S.C. section 80a-1 et seq., and the land or lands and building or buildings in which
the business of the trust company is carried on, including its trust company offices,
other property in the same building to rent as a source of income, and fixtures, and
furniture, safe deposit vaults and boxes, and other personal property such as may be
appropriate to carry on its business.
(2) A trust company may, to the extent that banks subject to the laws of the federal
government are permitted so to do and to the extent permitted by the rules and
regulations of the banking board, purchase shares of stock in small business
investment companies organized under Public Law No. 85-699, 85th Congress,
known as the "Small Business Investment Act of 1958", and as amended, but in no
event shall any trust company hold shares in small business investment companies in
an amount aggregating more than three percent of the trust company's capital and
(3) No limitation or prohibition otherwise imposed by any provision of state law
relating to trust companies shall prevent a trust company from investing not more than
ten percent of the trust company's capital as defined in the rules and regulations
promulgated by the banking board in a bank service corporation as defined in 12
U.S.C. 1861 to 1865, inclusive, and as amended, subject to the rights, powers, and
limitations contained therein, and such investment by trust companies is expressly
authorized to the extent permitted by the rules and regulations of the banking board.
(3.5) (4) A trust company may acquire or retain an equity investment in a
subsidiary of which the trust company is the majority owner, so long as the subsidiary
is engaged in activities that are allowed pursuant to this article.
(4) (5) Notwithstanding any restrictions upon investments in obligations, powers,
or activities contained in this article, a trust company may invest in any obligation,
exercise such powers, and engage in such activities which THAT such trust company
could legally acquire, exercise, and engage in were it operating as a national bank at
the time such investment was made, such powers were exercised, or such activities
were engaged in, to the extent permitted by the rules and regulations promulgated by
the banking board.
(5) (6) A trust company may invest an amount not exceeding ten percent of its
capital as defined in the rules and regulations promulgated by the banking board in
the stock of any bank or bank holding company which THAT provides services solely
to depository institutions and their shareholders, directors, officers, and employees,
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1205
wherein the ownership of stock of the bank or bank holding company, except for any
stock required by law to be owned by directors of the bank or bank holding company,
is restricted to banks, trust companies, or bank holding companies. The amount of
stock owned by a trust company in any such bank or bank holding company shall not
be in excess of five percent of the voting shares of such bank or bank holding
(6) (7) (a) A trust company may directly engage in activities which THAT are
primarily investments in real estate or may acquire and hold the voting stock of one
or more corporations the activities of which are primarily investments in real estate.
Such activities may include subdividing and developing real property and building
residential housing or commercial improvements on such property and may also
include owning, renting, leasing, managing, operating for income, or selling such
property. Such property shall be entered on the books at not more than cost or fair
market value, whichever is less. The total of all investments made by a trust company
pursuant to the authority of this subsection (6) (7) shall not exceed ten percent of its
(b) Upon finding that such restrictions are necessary according to the criteria set
forth in section 11-1-101.5 11-101-102, the banking board may adopt rules and
regulations which THAT restrict the total investments of a trust company under this
subsection (6) (7) to a percentage less than ten percent of the trust company's capital.
Nothing in this subsection (6) (7) shall authorize a trust company to contravene a
lawful order of the banking board or commissioner with respect to investments by the
trust company in real estate or corporations engaging in real estate activities. A trust
company which THAT intends to initiate a program of investments under the authority
of this subsection (6) (7) shall give sixty days' advance notice to the division of
banking of such intent; except that such notice may be waived in the banking board's
discretion where such notice is impracticable or unnecessary. The trust company
shall also notify the division within ten days after the commencement of the
investment program. If similar notices are required by the trust company's federal
supervisory agency, the same form of notice may be used for purposes of notice under
this subsection (6) (7).
11-109-903. [Formerly 11-23-110.5] Substitution of trust companies. Trust
companies created under this article may participate in the transfer of trust assets in
the case of a substitution of one fiduciary for another under the provisions of sections
11-10-105, 11-10-106, and 11-10-107 11-101-401, 11-106-105, AND 11-106-106.
11-109-904. [Formerly 11-23-111] Laws governing individuals apply. A trust
company in the exercise of its fiduciary powers shall be subject to the same duties,
liabilities, and penalties as an individual fiduciary acting in like capacity.
