All My Sons
Bagrut Questions and Answers
Moed Bet 2016 F Exam
At the end of act I, Kate Says, “Be smart now, Joe… Be smart.” She says this
because (-):
(i) Chris wants to marry Ann
(ii) George is coming to see them
(iii) the neighbors are asking questions
(iv) Steve is getting out of jail
Answer: (ii) George is coming to see them
In act II, Kate Tells Chris that Ann “doesn’t belong here” Why does Kate say this?
Answer: Kate says that Ann does not belong there because she believes Larry is alive
and Ann should be waiting for his return. She understands that Ann has come to
marry Chris and therefore wants Ann to leave.
Do you think Kate should also be held responsible for the Joe’s crime? Discuss. Give
information from the play to support your answer.
Answer: .Kate holds some of the responsibility because she has known all along that
Joe is guilty. She warns Joe to stop pretending there is a jail in the house and to "be
smart" when George arrives. She allows Joe to hide his guilt and put the blame on
their neighbor and friend, Steve.
Why is George an important character in the play? Give information from the play to
support your answer.
Answer: George is an important character because his arrival is a turning point in the play.
When George arrives, the truth comes out and we learn that Joe was not really sick the night
Steve sent out the cracked cylinder heads. Therefore, we understand through George, and
for the first time that Joe was responsible for the death of the 40 pilots.
Jim says to Kate at the beginning of act III, “In a peculiar way, Frank is right
each man does have a star. The star of one’s honesty. And you spend your
life groping for it, but once it’s out it never lights again.” Explain what he
means by this in relation to Chris. Give information from the play to support your
Answer: Thinking Skill: Inferring
We can infer that Jim understands Chris better than anyone else due to their
friendship. He explains to Kate that Chris is a moral and honest person, and that
when Chris realized that everything he had believed was a lie, he had no choice but to
leave his house. Jim explains to Kate that everything Chris has believed in and
trusted was a lie. Jim explains that Chris needs to go away to figure out how to live
his life.
Summer 2016 F Exam
In Act II, Joe says George that when Steve gets out of prison, he wants to (-).
(i) make Steve a partner
(ii) give Steve a job
(iii) tell Steve to move away
(iv) give Steve money
Answer: (ii) give Steve a job
At the end of act II, Keller said he sent out the cracked cylinder heads because (-).
(i) Steve said they were fine
(ii) He was sure they would hold up
(iii) He knew Larry wasn’tflying a P40
(iv) He didn't want to lose the army contract
Answer :(iv) He didn't want to lose the army contract.
Even though Larry does not appear of stage, he influences the other characters in the
play. Explain this statement in relation to EITHER Joe Keller OR Kate. Give information
from the play to support your answer.
Answer: Larry, the Keller's missing son, influences the other characters greatly. Kate the
worrying mother is completely haunted by his absence. she interprets everything that
happens as if Larry is still alive. Omen the apple tree which was planted in Larry's memory
and broke down during the storm. She became superstitions asking Frank to make a
horoscope, in order to find out whether Larry went missing on his favorable day. Finally
disapproving of Chris and Ann's relationship because she still considers her as Larry's girl. In
her view, Larry is coming back therefore their union is unacceptable. Kate refuses to believe
Larry is dead since it may force her to admit her husband guilt.
At the end of Act II, Chris learns that his father is to blame for the planes that crushed so
he leaves home. In Act III he comes back. Why is his decision to come back a turning
point for Chris? Give information from the play to support your answer.
Answer: Before Chris left at the end of act 2, it was obvious that as an idealist, he expected
his father to turn himself in. However, when he returned in act 3, this was a turning point for
him since he now had a more realistic, practical point of view. He no longer sought his
parents approval for his relationship with Ann, he decided to quit the plant, move out and
start a new life with Ann far away from home having his past behind.
Family is a central theme in the play. Discuss this theme in relation to the following two
couples. Jim and Sue AND Frank and Lydia. Give information from the play to support
your answer.
Answer: Comparing and contrasting On the one hand, the Baylis's, Jim and Sue achieve the
American dream. Jim works as a doctor, despite the fact that he wants to do research. His
wife has a more materialistic approach, and she pushes her husband to make more money,
even at the expense of fulfilling his dreams. Jim seems to be a dissatisfied man in his family
life. on the other hand, Frank and Lydia are less sophisticated then the previous couple, but
they seem to be happier. They have 3 children they own a house, and they have achieved all
that before the age of 30. Frank is a spirited man while Jim and Sue are more cynical. Frank
and Lydia started a family instead of joining the war.
WINTER 2016 F Exam
Chris says: "I don't want him [Steve] in the plant, so that's that!"
Why doesn't Chris want to have any connection to Steve?
Because Chris (-).
(i) is afraid that Steve will reopen the case
(ii) believes that Steve is guilty of the crime
(iii) thinks that Steve is a little man
(iv) wants to run the business by himself
Answer: (ii) believes that Steve is guilty of the crime
According to Kate why isn't Ann married?
Answer: because she believes Larry is still alive and is waiting for him.
The neighbors play important roles in All My Sons. Explain the importance of Jim OR
sue. Give information from the play to support your answer.
Answer: Sue presents a cynical view of the events and characters of the play. She resents
what she calls Chris’s “phony idealism,” which, she thinks, makes her husband want to give
up everything in order to devote himself to research. She says about Joe that “Everybody
knows Joe pulled a fast one to get out of jail.” This presents an alternative view of Joe’s
crime to the one presented by Joe himself, which is that while everyone thought he was
guilty when he first got out of prison, they have since accepted his innocence.
At the beginning of Act II, while waiting for Chris to arrive, Kate says: "We're dumb
Chris. Dad and I are stupid people. We don't know anything." Is this true about
Kate? Explain. Give information from the play to support your answer.
Answer: Although Kate claims to be stupid, she and her husband Joe are not. They know all
along the truth about Joe's behavior and realize that one day the truth will be disclosed if
they are not careful. Throughout the play Kate warns Joe to be smart. She reminds Joe that
their innocence depends on their smart behavior and careful actions. This is why they are so
kind to George and suggest he move back to the neighborhood.
In Act II, Sue says to Ann, "… you're the female version of him [Chris]." Do you
agree or disagree with this statement? Give information from the play to support your
Answer: Thinking Skill: Comparing and Contrasting Both Ann and Chris are highly- principled
individuals. They both believe that the truth is more important than anything else. Chris
describes his relationship with his soldiers and how he admired their dedication. Ann refuses
to speak to her father once he is charged with the murder of the pilots. Both characters can
be compared to each other as truthful people who behave similarly whereby truth overrides
even family-ties.
Moed Bet 2015 F Exam
In Act I Mother says to Ann, "As long as you're here, Annie, I want to ask you
never to say that again." What did Ann say?
(i) She wants Chris to move away from the family.
(ii) Larry might have flown a plane with cracked cylinder heads.
(iii) She believes that Larry is living on an island somewhere.
(iv) Everyone should forgive her father for what he did.
Answer: (ii) Larry might have flown a plane with cracked cylinder heads.
