Using a Learning Progression
Framework to Assess and
Evaluate Student Growth
April 2015
Derek C. Briggs
Elena Diaz-Bilello
Fred Peck
Jessica Alzen
Rajendra Chattergoon
Raymond Johnson
The complex challenges of measuring student growth over the course of a school year have become familiar to
anyone working to improve educator evaluation systems. Recent legislation in many states has postponed or
scaled back the use of student growth or outcomes within accountability frameworks, suggesting that they
While we struggle to measure student growth in a valid and reliable way for the tested subjects, such as math
education. In the absence of state-mandated tests for the latter, many states and districts have begun to
measuring the extent to which each student has mastered them. There is no single way to design and
variety of models in use across the country. The authors of this paper, however, present what might be called
an alternative model of SLOs, a Learning Progression Framework
As the authors of this paper demonstrate, while some SLO models appear more promising than others, their
de facto
system of unequal access to grade-level content, and 3) despite their best intentions, they typically serve the
In light of these limitations, the authors demonstrate how the LPF model acknowledges the reality that
intended outcomes cannot, on their own, improve teaching and learning. In the Denver Public Schools, we are
implementing the LPF model based on a commitment to the idea that improvement of teaching and learning
will depend on the way teachers meet students’ individual needs along the path toward standards mastery. At
the risk of indicating the obvious: formative assessment and appropriate adjustments to instruction play an
In Denver, we have been working over the past two years to develop and implement an SLO model based on
learning progressions. At its core, the model is meant to be authentic to everyday cycles of formative
assessment and instructional shifts, even as we intend to use it for summative accountability purposes. We
structures and systems for teacher collaboration, distributed leadership, and a careful balance of teacher
autonomy and quality assurance for the larger system. And yet, we have seen some early successes worth
celebrating, which include: teachers’ deeper knowledge of the standards in their subjects, the development of
shared goals and more consistent collaboration among teams of teachers, and more intentional uses of
assessment to support instructional planning and student learning.
A deeper understanding of assessment is critical at a time when standardized and summative tests are
becoming increasingly prevalent and controversial. The LPF strives to put educational assessment where it
belongs: close to the curriculum, the instruction, and the student. When we think in terms of learning
Using a Learning Progression Framework to Assess and Evaluate Student Growth i
Using a Learning Progression Framework to Assess and Evaluate Student Growth ii
rigorous tasks assigned to students throughout the school year, and systematic observations of student
its necessary conditions.
that we would promote their use in classrooms even if there were no legislation requiring student growth
measures. This is because SLOs, when implemented within the Learning Progression Framework, capture the
essence of high-quality instruction, pushing us to ask fundamental questions like the following: What is most
important for my students to know and be able to do? What do my students know right now, and how do I know
that? What should I do to meet my students’ needs? If we can answer these questions with increasingly greater
most importantly, of students in their day-to-day learning.
Michael I. Cohen, Ed.D.
Assessment Support Manager
Department of Assessment, Research & Evaluation
Denver Public Schools
Denver, CO
I. Overview
The metaphor of growth is central to conversations about student learning. As students advance from grade
to grade, one naturally expects that what students know and understand about the world and about
themselves is becoming more sophisticated and mature. Of course, there are many factors that could
But how does one know both what and how much students have learned over a delimited period of time in
some content area? Although a well-designed assessment may help to answer the question of what students
seem to know and understand, no single test can support inferences about how much this has changed over
time. Furthermore, even when students are assessed periodically, inferences about growth may remain
elusive if the content on the assessments is also changing. Finally, if these assessments are not well aligned to
what is taught as part of a school’s curriculum, the picture of student growth being presented can easily be
characterize growth numerically in a manner that leads to valid and reliable inferences is extremely
This challenge is becoming all the more apparent as a rapidly growing number of states and school districts in
the United States seek to incorporate evidence of student growth into formal evaluations of teachers under
and debate has surrounded the use of statistical models for this purpose, only about one third of classroom
teachers teach students for whom state-administered standardized tests are available as inputs into these
being gathered through the development and evaluation of student growth through “Student Learning
SLOs typically involve a process in which teachers establish measureable achievement goals for their students,
assess students at the outset of an instructional period and then establish targets for student growth over the
duration that period. A central impetus for this report is the belief that SLOs will only be able to support
sound inferences about student growth if they have been designed in a way that gets educators attuned to the
right motivating questions.
What do I want my students to learn?
What do my students know and understand when they arrive in my classroom?
• How is their knowledge and thinking changing over time?
What can I, and other teachers at the school, do to help them learn?
What evidence do I have that my students have demonstrated adequate growth?
Inferences about student growth that account for such questions need not only learning objectives but a
framework that structures objectives into a progression of student learning. In this report we introduce a
learning progression framework (LPF) that applies innovative thinking about educational assessment to better
directly anticipates the questions posed above. In addition, it can support a process that is much more
encompassing than the de-facto use of SLOs for teacher evaluation. Indeed, in this report we show that SLOs
can be cast as a special case within an LPF.
