Fort Hunter Liggett Regulation 420-26
Directorate of Public Works
Environmental Division
Hunting and Fishing
Department of the Army
US Army Garrison Fort Hunter Liggett
Fort Hunter Liggett, California
1 January 2022
FHL Regulation 420-26
1 January 2022
This Regulation updates and supersedes FHL Regulation 420-26, SEP 2018. Major changes include:
Incorporates the prohibition of the use of drones and other remotely operated
motion gear
Clarifies definition of a vehicle and the prohibition of motorcycles and electric
bikes for hunters and anglers in the Training Areas
Clarifies access requirements for minors and the vetting/permitting of non-
consumption guests that accompany permitted hunters and anglers
Clarifies where air guns and crossbows may be used in accordance with the
California Fish and Game Code.
FHL Regulation 420-26
1 January 2022
Department of the Army Fort Hunter Liggett Regulation 420-26
Installation Management Command
U.S. Army Garrison Fort Hunter Liggett
Fort Hunter Liggett, CA 93928-7000
Hunting and Fishing Regulations
HISTORY. Fort Hunter Liggett (FHL) Regulation 420-26 was first prepared in 1999. This is the
seventh revision to FHL Reg. 420-26.
SUMMARY. This regulation sets forth policies and outlines responsibilities and procedures relative to
the control of hunting and fishing on FHL.
APPLICABILITY. This regulation is applicable to all persons residing on, employed on or visiting FHL
and is subject to change without prior public notice. Civilian, military, tenants, and training units are
required to comply with this regulation. No activity is exempt from this regulation.
PROPONENT AND EXCEPTION AUTHORITY. The proponent of this regulation is the Directorate
of Public Works. Only the FHL Garrison Commander may approve changes to this document.
SUPPLEMENTATION. Supplementation of this circular is prohibited without prior approval from the
SUGGESTED IMPROVEMENTS. Users are invited to send comments and suggested improvements
on DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms) to Directorate of Public
Works, H&F Program, P.O. 7091, Fort Hunter Liggett, CA 93928-7091.
DISTRIBUTION. Electronic Media.
This regulation supersedes Fort Hunter Liggett Regulation 420-26, September 2018
Digitally signed by
Date: 2022.01.31 09:48:02 -08'00'
FHL Regulation 420-26
1 January 2022
Chapter 1 - Overview ....................................................................................................................................... 1
1-1. Purpose and Scope ............................................................................................................................... 1
1-2. Applicability ......................................................................................................................................... 1
1-3. Responsibilities .................................................................................................................................... 2
1-4. References and Definitions .................................................................................................................. 3
Chapter 2 - General Information ...................................................................................................................... 4
2-1. Installation Access ................................................................................................................................ 4
2-2. Hunt Area/Training Area Access ......................................................................................................... 4
2-3. Check-In/Check-Out Requirement and Process ................................................................................... 5
2-4. Hunting ................................................................................................................................................. 6
2-5. Fishing .................................................................................................................................................. 6
2-6. Protected Resources ............................................................................................................................. 6
Chapter 3 - Safety ............................................................................................................................................ 8
3-1. General ................................................................................................................................................. 8
3-2. Accidents and Casualties ...................................................................................................................... 8
3-3. Fires ...................................................................................................................................................... 8
3-4. Radiation Control Areas ....................................................................................................................... 8
3-5. Unexploded Ordnance .......................................................................................................................... 8
3-6. Weapons Safety .................................................................................................................................... 8
3-7. Hunting Safety...................................................................................................................................... 9
3-8. Restricted Weapons Hunt Areas........................................................................................................... 9
Chapter 4 - Legal Requirements and Prohibitions ........................................................................................... 9
4-1. State and Federal Laws and Regulations .............................................................................................. 9
4-2. Violations and Penalties of this Regulation ....................................................................................... 10
4-3. FHL Hunting and Fishing Prohibitions .............................................................................................. 10
Chapter 5 - Special Notices ............................................................................................................................ 11
5-1. Weekday Hunting ............................................................................................................................... 11
5-2. Training Areas 20 & 22 Access ......................................................................................................... 12
5-3. Dogs ................................................................................................................................................... 12
Appendix A. References ................................................................................................................................ 13
Appendix B. Definitions ................................................................................................................................ 14
Appendix C. Figures ...................................................................................................................................... 15
Appendix D. Suspensions and Revocations of FHL Hunting and Fishing Privileges ........... 20
FHL Regulation 420-26
1 January 2022
Chapter 1 - Overview
1-1. Purpose and Scope
The primary mission of FHL is to provide training space and other related military use of land and water
resources. Land and water resources deemed available for public recreational use and enjoyment will
have controlled public access, subject to safety, military security and environmental requirements, and
will not impair the military mission. Persons holding hunting and fishing permits will stand at par with
each other for use privileges, except that participation will be within manageable quotas and within the
capability of natural resources to support such use.