2. In Act III we learn that Dr. Jim Bayliss made a compromise in his life that makes
him unhappy. What was that compromise?
(i) He agreed to move next door to the Kellers.
(ii) He decided to stop doing medical research.
(iii) He stopped being friends with Chris.
(iv) He helped Joe send Steve to jail.
Answer: (ii) he decided to stop doing medical research.
When George arrives at the Keller home in Act II, Kate calls him "Georgie". She also
says, "You don't hate us, George, I know you, you can't fool me, I diapered
you." What is Kate trying to achieve by talking this way to George? Explain.
Answer: Kate is trying to reestablish their history. She and Joe were close to George and
Anne's parents, the children grew up together. George's visit with his own father has created
hostility (namely the reason why his father went to jail). Kate uses a motherly tone in order
to play upon the past, remind him of their relationship.
In Act III Ann reveals Larry's letter to the Keller's. This is a turning point in the play.
Explain why.
Answer: It is at this point that Keller finally comes to the realization that he was responsible for Larry's
death, that he'd never understood Larry (even though he previously thought that he had, thinking that
Larry was more practical than Chris, rather than the other way around), and that all 21 pilots who died
because of him "were all his sons". In other words, he is enlightened as he deeply understands that we
are responsible not only to ourselves and our own individual wealth and happiness but to our fellow
man, the society in which we live. A person must have a commitment and a sense of belonging to family
in the broader sense of the word the family of one's community, society, nation and mankind. That
commitment goes a long way as when one saves one life, it is as if they have saved a whole universe.
In Act I Joe Keller explains Steve's decision to send out the cylinder heads. He says,
"The man was a fool, but don't make a murderer out of him." Why do you
think that Joe makes excuses for Steve? Give information from the play to support
your answer.
Answer: Joe Keller said that to Chris when Chris declared his belief about Steve as a
murderer; the one who killed 21 pilots. Joe tried hard to defend Steve and justify his crime
saying that Steve was a fool and had a weak character. He was always scared of loud voices.
During the war, the major was calling them over the telephone every half an hour asking for
cylinder heads, and all of a sudden, that day’s production of cylinder heads was cracked.
Steve also was afraid of Joe Keller as if he got rid of those cracked cylinder heads, it would be
a great loss to the business. Moreover, Keller said that Steve was sure 100% that the planes
would hold up. He covered the cracks himself and sent them, but he meant no harm.
Joe was trying to correct Chris’s idea about Steve least in the future he might be discovered
to be the real criminal, so Chris would take him as a fool, not a murderer. It’s considered a
sort of self-defense.
At the beginning of the play, how does Ann feel about her father?
(i) She is sorry for him.
(ii) She respects his opinion.
(iii) She blames him for the crime.
(iv) She is afraid of him.
Answer: (iii) She blames him for the crime
Why does George come to see the Keller's?
Answer:He wants to stop Ann from marrying Chris / to take Ann home / to confront
Sue says to Ann, "I resent living next door to the Holy Family." What does she
mean by this? Give information from the play to support your answer.
Answer: Sue is saying that the Keller's pretend to be a perfect family / that everyone
feels that they're not as good as the Keller's. / She thinks that Chris' idealism is
phony. / She resents how Chris influences her husband.
Supporting information: The Keller's are hiding Joe's crime. / Sue tells Ann that
everyone thinks that Joe is guilty. / Chris is working for his father even though he
suspects that Joe is guilty. / People are always willing to do things for the Keller's. /
The Keller home is the meeting place for the neighbors. / Chris encourages her
husband, Jim, to do research.
Explain the TWO different ways that people relate to the connection between war and
money in the play? Give information from the play to support your answer.
Answer: The play tells us that some people care more about making money from the
war than about other people. They will do almost anything to make money. They
ignore the effects of their actions on themselves and on the people around them.
Supporting information: Keller sent out cracked cylinder heads which caused the
deaths of 21 pilots. / Keller let his partner, Steve, go to jail instead of him. / Keller
destroyed the Deever family.
AND the play tells us that some people believe that principles are more important
than making money for their own family. For example, Larry would not compromise
his principles. Supporting information: Larry committed suicide when he discovered
that Keller had caused the deaths of 21 pilots. / At the end of the play, Chris wanted
to turn his father into the police for his crime.
Chris says, "This is the land of the great big dogs, you don't love a man
here, you eat him!" What does this quote tell us about how Chris has changed
during the play? Give information from the play to support your answer.
Answer: Thinking skill I chose: Distinguishing different perspectives
My perspective of Chris' view of people has changed since the beginning of the play.
At the beginning I saw that Chris was shocked by people's behavior when he came
back from the war. Chris talks about the responsibility that his soldiers had for each
other. He believes that people should try to be better and live by their ideals.
However, at the end, after he realizes the truth about his father, I see that he comes to
the conclusion that everyone only cares for themselves and the only way for him to
survive is to worry about himself.
Supporting information: People went on with their lives / bought refrigerators /
opened a bank book / drive the new car / go back to the rat race. / People saw the war
as a kind of a bus accident. / One of his soldiers gave him his last pair of socks. / His
soldiers were willing to die for each other. ("... a little more selfish and they'd 've been
here today.") Chris says he's practical now / the world is like a zoo. Chris is willing to
leave home / let his father not be punished for his crime.
Why is it important for Frank to prove that November 25th was a favorable day for
Larry? It was the day (-)
a) he was going to marry Ann
b) he was born
c) he was reported missing
d) he joined the army
Answer:c) he was reported missing
At the beginning of Act III, Jim says to mother, “Don’t be afraid, Kate, I know. I’ve always
known.” Jim has always known that (-) (5 points)
a) Chris wants to marry Ann
b) Larry died in the war
c) Joe is guilty of the crime
d) Kate dreams about Larry
Answer: c) Joe is guilty of the crime
In Act I Chris says to Joe, “You have such a talent for ignoring things.” Joe answers, “I
ignore what I gotta ignore.” Why does Joe need to ignore things? Give information from
the play to support your answer. (10 points)
Answer: Joe needs to ignore things because he can't admit that he has done terrible things. -
because he doesn't want to deal with the results of his actions. -That is his way of running
away from his actions.
-He ignores things because if he doesn't, it will destroy his family.
-He is afraid of the reactions of others if he doesn't ignore things.
-Because he can't deal with problems.
Support: He would have to: -deal with the fact that money was more important to him than
people's lives/ -deal with / argue with Kate about Larry.
-deal with the fact that he and Kate have to live a lie.
-admit that he is guilty of a crime / of killing 21 pilots.
-admit that only Steve went to jail for the crime that they both committed.
Joe can't deal with hard reality. When things get unpleasant he escapes, avoids dealing with
them by ignoring them.
Support: He goes to sleep every time something unpleasant arises. Kate actually tells him to
go to sleep so as not to have to face things.
-He doesn't read the news.
-He lives in a house cut off from harsh reality by a wall of poplars. He needs for things to be
"nice". It's his way of surviving.
