Principles for
Chris Sturgis
Katherine Casey
Quality Principles for
Competency-Based Education
Chris Sturgis
Katherine Casey
October 2018
This publication builds o of the early ideas introduced in the paper In Search of Ecacy: Defining the Elements of Quality
in a Competency-Based Education System, developed for the 2017 National Summit on Competency-Based Education.
After a series of revisions building on input from experts and practitioners in the field, we have authored this book to
advance quality frameworks for competency-based education. Please see the summary report from the Summit, Quality
and Equity by Design: Charting the Course for the Next Phase in Competency-Based Education, which seeks to advance
K-12 competency education along four key issues: quality, equity, meeting students where they are and policy.
We deeply appreciate the input from the summit participants listed in the appendix and the following members of the
Technical Advisory Group on Quality for their insights in developing the ideas presented here: Jan Bermingham, Elaine
Berry, Mandi Bozarth, Harvey Chism, Carisa Corrow, C. Wesley Daniel, Theresa Ewald, Pat Fitzsimmons, Amy Fowler,
Cynthia Freyberger, Thomas Gaey, Laurie Gagnon, Jim Goodell, Renee Hill, Sue Lanz, Paul Leather, Kathleen McClaskey,
Joy Nolan, Alfonso Paz, Karla Phillips, Alexandra Pritchett, Je Renard, Tom Rooney, Bror Saxberg, Andrea Stewart, Circe
Stumbo, Vincent Thur, Jonathan Vander Els and Glenda Weber.
The members of the Technical Advisory Group on Developing a Working Definition of Competency-Based Education
have also played an invaluable role in shaping a deeper understanding of competency-based education. We thank the
following individuals who shared their substantial expertise to build a shared understanding of competency education:
Laureen Avery, Ana Betancourt, Michael Burde, Kim Carter, Cris Charbonneau, Rose Colby, Margaret Crespo, Cory Curl,
Julia Freeland Fisher, Jenni Gotto, Virgel Hammonds, Christina Jean, Paul Leather, Amalia Lopez, Christy Kingham, Michael
Martin, Adriana Martinez, Rebecca Midles, Rosmery Milczewski, Gretchen Morgan, James Murray, Joy Nolan, Jennifer
Norford, Karla Phillips, Linda Pittenger, David Richards, Antonia Rudenstine, David Ru, Sydney Schaef, Don Siviski, Megan
Slocum, Brian Stack, Wendy Surr, Cyndy Taymore, Eric Toshalis, Barbara Treacy, Claudette Trujillo and Jonathan Vander Els.
We are grateful for the generosity and leadership of our funders. The support and partnership of the Nellie Mae Education
Foundation, Barr Foundation, Carnegie Corporation of New York, the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative and the Donnell-Kay
Foundation have been invaluable in advancing knowledge in the field of personalized, competency-based education.
About CompetencyWorks
CompetencyWorks is a collaborative initiative dedicated to advancing personalized, competency-based education in K-12
and higher education. iNACOL is the lead organization with project management facilitated by MetisNet. We are deeply
grateful for the leadership and support of our advisory board and the partners who helped to launch CompetencyWorks:
American Youth Policy Forum, Jobs for the Future and the National Governors Association. Their vision and creative
partnership have been instrumental in the development of CompetencyWorks. Most of all, we thank the tremendous
educators across the nation who are transforming state policy and district operations, as well as schools that are willing to
open their doors and share their insights.
About iNACOL
The mission of iNACOL is to drive the transformation of education systems and accelerate the advancement of
breakthrough policies and practices to ensure high-quality learning for all.
ISBN #978-0-692-17514-9
Please refer to this book as Sturgis, C. & Casey, K. (2018). Quality principles for competency-based education. Vienna, VA:
iNACOL. Content in this book is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.
Quality Principles for Competency-Based Education
I. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 5
II. Understanding Competency-Based Education ............................................................................... 9
A. Readiness for College, Career and Life: The Purpose of K-12 Public Education Today ................. 10
B. How Does Competency-Based Education Dier from the Traditional System of Education? ..... 12
C. Competency-Based Education and Personalized Learning Go Hand in Hand ................................22
III. Sixteen Quality Design Principles ..................................................................................................... 25
A. Purpose and Culture Design Principles ........................................................................................................30
#1 Purpose-Driven ...................................................................................................................................................... 31
#2 Commit to Equity .................................................................................................................................................. 37
#3 Nurture a Culture of Learning and Inclusivity ................................................................................................. 41
#4 Foster the Development of a Growth Mindset ...............................................................................................45
#5 Cultivate Empowering and Distributed Leadership ........................................................................................48
B. Teaching and Learning Design Principles...................................................................................................53
#6 Base School Design and Pedagogy on Learning Sciences ...........................................................................54
#7 Activate Student Agency and Ownership ..........................................................................................................59
#8 Design for the Development of Rigorous Higher-Level Skills ......................................................................63
#9 Ensure Responsiveness ......................................................................................................................................... 66
C. Structure Design Principles .............................................................................................................................70
#10 Seek Intentionality and Alignment ....................................................................................................................71
#11 Establish Mechanisms to Ensure Consistency and Reliability ..................................................................... 77
#12 Maximize Transparency ....................................................................................................................................... 81
#13 Invest in Educators as Learners .........................................................................................................................87
#14 Increase Organizational Flexibility .................................................................................................................... 92
#15 Develop Processes for Ongoing Continuous Improvement and Organizational Learning .................96
#16 Advance Upon Demonstrated Mastery ...........................................................................................................99
IV. Conclusion .............................................................................................................................................105
V. Glossary ................................................................................................................................................... 107
VI. About the Authors .................................................................................................................................113
VII. Endnotes ..................................................................................................................................................115
Performance-based learning is right for kids and it’s
right for teachers.
Heather O’Brien, Teacher and President of Mesa Valley Education
Association, District 51, CO, 2016
Competency-based education—also referred to as
mastery-based, performance-based and proficiency-
based—is gaining momentum. In recent years an
increasing number of districts and schools have adopted
competency-based education. Districts and schools turn
to competency-based education for dierent reasons:
to develop globally competitive graduates, to design
schools that promote what is best to help students learn,
to achieve greater equity, to create a system of continuous
improvement and learning, and to foster deeper learning.
States are creating innovation space for competency
education by launching pilots, creating innovation zones
and introducing proficiency-based diplomas to transform
the education systems.
As the number of districts and
schools turning to competency education expands, some
have done so with a deep foundational understanding of
the purpose, culture and key elements. Others have not,
instead treating competency education as a technical
reform or resorting to piecemeal implementation. As a
result, some competency-based schools have not served
students in a way that fulfills the promise of the model, and
many students are not benefitting as much as they could.
Furthermore, insucient attention to quality due to rapid
growth and inadequate understanding jeopardizes the
potential impact and successful scaling of competency-
based education.
As it is frequently noted, “Every system is perfectly designed
to get the results it gets.”
This report, developed in
collaboration with practitioners as part of the National
Summit on K-12 Competency-Based Education, oers
16 Quality Design Principles to guide the development of
competency-based schools with the goal of creating a
system in which every student succeeds. While producing
high-quality schools certainly requires attention to the
structure, policy and operations, it also requires replacing
the underlying beliefs and culture of the traditional system
with an inclusive culture of learning. In fact, it is the very
beliefs, assumptions and values that shape the culture of a
quality competency-based school that make its structure
so powerful. The competency-based structure will falter if
it rests on the same beliefs and assumptions upon which
the traditional system was built. Moreover, students will
not benefit unless provided with eective instruction and
assessment firmly grounded in the learning sciences. Thus,
the Quality Design Principles are organized by culture,
pedagogy and structure.
A commitment to integrate all of the Quality Design
Principles is necessary to create a high-quality, sustainable
competency-based system. When districts and schools
implement some, but not all, it is unlikely that they will see
sustainable improvement or realize success for all students.
Consider, for example, a school that tries to increase
transparency with standards-based grading but fails to build
the capacity to cultivate a growth mindset for students
or to provide greater instructional support to respond to
struggling students. This school will be unlikely to see
higher engagement or achievement because its structural
change was not supported by an aligned change to culture
and pedagogy.
As states, districts and schools re-design education
systems, the 16 Quality Design Principles provide a
cohesive framework that oers a set of guideposts for
schools and districts. While all principles are essential,
districts and schools are using dierent entry points to
begin transforming their systems and make dierent
design choices. Furthermore, they will find themselves at
dierent stages of integrating each of the principles into
their operations. To be clear, quality does not require a
single model or approach. In fact, schools and districts with
strong results find themselves engaged in an ongoing cycle
of continuous improvement and innovation. No matter the
entry point, the depth of implementation or the model,
the Quality Design Principles are composed to spark
discussion that will accelerate the shift from the paradigm
of the traditional system to one that seeks to have every
student succeed by personalizing learning. We hope that
the Quality Design Principles will be a doorway to deeper
understanding and innovation.
Working Definition of Competency-Based Education (2011)
In 2011, 100 innovators in competency education came together for the first time. At that meeting, participants fine-
tuned a working definition of high-quality competency education:
» Students advance upon demonstrated mastery. By advancing upon demonstrated mastery rather
than on seat time, students are more engaged and motivated, and educators can direct their
eorts to where students need the most help.
» Competencies include explicit, measurable, transferable learning objectives that empower
students. With clear, transparent learning objectives, students have greater ownership over their
» Assessment is meaningful and a positive learning experience for students. New systems of
assessments give students real-time information on their progress and provide the opportunity
to show evidence of higher order skills, whenever they are ready, rather than at set points in time
during the school year.
» Students receive timely, dierentiated support based on their individual learning needs.
Students receive the supports and flexibility they need, when they need them, to learn, thrive and
master the competencies they will need to succeed.
» Learning outcomes emphasize competencies that include application and creation of
knowledge, along with the development of important skills and dispositions. Personalized,
competency-based learning models meet each student where they are to build the knowledge,
skills and abilities they will need to succeed in postsecondary education, in an ever-changing
workplace and in civic life.
We looked at several dierent school models, and each one is dierent. It quickly became
clear to us that we can’t tell people how to do it. We want to support education entrepreneurs
who can create a personalized learning school using their vision and strengths.
Aaryn Schmuhl, Assistant Superintendent for Learning and Leadership, Henry County School District, GA, 2016
Mastery-based learning has pushed our
teachers to think about planning in a new way
as well. We are asking ourselves, ‘How will
they know that students get it? What questions
should I anticipate from the students?’ Some
of our really good teachers are becoming great
teachers through mastery-based learning.
Penny Panagiosoulis, Principal, KAPPA International High
School, New York City Department of Education, NY, 2016
Understanding competency-based education takes time,
reflection and the willingness to challenge assumptions.
Most of us grew up and were shaped by our experiences in
the traditional school system with its focus on schedules,
ringing bells telling us to move to the next class, points
for good behavior and summative assessments that told
us what we know but didn’t help us learn what we didn’t
know. With so many sharing the same experience, it isn’t
easy to imagine a dierent system that personalizes the
educational experience to the degree that all students
are fully engaged and receiving the support they need
to advance. Misconceptions about competency-based
education develop when only one aspect of the traditional
school is challenged—such as pace or grades. In fact,
competency-based education is a redesign of the culture
and structure of school systems to support eective
instruction and learning.
In this section, two dierent ways to explore competency-
based education are oered for those who are new to
competency-based education, as well as those who are
seeking to further deepen their understanding. We begin
by revisiting the purpose of the K-12 public education
system to understand how desired outcomes can drive
the education system. Then we provide an analysis of
the traditional system followed by a comparison with the
distinguishing features of competency-based education.
A. Readiness for College,
Career and Life: The
Purpose of K-12 Public
Education Today
The mastery-based approach is
changing what it means to graduate. Before,
we had the language of all students to be
prepared for college and careers. With a
mastery-based diploma, it becomes more
operationalized...I ask students to talk to me
clearly and with compelling reasons why
college isn’t for them. They have to have a
meaningful alternative. The one situation
that is unacceptable is for a student to not
want to go to college because they aren’t
prepared or because college is too hard.
David Prinstein, Principal, Windsor Locks Middle School, Windsor
Locks School District, CT, 2016
Eective system design starts with a clarity of purpose, or
said another way, what are the results we want to get from
our system of public education? The current design of our
K-12 public education system delivers the following results:
After decades of policy reforms and targeted improvement
strategies, the on-time graduation rate has inched up to 82
percent, with states ranging from 61 percent to 91 percent.
Yet, inequitable outcomes remain. Alaska Natives, students
with disabilities, Native American, African American and
Latino students continue to graduate at much lower rates:
55, 64, 70, 73 and 76 percent, respectively.
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Among those students who graduate high school, nearly 25
percent of them, from all socioeconomic groups, require
remedial courses in college, costing them and their families
$1.5 billion a year.
Graduates who enter the world of work
directly after high school fare no better, with 62 percent
of employers by one account indicating that “high schools
aren’t doing enough to prepare their graduates to meet
the expectations of the workplace.”
Students are not fully
prepared for civic engagement to ensure a functioning
democracy (only 30 percent of today’s young people
believe it is “essential” to live in a country that is governed
These results are evidence that students
are not getting what they need, and the implications ripple
through their lives, their families, communities and our
economy. In the next section, we will explore why the
traditional system is designed to produce these results.
First, let’s consider what results we want instead.
So, what is the purpose of public education today, and
what are the results we want it to deliver? States and
districts define the purpose of education in a variety of
dierent ways.
Increasingly that purpose is stated as
“college and career readiness,” or a variation thereof. But
what does it really mean to be college and career ready?
Although the terminology and details may vary, almost all
states and districts continue to use a combination of time-
based academic credits, state graduation exams and state
accountability exams to measure learning. For the majority
of states, these elements prioritize content knowledge
rather than skills, with a focus upon a narrow set of areas—
math and English language arts.
High-quality systems of competency-based education
start with a community’s aspirations for students. These
systems begin with the recognition that merely completing
12 years of school is an insucient outcome for students.
Though each is dierent, high-quality competency-
based education systems include goals that students will
be able to articulate a vision for their futures, exercise
agency in pursuing that vision and eectively navigate
their own paths.
This vision is available to all students,
not simply those on a particular path or from a limited set
of backgrounds. Competency-based culture, structures
and pedagogical strategies are designed to ensure that
all students will attain these outcomes. While college and
career readiness are absolutely central to any educational
system, the definition used in most states today is
more limited than the vision of educational equity that
competency-based education makes possible. For this
reason, it is important to begin with a statement of the
intended purpose for competency-based education.
Unlike traditional systems of K-12 education, competency-
based structures place an equal emphasis upon academic
knowledge, the skills to transfer and apply that knowledge
(higher order skills), and a set of lifelong learning skills
that enable students to be independent learners. Lifelong
learning skills that empower students include growth
mindset, metacognition, self-regulation and other social
and emotional skills, advocacy, and the habits of success.
Districts that are pursuing competency-based systems
share a belief that the current purpose of K-12 education is
to facilitate a process through which all students graduate
high school with the academic and lifelong learning skills to
be leaders in their communities, visionaries and agents of
their own success—whether in college, career or navigating
the opportunities and challenges they will encounter in
their lives. While each community expresses its own values
and goals in the choices it makes around curriculum,
pedagogy and school rituals, this core purpose is shared by
districts leading the way in competency-based education.
As discussed in more detail below, we believe competency-
based education oers the most eective culture and
structure for achieving this educational purpose. This clear
articulation and understanding of purpose sets us up now
to turn to why the traditional system is unable to fulfill
this purpose and how competency-based education is
designed to best achieve it.
B. How Does
Education Dier from
the Traditional System
of Education?
The best thing about mastery-based
learning is that teachers have confidence
that students are learning. Before we didn’t
really know if students were learning.
Casey Smith, Assistant Principal, KAPPA International High School,
New York City Department of Education, NY 2016
Before exploring key issues in a competency-based system,
it is valuable to unpack why the traditional system is an
obstacle to creating high-achieving schools and equitable
outcomes. The strategies used by districts in response to
state accountability exams including delivering grade-level
curriculum regardless of what students know, exposed
the limitations of the traditional system for what it is and
how it reinforces inequitable achievement. At the time
the accountability policies made sense as an eort to
create transparency and expose inequitable outcomes, but
they do not help to serve students equitably, nor do they
promote eective learning and teaching according to all
we know about the learning sciences.
Many schools struggle to produce better outcomes
largely because the traditional system is not set up to do
so. Despite educators’ persistent best eorts to support
every student, the traditional system passes students on
before they have mastered each stage of learning. Those
who have mastered the required skills continue on a path
toward graduation and college. For those who have not,
little is oered to help them learn what was expected. The
result is a new set of students each year who may not have
the necessary prerequisite skills and knowledge to take on
the content oered by each successive year’s teachers. This
sets up teachers and students alike for failure. This sorting
function of traditional education is exacerbated by unequal
and inequitable school resources that continue to haunt
the education system.
Graduation is a great day for educators.
We are saying to the world, ‘We’ve had them
for 12 or 13 years and we’re sending them
out into society. They are our product, our
contribution to society.’ The reality for many
of our graduates is that they soon find out
they didn’t get what they needed. Some of
the kids fall into deep despair when they
realize they have been betrayed. They were
told that they are ready, but they’re not.
Tom Rooney, Superintendent, Lindsay Unified School District, CA, 2015
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Ten Flaws in the Traditional System
The traditional system is simply not designed to produce the goals we have set for it, or that our children,
communities and nation so desperately need and deserve. There are 10 primary flaws in the traditional system that
perpetuate inequity and low achievement. They can be corrected by redesigning the system for success in which all
students achieve mastery. These flaws of the traditional system are listed below.
Purpose and Culture
The traditional system is focused on a narrow set of academic outcomes emphasizing academic skills, memorization
and comprehension of content. It fails to recognize that student success is dependent on more than academic
knowledge. Success requires a full range of foundational skills including social and emotional skills and the ability to
transfer knowledge and skills to new contexts. Competency education is designed to help students learn academic
knowledge, the skills to apply it and lifelong learning skills that are needed to be fully prepared for college, career and
The traditional system is built on a fixed mindset—the notion that people’s “abilities are carved in stone.” Purpose
includes ranking and sorting students creating “winners” and “losers” and perpetuating patterns of inequality in society.
In contrast, a competency-based education system is built upon a growth mindset with a belief that all children can
learn with the right mix of challenges and supports.
Competency-based education meets students where they are to
ensure that each one can be successful to the same high college- and career-ready standards.
The traditional system relies upon a bureaucratic, hierarchical system that perpetuates traditional roles, cultural
norms and power dynamics. These said dynamics value compliance and doesn’t support inclusivity and cultural
responsiveness. Competency education seeks to create an empowering, responsive system that is designed to build
trust and challenge inequity.
The traditional system is organized to eciently cover the curriculum based on age and depends on extrinsic
motivation. Traditional systems developed before the emerging research about what we know about how children learn
and are motivated. In competency-based education, everything should be rooted in what we know is best for students
in terms of engagement, motivation and learning. Competency education fosters intrinsic motivation by activating
student agency and providing multiple pathways for learning to the same high standards.
The traditional system targets supports to students when their academic or behavioral needs are identified as
significantly above or below the norm (i.e., special education, gifted). Competency-based education provides timely
and dierentiated instruction and support. Schools oer daily flex time and time for students to receive additional
support before and after the semester.
The traditional system emphasizes assessment for summative purposes to verify what students know. One-size-fits-all
assessments are conducted at predetermined points of time or at end of unit and are administered to all students at
the same time and in the same format on the same content. In competency-based schools assessment for learning
with robust formative assessment contribute to student growth. A balanced system of assessment aligns with high
expectations that students learn how to transfer knowledge and skills through performance-based assessment. When
possible, assessment is embedded in the personalized learning cycle.
The traditional system allows high variability in how educators determine proficiency. Competency-based systems
ensure consistency in expectations of what it means to master knowledge and skills. Districts build educator capacity to
make judgments of student mastery to the same high standards.
The traditional system articulates opaque learning objectives and performance expectations with limited information
for students about their learning cycle. Students receive grades with little guidance on what is needed to do better or
opportunities for revision. Competency-based education values transparency with clear and explicit expectations of the
learning cycle and architecture including what is to be learned, the level of performance for mastery and how students
are progressing.
The traditional system uses academic grading practices that can often send mixed messages and misleading signals
about what students know by reflecting a mix of factors, including behavior, assignment completion and getting a
passing grade on tests, not student learning. Grading in competency education is designed to communicate student
progress in learning academic skills and content as well as the skills they need to be lifelong learners
The traditional system is time-based. Schools batch students by age and move them through the same content and
courses at the same pace. Students advance to the next grade level after a year of schooling regardless of what they
actually learned. Competency-based education is based on learning: students must demonstrate mastery of learning,
with schools monitoring pace and oering additional supports to meet time-bound targets.
Traditional systems determine their work “complete”
when students meet the number of credits required for
high school graduation despite the persistent inability
to adequately prepare so many students for success in
college, career and life. The result is low achievement and
educational inequity. Time-based credits have allowed
districts to graduate students from high school with only
middle school skills or worse. Transcripts listing courses say
little about academic skills, and students bear the cost—68
percent of those starting at public two-year institutions and
40 percent of those starting at public four-year institutions
took at least one remedial course.
The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP’s)
data reminds us that slightly more than one-third of
our students test at proficient or higher in eighth-grade
math and reading. Astonishingly, only 13 percent of black
students are proficient or higher in eighth-grade math
and 18 percent in eighth-grade reading.
Or is it really so
shocking? If the traditional education system is designed to
sort students rather than help all students learn, why would
we expect results dierent than these?
Distinguishing Features of
Competency-Based Education
The challenge of meeting the needs of
students with gaps in their skills existed
before mastery-based grading. However,
mastery-based grading makes you have to
deal with it very directly.
Meredith Gavrin, Program Director, New Haven Academy, CT, 2016
Across the country, schools, districts and states are
replacing the traditional, time-based structure with one
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that is designed to help each student reach proficiency.
Competency-based education is a system designed for
equitable student achievement to ensure all learners
master academic knowledge, develop the expertise to
apply it to real-world problems and build the skills to be
lifelong learners for future success. Schools are organized
in ways that respond to students and support, engage and
motivate them to take ownership of their own learning.
Competency-based structures are also designed to ensure
students reach proficiency so that they, as well as their
parents, are confident that they are learning what they need
to as they advance toward graduation.
Although models will vary, there are 10 features developed
through a collaborative eort involving practitioners and
policymakers that distinguish competency-based education
from traditional systems.
It is important to understand that
even the most developed competency-based systems do
not have all of these features fully implemented although
they are certain to have some of them firmly in place.
Ten Distinguishing Features of Competency-Based Education
Purpose and Culture
1. Student success outcomes are designed around preparation for college, career and lifelong learning.
Traditional systems narrowly prioritize and measure academic skills, often at the lower levels of Bloom’s taxonomy.
Competency-based systems emphasize ensuring that students can apply academic knowledge and skills to new
contexts and become adept problem-solvers and independent learners. Thus, competency-based districts and
schools align around academic knowledge, transferable skills and the ability of students to become lifelong learners.
Culture, pedagogy and structures are designed to develop student agency, build foundational academic knowledge
and engage students in deeper learning that provide opportunities to engage in real-world problems.
2. Districts and schools make a commitment to be responsible for all students mastering learning expectations.
While many traditional districts and schools have missions that purport to achieve “success for all,” many of these
same districts and schools maintain systemic practices that contribute directly to gaps in opportunity and inequitable
academic outcomes. For example, when schools use grading practices that obscure and conceal students’ actual
learning levels, students do not have the information they need to improve. When schools fail to support students
in addressing critical gaps in knowledge and skill, students become increasingly burdened by learning gaps that
accumulate and widen over time.
By contrast, competency-based districts and schools proactively challenge these practices and put in place
alternative systems and structures that promote success for all. They portray student learning authentically and
transparently. They meet students where they are and ensure they have mastered key content. Importantly, they
become flexible in using time, resources and student supports to ensure that students continue progressing toward
success. Commitment to mastery for all requires districts, schools and educators to challenge and “unlearn”
part of traditional education as we know it, and embrace collective accountability, continuous improvement and
personalization instead.
3. Districts and schools nurture empowering, inclusive cultures of learning. It is well-known that school culture
is important to creating high-performing schools. The traditional system tends to emphasize order, safety and
high achievement. Although high achievement is a shared value between competency-based and traditional
systems, the interpretation of achievement is dierent. Traditional schools privilege students that are already at
grade level by ranking and sorting students based on grade point average or other similar mechanisms. Traditional
systems often emphasize order and compliance, manifesting in school disciplinary policies that exclude students,
disproportionately impact students of color and contribute to students feeling that they do not belong.
Competency-based schools create cultures that emphasize growth, inclusion and empowerment for students and
adults. The culture of competency-based systems is rooted in the learning sciences, which emphasize maximizing
safety and belonging, promoting active learning, developing skills to manage learning, and intrinsic motivation and
cultivating intrinsic motivation. Districts and schools foster a growth mindset in students and adults. Students are
empowered to take ownership of their learning. Distributed leadership structures empower educators to make
decisions in the best interests of students. Equity lies at the heart of competency education to ensure that all
students benefit, not just some.
4. Students receive timely and dierentiated instruction and support. In traditional schools, students often have to
fail before they receive support. Many times, these “supports” come in the form of remedial learning opportunities
that are long delayed. In competency-based systems, schools develop schedules and mechanisms for students
to receive additional support while they are struggling with new concepts so that they can continue to learn and
build knowledge and skills. Formative assessment and eective feedback based on the learning task are essential to
supporting students to learn, make progress and advance at a meaningful pace.
5. Research-informed pedagogical principles emphasize meeting students where they are and building intrinsic
motivation. Many traditional systems seek to create aligned systems of learning and integrate the learning sciences
into instruction. However, these systems sort and teach students based on their age, not on their actual learning
needs and goals. Without falling into the trap of tracking, educators in competency-based schools begin with
the concept of “meeting students where they are” and design instructional strategies for students based on their
development, social and emotional skills and academic foundations. They use these assessments of student learning
and development to determine the supports that will be most eective in helping them learn and progress. Pedagogy
and learning design for students and adults are grounded in the learning sciences and seek to embed equity
strategies such as culturally responsive approaches and Universal Design for Learning into the core of instruction.
Helping students to build the lifelong learning skills often referred to as student agency is rooted in science of
learning and one of the student success outcomes.
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6. Assessments are embedded in the personalized learning cycle and aligned to outcomes including the transfer
of knowledge and skills. Traditional systems place heavy emphasis on summative assessment, much of which
emphasizes the lower portion of Bloom’s taxonomy: memorization, comprehension and application. All students
take grade-level assessments at the same point in time. In competency-based education the emphasis is on
assessment for learning. Formative assessment is deeply embedded in the cycle of learning to provide feedback that
helps students master learning objectives and guides teacher’s professional learning. Students continue to practice or
revise when they are “not yet” proficient until they reach the commonly defined performance level that demonstrates
mastery of learning expectations. Students are empowered and engaged when the process of assessing learning is
transparent, timely, draws upon multiple sources of evidence and communicates progress. In the most developed
competency-based schools, summative assessments are used based on the personal pathway of students when
they have shown evidence of proficiency, not grade level, as a means of quality control and internal accountability to
ensure that students are being held consistently to high standards.
Assessment systems in competency-based districts and schools also emphasize deeper learning. Districts and
schools build the capacity for performance-based assessments to ensure students know how to transfer knowledge
and build the higher order skills of analysis, synthesis and evaluation.
7. Mechanisms are in place to ensure consistency in expectations of what it means to master knowledge and
skills. Variability is a feature of the traditional system: what is to be learned, at what performance level mastery is
set, and how student work is graded will vary across districts, schools, and even within classrooms. The result is
that students are held to dierent expectations. Variability is also problematic because it is highly susceptible to
bias: when teachers and leaders who have not addressed their own biases are the final arbiters of student learning,
they may intentionally or unintentionally perpetuate inequitable outcomes for students. By contrast, competency-
based education asks: How do we know if students have learned? We cannot be confident that students are really
developing the desired knowledge and skills if we are not confident that we know how to measure those knowledge
and skills, or that educators across the system measure them the same way. Moderation processes ensure teachers
share expectations and understandings of standards. Similarly, teachers calibrate to ensure that they assess evidence
of learning consistently. Confidence in schools grows and equity is advanced when students, teachers and families
receive clear and trustworthy information about exactly where students are on the pathway toward graduation.
8. Schools and districts value transparency with clear and explicit expectations of what is to be learned, the level of
performance for mastery and how students are progressing. A transparent common learning continuum, including
standards and competencies that reflect the student success outcomes, establishes shared expectations for what
students will know and be able to do at every performance level. Students are more motivated and empowered
when learning targets and expectations of mastery are clear, and when they have voice in how they learn and
demonstrate proficiency.
9. Strategies for communicating progress support the learning process and student success. In traditional systems
students receive periodic report cards with A-F grades based on points for assignments, tests and behavior. Teachers
often have their own system of grading, which results in variability in determining achievement. There is little
opportunity for revision, a critical part of the cycle of learning, and students are ranked using the status of their
performance. The problem is that risk-taking, failure and revision are part of real and authentic learning processes.
Traditional grading systems create disincentives to these aspects of learning because they penalize failure. Grades in
the traditional system may reflect knowing, but they do not necessarily reflect learning.
In competency-based districts and schools, grading systems are rooted in the learning sciences. Failure and
mistakes are part of the learning process. The transparent common learning continuum is the backbone for the
system of grading. Students are clear on what they need to learn, what proficiency looks like, and the ways they can
demonstrate learning. Currently many schools use standards-based grading aligned to grade-level standards. Some
schools are beginning to use competency-based grading aligned to personalized learning paths. Grading policies
separate behaviors and lifelong learning skills from academics to ensure transparency and objectivity, with students
receiving eective feedback and guidance on both. Students are expected and supported to engage in additional
practice and revision until they can demonstrate proficiency.
10. Learners advance based on attainment of learning expectations (mastery) through personalized learning
pathways. In traditional schools, students advance to the next set of content and the next grade level whether
or not they need more time to master the content. Likewise, students are expected to engage with grade-level
content whether or not they have already mastered that content. Pacing guides tell teachers to move forward in the
curriculum even if students have not learned what they need.
Competency-based systems recognize that students may need more time to learn concepts and skills deeply. If
they have gaps in their mastery, scaolding may be required to attain all the prerequisite knowledge and skills. More
instructional support and time are provided if needed and students advance when they are ready. Depending on
the domains and learning targets, students may be able to pursue personalized pathways forward rather than linear
progressions. Competency-based systems ensure students are truly prepared for future learning by basing progress
and credit accrual on demonstration of knowledge and skill, rather than the traditional system’s dependence on
proxies for learning, such as attendance or amount of time in class.
There is a risk in only focusing on the distinguishing
features, as it can be easily construed that if some of
those distinguishing pieces are in place then a school
has developed a high-quality model. This problem is best
exemplified by the shallow interpretation of the feature of
“advance upon mastery” as flexible or self-pacing with a
number of schools describing themselves as competency-
based without attention to the other elements. Remember,
when committing to creating a high-quality system that
benefits every student, it is important to think about it
Figure 1 illustrates key dierences between competency-
based education as compared with traditional education
systems, and oers examples of how competency-based
systems can embed an intentional focus upon equity.
Educators often turn to competency-based education
when they realize that no matter what curriculum, program
or instructional strategy they use, the traditional system was
never designed to have all students succeed. As districts
and schools begin the redesign toward a personalized,
competency-based system, they often begin with study,
reflection and dialogue about what communities and
parents want for their students upon graduation from high
school, what a system looks like that will reliably produce
those outcomes for all students and what practices of the
traditional system need to change. They embrace a shared
responsibility to do what is best for students to help them
successfully learn academic knowledge, the skills to apply
it and the lifelong learning skills needed to be successful in
college, career and life.
undERsTandIng COmpETEnCy-BasEd EduCaTIOn
EPIC schools are personalized. We are responding to the needs of our students
academically and developmentally, and we need a structure that enables personalization.
The transparency and responsiveness of mastery-based systems also enable students to take
ownership for their learning. When implemented eectively, a mastery-based approach helps
to create a school-wide culture of responsibility and accountability with a commitment to
growth and achievement.
Harvey Chism, Co-designer of EPIC school model, New York City Department of Education and Executive Director, South Bronx Community Charter
High School
, NY, 2014
Figure 1: Comparing Traditional Education and Competency-Based Education with Equity at the Center
Ten Flaws of the Traditional
Features of Competency-Based
Examples of High-Quality
Education with Equity at
the Center
Outcomes Focuses on a narrow set
of academic outcomes
emphasizing academic
skills, memorization and
comprehension of content.
Fails to recognize that student
success is dependent on a full
range of foundational skills,
including social and emotional
skills, and the application of
Focuses on a broad and holistic
set of student success outcomes
that include deep understanding
of content knowledge and skill
demonstrated through application,
and competencies that prepare
students for college, career and
lifelong learning.
Recognizes students for the
assets they already possess
and encourages them to
develop their interests
and talents, while building
academic knowledge, skills
and competencies.
Mindset Based on a fixed mindset: that
people’s abilities are innate and
immutable. Ranks and sorts
students creating “winners” and
“losers,” perpetuating patterns
of inequality in society.
Builds upon a growth mindset:
that learning and performance can
improve with eort.
Demonstrates belief that all
children can learn with the right
mix of challenges and supports.
Takes responsibility for all students
mastering learning expectations.
Requires shared vision, collaborative
approach, flexibility to be more
responsive and commitment to
continuous improvement.
Ensures gaps in knowledge
and skills are addressed so
students are fully prepared for
more advanced studies.
Seeks out and disrupts
inequitable practices and bias.
Ten Flaws of the Traditional
Features of Competency-Based
Examples of High-Quality
Education with Equity at
the Center
Culture Emphasizes compliance
and order in school culture.
Relies upon a bureaucratic,
hierarchical system that
perpetuates traditional roles,
cultural norms and power
Nurtures empowering, inclusive
cultures of learning. Values agency
for students and adults with
distributed leadership. Recognizes
safety and belonging is important to
Embraces cultural
responsiveness at all levels of
the district. Involves students
in school governance.
Supports Targets supports to students
when their academic or
behavioral needs are identified
as significantly above or
below the norm (i.e. special
education, gifted and talented).
Designs to provide timely and
dierentiated instruction and
support. Provides daily flex time
and time for students to receive
additional support before and after
Embeds culturally responsive
support and instruction.
Provides academic pathways
for students who are o-
track to graduation by 18 to
complete their secondary
Pedagogy Delivers a single curriculum
to all students based on age.