This regulation establishes specific restrictions enforceable in Federal and State courts for hunting and
fishing recreation on FHL. This regulation is additional and supplementary to State and Federal laws, or
other Federal or State directives that may be applicable. Conflicts will be brought to the attention of the
Directorate of Public Works, Environmental Division (PWE), FHL California, 93928-7091. This
regulation and adequate enforcement of such is a key component to the wildlife and fisheries
management program on FHL.
a. Fish and wildlife-oriented recreation on FHL is described and defined in the FHL Integrated Natural
Resources Management Plan (INRMP). An installation INRMP is required by the Sikes Act
Improvement Act (16 United States Code [USC] 670) and Army Regulation (AR) 200-1. AR 200-1,
4-3.d authorizes hunting and fishing on FHL in accordance with 16 USC 670a.
b. California Code of Regulations (CCR), Title 14 describes natural resources laws in California. CCR
Title 13 describes motor vehicle laws in California.
c. PWE is the primary proponent of this regulation, in coordination with the Directorate of
Emergency Services (DES), the Directorate of Plans, Training, Mobilization and Security
(DPTMS) and the Directorate of Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation (FMWR).
i. Management of the natural resource functions of the FHL Hunt and Fish Program is the
responsibility of the PWE.
ii. Sikes Act Improvement Act authorizes a public outdoor recreation program in accordance
with the INRMP. Hunting, fishing, and other outdoor recreation are interrelated components
of the Natural Resources Management Program. The Hunt and Fish Program operates within
FMWR oversight per AR 215-1.
iii. Natural resource related law enforcement is the responsibility of the DES. Two full-time
Game Wardens are assigned to tasks associated with enforcement, including but not limited to
violator apprehension and prosecution.
iv. Management of training area use and access is the responsibility of the DPTMS.
d. This regulation is punitive in nature. Violators may be subject to administrative action
(revocation of permit, etc.), may be barred from the Installation and/or prosecuted under Federal
or California law in court. In addition, military violators of these provisions may be prosecuted
under the Uniform Code of Military Justice or may be subject to administrative action.
1-2. Applicability
This regulation is applicable to all persons participating in hunting and fishing activities on FHL. All
persons engaging in hunting and fishing activity on FHL are required to comply with this regulation and
all applicable Federal and State laws and regulations. No one is exempt from this regulation.
FHL Regulation 420-26
1 January 2022
1-3. Responsibilities
2-Command Group
i. Commander U.S. Army Garrison FHL maintains all responsibility and authority for the
installation to include all activities.
ii. The U.S. Army Garrison, FHL Installation Legal Office will provide legal assistance and
3-Directorate of Public Works, Environmental Division (PWE)
i. Management of the natural resource functions of the FHL Hunt and Fish Program.
ii. Coordinate with all appropriate FHL Divisions in accordance with the INRMP.
iii. Determine which available training areas are to be open for hunting and fishing, based on
harvest data and hunting area usage, and other special environmental restrictions or
management considerations that may be necessary.
4-Directorate of Emergency Services (DES)
i. Provide two full time game wardens to enforce and curtail activity contrary to hunting and
fishing laws, regulations, and policies on FHL. Game Wardens are authorized to detain,
question, apprehend/arrest, and search persons and/or possessions, including vehicles. All
violations will be prosecuted in either U.S. Federal Magistrate Court and/or Monterey County
ii. Educate the public regarding applicable laws and regulations.
iii. Monitor hunter and angler activity on FHL to detect and deter illegal hunting, fishing, and
other outdoor recreation, and take appropriate legal action to deter future illegal activity, such
as confiscate FHL hunting and fishing permits from person(s) in violation of this regulation
and/or State laws. Game Wardens are authorized to confiscate any fish and/or game
unlawfully taken from person(s) in violation of this regulation. Confiscated fish and/or game
will be turned over to California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW).
iv. Process FHL firearm registration forms.
v. Provide background vetting and issue of clearance for entering FHL prior to the issue of a
5-Directorate of Plans, Training, Mobilization, and Security (DPTMS)
i. Evaluate training and other activities in training areas and release training areas that may be
opened for hunting and fishing by 0900 Thursday each week to PWE, maximizing
opportunities for hunting and fishing consistent with training, safety, and mission
ii. Immediately inform PWE of all unscheduled changes to training schedules to ensure hunters
are not posted in closed areas.
iii. Open locked gates and remove barricades to permit recreational use of areas open for such
iv. Schedule and conduct an “Unexploded Ordnance Briefing” as needed.
FHL Regulation 420-26
1 January 2022
e. Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation (FMWR)
i. Provide coordination, planning, organization, and supervision of special sporting and outdoor
related activities such as fishing tournaments as outlined in subparagraphs (a) through (f) below.
(a) Staff all special sporting and outdoor related actions at least 60 days prior to scheduled
event. Actions will be coordinated with PWE, DES, Installation Safety Office, and DPTMS.
(b) Develop standard operating procedures (SOP) for all special sporting and outdoor related
activities. The SOPs will be submitted for review to DPTMS-Range Control, PWE, DES,
and Installation Safety Office, as appropriate. Ensure that all policies and procedures
identified within appropriate SOPs are implemented prior to conducting the scheduled event.