What is the conflict between the Deever and Keller families in the play? Give information
from the play to support your answer. (10 points)
Answer: The conflict between the Deever and the Keller families is connected to:
-the fact that Joe destroyed the Deever family by blaming Steve for the cylinder head crime.
-whether Keller will take responsibility for the cylinder head case.
Support: George learned from his father that Keller was guilty of the cylinder head case.
-Joe blamed Steve for shipping the cracked cylinder heads even though he was guilty
because he said over the phone that he would take responsibility.
The conflict is about whether Ann and Chris should marry.
Support: Kate doesn't want Ann to marry Chris because that would be admitting that Larry is
-George doesn't want Ann to marry into the Keller family because they have destroyed his
Each female character in the play has an important role. Choose ONE of the following
characters and discuss her role: Kate, Ann, Sue. Give information from the play to
support your answer. (15 points)
Answer: Kate: I can infer from Kate's behavior in the play that her role is to be a strong
mother figure / to protect her family at all cost.
Support: -She knows Joe is guilty but is willing to sacrifice the Deever family for her own.
-She is willing to prevent Ann from marrying Chris in order to keep the lie alive that Larry is
coming back.
- to keep Joe from becoming too comfortable.
- to keep Joe from letting his guard down.
-She acts like a mother to everyone. // -She makes grape juice for George.
-She calls George "Georgie". // -She offers to find a date for George.
-She asks Frank to write a horoscope to prove that Larry is alive. // -She tries to get
Ann to leave.
-She lies about Joe being sick on the day the cylinders were sent. // -She's called
-She warns more than once to be careful. // -She wants Joe to stop playing the 'jail'
game with Bert.
-At the very end she tells Chris to live, she now has to take care of him since he is the only
one left.
I can infer from her behavior that Kate's role is to keep the truth hidden.
Support: She lies about Joe being sick.
I can infer from Kate's slip of the tongue that her role is to reveal the truth about Joe.
Support: She says that Joe has never been sick a day in his life.
Explaining Patterns
Kate's role is to add tension / drama to the play. We see a pattern of that in the play.
Support: -She is against Chris and Ann's marriage.
-She disagrees with everyone and strongly believes that Larry is alive.
-She reveals that Joe is guilty when she says that he was never sick.
I can infer that Sue's role if to represent the average person of her generation who thinks
that material things are more important than principles / real achievements. She forces her
husband to work to get these things for her.
Support: She makes her husband stop doing research.
-She says that she worked while Jim was studying and now he must support her.
She wants Jim to treat a patient who isn't really sick.
-She wants Chris to move away because he has a bad effect on Jim. He might convince him
to go into research where he won't make much money.
From Sue's conversation with Ann, I can infer that her role is to represent how the neighbors
view Joe and the crime.
Support: -She says that everyone knows that Joe pulled a fast one, yet she also says that
she admires him.
I can infer that Sue represents a wife who has nothing in common with her husband. She
shows us what a bad marriage is.
Support: She is jealous. / She counts his money. / Kate says they have nothing in
common. / She doesn't let him do what he really loves. / She doesn't like him befriending
I can infer that Ann's role is to expose the truth of the situation in the Keller family. She does
this for her own good. She wants to marry Chris.
Support: She shows the Keller family Larry's letter that explains how he died / that he
committed suicide.
I can infer that Ann represents the 'loot' that was won from the war.
Support: She tells Chris that it's ok to enjoy the money that was made out of the war
because it was earned fairly.
I can infer that Ann's role is to show us how even a non-compromiser, an idealist, can
change and become practical when her own happiness is at stake.
Support: She cares only about the truth and justice / she didn't speak to her own father,
but at the end she is willing to forget Keller's crime so as to have a life with Chris.
Explaining cause and effect
Ann adds tension to the play. Before Ann came, life in the Keller home was happy and
relaxed. Ann's visit causes a lot of tension in the home.
Support: -She and Chris want to marry and mother opposes it.
-She shows the Keller family the letter.
-George comes because of her visit.
At the end of Act I, Kate says, “Be smart now, Joe. The boy is coming, be smart.” What
can we infer from this quote? Give information from the play to support your answer.
How does the phone call from George at the end of Act I influence Keller’s behavior
towards Chris? Give information from the play to support your answer. (7 points)
Answer: We can infer that Kate is worried Joe will do or say something when George comes
to visit that will reveal that Joe is guilty.
-We can infer that Kate knows that Joe is guilty.
-They are hiding something and they are afraid George will reveal it.
-We can infer that she is worried that George will reopen the case.
Support: George is coming to see them after visiting his father in jail. He has never visited
his father before because he believed he was guilty.
-George is a lawyer and Kate is afraid he has information that might show that Joe is guilty.
Moed Bet 2014 F Exam
Name ONE thing Kate does to make George feel at home when he comes to visit.
Answer: She calls him Georgie. // She makes (grape) juice for him (as she did when he was a
boy). // She reminds him how the whole neighborhood came to help when he was born. //
She cups his face in her hands. // She touches his hair. // She offers to make him a sandwich
/ wants to feed him. // She reminds him of the good old past. // She reminds him of her love
for him. // She says they are all in the same boat. // She is going to find a girl for him to go
out with.
How has George’s attitude towards the Kellers changed since he visited his father?
Answer:He blames them for the fact that his father is in jail / for putting the blame for the
cylinder crime on his father. // He believes Keller is guilty of the crime. // He believes the
Kellers destroyed his family. // He doesn't want his sister to marry Chris. // He now believes
his father's version of the story. // He now hates the Keller's. // He no longer looks up to
Jim: “I’ve only met you, Ann, but if I may offer you a piece of advice – When you marry,
ever even in your mind never count your husband’s money.” What can we understand
about Jim’s relationship with his wife Sue from the above quote? Give information from
the play to support your answer. (10 points)
Answer:The problem with Jim's relationship with Sue is their different views on the
importance of money. Jim doesn't care about money but for Sue it is very important, more
important than Jim's happiness. // There is a lot of tension in their marriage due to money.
// Jim feels that Sue has made him give up his dream / has made him compromise and work
for money rather than do what he really wants.
Supporting information: Jim would like to do research, even though it doesn't pay well, in
order to help others / humanity. Sue, on the other hand, feels that Jim must make money for
her even if he is unhappy because she supported him when he was studying. // Sue tells Jim
to go visit people who aren't sick because she wants him to make a lot of money.
Jim: “Frank is right – every man does have a star. The star of one’s honesty… He
probably Just wanted to be alone to watch his star go out.” Mother: “Just as long as
he comes back.” Jim: “I wish he wouldn’t.” Why does Jim wish Chris wouldn’t come
back? Give information from the play to support your answer (10 points).
Answer: Jim has always admired Chris, because he has ideals. The fact that Chris is willing to
compromise his ideals and come back to the Keller house in the end disappoints Jim.
Supporting information: Chris thought that people should be better out of respect for the
soldiers who died during WWII. // When Chris finds out that Keller is guilty of shipping
damaged cylinder heads to the army, he thinks his father should go to jail. When he realizes
that this won't change anything, he is ready to compromise. Jim wishes he had the moral
strength to fight for his own ideals and he likes Chris and wants him to be able to stay
idealistic. Supporting information: He wanted to go into research but compromised and
came home.