11-109-905. [Formerly 11-23-112] Separation of fiduciary funds. A trust
company shall keep fiduciary funds and investments separate and apart from its own
assets. and All investments made as a fiduciary shall be so designated so that
fiduciary funds may be clearly identified.
11-109-906. [Formerly 11-23-113] Funds awaiting investment or
distribution. Funds held by a trust company in a fiduciary capacity which THAT are
awaiting investment or distribution shall not be held uninvested or undistributed any
1206 Financial Institutions Ch. 152
longer than is reasonable for the proper management of the account. Funds held in
trust by a trust company awaiting investment or distribution may, unless prohibited
by the instrument creating the trust, be deposited in an account with the trust company
as provided in section 11-23-103 (1) (d) 11-109-201 (1) (d).
11-109-907. [Formerly 11-23-114] Extensions of credit. (1) A trust company
shall not make any loans or extensions of credit except as provided in subsection (2)
of this section.
(2) A trust company may:
(a) Make a loan or extend credit to its officers, directors, and employees if such
loan or credit is adequately secured and does not involve more than the normal risk
of default or present other unfavorable features. Any loan or extension of credit in
excess of twenty-five thousand dollars shall be subject to prior approval by the
banking board.
(b) Establish with one or more broker-dealers margin accounts in its name as
fiduciary or custodian for the benefit of the owners or beneficiaries of such accounts.
SECTION 4. 10-2-601 (2) (d), Colorado Revised Statutes, is amended to read:
10-2-601. Financial institutions may sell insurance - where - regulation.
(2) No financial institution or employee thereof shall be licensed or admitted, directly
or indirectly, to sell insurance in this state; except that:
(d) Any financial institution, or any subsidiary, affiliate, or employee thereof, may
be permitted to own an insurance company authorized to sell, and that insurance
company's employees may be licensed to sell, insurance to guarantee the payment of
any amounts due in connection with any securities or obligations described in section
11-57-101, C.R.S.; except that no financial institution, or any subsidiary or affiliate
subject to the supervision of the banking board created in section 11-2-102
11-102-103, C.R.S., shall own such an insurance company without the consent of the
banking board, and no financial institution subject to the supervision of the financial
services board created in section 11-44-101.6, C.R.S., shall own such an insurance
company without the consent of the financial services board, and no financial
institution shall invest more than ten percent of its capital and surplus in such an
insurance company.
SECTION 5. 11-10.5-103 (3), Colorado Revised Statutes, is amended to read:
11-10.5-103. Definitions. As used in this article, unless the context otherwise
(3) "Banking board" means the banking board established by section 11-2-102
SECTION 6. 11-10.5-110 (2), Colorado Revised Statutes, is amended to read:
11-10.5-110. Procedures when event of default occurs. (2) In the event that
a federal deposit insurance agency is appointed and acts as liquidator or receiver of
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1207
any eligible public depository under state or federal law, those duties under this
article that are specified to be performed by the banking board in the event of default
may be delegated to and performed by the said federal deposit insurance agency. Any
liquidation occurring under the provisions of this section shall conform to the
procedures established in section 11-5-104 11-103-804.
SECTION 7. 11-30-104 (1) (m), Colorado Revised Statutes, is amended to read:
11-30-104. Powers. (1) A credit union has the following powers to:
(m) Make loans to, or permit the assumption of loans by, officers or employees of
the division who are members of the credit union, notwithstanding the provisions of
section 11-2-115 11-102-501;
SECTION 8. 11-37.5-103 (2), (5), and (6), Colorado Revised Statutes, are
amended to read:
11-37.5-103. Definitions. As used in this article, unless the context otherwise
(2) "Board" means the banking board created in section 11-2-102 11-102-103.
(5) "Charter" means a certificate, issued substantially in accordance with sections
11-3-109 and 11-3-110 11-103-303 AND 11-103-304, authorizing an institution to
conduct business in Colorado as a foreign capital depository.
(6) "Commissioner" means the state bank commissioner appointed and serving
pursuant to section 11-2-101 (2) 11-102-101 (2).