Emphasizes covering the
curriculum each year. Fails to
ground learning and teaching
in the learning sciences—what
we know about how children
Draws upon learning sciences to
inform pedagogical principles for
students and adults. Takes into
consideration student pathway in
designing instruction. Increases
motivation, engagement and eort
through research-based strategies.
Grounds instruction in
personal relationships and
curriculum is intentionally
examined to address bias and
create a culture of inclusivity.
Incorporates Universal Design
for Learning strategies.
Assessment Emphasizes assessment for
summative purposes to verify
what students know. Conducts
one-size-fits-all assessments at
predetermined points of time
or at the end of the unit and are
administered to all students at
the same time and in the same
format on the same content.
Embeds assessment in a
personalized learning cycle and
aligns to outcomes including the
transfer of knowledge and skills.
Clarifies students’ next steps for
individual learning pathways.
Informs educator professional
Aligns assessment with the
expectation that students will be
able to transfer knowledge and
skills to challenging new contexts.
Maintains rigor and high
expectations for all students.
Supplies on-going opportunity
to apply or transfer a learning
target in novel contexts and
provide evidence.
Includes coaching students on
building blocks of learning to
build lifelong learning skills and
Reliability Permits high degrees of
variability in how educators,
schools and districts determine
proficiency. Students are held
to dierent standards within
courses, schools and districts.
Ensures consistent expectations
and definitions of what it means to
master knowledge and skills. Builds
moderated judgment of student
mastery and holds all students to
the same high standards. Ensures
calibrated grading practices.
Establishes moderation and
calibration processes across
schools and across districts to
reduce variability and dierent
levels of standards for dierent
students and communities.
undERsTandIng COmpETEnCy-BasEd EduCaTIOn
Ten Flaws of the Traditional
Features of Competency-Based
Examples of High-Quality
Education with Equity at
the Center
Oers opaque learning
objectives and performance
expectations with limited
information for students about
the learning cycle.
Students receive grades with
little guidance on what is
needed to do for revision.
Varies in teacher expectations
of what high achievement
Values transparency with clear and
explicit expectations of what is to
be learned, the level of performance
for mastery, and how students are
progressing. Provides measurable
learning targets and proficiency is
transparent to students.
Empowers and motivates
students by creating
opportunities for more
voice in how they learn and
demonstrate learning.
Grading Uses academic grading
practices that can often
send mixed messages and
misleading signals about
what students know by
reflecting a mix of factors,
including behavior, assignment
completion and getting a
passing grade on tests, not
student learning.
Communicates progress in ways
that support the learning process
and student success.
Closely monitors growth and
progress of students based on their
learning pathway, not just grade
level. Designs grading and scoring
to communicate with students
about their progress in learning
academics, transferable skills and
building blocks of learning.
Monitors how students
progress to ensure all
students meet high levels
of rigor. Produces data on
student progress that informs
professional learning of
teachers, collaboration and
inquiry-research to build
capacity of school.
Advancement Is time-based. Batches students
by age and moves them
through the same content
and courses at the same pace.
Advances students to the next
grade level after a year of
schooling regardless of what
they actually learned.
Advances students based on
attainment of learning expectations
(mastery) through personalized
learning pathways. Provides
instruction until students fully
learn the concepts and skills and
then advance after demonstrating
mastery. This requires additional
support, not retention.
Designs students’ learning
pathways around individual
student progress and needs
and may not follow linear
process. Provides instructional
support that reflects a pace
and rate of progress designed
to result in students achieving
mastery of college and career
readiness by graduation.
“Personalized learning is tailoring learning for each student’s strengths, needs and interests—
including enabling student voice and choice in what, how, when and where they learn—to provide
flexibility and supports to ensure mastery of the highest standards possible.”
iNACOL, Mean What You Say: Defining and Dierentiating Personalized, Blended and Competency Education, 2011
C. Competency-Based
Education and
Personalized Learning
Go Hand in Hand
Competency-based structures focus on each student’s
unique K-12 educational journey while ensuring that all
students emerge from their K-12 experience ready to
pursue and succeed in the postsecondary pathway of
their choice. In this way, they are designed for equity with
a focus on responsiveness, consistency, transparency,
fairness and continuous improvement. As the learning
sciences tell us,
it is important to personalize learning
rather than depend on the one-size-fits-all instruction and
curriculum of the traditional system. In fact it would be
nearly impossible to have all students reach college and
career readiness without doing so. Competency-based
education assumes that schools will meet students where
they are; personalized learning is an approach to optimizing
a school’s pedagogical strategy to eectively support each
student, drawing on research about learning, motivation
and engagement.
In schools using personalized learning,
students are active learners with:
Choice in how they learn;
Voice to co-create learning experiences and express their
own ideas;
Options to personalize their pathways; and
Leadership opportunities in which they can shape or
contribute to their own environment.
To become active learners who have a sense of ownership
of their education, students need to have the right mix
of mindsets and skills. Schools invest in helping students
build the growth mindset and academic mindset, as well
as the habits of success and social-emotional skills they
need to be self-directed learners and engage in productive
struggle. Schools play a critical role in creating the
learning opportunities and coaching that students need
to successfully learn how to learn. Instruction is designed
to meet students where they are, taking into account their
prerequisite skills, mindsets, habits and interests.
Personalized learning relies on the competency-
based structures that produce consistency in validating
proficiency based on student work, and careful monitoring
of pace and progress. This consistency and monitoring
is important for districts and schools becoming
accountable for student success. Personalization without
a competency-based system with an intentional focus
on equity can perpetuate and even exacerbate inequity.
Competency education without personalization means
that students will not receive the instruction and support
they need to learn. While the design of competency-based
structures and personalized learning practices seek to
support equitable education, realizing this goal requires
undERsTandIng COmpETEnCy-BasEd EduCaTIOn
What will students experience in a competency-based school?
Below are examples of experiences that every student should have in a well-developed personalized, competency-
based system.
1. I will be fully supported in developing academic knowledge and skills, the ability to apply what I have learned to
solve real-world problems, and the capacities I need to become an independent and lifelong learner.
2. I feel safe and am willing to put forward my best eort to take on challenging knowledge and skills because I
have a deep sense of belonging, I feel that my culture, the culture of my community and my voice is valued, and
I see on a daily basis that everyone in the school is committed to my learning.
3. I will have opportunity and support to learn the skills that allow me take responsibility for my learning and
exercise independence.
4. I have access to and full comprehension of learning targets and expectations of what proficiency means.
5. I have opportunity to learn anytime, anyplace, with flexibility to take more time when I need it to fully master
or go deeper, and to pursue ways of learning and demonstrating my learning in ways that are relevant to my
interest and future.
6. I am able to own my education by learning about things that matter to me in ways that are eective for me with
the support that allows me to be successful.
7. I will receive timely feedback, instruction and support based on where I am on the learner continuum and my
social emotional development to make necessary progress on my personalized pathway to graduation.
8. My learning will be measured by progress on learning targets rather than level of participation, eort or time in
the classroom.
9. Grades or scoring provide feedback to help me know what I need to do to improve my learning process and
reach my learning goals.
10. I can advance to the next level or go deeper into topics that interest me as soon as I submit evidence of learning
that demonstrates my proficiency.
Sixteen Quality
Design Principles
As districts and schools convert to proficiency-based
learning, they are knocking down load-bearing
walls. It’s impossible to have all the answers because
any organizational change often has multiple
consequences. Learning to be a superintendent in
a proficiency-based district meant I had to let go of
the pride of having all the answers. No one person is
going to do this all by themselves or be able to figure
it all out entirely by themselves. Instead, we have to
ask ourselves, ‘How can we take a position of trust and
respect that can harness the collective intelligence
needed to bring about transformative change?’
Virgel Hammonds, former Superintendent of RSU2, Maine and
currently Chief Learning Ocer, KnowledgeWorks, 2014
There are multiple strategies for defining and improving
quality within a field: articulating models, creating quality
standards, documenting best practices, implementation
playbooks and benchmarking indicators and outcomes,
to name a few. With districts and schools starting from
various points—with dierent strengths and using dierent
entry points, dierent roll-out strategies and dierent
models—defining models and concrete implementation
steps are not a viable approach. They would be too easily
construed as technical changes without the cultural shift
that is essential to quality. Furthermore, it is not yet known
if one approach or set of practices is better than another.
Some might see this as a reason to not begin the transition
to personalized, competency-based education. However,
once districts and schools recognize how the design flaws
of the traditional system produce low achievement and
inequity, they realize that there is no other option than to
move forward. The status quo is no longer acceptable.
We need to be comfortable starting
with ‘What if…?’ What if all the rules were
removed and you could do what you
valued most about kids? What would you
do? The expectation at Henry County is
that we aren’t sitting in the status quo. It is
becoming unacceptable to be status quo.
Aaryn Schmuhl, Assistant Superintendent for Learning and Leadership,
Henry County School District, GA, 2016
With a growing number of districts seeking full
implementation, a handful of innovative models employing
a student-centered learner continuum and increasing
numbers of districts and schools just beginning, we need
an approach that can build knowledge and understanding
of competency-based education while accelerating the
introduction of a new paradigm to replace the underlying
beliefs and habits of the traditional system. Design
principles do just that by oering diverse doorways or
lenses to understand competency education without the
constraints of a specific model or set of practices.
The Dierence Between a Common
Learning Continuum and a Personalized
Learner Continuum
Moving to a new paradigm requires common
language that helps clarify the shift. Consider the
dierence between a continuum of the learning
expectations organized solely around grade-level
standards and one that provides the continuum of
learning targets that reflect where a student or a
group of students are in their progress.
Common Learning Framework or Continuum:
The set of learning expectations used by districts
and schools to define what every student should
know and be able to do organized by grade-level
standards or performance levels. Instruction and
assessment are organized around the standards,
not the student.
Learner Continuum or Progression: In every
classroom, dierent students are at dierent stages
of their learning. A student’s learner continuum or
a classroom’s learners continua indicates where
students are in their learning. This is based on
the zone of proximal development using learning
targets that students can reach and the necessary
level of support including consideration of the
student’s social and emotional skills. The learner
continua is used to communicate progress, monitor
pace and identify future learning targets so that it
is transparent to students, teachers and parents
where students are in their growth.
The term “learning framework” is used to indicate
the continuum of grade-level standards and
competencies, and “learner continuum” to convey
the roadmap of the actual ways that students are
sIxTEEn QualITy dEsIgn pRInCIplEs
Purpose & Culture Principles
1. Purpose-Driven
2. Commit to Equity
3. Nurture a Culture of Learning &
4. Foster the Development of a
Growth Mindset
5. Cultivate Empowering &
Distributed Leadership
Teaching & Learning Design
6. Base School Design & Pedagogy
on Learning Science
7. Activate Student Agency &
8. Design for the Development of
Rigorous Higher-Level Skills
9. Ensure Responsiveness
Structure Design Principles
10. Seek Intentionality & Alignment
11. Establish Mechanisms to Ensure
Consistency & Reliability
12. Maximize Transparency
13. Invest as Educators as Learners
14. Increase Organizational Flexibility
15. Develop Processes for Ongoing
Continuous Improvement &
Organizational Learning
16. Advance Upon Demonstrated
Figure 2: Sixteen Quality Design Principles At A Glance
Overview of the 16 Quality Design Principles
As part of the National Summit on K-12 Competency-Based
Education the 16 Quality Design Principles were informed
by a collaborative process involving teachers, principals,
district and state leaders, researchers and technical
assistance providers. The principles are organized into three
categories. (See Figure 2 Sixteen Quality Design Principles
At a Glance)
Purpose & Culture: A high-quality competency-based
system starts with a clear purpose and a vibrant culture—
the values, beliefs, relationships, rituals and routines—that
provide the foundation upon which the design and daily
operations rest. Design principles include:
A culture of learning and inclusivity;
Growth mindset; and
Empowering and distributed leadership.
Teaching and Learning: Competency-based districts
and schools create a shared understanding of teaching
and learning based on learning sciences. There is no one
right instructional method in competency-based schools
although there are implications for the types of learning
experiences (i.e., curriculum), instruction and assessment
so that students are mastering knowledge and skills using
higher order skills. Design principles emphasize:
Learning sciences;
Agency and ownership;
Rigorous higher-level skills; and
Structure: The organizational architecture or structure
refers to the operations, processes and policies that create
the conditions for teaching and learning. A modified set
of structures are necessary to make good on the promise
of supporting all students to reach mastery. Districts and
schools need to become organizations that reliably help
students to progress in building the knowledge and skills
they need for the next step in their education. Design
principles include:
Intentionality and alignment;
Consistency and reliability;
Educators as learners;
Continuous improvement and organizational learning;
Advancement upon demonstrated mastery.
It is important to remember that each of the design
principles has implications for other aspects of how
schools are designed and for other principles. For example,
investing in educators as learners (i.e., professional learning)
has direct implications for teaching and learning and
transparency is critically important for student agency.
These intersections of the principles will be highlighted
throughout the report with a “#” and the number of the
principles to enable readers to pursue concepts across
design principles. For each principle, a short description
is followed by a set of key characteristics, a discussion
about the design principle, a set of policies and practices
often used to operationalize the principle and examples of
implementation problems, referred to as “red flags.”
sIxTEEn QualITy dEsIgn pRInCIplEs
Reciprocity of Quality and Equity in
Competency-Based Education
In competency-based education quality and
equity are inextricably connected. The principles
that guide creating an equitable system—one
that eectively serves all students—are much
the same as those principles that drive quality. It
is dicult to imagine achieving quality without
a relentless focus on achieving equity, and you
could not call a competency-based school high
quality unless it were also an equitable school.
In eect, we are saying that while quality can be
explained and enacted through a set of principles,
it is not, at the end of the day, about inputs and
processes. Quality is about outcomes—success for
all students—and therefore a conversation about
quality cannot be separated from a conversation
about equity.
Designing for Equity: Leveraging Competency-
Based Education to Ensure All Students Succeed.
In describing the design principles, we err on the side of
being aspirational by drawing on the most promising of
what districts and schools are putting into place. Although
most systems and schools are still in planning or early
implementation stages, many districts have developed
some aspect or practice of competency-based education
that illustrates what a fully-developed system might look
like. The entire field of competency-based education is
rapidly learning and evolving. Even the most advanced
districts would say that they are still learning as they
reconfigure their systems.
The best way to use design principles is to approach them
in the form of questions. For example in considering
grading policies we might ask:
In what way does the grading policy reinforce a culture
of learning and inclusivity? In what way might it be
impeding the development of the culture?
In what way is the grading policy aligned (or not) with the
learning sciences?
In what way is the grading policy transparent with
students and families about their progress in learning? In
what ways might be the grading policy be sending false
In this way design is inherently empowering. When districts
and schools use a design-orientation they are immediately
becoming intentional about what their purpose and what
they want their students to learn. The design principles seek
to produce higher-quality competency-based schools by
driving toward more robust understanding of competency-
based education. As districts and schools become more
familiar with and more adept at using the design principles,
the routines of the traditional system will no longer feel so
intractable, and the design choices will become boundless.
For those who would like another approach to
understanding what a comprehensive competency-based
system might look like, please see Levers and Logic Models:
A Framework to Guide Research and Design of High-
Quality Competency-Based Education System.
A. Purpose and Culture Design Principles
As an instructional leader, I focus my
job on three goals. First, my job is to keep
the compelling purpose of supporting our
learners alive. It’s easy to slip back into
doing things just because that’s the way
we’ve always done them. Second, my job
is to empower our sta. They need to have
the freedom to do their jobs in supporting
our learners. Third, I operate from a position
of service and collaboration. This is very
important because if I used top-down
leadership, I wouldn’t be able to empower
sta. These three elements go hand in hand.
The reason that Lindsay is able to make this
transformation is because of the structure of
shared leadership...My job as a principal is to
make sure our decision-making processes
are managed eectively. At times I may
need to step in to remind the team of our
compelling purpose – our learners. When
we have a shared goal, it makes decisions a
lot easier. Collaboration is also a lot easier.
Jaime Robles, former Principal at Lindsay High School, CA, 2015
There is an adage that “culture eats strategy for breakfast.”
And in education that is certainly true: The best strategic
plan in the world will likely flounder if the beliefs of the
teachers and students are not supportive. District and
school culture shapes how adults and students interpret,
make meaning of and act within the systems and policies
that have been established. This is especially true for
schools transitioning to competency education.
A school’s culture is the daily manifestation of its purpose
and core beliefs. It can be seen in people’s belief about
themselves and about others. Thus, the beliefs of adults
and students about each other contribute to the culture
of schools. The culture becomes embodied in the
relationships between students and teachers and in the
routines and rituals, both formal and informal, that shape
daily interactions. School culture drives how decisions are
made and what people believe warrants time, resources
and attention. Everyone contributes to the culture with
school and district leadership, whether intentionally or not,
exerting considerable influence.
Traditional school systems emphasize high achievement,
competition, order and compliance. Although both
traditional and competency-based schools value high
achievement, they interpret achievement dierently.
Traditional schools tend to emphasize lower order skills
and competition. They also privilege students who perform
at grade level through ranking and sorting systems.
Competency-based systems value deeper learning and
recognize that everyone, students and adults alike, are
continually learning. Traditional systems emphasize order
and compliance, manifested in school disciplinary policies
that exclude students, disproportionately impact students
sIxTEEn QualITy dEsIgn pRInCIplEs
of color and students with disabilities and make many
students feel that they do not belong. In competency-
based schools students are active learners. Schools attend
to the social and emotional aspects of learning so that
students become self-directed learners. Inclusion is actively
promoted with behavior issues understood as opportunities
for growth and to deepen relationships with students.
Competency-based systems ground culture in the learning
sciences, which emphasize the importance of safety
and belonging, active learning, self-regulation, intrinsic
motivation and purposeful engagement for students and
adults. They establish culture that empowers: students take
ownership of their learning and teachers make decisions
in the best interests of their students. District and school
leaders will find that intentionally engaging teachers,
students and families in conversation about beliefs and
culture will expedite the shift from the traditional paradigm
to the empowering, inclusive culture of learning needed for
high-quality competency-based education.
The culture of the district and schools
is very, very important. If we don’t get that
right, the rest won’t work eectively. It’s
important that schools begin to create new
cultures now. If the legislature ever decides
to make mastery-based learning mandatory,
it will make it more dicult to get the
culture right. Schools will be making the
decision to become mastery-based out of
compliance rather than doing what is best
for kids.
David Prinstein, Principal, Windsor Locks Middle School, Windsor
Locks School District, CT, 2016
Our community told us they wanted
their children to be lifelong learners. We
had to ask ourselves, what are we doing
in our classrooms to help them be lifelong
learners? What structures and supports do
our teachers need to help develop lifelong
learners? It came down to needing to have
an active learning environment. Students
need to be able to seek out things they are
personally interested in, create a plan and
find the resources. We are always looking
for ways for students to learn beyond the
Doug Penn, District Principal, Chugach School District, AK, 2015
Quality requires intentionality and intentionality requires
clarity of purpose. Creating a shared purpose that is
meaningfully connected to the lives of students and
families is essential to designing eective culture, structure
and pedagogy. A shared purpose lives in the vision and
values that orient a system. In competency-based systems,
the shared purpose emphasizes the commitment to every
student succeeding. The definition of success is expanded
to include academic knowledge, transferable competencies
and the skills to be lifelong learners. Students and adults
draw connections between their educational experience
and their current and future lives, bringing relevance and
meaning to the learning experience.
Key Characteristics
Shared purpose. Districts and schools have a shared
purpose to support every student being successful in
their learning. Each member of a school community has
a true sense of purpose: they make connections to their
current and future lives within the learning process. The
shared purpose promotes collaboration, continuous
improvement and decision-making in the best interest of
Definition of student success. The purpose of education
must be rooted in the current and future lives of students
and their families. Districts and schools shape what
this means in terms of specific skills, knowledge and
traits. High-quality districts and schools design for the
knowledge and skills needed for success beyond high
Relationships. Districts and schools invest in healthy
relationships between students, teachers, leaders and the
Cultural relevance. Students and teachers see
connections between learning environments, learning
experiences and their personal and cultural identities.
Application. Students have opportunities to apply their
learning in ways that are personally meaningful. Active
connection between learning and the world around them
increases students’ engagement and purpose.
How is Being Purpose-Driven Related to Quality?
Is this best for kids? That is at the core of
our entire district. We identify what is best
for kids and then we figure out how to make
it happen.
Missy DeRivera, Teacher, Chugach School District, AK, 2015
A school’s purpose—the answer to why a district or school
exists—intentionally shapes all aspects of its culture,
pedagogy and structure. Districts and schools often turn to
competency-based education for the purpose of turning
the rhetoric of “all students prepared for college, career and
life” into reality. From this purpose emerges all other design
principles: nurturing a culture of learning and inclusivity
so that every student and adult feels safe and supported
in taking risks to learn new things, personalizing learning
so that students learn the skills to own their education
and become lifelong learners, responding to students by
meeting them where they are with timely and dierentiated
supports, and advancing students based on demonstrated
mastery not simply because they completed a semester or
In the following discussion three aspects of what it means
to be purpose-driven are explored:
Creating a shared purpose;
New definitions of student success; and
Instructional implications of the purpose.
Shared Purpose
Public education is based on a social contract with
families and communities. Schools prepare students for
their futures: to pursue further education or training; take
on adult roles in their families, the workplace and their
communities; and foster their personal well-being. Districts
and schools beginning the transition to competency-based
education establish or renew the compact by engaging
community members, parents and students in describing
a vision for graduates. The process of creating a shared
purpose and vision contributes to a sense of shared
ownership and mutual accountability—a deep sense of
responsibility to each other based on understanding their
interdependence in reaching the shared vision—between
teachers, students, parents and the community. District
leaders oer several ways that engaging the community in
creating a shared vision lays the groundwork for change.
Contributing Valuable Perspectives. Members of the
community will create a richer conversation by bringing
to the table ideas, values and perspectives that educators
might not necessarily have thought to include.
Re-Building Respect and Trust. Community engagement
can help overcome mistrust and build the mutual respect
that is needed to create a culture of learning. In many
districts, there are segments of the community that have
sIxTEEn QualITy dEsIgn pRInCIplEs
either had bad experiences in school or have historically
been underserved and disrespected by school systems.
Districts must create a space for people to talk about
what they want for their children and have honest
conversations about the current academic achievement
levels and graduation rates
Nurturing Consensus and Leadership. Communities
need to be given time to understand the new approach
and why it is important. The greater the number of
people in the community who are knowledgeable about
the why and how schools need to improve, the more
they can help others to understand.
Sustaining Change. Community engagement is an
essential ingredient for staying the course when
unanticipated consequences of implementation arise and
when district leadership changes.
Engaging communities in creating a shared vision and
purpose is always shaped by the context. Leaders and
teachers will want to find ways to recognize and address
historical disenfranchisement. To not do so sends signals
that educational leadership doesn’t care or doesn’t respect
communities enough to understand their experiences.
Individuals and communities who have experienced
exclusion, who have felt that their education system was
not designed for them, may not leap to participate in
education systems in the ways described here. Historical
mistrust will need to be navigated and intentional eorts to
build or rebuild trust be consistently demonstrated. Districts
and schools cannot simply call for active participation from
community, they must work to engage those who have
been historically and systemically left out.
We took direction from the community
about the kind of graduates they wanted
and the type of school they wanted. As we
began the high school redesign process,
we have never backed o from engaging
our community. Our community is in the
driver’s seat.
John Freeman, Superintendent, Pittsfield School District, NH, 2014
New Definitions of Student Success
As communities, districts and schools clarify the purpose
of school they tend to focus on preparing students for
college, careers, civic participation and to be lifelong
learners. New definitions of student success usually
include three types of expectations, although they may
use dierent terminology to capture them: academic
knowledge, transferable skills and the skills and traits to be
independent lifelong learners. Figure 3 New Definitions of
Student Success provides a detailed explanation of each of
these expectations.
Districts and schools use this purpose statement, often
referred to as a graduate profile, as the North Star when
designing schools and systems. The hope is to redesign
schools so that all aspects of learning environments and
learning experiences align to help students develop the
building blocks of learning and the higher order skills that
let them apply academic knowledge and skills to real-world
[#7 Student Agency & Ownership and #8 Rigorous
Higher-Level Skills]
How Purpose Drives Instruction
The graduate profile is the touchstone
for everything else we do in designing the
performance-based system and learning
Leigh Grasso, Executive Director of Teaching and Learning, District 51,
CO 2017
After communities align around a shared purpose around
a definition of student success, they commit to ensuring
that all students—each and every student—can achieve
this goal. Truly aspirational, this commitment to equity
is the turning point for the shift from the traditional
model to a personalized, competency-based one.
Equity] When they make this commitment, districts and
schools recognize that a one-size-fits-all approach
won’t work: they will want to customize learning to meet
students where they are academically, emotionally and
developmentally. Structural and pedagogical approaches
Figure 3: New Definitions of Student Success
Academic Knowledge, often referred to as content, are the set of facts, concepts and processes used in the domains students are expected
to learn in school, including but not limited to mathematics, English language and literacy, natural sciences, social sciences, the arts and
technical subjects. State, district and school policy define the domains and expectations for performance that students are expected to learn
in school.
Transferable Skills are the adaptive expertise and abilities that enable people to eectively perform roles, complete complex tasks,
or achieve specific objectives. Successful young adults have sets of competencies (e.g., critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity,
collaboration) that allow them to be productive and engaged, navigate across contexts, perform eectively in dierent settings and apply
knowledge to dierent tasks. Some or all of these skills or competencies may be referred to as transferable skills, higher-order skills or 21st
century skills.
Lifelong Learning Skills that prepare students to be independent learners are based on the
Building Blocks for Learning
including healthy
development, social and emotional skills, mindsets, perseverance and independence. Related terms are intrapersonal skills, student agency
or non-cognitive skills.
Source: Building Blocks for Learning from Turnaround USA. Reproduced with permission.
sIxTEEn QualITy dEsIgn pRInCIplEs
will be required that can provide each student with the
right supports at the right time, all the while emphasizing
each student’s personal agency and responsibility to
drive their own learning.
[#9 Responsiveness] All decisions
about culture, structure and pedagogy originate from this
commitment to ensuring all students can achieve newly
defined high standards for success.
Academic standards are essential for clarifying the
academic knowledge and skills students need to pursue
postsecondary education and training. However, they do
not oer guidance on what it will take to get students there.
For that, competency-based schools turn to the research
on the science of learning that students are active learners
and that learning is a complex interplay between cognitive
and psychological aspects of the learner. The demand for
students to become independent learners requires that
students learn to learn.
[#6 Learning Sciences] They do so
by developing the “building blocks of learning” including a
growth mindset, self-regulation, social and emotional skills,
metacognition and perseverance. These skills are often
bundled together under terms such as student agency
or self-determination. When students have the skills to
take ownership, the dynamics of the classroom change:
teachers are able to provide more intensive instruction
to small groups and individuals.
[#7 Student Agency &
Rather than developing compliant, obedient students,
competency-based systems are designed with the
assumption that students will be active learners as informed
by the learning sciences. For this to work in practice—for
students to take ownership of their learning—they must be
motivated and engaged to do so. To this end, competency-
based systems nurture cultures and strategies that motivate
and engage students by fostering connections and
relevance. They connect learning to individuals’ sense of
purpose and passion to help students envision possible
future selves, and they validate individuals’ personal
and cultural identities so that learning and professional
environments are relevant. In all these ways, competency-
based systems cultivate a culture of connection and
relevance so that students can participate as active agents
in their learning.
To ensure each and every student is successful, districts
and schools reject the weak proxy of seat-time for learning.
Instead they turn to the concept of advancement upon
demonstrated mastery.
[#16 Advance Upon Mastery] This
requires transparency of a learning framework and where
students are in their learning.
[#12 Transparency] Learning
becomes customized to meet students where they are.
Instruction, assessment and learning experiences are
organized to maximize student eort by engaging them
as active learners and paying attention to the role of
their emotions and motivation. Schools become more
responsive to ensure students receive timely, dierentiated
[#9 Responsiveness] Finally, consistency in
credentialing learning is needed so that variability is
minimized and students are no longer passed on without
the skills they need for more advanced studies.
Consistency & Reliability]
Finally, it is important to note that altering the vision
for student success will have implications for teachers
as well. Changing outcomes for students changes the
role of the teacher: they must be empowered and must
have autonomy to be more responsive to students.
Organizational Flexibility] Districts and schools utilize
distributed leadership strategies that enable those closest
to students to develop the best solutions.
[#5 Empowering
& Distributed Leadership] Teachers will need new types of
support and opportunities for growth: to change their
instructional practices, to change classroom culture and
management practices, to confront and address their
own biases and to learn to form deep relationships with
each and every student. They develop their knowledge,
skills and professional judgment through personalized and
collaborative professional learning rooted in inquiry.
Educators as Learners]
How does a shared purpose relate to quality? If purpose
includes competencies we know students will need
for success after high school, aligned schools promote
rigorous deeper learning that continually build these
knowledge and skills. If purpose is developed to include the
goals and values of communities and families, stakeholders
share accountability for every student’s success. If
purpose is truly shared and culturally relevant, then diverse
stakeholders can collaborate and persist through the
inevitable challenges of transitioning to a competency-
based model. In these ways, becoming purpose driven is
the first step in creating a personalized, competency-based
Policies and Practices to Look For
Shared vision, a graduate profile and guiding principles used
for decision-making are developed through a community
engagement process.
Sta can explain the rationale and connections between
instruction; learning experiences; assessments; and
meaningful career, college and life competencies.
The definition of student success drives how student
progress is measured and monitored. Multiple ways
of measurement are used including quantitative and
qualitative data. Assessments include demonstrations,
portfolios, and capstone projects.
Proactive, culturally relevant strategies are used for
engaging stakeholders with a focus on including
marginalized voices.
Educators have ongoing conversations about alignment
and continuous improvement in the context of the
shared purpose and vision.
District organization has been redesigned to support
mission, strategies and support to schools. Districts and
schools have revisited structure and job descriptions
and human resource policies—including evaluation—to
reflect values, mission and strategies.
Examples of Red Flags
3 Superintendent defines the vision. In many cases,
superintendents as the leaders of a district set the
vision for the school system. Although that vision might
be just what the community would have intended, it
nevertheless creates challenges in sustainability with
the departure of one superintendent and the arrival of
the next with a dierent vision. In addition, the process
of setting (and revisiting) a shared vision created
with community, parents and students establishes
a foundation of trust that is needed for mutual
accountability. The process of community engagement
in setting the vision can also be very useful in the stages
of early implementation when there may be bumps and
mid-course corrections.
3 The transition to competency-based education
is driven by compliance, not a student-centered
purpose. In many cases districts and schools turn to
competency-based education because they have
realized that the traditional model is flawed and limits
the ability to serve all students well. They turn to
personalized, competency-based education because
they believe that students will achieve at much higher
levels by drawing on the learning sciences, customizing
learning and ensuring students actually learn rather than
passing them. However, there are some cases, especially
in states that have boldly set the direction toward
transforming their education systems, where the late
adopters are changing in response to state policy rather
than because it is good for students. These districts
may put into place a few practices or focus solely on
the technical changes without changing culture or
pedagogy. For these districts, it may be valuable to
take a step back and engage in an inquiry-based study
about the research on learning and to what degree their
policies, culture and instruction align.
sIxTEEn QualITy dEsIgn pRInCIplEs
#2 Commit to Equity
We aren’t just trying to close the
achievement gap. That’s using a deficit
model. When we started designing the
school, we wanted to have a place where
students discover the things that make them
special. In this way, we are recognizing
students as assets and arming their
creativity and intelligence…something that a
lot of schools fail to do.
David Weinberg, Principal, EPIC High School North, New York City
Department of Education in 2014
A culture of equity starts with conviction that every child
can learn at high levels in conjunction with a commitment
to meeting all students where they are with timely supports.
A culture of equity supports these aims by prioritizing
fairness. Fairness tells us that each person receives what
they need to succeed, whereas equality tells us that each
person receives the same as everyone else. A culture of
equity takes root in trusting relationships that demonstrate
respect and support dialogue, reflection and learning.
Districts and schools pursuing equity design to ensure
that each student’s needs are met and embed culturally
responsive approaches to promote belonging. Continuous
improvement eorts and professional communities of
practice root out bias and institutional practices that
contribute to inequity.
Key Characteristics
Commit to all students succeeding. Districts and schools
articulate a comprehensive definition of student success
and commitment to ensuring all students can achieve
this success. Furthermore, they put into place structural
and pedagogical systems that support students equitably
and use continuous improvement to adjust systems that
are not eective.
Create inclusive multicultural schools. Schools honor
and respect each individual: their personal, cultural,
historical and community identities. They foster greater
empathy and understanding between community
members. They make cultures and languages of power
explicit, simultaneously helping students navigate them
and working to make a more inclusive community.
Diversity is not just touted as a matter of representation,
but also leveraged to improve performance. The
perspectives most likely to be marginalized are actively
sought and integrated into school decision-making to
generate new practices and innovations.
Address bias. Districts and schools recognize that all
forms of inequity—racism, classism, ability, gender,
orientation, religious discrimination and others—live
in the individual and collective consciousness of
community members. Individual teachers, leaders and
students are supported to investigate and address their
own biases.
Interrupt inequitable practice. Districts and schools
recognize that inequity lives not only in individual bias,
but also in the structures and policies that make these
biases operable and enduring. They seek to eradicate
systemic barriers to equity including resource allocation
and policies.
A culturally responsive teacher must
be willing to engage in deep introspection
of personal biases and their impact on
classroom instruction. Part of the job of
the principal is to provide professional
learning which will forward this work and
elicit strategies to address the results of
this introspection. Because so few teacher
preparation programs support pre-service
teachers through this type of personal
analysis, principals are left to guide their
stas through it. But, a principal cannot
lead where he or she is not willing to
go. School leaders must also engage in
eective professional development to guide
introspection of their personal biases and
develop ways to work around them.
Joseph Ellison, Principal, Martha Layne Collins High School, Shelby
County Public Schools, KY, 2017
How Is a Commitment to Equity Related to Quality?
The pursuit of quality and the pursuit of equity have a
reciprocal and reinforcing relationship. Equity is a moral
imperative that pushes relentlessly to achieve greater
equality for all. It is both a set of strategies that help
students be fully supported by schools and a commitment
to continually adjust practice and improve to help every
student succeed. Quality is an imperative for eectiveness
that drives equity by promoting instructional strategies
grounded in the learning sciences, organizational agility to
respond to student learning and consistency in determining
proficiency. Operating together, quality and equity help
districts and schools move past rhetoric about all students
achieving and move closer to making this reality.