Importantly, an LPF has three features that are always present irrespective of the content domain. First, a
critical condition for operationalizing the framework is to have teachers work collaboratively to identify a
Learning Progression (LP) within and, ideally, across grades or courses. Collaboration in this matter requires
that teachers clearly establish what it means to say that a student has shown “adequate” growth in a
Using a Learning Progression Framework to Assess and Evaluate Student Growth 1
criterion-referenced sense. Second, an LPF emphasizes growth toward a common target for all students.
teacher collaboration is explicitly oriented toward the analysis of student work. This work might range from
multiple-choice answers on a standardized test, to responses on an open-ended essay, or to videos of students
carrying out a classroom project. Teachers use this evidence to document the variability in how students
respond to assessment activities, make distinctions among students with respect to the sophistication of their
responses, and come up with teaching strategies that can best support the students with less sophisticated
responses and further challenge the students with more sophisticated responses. An LPF focuses attention on
that teachers who think in terms of learning progressions are often just as interested in the process a student
uses to solve a task as they are in whether an answer to the task is correct. This also means that there is a
focused interest in understanding the space between the two points of “getting it” and “not getting it” as a
means for locating and understanding student misconceptions and strengths in solving a task.
In this report we will argue that learning progressions are a valuable framework for characterizing and
elucidating the objectives, targets, or goals of instruction. The terms objectives, targets and goals are all
“Student Learning Objective” is its formalization and standardization as a process that is intended to meet
public monitor this growth for accountability purposes. There is a tension between these two needs, as the
high-stakes nature of accountability consequences has the potential to undermine the use of SLOs for
the collaborative processes we describe in what follows, any subsequent SLO that is generated from this
framework will have a greater chance of securing teacher buy-in as something that is authentic to what they
value in the classroom and something that they can control.
states. We do so in order to highlight common threats to the validity of SLOs. We then present the LPF as a
possible solution to these validity threats.
II. Student Learning Objectives
Due in large part to federal requirements that mandate evidence of growth in student achievement to be
funding and/or submitted an Elementary and Secondary Education Act waiver now use SLOs as a key
by RTTT states and districts for measuring student growth for non-tested subjects because only a minority of
teachers teach in subjects for which state-administered standardized tests are available, SLOs in many places
now apply to both tested- and non-tested subjects and grades Hall, Gagnon, Marion, Schneider & Thompson
An evaluation of each teacher based on the proportion of the teacher’s students who have met their growth
targets by the end of the instructional period.
Using a Learning Progression Framework to Assess and Evaluate Student Growth 2
The implementation of these common SLO elements varies across states and districts depending upon the
degree of centralization and comparability desired in the set of learning goals used across all teachers, the set
of data sources used to support the process, and the methodology used to specify student growth targets and
examples from two states, Georgia and Rhode Island. We consider these two states because they used
contrasting approaches and policies in designing the SLO process. In Georgia, school districts, also known as
local education agencies (LEAs), dictate which assessments should be used by teachers and how student
growth targets should be set. The state provides guidelines on how teacher ratings are assigned based on the
extent to which growth targets are met by students. In Rhode Island, the state allows teachers to select their
own assessments to evaluate students on their learning objective and to set the growth target expectations
for their students. Although Rhode Island provides guidance on two approaches for scoring each SLO, school
in terms of the constraints they place upon teacher enactment of SLOs, the SLO process in both states
involves all the same elements. After presenting the SLO process for each state separately, we call attention to
what we view as problematic aspects of these common elements.
In Georgia, only teachers in non-tested subject areas are eligible to submit an SLO. For any given SLO, options
for learning objective statements, assessments, and growth targets are established by grade and content area
come from the administration of a “pre-test” at the beginning of the school year and “post-test” near the end
of the year. In most cases the same test is given twice, but this is not a mandated requirement. The state
gives school districts considerable discretion in choosing assessments that would be eligible for use as a
pre-test and post-test. These may range from commercially developed tests to locally developed performance
of approaches that could be used to set growth targets, one that establishes individualized student targets,
expected growth targets in every course and grade. This is illustrated in Figure 1 for an SLO in reading
expressed in a percentage-correct metric. In this example, a student will have demonstrated expected growth
multiple-choice or short open-ended test items that can be readily scored as correct or incorrect. Teachers
would use the second approach with assessments that consist of performance-based tasks or a portfolio of
student work that is scored holistically.
In either of these two approaches, a student’s performance from pre- to post-test is subsequently placed into
one of three categories: did not meet growth target, met growth target, exceeded growth target. The
frequency counts of students in each category are then tabulated for the teacher of record and converted into
a percentage out of total. This forms the basis for scoring teachers according to an “SLO Attainment Rubric,”
an example of which is provided in Figure 3. These rubrics are used to categorize teachers into one of four
The choice of thresholds that determine teachers’ placements in each category is set by the state and remains
the same, irrespective of a teacher’s school district, grade or subject.