(c) Provide risk assessments for all special events as required by Installation Safety Office IAW
AR 385-10, Army Safety Program.
(d) Provide environmental documentation (checklist, environmental assessments, etc.) as
appropriate for all scheduled events. Coordinate all events requiring special permits with
PWE (e.g., fish stocking permit). Provide funding for the acquisition of all required permits
related to these events.
(e) Ensure that event coordinators are onsite for the duration of the scheduled event. All
training area requests will be submitted in writing to DPTMS-Range Control 45 days prior to
the scheduled event. Copy of Risk Assessment, approved Environmental Review, and
concept of operation will be submitted to Range Control prior to event.
(f) Sponsors are responsible for the conduct of their bona fide participant(s) and/or guest(s)
while hunting or fishing on the installation. Observed violations of hunting and fishing laws
and this regulation shall be reported to DES.
f. All Hunters and Anglers
i. Know and abide by all FHL, State, and Federal laws and regulations governing hunting,
fishing, and vehicle operation on FHL, California.
ii. Notify FHL DES authorities about poaching, uncontrolled fires, the location of
unexploded munitions, fuel or other spills, and any observed violations of FHL, State,
and Federal regulations and laws at (831) 386- 2526/2513.
iii. Cooperate with military officials, FHL law enforcement, Range Control, and Safety
iv. Conduct themselves in a legal, safe, and ethical manner while hunting or fishing on FHL.
Offenses of particular concern at FHL include use and possession of illegal substances,
possession of illegal firearms, possession of loaded firearms in vehicles, off-road driving,
spotlighting and night hunting, shooting from vehicles or roadways, trespassing, littering,
unauthorized transplanting of fish and wildlife, baiting of wildlife and disturbance of
government property, for example, equipment, natural and cultural resources, ordnance and
1-4. References and Definitions
References are hereby incorporated into this regulation in Appendix A. Definitions are found in Appendix
FHL Regulation 420-26
1 January 2022
Chapter 2 - General Information
2- 1. Installation Access
3- All adult hunters / anglers must provide either a DoD issued ID card as proof of vetting to the
H&F Program, or submit an FHL vetting H&F Installation Access Request to DES and clear a
criminal background check by DES prior to being issued a hunting / fishing permit. Minors are
not vetted.
4- All adult guests of hunters / anglers must clear a criminal background check by DES prior to accessing
FHL hunt or fish areas. Guests who are minors are not vetted.
5- Per AR 190-11, all firearms must be registered with DES prior to using them on FHL or being brought
into the cantonment.
6- By entering FHL, individuals have consented to the search of their person or vehicle by law
enforcement personnel, and confiscation of all evidence of unauthorized activities.
7- Access to FHL is permitted, based on security requirements, through DES.
8- FHL and any part thereof, may be closed at any time without notice at the discretion of the Garrison
Commander. Recreational use is secondary to requirements of the military mission and garrison
9- The speed limit on FHL is 10 mph when passing troops and 25 mph in all other areas, unless posted
10- Recreationists are prohibited from entering areas marked with “Off-Limits” or “No Access” signs,
or Seibert Stakes (Appendix C - Figure 1), either with vehicles or on foot.
11- FHL hunting and fishing access is authorized for hunting and fishing activities. The use of drones
or other remote controlled motion gear is prohibited.
2-2. Hunt Area/Training Area Access
a. Hunt Areas are based on training area (TA) boundaries but may be modified or grouped together for
special hunts or specific requirements. For example, for safety purposes Training Area 13W is split
into two Hunt Areas and a closed zone: Hunt Area 13W north of KD Road, Hunt Area 13A south of
KD Road, and a closed zone east of KD Road and south of Mission Road (Figure 2). Updated maps
will be provided to hunters and anglers as needed.
b. There are 37 Hunt Areas on FHL as follows: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6A, 6B, 7A, 7B, 8, 9A, 9B, 10A, 10B,
11, 12B, 13A, 13B, 13E, 13W, 14, 15, 16A, 16B, 17, 18, 19, 20A, 20B, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28,
and 29 (Figure 2). More detailed hunt and fish area maps are available from the FHL iSportsman
website at:
c. Hunt Areas 12B, 20A, 20B, and 22 are designated as game management areas. These areas have
specific access requirements and management considerations, and are not used for general
hunting purposes. Hunt Areas 20A and 20B are restricted access areas that are only accessible to
managed hunts where in-person UXO safety training has been completed. General
hunting/fishing recreationist may only use Gabilan Road for through-access across TA 20.
d. Public access in TAs 12A, 12C, portions of 20, 21, and 22 is prohibited.
e. Hunters, anglers, and their adult guests must obtain an FHL Hunting, Fishing, or Guest Permit
(hereinafter referred to as the “Permit”) and register into hunt areas or fishing reservoirs using the
FHL Regulation 420-26
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iSportsman system for lawful and safe entry into FHL hunt areas. Permits are not transferable
between persons or permit years, and are not refundable.