In Act I Kate says “it was too soon to plant a tree for him [Larry].” Why do Kate and Chris
disagree about this? Give information from the play to support your answer.
Answer: Comparing and contrasting / Distinguishing different perspectives
We can compare how Kate and Chris relate to the tree. / We can see that Kate and Chris
relate to the tree from different perspectives. Kate is not ready to accept the fact that Larry
is dead. Since the tree is meant to be a memorial for Larry, Kate sees it as accepting he is
dead. Chris, on the other hand, believes that Larry is dead, and since he wants to get on with
his life he thinks that planting a tree in memory of Larry was the right thing to do.
Supporting information: Larry's body was never found, and so there is no actual
proof he is dead. // Kate has been cleaning Larry's room and shining his shoes. //
Chris wants to marry Ann and he can't until his family accepts that Larry is dead.
At the end of Act II Chris says to Keller: “I was dying every day and you [Joe] were killing
my boys and you did it for me?” What does Chris want his father to understand
Answer: Chris wants Keller to understand that there are things that are more important than
money and even family. Keller wasn't able to see beyond the needs of his own family. Even
though Chris didn't serve in the air force, and his soldiers were not pilots, to Chris all of the
soldiers who fought were equal. // Chris does not agree with Joe that if you do something
for the family, it is justified. The pilots Joe killed could just as easily have been Chris and his
soldiers. // Chris wants his father to understand that he is responsible for all men, they are
all his sons. He wants him to see that he didn't just kill 21 strangers but also, symbolically,
Chris's men.
When Chris realizes that his father has committed suicide, he says “Mother, I didn’t mean
to –” Mother answers, “Don’t dear. Don’t take it on Forget now. Live.” How has Kate’s
perspective changed at the end of the play? Give information from the play to support
your answer. (8 points)
Answer:As long as Kate could believe that Larry might still be alive, she tried to keep Chris
from going on with his life. After Annie shows them Larry's letter and Keller kills himself, she
can no longer save Keller and so wants Chris to put the past behind him and go on living. //
Kate's perspective hasn't changed. She has always cared only about taking care of /
protecting her family and since Chris is now the only family member she has left, her
concern is focused on him.
Summer 2014 F Exam
The tree is important for the play because ().(5 points)
i) it was planted in Larry’s memory
ii) it had been in the yard for years
iii) it was planted by Chris
iv) Kate asked her family to plant it
Answer: i) it was planted in Larry's memory.
Why has Ann come to visit the Keller's? (5 points)
Answer: She wants to marry Chris. // Because Chris invited her. // She loves Chris
and wants to see if he feels the same way about her.
In Act I, Chris says to his parents,”… We’re like at a railroad station waiting for a train
that never comes in.” What does Chris mean by this? Give information from the play
about TWO characters to support your answer. (10 points)
Answer: He means that all of the characters have not moved forward with their lives
because they are waiting for Larry, but Larry will never come home. Chris believes that Larry
is dead, but Kate won't admit this, and won't let him marry Ann. // Chris has been unable to
express his true feelings for Ann until now. Ann wants to marry Chris, but can't until Kate
accepts Larry's death. Kate will not accept the fact that Larry won't return and won't let Chris
marry Ann. Kate has been expecting Larry to return. She has been washing his clothes and
polishing his shoes hoping he will come home. Kate has been scanning the newspaper for
stories of missing soldiers returning. Joe doesn't challenge Kate's belief that Larry will return,
stopping Chris from marrying Ann.
How do Chris’s values change from the beginning to the end of the play? Give
information from the play to support your answer. (10 points)
Answer:At the beginning of the play, Chris is still an idealist. Supporting information: He
thinks people should be better in order to deserve the sacrifice made by others during the
war. // He still believes that his father is someone to admire because he is innocent of the
crime he was accused of. // He feels guilty about being alive. At the end of the play, after
Chris finds out the truth about both Joe and Larry, Chris says of himself that he has become
practical. Supporting information: He believes less in people. // He would rather leave and
not face Joe than make Joe go to jail. At the beginning, Chris claims to be idealistic but he
isn't really. Supporting information: He works in his father's business which earned money in
the war. // He suspects his father is guilty of the crime (and says so), yet he does nothing. //
At the end, after reading Larry's letter, he becomes truly idealistic. Supporting information:
He wants to turn his father in. Chris's values have not really changed, he is idealisitc
throughout the play. Supporting information: At the beginning of the play, we see that he
was a true idealist, who looked for meaning in the deaths of his soldiers, and who felt
uncomfortable about taking money from his father's plant because he felt there was "blood"
on it. // He doesn't want his name on the plant because he feels there is something ethically
wrong about the way his father has made his money, from the deaths of soldiers. At the end
of the play, once he finds out that his brother has committed suicide because of his father's
misdeeds, he decides he must turn him in.
Money is a central theme in the play. Discuss this theme as it relates to ONE of the
following characters: Joe, Sue, Jim. Give information from the play to support your
answer. (15 points)
Answer: Possible thinking skill: Explaining cause and effect / Explaining patterns
Joe: Explaining cause and effect: Because money is the most important value for Joe, it has
caused him to break the law with terrible results. Supporting information: Throughout the
play we see that he will do anything to save his business and the money that it brings to him
and his family. He is willing to ship our defective cylinder heads, bring about the deaths of 21
pilots, lie about it and even let his partner, Steve, go to jail for the crime. The effect on him is
that he loses the respect of his family and in the end commits suicide. Money is important to
Joe because family is important to him. He did whatever he had to do during the war in
order to earn money for his family. Supporting information: He approved the sale of
defective cylinder heads. Explaining patterns: Money is very important to Joe, therefore, he
has a pattern of behavior that is dishonest and immoral. Everything he does is in order to
make money. Supporting information: He sends cracked cylinder heads to the air force. //
He lies to protect himself, allowing Steve to go to prison. // He allows himself to believe that
he had no part in his son's death.
Sue: Explaining cause and effect: Money is very important to Sue and as a result she is willing
to make her husband give up on his ideals. This has a negative effect on her relationship with
Jim. Supporting information: Sue convinces Jim not to do research and work as a doctor
visiting people who are not really sick. // She and Jim argue all the time. Sue is jealous of the
fact that the Keller's have money. As a result, she is disappointed with her own life.
Supporting information: She resents that the Keller's have managed to fool everyone and
keep the dirty money Joe made during the war. Sue resents Chris because he makes her
husband want to be an idealist. As a result, she tries to keep Jim away from Chris. Supporting
information: Sue says that Chris makes people want to be better than it's possible to be.
Jim: Explaining cause and effect: For Jim, money is not the most important thing. He would
rather do something for humanity. But he is forced to compromise because of his wife.
Supporting information: Jim went to New Orleans for two months and lived on bananas and
milk and studied a certain disease but Sue came and cried and so he went back and ever
since then he has compromised and done what she wants.