Using a Learning Progression Framework to Assess and Evaluate Student Growth 3
Using a Learning Progression Framework to Assess and Evaluate Student Growth 4
SLO Statement Example:
vocabulary and comprehension skills as measured by the Mountain County Schools Third Grade
Reading SLO Assessment. Students will increase from their pre-assessment scores to these post-
assessment scores as follows:
The minimum expectation for individual student growth is based on the formula which requires each
student to grow by increasing his/her score by 35% of his/her potential growth.
sight reading and noting music skills as measured by the Mountain County Schools Intermediate
Chorus Performance Task. Students will increase from their pre-assessment scores to these post-
assessment scores as follows:
Students who increase one level above their expected growth targets would be demonstrating high
a developmentally appropriate project or assignment based on the SLO assessment’s content.
Source: Georgia Department of Education, 2014 [see 2014-2015 SLO Manual at
Source: Georgia Department of Education, 2014 [see 2014-2015 SLO Manual at
In addition to meeting the
requirements for Level III
Level III is the expected level
of performance
The work of the teacher
results in exceptional
student growth.
demonstrated expected/
high growth on the SLO.
The work of the teacher
results in appropriate
student growth.
demonstrated expected/
high growth on the SLO.
demonstrated expected/
high growth on the SLO.
demonstrated expected/
high growth on the SLO.
The work of the teacher
does not result in
appropriate student
demonstrated expected/
high growth on the SLO.
The work of the
teacher results in
minimal student growth.
demonstrated expected/
high growth on the SLO.
Using a Learning Progression Framework to Assess and Evaluate Student Growth 5
Source: Georgia Department of Education, 2014 [see 2014-2015 SLO Manual at
In contrast to Georgia, Rhode Island’s SLO system provides considerable latitude to teachers in specifying the
learning goal, selecting student assessments, and setting targets for individual or groups of students.
critical knowledge and skills that are needed to be successful in the next grade level. Collaboration among
teachers is an expected aspect of the SLO process in Rhode Island. The state encourages teachers to work in
teams to select important learning goals and select or develop tasks to assess students both over the course
of the academic year and at its culmination.
Teachers are expected to consult a variety of data sources that can vary from teacher-made assessments to
beginning of the course and to later make an end of the course assessment of their students. Teachers
second approach, and Figure 5 presents an example of each approach.
similarly, only one target is set for one group of students (see column 1 of Figure 5). In the third target setting
approach, individual targets are assigned to individual students on SLO assessments selected. Column 3 in
Figure 5 presents one example of how individual targets are set for each student using just one data source.
Using a Learning Progression Framework to Assess and Evaluate Student Growth 6
Source: Rhode Island Department of Education, 2014 [see Measures of Student Learning - Teacher at]
Some students are entering the
course without necessary
prerequisite knowledge or skills.
Some students are entering the
course with the necessary
prerequisite knowledge or skills.
Some students are entering the
course with prerequisite
knowledge or skills that exceed
what is expected or required.
One target for all students
This works best when:
Baseline data show that all
students perform similarly
The course content requires a
certain level of mastery from
all students in order to pass/
advance (e.g., a C&T course in
It is necessary for all students to
work together (e.g., orchestra,
theater, dance).
Dierent targets for groups of
similar students
This allows for projecting
achievement for students who are
at, above, or below grade level.
Individualized targets for
each student
This can work well in Special
Education settings and/or when
class sizes are small.
State Cosmetology Exam.
the baseline writing prompt will
monthly writing prompts.
the baseline writing prompt will
monthly writing prompt.
Students will meet individual
targets on Fountas & Pinell guided
reading levels.
Student 1 will reach a level O
Student 3 will reach a level M
Student 5 will reach a level N
Source: Table adapted from Rhode Island Department of Education, 2014 [see Measures of Student Learning - Teacher at]
Similar to Georgia, in Rhode Island students are placed into three categories as a function of whether they
have not met, met, or exceeded their growth targets. Teachers are then placed into four categories that hinge
upon the proportions of students in each category. It is left to the discretion of school districts to establish
The SLO processes in Georgia and Rhode Island are similar in the sense that they involve the same elements
student performance. Georgia is an example of a “top-down” SLO process in which decisions about learning
goals, assessments, and growth targets are all made by school districts and the state. Rhode Island is an
example of a “bottom-up” SLO process in which teachers are expected to collaborate in the writing of learning
goals, choosing and/or developing assessment tasks, and setting growth targets. In both states, thresholds
for scoring teachers on the basis of the proportion of their students who meet or exceed SLO targets are
established by LEAs.
Regardless of the degree of centralized control exercised upon the SLO process, states and districts face
common challenges that are potential threats to the validity of the SLO process in the long-term. Below, we
1. Murky denitions of “growth”
Because SLOs are supposed to represent growth achieved by students between the beginning and the end of
an instructional period of interest, all states have devised various approaches to quantify and to classify the
level of growth achieved by each student or groups of students. However, for many places using a pre-test
and post-test approach to compare baseline and end-of-course location of students, including Georgia and
Rhode Island as described above, the answer to the question of “how much” students have learned remains
narrow the curricular focus to the material that will be tested. Perhaps most importantly, rules for
establishing the adequacy of growth from pre- to post-test are typically arbitrary (e.g., Georgias formula
explanations for what it means to show a year’s worth of growth have been thoughtfully established.