f. Hunt and Fish Program guests must accompany the registered hunter or angler at all times while in
the hunt areas or fishing reservoirs. The H&F Program Guest Permit does not authorize
unaccompanied access into the training areas. Only two adult guests may accompany one hunter
or angler.
g. The following 10 reservoirs may be available for fishing on FHL (Appendix C - Figure 2):
Coleman (TA 2), Milpitas (TA 2), Del Venturi (TA 9), KD (T A 13W), Generals (TA 19), Hughes
(TA 24), Woodrow (TA 24), El Piojo (TA 24), Sycamore (TA 27), and Gravel Pit (Cantonment).
h. Hunters may hunt only in their assigned area(s) using only authorized weapon types. Anglers may
fish only at their assigned reservoir(s).
i. Hunters and anglers must check out in iSportsman prior to changing hunting area(s) or
reservoir(s) assignment.
j. Hunt areas may be restricted to specified weapon types or seasons.
i. Hunt Areas 13E, and 29 are restricted to archery, muzzleloader, shotgun (to include
shotguns with rifled barrels), air gun, and crossbow.
ii. Hunt Area 9B (the portion of Hunt Area 9 east of Vasquez Blvd; Figure 2) is restricted to
archery, muzzleloader, shotgun (to include shotguns with rifled barrels), handgun, air gun,
and crossbow.
iii. Hunt Areas 3, 6B, 7B, 13A, 13B, and 16B are restricted to archery equipment only. Crossbows
are not allowed in these hunt areas regardless of whether or not the hunter has a Disabled Archer
iv. Additional limitations may be imposed for specific hunts or safety considerations.
k. Vehicles authorized in the hunt areas are California highway-legal automobiles and trucks.
Motorcycles, All Terrain Vehicles (ATVs), electronic bikes and similar vehicles are not
l. Vehicles must be parked within or immediately adjacent to their designated hunt area or
reservoir. All vehicles must be parked in such a manner as to allow other vehicles safe
passage, including not blocking access to roads or gates.
m. Vehicles in hunt areas or at fishing reservoirs must have their vehicle pass clearly displayed on
their dashboard. Vehicle passes are available from your account at the FHL iSportsman web
n. Hunters accessing Hunt Areas 6B, 13A, 13B, 13E, 16B, and 29 must park at designated parking
areas (see detailed maps of each hunt area at under “Area Maps”
menu). Vehicle travel is prohibited in Hunt Areas 6B, 13A, 13B, 13E, 16B, and 29, except for
fishing access to KD reservoir in 13A.
o. Bicycles that are solely human powered are allowed on maintained roads in Hunt Areas 13E and 29
only and no other hunt areas. Off-road bicycle travel is prohibited. Electronic or E-bikes are not
2-3. Check-In/Check-Out Requirement and Process
a. All hunters and anglers must register using the FHL iSportsman web portal prior to entering hunt
areas unless directed otherwise by the Hunt and Fish Program. Check-out from FHL iSportsman is
FHL Regulation 420-26
1 January 2022
required within two hours after sunset each day to ensure the areas are clear of public visitors. See
Section 2-2 for training area access information.
b. All game and fish harvested on FHL must be reported upon check-out through FHL iSportsman.
Hunters are required to bring all harvested deer and elk to the Wildlife Check Station for data
collection, when open. All other harvested animals may be required to be brought in for Check
Station data collection, when requested.
c. All harvested game and fish must be available for inspection at check-out.
d. Carcass tags must be accessible to Hunt and Fish, and Law Enforcement personnel for inspection.
2-4. Hunting
a. The following game and non-game species may be hunted at FHL within seasons and limits
specified by CDFW regulations: deer, elk, pig, coyote, jackrabbit, cottontail, tree squirrel, dove,
quail, pigeon, turkey, duck, and geese. Species listed may be removed or other species added based
on natural resource considerations.
b. Hunting opportunities are generally open to the public on weekends and Federal holidays.
Availability is dependent on training, natural resources, and force protection requirements.
c. Hunting hours on FHL are typically from one half hour before sunrise to one half hour after sunset
or as otherwise specified by CDFW regulations. Hunters may enter hunt areas two hours before
sunrise and must begin exiting hunt areas immediately after hunting hours. Hunters attempting to
retrieve game must exit the hunt areas within two hours after sunset each day, or get FHL DES
(831) 386-2513/2526 approval to remain in the hunt area.
d. Hunting with any projectile that contains more than one percent lead is prohibited. This applies to all
calibers and all weapon types including shotgun pellets and all projectiles carried in possession while
e. Portable tree stands may be used if they cause no damage and are completely removed each day
by the close of hunting hours.
f. Cutting or removing of vegetation is prohibited.