In Act I, Kate says, “There’s no jail here! I want you to stop that jail business!”. Why
doesn’t Kate want Joe to talk about jail? Give information from the play to support your
answer. (7 points)
Answer: a. Kate doesn't want Joe to talk about jail because she knows he is guilty of selling
defective plane parts. Supporting information: Joe managed to get out of jail, while Steve,
his partner, is still paying for their crime. Kate does not want people to be reminded of the
crime. Supporting information: She is afraid someone, like George, who is now a lawyer, may
reopen the case.
“Kid, walkin’ down the street that day I was guilty as hell. Except I wasn’t, and there was a
court paper in my pocket to prove I wasn’t…”. What can we infer about Joe from this
behavior? Give information from the play to support your answer. (8 points)
Answer:We can infer that Joe is not an honest, moral person. Supporting
information: He is a person who can lie to himself and pretend the case of the
cylinder heads had nothing to do with him. // He thinks that if he talks about the
court paper people will believe he is innocent. // He can persuade himself of
anything. // He doesn't really understand the meaning of his actions. // He has
convinced himself that he is innocent. Supporting information: He is shocked that
anyone could imply that he is a murderer. // He thinks he did something for the sake
of his family and so he can't be guilty, since his family is more important than
Winter 2014 F Exam
At the beginning of the play, Kate says, “… everything decided to happen at the same
time.” Which of the following happened? (5 points)
(i) Steve got out of jail.
(ii) Jim went to New Orleans.
(iii) Larry’s tree blew down.
(iv) Joe sold the business.
Answer:(iii) Larry's tree blew down.
Ann has come to visit because she wants ().(5 points)
(i) to see her father
(ii) to move back into her old house
(iii) to find out the truth about Larry
(iv) to marry Chris
Answer:(iv) to marry Chris
Before George arrives, Joe says to Ann, “… why should he [George] knock himself out in
New York with that cut-throat competition, when I got so many friends here; I’m very
friendly with some big lawyers in town.” Why did Joe say this? Give information from
the play to support your answer.
Answer:Joe is worried that George is coming to reopen the case against him for sending the
damaged cylinder heads, and he wants to stop him from doing it by helping him find a job.
Supporting details: When Joe is sleeping, Kate says that's what he does when he's worried. /
He also tells Ann and Chris that he wants to offer Steve a job in his plant. This is another
example of how he wants to buy the Deever family's silence. / George has just been to see
Steve in prison. Joe feels guilty about how he has betrayed the Deever family and he wants
to make it up to them. Supporting detail: He also offers to give Steve a job in his plant.
Accept if a correct answer does not include explicit information from the text. For example:
Joe mentions that he has so many friends to show that he is accepted by his neighbors, and
that nobody blames him. The idea of George reopening the case will not be well received.
The fact that "big lawyers" in town would represent him implies that George will not be able
to compete with them in a new trial.
After George arrives, Mother says, “Honest to God, it breaks my heart to see what
happened to all the children.” Relate this quote to at least ONE of the following
characters: Chris, George or Ann. Give information from the play to support your answer.
Answer:Possible thinking skills: Explaining cause and effect
Chris has not been able to get on with his life since the war. Supporting details: He still lives
at home with his parents. / He is still working in his father's business although he doesn't
want to be there. Chris has not been able to recover from his war experience. Supporting
details: He still suffers from physical and emotional wounds. He cannot forget the soldiers
who died and feels guily about enjoying the life he has. / He has not married but has been
waiting all the time for Ann. / His body hurts when the weather changes.
OR: Ann has not been able to get on with her life since Larry went missing in the war.
Supporting details: Although she knows that Larry is dead she could not marry till now even
though she has had the chance. She wants to marry Chris but she must first deal with Larry's
death. She knows how Larry died but till now has felt she could not tell anyone. Ann's
relationship with her father has been destroyed. Supporting detail: She refuses to have
anything to do with him.
OR: George has not found his way since he was wounded during the war. Supporting details:
Although he used his time in hospital to study law, he is not working yet. / He cannot accept
that his father is the only one who was found guilty of selling damaged parts to the army. /
He has not married. / He looks old and angry. George knows that his father is guilty, but he is
convinced that Keller is guilty too. He feels that the Keller family has already ruined his
family's life and he doesn't want them to take Ann from them, as well. Supporting detail: He
has come to take Ann home from the Keller's' home.
Compare and contrast Joe’s view of Chris with Joe’s view of Larry. (7 points)
Answer: Joe believed that Larry was practical, and that he understood the importance of
money and the business. On the other hand, Joe's opinion of Chris is that he is too idealistic
/ naive / spoiled and has no idea about business / money.
How is Joe mistaken in his view of either Larry or Chris? Give information from the play
to support your answer. (8 points)
Answer:We can see how Joe misjudged Larry when we learn that in fact Larry killed himself
when he heard about the sale of the damaged cylinder heads to the army. He couldn't live
with the fact that his father was ready to sacrifice others in order to keep his business. We
can see how Joe misjudged Chris, when, at the end of the play, Chris is ready to compromise
and not make Joe go to jail to pay for his crime.
Moed Bet 2013 F Exam
George says about Steve, “He’s like that now. He’d like to take every man who made
money in the war and put him up against a wall.” How has Steve changed? (5 points)
(i) He now understands what they did wrong during the war.
(ii) He knows that he shouldn’t blame Keller.
(iii) He is sorry he didn’t make more money during the war.
(iv) He wants to go back to work in the factory.
Answer:i) He now understands what they did wrong during the war
Joe Keller says that Steve Deever is “a little man.” Give ONE example that Joe gives to
prove this. (5 points)
Answer:One of the following: Steve sent out the cylinder heads / covered the cracks in the
cylinder heads because he could not say no to the army. // Steve blamed Frank for the oil
stocks that lost money. // Steve wouldn't admit that the fire in the shop was his fault. //
Steve was afraid of loud voices.
Kate says about George: “All these years he never even sent a postcard to Steve…
Suddenly he takes an airplane from New York to see him.” What is she worried about?
Answer:Kate is worried that George has discovered the truth about what really happened on
the day the cracked cylinder heads were shipped and that he will want to re-open the case.
This will force her and Joe to admit that Joe is guilty. She is mostly afraid that if the truth is
known, this will mean that Joe is responsible for Larry's death.
Chris: “Tell me, George. What happened? The court record was good enough for you all
these years, why isn’t it good now? Why did you believe it all these years?” George:
“Because you believed it… That’s the truth, Chris.” What does the above quote tell us
about the relationship between Chris and George? (15 points)
Answer: Possible thinking skills: Explaining patterns. This quote tells us that in the past
George respected Chris. He admired Chris' idealism and honesty so much that if Chris
believed that Steve was guilty and Joe was innocent then this must be the truth.
Keller: “A daughter is a daughter, and a father is a father.”
What does Keller mean by this? (7 points)
Answer:Keller means that nothing is more important than family and that one's family and
their needs always come first. He wants Ann to understand that her father (and brother)
should be more important to her than Chris and that she should be as loyal to him as he has
been to his family even though, as in Joe's case, it meant doing something very wrong.