When designing for equity, it is important that individual
strategies are coherent and reinforced by energetic
continuous improvement eorts. To emphasize this
point, consider what might happen if equity strategies are
not aligned and robust. If a school attempts to promote
equity by meeting students where they are but does not
also have critical data and support structures to ensure
that every student has the right resources, and is making
appropriate progress toward proficiency, inequity may
be exacerbated. Or, if a school makes the shift toward
personalized competency-based education but does not
support teachers to moderate their understanding of what
it means to be proficient or to unpack their biases, teachers
may wind up unintentionally tracking and sorting students
on learning pathways with diering levels of rigor.
As part of the 2017 National Summit on K-12 Competency-
Based Education, participants looked deeply at the issue
of equity and what would be needed to ensure that
competency-based education led to improvements in
equitable achievement. This definition of educational equity
developed by the National Equity Project was selected
to guide discussion on equity as it powerfully reminds us
that to reach equity, states, districts, schools, educators
and communities must work at three levels: systemically,
organizationally within schools and classrooms, and as
According to the National Equity Project:
Educational equity means that each child receives what
he or she needs to develop to his or her full academic and
social potential. Working toward equity in schools involves:
Ensuring equally high outcomes for all participants in
our educational system; removing the predictability of
success or failures that currently correlates with any
social or cultural factor;
Interrupting inequitable practices, examining biases and
creating inclusive multicultural school environments for
adults and children; and
Discovering and cultivating the unique gifts, talents and
interests that every human possesses.
Please note, referring to students’ “potential” runs the risk
of reinforcing a fixed mindset or notions that students
have a predetermined amount of potential, some having
more or less than others. Alternatively, “potential” can be
sIxTEEn QualITy dEsIgn pRInCIplEs
understood in a more aspirational way, pushing us to look
beyond what students have accomplished to date to focus
instead on what more is possible. It is not for educators
to determine potential, but to help students discover and
reach their own.
The following 10 cornerstones of equity-oriented practice
aligned to the National Equity Project’s definition
into how to create an equitable competency-based system.
The intersection with the quality principles are numerous,
including purpose-driven, transparency, consistency,
inclusive cultures and educators as learners. In fact,
equity is such an important aspect of creating eective
competency-based systems a companion report that looks
deeply at these key design principles, Designing for Equity:
Leveraging Competency-Based Education to Ensure All
Students Succeed, has been prepared to fully explore this
issue .
Commit to All Students Succeeding
Recognize broader goals and purpose of education.
Alongside academic competency, equity-oriented
systems prioritize college and career competencies and
skills for lifelong learning. They recognize student agency
as an important learning outcome and seek to ensure
that students have the knowledge and skills to make
meaningful choices about college, career and life.
Promote accountability and transparency. All aspects
of the learning experience—especially progress, pace,
and proficiency—are explicit and accessible to students
and families to empower informed decision making and
continuous improvement.
Invest in continuous improvement. Equity oriented
systems respond and adapt to students to ensure every
student’s needs are met.
Create Inclusive Multicultural Schools
Prioritize belonging and inclusion. Learning experiences
reflect and validate students’ personal and cultural
identities and experiences. They promote awareness and
empathy across these backgrounds and actively support
positive cultural identity development.
Engage in community participation and empowerment.
Beyond transactional engagement, equity-oriented
systems validate, elevate and integrate community
voices in all aspects of design, implementation and
improvement. They proactively and respectfully seek
to include the voices of communities who have been
historically excluded.
Address Bias
Invest in adult culture and development. Districts,
schools and educators commit to ongoing examination
of beliefs and biases that may be aecting education and
opportunities for students of color and other historically
oppressed groups. They promote a strengths-based
approach, equitably high expectations for all, and the
belief that all students are capable of achieving high
levels of academic success.
Interrupt Inequitable Practice
Confront historical and institutional oppression.
Equity-oriented systems recognize, validate and seek to
dismantle to the dynamics of historical and institutional
racial and socioeconomic oppression.
Address disparities in resources, supports, care and
expectations. Equity-oriented systems provide these
supports to students, and perhaps also to families, to
ensure all have equal foundations for success, and the
resources and opportunities to build on their natural
strengths and abilities.
Ensure equal access and opportunity. Equity-oriented
systems never sort or track students based on perceived
ability. Further, they address previous patterns of sorting
and tracking by proactively creating opportunities
and ensuring that marginalized students receive the
supplemental resources necessary to access, engage and
achieve success in rigorous learning opportunities.
Allocate resources through an equity lens. Equity-
oriented systems allocate and invest resources through
an equity rather than an equality lens, focusing on
need and accounting for historical practices of
underinvestment and oppression.
The only way to ensure every student is fully ready
for college, career and life is to identify and remove
systematic barriers to equitable outcomes, eradicate
inequitable practices and ensure all students can access
relevant, eective and empowering learning experiences.
Individually, we must each take responsibility for
uncovering, unpacking and addressing the biases that we
carry consciously and unconsciously in our hearts and
In short, achieving equity is the result of action. And
furthermore, it is not piecemeal action—it is strategic and
coordinated action. We recognize that this is an ongoing
challenge for individuals, organizations and systems. This
work cannot be done all at once, and it will not happen
overnight. The key is to know where we have come from
and where we want to go and to have a plan to engage and
sustain others along the way.
Policies and Practices to Look For
The school or district’s vision expresses a commitment
to ensure every student succeeds, supported by an
analysis of which students and subgroups are and are
not succeeding in terms of growth and grade-level
Students describe having strong relationships with their
teachers and that they feel respected and supported
in discovering positive identities and their potential.
Students often articulate a sense of belonging and
describe their school or classroom as a family.
The school/district engages stakeholders in decision-
making and proactively seeks out stakeholders who have
been previously marginalized.
Intentional eorts to identify bias and patterns of inequity
within professional learning communities and through
management reports.
Competency-based learning is about
getting everyone on the same page in terms
of common high expectations of mastery. It
allows teachers to work together to do their
very best for kids.
Karen Perry, Special Projects Coordinator, Henry County School
District, GA, 2016
Examples of Red Flags
3 Student skill or motivation at one point in time is
misinterpreted as their potential. The goal to have all
students succeed is a commitment to equity. Districts
and schools pledge to do whatever it takes to ensure
that students have opportunities to pursue college and
work upon graduation. Although some may choose
to pursue trades or go immediately to work after
graduation, it is likely that at some point they will want
to pursue either college or postsecondary training to
access higher wage jobs. When schools determine that
students are not “college material” too early and fail to
ensure they have the skills they need to enter college
without remediation, they are at risk of failing to support
Equitable Education Systems
Ensure Equal Outcomes
Ensure equally high outcomes for all
participants in our educational system;
remove the predictability of success or
failures that currently correlates with
any social or cultural factor.
Disrupt Institutional Inequity
Interrupt inequitable practices,
examine biases, and create inclusive
multicultural school environments for
adults and children.
Include and Personalize
Discovering and cultivating the unique
gifts, talents and interests that every
human possesses.
sIxTEEn QualITy dEsIgn pRInCIplEs
students in discovering their potential. Certainly, they
are at risk of breaking the social compact with students
and families.
3 Grouping students around academic need has slipped
into grouping by perceived ability level. Flexible
grouping is a strategy used to better meet the needs of
students based on their own learner continuum rather
than delivering one curriculum to all students. This
can be a highly eective practice, allowing teachers to
organize instruction through a student-centered lens.
However, this practice can easily slip back into tracking
if students are grouped based on their perceived ability
and held to dierent expectations accordingly. Tracking
has proven to be ineective and to replicate inequity.
Thus, it is important for schools to use flexible grouping
carefully, to balance homogeneous and heterogeneous
grouping strategically, and to regroup often. Most
importantly, monitor that students are showing growth
and able to advance upon demonstrated mastery.
3 Learning is “culturally relevant” but not rigorous. When
teachers initially build skills in culturally responsive
practices, they might introduce symbolic eorts yet fail
to use the learning sciences to design robust learning
environments and experiences. However, culturally
relevant strategies require rigorous learning experiences
based on high expectations. An eective practice is to
“tune” learning experiences by having a set of criteria
and review by other teachers to strengthen the initial
#3 Nurture a Culture of
Learning and Inclusivity
Kids don’t say, ‘I’m so stoked to make
this standard today.’ They come to school
because people care, there is meaningful
and relevant curriculum and clear learning
targets. We need to oer great teachers and
engaging curriculum. For students below
grade level, we have to get to know them
really, really well. We want to know what
motivates them because they are going to
have put in extra work and time to catch
up. We will customize a path for them. The
bottom line is that they need to feel loved
every day so that they are willing to put in
some extra work every day.
Derek Pierce, Principal, Casco Bay High School, ME in 2015
When a culture of learning and inclusivity is in place,
students and adults—including those who have been the
most marginalized—are respected and empowered to
take their place as an active learner within the learning
community. Belonging and inclusion are built through
intentional structures that strengthen trust and relationships
that are then reinforced through rituals and routines. When
they are respected and included, students and adults
experience optimal conditions for learning and growth.
Emotional engagement promotes cognitive engagement:
safety and trust enable risk-taking which is critical to
productive struggle. Learning ceases to be time-based,
sequential and truncated. Rather, everyone continually
grows with the instructional support they need to master
skills and concepts, including the self-regulation and
metacognition that power lifelong learning.
Key Characteristics
For learning through learning. Culture fosters collective
responsibility for ensuring students succeed. Schools
draw on learning sciences and practice continuous
improvement to help students and adults learn and grow.
Reflection as an important step in learning. Reflection
is an ever-present routine. Students reflect to build
metacognition, self-regulation and habits of success.
Adults participate in do-plan-act-adjust cycles to
improve practice and policies.
Growth mindset. There is shared understanding that
intelligence is not fixed and that learning requires
eort and appropriate supports. Culture actively takes
advantage of mistakes and failure as a part of learning
and improvement.
Relational belonging and inclusion. Culture fosters
authentic relationships between the students and
teachers. Culture and strategies actively promotes trust,
empathy, collaboration and social learning across all
elements of diversity including culture, race, ability, social
class, sexual orientation and gender.
Cultural responsiveness. Relationships, learning
environments and learning experiences respect each
student’s personal and cultural identities. Culture
actively supports all stakeholders, especially adults, to
identify, investigate and address unconscious bias and
How Is a Culture of Learning and Inclusivity Related
to Quality?
This school is run based on how we
learn...If you are struggling, the teachers
will help you. You can tell the teachers really
care about us, because they care that we are
Student, EPIC North High School, New York City Department of
Education, 2014
A strong culture of learning and inclusivity is the bedrock
of a competency-based system. Schools seek to create a
culture in which students and adults feel valued, respected
and have a trusting relationship—all essential for learning.
Students and adults learn best when they experience a
strong sense of belonging and can connect with others
as they construct new knowledge. They will put forth
more eort and take more risks if they feel cared for and
optimistic that they can succeed.
This culture enhances the technical changes that are
required to transition to a competency-based system
in multiple ways. For example, it contributes to the
professional culture seen in successful systems like in
Finland and New Zealand where inquiry-based approaches
to professional learning drive improvements in instruction
and assessment.
[#13 Educators as Learners] Additionally,
a strong culture of learning and inclusivity challenges
the assumptions and beliefs of the traditional system. By
challenging notions of fixed intelligence and hierarchy, it
helps to phase out the habits and routines of institutional
inequity that may impede implementation of a high-quality
competency-based system. Finally, it is instrumental in
sustaining students and adults through the challenges of
the change process itself.
sIxTEEn QualITy dEsIgn pRInCIplEs
The culture of learning has both individual and
organizational dimensions and implications. At the
individual level, research demonstrates the importance
of growth mindset
and positive beliefs
for learning
and development. Students learn optimally when they
believe that they can improve with eort and support,
when they believe that they are capable of learning at high
levels and when they believe that learning has personal
value for their lives. Mindsets and beliefs are not innate.
They are malleable: they can be shaped by experiences,
rituals, routines, systems and structures. In a culture of
learning, features such as incentives, grades, assessments
and feedback processes align to support this view of
intelligence and learning.
[#4 Growth Mindset]
Beliefs and mindsets are also important at the
organizational level. Nurturing growth mindsets can speed
and ease the transition to competency-based systems,
as adults need to feel confident that they can become
competent in the new instructional and leadership
strategies. The culture of learning drives continuous
improvement that is central to organizational learning and
to creating a system of education that can quickly adapt,
improve and innovate so that more students are achieving
at the highest levels.
[#15 Continuous Improvement]
Given the broader social and historical contexts that have
long shaped education systems and that continue to
create inequities, creating a culture of inclusion requires
intentionality. Those schools that are deliberate about
disrupting inequity purposefully investigate individual
bias and seek strategies to dismantle systemic barriers to
equitable outcomes. They cultivate dialogue, engagement
and ritual that honor and reflect students and their families
thereby opening doors to genuine trusting relationships.
Their goal is for all students and adults, especially the most
marginalized, to feel safe and respected. At the same time,
they acknowledge the existence of a dominant culture.
They help students who lack fluency in the language and
social cues of mainstream culture understand and navigate
these systems of power, while also working to make the
school culture more inclusive and empowering. Culturally
responsive education strategies promote positive identity
within a growth context; students and adults experience
respect when they receive direct and responsive and
[#2 Equity]
There are very few rules that were actual
barriers. You pull back the onion skin and
they aren’t rules that are preventing change.
They are traditions that can be replaced with
new practices once people feel it is safe to
let go.
Aaryn Schmuhl, Assistant Superintendent for Learning and Leadership,
Henry County School District, 2016
Policies and Practices to Look For
District and school leadership monitor school culture and
can explain strategies to address areas of improvement.
There are formal strategies to seek and apply feedback
on culture including focus groups and surveys.
Formal structures such as professional learning
communities explicitly take responsibility for culture and
share strategies that reinforce the desired culture.
Educators work with students through an asset-based
lens that views language, culture and family background
as strengths that can contribute to a student’s learning.
Students and educators have opportunities for choice,
voice and leadership within the school and school
Students and educators see their cultural, racial,
social class, sexual orientation and gender identities
acknowledged, armed and reflected around them.
Educator and administrator workforce reflects the
diversity of the student population and actively works
toward attaining cultural competency.
Disciplinary policy recognizes that behavior problems
are opportunities to form stronger relationships with
students and address underlying issues.
Teachers have opportunities to work collaboratively to
pursue inquiry-based professional learning.
Examples of Red Flags
3 The school is diverse but the sta is not. Stang
patterns send signals to students and parents about
who is valued and who is not. Too often district stang
patterns do not reflect the diversity of the communities
they serve. To correct this situation, districts and schools
nurture a culture of inclusion in which diverse sta will
want to work. They seek to open dialogue to identify
routines or practices that are perceived as disrespectful
or exclusionary. They upgrade hiring policies and
practices to ensure a multi-racial candidate pool.
They integrate culturally responsive approaches that
recognize the assets everyone brings to the workplace.
3 Buy-in rather than engagement strategies are used
in communicating with the community. Districts
and schools often make decisions internally and
then use strategies to market the idea to gain buy-
in from the community. Engagement strategies that
invite community members, parents and students to
share their ideas early in a process are more likely to
demonstrate respect and enhance trust. Districts that
are committed to building a culture of inclusion will
seek out ways to build relationships with historically
marginalized groups and neighborhoods, understanding
that generations of mistrust are not going to disappear
3 Grading practices penalize students for taking risks
and failing, even when these risks and failures are part
of the learning process. Traditional grading systems
privilege those students who have all the prerequisite
knowledge and skills and penalize students who do not.
The policy that students should continue to practice and
revise while receiving additional instructional support
is an essential pedagogical principle aligned with the
culture of learning and inclusivity. Competency-based
districts that implement grading policies too soon
without attention to the culture and needed technical
infrastructure often turn or return to elements of the
traditional grading system. In many cases what is
termed standards-based grading is actually standards-
referenced: students are still passed on without
opportunity or supports to fully master knowledge and
I have too often listened to school
administrators find every reason to explain
away their poor culture. They blame the
Department of Education, the parents,
Central Oce and even the students. I too
blamed the external environment until I
realized that the culture of my school is
the one thing I can impact directly. Once I
understood that culture is the organizational
values, what people believe and are willing
to work for, I realized that I can aect what
is happening for our students. By focusing
on school culture, I can impact student
achievement, graduation rates and teacher
eectiveness. This is why I assess culture
early and often.
Bill Zima, former Principal at Mt. Ararat Middle School and currently
Superintendent, RSU2, ME, 2013
sIxTEEn QualITy dEsIgn pRInCIplEs
#4 Foster the Development
of a Growth Mindset
It starts with a growth mindset that
values all of us as works in progress. It’s the
joy of learning that motivates all of us to do
our best. We have to let go of fixed mindsets
that make us afraid of taking risks that might
lead to failure. We must have a culture that
understands failure is temporary, focusing
one’s eorts and supports to conquer the
Don Siviski, former Superintendent of Instruction, Maine Department
of Education and currently School Change Coach, Center for
Secondary School Redesign, 2018
Undergirding the traditional system is a belief that there
are winners and losers based on the idea that intelligence
is fixed, and there is little to do about it. The result is some
students are well-served receiving the education that
prepares them for college and others are underserved. By
contrast, a growth mindset culture means believing that
intelligence is malleable. It anticipates failure and uses it to
advance learning. The importance of the growth mindset
applies to students and adults alike. Competency-based
districts and schools strive to create growth-oriented
cultures and structures to support learning.
Key Characteristics
Productive feedback. Students receive productive
feedback to learn and grow. Teachers have strong
assessment literacy related to the domain-specific
concepts, as well as knowledge about how to construct
eective feedback related to the learning target.
Building blocks for learning.
Students are supported in
building the skills and traits related to building a growth
mindset and become active lifelong learners, including
metacognition, self-regulation and perseverance.
Meeting students where they are. Stakeholders in
growth-oriented systems believe all students can learn
with the right eort and support. Accordingly, they
commit to meeting students where they are on a learner
continuum and providing timely and dierentiated
supports to ensure they progress.
Opportunities for improvement. Growth happens
through trial, error, sustained eort, feedback and
supports. Growth-oriented systems provide students and
teachers with opportunities to practice, fail, revise and
learn. Grading systems provide meaningful feedback and
increase engagement of students in their learning.
Professional support. Teachers are supported to create
the culture and provide the coaching for students to
develop a growth mindset. Likewise, they are supported
to develop the competencies necessary to teach in
highly personalized environments. Finally, teachers
experience the same growth context as students: they,
too, need opportunities to receive timely supports,
collaborate, fail, revise and learn.
How Is a Growth Mindset Related to Quality?
We used to understand that failure was
part of learning. Now we take advantage of
failure. We talk about it and discover what
we can learn from it.
Terry Schmalz, Principal, New Emerson Elementary School, District 51,
CO, 2017
The traditional system of education is built upon the belief
that intelligence is fixed: there are smart people and not-
as-smart people, winners and losers, and little anyone can
do to change someone’s innate ability or potential. As a
result, the traditional system expects that some students
will do well and receive an education that prepares them
for college, while others will not. This worldview, when
combined with bias, can normalize inequitable allocation of
resources and outcomes that vary predictably along lines of
race and income.
By contrast, a growth mindset culture believes that
intelligence is malleable and that all students can learn with
eort and support. On its own, growth mindset is a theory
of psychology. We speak of growth mindset as an internal
phenomenon: it primarily resides within the individual,
influenced by individual’s experience in the world, and it
aects how the individual makes meaning of learning, eort
and performance. While all of this is true, it is not complete.
As a cultural phenomenon, growth mindset is important for
quality because it enables learning that improves individual
and organizational performance. Without trying things,
discovering what works and what does not, and using that
knowledge to guide future action, neither individuals nor
organizations can improve learning and performance. Thus,
we introduce the idea of “growth-oriented organizations.”
Districts and schools that are growth-oriented promote
continuous learning and progress, and they anticipate and
exploit failure to advance learning and progress.
Continuous Improvement] They attend to the pedagogy of
adult learning and help adults become more adept through
personalized professional learning in response to data on
student learning.
[#13 Educators as Learners]
There is a reciprocal relationship between growth
mindset as an internal phenomenon and as a cultural
and organizational property. As described earlier, specific
organizational practices and structures can help individuals
develop growth mindsets. Curriculum can include teaching
about brain science to help students understand how
intelligence is malleable. Grading and assessment practices
can allow for revision and emphasize growth. Projects and
tasks can be designed to include opportunities for failure
and revision. Feedback structures can be put in place to
help students and teachers reflect and adapt. Students
identify and monitor progress toward a goal including
how failure promotes progress toward their goals, just as a
scientist has systems to capture hypotheses, findings and
Schools working with students (especially older students)
who have had overwhelmingly negative learning
experiences have a particular challenge to help students
overcome past failure and trauma and see themselves as
lifelong learners with potential. This requires “unlearning” as
well as learning. Students who have been disenfranchised
in and traumatized by their past educational experiences
will need help to critically analyze their past experiences,
understand the systemic and individual forces that shaped
their experiences and identify and move past negative
perceptions of self and school. They are likely to need
help in adjusting the ways they have learned to cope in the
past as they begin to think of themselves as learners and
scholars. In these situations, educators have to invest more
deeply in building relationships, provide more frequent
check-ins and pay more attention to emotional issues.
Furthermore, they have to attend to gaps in students’
metacognitive, self-regulation skills and other building
blocks of learning.
When an organization becomes growth-oriented, investing
in everyone developing a growth mindset and establishing
structures that support growth, the learning becomes
collective. It becomes greater than the sum of its parts.
Beyond contributing to better performance for individual
students and teachers, collective learning results in better
performance for the entire system. Learning protocols such
as plan-do-study-act cycles can help leverage individual
learning to promote collective learning. These protocols
allow learning communities to focus on improvement
in shared priorities and contribute individual learnings
to the common improvement process. It can also occur
through learning infrastructure that captures, surfaces and
shares key individual learning, making it available to others.
Whatever the process, the important point is this: growth
mindset matters for quality because it enables individuals
and learning communities to improve performance over
[#15 Continuous Improvement]
sIxTEEn QualITy dEsIgn pRInCIplEs
Not every student is going to have
intrinsic motivation. It is something we
help develop over time. Thus, the role
adults play is very important in helping
students to understand that it is never too
late to learn, never too late to go back and
learn what was supposed to be learned in
elementary school. Adults play a critical role
in providing hope for students that they
can succeed and that they can graduate.
We don’t allow previous performance from
keeping students getting back on track to
Kristen Kelly, Mastery Learning Specialist, Cleveland School District,
OH, 2017
Policies and Practices to Look For
Districts and schools invest in nurturing a growth mindset
among students including providing knowledge about
the brain and building specific skills, such as managing
self-talk and goal-setting.
Students receive feedback, instructional support and time
for revision in the pursuit of fully reaching mastery.
Grading policies reward learning and do not penalize
Students are taught the building blocks of learning
including metacognition, self-regulation and habits of
Adults have opportunity to learn about and strengthen
their growth mindsets for themselves before teaching it
to students.
Teachers receive ongoing feedback and support in
building their competence.
Sta can provide an example when there was a mistake
or failure and how they or the organization learned from
The district and school recognizes that the eectiveness
of continuous improvement eorts depend on the
eectiveness of adults as learners.
Examples of Red Flags
3 There are posters about the growth mindset on the
walls but traditional grading practices do not allow for
revision in pursuit of mastering the learning targets.
The walls of some schools are decorated with posters
about growth mindset. However, teachers have not
been fully supported in coaching students in how to
develop a growth mindset, and many practices remain
aligned with a fixed mindset. For example, teachers may
provide grades on summative tests without helping
students to understand and correct misconceptions.
Students do not have opportunity for revision, and they
move on to the next unit with gaps in their learning.
3 Incentive and performance structures reinforce a
culture of competition and the idea that there are
good students and bad students. The GPA is a powerful
artifact from the traditional system used to rank and sort
students. When schools continue to oer daily ranking
of students, they emphasize competition between
individuals and label some students as good students
and the others as mediocre or poor. Although parents
will raise concerns that students will be disadvantaged
by proficiency-based transcripts, colleges and
universities have consistently stated that as long as
there is an accompanying letter the proficiency-based
transcript is acceptable. See Great Schools Partnership’s
list of colleges and universities accepting proficiency-
based transcripts.
The kids don’t like how much the
teachers expect of us. It feels like too much
pressure. Mr. Dash expected so much from
me. We all had goals to write a page but he
wanted me to write three pages per section
for a total of 30 pages. I wanted to give up
and not do any of the work. I thought I
should just drop out. But he pushed me and
wouldn’t let me give up. I’m glad he pushed
me. I found out that I had more strengths
than I realized”
Student, EPIC High School North, New York City Department of
Education, 2016
#5 Cultivate Empowering
and Distributed
I’m asking teachers to allow students
to drive their learning. That means I need
to allow teachers to drive the policy, the
culture, and the decision-making.
Juan Carlos Ocón, Principal, Benito Juarez Community Academy,
Chicago Public Schools, IL, 2017
Distributed leadership and a culture of empowerment
enables schools to create the flexibility to personalize
learning, respond to students’ changing needs and rapidly
respond to emerging issues. This view of leadership is
distinct from most traditional schools that generally draw
upon a bureaucratic culture and top-down management
strategies. Distributed leadership encourages schools to
become more adaptive by providing the autonomy to
those closest to students to respond to their needs in
real time. When students are building agency and having
voice in their education, it is important that teachers are
equally empowered to engage and co-construct learning
experiences. A competency-based school without this
feature will be hard-pressed to reliably meet students
where they are.
Key Characteristics
Leadership. Leadership sets the tone for the culture
of empowerment. Leaders model specific values and
behaviors, including seeing mistakes as an opportunity to
learn rather than one for blaming.
Empowerment. Students and educators are able to make
or participate in decisions that support their personal
learning paths and progress. Empowerment is reflected
in management and operational structures.
Transparency. For distributed decision-making to
work, stakeholders need access to timely and accurate
information, guiding principles and opportunity for
consultations and collaboration.
Collaboration. While decision-making is distributed,
it is not solely autonomous. Students and teachers
make decisions in partnership with others. Partnerships
may occur through conferences, professional learning
communities, knowledge management processes or
other structures and protocols.
Clear decision-making. While decision-making is
distributed, it is not random or disorganized. There
are clear criteria, processes and protocols for making
decisions, as well as clear parameters (sometimes
thought of as “tight loose” definitions) to define the
boundaries of decision-making. These parameters ensure
that decision-making is distributed, while also ensuring
that all decision-making contributes to collective
Flexibility. Decision-making is located as close as
possible to students and teachers. Accordingly, students
and teachers (and leaders and schools) have the
sIxTEEn QualITy dEsIgn pRInCIplEs
flexibility to make these decisions. Unlike top-down
management approaches that expect them to follow set
curriculum, rituals and routines, students and teachers in
competency-based systems have the room to exercise
personal and professional judgment vis-à-vis critical
aspects of learning environments and experiences.
Risk-taking. Empowering decision-making requires
creating a safe environment for employees to take risks.
Strong cultures of learning and professional learning
communities are essential to building the respect and
trust that enables risk-taking.
When we started down the road to
transformation, we had to deconstruct the
systems that were in place. We redesigned
with the goal of student ownership,
involving them along the way. If students
are going to be empowered, so must the
workforce be empowered. The only way
to manage an empowered workforce with
empowered students is through a middle-
up-down management approach that
constantly seeks input and opportunities to
distribute leadership. Superintendents who
separate leadership and management do so
at their own peril.
Dr. Bob Crumley, former Superintendent, Chugach School District, AK,
How Does Cultivating Empowering and Distributed
Leadership Relate to Quality?
The culture of traditional districts and schools value order
and compliance. Likewise, they value hierarchical processes
that slow decision-making down as it moves problems
up and decisions down the bureaucratic ladder. Although
the one-size-fits-all approach of the traditional education
system could be directed and coordinated by a central
oce, personalization cannot. Personalization requires
empowered, strategic and coordinated action from the
people who are closest to learning: students and teachers.
A culture of distributed leadership contributes to quality by
generating greater flexibility and responsiveness to meet
student needs and address issues as they emerge.
[# 9
Responsiveness and #14 Organizational Flexibility]
And yet, we also understand the concerns and fears that
can accompany distributing leadership:
If we “let a thousand flowers bloom, how will we know
what’s working or even know what is happening?
If we empower teachers, can we rely on them to make
good decisions?
If everyone does something dierent, how will we have
the resources to support them all?
If we “let go,” will teachers retreat into silos?
Will students simply spend all their time on devices?
These are not unreasonable fears. If distributed leadership is
understood as a free-for all, it could certainly detract from
quality, and it could lead to disorganization. Therefore,
specific structures and parameters are necessary to ensure
that distribution promotes quality and does not detract
from it. First, in competency-based schools leaders
manage decision-making processes as much or more than
they make decisions. Leaders play vital roles in leading
the eort to create a shared purpose, guiding principles,
structures and protocols that guide decision-making.
There is clarity about where decisions are made (e.g., what
is tight, what is loose), as well as how decisions are made
(who is involved, what data is used and how decisions are
evaluated). Explicit criteria or guiding principles based on
the shared purpose are used to help teams make strong
organizational decisions. Similarly classroom management
practices create shared visions and codes of cooperation to
enhance relationships and guide student decision-making.
[#1 Purpose Driven]
Second, leaders understand that their job is to cultivate
leadership of others. Distributed leadership holds that
leadership qualities can be nurtured in everyone. Not only
do leaders set the tone for distributed leadership, they also
play a key role in hiring and developing the right talent
to participate in distributed leadership environments.
They also seek to help others build decision-making skills
through coaching, supports and commonly used protocols.
In this way decision-making is closer to the customer
(students). One of a leader’s most important leadership
functions is to support professional learning communities,
making sure teachers have the time to meet and are
staying true to the norms that allow them to be a source of
collaborative, professional learning. In turn, teachers play
a critical role building these same skills in students. While
skill-building will look dierent for a six-year-old and a
fifteen-year-old, all students will need support developing
the competencies required to act as agents of their own
[#7 Student Agency & Ownership]
Third, leaders uphold transparency and consistency as
core features of the district or school. Transparency is an
important part of creating an environment that empowers
others. Teachers are empowered to respond to students’
unique motivations and learning needs in real-time. In the
classroom, the learning process and the learning targets
are explicit so students can take more ownership of their
education. Transparency is cultivated by a combination
of relationships, holding consistent expectations and
timely, accurate data. Through relationships and open
dialogue, especially regarding mistakes and disagreements,
stronger understanding of the shared purpose develops.
Leaders play a vitally important role in creating systems of
consistency and transparency where measurable learning
objectives, rubrics and moderated understanding of how to
determine proficiency supports teachers’ decisions about
student progress. Without transparency and consistency,
teachers might make dierent decisions about dierent
students based on inconsistent definitions of progress and
[#12 Transparency]
Fourth, leaders recognize that centralized control can
inhibit responsiveness and pursue greater autonomy for
schools and teachers. To best respond to student learning,
schools need autonomy to manage budgets, schedules,
organizational structure, sta roles and hiring. It is one
thing to empower others to make decisions, but there
is much more value when resources can be allocated to
support action. With the expectation that teachers will tailor
instruction for students and cultivate student agency, they
must also be empowered to have professional agency.
This requires them to use their professional judgment.
Organizational Flexibility]
Fifth, professional judgment is highly valued. Therefore,
professional learning is valued as well. Teachers are
supported in personalized professional learning to build
their knowledge and skills in the context of student
learning. Professional learning communities support
the development of collective professional judgment
drawing from the knowledge of multiple teachers.
Educators as Learners] Finally, leaders understand that their
actions, words and behaviors can lead to strengthening
or weakening the culture of learning. Being empowered
means being open to risk-taking. Students and teachers,
even when they use the best data and follow all protocols,
simply cannot know whether something is guaranteed
to work. They must use their personal and professional
judgment to do what they think is best, evaluate the
outcome and adjust course. This does not happen if there
is a feeling of being unsafe or no margin of error to be
wrong. In competency-based schools, being wrong and
learning from it are called “smart failures.” Making mistakes
produces valuable knowledge about what’s working and
what is not. These are fostered through connection and
collaboration. While distributed leadership empowers
individual action, it results in quality when it is also
supported by profoundly cooperative action.
[#3 Culture of
Learning & Inclusivity]
sIxTEEn QualITy dEsIgn pRInCIplEs
We want our learners to be empowered. We support our learning facilitators [teachers]
in developing their own leadership capacity to empower learners. Everyone on this campus
shares this goal, and we can see the dierence everywhere. Empowering learners and sta has
had a huge impact on the culture of the school. Learners and sta recognize that they have an
impact on the school community. Our disciplinary issues have dropped dramatically and our
school spirit has increased dramatically. Learners feel respected. They feel empowered to hold
each other accountable.
Jaime Robles, former Principal, Lindsay High School, Lindsay Unified School District, CA, 2015
Policies and Practices to Look For
Clear decision-making processes are established so that
everyone knows when and how decisions are developed.
Decision-making includes representatives of those who
are impacted by the decision, including students.
Decision-making is based on predetermined criteria that
values and weighs what is good for students above all
Reflection is a routine used by adults and students during
and after learning new skills or projects.
Teacher evaluation has been updated to reflect the values
and culture. Teachers are supported in their learning
new skills before it has been included in the teacher
Educators have the autonomy and resources they
need including time to plan, strong professional
learning communities, and eective feedback on their
instructional skills and assessment literacy. This may
seem obvious, but many schools try to move forward
without having these elements in place, only to find that
they are important ingredients.
Examples of Red Flags
3 Making the transition based on compliance rather
than empowerment. When state leadership has bravely
set the course toward next-generation education, it
can create an unintended consequence. Instead of
starting from an empowered commitment to equity,
districts and schools start the transition to competency-
based education as an act of compliance. Thus, it is
dicult to create the necessary empowering culture
needed to transform the school to do what is best
for students. Teachers are more likely to implement
technical practices without first taking on the inquiry-
based stance needed to continually learn and improve
in response to students. Consider a period of shared
inquiry about the learning sciences, the limits of the
traditional system and why a personalized, competency-
based system may be a better way of organizing schools
followed by asking educators to vote whether they want
to go forward.
3 Hierarchical decision-making continues with
decisions being pushed up to the school leader or
superintendent. In some districts and schools, the
leaders are more comfortable with top-down decision-
making and continue to have problems that emerge in
the conversion to competency-based education lifted
to the administrative level. The result is bottlenecks
with educators waiting for a response, implementation
slowing down and frustration on the rise. These are
lost opportunities for engaging sta in reflecting on the
values, beliefs and norms that operate in the traditional
system as compared with personalized, competency
education. Some districts begin the process of moving
to competency-based education by investing in
leadership teams, reflecting on leadership strategies and
learning what is required to manage the process, not
the decision.