2-5. Fishing
a. The following fish species may be taken at FHL within seasons and limits specified by CDFW
regulations at reservoirs designated as available for fishing: bass, catfish, bluegill, sunfish, thread-
fin shad, trout, carp, and other game fish that may occur on FHL.
b. Fishing hours are from one hour before sunrise to one hour after sunset.
c. Boats, canoes, and other floating devises shall only be powered by electric, wind, or manual
means, and must be certified as mussel free.
d. All watercraft must be inspected and certified as mussel free prior to being launched on FHL
2-6. Protected Resources
a. It is unlawful to excavate, damage, alter, deface, sell, purchase, transport, or receive any
archeological or historic resource (Archaeological Resources Protection Act of 1979), or any
military equipment or munitions (spent or unspent) on FHL.
b. The Endangered Species Act (ESA) prohibits take of any federally listed fish or wildlife species or
FHL Regulation 420-26
1 January 2022
removal or destruction of any federally listed plants. Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) prohibits
take of protected migratory birds without a Federal permit. Take means to harass, harm, pursue,
hunt, shoot, wound, kill, trap, capture, or collect, or attempt to engage in any such conduct.
c. Animals on FHL protected by ESA, MBTA or other laws include but are not limited to: California
condor, bald eagle, golden eagle, San Joaquin kit fox, arroyo toad, red-legged frog, vernal pool
fairy shrimp, and migratory birds (including game birds out of season or without appropriate
d. Plants protected by State and Federal laws include but not limited to: purple amole and Santa
Lucia mint.
e. FHL has areas that require protection from disturbance for restoration or other purposes. These
areas are marked with Seibert stakes (Figure 1), flagging, cones, and/or signs and may not be
entered or disturbed.
FHL Regulation 420-26
1 January 2022
Chapter 3 - Safety
3-1. General
Safety is everyone’s responsibility. To avoid injuries and possible loss of life, all recreational
activities must be accomplished in a safe and responsible manner.
a. At no time is anyone authorized to pass behind a “Live Fire” barrier or gate displaying a
“Live Fire” sign.
b. At no time is anyone authorized to pass behind any “Caution Radioactive Materials Keep Out”
sign or to enter into the Radiation Control Areas (Appendix C - Figure 3).
c. At no time is anyone authorized to enter any area marked as a Dud / UXO area or “Military Traffic
d. Swimming or wading is prohibited in FHL lakes, reservoirs, streams, and rivers, except for
wading for the direct purpose of hunting or fishing.
3-2. Accidents and Casualties
Any person discovering or having knowledge of an accident or casualty (injury or death) occurring on
FHL will notify the FHL DES at (831) 386-2513/2526 by the fastest means available. Dialing 911 from
a cell phone will reach State emergency responders, and not FHL DES, delaying response time.
3-3. Fires
To report a forest or brush fire, notify FHL DES at (831) 386-2513/2526 by the fastest means available.
Dialing 911 from a cell phone will reach State emergency responders, and not FHL DES, delaying
response time.
3-4. Radiation Control Areas
The Radiation Control Areas (RCA) are located in TA 15, TA 24, and TA 27 (Appendix C - Figure 2).
The RCAs are 1000 meter grid squares where Depleted Uranium is suspected to be found. These areas
are off limits to all personnel.
3-5. Unexploded Ordnance
An Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) is an explosive munitions (i.e., ammunition, explosive, or other
dangerous material), which has not been armed as intended, or which has failed to explode after being
armed. Included are such items as tank and artillery rounds, blasting caps, dynamite, flares, rockets,
grenades, chemical munitions, and similar devices.
Note: UXOs are extremely sensitive and deadly, and must not be handled by anyone other
than Explosive Ordnance Disposal personnel. If an object is discovered and suspected to be
a UXO, the spot should be identified then marked nearby and the location immediately
reported to Range Control at (831) 386-2403 and/or DES at (831) 386-2513/2526.
3-6. Weapons Safety
a. While in a vehicle on FHL firearms shall not have unexpended cartridge or shell in or attached to
the firearm, including in the firing chamber, magazine, or clip. Muzzle-loaders shall be deemed to
be loaded when they are capped or primed and have a powder charge and ball or shot in the barrel
or cylinder. Bows may have arrows attached by means of a bow quiver provided arrow tips (e.g.,
broadhead, field tip) are secured and have a protective cover.
FHL Regulation 420-26
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b. Firearms shall not be carried loaded in a powered watercraft. Firearms shall not be fired from
such watercraft unless the motor is shut off and the watercraft’s motor momentum is halted (i.e.,
anchored or adrift).
c. It shall be unlawful to discharge a firearm for any purpose within 150 yards (approximately 137
meters) of FHL’s marked outer boundary or Cantonment area.