Compare this view to that of George and Ann towards their father, (8 points)
Answer:After the court case, George accepted the verdict and didn't even try to listen to his
father's side of the story. He refused to have contact with his father. When Ann heard about
Larry's death she stopped writing and visiting her father. She was unable to forgive him for
shipping out the cracked cylinder heads. George and Ann behaved in the opposite way to
Joe Keller. For Joe, love and loyalty to family was the most important thing and he expected
his family to support him even if he was guilty.
Summer 2013 F Exam
When the play All My Sons first opened after World War II in 1947, Americans admired
the returning soldiers as heroes. There were also feelings of anger towards the civilian
businessmen who had profited from the war effort. The businessmen themselves had
deep feelings of guilt, especially the ones whose sons had fought and died during the war.
Make a connection between the above description and the play. Give information from
the play to support your answer.
Answer: In All My Sons, the themes of guilt and money are very important. Joe Keller acts
like he has no guilt about how he made his money, profiting from "the war effort." He
justifies his financial success and says everything is worth it if it is for the family. On the
other hand, Chris, who was a returning soldier, doesn't feel like a hero. He feels guilty that
many of his fellow soldiers died in the war while his father made money. In the end, Joe
realizes that making money for his family doesn't justify the deaths of the pilots, which is
why he kills himself.
Winter 2013 F Exam
In Act I Chris says to Keller, “We’ve made a terrible mistake with Mother” because he
thinks that (). (5 points)
i) they shouldn’t have planted the tree in the yard
ii) they shouldn’t have let her talk to the neighbors
iii) they shouldn’t have let her believe Larry is alive
iv) they shouldn’t have let her think Steve was guilty
Answer:(iii) they shouldn't have let her believe Larry is alive
“Keller: Say, I ain’t got time to get sick. Mother: He hasn’t been laid up in fifteen
years. Keller: Except my flu during the war. Mother: Huhh?” What effect does this
dialogue have on George? (5 points)
Answer:This dialogue makes George realize that Keller was lying when he said that he was
sick on the day the cracked cylinder heads were shipped and so is guilty of killing the 21
At the beginning of Act II Sue complains to Ann about Chris’s “phony idealism”. What does she
mean by this? Support your answer with information from the play. (10 points)
Answer: Sue means that Chris is idealistic when it comes to other people, but not when it
comes to himself. For example, he tells Jim not to think about money and to do medical
research because that is what he loves, while Chris himself is working in his father's business
for the money even though he knows the business is "dirty."
In Act I Keller says to Chris, “I want a new sign over the plant – Christopher Keller,
Incorporated.” Chris answers, “J.O. Keller is good enough.” Why doesn’t Chris want his
name on the business? Support your answer with information from the play.
Answer: Possible thinking skills: Inferring / Problem solving.
At least one of the following: Chris is ashamed of the money his father made during the war.
// Chris suspects that his father is guilty and doesn't want to be publicly connected to a
business that caused the death of 21 pilots. // Chris tells Ann that he felt ashamed to use the
money from his father's business. // Chris wants to be able to leave the business at any time
if he doesn't get his parents' blessing for his marriage. //Chris feels guilty that he survived
the war.
In Act III Keller says to Mother: “I’m askin’ you. What am I, a stranger? I thought I had a
family here. What happened to my family?”
Why does Joe feel this way? (7 points)
Answer: Joe feels this way because he feels his family no longer supports him. Chris has
found out the truth about his crime and has lost all respect for his father, and left home.
Kate also tells Joe that he has to face what he did; in the past she supported him by saying
Compare and contrast Joe’s view of family before and after he hears the contents of
Larry’s letter. Support your answer with information from the play. (8 points)
Answer:Before he learns of Larry's letter, Joe doesn't understand what he's done wrong. He
did everything for his family, the most important thing in the world to him, and everything
he needed to do to protect them can be forgiven. But once he reads Larry's letter, he
changes completely. He finally understands how serious his crime was because his own son
killed himself because of it. He realizes that it's not enough to be concerned only about your
own family, but that one must be concerned about society in general.
Moed Bet 2012 F Exam
Why does Mother [Kate] want Frank to make up Larry’s horoscope in Act I? (5 points)
Answer: To see whether it was a favorable day for him. A favorable day means that he couldn't
have died on that day.
In Act III, Ann wants to make a deal with Mother [Kate]. What deal does she want to
make? (5 points).
Answer: The deal Ann won't tell anything about Keller. Mother will tell Chris hat she accepts his
marriage to Ann and she knows Larry is dead.
What does Joe Keller mean when he says “a father is a father”? (10 points)
Answer: Joe Keller means that no matter who one's father is or what he does. He is still a father
and thus must be respected and supported. By saying that, Keller also presents his expectations
from his own family.
At the end of the play Joe says: “… if Larry was alive he wouldn’t act like this. He
understood the way the world is made. He listened to me.” How has Joe misunderstood
Larry? Explain.
Answer: Joe thought that Larry would understand about Joe's act and accept them. However
Larry Killed Himself because of the act meaning he wouldn't have accepted Joe's act had he
lived. Joe does not realize that Larry was idealist like Chris rather than practical like himself.
(Thinking skills distinguishing different perspectives)
In the middle of Act II, Keller, Chris and Ann discuss Steve. Keller: “… I like you and
George to go to him in prison and tell him… ‘Dad, Joe wants to bring you into the
business when you get out.’ Ann: You’d have him as a partner? Keller: No, no partner. A
good job…”
Why does Joe say he wants to offer Steve a job when he gets out of jail?
What other motive might Joe have that he does not admit to?
Answer:1. Joe says he wants to offer Steve a job because he wants him not to feel bitter after
spending so much time in jail. He want to Steve to feel that he has some place to go to when gets
out of jail. Joe does not admit that he might want to atone his deeds to Steve and compensate
him for putting the blame on him.
Summer 2012 F Exam
Sue says she does not want Ann and Chris to live near them after they marry because ().
(i) Chris and Jim have never been close friends
(ii) Chris might influence Jim to go into research
(iii) she is jealous of their relationship
(iv) Ann’s father, Steve, is a criminal
Answer: ii) Chris might influence Jim to go into research
Why were Joe and Steve put in jail? (5 points)
Answer: Joe and Steve were put in jail because they were convicted of selling defective
airplane parts to the army (which resulted in the deaths of 21 pilots.)
George arrives at the Keller home wearing his father’s hat. What is the significance of this?
Answer: He is wearing his father's hat because his father asked him to wear it and he wants to
show that he is standing up for his father.
• For over three years, since his father has been in jail, he hasn't spoken to his father. Now he
has visited him, made his peace with him and he believes his father's version of the events. •
His father is a weak man with no voice of his own.
Chris says in Act III: “The cats in the alley are practical, the bums who ran away when we
were fighting were practical. Only the dead ones weren’t practical.” Can Chris be seen as
a practical person? Explain. (15 points)
Answer:Comparing and contrasting / Distinguishing different perspectives / Inferring
/ Explaining cause and effect / Explaining patterns / Problem solving
Chris can be seen both as an idealistic and practical person. Pupils can choose either
side or take some ideas from one side and some from the other.