2. Dierent targets are set for dierent students
targets and expectations are set for students located at varying baseline starting points. Although the
intention behind setting these targets is to ensure that realistic expectations for students with varying degrees
of preparedness are set, several challenges have emerged with this approach. In some places (e.g., Hawaii,
Rhode Island, North Carolina and Ohio), teachers are asked to estimate how many students will reach
students at the beginning of the school year or course, and the percentage of students meeting the expected
targets is used to derive teacher ratings for the SLO. Although this approach was developed with the intention
of deferring to a teachers professional judgment to determine where students should be located on the
learning objective, it is premised on the assumption that teachers can accurately predict each students
performance. It also sets up a potentially perverse incentive for teachers to lower standards for lower
achieving students. The resulting outcome of this approach is that although these targets are supposed to be
informed by baseline data, the expectations set at the beginning of the year can take on a more “arbitrary
Using a Learning Progression Framework to Assess and Evaluate Student Growth 7
Using a Learning Progression Framework to Assess and Evaluate Student Growth 8
feel with some teachers feeling resentful of those who set consistently low targets for students and others
feeling frustrated at never reaching the predicted targets set for their students (Briggs, Diaz-Bilello, Maul,
underserved populations, are given opportunities to learn and access higher standards. Although we agree
learning goal or objective, labeling movements short of the objective as “met” may not set the right
expectations or signal for these students from an equity standpoint.
3. Accountability concerns trump instructional improvement
Fundamental to any theory of action behind the use of high-stakes accountability is the belief that systemic
improvement will come from changes to instructional practice, and much of the rhetoric describing the SLO
process places considerable emphasis on this for formative purpose. For example, at the Georgia Department
of Education website
, SLOs are characterized as both a tool to increase student learning and provide evidence
that will factor into its educator evaluation system (“The primary purpose of SLOs is to improve student
learning at the classroom level. An equally important purpose of SLOs is to provide evidence of each teacher’s
instructional impact on student learning.”). Similarly, in Rhode Island, the Department of Education has
produced a video that emphasizes the ambition that SLOs should be a useful tool that stimulates classroom
practice and teacher collaboration
However, in many states, including Georgia and Rhode Island, “pre” and “post” assessments become the sole
focus of the SLO process. This encourages teachers to set narrow goals that can be easily assessed and to
attend only to post-assessment results. Ultimately, the SLO process becomes a compliance activity in which
teachers are motivated by accountability concerns, rather than the SLO process being a driver of instructional
Given these three threats to the current state of SLOs, what can be done? Below we introduce a novel
approach with the potential to address these threats that we call the Learning Progressions Framework (LPF).
The LPF we introduce in the following section was developed as part of the Learning Progressions Project. This
pilot project involved a two-year collaboration with three Denver Public Schools (one elementary, one middle,
when teachers are being asked to implement SLOs across grades within a common subject and within grades
teachers implement SLOs at our pilot sites. Findings from the implementation work are captured under a
1 
Using a Learning Progression Framework to Assess and Evaluate Student Growth 9
III. The Learning Progression Framework
The LPF was directly inspired by the idea of the “assessment triangle” presented in the National Research
argument was advanced that any high-quality assessment system will always have, at least implicitly, three
elements: a theory of student cognition or of how students learn (e.g., a qualitatively rich conception of how
students develop knowledge), a method for collecting evidence about what students know and can do, and a
method for making inferences from this evidence (e.g., a sample of student answers to assessment tasks) to
that which is desired (the ability to generalize knowledge and skills in applied settings). In our pilot project in
Denver Public Schools, we worked with teachers to develop learning progressions (LPs) that served as a
starting point for building a theory of student cognition. With this in mind we see the LPs as central to our
approach for assessing student growth.
represents a continuum along which a student is expected to show progress over some designated period of
expected to master within a given content domain by taking a particular course (or courses) in school. In the
empirically grounded and testable hypotheses about how students’ understanding of core concepts within a
subject domain grows and become more sophisticated over time with appropriate instruction (c.f., Corcoran,
Students are expected to start at one position on the LP and then, as they are exposed to instruction, move to
elicit information about what a student appears to know and be able to do with respect to a given LP of
interest. Finally, the information elicited from items, tasks and activities has to be converted into a numeric
and systematic basis for monitoring and evaluating student growth.
& Evaluating
Tasks &
Using a Learning Progression Framework to Assess and Evaluate Student Growth 10
drawing upon aspects of the LPF that were implemented in our work with three pilot schools in the domain of
“What are the most important things you expect your students to know and be able to do by the end of the
school year?” This usually results in a wide variety of answers that vary in grain size. The choice, whether it is
made by a single teacher or a team of teachers and/or curriculum specialists, should be motivated by the
following questions:
What goals do you have for your students?