3 The school has begun implementation with the
development of a learning framework or continuum
but professional learning communities are weak
or non-existent. Helping all students master all the
knowledge and skills they need for success begins
with adult learning. If adults don’t have the opportunity
to plan and learn it is unlikely that the school will
be able to move beyond a standards-referenced
approach. Professional learning communities for
monitoring student learning, planning, collaboration
and professional learning are simply non-negotiables
for the transition to competency-based education. The
first step in preparing for the transition to competency
education begins by making sure professional learning
communities are healthy.
You can’t empower people by just saying
it. We have to create the conditions for our
teachers to succeed. We foster a culture
where teachers can find success through
networks and structures, and where they
have the freedom to work together to find
solutions and make decisions. We also have
systems in place. You need both a strong
culture of learning and the systems to
Doug Penn, District Principal, Chugach School District, AK, 2016
What Are Your School’s Shared Beliefs
In competency education, an explicit set of shared values and beliefs drive decision-making, culture and learning design.
Educators who have started down the road to competency education often discuss the fact that competency education
is a second-order change. Whereas first order-change focuses on altering inputs and practices, second-order change
is based on embracing a dierent set of underlying beliefs and relationships. These values and beliefs breathe life into
the competency-based education structures. They empower students and educators to work together under a shared
purpose and shared way of relating to one another. The following set of beliefs was developed by education leaders
from across the country.
An Eective School Begins with the Commitment to Students, Their Education and Discovering Their Potential.
1. Students need to learn academic knowledge, the skills to apply it and the lifelong learning skills to be able to use it.
2. Each and every child, from every background, race, gender, ethnicity, income level or disability status, can learn to
levels of high achievement.
3. Improving equity—access, opportunities and outcomes—requires intentional strategies to ensure every student
feels valued and that they belong, to identify and correct bias and to dismantle inequitable systems and patterns.
4. Transparency of expectations, the cycle of learning and student progress is essential for creating a culture of
learning and accountability.
A Shared Theory of Learning and Teaching Centers on Students and Is Grounded in Evidence.
5. Instruction and assessment should be grounded in learning sciences—cognitive, engagement and motivation.
6. By educators building trusting relationships with students and cultivating a growth mindset, self-regulation, social-
emotional learning and habits of success, all children can propel their learning.
7. Learners in a personalized competency-based education environment develop increasing capacity to make
informed decisions about their education when they receive explicit instruction, opportunity to practice and
eective feedback.
8. Mistakes and failures are opportunities to learn.
9. Adults are learners, too, with the beliefs and principles described here benefiting educators and students alike.
An Eective School Requires Intentional Alignment.
10. School culture, structures and instruction and assessment are all equally important in creating an eective school.
sIxTEEn QualITy dEsIgn pRInCIplEs
B. Teaching and Learning Design Principles
We are focused on improving the quality of instruction by building a common belief system
of what is good instruction and creating the instructional culture to support collaborative
dialogue. The structure of mastery-based learning allows us to focus more closely on how
students are progressing, allowing us to use instructional models that will work for students
and provide more opportunity for them to be active learners.
Susan Bell, former Superintendent, Windsor Locks School District, CT, 2016
“Increases in student learning occur only as a consequence
of improvements in the level of content, teachers’
knowledge and skill, and student engagement.”
In his
seminal work on education reform, Dr. Richard Elmore
makes the case that the improvements in education
cannot occur without improvements to the instructional
core. While technical adjustments and add-on programs
can make changes around the periphery in education,
it is primarily the quality of pedagogy, defined as the
interaction between the student and teacher and content,
that contributes to academic growth. Therefore, creating
a high-quality school requires the districts and schools to
consider the eectiveness and alignment of instruction,
assessment, professional learning and student support
strategies. Competency-based schools will find they
need to draw upon the strongest research and evidence-
based practices to drive improvement in the heart of the
instructional core.
Identifying shared pedagogical principles is an important
part of the transition to becoming a personalized,
competency-based education system. Transformation
processes start with and continually engage with the
questions, “What do we know about the ways our students
learn? And what must be true of content, instruction and
assessment as a result?” These questions catalyze progress
toward becoming a student-centered learning system that
empowers students as active learners and toward creating
a professional culture in which teachers have common
language about learning, instruction, and assessment.
Shared pedagogical principles strengthen collaborative
relationships among teachers. Common knowledge
about student learning gives teachers shared language
about instruction and assessment. Shared language
opens doors to allow teachers to engage in continual and
collaborative inquiry processes that build their professional
knowledge, skill and judgment. Specifically, they improve
the capacity to use the learning sciences, building blocks of
(growth mindset, self-regulation, metacognition,
perseverance and social and emotional skills), instructional
content knowledge and assessment literacy to improve
student motivation, agency and achievement. Inquiry-
based approaches ensure that professional improvement is
responsive as teachers learn from the needs, interests and
assets of their students. As a result, they continually deepen
their shared “well” of instructional expertise.
Some districts have launched their eorts to creating
personalized competency-based systems by clarifying
their pedagogical philosophy. Others started by making
structural changes and then clarifying their pedagogical
philosophy over time through the process of alignment.
However, given the importance of the learning
sciences as a driver for shaping culture, structure and
doesn’t it make sense to have an early step
in implementation to include the review of the learning
sciences and their implications for learning experiences,
teaching and assessment?
It’s important for teachers to have a common language and one that is precise enough to
help them build their instructional strategies and skills in formative assessment so they can
identify why a student isn’t understanding something.
Mike McRaith, Principal, Montpelier High School, Montpelier School District,VT, 2016
#6 Base School Design and
Pedagogy on Learning
One of the biggest changes is from
assuming that the stand and deliver
approach to learning in which teachers
deliver curriculum and students are
expected to just give it back on tests
actually works. We are inching along in
our understanding that scholars have to
be active learners and that we need to
build on what they already know. We can’t
assume what they know – we need to
discover it. Without the data, we are at risk
of just making up stu and spinning our
wheels. If you are making me learn letters
when I already know them, you are not
helping me reach my potential. When first-
graders are ready for second- or third-grade
standards, we need to be able to scaold up.
Practitioners [teachers] are going to have to
know and understand the content and have
access above grade level.
Cynthia Lamkin, Lead Learner, Otken Elementary School, McComb
School District, MS, 2018
Competency-based systems leverage instructional
approaches and systems of assessments all of which are
based on the learning sciences. Teachers design learning
experiences, select instructional strategies and use
assessments based on their knowledge of their students’
cognitive, psychological and biological development. The
learning sciences have implications for all aspects of school
design and pedagogy, including transforming the practice
of teaching to a more student-centered approach in which
students are active learners.
Key Characteristics
Learning sciences. Pedagogy reflects the most recent
research about how people learn and develop—cognitive,
psychological (motivation and engagement), and
biological—ensuring learning environments and learning
experiences result in powerful learning outcomes for
Shared understanding. Teachers internalize
understanding of the learning sciences and
corresponding pedagogical expectations. Students also
have opportunities to understand how learning happens
so that they develop metacognitive abilities and the skills
to monitor their own learning.
Development opportunities. Educators have powerful
and personalized opportunities to develop the
competencies required of practitioners of the learning
sciences. Professional development also reflects the
learning sciences so that teachers learn in the ways they
are expected to teach.
sIxTEEn QualITy dEsIgn pRInCIplEs
Design to the edges. Instructional strategies that address
the educational needs of historically underserved
students are embedded into the core instructional
Teachers are used to being the source
of power, the source of knowledge, and the
source of learning. It’s hard to give that up.
It’s hard to let go of being in front of the
classroom and moving everyone at the same
time. We start to reach a tipping point when
teachers are able to step back from being
in the front of the room and depending
solely on whole group instruction. In
order to accomplish this, they need to
have developed a number of the eective
practices, including growth mindset, shared
vision, code of cooperation, and standard
operating procedures and workshop.
The challenge is that performance-based
learning isn’t just a set of new practices. The
key is in the understanding of the pedagogy
upon which these practices rest.
Scot Bingham, Principal, Broadway Elementary School, District 51, CO
How Is Developing a Shared Pedagogical
Philosophy Based on the Learning Sciences Related
to Quality?
The more educators give students
choice, control, challenge, and collaborative
opportunities, the more motivation and
engagement are likely to rise.
Eric Toshalis and Michael J. Nakkula, Motivation, Engagement, and
Student Voice
Drawing from cognitive, psychological, developmental
and biological domains, the learning sciences can inform
school design, curriculum and learning experiences,
instruction and assessment. Although the body of
research on the science of learning is greater than can
be summarized here, the following are nine cornerstones
of the learning sciences that should drive teaching and
learning, as well as culture and structures.
Cornerstones of the Learning Sciences
Learning is an activity that is carried out by the learner.
Students do not simply absorb information and skills.
Rather, learning requires active engagement and eort.
Eort is influenced by motivation. Similar to intelligence,
motivation is malleable. Beliefs about intelligence shape the
amount of eort students are willing to invest.
Those who
hold a growth mindset will put more eort toward learning
than those who hold the misconception that intelligence
is a fixed trait. Providing incremental opportunities to
experience growth reinforces that eort will result in
success. Learners will be more motivated when they value
the task and if they are confident they will be successful
with supports available if needed.
Learning results from the interplay of cognition, emotion
and motivation.
The brain does not clearly separate
cognitive from emotional functioning, so optimal learning
environments will engage both. Motivation is important to
learning but it is also dynamic and changes in response to
a number of factors. In fact, as students learn more about
their cognitive processes, they develop a greater sense of
competence and thereby increase their motivation. The
relationship between cognition, emotion and motivation is
Learning does not occur through a fixed progression
of age-related stages. The mastery of new concepts
happens in fits and starts.
Learning is shaped by multiple
factors, some of which are related to the neural, social and
emotional development of children. Others are dependent
on the types of experiences and contexts provided for the
learner to build new understanding on prior knowledge.
Practically speaking, this means that biological factors are
only a part of the story. Frequent challenges matched by
social and emotional support can strengthen cognitive
and psychological development. Rich learning experiences
facilitated by helpful guides along with recurring
opportunities to experiment, practice and improve will help
students learn, develop and achieve.
Intrinsic motivation leads to better long-term outcomes
than extrinsic motivation.
Extrinsic or controlled
motivation (systems of reward or punishment such as the
traditional grading system of 0-100 points for assignments
and behaviors) may be useful in the short-run but often
produces the unintended consequence of disengagement
and resistance. Self-determination theory explains
that motivation will increase when learners experience
competence (I can be successful), relatedness (I have
meaning and connection) and autonomy (I have control
over the process).
It’s important to remember that
motivation is dynamic. It increases and decreases. It can be
shaped by cognitive processes, and external expectations
can become intrinsic motivation.
Eort is dependent on motivation and self-regulation.
When learners are able to self-regulate—when they can
successfully manage thoughts, behaviors and emotions—
they are better able to initiate and sustain focus and eort
on dicult tasks. Students may be highly motivated but
not have the skills necessary to manage the emotions
they experience in the process of learning. Thus, students
need coaching to build the social and emotional skills to
manage the stress they experience from situations in or
out of school, the metacognitive skills to monitor their
learning and the self-regulation skills to change strategies
as needed.
Learning is shaped by the way information is processed
and transferred into long-term memory.
information is processed in working memory before it can
be transferred into long-term memory. Working memory
has limitations to how much new information it can absorb,
requiring students and teachers to consider the cognitive
load. Strategies can be used to reduce demand on working
memory and helping to transfer new information and
concepts into long-term memory.
Learning builds on prior knowledge and context.
learn new knowledge optimally when their prior knowledge
is activated. Learners need to have structures to organize
and retrieve information. Thus, attaching new information
to what they already know in a context where that
knowledge is accessible, relevant and responsive to cultural
understanding can be helpful in mastering new ideas and
Acquiring new knowledge and skills requires eective
Eective feedback focuses on the task (not
the student) and on improving (rather than verifying
performance). Assessing student learning, identifying
misconceptions or gaps in understanding and providing
feedback are critical steps in the learning process.
Assessment information is as important to helping teachers
to adjust their teaching strategies or improve their skills
as it is for helping students adjust their learning strategies.
Research on learning progressions
helps teachers to
understand how students are understanding concepts
and processes not just whether they reached the correct
Learning is a social process.
Learning occurs in a socio-
cultural context involving social interactions. Individuals
need opportunities to observe and model behaviors—both
from adults and peers—to develop new skills. Dialogue with
others is needed to shape ways of thinking and construct
knowledge. Discourse and collaborative work can
strengthen learning when they allow students to assist each
other and take on expert roles.
Learning occurs through interaction with one’s
environment. The human brain, and therefore learning,
develops over time through exposure to conditions,
including people, experiences and environmental factors. A
person’s culture may also serve as “context” that influences
Learning occurs best in conditions that support
healthy social, emotional and neurological development.
Students will be more motivated in schools when they
believe that they are accepted, belong and respected.
Optimal learning environments attend to and seek to
ameliorate status dierences and social hierarchies so that
students do not feel marginalized, ostracized or threatened.
sIxTEEn QualITy dEsIgn pRInCIplEs
Five Misconceptions of How People Learn
The Science of Learning, Deans for Impact
» Cognitive development does not progress via a
fixed progression of age-related stages.
» Students do not have dierent “learning styles.”
» Humans do not use only 10 percent of their
» People are not preferentially “right-brained” or
“left-brained” in the use of their brains.
» Novices and experts cannot think in all the same
When districts and schools consult the learning sciences,
they find clear evidence that learning occurs when the
learner drives and owns the learning process.
begin to think more strategically about how to design
learning experiences around students’ zone of proximal
development, activate prior knowledge, manage the
limitations of working memory and the transfer to long-
term memory. They will also find that intrinsically motivated
learning is optimal:
motivation and performance will
increase when learners experience competence (I can be
successful), relatedness (I have meaning and connection)
and autonomy (I have control over the process).
and schools that turn to the learning sciences to define
their pedagogical philosophy will inevitably find themselves
focusing on student ownership, engagement and
motivation. This focus will improve learning and teaching,
and contribute to the culture of empowerment necessary
to sustain a competency-based system.
Competency-based systems “design to the edges”
with their entire student population in mind. Traditional
education systems have relied heavily on instructional
strategies that are designed to “teach to the middle.”
design for a “typical” student, often using a definition of
“typical” that is rife with bias and assumptions. However,
a district or school tailoring education to meet students
where they are will need to design to the edges and
understand its students deeply, seeking opportunities to
know them before the beginning of school and think about
what is going to be needed to ensure they succeed. They
ensure that pedagogical principles are adequately flexible
to support the diversity of needs that will inevitably present
themselves in a school, and even in a single classroom.
They also recognize that oftentimes designing for students
with the most “extreme” needs can result in benefits for
all students. In other words, if a classroom is doing a good
job of serving the student who is the farthest behind and
the student who is the most advanced, they are almost
certainly meeting the needs of all the other students.
Policies and Practices to Look For
There is a clearly articulated pedagogical philosophy or
set of beliefs that drive instruction.
Professional learning gives educators the opportunity
to develop the skills necessary to enact the shared
pedagogical philosophy. It draws upon the learning
sciences and is personalized for educators. Within
professional learning communities educators engage in
inquiry to understand research to better support students
that are struggling.
Instructional strategies take into consideration that
students start with dierent sets of academic skills, social
and emotional skills and life experiences.
There are schoolwide approaches for helping students
develop the building blocks of learning or self-directed
learning skills such as growth mindset, metacognition,
self-regulation and perseverance.
Learning experiences and instructional strategies are
designed to meet the needs of diverse learners. It is
learner-centered and culturally responsive, including,
but not limited to, communication of high expectations,
active learning teaching methods, student-driven
discourse and small group instruction.
All students have opportunities to apply learning and
build higher-order skills supported by performance tasks
and performance-based assessment.
Systems of assessments include assessment for
learning that are embedded in the cycle of learning with
actionable feedback and structured reflection to build
Grading practices are aligned with the learning sciences.
Mastery-based grading makes the
relationship between the student and
teachers more intimate. It becomes a two-
way relationship rather than a one-way
relationship where the teachers just give
you the grades. I can talk about my struggles
with my teacher in a very clear way that
is focused on specific skills and specific
performance tasks. I know what I need to do
in order to get the grade I want.
Student, Young Women’s Leadership School
Examples of Red Flags
3 There is no shared understanding of how people learn
and implications for teaching. Teachers may share
a common curriculum or an instructional model (i.e.
project-based learning), but cannot articulate common
expectations for how students will actually learn.
Learning environments and learning experiences look
very dierent classroom to classroom and students are
not consistently engaged in meaningful, challenging
3 Students are expected to listen and learn, with little
opportunity for practice or feedback. Direct instruction
and lecture has its place in the set of instructional
strategies teachers use. However, if most classrooms
have students sitting and listening to teachers with little
opportunity for students to practice, receive feedback or
actively apply their learning, there is a good cause to be
concerned that the school has not fully understood or
explored the implications for the learning sciences.
3 Assessments rely heavily on tests that all students
are expected to take on the same day. If students all
begin at dierent places in their learning and have
variation in the tempo of their learning, why would we
expect them to all be prepared on the same day to
take a test or an assessment? If assessments are going
to be used formatively to inform instruction and guide
the next steps of learning, it may make sense to have
assessments given on the same day. However, if the
assessments are summative, it is important that students
have had adequate support and time to become
proficient. Deadlines matter as an important part of
time management skills. However, that value diminishes
when students simply need more time because they are
putting forth eort to repair gaps and master rigorous
There are many who don’t realize that
delivering grade-level curriculum day
after day to kids regardless of whether they
are learning or not is based on an archaic
pedagogy. Many students are harmed by
this – they end up thinking that they aren’t
smart or give up on school. We know so
much more about how students learn today,
and our schools should be shaped around
it. But if they don’t know that they are
doing something harmful, are they really
responsible? Once you see personalized,
performance-based learning in action, you
face a moral question. Are you going to
be like Thomas Jeerson who knew that
slavery is wrong but kept doing it anyway?
Or once you realize that there is a better way
to help students learn, are you going to do it,
even if you bump up against other parts of
the system?”
Darren Cook, Teacher, East Middle School, District 51
sIxTEEn QualITy dEsIgn pRInCIplEs
#7 Activate Student
Agency and Ownership
In the beginning it was hard. There were
projects rather than textbooks. But then
I realized I was learning a lot of things. I
learned to manage my time and resources. I
set goals now and plan my day. I’ve learned
to self-regulate myself. I even plan to give
myself free time every day.
Student, EPIC High School North, New York City Department of
Education, NY 2014
The learning sciences point out that learning is
something done by students, not to or for students. Thus,
competency-based schools use strategies to help students
build agency: the skills and ability to direct one’s course
in life and become a lifelong learner. When students have
agency they find purpose in learning, are motivated to
put forth the eort needed to persist through challenges
and are able to manage their progress in learning. Agency
requires both mindsets and skills, including growth mindset,
self-regulation and other social and emotional skills,
metacognition and perseverance. Districts and schools
can help students to develop these skills; they can design
learning environments and experiences that teach these
mindsets and skills explicitly, give students opportunities
to practice them and give students time to reflect as they
grow. When students take ownership of their learning, they
transform the learning environment so that teachers are
better able to provide tailored and targeted instruction.
Key Characteristics
Active learning. Schools and pedagogy are based on the
learning sciences with students actively engaged in their
own learning.
Opportunities for agency. Instructional strategies are
designed to help students build skills and have some
degree of autonomy in their learning. Teachers construct
opportunity for students to make choices in their learning
and co-design learning tasks. Students learn to set and
reflect on a goal. They have voice and ownership in
decisions about their learning and increased leadership in
classrooms, school activities and school governance.
Building blocks for learning. Students are supported to
build developmental skills, mindsets and character traits
of learning. Learning experiences provide opportunities
for practice and feedback. There are additional supports
and learning opportunities for students that have not yet
learned or are struggling to master the building blocks for
Timely and transparent information. Students have
access to accurate information to support informed
Educator support. Educators are supported and have
opportunities to develop their own competency in
coaching students on the building blocks for learning,
designing learning experiences in which students have
opportunity to practice and eectively assess student
development with attention to cultural dierences.
How Is Supporting Students in Building Skills for
Agency Related to Quality?
Agency is the capacity and propensity
to take purposeful initiative—the opposite
of helplessness. Young people with high
levels of agency do not respond passively
to their circumstances; they tend to seek
meaning and act with purpose to achieve
the conditions they desire in their own and
others’ lives.
The Influence of Teaching Beyond Standardized Test Scores:
Engagement, Mindsets, and Agency by Ronald F. Ferguson with Sarah
F. Phillips, Jacob F. S. Rowley, and Jocelyn W. Friedlander, 2015
One of the most transformative changes in personalized,
competency-based education is the shift from compliance
to empowerment. Whereas the traditional system expects
students to be compliant, passive learners, high-quality
competency-based systems engage them as productive,
active learners. There is powerful evidence that agency is
vital to student learning and development. For this reason,
high-quality competency-based education systems turn
to instructional strategies that help students find authentic
purpose in learning and motivate them to put forth the
eort needed to learn. They are intentional in helping
students build intrinsic motivation and with graduated
release provide opportunity for students to learn to make
decisions about and co-design their learning.
[#6 Learning
There are at least three capacities that schools need to
build to support students in becoming active learners and
build the skills for lifelong learning: coaching, meaningful
information and opportunities.
Coaching: Although one can argue that we are all born
with agency, it requires skills to be able to become strong
self-advocates and lifelong learners that can successfully
navigate new environments and challenges. Multiple skills
and mindsets are needed for student agency and have
been best described as the building blocks for learning.
These skills and mindsets include growth mindset,
self-regulation and other social and emotional skills,
metacognition and perseverance.
[#4 Growth Mindset]
Meaningful Information: Empowering students means
providing them with meaningful choices. Students can
only make meaningful choices about their learning when
armed with adequate information about the cycle of
learning, learning targets, what proficiency looks like, and
concepts and skills they needed to reach proficiency. For
this reason, schools and teachers must provide students
with timely access to information about learning targets,
moderated definitions of mastery and where they are in
their learning progress.
[#12 Transparency]
Opportunities: Empowering students also means
providing them with real opportunities to practice the
skills necessary to be independent learners. Teachers can
proactively develop these skills in students and construct
learning experiences that let students practice self-
regulation and develop academic behaviors. Classroom
management strategies can enable students to practice
decision-making at appropriate developmental levels.
Teachers support students to build skills, using gradual
release that empower students and increase agency,
not simply handing over the reins. Many schools create
opportunities for students to expand their agency by
taking on increasing levels of responsibility from the
classroom to activities to clubs to school governance
at the highest levels. These opportunities build skill
development and contribute to a culture of respect and
empowerment. It is important to ensure they are oered
to a range of students and that, over time, all students
have opportunities for leadership roles.
As students become active learners with increasing ability
to guide their learning, the roles and power dynamics in
the classroom will change. With the help of classroom
management strategies and routines, students can take
more responsibility for their learning and free teachers
to work purposefully with small groups or individuals. In
classrooms where students have high degrees of agency,
an observer might see groups of students working
collaboratively and independently on projects, guiding
themselves through learning through student-to-student
sIxTEEn QualITy dEsIgn pRInCIplEs
inquiry and student-directed learning tools. A teacher or
teachers might circulate between groups asking critical
questions to push their learning, provide targeted supports
to a small group of students struggling with a similar
concept or skill, or provide virtual feedback on student
work. Thus, a virtuous cycle is created: when learning is
personalized and students become active participants in
their education, greater degrees of personalized learning
are enabled. Teachers are better able to meet students
where they are and students feel more engaged when
they have more autonomy of how they learn, how they
demonstrate their learning, and more opportunity to pursue
tasks that are of interest to them.
This shift in power within the classroom is significant not
only for its impact on learning outcomes, but also for its
impact on students’ lives. When students develop agency
they build the skills to take active roles in their learning.
These very same skills also allow them to make change in
their lives and in their communities. Promoting agency also
promotes equity by ensuring that students develop into
adults who have the capacity and resources to direct the
course of their own lives and counteract injustices in the
world around them.
[#2 Equity]
It is critical that educators are supported in learning how to
help students build the skills needed for agency. For many
teachers, this will require building new skills and addressing
certain mindsets. It is not at all uncommon to hear teachers
express fear that agency is “good for some kids, but not for
my kids.” While it is certainly true that some students might
need more support or dierent supports to develop agency
than others based on their learning and life experiences,
we caution teachers and leaders against assumptions
about who can have opportunities for leadership and self-
direction and who cannot. As districts and schools create
opportunities for teachers to learn instructional strategies
for building agency, they might also want to provide
opportunities for discourse and reflection that challenge
assumptions about what students can learn to do.
Educators as Learners]
I learned to trust kids. It was really scary
at first, but I decided, ‘I’m just going to go
for it – I’m all in.’ Then my students started
coming up to me, asking, ‘Can I show you
that I learned it?’ It is totally mind-blowing.
I saw so much more growth in my students,
and they were becoming confident learners.
Jennifer Denny, Teacher, Red Bank Elementary School, Lexington
School District, SC, 2016
Policies and Practices to Look For
Classroom management, learning experiences,
instruction and assessment are designed to develop
the mindsets, motivations and skills that promote
agency. Students have opportunities to develop these
competencies in their core learning experiences, through
coaching and advisement and in extended learning
Students have timely access to information about
learning targets, definitions of mastery and their own
progress to make decisions about their learning.
Common assessments and common outcomes enable
students to have access to flexible pathways, co-design
projects that reflect their interests, multiple ways to learn
and multiple ways to demonstrate learning.
School strategies to nurture student agency are
intentionally monitored to ensure that all students,
specifically historically underserved and marginalized
students, are receiving the feedback and coaching they
need to build skills.
Teachers use similar classroom management routines
and practices to support students taking ownership.
Navigating dierent routines and dynamics in each
classroom is minimized to increase the sense of safety
and lessen demand on working memory.
Students can explain what they are working on, why it is
important, what they need to do to demonstrate learning,
and what they can do if they are struggling.
Students, regardless of academic achievement levels, are
encouraged to take on leadership roles and participate in
Student-led conferences are used to engage parents and
guardians in which students prepare and present their
growth academically and as learners.
Examples of Red Flags
3 Student agency is thought to be the same as choice.
Too often schools interpret the concept of student
agency as equivalent to choice. This misconception
shows up in many ways: teachers think students have
agency if they get to pick which book they read or
where they sit, or think that having longer playlists
equals more agency. There is nothing wrong with these
practices—choice provides a limited form of autonomy
for students to exert control over their learning process.
Providing choice is only one technique to help students
build agency, but it is not adequate on its own. Choice
needs to be meaningful, grounded in a student’s
awareness of where they are in their learning, what they
need to do to progress and what matters most to them.
Without cultivating purpose, metacognition and self-
regulation, choice can be superficial.
3 Students are encouraged to participate in governance
and leadership opportunities but only if they are on
track (i.e., at grade level). Privileging students who are
on grade level or on track is a trait of the traditional
system. It is important to check assumptions about
gateways to other learning and leadership opportunities
in a school. At first glance, it may make sense to not
let a student who hasn’t completed their learning
objectives for a semester participate in leadership or
other extracurricular activities so that they can direct
their time toward learning. However, if they are on a
trajectory to getting on track by filling gaps and learning
at a growth rate of 1.5 or 2 performance levels per
year, they should be commended not penalized. Pay
attention to growth, not just grade-level standards.
3 Teachers do not receive support in how to coach
or assess the building blocks for learning needed
for agency. Schools often highlight some or all of
the building blocks for learning to help students take
ownership and build the lifelong learning skills but fail
to remember that educators need support themselves
in building these skills and in coaching these skills.
In addition, coaching and assessing the building
blocks for learning is a potential area for bias: without
consciousness or intention, bias can undermine eorts
to support students in building agency by skewing a
teacher’s perception of who has agency or is capable of
having agency. For example, a common attribution bias
is assuming that students who are late don’t care about
their education. However, the exact opposite might
be true. There are students that care so deeply about
education that they may wake up before dawn to take
three buses to get to school or may have helped their
three younger siblings get to school.
Everything starts with relationships.
The kids learn that they have to have
agency within relationships. We expect
our students to ask ‘Who says?’ and ‘What
makes you say that?’ so that they build
their own understanding and learn how to
give productive feedback and advocate for
Kim Carter, CEO, Making Community Connections Charter School,
Manchester, NH, 2014
sIxTEEn QualITy dEsIgn pRInCIplEs
#8 Design for the
Development of Rigorous
Higher-Level Skills
What is honors? We realized that it
wasn’t more work, or faster. It was deeper
learning, something all students should
have access to.
Jennifer Gay, Personalized Learning Project Manager, Luella High
School, Henry County School District, GA, 2016
Competency-based education supports students to not
only learn academic content, but also to apply it in dierent
contexts. Through application or engagement in deeper
learning students develop higher-order skills often referred
to as transferable skills. These skills include evaluation,
synthesis, problem-solving, creativity and communication.
Instruction, learning experiences and assessment, including
performance-based assessments, are aligned so that all
students can experience deeper learning by applying their
learning in the classroom and in the community.
Key Characteristics
Definition of student success. Definitions of success
include academic knowledge, transferable skills, and
lifelong learning skills. They explicitly value the higher-
level skills students will need to be successful.
Application and transfer. Students engage in higher-level
thinking by applying knowledge and skills to challenging,
interdisciplinary contexts and problems.
Reflection and revision. Not only do students apply
and demonstrate knowledge in meaningful ways, they
also have opportunities to use assessment as part of the
learning process. Feedback and data is used to improve
their performance and deepen their understanding.
Performance-based. Students demonstrate mastery
by showing what they know by submitting evidence
of transferring knowledge and skills, participating in
performance tasks or through performance-based
Productive struggle. Learning experiences encourage
and support students to experience productive struggle
as they engage with cognitively challenging work within
their zones of proximal development and to experience
failure as a necessary part of learning.
Moderation and calibration. Processes are in place for
teachers to build shared understanding of higher order
skills and consistency in grading to improve the reliability
of their decisions about student learning so that students
are not passed on with gaps in knowledge or skills.
How Is Designing for the Development of Rigorous
Higher-Level Skills Related to Quality?
In the beginning I didn’t like the school.
I didn’t understand what we were learning
or why we were learning it. In my old
school we rarely had projects. Here it was all
projects. I really didn’t like it until I got a lot
of help from teachers. When I realized that I
was going to get help, the projects became
Student at EPIC High School North, New York City Department of
Education, NY 2014
The concept of competency is the capacity to transfer
knowledge to new contexts. Competency-based systems
raise the bar in two ways: they expand the definition of
student success to include higher-order skills needed to
transfer knowledge and they expect that all students will
meet this bar. Thus, districts and schools need to design
systems of learning and assessment that ensure all students
have opportunities to experience and demonstrate rigorous
deeper learning.
Traditional districts and schools were organized around the
assumption that intelligence was fixed, and that students
should therefore be ranked and sorted to determine who
was “college material.” In these systems, only students
in honors or advanced courses had access to rigorous
learning, while other students—usually those students who
had been historically underserved—were only expected to
memorize and comprehend. By contrast, competency-
based education systems ensure all students have
opportunities for building higher-order skills and inquiry-
based learning.
While deeper learning is not tied to any one instructional
model or pedagogy, it can be seen in high-quality
applied learning such as capstone projects, inquiry-
based, project-based, problem-based, expeditionary
learning, and extended learning in the community,
among others. These types of learning experiences are
interdisciplinary and required students to select and
develop the appropriate mix of knowledge and skills to
use. Teachers find that collaborative design processes are
helpful for creating robust applied learning experiences
as so many instructional aspects need to be integrated.
For example, teachers will want to draw on culturally
responsive education strategies in recognition that
how students demonstrate higher-order skills may be
influenced by culture and intergroup dynamics. Districts
and schools will want to ensure that capacity is developed
for performance-based assessments so that teachers have
a moderated understanding of proficiency in higher-order
skills. Furthermore, it is important to ensure that there are
no barriers to deeper learning, such as course placement
To promote rigor for all, districts and schools usually need
to consider the number of strategic design questions. What
social, emotional and noncognitive supports will students
need to engage and persist at higher levels of learning?
How will schedules promote deeper learning? How many
community partnerships are needed to create authentic
problems to be solved and opportunities for internships?
How might teachers scaold problem-solving? How can
teachers balance deeper learning and meeting students
where they are with the very real pressure to accelerate
learning for the students who are the farthest behind? How
can teachers build their capacity to support performance-
based assessment? What mechanisms for moderation and
calibration exist so that teachers have shared understanding
and grading practices for assessing higher-order skills?
Without strategic design, setting this doubly high bar
for student success is merely aspirational: there is little
reason to believe that all students will meet a higher bar
of competency if we have not designed for the edges.
Gaps in knowledge will need to be repaired and learning
experiences designed to ensure all students engage in
rigorous higher-order learning at every step along their
educational path.
Furthermore, this high bar cannot be met without attention
to equity. Rigorous deeper learning isn’t something that is
made available to students after they are proficient. If the
definition of student success is academic knowledge and
the expertise to apply it, then all students have to have the
opportunity to build higher-order skills through rigorous
deeper learning regardless of their proficiency level. Many
schools set a level 3 to indicate proficiency and a level 4 to
indicate deeper learning or honors level work. When this
happens, students who are performing below their grade
level are pressured to “move on” when reaching proficiency
in an eort to “catch up” to grade-level standards. The
result is that they never have the opportunity for extending
their learning or engaging in deeper learning.
To prevent this situation from occurring, deeper learning
can be embedded into the design of all learning
experiences through core instructional strategies,
intersessions, capstone projects or extended learning
in the community. Some schools do this by including
performance-based assessment or performance tasks that
let students demonstrate their learning in ways other than
quizzes and tests, which tend to emphasize lower levels
of depth of knowledge. In this way all students, no matter
their performance levels, can have the opportunity for
learning how to apply skills.
sIxTEEn QualITy dEsIgn pRInCIplEs
If you focus on pace, it becomes a linear
march through the curriculum. When the
focus is on speed, it’s easier to fall into the
trap of low cognitive demand instead of
emphasizing deeper learning.
Michael Martin, Director of Curriculum & Technology, Montpelier
School District, VT 2016
Policies and Practices to Look For
Students are involved in at least one meaningful project
that makes connections to the real-world.
All students, including those who are learning at levels
below their age-based grade, have opportunities to apply
knowledge and skills.
The schedule and calendar have been aligned to ensure
students can receive extra help, participate in deeper
learning such as project-based learning and take
advantage of extended learning opportunities.
Teachers have time each week for planning, learning,
collaboration, as well as professional learning
opportunities, to build their capacity in instruction and
assessment for higher-order skill development.
Performance tasks and performance-based assessments
are used to ensure students are building higher-order
Moderation and calibration processes are in place to
ensure consistency in credentialing higher-order skills.
There is a school-wide strategy for helping students
understand graduation-ready competencies and an
opportunity to work on cross-cutting, transferable skills
in multiple classes so students can see how they dier
within dierent domains.