SECTION 9. 11-37.5-109 (1) (b), Colorado Revised Statutes, is amended to read:
11-37.5-109. Charter eligibility and application requirements. (1) In order
to lawfully conduct business in Colorado as a foreign capital depository, a person
intending to own or operate a depository shall:
(b) Make and file articles of incorporation containing information of all types
specified in section 11-3-109 (1) (a) 11-103-303 (1) (a), except for those types of
information specifically excluded by the board by rule;
SECTION 10. 11-37.5-122 (2) and (5), Colorado Revised Statutes, are amended
to read:
11-37.5-122. Dissolution - closing. (2) The department may close a depository
and take possession of the books, records, and assets of the depository and hold them
until the depository is authorized by the board to resume business or until it is
liquidated in accordance with article 5 103 of this title.
(5) Voluntary dissolution of a depository shall comply with the provisions of
section 11-5-101 11-103-801.
SECTION 11. The introductory portion to 11-37.5-124 (2) (b), Colorado Revised
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Statutes, is amended to read:
11-37.5-124. Depository services - restrictions and prohibitions. (2) A
depository shall not:
(b) Engage in lending or any other services requiring advance application to and
approval by the board under section 11-6-101 11-105-101, except:
SECTION 12. 11-41-120, Colorado Revised Statutes, is amended to read:
11-41-120. Branches. Subject to the provisions of article 25 105 of this title, no
association shall open, maintain, or conduct a branch without first applying for and
obtaining from the commissioner a license for such branch. The application for such
license shall be in such form as the commissioner requires and shall include an
itemized statement of the estimated receipts and expenditures of such association in
connection with such branch for the first year, or such longer period as the
commissioner in his OR HER discretion requires, and a showing that the public
convenience and advantage will be promoted by the operation of a branch. Such
application shall be accompanied by a fee in the amount established by the
commissioner. If satisfied that the operation of a branch is in the interest of the
association and that the public convenience and advantage will be promoted by the
operation, the commissioner shall issue its license; otherwise such license shall be
SECTION 13. 11-48-101, Colorado Revised Statutes, is amended to read:
11-48-101. Applicability. This article shall be applicable to any savings and loan
association organized under the provisions of article 41 of this title or under federal
law and having its principal office in this state, any credit union organized under the
provisions of article 30 of this title or federal law and having its principal office in
this state, and any industrial bank incorporated under the provisions of article 22 108
of this title and having its principal office in this state. As used in this article,
"financial institution" means any such savings and loan association, credit union, or
industrial bank.
SECTION 14. 12-52-103 (1) and (1.5), Colorado Revised Statutes, are amended
to read:
12-52-103. Definitions. As used in this article, unless the context otherwise
(1) "Banking board" means the banking board created in section 11-2-102
11-102-103, C.R.S.
(1.5) "Commissioner" means the state bank commissioner appointed and serving
pursuant to section 11-2-101 (2) 11-102-101 (2), C.R.S.
SECTION 15. 12-52-103.5, Colorado Revised Statutes, is amended to read:
12-52-103.5. Applicability of powers of banking board and bank
commissioner to money orders. The powers, duties, and functions of the banking
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1209
board and the commissioner contained in article 2 102 of title 11, C.R.S., and the
declaration of policy contained in section 11-1-101.5 11-101-102, C.R.S., shall apply
to the provisions of this article.
SECTION 16. 12-52-109 (1), Colorado Revised Statutes, is amended to read:
12-52-109. Issuance of license - renewal - fee. (1) Before any license is issued,
and annually thereafter on or before January 1 of each succeeding year, the applicant
or licensee shall pay to the banking board a license fee in an amount set by the
banking board pursuant to section 11-2-103 (11) 11-102-104 (11), C.R.S. For each
license originally issued between July 1 and December 31 of any year, the applicant
shall pay one-half the annual fee required in this section. Each license shall expire
on January 1 unless the annual fee for the year has been paid prior to such date.
SECTION 17. 12-52-110 (1) (a) and (2) (c), Colorado Revised Statutes, are
amended to read:
12-52-110. Examination - fee - financial statements and reports to
commissioner. (1) (a) The commissioner shall examine the books and records of
every licensee as often as deemed advisable and to the extent required by the banking
board; shall make and file in the office of the commissioner a correct report in detail
disclosing the results of such examination; and shall mail a copy of such report to the
licensee examined. If the licensee's records are located outside this state, the licensee
shall, at the option of such licensee, either make them available to the commissioner
at a convenient location within this state or pay the reasonable and necessary
expenses for the commissioner or the commissioner's representative to examine them
at the place where they are maintained. The commissioner may designate
representatives, including comparable officials of the state in which the records are
located, to inspect them on behalf of the commissioner. For such examination, the
commissioner shall charge a fee in an amount set by the banking board pursuant to
section 11-2-103 (11) 11-102-104 (11), C.R.S. If any licensee refuses to permit the
commissioner to make an examination, such licensee shall be subject to such penalty
as the commissioner may assess, not in excess of one hundred dollars for each day
any such refusal shall continue.