How are these goals related to your state or districts content standards and the scope and sequence of your
How do these goals relate to what students were learning in previous grades/courses? How do they relate to
what students will learn in future grades/courses?
or a school year?
What do success criteria look like for students on these learning objectives (i.e., how will you know it when
you see it?)
process and make
1. Choose LP,
establish learning
with respect to
movement across
levels of the LP
location on LP,
score student
3. Establish
baseline location
on LP
“student focus
sessions” and
monitor growth
Importantly, a learning objective should be written such that it is more than a list of facts that students
what students should know but what they should be able to do. As a concrete example, the Common Core
State Standards for mathematics ( are written with respect to
with a subset of mathematical practices (e.g., “Students will be able to use place value understanding and
properties of operations to solve problems that involve multi-digit arithmetic.”).
The Ideal Approach: An Across-Grade Learning Progression
The ideal is to have teachers working collaboratively in teams to establish an LP that tracks the same big
picture concept over multiple grades. For some concepts in math, science and English Language Arts,
LP is adopted, it will still need to be customized to a district’s local context. For example, we worked with
middle school mathematics teachers to adapt a published LP on equi-partitioning and proportional reasoning
When there is not a pre-existing research-based LP (as will commonly be the case), a new one would need to
be created. These created LPs will not match the research rigor or depth of research-based LPs. However, they
are still valuable because they are rooted in state standards and teachers’ experience, and as they are put in
CCSS for mathematics provides an organization of standards across grades in domains such as Operations &
A cluster of standards within any one of these domains, crossed with standards for mathematical practice
(i.e., modeling, reasoning) could be chosen as the starting point for elementary or middle school learning
statements about what students should know and be able to do by the end of an instructional period. Of
course, standards documents for mathematics lend themselves most readily to the formation of an LP that
crosses grades because the content tends to have a hierarchical structure. In the following section we discuss
how the LPF can still be applied in a context in which progressions of content across grades are more tenuous.
at one of our pilot sites chose the big-picture topic of place value (within the domain of number & operations
in base ten in the CCSS) as a focal area that represented a critical foundation students would need in order to
learn math at a higher level upon entry to middle school.
Using a Learning Progression Framework to Assess and Evaluate Student Growth 11
Using a Learning Progression Framework to Assess and Evaluate Student Growth 12
by the end of grade 5
by the end of grade 3
by the end of grade 1
model math. Students can write and evaluate numerical expressions with whole number exponents.
Partial Understanding/Messy Middle
Partial Understanding/Messy Middle
Partial Understanding/Messy Middle
Partial Understanding/Messy Middle
Partial Understanding/Messy Middle
Partial Understanding/Messy Middle
Students can read and write numbers from whole numbers that include decimals to thousandths with numerals
explain patterns in the placement of the decimal point when any given number is multiplied or divided by a
place using standard form, word form, and expanded form. Students will demonstrate understanding of what
number to 999. Round to nearest ten.
Students will be able to compose and decompose any two-digit number (11-99) into groups of tens and further
and symbols for greater than, less than, and equal to.
Students can compose and decompose numbers from 11-19 into ten ones and some further ones by using objects
correspondence. Students can separate up to 5 objects and can identify which group has more or less. Students
Students can count verbally up to 5. Students can count accurately between 1 and 5 objects with supports.
Students can recognize numbers 1 to 5.
Students can read and write numbers to millions using words, numbers, and expanded form. Round whole
numbers up to millions place and compare multi-digit whole numbers using comparison symbols. Students can
thousands place using standard form, word form, and expanded form. Students will demonstrate understanding
of what each digit represents. Round numbers to the hundreds. Apply extended facts to the tens place value.
mastered the place value concepts in the upper grade target, but their thinking about place value is clearly
in-between state as “the messy middle” because it represents a stage in which students may vary considerably
might be able to correctly compare two digit numbers using symbols by memorizing certain rules without
being able to decompose the numbers into combinations of tens and ones. This attention to subtle
of providing teachers with a useful basis for providing students with feedback and individualized instruction.
When an LP includes levels that span more than two grades, attention is focused on the changes in student
understandings that would be expected to take place across grade levels as students are exposed to
instruction targeted to certain core concepts. For a given teacher, it is still a priority to decide how to properly
characterize the student growth expected within their grade or
course. But for groups of teachers in collaboration, more can be
understood about student growth across grades. So we draw an
important distinction between an across-grade LP, and a course-
trajectory will be the same. But usually, teachers will choose some
criterion-referenced manner, where it is that students are expected
to start at the beginning of an instructional period, where they are
expected to end at the culmination of the instructional period, and
how much they have grown in between.