Examples of Red Flags
3 The graduate profile includes world-class skills or
transferrable skills but students advance based on
multiple choice assessments or other forms of tests
for comprehension and analysis. The traditional system
has emphasized the lower levels of Bloom’s taxonomy—
memorization and comprehension. Assessment
strategies that deem students proficient based on
80 percent pass rates, often embedded into digital
instructional software, may result in reinforcing lower
expectations. Students are passed on with potential
gaps in knowledge and without the expectation or
opportunity to apply and transfer skills. As districts are
guided by the beliefs and principles about teaching and
learning, many find themselves turning to performance-
tasks and performance-based assessments to help lift
their instruction from the knowledge levels of recall
and comprehension toward analysis, synthesis and
3 School schedules are still based on 50-minute classes.
Inquiry-based learning and project-based learning all
require time for deeper discussion and exploration.
Students need blocks of time for collaboration, creating
and innovating. More developed competency-based
schools create schedules to support deeper learning
including block schedules, inter-sessions for project-
based or work-based learning and flexible opportunities
to pursue research and inquiries.
3 Students can only do projects, community-based
learning or elective learning when they have reached
proficiency. Students who are behind grade level have
to move on when they meet proficiency rather than go
deep. Understandably, many teachers feel that this is the
best way to help students who are behind; with all the
best intentions, teachers rush their struggling students
along. But there are problems with this approach. First,
students who are the farthest behind are often the
same students who are the most disengaged. When
these students do not have the chance to go deep
into something that intrigues them, they are less likely
to persist. Second, a student who pushes forward to
grade level but never has time to apply their learning in
meaningful ways will only have demonstrated academic
content knowledge, not deeper learning. They may have
become proficient in the academic knowledge but not
in the higher-order skills needed to use that knowledge.
While it may look and feel (according to standardized
assessments) like this student has closed the gap, there
will still be a “deeper learning gap.” In other words,
students who entered the education system more
privileged will still leave the system more privileged if
they are the only ones who get to experience deeper
We want students to stretch themselves
toward going deeper in their learning.
Too often we are still expecting students
to memorize facts even if they are at
our fingertips. It is an entirely dierent
experience when it is inquiry-based. Facts
are sucked into the vortex of a kid who
is engaged by a big question. They gain
meaning because they can be used, not just
Bill Zima, former Principal, Mt. Ararat Middle School and currently
Superintendent, RSU2, ME, 2016
#9 Ensure Responsiveness
We don’t blink if you are at the second-
grade level when you are in the fourth grade.
If teachers really understand the standards
and the progressions that are needed to help
students move, then we can bridge the gaps.
We don’t pretend anymore that students can
do higher level work if they don’t have the
prerequisites. It makes teaching much more
complex as we are teaching students, not
just going through a curriculum.
Jennifer Denny, Teacher, Red Bank Elementary School, Lexington
School District, SC,2016
Schools need to meet students where they are to help
them master learning targets and build the competencies
they need for college, career and life. When schools
commit to ensuring that every student can succeed and
recognize that students have dierent knowledge, skills
and life experiences, they quickly find that a one-size-
fits-all approach will not work. Instead, schools need
to be responsive: meeting each student where they
are and providing the right supports at the right time. A
critical aspect of responsiveness is maintaining consistent
expectations of proficiency and monitoring student pace
to ensure students are receiving eective instruction and
Key Characteristics
Meeting students where they are. Based on the learning
sciences, schools promote instructional strategies and
adequate supports to meet students where they are in
their zone of proximal development. Within the current
policy context, districts and schools likely seek ways to
balance between pursuing grade level proficiency and
progressing students along the personalized pathway of
the learner continua.
Addresses foundational skills. Districts and schools
ensure students are mastering the foundational skills
and take responsibility for addressing key learning gaps.
Students are not passed on without support. Teachers
work with students to create plans to address gaps even
if it will take several years.
Deeper learning for all. Schools have intentional
strategies for ensuring all students have opportunities
to develop deep, enduring and transferable knowledge
regardless of where they are in terms of grade level
Personalized instruction. Teachers coach students in
the building blocks of learning to become independent
learners, increase motivation and engagement through
oering choice and co-design opportunities to pursue
interests and use a variety of instructional strategies to
support student learning.
sIxTEEn QualITy dEsIgn pRInCIplEs
Timely, dierentiated supports. Districts and schools
ensure students have access to the supports they need to
keep pace toward graduation.
Flexible resources. Resources, including time, space,
modality and technology are flexible to support
responsive and personalized instruction.
Data-driven practice. Data on student learning and
student work is used to diagnose and address learning
gaps, monitor pace and inform professional learning.
How Is Ensuring Responsiveness Related to Quality?
When I arrived at Parker-Varney three
years ago, we were program driven. We
depended heavily on curriculum programs
to drive our instruction. The problem is that
when you use products like Every Day Math
or America’s Choice curriculum, you are
completely tied to that curriculum. There is
no flexibility or strategy to meet the needs of
students who are at a dierent level.
Amy Allen, Principal, Parker-Varney Elementary School, Manchester
School District, NH, 2016
Consider the following analogy. Asking two students with
dierent learning backgrounds and needs to master the
same rigorous content at the same time with the same
supports is like asking one student to hop over a puddle,
and another to leap the Grand Canyon. Meeting students
where they are means ensuring that all students can
actually meet the same rigorous standards by providing
students who are behind with the tools, supports and time
they need to make that larger leap.
Responsiveness is critical to quality because without it—
the ability to meet each student where they are, provide
them with the right instructional strategies, resources and
supports, and monitor their progress toward proficiency—
there is little reason to believe that all students will actually
learn at high levels or graduate ready for college, career
and life. Likewise, there is little reason to believe that
districts will actually close persistent equity and opportunity
gaps. Thus, responsiveness is a critical element of building
a more equitable system. High-quality competency-based
districts and schools build the capacity to monitor every
single student’s growth and respond quickly when students
are not progressing.
As previously discussed, a culture of empowerment and
agency requires access to accurate and timely information.
Likewise, responsiveness requires transparency about
student progress and proficiency relative to grade-level
standards. Transparency eliminates mixed messages and
false signals to students and families about student learning,
helping them to make informed decisions. Transparency
also promotes teacher development and improvement. The
wealth of student learning data generated in competency-
based districts and schools provides powerful feedback
to educators about their eectiveness and highlights
areas for improving instruction. It also allows districts and
schools to monitor disaggregated growth data and address
inequity and bias as a part of continuous improvement.
In their purest form, competency-based systems are
fully student-centered. They are designed to ensure
every student is working toward successful completion
of competencies with access to instructional supports
that challenge and support them within their zone
of proximal development and progressing along a
continuum of learning at a pace that ensures they will
reach proficiency. We
know that some worry “meeting
students where they are” is code for lowering rigor of
instruction and might perpetuate learning gaps. On
the contrary, meeting students where they are is about
equity because meeting students where they are is
highly aligned with learning sciences and standards for
equitable practice. When students are met where they are
in their learning, they can attach new knowledge to prior
knowledge and advance their learning. When they have
opportunities to be supported on personalized pathways
with targeted supports to keep pace toward proficiency,
they are consistently engaged in their zones of proximal
development and can therefore develop true mastery.
Furthermore, meeting students where they are is
inextricably linked to the practice of closely monitoring
student pace and progress. Teachers work with each other
and with students to create individual learning pathways
that show the pace and progress students need to make,
critical milestones and the supports they will need. They
monitor student progress frequently to make sure students
are on pace and that supports are eective. In other words,
meeting students where they are does not mean being
complacent about a student who starts behind. It means
figuring out what that student needs to move forward and
adjusting the course as needed along the way.
The key to meeting students where they are lies in three
core capacities: 1) personalizing learning so that students
take more responsibility for their learning and teachers are
able to work with small groups or individually as needed; 2)
ensuring that students can access additional support when
they need it; and 3) closely monitoring growth and aligning
the level and intensity of support as needed to ensure
students are making progress. For a deeper discussion
on this issue see the paper Meeting Students Where They
There are several challenges in fully implementing a system
that can respond to students and monitor student growth
and progress. One of the largest challenges derives from
the fact that competency-based systems continue to
operate in the context of federal and state accountability
policy: teachers and leaders navigate the tension
between meeting students where they are and assessing
students based on grade level. Instead of focusing solely
on providing the most eective instruction to students
regardless if they are above, at or below grade level,
teachers may feel that it is only fair to cover the standards
and curriculum upon which the students will be assessed at
the end of the year. Some will do this by planning content
around grade-level standards and building in strategic
scaolds for students who are behind. Others will prioritize
“keystone” or “power” grade-level standards and go deep
on them to build students’ enduring understanding.
Students aren’t self-paced at Building
21. If they enter with gaps, then we work
with them to create a personalized growth
pathway. Their pace needs to mirror their
plan so they are in their zone and on a path
toward graduation. If they can get adequate
growth per year we can get them on track to
being college ready.
Sandra Moumoutjis, Educational Consultant, Building 21, School
District of Philadelphia, PA, 2016
Most districts and schools in the early stages of becoming
competency-based will continue to think about the starting
point of student learning as the beginning of the semester
and the beginning of a course or a grade level, i.e. a grade-
level learning continuum. This focuses their attention on
covering standards rather than taking a more student-
centered approach. While a standards-based orientation is
a reasonable starting point for districts and schools earlier
on the pathway to becoming fully competency-based,
it is a limited strategy in the long-term. The problem is it
truncates learning for those above grade level proficiency
while creating risk that students are not receiving the
instructional strategies they really need.
Teaching to grade-level standards and using scaolding to
build access to the grade-level content cannot be eective
if it’s done without the commitment to helping all students
address and fill gaps in their skills. This is hard, even
impossible to do, if teachers do not know what students’
gaps are; do not have instructional flexibility to personalize
for students; or do not have the ability to flex time in the
day, unit, or year to ensure that all students are actually
mastering standards. If, or when districts and schools find
themselves ready to fully transition to learner continuum
rather than grade level, they will find that student-centered
information management systems (rather than those that
are organized by grade-level standards within courses)
are helpful in enabling educators to monitor and record
student progress along their learning continua.
sIxTEEn QualITy dEsIgn pRInCIplEs
Policies and Practices to Look For
Schools are using a learner continuum that spans several
grade levels rather than grade level standards.
Students are able to tell you what level they are working
on, what they are working on, what they need for
support, and how they will know when they reach
Teachers plan for responding to students where they are
by organizing and making available learning tasks and/or
units that span the learner continuum.
Teachers and leaders have honest conversations about
how well the school is meeting students where they are
and producing growth for all sub-groups. Discussions
clarify what could be done dierently as part of
continuous improvement.
Students have multiple opportunities to access extra
support and instruction.
Data is used to monitor student growth in academic
domains, success in deeper learning/higher order skills,
and developing lifelong learning skills. Measures of
student achievement recognizes both the growth rate
based on a personal student trajectory and the age-
based grade level.
Examples of Red Flags
3 Students are passed on at the end of the year with gaps
in their learning without a plan for how to ensure they
fully master knowledge and skills. Competency-based
education is often described with the adage “learning
is the constant and time the variable” as compared
with the traditional system’s use of time as a constant.
However, the amount, quality and intensiveness of
support is also an important variable. Students may be
building prerequisite skills or simply need more support
and time when they are struggling. Some may not have
completed all the learning targets, either personalized
expectations or based on grade-level standards, by
the end of a semester or year. Some schools create
additional time at the end of semesters to support
students while others have organized summer school
as a natural extension of the school year. Bottom line:
students should expect that they can pick up where
they left o when they begin the next semester and
educators should be able to have easy access to
information about where students are in their learning.
3 Teachers or students refer to “fast learners” or “slow
learners.” It is important to guard against language of
students being “fast learners.” It is a red flag for two
reasons. First, it is possible that students are not being
oered enough opportunities for deeper learning,
which generally takes more time. They may be fast only
because the level of rigor being asked is closer to recall
and comprehension than it is to higher-order skills of
synthesis and evaluation. Second, the so-called slow
student may actually be learning much more, addressing
gaps in the prerequisite knowledge that is needed for
the task. Thus, students might be “fast learners” only
because they are operating in a much narrower zone
of proximal development. Third, the term “fast learner”
implies a fixed mindset—you are or you aren’t.
If your culture of learning is strong, students will
be comfortable talking about their grade levels and
academic levels even if they are on academic levels
below their grade level. Pay attention to language about
progress—emphasize ecacy, depth of learning and
working harder to tackle challenging material rather
than falling into the trap of referring to students as fast
or slow. To keep your culture of learning robust, focus
on eort rather than comparison.
3 Scaolding only helps students have access to
a curriculum. Students often have gaps in their
knowledge including the highest achieving students.
Scaolding that only provides access to a curriculum
without ensuring that students actually repair the gaps
means that the next year and the year after they may
continue to be ill-prepared for higher level coursework.
With a shared commitment to filling gaps, teachers will
collaboratively develop strategies to repair those missing
gaps, even if it takes longer. Sometimes plans will need
to be made so that students can continue to get support
in the summer and when they return the next fall. The
importance is that there is continuity in their instruction
and support.
The beauty of transparency is that teachers are not afraid to come to us to look at student
work and have a conversation about what we can do. With some targeted professional
development, our teachers are better able to identify early on if we are dealing with dyslexia or
some other issue that needs special education specialists or if students are missing skills.
Penny Panagiosoulis, Principal, KAPPA International High School, New York City Department of Education, NY, 2016
C. Structure Design Principles
Mastery-based learning operates on a
dierent set of assumptions. Even if you
have two or three colleagues working
together, it is dicult to bring mastery-
based learning to life in the classroom
without a district vision. As a teacher, you
can focus on standards and develop your
units around them, but there is no way to
create a greater understanding of how the
standards fit together to create a sense of
purpose for learning
if you are working
in isolation. Teachers can organize their
classrooms around standards, but we want
so much more for kids. It takes a much
broader vision. The vision of the district and
the philosophy of the school shape how
people relate to each other, determine what
is important and where attention is directed,
and sets the values.
Caroline Messenger, Curriculum Director, Naugatuck Public Schools,
CT 2016
It is helpful to think of the structure of a district or school
as the architecture of a house: the foundation, frame
and load-bearing walls. It is essential that each part of
the architecture is strong on its own and that all parts fit
together to form a solid and resilient frame. The structure,
the formal arrangement and relationships between policies,
processes and practices influences and upholds the ways
in which people interact and how learning occurs. The
culture and structure of a school are highly interdependent
with culture shaping how people interpret the rules and
operating procedures defined by the structure.
At a minimum, competency-based education requires
school-wide structures. A district-wide approach produces
even greater opportunity for alignment, innovation and
sustainability. Making the transition from the traditional
system to a competency-based one requires the process
of dismantling certain existing structures and creating new
ones that intentionally reinforce the underlying values and
beliefs of competency-based education. Although some
schools attempt to introduce pilots as a way to begin the
transformational process, it is impossible to produce the
full benefits with just a classroom or two. A shared purpose,
culture of learning and organizing the school schedule to
provide rapid responses when students need additional
support are beyond the scope of what innovative teachers
can do in their classroom alone.
sIxTEEn QualITy dEsIgn pRInCIplEs
This section will explore seven design principles that
constitute the infrastructure and capabilities needed to
support competency-based education. The first three
principles in this section—alignment, consistency and
transparency—seek to create confidence on the part of
teachers, principals, district leaders, students, families and
the broader community that schools are using the most
eective strategies. When a school credentials a student
as proficient, we can all count on it being so. These three
principles are powerful in reducing the mixed messages,
false signals and seemingly intractable inequity of dierent
expectations for dierent students within and across
schools. Although highly related, they are treated separately
here as each introduces significant changes to how districts
and schools operate. The next three principles—educators
as learners, organizational flexibility and continuous
improvement and organizational learning—are all related to
moving beyond the bureaucratic rigidity of the traditional
system to create growth-oriented systems that rapidly
respond to students. The final principle of advancement
upon mastery is a culmination of all the other principles in
creating systems that ensure students are developing the
competencies they need to succeed in their next level of
studies and in their future.
Many districts and schools launch into the change process
by focusing solely on the technical structural changes.
However, it is important to remember that without
clarifying pedagogy and seeding an inclusive culture of
learning, beliefs of the traditional system will impede high-
quality implementation. Fidelity requires attention to all
three aspects: culture, pedagogy and structure.
#10 Seek Intentionality and
One of the biggest benefits of mastery-
based learning is the clarity for teachers.
We have had so many good conversations
with teachers about what they are teaching,
what they want students to be able to
know and be able to do, and why they are
teaching it. We know we are doing a good
job at implementation, as it is making
alignment a natural process. The selection
of activities are more likely to be based on
the skills students need and what students
need to practice. There is more focus on
what students need to do to learn something
rather than simply covering the content.
Greg Baldwin, Principal, New Haven Academy, CT, 2016
Coherent systems align all of their parts around a common
purpose and vision for student learning. A report, Alignment
in Complex Education Systems: Achieving Balance and
by the Organisation for Economic Co-
operation and Development (OECD) describes how the
majority of developed countries around the globe build
alignment of three areas of their education systems:
defining the knowledge and skills students need to
know and be able to do at progressive stages through
graduation, creating curricular frameworks that illustrate
the competencies and learning objectives in standards
and measuring learning and attainment through student
assessments and school evaluations. The OECD reports, “If
these systems are misaligned, it is impossible to draw valid
conclusions about the success of student learning or to
develop eective strategies for school improvement.”
Coherence is the result of intentional design: districts,
schools and educators are deliberate in aligning every
part of their system, school and classroom. The process
of alignment of school design, instruction, assessment
and learning experiences is well-managed, recognizing
that with alignment comes changes in policies, practice
and the capacity of sta to implement with fidelity. There
is a clear rationale for each decision point in design,
implementation and continuous improvement. Intentional
design is thoughtful about the sequence and pace of the
implementation process so that sta have opportunities
to build capacity as needed. Alignment is not something
that is done in one fell swoop. It is a step-by-step process
of refinement and sometimes innovation. The best
change strategies embody the values and beliefs of the
competency-based system to build trust, individual learning
and organizational knowledge.
Key Characteristics
Purpose-driven. Districts and schools begin alignment
with the the purpose of ensuring each and every student
is fully prepared for college, career and life. The graduate
profile emphasizing academic knowledge, transferable
skills, and the skills for lifelong learning drive decisions.
There is shared understanding that all decisions should
come back to our central mission.
Student-centered. The purpose to ensure every student
is mastering knowledge and skills places students and
what it takes to help them learn at the core of the
alignment process.
Common learning framework. A transparent learning
framework is developed and used to align instruction and
assessment. Furthermore, the learning framework and
what proficiency looks like at each performance level is
available to students and families.
On-going alignment processes. Processes are in place
to ensure ongoing processes of alignment and that
the school and district systems support an aligned
instruction, assessment and learning experiences
(curriculum). Leaders manage implementation so that
educators have opportunity to pursue personalized
professional learning to build their skills to implement
an aligned system. Educators draw on collaborative
processes to help fine-tune the design of learning
experiences to ensure that in addition to building
academic knowledge, students will have the opportunity
to develop building blocks of learning and higher-order
Clarity and capacity. Instructional, operational and
structural systems only matter if people understand
them, understand their roles and actually know what to
do. Competency-based systems provide the balance
of detail and simplicity—so called “elegance”—that
enables people at all levels to actually know what they
are supposed to do. Resources are provided to support
educators in building the knowledge and skills needed.
Improvement. Continuous improvement processes take
into consideration the interdependence of an aligned
system. As improvements are considered, alignment is
maintained by asking, “if we change x, what will it mean
for y?”
sIxTEEn QualITy dEsIgn pRInCIplEs
How Is Seeking Intentionality and Alignment
Important for Quality?
Without clear learning objectives,
teachers—purposefully or not—focus on
engaging students for the sake of order
and discipline. Instead, proficiency-
based learning leads teachers to plan
the instructional environment to meet
specific learning goals. Proficiency-based
learning pushes teachers to think about
how to intrinsically engage students with
relevant material and the opportunity to
see themselves getting better over time.
Our students know that success is possible.
Proficiency-based learning shifts teachers
practices—we are always asking, ‘What do
you want students to know, where is each
student in their learning and how can we
create engaging projects that will help them
get to the next step?’”
Casey Fuess, Teacher, Lindblom High School, Chicago Public Schools,
IL, 2017
Creating a high-quality school and system doesn’t
occur by happenstance. It requires intentional eort to
align the culture, structure and pedagogy around three
things: purpose, students and strategies that will lead
to reaching the purpose. Intentionality is an ongoing
creative design process that empowers people to have the
ability to change and improve their environments. When
intentionality is a feature of a district and school, leaders,
teachers and even students are part of an ongoing process
to create and improve the school. Intentional design
creates and is created by a strong collaborative culture of
learning and a sense of urgency.
Alignment Around What?
Alignment is the process of making sure all the pieces fit
together to create a coherent structure that will support
learning. But alignment around what? Alignment begins
with the shared purpose and desired outcomes. Usually this
is the graduate profile and definition of student success.
When systems align around the goal of students being able
to apply their knowledge and be independent learners,
there are clear implications for learning and teaching.
Alignment also takes into consideration the student
population. Districts, schools and teachers to get to
know their current students, asking many of the following
questions. What is the culture of their families and
communities? What has been their educational experience
so far? Districts and schools experiencing demographic
changes in their communities will find that they need to
be more adaptive and possibly develop new capacities to
align with their students. Schools are designed to support
relationship building so that teachers are better able to
know their students. Teachers take into consideration what
students know and can do, their social and emotional skills,
and the things they care most about in meeting students
where they are.
The final focal point of alignment is the set of strategies
determined to best help students learn and succeed,
which are shaped by learning sciences and equity. Districts,
schools and educators will want to turn to the research on
the science of learning to shape policies, schools design
and instruction. They will also want to draw from the
research on equitable strategies that have been developed
to ensure historically underserved populations reach high
levels of achievement. This doesn’t always mean integration
of strategies: it may also require ending inequitable
In the paper Levers and Logic Models: A Framework to
Guide Research and Design of High-Quality Competency-
Based Education Systems,
four logic models are outlined
to identify the elements of culture, student learning
experience, professional practice, district and school
systems. As depicted in Figure 4, these logic models must
be aligned within the levers of desired student outcomes,
Figure 4. The Levers and Logic Models of Competency-Based Education
mediating factors of local context and student population
and the drivers of the learning sciences and equity
The Common Learning Framework
Districts and schools develop a central learning architecture
or common framework that clarifies what is expected
for students to know and do at each performance level
or grade level to which instruction and assessment are
then aligned. In most cases, performance levels are
the same as grade levels, although some districts have
established unique performance levels. This common
learning framework may be organized around higher level
competencies and the standards that contribute to each.
However, many districts begin with the state standards
with which they are already comfortable and introduce
competencies at a later point in implementation. The
value of beginning with competencies are two-fold: 1)
competencies demand rigorous deeper learning instruction
and assessment and 2) competencies can reinforce a sense
of purpose and make connections for students about why
it is important to reach proficiency on standards. Once
the learning framework has been agreed upon it may be
translated into more student-friendly language.
Clarity and Consistency
A critically important step in alignment is the process of
building a shared understanding of what it means to be
proficient in each of these competencies and standards
at each performance level. The processes of building
consistency through moderation and calibration catalyzes
sIxTEEn QualITy dEsIgn pRInCIplEs
the collaborative professional learning of teachers. By
looking at student work and discussing the features that
indicate proficiency at dierent performance levels,
teachers begin to think more deeply about the instruction
and assessment needed to help students master the
learning targets.
[#11 Consistency & Reliability]
It starts with having a cohesive
philosophy and a dedication to constantly
improving the school. New ideas have to
be able to be integrated into our holistic
approach. It’s a constant conversation
to maintain coherence and sustain a
shared vision. We have to make sure that
improvements, innovations, and new eorts
build on each other. “
Deanna Sinito, former Principal, Carroll Gardens School for
Innovation, New York City Department of Education, NY, 2014
Aligning Instruction and Assessment
Every high-quality school aligns instruction, curriculum or
what we refer to as learning experiences, and assessment.
However, competency-based education is intentional
about also considering the definition of student success
included in the purpose and the student population. Thus,
the structures that support instruction, learning experiences
and assessment need to have the following capacities: able
to respond to students where they are including above
or below grade level, designed to help students build the
lifelong learning skills and aligned with higher-order skills.
Aligning Professional Learning
Aligning instruction and assessment tends to trigger
increased attention to professional learning for educators.
For those schools that include clarifying the pedagogical
principles and fully embedding learning sciences
into instruction and assessment in the early stages of
implementation, the process of aligning the capacity of
the educator workforce is a natural step. Those schools
that begin with creating a common learning framework
are likely to discover substantial areas of misalignment
between learning objectives, assessment, instruction and
curriculum. This may require sequencing capacity-building
across the school as well as supporting individual teacher’s
professional growth. Teacher professional learning, based
on where teachers are in their own skill development
and the stage of development of the competency-based
system, is likely to focus on how to support students in
developing the building blocks of learning, classroom
management for personalized learning, instruction for the
development of higher-order skills and deepening content
instruction and assessment literacy.
[#13 Educators as
Aligning School Design and Operations
Districts and schools will often find that they need to
rethink schedules for more applied learning, expand
community partnership for oering real-world problem-
solving and building capacity for performance-based
assessment. Schools may also want to develop or extend
the array of wraparound services that students can access.
Opportunity for Broader Systemic Alignment
Although it is beyond the scope of this publication, there
are opportunities to align competency-based structures
between K-12 and postsecondary institutions—colleges,
universities, training and employers—to create more
transparent and meaningful credentials.
Quality requires intentionality and alignment: every aspect
of cultural, instructional and operational systems must
support student learning, student success and the vision
driving the district or school. Like a complex machine,
all parts of a quality system work in concert to produce
desired outcomes. Furthermore, all people in the system
must understand their part in the coordinated eort
to produce desired outcomes: their role, the needed
capacities, and their connection to the other parts. Finally,
the system must maintain this focus and alignment through
the critical processes of continuous improvement—as
people and parts adapt to meet students’ needs, systems
must learn to manage and integrate these micro changes
into the larger whole.
Mastery-based grading forces you to be
intentional. First, I identify all the big ideas
that students need to know and do. Then I
design all the assessments that will be used
by the end of the year. I also weave in all
the things I want to make sure the students
don’t forget. Throughout this process, I can
add word problems or interesting context
(like hip hop artists) in ways that students
don’t expect. This intentionality means
I have to be strategic about the structure
and flow of the curriculum. For example,
I agonized this summer over whether I
should bifurcate deriving linear equations
into rate of change and y intercepts. I love
math, and this gives me an opportunity to
think even more deeply about it.
Jared Sutton, Teacher, Carroll Gardens Middle School, New York City,
NY 2014
Policies and Practices to Look For
Measures of student outcomes are well articulated,
including how equity in outcomes is being measured.
The outcomes or graduate profile clearly explains the
knowledge and skills students should learn accompanied
by examples of student work to clearly indicate
performance expectations.
A common learning framework is well-developed and
teachers are knowledgeable with instruction for the level
above and below the grade level they teach.
Teachers have opportunity to experiment and innovate in
pursuit of greater alignment.
Teachers have opportunity to plan, collaborate and learn.
Professional learning communities are supported and
School designs, learning experiences and professional
learning opportunities for educators are based on
outcomes and informed by data on student learning.
Districts and schools adapt or redesign structures to
support the development of outcomes and the strategies
used to help students reach them.
Learning experiences are designed to provide
opportunities for students to strengthen their social and
emotional skills.
Instruction and systems of assessments support
application of skills and development of higher-
order skills. Districts and schools build capacity for
performance-based assessment and assessment literacy.
It starts with having a cohesive
philosophy and a dedication to constantly
improving the school. New ideas have to
be able to be integrated into our holistic
approach. It’s a constant conversation
to maintain coherence and sustain a
shared vision. We have to make sure that
improvements, innovations, and new eorts
build on each other. “
Deanna Sinito, former Principal, Carroll Gardens School for
Innovation, New York City Department of Education, NY, 2014
Examples of Red Flags
3 Graduate profile emphasizes deeper learning and
higher-order skills but curriculum, instruction and
assessments are primarily set at memorization and
comprehension. As districts begin the process of
aligning instruction and assessment to the common
learning framework of competencies and standards,
they often discover that instruction and assessment
are not aligned with the depth of knowledge of the
standards. They soon begin to make adjustments to
have more applied learning opportunities, performance
tasks and performance-based assessments.
sIxTEEn QualITy dEsIgn pRInCIplEs
3 The school knows that many students are entering
at levels several years below age-based grade level
but continues to emphasize delivery of grade-level
instruction. Alignment isn’t just between standards,
instruction and assessment. It involves aligning with
the student population as well. In early implementation
stages, districts often use the semester as a beginning
point of monitoring learning with all students expected
to master the learning objectives by or soon after
the end of the course. This is unlikely to be achieved
if students have multi-year gaps in their knowledge.
Although schools use dierent strategies to meet the
needs of students with gaps they may continue to pass
students on to the next course without developing
long-term strategies to address gaps. The failure to have
honest conversations with students about the level they
are performing does a disservice to students. They will
never know what is really expected until they are forced
to take remediation courses at college. Thus, districts
and schools need to invest in long-term strategies that
truly meet students where they are and help them to
reach graduation competencies.
Mastery blew our minds. It forces you to
think about how you use time. In fact there
is no such thing as time, only the intentional
way we can can help students learn and
get ready for graduation. Our job is to think
about the ways we can create additional
opportunities for students. For those who
need more help or have lots of gaps to fill,
how do we provide more instructional
support? For those who are ready to move
ahead, how do we make sure they always
have that opportunity? Mastery has totally
opened up our thinking about how to
support students.
Ryan Reynolds, former Principal, PACT High School, Cleveland School
District, OH, 2017
#11 Establish
Mechanisms to Ensure
Consistency and
In the traditional system, it can
mistakenly feel more precise because we
use mathematics to determine the grade. In
the mastery-based system, we have to make
sure we are as objective as possible – we
have to be subjectively objective. We used to
have teachers say that they wanted to give
students who had worked hard the benefit
of the doubt. Why is there any doubt? We
need to have a system in which we can be
confident of what students know.
Susan Bell, former Superintendent and David Prinstein, Principal,
Windsor Locks Middle School, Windsor Locks School District, CT, 2016
In competency-based systems, students advance upon
demonstrated mastery of learning. In order to do so, those
learning objectives must be clearly articulated and reliably
understood by all. Moderation builds shared understanding
of proficiency, and calibration creates consistency of
grading practices to improve consistency in credentialing
learning. Creating cross-district and cross-school clarity
and consistency reduces variability in expectations. Systems
of assessments are aligned with appropriate level of depth
of knowledge as defined by the learning objectives.
Key Characteristics
Valid and reliable. Districts and schools have accurate,
standards-based definitions of proficiency. These
definitions are transparent and available to all educators
and students. Rubrics, examples of proficient student
work and other tools are used to communicate
Authentic assessment. Systems of assessment are
valid and reliable, and produce data that accurately
assesses student mastery of standards. Assessment is
also meaningful and valuable to the learning process by
supporting reflection and guiding further instruction.
Aligned to learning objectives. Systems of assessment
are aligned to competencies and standards at the
appropriate depth of knowledge.
Assessment literacy. Teachers are supported in using
dierent types of assessments and providing productive
feedback to students. Teachers build capacity in
assessing building blocks of learning, transferable skills
and performance-based assessments.
Moderated. Districts and schools have systems and
processes to ensure consistency in the way that
proficiency is understood across schools.
Calibrated. Educators work together to ensure inter-rater
reliability of grading of student work and assessments.
How Is Establishing Mechanisms to Ensure
Consistency and Reliability Important to Quality?
To ensure equity and fairness, it is
important to have uniform expectations
and values. The grading policies reflect
our values and need to become a school-
wide set of expectations that are applied
consistently. A well-designed grading
system should be able to answer the
question, ‘How would I know that this
student is making progress?’”
Mike McRaith, Principal, Montpelier High School, Montpelier School
District, VT, 2016
Traditional education systems demonstrate high degrees
of variability: they permit dierent understandings of
what it means to be proficient between schools (higher-
income communities often have higher expectations than
lower-income communities), between educators (dierent
definitions in every classroom or school) and between
students (dierent definitions being applied to students,
often based on their race, class and perceived ability). Many
factors contribute to this variability, including educators
working in isolation, A-F grading systems based on student
behaviors, assignments and summative tests, biased
educator perception and dierent expectations for students
within and across schools. In these contexts, inequities
are produced. Students are told they are proficient when
they are not resulting in widening learning gaps. Neither
students nor educators can access accurate information
about what students know and can do to inform
instructional decision-making. The results are many: each
year teachers are challenged by the number of students
with gaps in their knowledge from the previous year.
Students without prerequisite knowledge and no avenue
to build it become less engaged and motivation decreases.
Students with high GPAs go o to college only to discover
they need remediation, and parents and communities lose
trust in the educational system.
By contrast, competency-based systems emphasize
consistency and reliability. Rather than relying on seat-
time as a weak proxy for learning, competency-based
systems develop structures to build confidence and
transparency about student learning. Competency-based
education systems value consistency and transparency
as strategies that interrupt the replication of inequities.
Quality and greater equity are rooted in evaluating student
outcomes against a constant criterion—a standard
with rubrics clearly outlining expectations for what
evidence is needed for successful outcomes—rather than
evaluating student outcomes against a single educator’s
estimation of proficiency. Learning targets and proficiency
determinations are transparent. Scoring proficiency is
calibrated; educators work collaboratively to define what
proficiency looks like using evidence of student work,
use common rubrics and calibrated grading practices to
increase inter-rater reliability of scoring. Student progress is
measured based on outcomes demonstrating proficiency.
The eorts of a few leading states to create proficiency-
sIxTEEn QualITy dEsIgn pRInCIplEs
based diplomas is another strategic eort to create more
consistency and confidence that students are mastering
what they need to be successful in the future.
Creating consistency in teachers’ judgment of learning
begins with the development of the common learning
framework that identifies the learning targets, common
rubrics for each performance level and example of
proficient student work.
[#10 Intentionality & Alignment]
From there several structures play key roles in creating
Balanced System of Assessments
Competency-based systems emphasize a balanced
approach to assessment that drives powerful learning
that leads toward common outcomes. Elements of a
balanced system of assessment includes: strong emphasis
on formative assessment for learning including productive
feedback, multiple opportunities for students to reach
proficiency, multiple measures used to determine
proficiency, assessment aligned with depth of knowledge of
learning targets including performance-based assessment
and opportunities for students to pursue personalized
strategies to provide evidence of learning.
