Photograph Requirements – Irish Travel Document
Please ensure that the photographs you submit with your application meet the very
specific requirements outlined here. These are the same as for an Irish passport, and
you can mention this when having your photo taken in a photographic outlet, as staff
will be familiar with Passport Office requirements. If your photos do not meet these
requirements, your application will be returned to you.
Four identical photographs, no more than six months old, must be submitted.
They should be 45-50mm in height and 35-38mm in width. They should show a
close-up of your face and the top of your shoulders. Your face should take up 70-80%
of the frame.
The head should be centred in the image. A frontal pose looking directly at the camera
and showing full face must be used and should be taken against a plain white, cream
or light grey background. There should be a marked contrast between your facial
features and the background of the photographs. Rotating or tilting of the head in
either an up/down or left/right direction must be avoided.
Your expression should be neutral with both eyes open and mouth closed. There
should be no hair covering the eyes. Contrived expressions such as raised eyebrows,
squinting or frowning are not acceptable.
Sunglasses are not acceptable. If glasses are worn they should be of clear glass so that
the eyes are clearly visible.
Head Coverings
Only head coverings worn for religious reasons are permitted. Hair bands should not
be worn.
Print Quality
The photographs must be in sharp focus and correctly exposed. There should be no
shadows or glare on the image or background. The photographs must have a good
colour balance and natural flesh tones, and no 'Red-Eye'.
Your photograph will be digitally printed onto the Travel Document in black and
white. We recommend that black and white photographs are submitted, although
colour is acceptable. Photos must be printed on high quality paper, at a high resolution
and with no ink marks or creases. If a digital camera is used, photographs must be
printed on photo-quality paper. Reverse of photograph must be white and unglazed.
Submitting your Photographs
A member of An Garda Síochána must also sign and stamp the back of two of your
photographs when witnessing your form. Photographs should not be attached to your
application form. Photographs with any staple or pin marks will be returned to you.
Infants and Children
Infants or very small children who are unable to support themselves should be
photographed lying down. Hands, arms etc. used to support the child should not be
visible in the photographs.
It will also be necessary to have one photograph signed by a member of An Garda
Síochána. A second photograph must be signed by either the school your child is
attending, if child is of school-going age and under 16 years, or by your GP where the
child is not yet of school-going age. No stamp should be placed on the photograph by
the school or doctor.