3-7. Hunting Safety
Faithful adherence to the essentials of safe hunting will prevent accidents and injuries and make this
honored sport a safer, more enjoyable pastime for everyone. Know your weapon and handle it
properly. Fulfill your responsibilities as a safe hunter.
a. Before you start on a hunting trip at FHL:
i. Ensure that you know and understand the applicable rules and regulations.
ii. Ensure some responsible person knows, in detail, where you will be hunting and your
estimated time of return. Report back to your contact person upon your return. It shall be the
hunter’s responsibilities to have their contact person notify the FHL Police Department (831-
386-2513/2526) if the contact person determines that the hunter has not reported back to them
by the designated time. When notified by the contact person, it shall then be the responsibility
of DES to conduct search and rescue efforts to account for the missing hunter(s).
iii. FHL follows the California Fish and Game Code and does not require hunters and their
visitors to wear blaze/hunter orange. However, FHL does recommend wearing blaze/hunter
b. Any person who causes or is involved in a hunting accident, in which another person is injured or
killed, must identify himself/herself, give what assistance he/she can to the victim, and
immediately report the accident to DES at (831) 386-2513/2516 by the fastest means available.
Dialing 911 from a cell phone will reach State emergency responders, and not FHL DES, delaying
response time by the fastest means.
3-8. Restricted Weapons Hunt Areas
a. Hunt area 9B (portion of 9 east of Vasquez Blvd; Figure 2) is permanently designated as a
restricted weapon area (Section 2-2j of this regulation).
b. Areas adjacent to training areas in use for military training or the civilian workforce may have
weapons restrictions. These weapons restrictions will be identified by Range Control on the
approved hunting/fishing map, and at the iSportsman web portal.
c. Areas adjacent to inhabited structures or roadways will be limited to the most stringent of the
California Fish and Game Codes, and Army Regulations.
d. Range control is the approving authority for identifying weapons allowed in open hunt areas.
Chapter 4 - Legal Requirements and Prohibitions
4-1. State and Federal Laws and Regulations
All hunting and fishing on FHL shall be conducted in accordance with this regulation, California Code of
Regulations (CCR) Title 14, and all other applicable State and Federal statutes (See Appendix A -
References). Violations may include but are not limited to criminal prosecution for State or Federal
FHL Regulation 420-26
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crimes as well as administration actions as listed in Appendix D. This regulation may be more restrictive
but will not supersede California Code of Regulations or other applicable State and Federal statutes.
Military commanders have inherent authority to regulate the morale, safety, health, good order, and
discipline of their installations. When a civilian knowingly makes an unauthorized entry or enters an
installation for an unauthorized purpose, then that person can be charged with trespass under the Federal
Trespass Statute, 18 U.S.C. 1382. The statute provides for maximum penalty of fine up to $5,000 or
imprisonment of up to six months or both.
4-2. Violations and Penalties of this Regulation
a. Permanent or temporary suspension or revocation of FHL hunting and/or fishing privileges
immediately or by written notification (Appendix D).
b. Immediate seizure of all hunting / fishing equipment.
c. Immediate seizure of carcass.
d. Written warning.
4-3. FHL Hunting and Fishing Prohibitions
The following actions are prohibited on FHL:
a. Collecting anything (firewood, plants, rocks, antlers, etc.) without specific authorization, e.g.,
for educational purposes.
b. Taking (collecting live or killing) reptiles, amphibians, insects, or any other living organism,
even if permitted by California Fish and Game Code, if not listed as an authorized species to
take under Section 2-4a (Hunting) or Section 2-5a (Fishing) of this regulation.
c. Hunting with any projectile including pellets that contains more than one percent lead in all
calibers and all weapon types including air guns.
d. Camping, except at designated campgrounds.
e. Camp fires, except at designated campgrounds.
f. Off-road vehicle or bicycle travel, or use of off-road vehicles such as ATVs and motorcycles.
g. Operating unlicensed vehicles.
h. Operating boats with gasoline or diesel motors.
i. Use of boats, canoes, and other floating devices in any river, stream, or creek.
j. Fishing in any river, stream, or creek.
k. Using or possessing live bait except for legally acquired invertebrates (e.g., night crawlers).
Possession of crayfish is prohibited.
l. Swimming in any river, stream, creek or reservoir.
m. Target shooting and plinking.
n. Possessing of slingshots or spring loaded weapons.
o. Firing weapons within 50 feet of any improved roadway.
p. Driving on weapons ranges and loitering on or hunting from range towers /structures.
q. Hunting in or around the Cantonment, Campground or Navy Compound.
FHL Regulation 420-26
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r. Discharge of a firearm within 150 yards (137 meters) of FHL marked outer boundary or
s. Driving/hazing of wildlife.
t. Scouting.
u. Use of remote cameras.
v. Tracking wounded animals into a closed area unless accompanied by a FHL official.
w. Having an unexpended cartridge or shell in or attached to the firearm, including in the firing
chamber, magazine, or clip while in a vehicle on FHL; muzzle-loaders shall be deemed to be loaded
when they are capped or primed and have a powder charge and ball or shot in the barrel or cylinder.
x. Possessing a weapon with ammunition for that weapon in a hunt area where that weapon is not
permitted (e.g., possessing a rifle with ammunition for that rifle in a shotgun, archery, crossbow,
muzzle-loader hunt area).
y. Hunting in the vicinity of Soldiers, civilian workforce personnel, or in restricted areas. If Soldiers
or civilian personnel are sighted, the hunter must leave the vicinity.
z. Refusing to follow the direction of Range Control, Safety, or Law Enforcement Personnel.
aa. Possessing or consuming alcohol in the training areas (excluding the campground).
bb. Collecting any type of military munitions (dud or otherwise).
cc. Collecting any type of souvenir.
dd. Collecting firewood.
ee. Hunting in closed or restricted areas.
ff. Using the FHL Hunt and Fish Program for access to illegally trespass on adjacent properties.