An LP Specic to a Single Grade or Course
We now attempt to generalize the LPF sketched out to this point
such that it could be employed by any teacher for any subject area,
with or without an LP that spans more than two grades. To do this
we need to introduce the following terms: the aspirational upper
anchor (i.e., the learning target), the aspirational lower anchor, and
the realistic lower anchor. The aspirational upper anchor for a
learning objective. Hence, so long as there are standards or goals
that a school, district or state has established for each subject and
grade, there should always be a basis for operationalizing a
meaningful aspirational target. The aspirational lower anchor
anticipated level of a student’s preparedness for the course. Often
lower anchor might represent a student who was a full year behind
knowledge and skills evident of students who arrive in a course
with the least amount of preparation.
The levels of this generic LP are illustrated in Figure 9. If a teacher
or team of content specialists can identify a learning objective, an
aspirational lower anchor, and a realistic lower anchor, it is possible
Using a Learning Progression Framework to Assess and Evaluate Student Growth 13
Student Learning Objective: Grade
of Learning Progression
Messy Middle: On the way to
mastery of the Upper Anchor
Aspirational Lower Anchor of
Learning Progression
Messy Middle: On the way to
mastery of the Aspirational Lower
Realistic Lower Anchor of
Learning Progression: Where a
start at the beginning of the
instructional period
Using a Learning Progression Framework to Assess and Evaluate Student Growth 14
to create an LP to conceptualize student growth. Note that the levels of the LP could be tailored to topics in
articulate two levels below the aspirational lower anchor, the LP could be reduced to four levels rather than
come into the course with a background that exceeds the aspirational lower anchor, it would be possible to
given student to demonstrate would change.
The critical features of this step are threefold. First, it requires a criterion-referenced explication of what it
means for students to demonstrate growth during an instructional period. Second, it establishes a common
additional instructional support that is likely required to catch them up. Third, it places attention on the fact
that there are levels of student understanding and reasoning that fall in between the LP anchors (“the messy
In the remaining steps of the LPF that follow, we will assume that a teacher has established a course or
growth would only encompass a subset of these levels as in Figure 9. Hence whether or not an across-grade LP
is available, the steps of the LPF that follow would remain the same.
referenced meaning as the beginning and ending locations of students who follow the path envisioned in
levels anywhere within the trajectory.
negative or no growth
student who remains at the same level or moves backward, minimal growth
one level, aspirational growthexceeded
aspirational growth
growth is that growth can be captured anywhere along the trajectory, so that a student who moves from level
1 to level 3 is conceptualized as demonstrating a full year’s growth, even though, from a status perspective,
the student is not “at grade level.
Choosing or Writing Assessment Items
The next step is to either pick or develop items (i.e., tasks, activities) that can be administered over the course
of the instructional period with an eye toward eliciting information about what students appear to know and
be able to do with respect to the big picture idea captured by the LP. A key consideration in relating student
performance on these assessments to LP levels is the quality of the items.
• Are the items well-aligned to the LP?
• Do they allow for varied means for students to express understanding?
• Are they written at the appropriate level of cognitive demand?
• Are the rubrics written so as to minimize inter-rater variance?
Using a Learning Progression Framework to Assess and Evaluate Student Growth 15
underlying LP is that no single item, unless it is a rather involved performance task, is likely to provide
approach, assessment items need to be written purposefully so that, collectively, they target multiple levels of
the LP. Even within a level, multiple items would need to be written that give students more than one
opportunity to demonstrate their mastery of the underlying concept. For many LPs, this will mean items need
to be written with an eye toward not just answering an item correctly but also the process used to answer the
item correctly. To go back to the place value example, a student may be able to identify which of two
three-digit numbers is larger without fully understanding how to compose and decompose a three-digit
numbers into hundreds, tens, and ones. The need for a “bank” of items that can distinguish students at
multiple LP levels points to another advantage of working in multi-grade vertical teams. Namely, if teachers at
aspirational learning target from the level below, an assessment could be assembled relatively easily by
pulling from the full bank of items across grades.
The above discussion has mainly focused on assessment items. When multiple items are assembled into an
assessment, one can ask questions about the quality of the overall assessment.
• Does the set of items cover all of the relevant levels in the LP?
What is their cognitive complexity?
• Are there multiple items per level?
• Is the assessment fair and unbiased?
Do student scores generalize over other types of parallel items that could have been administered, or other
teachers that could have done the scoring (in the context of constructed response items)?
To help teachers evaluate items and assessments vis-à-vis the considerations above, we collaborated with
teachers to develop rubrics for evaluating items and assessments. These rubrics, which we call “assessment
check tools” are available on the CADRE website (
Establishing Baseline Locations of Students on the LP
bands” by summing up the total points earned, expressing these points as a percent of total, and then
happened to be very easy (or very hard), then students might all receive A and Bs (or Fs and Ds) even if they
A very carefully considered “mapping” needs to occur any time an assessment is administered for the purpose
of estimating a students level on a LP. The mapping must convert student scores or performance on
assessment items or performance task(s) into a location on the LP. This process is important because it
removes much of the arbitrariness associated with student scores and instead provides each score with a
meaning that is directly aligned to the descriptions present in the LP. In addition, aligning each assessment to
the LP eliminates the need to give a common pre-post assessment. Instead, assessments can be designed to
provide maximum information about a students’ presumed location (for example, relative to Figure 9 this
Using a Learning Progression Framework to Assess and Evaluate Student Growth 16
according to levels of the LP. But in other cases, when an assessment consists of many tasks and/or items,
One practical way to accomplish this is to follow the two step process below (for a more detailed example, see
1. Start by dividing student scores into bins, such that there is the same number of bins as there are levels in
scores in quartiles, etc.). This serves as a basis for grouping students who are likely to be relatively similar in
their overall performance, and serves as a tentative mapping from the assessment scores to the LP. The top
score group maps to the top LP level, the lowest score group maps to the lowest LP level, etc.
students in each score group to determine if the responses are in fact representative of the mapped LP level.