(2) (c) If any licensee fails to submit any statement or report to the commissioner
as required by this subsection (2), such licensee shall pay to the commissioner a
penalty assessment in an amount not to exceed twenty-five dollars for each additional
day of delinquency as set by the banking board pursuant to section 11-2-103 (11)
11-102-104 (11), C.R.S.; except that, if in the opinion of the banking board the delay
is excusable for good cause shown, no assessment shall be paid.
SECTION 18. 13-4-102 (2) (b), Colorado Revised Statutes, is amended to read:
13-4-102. Jurisdiction. (2) The court of appeals shall have initial jurisdiction to:
(b) Review orders of the banking board granting or denying charters for new state
banks, as provided in article 2 102 of title 11, C.R.S.;
SECTION 19. 16-5-401 (4.5) (r), (4.5) (s), (4.5) (t), and (4.5) (u), Colorado
Revised Statutes, are amended to read:
1210 Financial Institutions Ch. 152
16-5-401. Limitation for commencing criminal proceedings and juvenile
delinquency proceedings. (4.5) The period within which a prosecution must be
commenced shall begin to run upon discovery of the criminal act or the delinquent act
(r) Unlawful concealment of transactions, pursuant to section 11-11-105
11-107-105, C.R.S.;
(s) Embezzlement or misapplication of funds, pursuant to section 11-11-107
11-107-107, C.R.S.;
(t) Unlawful acts or omissions relating to financial institutions, pursuant to section
11-11-108 11-107-108, C.R.S.;
(u) Criminal offenses relating to industrial banks, pursuant to section 11-22-114
(3) 11-108-801 (3), C.R.S.; and
SECTION 20. 24-1-122 (2) (d), Colorado Revised Statutes, is amended to read:
24-1-122. Department of regulatory agencies - creation. (2) The department
of regulatory agencies shall consist of the following divisions:
(d) Division of banking, the head of which shall be the state bank commissioner.
The banking board, created by article 2 102 of title 11, C.R.S., and its powers, duties,
and functions are transferred by a type 1 transfer to the department of regulatory
agencies and allocated to the division of banking. The office of state bank
commissioner, created by article 20 of title 11, C.R.S., is transferred by a type 2
transfer to the department of regulatory agencies and allocated to the division of
SECTION 21. 24-34-104 (34) (b), Colorado Revised Statutes, is amended to
24-34-104. General assembly review of regulatory agencies and functions for
termination, continuation, or reestablishment. (34) The following agencies,
functions, or both, shall terminate on July 1, 2004:
(b) The division of banking, created by article 2 102 of title 11, C.R.S.;
SECTION 22. 24-52-103 (1), Colorado Revised Statutes, is amended to read:
24-52-103. Deferred compensation - investment. (1) Notwithstanding any
other provision of law, the administrator may invest, or permit plan participants to
invest, the moneys held pursuant to a plan established or administered pursuant to this
article in any legitimate investment, including but not limited to investment programs
of any bank, as defined in section 11-1-102 (2) 11-101-401 (5), C.R.S., or savings
and loan association, as defined in section 11-40-103, C.R.S., life insurance
contracts, deferred annuities, equity products, government bonds, real estate
investment trusts, or other investment products. The administrator shall not invest,
or NOR permit plan participants to invest, such moneys in any investment plan unless
the plan is offered by a person authorized to do business in this state or by a person
Ch. 152 Financial Institutions 1211
who irrevocably agrees to be subject to the jurisdiction of the state and federal courts
in Colorado with respect to the investment plan and irrevocably appoints the
Colorado secretary of state as its agent for service of process, and unless the plan is
subject to applicable state and federal regulations.
SECTION 23. 24-72-204 (3.5) (c) (VII), Colorado Revised Statutes, is amended
to read:
24-72-204. Allowance or denial of inspection - grounds - procedure - appeal.