Districts and schools integrate assessment and grading as
part of the learning process: assessment illuminates what
students need to know, provides students with low-stakes
opportunities to practice and self-assess what they know
throughout the learning cycle and develops feedback that
students and educators can use to improve. The result
is that students understand the role of assessment as
meaningful to their learning. They see it as the doorway
through which they are able to receive the feedback
and dierentiated instructional support to help them be
successful. Assessment is the way teachers show they
care for the student by wanting them to be successful, not
something by which they are judged. Clear definitions and
criteria to evaluate evidence of proficiency are core to a
meaningful system of assessments. Validity refers to the
degree to which assessments and evaluations measure
what they are intended to measure (i.e., how well they are
aligned with standards and curriculum). Reliability refers
to the consistency and stability of results across student
populations or across schools. Usability refers to how
policymakers, school leaders and teachers make sense
of and respond to assessment and evaluation results.
Alignment of assessments and evaluations with standards
and curriculum is crucial to usability.
In the most developed competency-based systems,
summative assessments are organized to meet students
where they are rather than based on pacing guidelines for
covering grade-level standards. Students show evidence
of learning or are assessed summatively after a teacher has
determined that the student is proficient. Thus, summative
assessments are designed to confirm proficiency as a form
of quality control.
Assessment Literacy
Given the critical role assessment plays in the cycle
of learning, competency-based systems invest in
building assessment literacy throughout the districts
and schools. Assessment literacy—the knowledge and
skills to use the full range of types of assessment which
are developmentally appropriate on behalf of helping
students to learn—becomes a priority after the first stage
of implementation. As districts and schools advance in
implementation, attention to the system of and knowledge
about appropriate assessments increases. Professional
learning about assessment often includes attention
to formative assessment including the use of learning
to better understand how students are
solving problems. Student knowledge around self-
assessment gains in importance. Districts and schools
frequently invest in building the capacity and professional
learning around assessment literacy, especially around
performance-based assessment, if they do not yet have
it integrated into their ongoing pre-service and in-service
professional learning.
[#8 Rigorous Higher-Level Skills]
Moderation and Calibration
Two processes are critical for creating the consistency
need for a high-quality, equitable competency-based
system: moderation and calibration. Moderation is a
process used to evaluate and improve comparability.
The process involves having teachers (or others) work to
develop a common understanding of varying levels of
quality of student work. Calibration describes the process
of creating consistent, shared understanding of what
proficiency means for learning targets for specific levels of
performance (or grade levels) and requires teachers to look
at student work together. Moderation processes must take
place within and across schools, and even across districts,
to ensure that students are all held to high standards.
Then, there is a need to calibrate the grading practices so
that teachers can consistently determine proficiency and
identify what students need to learn to reach proficiency.
Calibration, like moderation, builds professional knowledge
while also operating as a formal mechanism that ensures
students are advancing upon mastery.
As schools begin to integrate rigorous deeper learning,
moderation and calibration will be needed to help teachers
consistently determine higher-order and transferable skills
demonstrated through performance tasks, performance-
based assessments, portfolios and capstone projects. In
the future, it is likely that moderation processes will need
to be expanded even further to support teachers in the
process of understanding levels of development in the
building blocks for learning such as metacognition, social
and emotional skills, self-regulation and traits such as
perseverance. Moderation processes can take place within
schools, across schools and across districts in a state.
Proficiency-Based Diploma
Proficiency-based diplomas are being developed to
create consistency in what students know and can do
upon graduation. Essentially, the graduate profile drives
alignment and also the requirements for graduation.
When used as a high leverage policy, the introduction
of a proficiency-based diploma can catalyze districts
and schools to become more responsive to students so
that they are fully supported in their learning starting in
elementary school. However, if districts don’t make the
necessary adjustments to ensure students are building
mastery for all the critical learning objectives in the younger
years, pressure builds at the high school level about how to
respond to students with gaps in their learning within the
four years, so that they can demonstrate mastery of all the
graduation competencies.
It is by creating these structures that districts and schools
can consistently know that students are learning, and
credential learning authentically. The result is that teachers,
students and parents can all have confidence that they
know where a student is performing along the learning
continuum (i.e., grade level) and growth (where they started
and how they are progressing on their learner continuum).
Policies and Practices to Look For
Structures and processes are in place to ensure that
the instruction and assessments are fully aligned with
the learning objectives and oer rich and frequent
opportunities for students to perform at the highest
possible depth of knowledge.
Teachers engage in calibration or joint scoring of student
work to ensure inter-rater reliability.
Teacher-generated performance assessments are
strengthened by engaging in task validation protocols.
States, districts and schools establish moderation
processes to ensure that levels of proficiency and
mastery (application of the skills and knowledge) are
aligned to state standards and shared among teachers.
Professional learning communities seek to create
consistency in determining learning. Teachers provide
feedback to their colleagues if they credential students as
reaching proficiency when they haven’t.
Transparency in the learning cycle and grading
provides feedback on student progress and is designed
to recognize and monitor growth with improved
consistency and reliability. Students are able to see
examples of proficiency work on the walls of classrooms
or in other resources.
Districts and schools have mechanisms in place for
quality assurance to ensure that variation is not creating
situation of lower expectations for some students or
students advancing without the opportunity to fully
master skills.
sIxTEEn QualITy dEsIgn pRInCIplEs
Examples of Red Flags
3 Teachers are spending substantial time on unpacking
standards and writing rubrics, without looking at
student work to moderate their understanding. The
development of the common learning framework with
clear learning targets and rubrics can easily slip into
a bureaucratic process rather than one focused on
teaching and learning. Make sure teachers are spending
time looking at student work, talking about what
proficiency looks like, and building their assessment
literacy. Manage refinements of documents on an
annual basis so that it doesn’t take up too much of
teachers’ precious time together. Great professional
development can take place when teachers talk about
student learning, instruction and assessment as they
design and refine the learning continuum.
3 Standards-based grading is introduced too early
without the structures for consistency in place. Many
districts turn to standards-based grading too early in
the process, often based on the misconception that
by doing so they will be considered competency-
based. The infrastructure of the learning framework to
ensure consistency and mastery—aligned instruction
and assessment, the mechanisms of moderation
and calibration and flexibility for students to receive
support when they need it—should all be in place
before introducing grading practices organized around
standards. Too often districts say they are doing
standards-based grading with the intent to make sure
every student fully masters the standards when they
are actually using standards-referenced processes that
provide feedback based on common standards without
making the commitment to help every student achieve
them. An additional risk is that students may only be
receiving feedback based on grade level standards
without attention to addressing gaps. Thus, students
are not being held to same standards and false signals
about student progress continue.
3 Students can tell you who are the “easy” educators and
the “hard” educators in which the hard educators have
expectations for students to master the knowledge
and skills. In the traditional model, teachers have
autonomy over grading and what they determine as
proficient. Students know which teachers have high
expectations and which ones don’t. The so-called “hard”
teachers have high expectations and will make students
stretch to receive a high grade. In competency-based
systems all teachers should be “hard” holding high
expectations for all students. High-achieving students
in competency-based schools will often remark that
they have to work harder because they are expected to
demonstrate their learning, not just memorize for a test.
We started along the path toward
mastery-based learning when we began to
ask ourselves: Why do we assess? Why do
we grade? We realized that every teacher
did it dierently. The transparency and
intentionality of mastery-based learning
makes a huge dierence for our teachers
and our students. Our teachers are much
more intentional about what they want
to achieve in their classrooms. It has also
opened up the door to rich conversations
about what is important for students to
learn, pedagogy, and the instructional
strategies we are using. For students,
the transparency is empowering and
motivating. They are more engaged in
taking responsibility for their own education
than ever before.
Lara Evangelista, Principal, Flushing International High School, New
York City Department of Education, 2016
The common learning framework of student learning
objectives is transparent to all. Students know where they
are on their learner continuum, their progress and growth.
Transparency of the teaching and learning philosophy also
facilitates student ownership and builds intrinsic motivation
for students. Distributed leadership depends on access
to guiding principles and data to support collaborative
decision-making. As a result, everyone can be actively
engaged in the process of continuous improvement.
Transparency isn’t only about information. It is also
relational in creating open, honest and when needed
dialogue that addresses problems and challenges bias. Trust
builds as understanding of dierent perspectives deepen.
Key Characteristics
Common learning framework. A common learning
framework or continuum of learning has been agreed
upon and shared among teachers, students and families
about what knowledge and skills students are expected
to learn. The framework includes learning targets along
with rubrics and examples of proficient student work.
In early stage competency-based schools, this tends to
be similar to grade-level state standards. Districts and
schools may choose to organize around competencies
that describe the core sets of skills students are expected
to know upon graduation that are then organized to
communicate specific performance or grade levels.
The most developed districts and schools use a “learner
continuum” that includes multiple performance or grade
levels to indicate student progression based on where
they are rather than where they should be based on their
Student progress. Information is available and accessible
to students, educators and families on where students
are in terms of advancing upon targeted learning
objectives including grade level targets and personal
growth based on a learner continuum.
Assessment for learning. Students receive feedback so
that they understand exactly what they need to learn
and do to reach proficiency. Teachers are skilled in
assessment for learning to provide eective feedback
for students to address misconceptions and successfully
reach proficiency.
Instructional and assessment level of knowledge.
Teachers are aware of and align the instruction and
assessment to the appropriate depth of knowledge called
for by the learning target.
Grading is an indicator of progress, not judgment
or comparison. Schoolwide grading policies provide
feedback on how students are progressing toward
mastering learning objectives with transparency about
performance level of student.
Timeliness. Information on student data is available in
a timely fashion that supports instructional decision-
Student-centered. Students and educators can monitor
learning across a variety of domains and performance
Responsive supports. Data on student learning supports
educators to provide students with targeted supports to
help them advance.
Decision-making criteria. District and school leadership
and teams have shared purpose and agreed upon criteria
to help guide decision-making.
Investing in quality of relationships. The culture of the
school is nurtured to support strong relationships that
can look honestly and deeply at individual, group or
systemic issues related to student learning.
sIxTEEn QualITy dEsIgn pRInCIplEs
How Is Establishing Transparency Related to
Competency education has helped
the entire school and students get on the
same wavelength. With transparency in
competencies, conversations focus in on
learning. Transparency allows for an entirely
dierent type of relationship between
students and their teachers to form.
Brian Stack, Principal, Sanborn Regional High School, Sanborn
Regional School District, 2015
The traditional education system is highly opaque and
demonstrates significant variability in defining what it
means to be proficient. Traditional mechanisms like
grades and transcripts do not accurately reflect how well
a student actually knows content or demonstrates skills.
This inaccuracy makes it harder for students to drive their
own learning and for educators to meet students where
they are. Trust and confidence in the schools is shaken
when students and families receive false signals and mixed
messages about student progress.
Competency-based systems ensure that goals, learning
targets, exemplars of proficiency and student progress are
fully transparent and available to students and educators on
a timely basis. They build capacity for comparability, validity
and reliability in assessments and grading practices to
ensure that data is meaningful, and that students are truly
mastering content and skills.
[#11 Consistency & Reliability]
Transparency plays multiple roles in creating high-
quality and more equitable systems. First and foremost, it
eliminates the practice of signaling that a student is doing
fine with an A, B, or C grade even though they may be
performing at two, three or more years below grade level.
When schools fail to help students master content and skill,
students move forward with holes in their learning that limit
and impair future learning. These gaps compound over
time, becoming harder and harder to mitigate as students
advance and making it increasingly challenging for students
to progress toward college and career readiness. When
learning is transparent, however, educators and students
know where gaps are and can address them proactively
with timely and dierentiated supports. Students advance
with confidence that they have skills to tackle more
advanced challenges. Furthermore, when transparency
leads to honest conversations between teachers, students
and families about how to help students become
successful in their learning, trust blossoms. Trust rooted in
relationships fosters support for students to be persistent in
spite of challenges. Awareness, trust, eort and persistence
are catalytic: they empower students to take ownership and
continually move toward mastery.
Transparency is particularly essential in competency-
based systems that include personalized pathways.
Transparency ensures educators can monitor whether
students on dierent pathways are progressing toward
common rigorous outcomes. Additionally, transparency
helps students and educators integrate learning that occurs
across a variety of learning environments: in the classroom,
in the community and online. This can be an important
part of helping students to make connections and co-
design learning experiences that are relevant to their
lives. There are several aspects of transparency that are
critically important for operationalizing competency-based
education: common learning framework, student agency,
grades and information management/reporting.
Common Learning Framework and Learning Targets
The common learning framework is the structure to which
all other aspects of the competency-based systems align.
When the learning framework is transparent, teachers
can build a shared understanding of proficiency, align
instruction and assessment to the appropriate depth
of knowledge, and share knowledge of instructional
[#10 Intentionality & Alignment and #8 Rigorous
Higher-Level Skills] Students can understand learning targets
and what proficiency looks like, which helps them to take
more ownership of their learning, seek and use feedback
to reach proficiency and use dierent ways of learning and
demonstrate their learning.
[#7 Student Agency & Ownership]
In the early stages of creating transparency about the
learning goals and aligning assessments, teachers may
recognize that they are teaching and assessing at lower
levels of depth of knowledge than what is called for by the
standards. This may cause frustration, disappointment and
even a hint of shame. This is an important opportunity to
instill the culture of learning—helping teachers to recognize
the value of a transparency system, collaboration and
learning from mistakes. This can also be a place to develop
teacher leaders who embrace the mantra of “doing right for
our kids” to help move past the frustration, turning it into a
drive to do better.
Student Agency
In addition to the building blocks of learning, students need
information about the learning process, the learning targets
and their own progress to take ownership of their learning.
In competency-based schools, students know the specific
learning targets they are working on, what proficiency looks
like and the options they have for learning, practice and
demonstrating learning. They learn to set and reflect on
goals for learning with their teachers.
Transparency is a powerful aspect of the learning cycle.
Assessments for learning make it clear to students what
they need to continue to work on. They know exactly
what they need to learn and demonstrate to reach
proficiency. Similarly, eective use of assessments enable
teachers to tailor instruction and supports so students
reach their learning targets. Schools often turn to learning
progressions, research on how students best move from
concept to concept, to better understand how students are
developing understanding and solving problems.
It takes bravery to want to have more
transparency. It takes bravery to say your
eighth grader has been getting Bs, but they
are in fact reading at sixth grade level.
John Duval, former Director of Model Redesign Team in the Oce of
Postsecondary Readiness, New York City Department of Education,
NY, 2016
Grading and Transcripts
Once the common learning framework, moderation
and calibration mechanisms and system of supports for
students are in place, districts and schools can replace
traditional grading practices with ones based around the
learning targets. Competency-based schools use rubrics
for each learning target. Grading provides feedback
on the progress toward reaching proficiency. Progress
reports or report cards provide feedback to students and
parents about student growth as well as where students
are in terms of grade-level expectations. Students value
the competency-based grading practices as they provide
specific feedback on what students need to learn or
improve to reach mastery. Transcripts are beginning to
change as well to show what students know and can do.
To date, many admissions oers at colleges and universities
say that they value proficiency-based transcripts as long as
there is an accompanying letter of explanation.
The thing that convinced me is that in
the traditional grading systems, when a
student would come and ask how they could
do better in a class, all I could really say was
study more. The grades didn’t guide me as a
teacher. There was no way to help students
improve. With mastery-based grading, we
talk about specific learning outcomes. I
know exactly how to help students and they
know exactly where their strengths and
weaknesses are.
Rosmery Milczewski, Teacher, Flushing International High School,
New York City Department of Education, NY, 2016
sIxTEEn QualITy dEsIgn pRInCIplEs
We’ve learned that it is important to
focus on helping students to learn skills.
Without the skills or habits of work, students
are self-paced. With the skills, they become
self-directed learners.
Matt Shea, Coordinator of Student Achievement, RSU2, ME, 2016
In competency-based education, pace is based on student
mastery of the learning targets, not the teacher pacing
guide to deliver the curriculum. It allows us to think of pace
dierently, based on student learning and progress. Pace
is a ratio of individual student growth and time, and it is an
important indicator in personalized, competency-based
systems as it indicates whether students are adequately
progressing along their trajectory and receiving timely,
responsive additional supports. If a student entering school
with significant gaps in academic knowledge and skills is
progressing two grade levels over one year, it is a pace of
2.0 whereas a student at grade level may be learning at a
pace of 1.0. It is easier to think of the student at grade level
as being “faster” but in fact that student is covering less
distance on the learning continua. With transparency about
pace, teachers, students and families are able to work
together to ensure student progress.
Schools monitor student learning to ensure that students
are progressing at a pace that puts them on a pathway to
graduation, always seeking to balance accelerated learning
with opportunities for deeper learning. Monitoring pace is
an important function in driving toward quality and equity.
As districts and schools monitor growth, other questions
arise. Are students receiving eective instructional
strategies that take into consideration what they know
and don’t know? Are they receiving supports they need
when they need them? Do they have opportunities for
deeper learning? Are students learning at a rate that is
moving them forward and not leaving them behind? These
discussions form the crux of the continuous improvement
processes that include instructional strategies, eectiveness
of structures and resource allocation.
Given the current accountability policy environment,
most competency-based schools are trying to meet
students where they are while still covering the standards.
This tension may lend itself to innovating more eective
instructional strategies. However, there is tremendous risk
in continuing to turn our backs on the learning sciences
that clearly guide us to meet students where they are. We
need to address the misalignment in the traditional system
that forces teaching at one grade level and pace instead of
meeting students where they are. Instead, a competency-
based education system would allow us to measure both
pace and depth of learning as key indicators for quality
and equity. If we fail to address the issue of meeting
students where they are and holding them to the same high
expectations with criteria for deeper learning, this is going
to result in students continuing to receive a lower quality of
Information Management
The students can’t hide by sitting in the
back of the room quietly. We know who they
are, not because of an early intervention
system, but because our system is based
on knowing exactly where students are
in their academic journey and how they
are progressing. We know if a student
is entering from one of our elementary
schools with higher math skills but is still
struggling with writing in English. We know
the ones who need extra coaching because
their self-directed lifelong learner skills
aren’t very well developed.
Brett Grimm, Assistant Principal of Curriculum & Instruction, Lindsay
High School, Lindsay Unified School District, CA 2015
Transparency becomes an even more powerful design
principle when data on student progress is made available
to students, teachers, families, and school and district
leadership. Districts and schools are still handicapped
by information technology products that continue
to be grounded in grade-level standards rather than
student-centered approaches. Information management
systems will need to be designed to aggregate data for
accountability purposes, or what might be thought of as
quality control. This would include the eectiveness of
schools in producing student growth and helping every
student get on track for graduation. Finally, with the
goal of helping students discover their potential, student
information systems will need to be designed to allow for
tracking information on the personal pursuits of students
beyond common outcomes. The hope is that eventually
transcripts become meaningful tools for students to tell the
story of who they are, what they know and what they want
to achieve in the future.
Policies and Practices to Look For
The learning objectives such as competencies and
standards are explicit and transparent. Examples of
student work at proficiency for each performance level
are easily accessible. Learner continua are student-
centered to reflect where students are in their learning
Assessment criteria is transparent so that students can
bring evidence of learning from other classes and from
activities beyond the walls of the classroom.
Districts are open and honest in all communication.
Clarity of intentions, expectations, learning targets and
feedback ensures everyone has the information to
advance their goals.
Students and parents understand that there is a
dierence between age-based grade level and
personalized performance level and where students are
in each academic domain.
Grading practices and policies are clear, fair and
communicate student progress in their learning.
Students understand where they are in their personalized
pathway and the cycle of learning. When asked, students
can tell you what they are working on, how it relates to
competencies they will need in their future and how they
are going to demonstrate their learning.
Students are using the learning targets to co-design
projects with community partners where they will be
able to apply their knowledge and skills. Students can
demonstrate their learning as it relates to their passions,
interests and goals by partnering with local and global
community members to create service learning or
entrepreneurial experiences that contribute toward
graduation requirements.
There is a high-functioning system in place to track
students’ progress, to capture and store the evidence
that demonstrates their progress and communicate their
progress. Students use the reporting systems to identify
goals, store their body of evidence and reflect upon their
lifelong learning skills.
Examples of Red Flags
3 Schools create rigid linear paths for learning that all
students must follow. Transparency should enable
flexibility. When students have access to the common
learning framework that defines what they should
know and be able to do, they should also have input
on how they advance. Students may bring ideas of
demonstrating mastery in after school programs, church
activities or their summer job. Advancement upon
mastery implies ensuring every student learns but not
exactly in the same pathway. Professional judgment
should always be used so that advancing upon mastery
does not become a bureaucratic checklist that confines
students to rigid linear pathways. Some academic
domains, such as math, have prerequisite skills, and
students may need to learn some before doing others.
However, it is possible that doing the higher-level
studies may actually help students to make connections
and see how other lower-level skills are applied.
3 The common learning framework or continuum is only
available for age-based grade level. In many schools,
the focus is still on covering grade-level standards. It
is expected that all students start at the same place in
the curriculum at the beginning of the semester and
sIxTEEn QualITy dEsIgn pRInCIplEs
expected to finish by the end. Grade books only include
grade-level learning targets. The problem is that many
students need to repair gaps that require them to focus
on targets at lower levels. Or they may have already
mastered the grade-level standards and are ready to
work at the next level. Neither students or teachers are
recognized for repairing gaps or learning beyond grade
level. Therefore, more student-centered approaches to
the learning framework are needed by creating learner
continua that represent multiple grade levels within
which students are learning. Learning continua create
transparency about where students are working in
terms of level and growth. This can also help reduce the
linearity of only focusing on grade level standards.
Once teachers have organized the learning continuua,
be prepared for frustration that curriculum isn’t
designed well for the competency-based classroom.
Publishers create curricular resources on specific grade
levels, with dierent products for elementary, middle
and high school. Thus, a teacher in seventh grade trying
to teach students with gaps at the fourth- or fifth-grade
level may not have appropriate resources or be familiar
with the elementary school curriculum.
#13 Invest in Educators
as Learners
Sure, we could make it easier for
teachers, but then our students don’t
succeed. The other option is to admit that
teaching is a complex system, invest in
the systems, nurture the culture to support
professional teachers...and have the kids
actually learn. It’s obvious which one is the
better choice.
Jed Palmer, Head Teacher, Tatitlek Community School, Chugach
School District, AK, 2015
Educators, both teachers and leaders, are active learners
who have regular opportunities to engage with colleagues
to deepen their knowledge and skill. Educators progress on
a personalized learning trajectory as they build instructional
strategies to support higher-order skills and student
agency, personalized classroom management and deeper
domain-specific instructional strategies. Adult learning is
driven by student needs, which are used to define school-
or district-wide improvement goals, as well as personalized
goals for every educator. Districts and schools put in place
the systems for educators to be supported in developing
the mindsets and skills consistent with a culture of learning
and inclusivity including addressing bias.
Key Characteristics
Shared definition of professional competency. Districts
and schools articulate shared definitions of professional
competence: the knowledge, skills and mindsets
that educators need to support student success in a
competency-based system.
Teaching as learning. Educators model growth mindset
and continuous improvement in their practice. They take
risks, learn through failure and reflect with their students.
Personalized development. Educators have access to
opportunities for growth and learning that meet their
individual needs and help them achieve professional
Collaborative practice. Educators have opportunities
to work together: they collaborate around instructional
design and continuous improvement practice. Educators
share responsibility for student success and for one
another’s development.
Cultural competency. Districts and schools support
educators through the processes of investigating
their own racial and cultural identities, identifying and
addressing bias and developing skill sets for culturally
responsive relationship and instruction.
Aligned evaluation. Educator evaluation is aligned
with culture of competency-based education and the
pedagogical philosophy. This includes meeting teachers
where they are, feedback and supports in response to
mistakes and incentives for growth.
How Is Investing in Adult Mindsets, Knowledge and
Skills Related to Quality?
We are growing mastery at all levels,
supporting adults in the system as
respectfully and as meaningfully as we
support our learners in the K12 system.
Rebecca Midles, formerly Performance Based Learning Specialist,
Lindsay Unified School District, CA and currently Executive Director of
Performance-Based Systems, District 51, CO, 2015
The importance of the principle that educators need to be
supported as learners is very simple: for each and every
student to learn to high expectations, each and every
adult needs time and support to build their professional
competency. There will be some teachers already
familiar with many of the practices used in personalized,
competency-based school. For others, competency
education will demand learning new mindsets, new
knowledge and new skills. Adult learning reflects the same
beliefs about learning that are held for students: it is based
upon the learning sciences and seeks to meet teachers
where they are.
[#6 Learning Sciences]
As a result, districts and schools will want to have
frameworks for eective professional practice and oer
meaningful opportunities for personal development
accordingly. For those districts that begin by clarifying the
principles of teaching and learning upfront, it is simply
a next step to then define the necessary competencies.
For those districts and schools that begin with structural
changes and then discover their pedagogical principles
through the process of alignment, it will be more likely an
ongoing process of refinement.
Professional Practice and Educator Competencies
Administrators at the district and school
level worked shoulder to shoulder with
teachers as we became a competency-based
district. Our students have benefited as well
as our teachers. We have developed a cadre
of teachers who are always seeking to build
their expertise in instruction, assessment,
grading, and technology. We are drawing on
the collective expertise across the district as
we constantly improve our ability to support
our students.
Ellen Hume-Howard, Curriculum Director, Sanborn Regional School
District, NH, 2015
In Educator Competencies for Personalized, Learner-
Centered Teaching, the Council of Chief State School
Ocers and Jobs for the Future provide a helpful overview
of the landscape of what teachers need to know and be
able to do. Figure 5 introduces the four domains with the
competencies listed below.
Cognitive Domain / Need to Know: the academic content
and knowledge of brain and human development that
personalized, learner-centered educators need to know to
foster students’ cognitive and metacognitive development.
Utilize in-depth understanding of content and learning
progressions to engage learners and lead individual
learners toward mastery.
Have knowledge of the sub-skills involved in eective
communication and apply it to instructional strategies
that develop learners into eective.
Communicators understand and employ techniques
for developing students’ skills of metacognition, self-
regulation and perseverance.
sIxTEEn QualITy dEsIgn pRInCIplEs
Figure 5. The Four Domains of Educator
Competencies for Personalized, Learner-Centered
From The Educator Competencies for Personalized, Learner-
Centered Teaching produced by the Council of Chief State School
Ocers and Jobs for the Future
Intrapersonal Domain / Need to Process: the set of
“internal” skills and habits of mind that personalized,
learner-centered educators need to process, such as
a growth mindset, high expectations for students and
inquiry-based approaches to the teaching profession.
Convey a dedication to all learners—especially those
historically marginalized and/or least served by public
higher education—reaching college, career and civic
Demonstrate an orientation toward and commitment to
a personalized, learner-centered vision for teaching and
Engage in deliberate practices of adapting and modeling
persistence and a growth mindset.
Facilitate and prioritize shifting to and maintaining a
learner-centered culture.
Demonstrate an orientation toward and commitment to
lifelong professional learning.
Analyze evidence to improve personal practices.
Interpersonal Domain / Need to Relate: the social,
personal, and leadership skills educators need to relate
with students, colleagues, and the greater community,
particularly in multicultural, inclusive and linguistically
diverse classrooms.
Design, strengthen and participate in positive learning
environments (i.e., school and classroom culture) that
support individual and collaborative learning.
Build strong relationships that contribute to individual
and collective success.
Contribute to college and career access and success for
all learners, particularly those historically marginalized
and/or least served by public higher education due to
dierences in background, demographics, learning style,
or culture.
Seek appropriate individual or shared leadership roles
to continue professional growth, advancement, and
increasing responsibility for student learning and
Instructional Domain / Need to Do: the pedagogical
techniques that educators use—what they need to do—to
sustain a personalized, learner-centered environment for all
Use a mastery approach to learning.
Use assessment and data as tools for learning.
Customize the learning experience.
Promote student agency and ownership with regard to
Provide opportunities for anytime/anywhere and real-
world learning tied to learning objectives and standards.
Develop and facilitate project-based learning
Use collaborative group work.
Use technology in service of learning.
Districts and schools will set priorities for building capacity
based on what they have already put into place, their roll-
out strategies, and what is most important to respond to
their student population. Many start with introduction of
classroom management practices that create a culture of
learning and student ownership of their learning. Some
schools prioritize laying a foundation of the growth mindset
and building capacity around social and emotional learning.
Others with a strong focus on equity have emphasized
introducing cultural responsiveness and building the
capacity to challenge bias as a critical step in improving
instruction and enhancing the culture of inclusivity.
Teachers may well have many of these competencies
developed in their years in the classroom. Some may be
new to them or their school. It is unlikely any teacher is
going to become an expert in all of these areas quickly.
Thus, schools may want to begin to think of assessing
and investing in collective organizational expertise with
the assumption that teachers will draw from each other’s
knowledge as needed.
Inquiry-Based and Personalized Professional Learning
This is professional development at
its best. It’s not one-shot PD, it’s deep
conversations with colleagues, sometimes
one-to-one and sometimes in groups
talking about expectations, assessments,
and instruction. It was beneficial that we had
also begun the shift toward more inquiry-
based learning, as we needed to have a
shared understanding of pedagogy to make
Andrew Clayman, Assistant Principal, Flushing International High
School, New York City Department of Education, 2016
In a competency-based system, educators model the
process of learning for students as they engage in their
own development. While districts and schools will develop
dierent approaches to professional learning based on their
own contexts, they share certain attributes. Professional
learning is inquiry-based and collaborative, as professional
learning communities study data and student work to
deepen understanding of student learning and adjust
practice. Professional learning is personalized so that each
teacher can build their skills in the context of their own
practice. And, professional learning is growth-oriented; it
expects and even encourages learning from failure.
Development, Growth, and Evaluation
Most districts and schools find themselves on a journey
of intense learning and discovery in the first years of
converting to competency-based education. Teachers
frequently reflect that their first year in a competency-
based context was their hardest year of teaching and
their most meaningful. Because these shifts can be so
monumental and challenging, it is important to view
growth developmentally. Dramatic changes to professional
practice will not happen overnight. These changes are likely
to require corresponding changes in beliefs, assumptions
and mindsets for some teachers. Changing beliefs will
require dialogue and opportunities to test assumptions.
Some teachers will have a harder time than others when
asked to let go of the idea that talent alone determines
achievement (i.e. a fixed mindset) and from their
experiences in traditional school.
Professional growth happens optimally when evaluation,
incentives and reward structures are aligned with the
purpose, values and culture of competency-based
education. It is harder for teachers to fully commit and put
forth the eort to try new practices in their classrooms
when they worry that they will be penalized for it in
evaluations. Thus, leaders will want to align evaluation, pay,
and have other structures to reinforce the growth mindset
in which failures are anticipated and taken advantage of to
further learning.
sIxTEEn QualITy dEsIgn pRInCIplEs
It’s not that teachers are going to be
replaced by technology. We need them
more than ever. Their jobs are changing
to become more challenging and more
meaningful. Teachers are increasingly
embracing a growth mindset for themselves
so that they truly believe they can learn to
teach students higher order skills, coach
students in the habits of work, and deeply
know their disciplines. Our job at the district
and for principals is to create the conditions
for teachers to grow.
John Duval, former Director of Model Redesign Team in the Oce of
Postsecondary Readiness, New York City Department of Education, NY
Policies and Practices to Look For
Teachers are supported in building the necessary
knowledge and skills well before the new knowledge
and skills are integrated into high-stakes professional
There are frequent opportunities for educators to
meet, plan and learn together. Professional learning
communities are valued, resourced and nurtured.
Teachers have opportunities to collaboratively pilot new
Student data and student work is used to inform
professional learning.
Teachers support each other in identifying and
eliminating bias and inequitable practices. Leadership
is responsive when teachers bring forward examples of
inequitable systemic policies and practices.
Educators are supported in their learning and taking risks
at a level they feel comfortable. For some, this means
jumping into personalized classroom management, and
for others it means trying one new practice at a time.
Professional development has been personalized so
that educators are accessing coaching and training
based on their prior knowledge and goals for improving
instructional skills.
Teachers are able to explain what they are learning and
what it took for them to learn new knowledge, skills and
Examples of Red Flags
3 Introducing personalized, competency-based
education without time for educators to meet, learn
or plan together. Too many times, schools start down
the path toward competency-based education without
first laying the groundwork for educators to become
learners. Schools need to create schedules that have
adequate time for teachers to plan, collaborate, review
student data and learn. Robust professional learning
communities or similar structures are a non-negotiable.
3 Integrating new knowledge and skills into teacher
evaluation systems without providing opportunities
for personalized growth. With the impetus to fully
align structures, districts may begin to revise the
teacher evaluation system too soon. Teachers may not
feel comfortable taking risks to learn new practices
if they believe it will have consequences if they fail.
It is important to sequence building a system of
support to teachers to build the new knowledge and
skills well before the day they are evaluated. More
advanced competency-based districts find they need
to rethink teacher evaluation to be consistent with the
organizational culture and guiding beliefs about learning
and motivation. There are likely to be inconsistencies
between the values and beliefs undergirding the
personalized, competency-based approach and
those informing the state teacher evaluation systems
and state professional teaching standards. These are
opportunities for the school community to recommit to
the shared purpose as well as engage state leadership in
understanding ways they can create policies that are fit
for the purpose of ensuring every student successfully
reaches readiness for college, career and life.
#14 Increase
Organizational Flexibility
From day one, I have always shared
with our sta that we can approach and
reach our mission and vision a thousand
dierent ways, but we can not have a
thousand dierent mission and visions…we
will always have one. We are all committed
to our mission and vision, and it’s just the
way that we do business. However, we can
have a thousand ways to get there. We are
always innovating, and with that comes
new approaches to supporting learning and
building opportunities for our students.
James Murray, Principal, Waukesha STEM Academy, Waukesha School
District, WI, 2017
Schools require autonomy to be responsive and flexible to
meet student needs. Once we know where students are in
their learning, it is incumbent upon a competency-based
system to respond in ways that will engage, motivate and
provide the needed instructional support. This adaptability
requires a flexible structure. The organization of districts
and schools enables educators to respond to students
with personalized and dierentiated strategies. Resources
are flexible—learning spaces, materials, modalities,
support, time and technology are used strategically to
ensure each student has what they need to succeed.
Instructional strategies are also flexible and may call for
direct instruction, small groups or project-based learning.
Teachers have autonomy to organize tools and resources,
including hands-on and online instructional strategies.
School leaders value organizational agility and use
distributed leadership so that decisions can be made by
people closest to students. Districts provide schools with
autonomy to manage budgets and resources so that they
can be responsive to students and have the freedom for
improvement and innovation.
Key Characteristics
Strategic resources and practices. Learning resources,
including time, space, materials, people and money,
can be used flexibly to best support students’ unique
motivations and learning needs.
Decision-making clarity. There are clear frameworks for
decision-making to ensure that flexibility has guardrails
and to support collaborative responses to students and
emerging implementation issues.