Chapter 5 - Special Notices
5-1. Weekday Hunting
Weekday hunting is a limited game management program. Due to safety, security, and personnel
workforce concerns, weekday hunting has a greater security concern than weekend hunting because the
core FHL workforce are at work MondayFriday. The Weekday Hunting Program does not apply to
holidays where the core workforce is off-duty or special mid-week management hunts where hunters are
managed by mandatory pre-hunt orientation briefings. Any person holding a valid FHL hunting permit is
eligible for weekday hunting. All weekday hunting requires written approval from the Garrison
Commander, or his/her designated representative.
a. FHL PWE will request weekday hunting approval from the Garrison Commander.
b. Upon approval, FHL Range Control will provide PWE with areas that are available for weekday
hunting contingent on military training and civilian workforce requirements.
c. PWE will provide notification of areas open for hunting to FHL staff, so they can plan their
workweek accordingly, e.g., through use of ALL FHL USERS emails and the Range Control
front desk. For immediate unscheduled hunting area closures, Directorates shall call Range
Control. Installation staff will be notified of immediate hunt area closures, e.g., through use of
ALL FHL USERS emails and the Range Control front desk.
FHL Regulation 420-26
1 January 2022
d. Hunters are required to check-in through the FHL iSportsman web portal prior to entering the
training areas. Hunters must have FHL hunting permit in their possession and vehicle training area
pass in their vehicles.
5-2. Training Areas 20 & 22 Access
a. Hunting in portions of training areas 20 & 22 may be permitted for FHL specific management
hunts proposed by PWE with the Garrison Commanders written approval.
5-3. Dogs
a. Hunting with dogs is limited to hunting dogs for upland game and waterfowl, or as authorized by
the Garrison Commander for special management hunts that are coordinated through PWE.
b. Dogs must wear a collar that can be used to identify and contact the owner.
c. Dogs used for hunting must be kept under close enough control to ensure that they do not injure
or harass non-target wildlife, or causes a nuisance to or a hindrance of other hunters.
d. The dog owner who believes or knows his/her dog(s) has/have entered onto a closed area of FHL
will contact DES for an escort to help locate the dog(s). Hunting dogs otherwise captured by law
enforcement officials will be impounded and the dog’s owner will be notified.
e. If an unattended (stray) dog is observed, report the following to DES: brief description of dog
(color, size, etc.), location of dog, and time observed.
f. Dogs must be current on all vaccinations for the following diseases: rabies, distemper,
leptospirosis, and parvovirus. Vaccination for bordetella, hepatitis, and parainfluenza are also
recommended but not required.
FHL Regulation 420-26
1 January 2022
Appendix A. References
The following references are hereby incorporated into this Regulation:
16 United States Code (USC) 35 Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended
16 USC 470 Archaeological Resources Protection Act of 1979, as amended
16 USC 670 Sikes Act Improvement Act
16 USC 703-712 Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918
18 USC 1382 Federal Trespass Statute
CFR Title 50 Wildlife and Fisheries
Army Regulation (AR) 200-1 Environmental Protection and Enhancement. 2007
AR 215-1 Military Morale, Welfare, and Recreation Programs and Non-appropriated Fund
Instrumentalities. 2008
California Code of Regulations Title 14, Natural Resources
California Fish and Game Code
California Vehicle Code
FHL Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan 2013-2017
FHL Biological Assessment of the Effects of Activities Conducted at Fort Hunter
Liggett, Monterey County, California, on Federal Endangered and Threatened Species. 2004
FHL Regulation 420-26
1 January 2022
Appendix B. Definitions
Archery Equipment Per California Code of Regulation for the legal take of game.
Cantonment - That area on the U.S. Army Garrison FHL that contains barracks, motor pool, housing,
shopping and dining facilities, military and civilian offices, etc.
Crossbow - Per California Code of Regulation (CCR) for the legal take of game. Except as provided in
CCR, a crossbow is not archery equipment and cannot be used during the archery seasons. Crossbows
are not authorized under any circumstances in hunt areas that are permanently designated as archery only.
Fish or Fishing To catch, capture, take, or kill fish and includes all lesser acts such as attempting to
catch, capture, or kill by any such act resulting in taking or not, and includes every act of direct assistance
to any person in catching or attempting to catch fish.