(3.5) (c) The custodian of any records described in paragraph (a) of this subsection
(3.5) which concern an individual who has made a request of confidentiality pursuant
to this subsection (3.5) and paid any required processing fee shall deny the right of
inspection of the individual's address contained in such records on the ground that
disclosure would be contrary to the public interest; except that such custodian shall
allow the inspection of such records by such individual, by any person authorized in
writing by such individual, and by any individual employed by one of the following
entities who makes a request to the custodian to inspect such records and who
provides evidence satisfactory to the custodian that the inspection is reasonably
related to the authorized purpose of the employing entity:
(VII) A bank as defined in section 11-1-102 (2) 11-101-401 (5), C.R.S., an
industrial bank as defined in section 11-22-101 (1) 11-108-101 (1), C.R.S., a trust
company as defined in section 11-23-102 (11) 11-109-101 (11), C.R.S., a credit
union as defined in section 11-30-101 (1), C.R.S., a domestic savings and loan
association as defined in section 11-40-102 (5), C.R.S., a foreign savings and loan
association as defined in section 11-40-102 (8), C.R.S., or a broker-dealer as defined
in section 11-51-201 (2), C.R.S.;
SECTION 24. 26-3.1-205 (4), Colorado Revised Statutes, is amended to read:
26-3.1-205. Investigations of financial exploitation. (4) Notwithstanding any
provision of section 24-72-204, C.R.S., or section 11-6-113 11-105-110, C.R.S., or
any other applicable law, concerning the confidentiality of financial records, to the
contrary, agencies investigating the financial exploitation of an at-risk adult shall be
permitted to inspect all records of the at-risk adult on whose behalf the investigation
is being conducted, including the at-risk adult's financial records, upon written
consent of the at-risk adult.
SECTION 25. 38-38-101 (1.5) (a) and (1.5) (b), Colorado Revised Statutes, are
amended to read:
38-38-101. Owner of evidence of debt may elect to foreclose - notice - record
of sale - withdrawal. (1.5) The following entities may elect to file with the public
trustee a copy of the original evidence of debt in lieu of the original and the
certification required by paragraph (b) of subsection (1) of this section:
(a) A bank, as defined in section 11-1-102 (2) 11-101-401 (5), C.R.S.;
(b) An industrial bank, as defined in section 11-22-101 (1) 11-108-101 (1),
1212 Financial Institutions Ch. 152
SECTION 26. 38-39-102 (3) (a), (3.5) (b) (I), and (3.5) (b) (II), Colorado
Revised Statutes, are amended to read:
38-39-102. When liens of deeds of trust shall be released. (3) With respect to
either subsection (1) or (2) of this section, if such original evidence of debt cannot be
produced, the public trustee may accept one of the following in lieu thereof:
(a) An indemnification agreement accompanied by a certified copy of an
authorizing resolution passed by the board of directors of a bank, as defined in
section 11-1-102 (2) 11-101-401 (5), C.R.S., an industrial bank, as provided for in
article 22 108 of title 11, C.R.S., a savings and loan association licensed to do
business in Colorado, a federal housing administration approved mortgagee, or a
federally chartered credit union operating in Colorado or a state-chartered credit
union, as defined in section 11-30-101, C.R.S., or an indemnification agreement
which THAT has been duly authorized by any agency of the federal government or by
any federally created corporation which THAT originates, guarantees, or purchases
loans indemnifying the public trustee against claims for issuing a release under this
subsection (3) made within the time period described in subsection (7) of this section,
which indemnification agreement is satisfactory to the public trustee;
(3.5) (b) Only the following financial institutions shall be entitled to submit a
certification pursuant to paragraph (a) of this subsection (3.5):
(I) A bank, as defined in section 11-1-102 (2) 11-101-401 (5), C.R.S.;
(II) An industrial bank, as defined in section 11-22-101 (1) 11-108-101 (1),
SECTION 27. Harmonization of relocated statutes. Pursuant to sections
2-4-301 and 2-5-103, Colorado Revised Statutes, the revisor of statutes shall
renumber the statutory sections of any other bill enacted during the first regular
session of the sixty-fourth general assembly that amends any provision being
relocated by this act and shall harmonize amendments made to said sections with
those contained in this act.
SECTION 28. Effective date. This act shall take effect July 1, 2003.
SECTION 29. Safety clause. The general assembly hereby finds, determines,
and declares that this act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public
peace, health, and safety.
Approved: April 17, 2003