Idealistic: • He believes in certain ideals about people's responsibilities to others. • He
can't continue living in the Keller home once he finds out his father is guilty. • After
reading Larry's letter, he is willing to take his father to the police so that his father
will pay for the crime he committed.
Practical: • He works in his father's business, a business that was responsible for
causing the death of 21 pilots even though somewhere he knows that his father might
be guilty. • When he finds out his father is guilty, he says that he wants to run away
because he cannot face his father and it will serve no purpose to take him to jail. Chris
changes from being idealistic to being practical and then back to being an idealist
again at the end.
Evaluate Ann’s character in light of her behavior in Act III. (15 points)
Answer:Ann can be seen both as a positive and negative person. Pupils can choose
either side or take some ideas from one side and some from the other. • Ann is
courageous, strong, determined, stubborn, loyal and finally honest in Act III. •
Throughout the play we see that she tries to do the right thing (including refusing to
have any contact with her father because she believes he was guilty). • Until Act III
she tries to protect the Keller's from the truth about Larry. • Only in Act III, when her
happiness is in danger, does she put herself first (even though she knows how much
the knowledge of the letter will hurt Kate). • Love is the most important thing for her
and in Act III it is her love for Chris that gives her the strength to stand up to Kate.
Ann also is finally strong enough to say that she is going to be with Chris wherever he
chooses to go. • Ann is revealed as a hypocritical, selfish character in Act III. She
shows that principles and ideals matter much less to her than her own happiness.
Because she wants to get married, she is ready not to say anything about Joe's guilt
and to let her father remain in jail, if Mother is ready to tell Chris that she "frees" him
to marry Ann. • In Act III we see that Ann is a moral but a practical person. She loves
Chris and wants to get married; therefore, she makes a wise and practical deal with
Mother to "release" Chris in return for Ann's silence on Joe's guilt.
Winter 2012 F Exam
Chris tells Joe that they made a terrible mistake with Mother by “being dishonest with
her”. How have they been dishonest? (5 points)
Answer:By not telling her they believe Larry is dead // They let her think that they
also believe Larry is coming home.
George tells Chris: “When you make suckers out of people once, you shouldn’t try to do it
twice.” What are the TWO times he is talking about? (5 points)
Answer:a. The first time is when Keller framed his father, Steve. b. The second time
would be if Chris married Annie.
In Act III Jim says to Mother: “The compromise is always made.” According to the play, is
compromise a necessary part of life? In your answer relate to ONE character in the play.
Answer: Yes, compromise is a necessary part of life. You can't live just according to
your ideals. Living involves difficult choices. Jim, for example, had no choice but to
go back to Sue if he wanted to stay married. / Ann was forced to make a choice
between Chris and her father at the end of the play and chose Chris. / Chris would
have liked not to work in the family business but had to compromise in order to
please his father. / Mother had to keep quiet about Joe's crime in order to protect
him. The only one who didn't compromise was Larry, and he committed suicide.
OR: No, compromise is not a necessary part of life. People compromise because they
are weak, don’t want to hurt the people they love or don't have the courage to do what
is right or what they really want to do, but it doesn't have to be this way. Chris didn't
have to work in his father's business. He paid a high price by feeling frustrated and
unhappy in his job./ Jim could have stayed in New Orleans and left Sue, but chose to
return to her and is a bitter, unhappy man / Mother could have turned Joe in but
chose to protect him, but is troubled as a result. In fact, people pay a high price by
compromising and would be better off not compromising.
Kate: “There’s something bigger than the family to him.” Joe: “Nothing is bigger.” Give
ONE example of how Chris’s behavior throughout the play reflects his struggle with these
different beliefs. (15 points)
Answer:Distinguishing different perspectives/ Explaining cause and effect
Throughout the play Chris struggles between his loyalty to his father and his desire to
do the right thing. He doesn't want to be in the family business but stays there
because that's what his father wants. / He wants to marry Ann but doesn't do
anything about it for a long time because this could hurt his mother. / After he finds
out his father is guilty he wants to turn him in but can't bring himself to do it because
it's his father.
Compare and contrast the attitudes of George Deever and Joe Keller to George’s father,
Steve. (15 points)
Answer: On the one hand, George and Joe Keller see Steve Deever very differently.
We know that George, like his sister Ann, did not visit his father in jail because of the
crime Steve had committed. Joe Keller is shocked by this; he believes Steve Deever
made a mistake but is no criminal "see it human, see it human" and that his
children must forgive him because he is their father. Family is the most important
thing. For George, values, ideals, morality, are more important. On the other hand,
George and Joe see Steve in a similar way. George sees his father as a weak man who
can't make decisions on his own ("that frightened mouse who never bought a shirt
without having someone along"). Joe also sees Steve as a weak man who sent the
cylinder heads because he couldn't deal with the pressure from the Army: "a little
man….afraid of loud noises."
Moed Bet 2011 F Exam
Jim:”In a peculiar way, Frank is right – every man does have a star. The star of one’s
honesty. And you spend your life groping for it, but once it’s out it never lights
again.” What is Jim referring to in this quote? (5 points)
(i) How Chris will deal with his father’s crime.
(ii) Chris’s worries about his mother.
(iii) Chris’s decision to marry Ann.
(iv) How Chris will react to Larry’s letter.
Answer:(i) How Chris will deal with his father's crime
Many characters do not tell the truth in this play. Mention ONE character who is lying
and the lie he or she is telling. (5 points)
Answer:Joe is lying by not admitting his guilt in the cylinder heads incident. //
Mother is lying when she says that Keller was sick on the day the cylinder heads were
sent.// Chris / Joe is lying when he doesn't tell Mother he believes Larry will never
return. // Chris is lying to Ann when he tells her that the case has been forgotten by
the neighbors. // Ann is lying when she does not reveal the truth about Larry's death.
// Jim is lying by not telling Mother and Joe that he has known for a long time that
Joe is guilty
This play shows the destructive effects of dishonesty. Discuss this statement in relation to
one of the main characters in the play. (10 points)
Answer:Joe: Joe's lie about the cylinder head incident has resulted in his son, Larry's,
suicide. He has also ruined his relationship with Chris and put his wife in an
impossible moral situation. Moreover, he betrayed his partner Steve Deever which
led to Deever's imprisonment. In the end, his guilt drives him to commit suicide.
Chris: Chris is very upset by the news of his father's guilt. He hates himself for
refusing to see the truth and feels he has no right to marry Ann because of his father's
crimes. Chris will probably never overcome his sense of shame and guilt of how his
inability to face the truth has ruined Ann's family and prevented his father from
getting the punishment he deserves. Mother: Mother must be a part of Keller's cover-
up of the crime and lie in order to protect him and her family. This forces her to
pretend that Larry is still alive or else for her it means that his father killed him,
which is too much for her to deal with. As a result of this, she does not want Chris to
marry the girl he loves.