Autonomy. To be responsive, empowerment and
autonomy is needed. Schools have autonomy to manage
resources and teachers have ample autonomy to select
instructional practices to meet student needs.
Timely dierentiated supports. Schools are organized to
provide flexibility so that students can have access and
teachers can provide supports in a timely manner.
Equity. While resources are flexible and used to support
every student, they are also levers for equity. Among
the many considerations that drive how resources are
utilized, teachers and leaders prioritize ensuring that
students who have been marginalized or who need more
supports can access them. Decisions are made as much
as possible around ensuring a growth rate of one or more
performance levels per year.
Responsive systems. Districts and schools have high-
functioning systems that can manage and accommodate
flexible practice. They strike the right balance of
managing autonomous practice within established
parameters, and promoting flexibility through proactive,
customized approaches to support. Some refer to this as
a “customer service” orientation; districts and schools do
not set out to enforce classroom practice, but rather to
ensure that teachers and students have what they need
to succeed while operating with the bounds of shared
sIxTEEn QualITy dEsIgn pRInCIplEs
What’s best for kids. There is ongoing questioning
of the habits, routines and practices of the traditional
system to understand the underlying beliefs, rationale
and implications for students and learning. Decisions
are made as much as possible based on what’s best for
students. Leaders then navigate these decisions within
their current policy context, modeling creative leadership
rather than a compliance mentality.
Improvement. Systems need to understand the
relationship between resources, practices and outcomes.
Districts and schools have systems to examine how
resources are used and to observe correlations between
their usage and student success. These data are used to
improve resource allocation in the future.
How Is Increasing Organizational Flexibility Related
to Quality?
We are challenging everything except
for state-required credits and the concept
of courses. Courses end up being helpful
ways of organizing learning. But they don’t
all have to run the same period of time.
We use seminars that are four to six weeks
and shorter one to two week workshops to
organize learning as well.
Kevin Erickson, Director of KM Perform, Kettle Moraine School District,
WI, 2017
In competency-based systems, schools and teachers are
able to respond to student needs: to engage, motivate and
provide them with the resources and support they need
to succeed. This adaptability requires flexibility—schools
and teachers cannot respond to students if they have no
wiggle room in a bureaucratic, top down system. Earlier
we describe this as an element of culture and clarify how
leaders create systems and structures that encourage
teachers and students to take leadership over their learning
and professional practice.
[#5 Empowering & Distributed
Leadership] Here, we look at a similar principle from a
structural lens. For individuals to take leadership, they must
operate in a system that has the adaptive capability to
support flexible practice.
Shared Purpose, Decision-Making Clarity & Autonomy
Creating an agile organization begins with a shared
[#1 Purpose Driven]. Many districts reduce this to
the powerful mantra “What’s Best for Kids?” that renews
the commitment to why districts and schools turned to
competency-based education in the first place. An agile
organization has shared criteria for decision-making that
enables distributed leadership strategies. The strategic
plan or guiding principles are often placed on the wall
in a conference room where team meetings are held,
not hidden in a notebook on a shelf, to be considered
in making decisions. Autonomy is negotiated so that
boundaries are clear. Schools need autonomy to deploy
resources and teachers need autonomy to use their
professional judgment to provide what is best for students.
Learner Continuum
Once the learning framework is developed, some districts
that are fiercely dedicated to meeting students where
they are turn to a learner continuum rather than relying
only on grade-level learning objectives as defined by state
standards. The dierence between the two is that the
learner continuum is student-centered and shows the
span of performance levels and standards the students are
working on. Thus, one learner’s continuum may span three
performance levels as they perform at level 8 in math, 7
in reading and writing and 6 in science. However, many
districts are finding it dicult to shift away from frameworks
that are organized solely around grade-level standards. This
is due to three dynamics: federal and state accountability
policies that drive statewide assessment based on the
age/grade of students, information management systems
for tracking student learning that are organized around
course and grade and teacher preparation that has trained
teachers for delivery of grade-level curriculum rather than
instructional strategies that meet students where they are.
Planning for Not Yet
I have to be creative with the budget. We
monitor how students are doing so we can
anticipate the numbers that will be in school
in summer. Last year, I put aside funding for
the ‘not yet’ students.
Juan Carlos Ocón, Principal, Benito Juarez Community Academy,
Chicago Public Schools, IL, 2017
The phrase “factory model” is often used to describe
the traditional education system because of its rigidity.
Students enter a time-based system that passes them along
regardless of whether they learned what was expected of
them. The system rarely slows down or adjusts to students’
needs. Students graduate with tragically inadequate skills,
or do not graduate at all. It is paradoxical that federal
accountability policies that exposed gaping achievement
gaps in the traditional education system have also
reinforced some of the practices that produce those very
same gaps by requiring grade level assessments that inform
accountability but do not contribute to student learning.
[See Fit for Purpose: Taking the Long View on Systems Change
and Policy to Support Competency Education
for alternative
approaches to accountability.]
In contrast, competency-based districts and schools are
organized around the assumption that at some point every
student is going to encounter challenges in their learning,
and that those challenges will require additional instruction,
support and time. In other words, they plan for students
to be “not yet proficient.” It is a common misconception
that competency-based education is self-paced. It would
be better thought of as “responsively paced,” as schools
persevere to figure out what is needed to help students
succeed. Structurally, this includes budgeting for additional
instructional support; scheduling for extra support during
the day, after school, on the weekends, or even for a
few days after the semester and through the summer.
Additionally, this includes investing in capacity to build
and manage relationships with community partners to
develop real-world experiences and problems to solve,
and deploying sta flexibly so that students below or above
grade level are well served.
Investing in Professional Judgment
Professional judgment is highly valued in competency-
based systems. A culture of distributed leadership develops
processes to ensure that teachers—the people who are
closest to students—can make optimal decisions in support
of student learning. The shared pedagogical philosophy
developed by districts and schools provide common
guardrails or boundaries within which teachers build their
capacity for a variety of instructional strategies. Most
important, teachers are fully supported in building their
knowledge and skills to better support students in their
learning journey.
[#13 Educators as Learners]
Challenging the Habits and Practices of the Traditional
Once educators begin to deconstruct the traditional
education model, a door swings open to question many
of the policies and practices that shape what we have
known as school. In addition to replacing completion of
a semester or a course as a proxy of achievement with
demonstration of learning, districts and schools begin to
question grading, what makes eective curriculum, grading
and stang patterns. Many districts are turning to new
structures designed to build stronger relationships:
Introducing multi-age bands has helped teachers learn
to focus on meeting students where they are rather than
covering the curriculum.
Ninth-grade academies allow a small group of teachers
to take responsibility for ensuring students are fully
prepared for the transition to high school with attention
to repairing gaps and strengthening the building blocks
of learning so students are ready to take more ownership
of their learning.
Micro-schools or programs of 75-150 students create
ease in adjusting to students based on their progress.
sIxTEEn QualITy dEsIgn pRInCIplEs
Districts and schools are also adjusting the calendar and
schedules to oer “courses” that run for dierent periods
of time, opportunities for students to put all their attention
to robust projects and creating time for students to pursue
inquiry-based research or capstones.
Policies and Practices to Look For
Policies, operations and resource deployment strategies
ensure that every student has access to timely,
dierentiated instruction and supports.
Time is flexible to ensure students can master
content without having to repeat courses or grades.
Competency-based schools provide flex time during
the day for students to receive additional instructional
Schools have a high level of control over their budgets
and hiring to increase agility to respond to student needs,
interests, changing demographics and opportunities.
Scheduling is designed to oer frequent support
for students who are struggling and opportunities
for teachers to work within professional learning
Districts and schools support teachers in creating high-
quality learning experiences and building the professional
judgment of teachers.
Summer school is arranged for students to focus on
specific learning objectives based on students’ learner
continua, not repeat courses.
Schools and teachers seek out information about the
learner continua of entering students or students that will
be in their classes so that they can prepare to continue to
support students are in their learning journey.
Examples of Red Flags
3 The school schedule only provides a flex time for
individual support once a week or not at all. Students
are going to begin to disconnect from their learning if
they have to wait several days or weeks before getting
the help they need. And in some classes it might mean
that students have to endure not understanding new
content because they didn’t get the chance to fully
learn the prerequisite skills. Competency-based districts
and schools often create “flex time” during the school
day. Some schools use lunch or after school for extra
support but these are not sustainable strategies and
may create inequity for those students that have after
school responsibilities. It may take moral courage and
creativity to create a schedule that values providing
timely support if there are state policies that are rooted
in archaic time based policies such as not considering
support provided to students as instruction.
3 Students repeat courses and go to summer school for
“retake.” Having students sit through an entire course
rather than receive targeted instruction based on their
individual needs is an inecient use of resources and
can lead to boredom if students already know some
of the material. Furthermore, students that may be
performing at a lower grade level or have gaps should
be able to participate in summer school not because
they failed a course but because they need time and
support to accelerate their learning so that they can get
on track to graduation.
Our community doesn’t want a fully
online experience for their kids. They
are wary of too much screen time. So we
are looking for ways that technology can
enhance the experience and enhance the
Karen Perry, Special Projects Coordinator, Henry County School
District, GA, 2016
#15 Develop Processes
for Ongoing Continuous
Improvement and
Organizational Learning
We aren’t done innovating until 100
percent of our students are graduating.
Ty Cesene, Principal, Bronx Arena, New York City Department of
Education, NY, 2014
Quality systems model the same learning orientation
and growth mindset that they seek to foster in students.
They continuously innovate and improve to overcome
challenges and optimize systems in service of equitable
student outcomes. At the classroom level, teachers are
able to respond to student learning and adjust practice to
monitor pace, progress and growth. At the organizational
level, districts and schools are agile enough to adjust
systems and structures based on student data. As they
adjust one piece of the system, they are mindful to modify
adjacent or interdependent pieces to maintain coherence.
Continuous improvement helps overcome bias and
inequitable practices, redirect resources toward students
who need support, and test new ideas that can improve
overall learning and school performance.
Key Characteristics
Growth-oriented. Improvement is approached as a
learning process where failure is an opportunity for
reflection and learning.
Mutual accountability. Educators, students and families
take collective responsibility for student learning and
commit to improving so that all students succeed.
Accountability is balanced with systems of support for
improvement, growth and development.
Courageous conversations. Continuous improvement
eorts are rooted in strong, trusting relationships and
the skills for dialogue around uncomfortable discussions
about inequity and bias.
Robust data systems. Data systems provide valid, reliable,
timely data to support continuous improvement practice.
Districts seek to have data on student growth and rate of
learning based on learner continua, not just grade-level
Robust data practice. Districts and school have regular,
collaborative and rigorous data practices in place.
Multiple measures. Districts and school use multiple
measure of quantitative and qualitative data. Multiple
measures (formative, summative, diagnostic and looking
at student work) are used to understand trends and
patterns in student growth and achievement. Multiple
measure also include social and emotional data points to
understand students holistic development.
Agile operations. District and school operations have
the flexibility to be adapted as continuous improvement
processes reveal the need for new practices, systems and
How Is Continuous Improvement and
Organizational Learning Related to Quality?
We have to be courageous to confront
activities that aren’t moving kids in their
learning. We can’t be afraid to confront the
truth. If a process isn’t working, either refine
it or scrap it.
Virgel Hammonds, former Superintendent of RSU2, ME and currently
Chief Learning Ocer, KnowledgeWorks 2014
Creating an intentional and aligned system requires
continuous improvement to monitor processes and
continue to build organizational knowledge needed
for fidelity in implementation. Furthermore, creating an
sIxTEEn QualITy dEsIgn pRInCIplEs
equitable education system demands that we reduce the
predictive value of race, gender, class and disability in
the classroom. Instead of pointing to external policies or
children and their families as the problem when students
aren’t successfully learning, competency-based education
engages in continuous improvement to revisit school
designs, culture, structure and pedagogy. The fundamental
belief at the core of continuous improvement practice is
this: all students can learn at high levels when provided the
right experiences and supports in the right environment,
and it is our jobwe, the educators and leaders, in
partnership with students and familiesto continue to learn
and improve until we have provided them these things.
Competency-based education is learning-centered.
Students continue to learn until they reach mastery.
Leaders and educators continue to learn about instructional
strengths and weaknesses, negative impact of bias and
institutional policies, and how to provide the right mix of
supports to students until all students succeed. To make
this possible, improvement practices balance learning and
accountability. Learning processes focus on continual
progress toward desired outcomes, while accountability
practices focus on providing feedback to leaders and
teachers on their eectiveness in supporting students.
Learning and accountability structures are embedded into
the system through transparency and sophisticated data-
driven continuous improvement processes. Competency-
based schools – in their commitment to one hundred
percent of students succeeding – constantly engage
in reflection, learning and adjusting culture, structures,
policies and instructional and assessment practices.
The power of data cannot be underestimated in seeking
out pockets of inequitable practices and spotlighting areas
where educators, schools, and districts can learn and grow.
Within the traditional, top-down systems, data is often
considered something that you send on to the next higher
level of governance rather than an action. In competency-
based education, data is a tool to test new strategies,
change practices and reduce bias.
Continual improvement starts with questions to guide
action-based research. Inquiries posed and studied surface
evidence-based insights. This process generates ideas for
future action, which in turn leads to hypotheses that can
be tested, outcomes that can be evaluated and changes
in practice. Districts and schools use dierent protocols to
inform their continuous improvement. What matters most
is the quality of their questions, hypotheses and tests; the
consistency and rigor of their process; the degree to which
their learning is collaborative, reflective, and trust-building;
and the strength of their ability to implement changes in
practice that emerge from their inquiry.
Questions that educators and leaders may want to ask
include the following.
What patterns do we see about students who are
struggling and those that are thriving? What may be
contributing to these patterns? What contributing factors
result from our own practice?
What patterns do we see about student’s mastery of
specific content and skills? At what point in a process are
students disengaging or struggling to master these skills
and strategies? What might we infer about the content
and skills themselves? How might our own practice be
strengthened to help students master these concepts?
Which strategies are most eective in supporting
students with prior knowledge significantly less than
grade level expectations? What strategies are most
eective in repairing the gaps on the path toward
mastering the grade level content?
Multiple sources of data, including qualitative interviews
and surveys, can help identify where inequity may be
undermining programming and/or where stronger equity
strategies are needed.
Valuable data is not only based on the academic content
students know. It also needs to consider how well students
are developing the skills to learn. Districts and schools also
empower students as self-directed learners to engage in
continuous improvement. Like educators and leaders, they
engage in cycles of inquiry about their learning processes
to improve their own outcomes.
We expect students to revise and
revise and we ourselves are in a constant
process of revision. How can we deepen
the learning? How can we better engage
students? How can we oer them even
better learning experiences? There isn’t a
perfect mastery-based system. It’s a process
of continually improving.
Allison Persad, Principal, The Young Women’s Leadership School in
Astoria, NY, 2016
Policies and Practices to Look For
Data is available and used to identify and respond to
individual students not making adequate progress in
terms of academic growth and grade-level proficiency,
development of transferable skills, and lifelong learning
Schools know what students know and can do based on
a broad learner continuua and monitor the repair of gaps
in learning.
Data is available and used to support evidence-based
instructional strategies, monitor eectiveness of
support and intervention strategies, inform personalized
professional learning for educators and catalyze
continuous improvement to improve eectiveness of
instruction, assessment, services and school design.
Districts and schools develop and use management
reports to monitor pace, progress and ensure students
are building the full range of skills. Management reports
are designed to help identify exceptional situations in
which students are not progressing and when students
are advancing rapidly to better understand eective
Teachers, paraprofessionals and case managers have
opportunity for collaboration, learning and planning.
Schools and educators have autonomy to respond to the
changing strengths and needs of students and to tailor
learning experiences to needs of students.
Districts and schools have the autonomy to use school
finances and resources flexibly in response to student
assets and needs.
Resources are distributed to maximize the number of
students who gain one or more performance levels per
year and to ensure that those students who are two or
more performance levels behind their grade levels are
prioritized for additional targeted support.
Examples of Red Flags
3 Districts and schools engage in data-driven
continuous improvements but fail to seek out root
causes. It is always easier to add something new
than it is to seek out the root causes of a problem or
deconstruct the flawed policies, processes and practices
of the traditional system. Districts and schools may be
thoughtful about identifying a problem or trend but try
to address it through additional programs or services
rather than engaging in the complex challenges of
changing the culture or structure. To deconstruct the
barriers to learning embedded in the traditional system
it is important to take the time to search out the root
causes and address them.
3 District policy does not provide autonomy to schools
to use funds flexibly. Too often districts retain control
over allocating the school budget and exactly how
the budget can be spent. This limits responsiveness
to students and innovation. Schools need to be able
to manage budgets so that they can direct resources
toward those students that need more instructional
support and time to repair gaps and accelerate their
learning. This may include deploying sta before school
starts, after school or weekends or extended support
during intersessions and the summer.
3 When students are not progressing or are not
motivated, students or families are seen as problems
rather than schools and educators reflecting on how
the school culture, instruction or assessment may
be contributing. In a system that has a fixed mindset
culture, it is easy for adults to shirk their responsibility
for helping students to learn and say that “students
didn’t learn because of something wrong with them or
sIxTEEn QualITy dEsIgn pRInCIplEs
their family.” In competency-based schools cultivating a
growth mindset, adults and students share responsibility
to understand challenges and find solutions. Schools
know that the areas in which students struggle
also provide feedback about where educators can
strengthen instructional skills. But the root cause may
also lay elsewhere, such as the need for more timely
support, strengthening the building blocks for learning
such as social and emotional skills or deepening the
relationship with the student and their family.
#16 Advance Upon
Demonstrated Mastery
Mastery is about knowing something
like the back of your hand. You can use it
again and again.
Student, Cleveland School District
When students advance upon demonstrated mastery
instead of seat time, educators direct their eorts to where
students require the most help and make sure they learn
the skills needed for more advanced studies. Consistency
in determining proficiency ensures that students are not
passed along with gaps in knowledge.
Key features of mastery-based advancement are consistent
with research on motivation, engagement and learning.
Students are more engaged and motivated when grading
provides feedback that helps them focus on where
they need to focus their attention. With feedback and
opportunities for practice, students spend more time
working in areas that are most dicult for them. They
may even advance beyond grade level in some academic
domains, while taking more time in those that are more
challenging. Policies and processes organized around
student advancement based on demonstration of mastery
include: investing in the building blocks of learning that
enable students to manage their learning, targeted and
timely instruction, coaching that supports students as
they strive for the next level of mastery, transparent
feedback and grading practices, multiple opportunities to
demonstrate learning and monitoring pace and progress.
Key Characteristics
Transparency and pace. Teachers and students are both
aware of learning targets, milestones and the pace that
students are and should be making toward mastery based
on their learner path.
Timely dierentiated support. Students receive “just in
time supports” to help them keep on pace to achieve
mastery. As they become self-directed learners, students
will begin to independently identify and seek the supports
they need.
Assessment for learning. Assessment practices
promote learning. Diagnostic assessments identify and
anticipate knowledge and skill gaps before learning
commences. Formative and summative assessments
(i.e., demonstrations, products, tests) are authentic: they
support application and transfer of key ideas to drive
deeper learning. Students have choice about how they
demonstrate mastery.
Multiple opportunities. Students have multiple
opportunities to demonstrate mastery. There is no
penalty for unsuccessful attempts at demonstrating
mastery; these attempts generate feedback that support
reflection, revision and improvement. Students continue
learning until they are successful, but they do not simply
“redo” or “retake” the same content or assessment.
Rather, they use feedback to adjust strategies and target
necessary supports with each iteration.
Flexibility. Resources including time, learning supports
and sta are all flexibly deployed to help students on
their path to mastery.
Consistency in credentialing proficiency. There are
clear and calibrated expectations for demonstrations of
mastery. These are transparent to students, their families
and to teachers, and teachers work collaboratively to
“tune” their calibration. Consistency is vital to ensure
mastery is meaningful.
How Is Advancing Upon Demonstrated Mastery
Related to Quality?
The mastery-based grading helps
me understand what I need to learn or
do dierently. In the old way, when I got
a number, I wouldn’t know what to do
dierently. With the learning targets, I can
make better choices and revise things.
Student, Young Women’s Leadership Academy
Advancement upon mastery is a catalytic notion in that it
challenges many of the habits, policies and practices of
the traditional system. It demands that student readiness
is taken into consideration across the academic domains
even if it means working at dierent grade levels in dierent
domains. Thus, a 10-year-old student may be doing fourth-
grade math but reading at the eighth grade level. A high
school student may be taking algebra while completing
advanced online courses in college-level literature
and history, earning dual-enrollment credits. Thus,
advancement upon mastery means organizing around
stage not age.
Students advancing upon demonstrated mastery is the
ultimate goal of competency-based education. It is a
culmination of all the other design principles. When
the other 15 design principles are in place, a robust
personalized competency-based system can enable every
student to master knowledge and skills so that they are
fully prepared to make the transition to college, careers and
life. As aspirational as this may seem, districts and schools
are already implementing many of these principles. They
are seeing positive school cultures blossom, attendance
increasing, discipline issues reducing, and in those
districts strengthening their instruction achievement is
improving. Thus, creating a competency-based system in
which students advance upon mastery is developmental.
Rather than seeking to determine if a district or school is
competency-based or not, it is more helpful to ask in what
way is your district or school competency-based (and in
what ways isn’t it)? What are the next steps toward creating
a high-quality competency-based approach?
In creating a system that advances students upon
demonstrated mastery, districts and schools draw upon all
the other design principles. Mastery-based advancement
ensures that:
Each and every student is expected to reach proficiency
with gaps in knowledge repaired;
Students receive targeted instructional support that is
provided until students reach proficiency;
Knowledge and skills are transferred to new contexts so
that students demonstrate their competency; and
There is consistency in credentialing learning.
A system organized around mastery begins with a
foundation based upon the science of learning. In order
for students to take ownership of their learning they will
need to be coached in the building blocks of learning
including growth mindset, metacognition, self-regulation
and the habits of success. This set of skills and mindsets
are all tightly linked to academic mastery. A strong culture
of learning and inclusivity creates the safety and sense of
purpose for students to take risks. Strong relationships and
opportunity to discover interests will motivate students to
put forward their best eort forward.
[#6 Learning Sciences;
#7 Student Agency & Ownership; and #3 Culture of Learning &
A balanced system of assessment includes including
applied learning opportunities and performance-based
assessments to ensure students have the opportunity to
demonstrate their learning. Transparency and consistency
in determining proficiency are important as they build a
shared understanding of what it means to be proficient
among teachers and students thereby enabling student
ownership of their learning and building trust. No longer
will students be passed on with lower expectations.
Responsiveness is essential to designing instructional
sIxTEEn QualITy dEsIgn pRInCIplEs
strategies that meet students where they are and ensuring
they receive timely and dierentiated supports. Schools
are agile in responding to student needs.
[#8 Rigorous
Higher-Level Skills; #5 Empowering & Distributed Leadership;
#9 Responsiveness; #12 Transparency; #11 Consistency &
Reliability; and #14 Organizational Flexibility]
Finally, everyone is learning in a competency-based school.
Schools and teachers use data on student learning to
inform professional learning and improvement.
[#8 Rigorous
Higher-Level Skills; #13 Educators as Learners; and #15
Continuous Improvement]
Advancement upon mastery requires transparency of
growth in student learning with districts and schools
monitoring pace closely. Too often, it is misinterpreted
as referring to self-paced which understandably brings
fear of students being left further and further behind.
When all the other design principles are in place, however,
districts, schools and teachers will be able to fully engage
students in mastering the building blocks for learning such
as perseverance and self-regulation, inspire students to
apply their best eort to learning and provide targeted
instructional support as needed. Thus, when districts and
schools have all the design principles in place failure is
no longer an option. When a high-quality personalized,
competency-based system is in place, failure is only a step
in the journey of learning. Success is the only option.
Finally, advancing upon mastery is the linchpin in ensuring
that personalization results in equity and not greater
inequity. Using the architectural metaphor once again,
advancing students without mastery is the same as building
a weak foundation that one knows is not going to hold
the house up. Or if one wants to return to the metaphor
of the factory with which the traditional system is often
compared, it is the same as producing a product that you
know will be flawed in some way. As Salman Khan
pointed out, advancing without demonstrating mastery
harms even the highest achieving students that may have
received an “A” because of strong memorization skills
but may not actually know how to apply trigonometry
to building their own house. Thus, advancing upon
demonstrated mastery is a core aspect of quality and
We need to always know the purpose
of assessment. It is to help students and the
teacher understand what students know
and what they don’t know, and to provide
insights into the steps that are needed to
learn it. Too often, assessment is used as a
hammer and a gateway. For us, we see it as
a process of helping students get from don’t
know to knowing.
Doug Penn, District Principal, Chugach School District, AK 2015
Policies and Practices to Look For
Mechanisms or processes within schools and across
schools ensure consistency in determining proficiency
such as moderation and calibration.
Clear expectations for teachers to address gaps in skills,
working with other sta as needed, so that students are
not advancing with accumulated gaps in knowledge and
Schools are designed to meet students where they
are using multiple instructional strategies to do this
depending on where students are in their learning, the
presence and size of their skills gap, the needs of other
students in the class, the domain and the knowledge-
based and instructional skills of the teacher. Districts
and schools organize resources and schedules for
organizational agility to respond to the needs and
progress of students.
Schools are designed and oer schedules to ensure
students are able to receive additional support and time
as needed to reach proficiency.
Students know where they are in terms of performance
levels on a learner continua and are able to work on
learning objectives below or above grade level.
Students have access to just-in-time assessments and
have multiple opportunities to demonstrate proficiency.
Leaders of instruction have up-to-date information
about progressions of students, and regular (at least
weekly) conversations with their teachers (as a group
and individually) about optimizing progress, on all
Educators support students in learning the building
blocks of learning and habits of work, as well as taking
into account motivational strategies for students to put
forward their best eort in pursuit of mastery.
It was a huge pedagogical shift to only
focus on mastery in a student’s grade and to
begin to work intentionally on building their
work habits. We are seeking better and faster
ways to help students develop their work
habits because the connection between the
habits and learning is so strong.
Andy Clayman, Assistant Principal, KAPPA International High School,
New York City Department of Education, NY 2016
Examples of Red Flags
3 Schools retain students that do not complete all
the standards in their grade level. This red flag could
be highlighting one or more issues. First, there is a
dierence between standards-driven and learner-
centered. It is possible for a student to be growing at a
rate of one performance level per year but still not be
proficient at grade level. Second, when students don’t
master something it should result in more instruction,
practice and learning based on what they specifically
need, not retention that may result in repeating what
they already know. Why retain a student that needs
more help in reading but may be showing growth
or is at grade-level proficiency in other domains?
Furthermore, it doesn’t make sense to repeat the
same curriculum if it didn’t work the first time. Instead,
using the strategies of meeting students where they
are, educators would seek to understand what skills
students have, where they need help and provide target
instruction and opportunity to practice until proficiency
and fluency would be reached. This could happen
during the summer or in the beginning of the next
school year.
3 Students are not allowed to move forward at a
faster rate of learning than their classmates. Meeting
students where they are means helping students at
lower levels or with gaps to fully build the foundation of
their learning for more advanced courses and allowing
students to advance beyond grade level. When districts
and schools fail to put the structures in place to allow
students to access higher level studies they limit the
ability to discover their potential. Furthermore, they
undermine the shared understanding that students will
advance based on demonstrated mastery.
3 Schools are using standards-based grading but passing
students on without fully meeting all standards.
Although most districts will use the term standards-
based grading, they have actually implemented
standards-referenced grading which creates
transparency using standards as learning targets but
passes students on without additional time and supports
when they did not master the standards. This is often
the case when students have significant gaps or may be
performing at much lower skill levels. Schools are asking
students to complete several performance levels within
a year without providing instructional strategies to meet
them where they are and accelerate their learning.
Standards-based grading requires the commitment
to equity and a highly responsive system so that all
students are successfully learning and progressing.
3 Teachers are complaining about the time it takes for
re-assessment. District and school leaders should pay
close attention to the language and procedures used to
describe what happens when a student doesn’t reach
proficiency at an expected point. Schools use a variety
of terms including re-teaching, re-assessment, re-do
and competency recovery, while others see it as a
continued cycle of instruction that doesn’t end until the
student reaches proficiency. Some of the dierences in
terminology are based on whether teachers are giving
sIxTEEn QualITy dEsIgn pRInCIplEs
scheduled assessments, such as a test to the entire
class all at the same time (thus some students may need
to continue to work and demonstrate mastery on the
learning objectives that they haven’t yet reached), or if
the classroom is more personalized with just-in-time
assessment when students have shown evidence that
they have reached proficiency.
We started to understand that there
was a strong and often overlooked
nuance between getting something done
compared to mastering concepts and
owning the ability to contextualize these
skills. We realized that students could never
get to mastery solely by using adaptive
educational software. You simply can’t do
it all online. There are definitely powerful
supplemental resources for students, but
not the core instructional strategy. We never
wanted these programs to supplant great
instruction and varied modalities and, more
importantly, the application of the skills
being developed needed to be the keystone
of this process.
James Murray, Principal, Waukesha STEM Academy, Waukesha School
District, WI, 2017
“What is unique here is that we are responding to student
needs. Innovation comes from constantly responding to the
sta and the students.
Alison Hramiec, Head of School, Boston Day and Evening Academy, MA, 2012
It is up to us, to all of us who believe in the promise of
competency education, to commit ourselves to robust
design, deep implementation and rigorous continuous
improvement until we create the systems in which every
student succeeds. To do otherwise risks failing students
once again. To do otherwise risks competency education
fading away except for a few shining district examples
and a collection of innovative school models. We cannot
develop high-quality competency-based systems through
piecemeal design, poor implementation, turning our
backs on the practices that we know will provide greater
equity, failing to respond to the needs of students and
continuing to rely on outdated policy structures. We need
to become more skilled at understanding where districts
and schools are on their journey to competency-based
education so that we can dierentiate between early stage
implementation, weak design and fragile execution. These
are not challenges for other people to take on—but for
everyone within their roles, organizations and networks
to actively pursue. We need to deepen our understanding,
accelerate our knowledge building and develop collective
responses to structural barriers that impair quality.
Design principles can help challenge the many customs
and habits of the traditional system and push us beyond
what we can now imagine for how we organize schools.
Our hope is that the design principles, many of which are
also principles that can lead to greater equity, can become
a framework of common language. As a field, leaders and
practitioners need to move from innovation, which to
them, simply means “new,” to jointly holding a commitment
to continuous improvement. This can become more
challenging as it requires us to become critical friends
to each other, willing to question, critique, disagree and
engage in inquiry together. Thus, it is important for the
health of the field of competency-based education that
we build common language that can help us push toward
high-quality design and implementation.
With design principles providing a common language,
educators can use the dierent lenses to reflect on how
specific practices can be more powerful and better aligned.
We need to search out those practices that are proving to
be eective, understand how they contribute to creating
a high-quality competency-based system and what is
required to implement them with fidelity. Our hope is that
additional tools and resources can be developed drawing
from the design principles. The research community will be
needed as partners to co-design initiatives that provide the
type of feedback we need to ensure that the competency-
based culture, structures and pedagogy are producing
higher achievement and greater equity.
As a field, we also need to explore other ways to invest in
and monitor the quality of competency-based schools.
Perhaps this is through benchmarking by identifying those
practices or sets of practices that produce the best results
and introducing them as standards practices. We should
consider developing mechanisms for peer-to-peer quality
review too, as it helps to transfer knowledge and develop
leadership through the very process of monitoring and
providing feedback on quality.
Finally, it is critical as a field that we expedite the process
of knowledge development and transfer so that high-
quality approaches can bring a high-quality educational
experience to more students. We must bring a sense of
urgency to our work to better serve and educate students
today and not postpone it until some future date. We
simply cannot allow students to continue to be passed
on year after year to the next grade without the skills they
need to be successful.
Assessment Literacy
Assessment literacy is the collection of knowledge and
skills associated with appropriate assessment design,
implementation, interpretation, and, most importantly, use.
A critical aspect of assessment literacy is that educators
and leaders know to create and/or select a variety of
assessments to serve dierent purposes such as improving
learning and teaching, grading, program evaluation, and
accountability. However, the most important component of
assessment literacy is the degree to which educators and
others are able to appropriately interpret the data coming
from assessments and then take defensible instructional or
other actions.
Calibration is a process of adjusting results based on
a comparison with a known standard or “calibration
weight” in order to allow defensible comparisons of
student assessment results; for example, across dierent
entities (e.g., schools, districts, states). In order to define a
calibration weight, we need to have something in common,
either the same students taking dierent assessments or
dierent students taking the same assessments. The latter
is generally more practical, so common performance tasks
have been administered to students in dierent schools,
and district performance assessments serve as a “calibration
weight” to evaluate the extent to which teachers in dierent
locales evaluate the quality of student work similarly.
Comparability is defined as the degree to which the results
of assessments intended to measure the same learning
targets produce the same or similar results. This involves
multiple levels of documentation and evaluation starting
from the consistency with which teachers in the same
schools evaluate student work similarly and consistently,
to the degree to which teachers in dierent schools and
districts evaluate student performances consistently and
similarly, and finally the degree to which the results from
students taking one set of assessments can be compared
to students taking a dierent set of assessments (such as
comparing pilot and non-pilot districts). A determination
of “comparable enough” for any type of score linking
should be made based on clear documentation for how
comparability is determined and that it is defensible.
Competency-Based Education
Competency education, also known as mastery-based,
proficiency-based, or performance-based, is a school- or
district-wide structure that replaces the traditional structure
to create a system that is designed for students to be
successful (as compared to sorted) and leads to continuous
improvement. In 2011, 100 innovators in competency
education came together for the first time. At that meeting,
participants fine-tuned a working definition of high quality
competency education, which includes five elements:
Students advance upon demonstrated mastery.
Competencies include explicit, measurable, transferable
learning objectives that empower students.
Assessment is meaningful and a positive learning
experience for students.
Students receive timely, dierentiated support based on
their individual learning needs.
Learning outcomes emphasize competencies that
include application and creation of knowledge, along
with the development of important skills and dispositions.
Continuum or Learning Continuum
A continuum refers to the set of standards or learning
targets along a span of education (for example, K-12 or
performance levels 9-12). It is the set of expectations for
what students should know and be able to do. However,
it does not imply that students need to learn all of the
standards in a linear way or be taught them based on their
age-based grade level. The student learning trajectory
and research on learning progressions should inform
There are many definitions of curriculum in education.
Internationally, the term curriculum or curriculum
frameworks refers to the high level knowledge and
skills students are expected to learn and describe (i.e.,
competencies). The curriculum framework may include
student learning objectives or learning standards.