Hunt or Hunting Possessing a loaded weapon under any condition is considered hunting. To
pursue, shoot, kill, take, or capture wildlife. This term also includes acts such as placing, setting,
drawing, or using any device used to take wildlife, whether any such act results in taking or not, and
includes every act of assistance to any person in taking or attempting to take such wildlife. However,
accompanying a hunter as a spectator, assisting in building, maintaining or placing stands, or assisting a
hunter to locate, track, or recover wounded or harvested game is not considered hunting.
Junior Hunter Persons who possess a State of California Junior Hunting License.
Loaded Weapons A firearm shall be deemed as loaded for the purpose of this regulation when there is
an unexpended cartridge or shell, consisting of a case which holds a charge of powder and a bullet or
shot, in, or attached in any manner to, the firearm, including, but not limited to, in the firing chamber,
magazine, or clip thereof attached to the firearm; except that a muzzle-loader firearm shall be deemed as
loaded when it is capped or primed and has a powder charge and ball or shot in the barrel or cylinder. A
crossbow is considered to be loaded if the bow is cocked and there is a bolt in the crossbow. A bow
other than a crossbow is considered to be loaded if the bow is strung and an arrow is nocked.
Road A road is defined as an area cleared of vegetation and/or prepared for vehicle traffic that is created
and regularly maintained by road building equipment. An area created and maintained by repeated vehicle
traffic is not considered to be road.
Seibert Stake (a.k.a. Siber Stake) A 16-inch piece of PVC pipe with alternating rings of white, red,
and yellow reflective tape mounted on a metal post approximately 4 feet above the ground. A black
strip runs down the backside of each Seibert Stake (Appendix C Figure 1). If this is visible, the
recreationist is within a sensitive area and must leave immediately.
Unloaded Weapon A shotgun, centerfire or rim fire rifle, or handgun that does not have any
ammunition in the chamber, magazine or cylinder. A muzzleloader weapon that does not have
a percussion cap affixed to or resting on the weapon’s nipple or flash pan. An un-cocked
crossbow with the bolt removed from the platform.
Vehicle (Authorized) California public highway legal automobile or truck.
FHL Regulation 420-26
1 January 2022
Appendix C. Figures
Figure 1. Seibert Stake (a.k.a. Siber Stake)
FHL Regulation 420-26
1 January 2022
Figure 2. Hunt areas and fishing reservoirs on Fort Hunter Liggett.
FHL Regulation 420-26
1 January 2022
Figure 3. Radioactive Materials Caution Sign
20 FHL Regulation 420-26
1 January 2022
Appendix D. Suspensions and Revocations of Fort Hunter Liggett Hunting
and Fishing Privileges
The suspension of game privileges is an additional administrative action independent of any judicial or
punitive actions, and is addressed on a case by case basis. Suspensions shall be from the date of receipt
of official notification by the Garrison Commander.
Violations include but are not limited too
(First Offense)
Persons with three or more suspension violations within a five year period.
Permanent Revocation
Persons found to be legally intoxicated while hunting, fishing or while operating
vehicles or watercraft
Permanent Revocation
Killing or taking protected, threatened or endangered species; collecting protected,
threatened or endangered plants
Permanent Revocation
Hunting while under suspension of hunting privileges; fishing while under
suspension of fishing privileges
Permanent Revocation
Intentionally disturbing protected, threatened or endangered species or their habitats
Five Year Suspension
Persons consuming alcohol while in training area (excluding the campground)
Two Year Suspension
Hunting from range targets or structures except concrete observation points
Two Year Suspension
Hunting any game out of season
12-month Suspension
Hunting before or after hours
12-month Suspension
Using FHL hunting/fishing program to illegally access adjacent property.
12-month Suspension
Shooting from or across an improved roadway
12-month Suspension
Hunting or fishing without a valid California license, stamps or tags
12-month Suspension
Hunting or fishing without a valid FHL permit or signed checked-in
through FHL iSportsman
12-month Suspension
Failure to make reasonable effort to retrieve downed game
12-month Suspension
Hunting with an unauthorized or illegal weapon or ammunition, or with a weapon
type not authorized for the hunt area assigned
12-month Suspension
Damaging Federal property
12-month Suspension
Failure to cooperate with government officials when in execution of their duties
12-month Suspension
Littering or depositing debris on FHL
Up to 12-month Suspension
Multiple safety or procedural offenses
Minimum 6 month Suspension
Hunting, scouting, or tracking without a FHL official in a closed area
60-Day Suspension
Operating vehicles off established and authorized roads
Minimum 60-Day Suspension
Violating State or Federal game codes or laws
Minimum 30-day Suspension
Transporting a loaded weapon in vehicle
Minimum 30-day Suspension
Accessing areas for hunting without registering on iSportsman
Minimum 7-day Suspension
Failure to check-out of hunt area
Minimum of written warning
Violating FHL Regulation 420-26 procedures or prohibitions not specifically
listed above
Minimum written warning and may
involve suspension or permanent
A person committing more than one of the above offenses may have his/her hunting/fishing privileges suspended for a period
equal to the total of standard penalties for each offense. In the event that the total period of suspension is in excess of 1 year,
the person’s privileges may be permanently revoked.