For the students in the top performing group, one question to be asked is whether the lowest score in this
bin is indicative of someone at the top level of the LP. And so on for each bin. If, for example, all students in
a teacher’s class have high scores, it would be possible that students in the top three score bins all get
mapped to the top level of the LP. In contrast, if all students have low scores, the top three score bins might
only be mapped to middle level of the LP.
There are two occasions when the mapping process described above will need to be used to place students
into LP levels. At the outset of the instructional period, in order to establish each student’s baseline location,
and at the end, to establish the amount of growth they have demonstrated relative to this baseline location.
from baseline to the end of instructional period. In each case, assessments should serve as only one piece of a
body of evidence that a teacher uses to place students. A practical approach for this is for teachers to consider
assessment. For example, the teacher’s observations of a student throughout the year suggests that the
It should not require multiple sources of evidence to show a student begins the year at the aspirational lower
anchor. To ease the setting of benchmarks, it should be assumed students are at the aspirational lower anchor
and evidence should be considered to judge whether that assumption is sound.
Student responses to assessment items can be used to not only locate students on a learning progression, but
to facilitate changes to instruction. To accomplish this, we developed a process in which teachers meet
together to discuss student responses with the goals of (a) improving assessment items, and (b)
understanding student reasoning and using this understanding to design responsive classroom activities. This
process takes place during a “student focus session.” We have developed a guidebook for student focus
sessions, which is available on the CADRE website ( Below, we
Student focus sessions are oriented around a small number of strategically-chosen student responses to
any variation in their scores, and they come to a consensus score. They discuss ideas to modify the task and
rubric to minimize score discrepancies in the future. In phase two, participants examine the consensus scores
and the student work to generate a better sense for the strengths and weaknesses in individual students as
well as groups of students. They then discuss next steps for this student based on their analysis of the
student’s reasoning, and their goals for the student. Even though the focus is on a single student, the
students’ response is likely representative of a set of students in the class. Thus, by deeply understanding this
single student and designing responsive classroom activities, the teachers are really understanding and
designing for a group of students.
Using a Learning Progression Framework to Assess and Evaluate Student Growth 17
Our initial analysis of student focus session suggests that they are productive spaces for improving tasks and
for understanding student reasoning. We are currently exploring two further conjectures related to student
focus sessions. First, we conjecture that student focus sessions will, over time, help teachers make principled
focus sessions as part of a LP-based SLO process improves the chance that the process will be perceived as
more than a compliance-based activity.
Note that although student focus sessions are presented here as a discrete step, they would actually continue
throughout the year, as teachers create and administer new assessment items to monitor growth.
Using a similar process as that described in Step 3 above, teachers administer an assessment at the end of the
aggregate level can then be made by examining the distribution of growth scores and calculating summary
improved in the following year.
In retrospect, were some assessment items used to monitor student performance as part of student focus
sessions better than others?
To what extent do teachers now have a bank of assessment tasks that could be used for formative purposes
in the next year?
• How could instructional activities connected to the LP be changed for the better in the next year?
What lessons learned about students in the context of this LP might generalize to other topics for instruction?
It is important to appreciate that the most time-consuming aspect of using the LPF as a basis for SLOs is the
making gradual improvements. Finally, it is in the stage where teachers are considering the implications for
the next year where the value of an across-grade LP is especially evident because information about a
student’s LP level in the lower grade/course would become that much more relevant to the student’s parents
and the upper grade/course teacher.
In the LP-based framework for student growth, teachers set meaningful, standards-based learning objectives
for students, create learning progressions based on those objectives, and then evaluate students, monitor
A priority is placed on thinking about growth across multiple grades, rather than student status or level of
The same target is set for all students.
Because growth can happen anywhere on the LP, teachers are not penalized for having students who enter
their class underprepared.
it means to demonstrate minimal growth.
Using a Learning Progression Framework to Assess and Evaluate Student Growth 18
Teacher collaboration around the discussion of student work (formalized as part of ongoing “student focus
sessions”) are central to what goes on in between the beginning and end of an instructional period.
These advantages are especially pronounced when compared to the design of the vast majority of SLO systems
threats to validity. Table 1 summarizes how the LPF may address each of these three threats.
As indicated in the above table, although we are optimistic that an LP framework may address these common
threats found in SLO systems implemented in many places, we also recognize that this approach would
pilot with a few participating schools.