George: George feels very guilty for never visiting his father in jail, because he
believed Joe's lie that he was innocent and only Steve was guilty. George is
determined to expose the truth now that he has finally gone to visit his father, but he
will never be able to forgive himself for treating his father so cruelly and unjustly.
Choose TWO characters with conflicting approaches to life. Describe their
Answer: Comparing and contrasting / Different perspectives
Keller / Chris: Keller's approach to life is a practical one: he will do whatever it takes
to help his and his family's interests, even though his actions may not be moral.
Chris, on the other hand, is an idealist and cannot accept his father's actions. He sees
the bigger picture and refuses to harm others for his own benefit.
George / Frank: George is an idealist. He went to war in order to fight Hitler and was
ready to sacrifice himself. Frank, on the other hand, managed to stay out of the army.
He was always one year ahead of the draft and never volunteered. His attitude in life
is to take care of himself first, to be practical.
Jim / Sue: Jim and his wife do not have the same values. Jim is not motivated by the
desire to make money. Instead of being a regular doctor, he would rather do medical
research, which pays less but would give him more satisfaction. On the other hand,
his wife Sue is materialistic and pressures him into taking on additional patients.
In the play several characters face a conflict in which they are forced to choose between
loyalty to their families, on one hand, and to themselves or their principles, on the other
a. Show how this conflict is reflected in TWO characters in the play. (7 points)
Answer:Possible information: • Chris must choose between his loyalty to his father
and his desire not to work in his father's business which "doesn't inspire him." • Ann
faces a conflict when she must decide whether to visit her father in jail. Despite the
fact that he is her father, she rejects him completely and refuses to visit him in jail
because of her anger and disgust at his actions in the cylinder heads case. • George
faces the same conflict as Ann. • Jim must choose between his family responsibilities
which call on him to make a good living for his wife and kids, and his desire to do
medical research which pays much less but which is what he really wants to do in life.
• Once Chris finds out his father gave the order to send out the defective cylinder
heads and was guilty after all, he must decide whether or not to turn his father in
b. What are the similarities and/or differences in the ways these two characters resolve
their conflicts?
Answer:• For years George and Ann cut off contact with their father. However,
George's guilt over this causes him to eventually go visit his father in jail, but Ann
wants to have nothing to do with her father. Even after she finds out that Joe is guilty
and framed her father, she doesn't change her mind. Ann wants to get married and
for her this is more important than loyalty to her father. • Chris and Ann face the
same conflict but solve it in completely different ways. Chris stays loyal to his father,
while Ann rejects her father completely. Chris believes his father is innocent while
Ann accepts the verdict of the court that her father was guilty. • Chris, once he knows
his father is guilty, is unable to live with this fact and eventually decides to turn his
father in, while Ann, who finds out that her father was framed by Chris's father, is
able to live with this fact and not go to the police. She wants to get married. • For both
Chris and Jim loyalty to family is the most important thing: Jim comes back from
New Orleans to Sue and to his career as a medical doctor; Chris works in his father's
business. The difference between them is that Chris would not work in his father's
business if he knew his father was guilty, while Jim probably could. Jim is ready to
make compromises but Chris is not
Summer 2011 F Exam
How does the family find out the truth about Larry’s death? (5 points)
Answer:At the end of Act III Chris reads to Joe the letter Larry wrote to Ann during
the war, in which he told her that he was going to kill himself by crashing his plane.
Why did Larry commit suicide? (5 points)
Answer:At the end of Act III Chris reads to Joe the letter Larry wrote to Ann during
the war, in which he told her that he was going to kill himself by crashing his plane.
Keller: “Sure, he was my son. But I think to him they were all my sons.” What does
Keller mean by this statement about Larry? (10 points)
Answer:Joe understands what Larry was trying to tell him through his suicide, that
not only do you have a responsibility to yourself and your family, but that you must
also take responsibility for others. Joe should have considered the lives of the other
boys to be as important as his own son's life. He should have understood that we are
all part of society and we have responsibility to others.
“Like father like son” is a popular saying, which means that a son is often similar to his
father. Do you think this is true about Chris and his father? Explain. (15 points)
Answer: Comparing and contrasting / Different perspectives
In some ways Chris is not at all like his father. Joe Keller is a practical man who has
worked all his life to build a business and is even willing to commit a crime to save it.
He believes that family is the only thing that matters. Chris, on the other hand, is an
idealist who believes we also have a responsibility to others. However, there are
similarities between Joe and Chris. Both often "ignore what they gotta ignore": Joe
ignores his involvement in the crime and Chris ignores, or denies, that his father
might have committed a crime. In addition, Chris has accepted his father's belief that
making money is the way a man shows love for his family.
Jim: “Money-money-money. You say it long enough it doesn’t mean anything.” Discuss
the role of money in the play from the perspective of TWO characters. (15 points)
Answer:The role of money is central to All My Sons. The idea of going from rags to
riches is part of the American Dream and is one of the themes in the play. Joe Keller
is proud that he is financially successful, that he has built up a successful business
and that he has even managed to enlarge the business after the war. He says that he
has done this so that his family will have everything it needs (i.e., Kate has a maid to
help her at home) and he plans on leaving the business to Chris. Chris, however, has
another view of money; he does not want money for its own sake; he is more
idealistic. Jim and his wife Sue also have opposing views about money; Sue wants her
husband to make as much money as possible, even to the extent of going to visit
patients who are not ill in order to get fees, while Jim would be quite happy doing
research and not earning so much. The play wants us to look at the role of chasing
after money in life and see its destructive effect on ideals and human values.
Summer 2010 F Exam
How does the family find out the truth about Larry’s death? (5 points)
Answer:At the end of Act III Chris reads to Joe the letter Larry wrote to Ann during
the war, in which he told her that he was going to kill himself by crashing his plane.
Why did Larry commit suicide?
Answer: At the end of Act III Chris reads to Joe the letter Larry wrote to Ann during
the war, in which he told her that he was going to kill himself by crashing his plane.
Keller: “Sure, he was my son. But I think to him they were all my sons.” What does Keller
mean by this statement about Larry? (10 points)
Answer: Joe understands what Larry was trying to tell him through his suicide, that
not only do you have a responsibility to yourself and your family, but that you must
also take responsibility for others. Joe should have considered the lives of the other
boys to be as important as his own son's life. He should have understood that we are
all part of society and we have responsibility to others.
“Like father like son” is a popular saying, which means that a son is often similar to his
father. Do you think this is true about Chris and his father? Explain. (15 points)
Answer: Comparing and contrasting / Different perspectives
In some ways Chris is not at all like his father. Joe Keller is a practical man who has
worked all his life to build a business and is even willing to commit a crime to save it.
He believes that family is the only thing that matters. Chris, on the other hand, is an
idealist who believes we also have a responsibility to others. However, there are
similarities between Joe and Chris. Both often "ignore what they gotta ignore": Joe
ignores his involvement in the crime and Chris ignores, or denies, that his father
might have committed a crime. In addition, Chris has accepted his father's belief that
making money is the way a man shows love for his family.