In the United States, the term curriculum also refers to the
resources that teachers use when designing instruction
and assessment to support student learning, including:
the course syllabi, units and lessons that teachers teach;
the assignments and projects given to students; the the
materials (books, videos, presentations, activities) used in
a course, module, or unit; and the assessments used to
evaluate student learning and check for understanding.
CompetencyWorks will use the term learning experiences
to refer to the design of the learning process and the
accompanying set of resources to support student learning.
Culturally Responsive Teaching
First coined by Gloria Ladson-Billings in 1994, culturally
responsive teaching is the pedagogical practice of
recognizing, exploring, and responding to students’
cultural contexts, references, and experiences. Cultural
responsiveness builds upon eight principles:
1. Communication of High Expectations
2. Active Teaching Methods
3. Practitioner as Facilitator
4. Inclusion of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students
5. Cultural Sensitivity
6. Reshaping the Curriculum or Delivery of Services
7. Student-Controlled Discourse
8. Small Group Instruction
The New York City Mastery Collaborative highlights that
a competency-based approach can promote cultural
responsiveness in the following ways:
Transparency: path to success is clear and learning
outcomes are relevant to students’ lives and interests.
Shared criteria reduce opportunity for implicit bias.
Facilitation shifts: refocus the roles of students and
teachers to include flexible pacing, inquiry-based,
collaborative approach to learning. Students drive their
own learning, and teachers coach them.
Positive learning identity: growth mindset and active
learning build agency and arm students’ identities
as learners (academics, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual
orientation, etc.).
Deeper Learning
The term deeper learning is often used to describe highly
engaging learning experiences in which students apply skills
and knowledge and build higher order skills. The Hewlett
Foundation defines deeper learning as six competencies:
master core academic content; think critically and solve
complex problems; work collaboratively; communicate
eectively; learn how to learn; and develop academic
mindsets. Deeper learning intersects with competency-
based education in multiple ways, including defining the
learning outcomes; emphasis on lifelong learning skills
such as academic mindset and learning how to learn;
and importance of applying skills and knowledge to build
Educational Equity
There are many definitions of equity in education.
CompetencyWorks will use the definition from the National
Equity Project:
Education equity means that each child receives what he
or she needs to develop to his or her full academic and
social potential. Working towards equity involves:
1. Ensuring equally high outcomes for all participants
in our educational system; removing the predictability
for success or failures that currently correlates with any
social or cultural factor;
2. Interrupting inequitable practices, examining biases,
and creating inclusive multicultural school environments
for adults and children; and
3. Discovering and cultivating the unique gifts, talents,
and interests that every human possesses.
Equality is related to the principles of fairness and justice.
It refers to equal treatment and, in the past, has been used
to refer to equal inputs. CompetencyWorks uses the term
equality as an aspirational goal of all students reaching their
full potential.
Fixed Mindset (See Growth Mindset)
Carol Dweck’s research suggests that students who have
adopted a fixed mindset—the belief that they are either
“smart” or “dumb” and there is no way to change this—may
learn less than they could or learn at a slower rate, while
also shying away from challenges (since poor performance
might either confirm they can’t learn, if they believe they
are “dumb,” or indicate that they are less intelligent than
they think, if they believe they are “smart”). Dweck’s findings
also suggest that when students with fixed mindsets fail
at something, as they inevitably will, they tend to tell
themselves they can’t or won’t be able to do it (“I just can’t
learn Algebra”), or they make excuses to rationalize the
failure (“I would have passed the test if I had had more time
to study”). (Adapted from the Glossary of Education Reform
The traditional system of education was developed based
upon a fixed mindset and resulted in a belief that part of the
K-12 system’s function was to sort students.
Growth Mindset (See Fixed Mindset)
The concept of a growth mindset was developed by
psychologist Carol Dweck and popularized in her book,
Mindset: The New Psychology of Success. Students who
embrace growth mindsets—the belief that they can learn
more or become smarter if they work hard and persevere—
may learn more, learn it more quickly, and view challenges
and failures as opportunities to improve their learning and
skills. Dweck’s work has also shown that a “growth mindset”
can be intentionally taught to students. (Adapted from the
Glossary of Education Reform edglossary.org.)
Competency education is grounded in the idea that all
students can succeed with the right supports, including
learning how to have a growth mindset.
Habits of Work/Habits of Mind
Habits of work and habits of mind are directly related to the
ability of students to take ownership of their learning and
become self-directed learners. There are a variety of Habits
of Work (specific practices or behaviors) and Habits of Mind
(skills, perspectives, and orientation) that help students
succeed in school or the workplace. Schools tend to focus
on a few of the habits of work and mind to help students
learn the skills they need to take ownership of their
learning. See Learning and Leading with Habits of Mind.
Higher Order Skills/Deeper Learning Competencies
Higher order skills refer to skills needed to apply academic
skills and knowledge to real-world problems. The term can
refer to the higher levels on Bloom’s or Webb’s taxonomy
or to a set of skills such as creativity, critical thinking,
problem-solving, working collaboratively, communicating
eectively, and an academic or growth mindset.
Learning Resources
The materials explored during a course, module, unit, or
activity: videos, images, audio, texts, presentations, etc.
Learning Experiences
The term learning experiences is used to convey the
process and activities that students engage in to learn
skills and knowledge. The term refers to the package of
outcomes and targets, activities, resources, assessments,
and pedagogical strategies that are associated with
a course, module, or unit. In the United States, this is
generally referred to as curriculum. (See definition of
Learning Progression
Learning progressions are research-based approaches
and maps how students learn key concepts and skills
as described in Achieve’s briefing The Role of Learning
Progressions in Competency-Based Pathways.
Learning Sciences Research
The learning sciences are concerned with “the
interdisciplinary empirical investigation of learning as it
exists in real-world settings.” Core components of learning
sciences research include:
Research on thinking: including how the mind works to
process, store, retrieve, and perceive information;
Research on learning processes: including how people
use “constellations of memories, skills, perceptions, and
ideas” to think and solve problems, and the role that
dierent types of literacies play in learning; and
Research on learning environments: including how
people learn in dierent contexts other than a direct
instruction environment with a core principle of creating
learner-centered learning environments.
Lifelong Learning Skills
In the paper Lifelong Learning Skills for College and
Career Readiness: Considerations for Education Policy,
AIR describes lifelong learning skills as providing “the
foundation for learning and working. They broadly support
student thinking, self-management, and social interaction,
enabling the pursuit of education and career goals.”
CompetencyWorks uses the term to capture the skills that
enable students to be successful in life, navigating new
environments, and managing their own learning. This
includes a growth mindset, habits of success, social and
emotional skills, metacognitive skills, and higher order/
deeper learning competencies.
Moderation is a process used to evaluate and improve
comparability. The process involves having teachers (or
others) work to develop a common understanding of
varying levels of quality of student work. Moderation
processes are often used as part of calibration, but
moderation is a way to evaluate comparability while
calibration is the adjustment based on these findings.
Personalized Approach to Learning or Personalized
iNACOL defines personalized learning as “tailoring learning
for each student’s strengths, needs and interests–including
enabling student voice and choice in what, how, when
and where they learn–to provide flexibility and supports
to ensure mastery of the highest standards possible.”
Personalized learning takes into account students’
diering zones of proximal development with regards to
academic and cognitive skills, as well as within the physical,
emotional, metacognitive, and other domains.
Barbara Bray and Kathleen McClaskey explain in the PDI
Chart that personalized learning is learner-centered,
whereas the related approaches of dierentiation and
individualization are teacher-centered. Thus, teachers may
use a personalized and dierentiated approach to meet
students where they are.
Social and Emotional Learning
According to CASEL, “social and emotional learning (SEL)
is the process through which children and adults acquire
and eectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills
necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and
achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others,
establish and maintain positive relationships, and make
responsible decisions.” They focus on the development
of five competencies: self-awareness, self-management,
social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible
Student Agency
Student agency or student ownership of their education
refers to the skills and the level of autonomy that a student
has to shape their learning experiences. Schools that want
to develop student agency will need strategies to coach
students in the lifelong learning skills (growth mindset,
meta-cognition, social and emotional learning, and habits
of work and learning) and to establish practices that allow
students to have choice, voice, opportunity for co-design,
and the ability to shape their learning trajectories.
Student Learning Trajectories
CompetencyWorks refers to trajectories as the unique
personalized path each student travels to achieve learning
goals on the way to graduation. Educators apply what
is known about learning progressions toward helping
students make progress on their trajectory.
Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
CAST defines Universal Design for Learning as “a framework
to improve and optimize teaching and learning for all
people based on scientific insights into how humans learn.”
UDL guides the design of instructional goals, assessments,
methods, and materials that can be customized and
adjusted to meet individual needs.
Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD)
A term developed by psychologist Lev Vygotsky to refer
to the moment(s) during the learning process that lives
between what one can do on one’s own and what one
cannot do at all. It is the zone in which guidance and
support is needed in order to become independently
competent. A personalized approach to learning provides
students with access to learning experiences attuned to
students’ individual ZPD—which sometimes overlaps with
others’, but frequently may not.
About the Authors
Chris Sturgis is principal of MetisNet, a consulting firm
based in Santa Fe, NM, specializing in education, youth
issues and community engagement. Chris’s approach
begins with drawing on local knowledge (metis) early
in the design process. Chris is recognized for her
leadership in competency-based education as a co-
founder of CompetencyWorks. She is a prolific writer
and facilitator on competency-based education based
on knowledge gained through visits to schools and
interviews with leaders in the field. Prior to establishing
CompetencyWorks, Chris worked in philanthropy
for more than a decade at the Mott Foundation, the
Omidyar Network, and as a consultant to national
and regional foundations. Chris was a co-founder of
the Youth Transition Funders Group, a philanthropic
network. She has also worked in state government,
human service organizations, and political campaigns.
Chris earned a master’s in public policy from Harvard
University’s Kennedy School of Government.
Katherine Casey is founder and principal of Katherine
Casey Consulting, an independent organization
focused on in innovation, personalized and
competency-based school design, and research and
development. Katherine was a founding director of
the Imaginarium Innovation Lab in Denver Public
Schools, supporting a portfolio of almost 30 schools
across Denver and spearheading the Lab’s research
and development activity. Katherine was a founding
design team member at the Denver School of
Innovation and Sustainable Design, Denver’s first
competency-based high school. Prior to her time in
Denver, Katherine worked in leadership development,
philanthropy, public aairs and higher education. She
earned a bachelor’s degree from Stanford University
and a doctorate in education leadership from
Harvard University. Her dissertation, titled “Innovation
and Inclusion by Design; Re-imagining Learning,
Remembering Brown,” explored the intersection of
school design and integration in Denver.
1 Sturgis, C. (2017). The teacher association perspective on performance-based learning. CompetencyWorks. Retrieved from https://
2 Patrick, S. & Gentz, S. (2016). Innovation zones: Creating policy flexibility for personalized learning. iNACOL. Retrieved from https://
3 Conway, E., & Batalden, P. (2015). Like magic? (“Every system is perfectly designed…). Institute for Healthcare Improvement. Retrieved
from http://www.ihi.org/communities/blogs/_layouts/15/ihi/community/blog/itemview.aspx?List=7d1126ec-8f63-4a3b-9926-
4 Sturgis, C. (2016). Henry County Schools: Scaling strategies for mid-size districts. CompetencyWorks. Retreived from https://www.
5 Sturgis, C. (2016). KAPPA International: The story of Angelica. CompetencyWorks. Retrieved from https://www.competencyworks.org/
6 Sturgis, C. (2016). Windsor Locks: Starting with pedagogy. CompetencyWorks. Retrieved from https://www.competencyworks.org/
7 Diplomas count 2016 map: Graduation rates by state, student group. (2016). Education Week. Retrieved from http://www.edweek.org/
8 Barry, M.N., & Dannenberg, M. (2016). Out of pocket: The high cost of inadequate high schools and high school student achievement
on college aordability. Washington, DC: Education Reform Now. Retrieved from https://edreformnow.org/wp-content/
9 Haycock, K. (2016). Opinion: 47% percent of high school grads aren’t prepared for college. Market Watch. Retrieved from http://www.
10 Foa, R., & Mounk, Y. (2015). Across the globe, a growing disillusionment with democracy. New York Times. Retrieved from https://www.
11 Wolpert-Gawron, H. (2010). What is the purpose of public education? Hungton Post. Retrieved from http://www.hungtonpost.com/
12 Sturgis, C. (2015). Implementing competency education in K-12 systems: Insights from local leaders. CompetencyWorks. Retrieved from
13 Sturgis, C. (2016). KAPPA International: The story of Angelica. CompetencyWorks. Retrieved from https://www.competencyworks.org/
14 See Six Trends at Lindsay Unified School District for an overview of Lindsay Unified’s model and implementation strategy. Retrieved from
15 Gross-Loh, C. (2016). How praise became a consolation prize. The Atlantic. Retrieved from https://www.theatlantic.com/education/
16 Chen, X. (2016). Remedial coursetaking at U.S. public 2- and 4-year institutions: Scope, experiences, and outcomes (NCES 2016- 405).
Washington, DC: National Center for Education Statistics. Retrieved from https://nces.ed.gov/pubsearch/pubsinfo.asp?pubid=2016405.
17 The nation’s report card. Retrieved from https://www.nationsreportcard.gov/dashboards/report_card.aspx.
18 Sturgis, C. (2016). New Haven Academy: Pedagogy comes first. CompetencyWorks. Retreived from https://www.competencyworks.org/
19 In 2017, a Technical Advisory Group on Developing a Working Definition of Competency-Based Education gathered to build a shared
understanding of competency-based education. Based on the work of the Technical Advisory Group, the distinguishing features of
competency-based education were developed.
20 Sturgis, C. (2016). A deeper dive into the EPIC North design (part 2). CompetencyWorks. Retrieved from https://www.competencyworks.
21 For more information on the learning sciences, see the following resources:
Understanding the brain: The birth of a learning science. (2007). OECD. Retrieved from https://www.oecd.org/edu/ceri/38811529.pdf.
Innovating to learn, learning to innovate. (2008). Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Retrieved from http://
The nature of problem solving: Using research to inspire 21st century learning. (2017). Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Development . Retrieved from http://www.oecd.org/edu/the-nature-of-problem-solving-9789264273955-en.htm.
22 Toshalis, E. & Nakkula, M.J. (2012). Motivation, engagement, and student voice. Boston: Students at the Center Hub. https://
23 These insights are derived from the Technical Advisory Group on Developing a Working Definition of Competency-Based Education.
24 Sturgis, C. (2014). Virgel Hammonds’ six insights into leadership. CompetencyWorks. Retrieved from https://www.competencyworks.
25 Sturgis, C. (2016). Henry County schools: Scaling strategies for mid-size districts. CompetencyWorks. Retrieved from https://www.
26 Sturgis, C. & Casey, K. (2018). Designing for equity: Leveraging competency-based education to ensure all students succeed.
CompetencyWorks. Retrieved from https://www.inacol.org/resource/designing-equity-leveraging-competency-based-education-
27 Casey, K. & Sturgis, C. (2018). Levers and logic models: A framework to guide research and design of high-quality competency-based
education system. CompetencyWorks. Retrieved from https://www.inacol.org/resource/levers-and-logic-models-a-framework-to-
28 Sturgis, C. (2015). An interview with principal Jaime Robles, Lindsay High School. CompetencyWorks. Retrieved from https://www.
29 Sturgis, C. (2016). Windsor Locks: Starting with pedagogy. CompetencyWorks. Retrieved from https://www.competencyworks.org/
30 Sturgis, C. (2015). Chugach school district’s performance-based infrastructure. CompetencyWorks. Retrieved from https://
31 Sturgis, C. (2015). Chugach teachers talk about teaching. CompetencyWorks. Retrieved from https://www.competencyworks.org/
32 The following points are adapted from Sturgis, C. (2015). Implementing competency education in K–12 systems: Insights from local
leaders. CompetencyWorks. Retrieved from https://www.competencyworks.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/iNCL_CWIssueBrief_
33 Sturgis, C. (2014). Implementation insights from Pittsfield School District. CompetencyWorks. Retrieved from https://www.
34 Sturgis, C. (2017). Building consensus for change at D51. CompetencyWorks. Retrieved from https://www.competencyworks.org/case-
35 Turnaround for Children’s Building Blocks for Learning is a framework for the development of skills children need for success in school
and beyond. See Staord-Brizard, K.B. (2015). Building blocks for learning: A framework for comprehensive student development.
Retrieved from https://www.turnaroundusa.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Turnaround-for-Children-Building-Blocks-for-
Learningx-2.pdf. See the following papers for a review of the research that informs Building Blocks for Learning: Cantor, P., Osher, D.,
Berg, J., Steyer, L. & Rose, T. (2018). Malleability, plasticity, and individuality: How children learn and develop in context.
36 Sturgis, C. (2014). EPIC Schools: Putting young men of color in the center of the design. (Part 1). CompetencyWorks. Retrieved from
37 Ellison, J. (2018). Cultural responsiveness starts in the principal’s oce. CompetencyWorks. Retrieved from https://www.competency
38 Why equity? National Equity Project. Retrieved from http://nationalequityproject.org/about/equity.
39 Casey, K., & Sturgis, C. (2018). Levers and logic models: A framework to guide research and design on high-quality competency-based
education systems. CompetencyWorks. Retrieved from https://www.inacol.org/resource/levers-and-logic-models-a-framework-to-
40 Sturgis, C. (2016). Henry County Schools: What all of this means for schools. CompetencyWorks. Retrieved from https://www.
41 Sturgis, C. (2015). Casco Bay High School: We will shape our school by our learning. CompetencyWorks. Retrieved from https://www.
42 Sturgis, C. (2014). A deeper dive into the EPIC North design (Part 2). CompetencyWorks. Retrieved from https://www.competencyworks.
43 Dweck, C.S. (2007). Mindset: The new psychology of success. New York: Penguin Random House.
44 Nagaoka et al. (2015). Foundations for young adult success: A developmental framework. The University of Chicago Consortium on
Chicago Research. Retrieved from https://consortium.uchicago.edu/sites/default/files/publications/Foundations%20for%20Young%20
45 Sturgis, C. (2016). Henry County Schools: Scaling strategies for mid-size districts. CompetencyWorks. Retrieved from https://www.
46 ZIma, B. (2013). Lens 4: Culture. CompetencyWorks. Retrieved from https://www.competencyworks.org/how-to/lens-4-
47 D. Siviski, personal communication, April 17, 2018.
48 Staord-Brizard Brooke, K.B. (2015). Building blocks for learning: A framework for comprehensive student development. Retrieved from
49 Sturgis, C. (2017). New Emerson: Learning the eective practices of the learner-centered classroom. CompetencyWorks. Retrieved
from https://www.competencyworks.org/case-study/new-emerson-learning-the-eective-practices-of-the-learner-centered-
50 Vedova, T.D. (2015). How to build a growth mindset into school culture. Getting Smart. Retrieved from http://www.gettingsmart.
51 Sturgis, C. (2017). E3agle and PACT: Insights from two new competency-based schools. CompetencyWorks. Retrieved from https://
52 75 New England institutions of higher education state that proficiency-based diplomas do not disadvantage applicants. Great Schools
Partnership. Retrieved from https://www.greatschoolspartnership.org/proficiency-based-learning/college-admissions/. See also Riede,
P. (2018). Making the call inside admissions oces. The School Superintendents Association.
53 Sturgis, C. (2016) High expectations at EPIC North. CompetencyWorks. Retrieved from https://www.competencyworks.org/case-study/
54 Sturgis, C. (2017). Juarez Community Academy: When big schools become competency-based. CompetencyWorks. Retrieved from
55 Sturgis, C. (2016). Chugach School District: A personalized, performance-based system: Insights from the field. CompetencyWorks.
Retrieved from www.inacol.org/resource/chugach-school-district-a-personalized-performance-based-system/.
56 Sturgis, C. (2015). An interview with Principal Jaime Robles, Lindsay High School. CompetencyWorks. https://www.competencyworks.
57 Sturgis, C. (2016). Chugach School District: A personalized, performance-based system: Insights from the field. CompetencyWorks.
Retrieved from www.inacol.org/resource/chugach-school-district-a-personalized-performance-based-system/.
58 The underlying beliefs are based on the contributions of the iNACOL/CompetencyWorks Technical Advisory Group on Developing
a Definition of Competency-Based Education in 2017 consisting of educators, researchers, state policy leaders and national
59 Sturgis, C. (2016). Windsor Locks: Starting with pedagogy. CompetencyWorks. Retrieved from https://www.competencyworks.org/
60 City, E., Elmore, R., Fiarman, S. & Teitel, L. (2009). Instructional rounds in education. Harvard Education Press. Retrieved from http://
61 Building blocks for learning. Turnaround for Children. Retrieved from https://www.turnaroundusa.org/what-we-do/tools/building-
62 Sturgis, C. & Casey, K. (2018). Levers and logic models: A framework to guide high-quality competency-based education systems.
CompetencyWorks. Retrieved from https://www.inacol.org/resource/levers-and-logic-models-a-framework-to-guide-research-and-
63 See Beliefs and practices of proficiency-based learning from Great Schools Partnership for an example of a set of pedagogical
principles. https://www.greatschoolspartnership.org/proficiency-based-learning/about-pbl-simplified/beliefs-and-practices-of-
64 Sturgis, C. (2016). A conversation with the two Mikes from Montpelier. CompetencyWorks. Retrieved from https://www.competency
65 Sturgis, C. (2018). Starting the journey to cbe at Okten Elementary School. CompetencyWorks. Retrieved from https://www.
66 Sturgis, C. (2017). A journey of discovery at broadway elementary. CompetencyWorks. Retrieved from https://www.competencyworks.
67 Toshalis, E. & Nakkula, J.M. (2012). Motivation, engagement, and student voice. Students at the Center Hub. Retrieved from https://
68 The phrase “cornerstones of the learning sciences” was introduced in Nature of Learning: Using Research to Inspire Practice published
by Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The ten cornerstone concepts oered here are adapted from
OECD’s report based on the input from the participants in the Technical Advisory Group on Developing a Logic Model for Competency-
Based Education.
69 Dumont, H., Istance, D., & Benavides, F. (2010). Nature of learning: Using research to inspire practice. Organisation for Economic
Cooperation and Development. Retrieved from https://www.keepeek.com/Digital-Asset-Management/oecd/education/the-nature-of-
70 The science of learning. Deans for Impact. Retrieved from https://deansforimpact.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/The_Science_of_
71 Toshalis, E., & Nakkula, M. (2012). Motivation, engagement and student Voice. Students at the Center Hub. Retrieved from https://
72 Dumont, H., Istance, D., & Benavides, F. (2010). Nature of learning: Using research to inspire practice. Organisation for Economic
Cooperation and Development. Retrieved from https://www.keepeek.com/Digital-Asset-Management/oecd/education/the-nature-of-
73 Adapted from The science of learning. Deans for Impact. Retrieved from https://deansforimpact.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/
74 The science of learning. Deans for Impact. Retrieved from https://deansforimpact.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/The_Science_of_
75 Toshalis, E., & Nakkula, M. (2012). Motivation, engagement and student voice. Students at the Center Hub. Retrieved from https://
76 Zimmerman, B. J. (1990). Self-regulated learning and academic achievement: An overview. Educational Psychologist, 25(1), 3-17.
Retrieved from https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1207/s15326985ep2501_2.
77 Dumont, H., Istance, D. & Benavides, F. (2010). Nature of learning: Using research to inspire practice. Organisation for Economic
Cooperation and Development. Retrieved from https://www.keepeek.com/Digital-Asset-Management/oecd/education/the-nature-of-
78 Dumont et al. (2010). Nature of learning: Using research to inspire practice. Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development.
Retrieved from https://www.keepeek.com/Digital-Asset-Management/oecd/education/the-nature-of-learning_9789264086487-
79 The science of learning. Deans for Impact. Retrieved from https://deansforimpact.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/The_Science_of_
80 The role of learning progressions in competency-based pathways. (2015). Achieve. Retrieved from https://www.achieve.org/files/
81 A body of evidence by researchers such as Mary Immordino-Yang, Kathryn R. Wentzel and Deborah Watkins has been developed based
upon the sociocultural theories of Lev Vygotsky.
82 Chita-Tegmark, M., Gravel, J.W., Serpa, M. , Domings, Y., & Rose, D. H. (2012). Using the universal design for learning framework to
support culturally diverse learners. Journal of Education 192(1): 17-22. Retrieved from http://www.cast.org/our-work/publications/2012/
83 The science of learning. Deans for Impact. Retrieved from https://deansforimpact.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/The_Science_of_
84 The science of learning. Deans for Impact. Retrieved from https://deansforimpact.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/The_Science_of_
85 Dumont, H., Istance, D. & Benavides, F. (2010). Nature of learning: Using research to inspire practice. Organisation for Economic
Cooperation and Development. Retrieved from https://www.keepeek.com/Digital-Asset-Management/oecd/education/the-nature-of-
86 The science of learning. Deans for Impact. Retrieved from https://deansforimpact.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/The_Science_of_
87 Toshalis, E,. & Nakkula, M. (2012). Motivation, engagement and student voice. Students at the Center Hub. Retrieved from https://
88 Rose, T. The end of average: Unlocking our potential by embracing what makes us dierent. See Rose speak on this topic at https://
89 Sturgis, C. (2016). The Young Women’s Leadership School of Astoria. CompetencyWorks. Retrieved from https://www.competency
90 Sturgis, C. (2017). Building consensus for change at D51. CompetencyWorks. Retrieved from https://www.competencyworks.org/case-
91 Sturgis, C. (2016). High expectations at Epic North. CompetencyWorks. Retrieved from https://www.competencyworks.org/case-study/
92 Ferguson et al. (2015). The influence of teaching beyond standardized test scores: Engagement, mindsets, and agency. Achievement
Gap Initiative. Retrieved from http://www.agi.harvard.edu/projects/TeachingandAgency.pdf.
93 Sturgis, C. (2014). Igniting learning at the Making Community Connections Charter School. CompetencyWorks. Retrieved from https://
94 Please note that the term “rigor” is used in dierent ways. As described here, rigor is the development of higher-order skills. The term
has also been used to describe being at grade level. However, based on the learning sciences, personalized competency-based systems
assume that students will be operating within a zone of proximal development as defined by student readiness, level of support, and
teacher’s instructional knowledge that may be above or below age-based grade level.
95 Sturgis, C. (2016). Henry County Schools: What all this means for schools. CompetencyWorks. Retrieved from https://www.
96 Sturgis, C. (2016). High expectations at Epic North. CompetencyWorks. Retrieved from https://www.competencyworks.org/case-study/
97 Deeper learning is defined by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation as six competencies: master core academic content, think
critically and solve complex problems, communicate eectively, work collaboratively, learn how to learn and develop academic
mindsets. https://www.hewlett.org/library/deeper-learning-defined/.
98 Sturgis, C. (2016). A conversation with two Mikes from Montpelier. CompetencyWorks. Retrieved from https://www.competencyworks.
99 Strugis, C. (2016). RSU2: Entering a new stage in building a high quality proficiency-based district. CompetencyWorks. Retrieved from
100 Sturgis, C. (2017). We have a proficiency-based diploma. Now What? CompetencyWorks. Retrieved from https://www.
101 Rudenstine, A., Schaef, S., Bacallao, D., & Hakani, S. (2018) Meeting students where they are. CompetencyWorks. Retrieved from https://
102 Sturgis, C. (2016). Breaking out of the boxes at Building 21. CompetencyWorks. Retrieved from https://www.competencyworks.org/
103 Sturgis. (2016). KAPPA International: The story of Angelica. CompetencyWorks. Retrieved from https://www.competencyworks.org/
104 Strugis, C. (2016). Naugatuck Public Schools: Making meaning for teachers with mastery-based learning. CompetencyWorks. Retrieved
from https://www.competencyworks.org/case-study/naugatuck-public-schools-making-meaning-for-teachers-with-mastery-based-
105 Sturgis, C. (2016). New Haven Academy: Pedagogy comes first. CompetencyWorks. Retrieved from https://www.competencyworks.org/
106 Looney, J. (2011). Alignment in complex education systems: Achieving balance and coherence. Organisation for Economic Cooperative
Development. Retrieved from https://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/docserver/5kg3vg5lx8r8-en.pdf?expires=1524792196&id=id&accname=
107 Looney, J. (2011). Alignment in complex education systems: Achieving balance and coherence. Organisation for Economic Cooperative
Development. Retrieved from https://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/docserver/5kg3vg5lx8r8-en.pdf?expires=1524792196&id=id&accname=
108 Sturgis, C. (2017). Servant to two masters: Balancing skills and content at Lindblom. CompetencyWorks. Retrieved from https://www.
109 Casey, K. & Sturgis, C. (2018). Levers and logic models: A framework to guide research and design of high-quality competency-based
education system. CompetencyWorks. Retrieved from https://www.inacol.org/resource/levers-and-logic-models-a-framework-to-
110 Sturgis, C. (2014). Carroll Gardens School for Innovation (MS 442): Intentional school design. CompetencyWorks. Retrieved from
111 Sturgis, C. (2014). Carroll Gardens School for Innovation (MS 442): Intentional school design. CompetencyWorks. Retrieved from
112 Sturgis, C. (2014). Carroll Gardens School for Innovation (MS 442): Intentional school design. CompetencyWorks. Retrieved from
113 Sturgis, C. (2016). The Young Women’s Leadership School in Astoria. CompetencyWorks. Retrieved from https://www.
114 Sturgis, C. (2016). Windsor Locks: Starting with pedagogy. CompetencyWorks. Retrieved from https://www.competencyworks.org/
115 The role of learning progressions in competency-based pathways. (2015). Achieve. Retrieved from https://www.achieve.org/files/
116 Sturgis, C. (2016). Flushing International’s three learning outcomes: Habits, language and academic skills. CompetencyWorks. Retrieved
from https://www.competencyworks.org/case-study/flushing-internationals-three-learning-outcomes-habits-language-and-
117 Sturgis, C. (2015). Designing the infrastructure for learning. CompetencyWorks. Retrieved from https://www.competencyworks.org/wp-
118 Sturgis, C. (2016). Talking equity with John Duval. CompetencyWorks. Retrieved from https://www.competencyworks.org/case-study/
119 The New England Secondary School Consortium reached out to institutions of higher education throughout the region to ask how
non-traditional grading systems and transcripts might aect the admissions process. They found that “admissions oces receive a
huge variety of transcripts, including transcripts from international schools, home-schooled students, and a wide variety of alternative
educational institutions and programs that do not have traditional academic programs, grading practices, or transcripts.” Furthermore,
institutions of higher education declared that “students with non-traditional transcripts—including “proficiency-based” or “competency-
based” transcripts—will not be disadvantaged in any way during the admissions process. Colleges and universities simply do not
discriminate against students based on the academic program and policies of the sending school, as long as those program and policies
are accurately presented and clearly described.
For more information please go to www.greatschoolspartnership.org/proficiency-based-learning/college-admissions/ or the New
England Board of Higher Education, http://www.nebhe.org/, which published How Selective Colleges and Universities Evaluate
Proficiency-Based High School Transcripts:Insights for Students and Schools, http://www.nebhe.org/info/pdf/policy/Policy_Spotlight_
How_Colleges_Evaluate_PB_HS_Transcripts_April_2016.pdf, in the New England Journal of Higher Education summarizing insights
from a conversation on the topic with admissions leaders from highly selective colleges and universities in the region.
120 Sturgis, C. (2016). Flushing International’s three learning outcomes: Habits, language and academic skills. CompetencyWorks. Retrieved
from (https://www.competencyworks.org/case-study/flushing-internationals-three-learning-outcomes-habits-language-and-
121 Sturgis, C. (2016). RSU2: Entering a new stage in building a high quality proficiency-based district: CompetencyWorks. Retrieved from
122 Sturgis, C. (2015). An interview with Brett Grimm: How Lindsay Unified serves ell students. CompetencyWorks. Retrieved from https://
123 The Mastery Transcript Consortium (http://mastery.org) is seeking to develop a transcript that does not use letter grades or numerical
equivalencies. Instead credits will be based on mastery of knowledge and skills.
124 Sturgis, C. (2015). Chugach teachers talk about teaching. CompetencyWorks. Retrieved from https://www.competencyworks.org/
125 Sturgis, C. (2015). Implementing competency education in k-12 systems: Insights from local leaders. CompetencyWorks. Retrieved from
126 Sturgis, C. (2015). Implementing competency education in k-12 systems: Insights from local leaders. CompetencyWorks. Retrieved from
127 Sturgis, C. (2016). Talking equity with John Duval. CompetencyWorks. Retrieved from https://www.competencyworks.org/case-study/
128 Sturgis, C. (2017). Creating a learner-driven system in Waukesha (Part 1). CompetencyWorks. Retrieved from https://www.
129 Sturgis, C. (2018). Reflections on learning without boundaries at Kettle Moraine. CompetencyWorks. Retrieved from https://www.
130 Sturgis, C. (2017). Juarez Community Academy: When big schools become competency-based. CompetencyWorks. Retrieved
from https://www.competencyworks.org/case-study/juarez-community-academy-when-big-schools-become-competency-
131 Patrick, S., Worthen, M., Truong, N., & Frost. D. (2018). Fit for purpose: Taking the long view on systems change and policy to support
competency-based education. CompetencyWorks. Retrieved from https://www.competencyworks.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/
132 Sturgis, C. (2016). Henry County Schools: Ensuring success for each student. CompetencyWorks. Retrieved from https://www.
133 Sturgis, C. (2014). Bronx Arena: Innovating until 100% of students graduate (part 2). CompetencyWorks. Retrieved from https://
134 Sturgis, C. (2014). Virgel Hammonds’ six insights into leadership. CompetencyWorks. Retrieved from https://www.competencyworks.
135 Sturgis, C. (2014). The Young Women’s Leadership School of Astoria. CompetencyWorks. Retrieved from https://www.competency
136 Sturgis, C. (2017). E3agle and PACT: Insights from two new competency-based schools. CompetencyWorks. Retrieved from https://
137 Sturgis, C. (2014). The Young Women’s Leadership School of Astoria. CompetencyWorks. Retrieved from https://www.competency
138 Khan, S. (2012). The one world schoolhouse: Education reimagined. London: Twelve. Retrieved from https://www.twelvebooks.com/
139 Sturgis, C. (2016). Chugach School District: A personalized, performance-based system. CompetencyWorks. Retrieved from https://
140 Sturgis, C. (2016). KAPPA International: The story of Angelica. CompetencyWorks. Retrieved from https://www.competencyworks.org/
141 Sturgis, C. (2017). Creating a learner-driven system in Waukesha (Part 1). CompetencyWorks. Retrieved from https://www.
142 Sturgis, C. (2012). Boston Evening Academy: A learning academy. CompetencyWorks. Retrieved from https://www.competencyworks.
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