IV. Limitations
Although our initial pilot work developing and implementing the LPF as a basis for SLOs suggests to us that
the approach has great potential, we do not wish to give the impression that it represents a panacea. To begin
the ground, especially if an attempt was being made to implement SLOs using an across grade LP. Developing
able to continue using the same across grade LPs developed at each school site in year 1, teachers spent a
student reasoning was evolving at various time points during the year.
common curriculum may be in place or where a common understanding of standards needs to be established
understanding of standards in place, and so we limited the LP development work this year to construct smaller
students with varying levels of sophistication know and can do in their respective content areas.
Moreover, is it unlikely that the processes supporting the LPF, which center on cultivating formative practices
to guide assessment and instructional practices, are readily scalable over a short period of time or can be
student is expected to acquire in order to reach the learning objective.
the LP, awarding the amount of growth achieved by each student toward reaching the learning
3. Accountability
concerns trump
Student focus sessions are central to the LP approach. This fosters teacher collaboration
around the careful study of student reasoning, and helps teachers improve assessment items,
understand student reasoning, and design learning activities based on student reasoning. By
engaging in this collaborative process with other teachers, teachers serve as peer-review
regulators for this process by checking on the quality of products used to evaluate student
learning and by evaluating the evidence presented by teachers to support claims about how
much growth was achieved by their students.
development and collaborative time among teachers to:
Begin the work of adapting existing LPs or in many cases with the majority of subject areas, move forward
with the work of constructing within grade or across grade LPs.
• Make adjustments to the LPs based on reviews of student work.
Most of the teachers we have worked with appreciated the opportunity to collaborate with their peers and
discuss student work relative to an LP. Further, in the case of the elective areas, participating teachers and
curriculum coordinators noted that they appreciated getting the opportunity to focus on their own content
areas and to better understand the academic expectations and instructional targets to be set for students
across grades. But within the context of this district, it is unclear whether this work could be sustained
without the extensive facilitation and supports that our research team has provided over the two-year period
at participating schools and with the group of teacher leaders and curriculum coordinators in the elective
areas. Districts that are considering this approach should be prepared to allocate substantial professional
likely to be viewed by participating teachers as an authentic and valuable process apart from its role in teacher
student growth were to shift, SLO approaches based on an LPF would have the potential to remain as an
infrastructure and process that supports good pedagogical practice and professional development. But at this
point, our conjecture is limited to our experiences working with teachers on the LP project over the past two years.
Another limitation involves psychometric concerns in using the LPF as a basis for measuring student growth.
In the general approach we have outlined, student growth is represented by transitions across discrete LP
tasks. It is quite likely that student-level growth scores would have low levels of reliability, though the
problem would be lessened when aggregated to the teacher level. In the long-term, if the approach were to be
adopted by all teachers in the same subject/grade combination in a school district, then it might be possible to
the psychometric quality of student-level growth scores would need to be given considerable scrutiny if these
were to be factored into teacher evaluations. Of course, the same issue regarding the quality of assessment
tasks used applies to the current SLOs that are being implemented. That is, SLOs based on the LPF would
surely be no worse than SLOs based on the status quo, and in many cases the LPF likely results in higher-
quality assessments. As the statistician John Tukey once wrote “Far better an approximate answer to the right
question, which is often vague, than an exact answer to the wrong question, which can always be made
Overall, the biggest limitation for implementing an LPF as the basis of the SLO process is the dedicated
commitment required for a school and district to have teachers participate in regularly scheduled student
focus sessions to review student work relative to the developed LP and to deepen their knowledge of
assessment as they engage in the process of aligning and developing high quality tasks to support inferences
However, using an LPF as the basis for SLOs would require even more time and resources due to the work
or situated within a grade. If districts or school do not schedule time for teachers to collaborate and review
week are needed to sustain student focus sessions), then the SLO approach we have sketched out in this paper
will be short-lived.
Using a Learning Progression Framework to Assess and Evaluate Student Growth 19
Using a Learning Progression Framework to Assess and Evaluate Student Growth 20
summarizes the lessons we are learning from this ongoing work. This report will be released during the
process and the LP project will be used to determine how best to structure supports for the next school year
In addition, the district has begun to implement two aspects of our pilot work. First, the district is organizing
groups of teachers to begin mapping out developmental trajectories tied to their learning objectives as a way
to evaluate what novice students should know and can do relative to students exhibiting “expert
characteristics. Second, the district is organizing teachers across content areas to begin discussing and
learning. Although the district’s work in these two areas is at a nascent stage and the student focus sessions
have not extended into evaluating the quality of tasks used by teachers, we applaud the district for moving in
the direction of integrating these types of activities into their current SLO process. Even if the use of an LPF as
an organizing framework for SLOs in the district remains a distant goal, the decision to organize collaborative
types of students know and can do will hopefully contribute to the instructional relevance of the SLO process
for teachers both in the short- and the long-term.
Using a Learning Progression Framework to Assess and Evaluate Student Growth 21
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