University Policy: Student Payments Policy
Policy Category: Operational Policies
Subject: Payments to Students
Office Responsible for Review of this Policy: Office of Finance and Treasurer
Related University Policies: Accounts Payable Policy, Graduate Financial Aid Policy, Procurement and Contracts
Policies, Procedures & Guidelines, Student Refund Policy and Travel Policy
I. SCOPE.......................................................................................................................................................2
II. POLICY STATEMENT ..........................................................................................................................2
III. DEFINITIONS..........................................................................................................................................2
IV. TAX IMPLICATIONS ............................................................................................................................3
A. Scholarships ..........................................................................................................................................3
B. Student Support Payments...................................................................................................................3
C. Prizes......................................................................................................................................................4
D. Compensation for Services Involving Work (Includable in Income) ................................................4
E. Student Reimbursements.....................................................................................................................5
V. HOW TO PROCESS STUDENT PAYMENTS.....................................................................................5
A. Scholarship Payments ..........................................................................................................................5
B. Student Support Payments, Prizes & Compensation for Services Involving Work.......................6
C. Payments to non-resident alien students ............................................................................................6
D. Student Reimbursements.....................................................................................................................7
VI. EFFECTIVE DATE(S) ............................................................................................................................7
VII. SIGNATURE, TITLE AND DATE OF APPROVAL.......................................................................7
American University (AU or the University) makes various payments to students for tuition and
fees, teaching, research, and other education-related activities. In awarding and processing such
payments, care must be taken to classify these payments correctly to avoid over awarding students
financial aid, causing undo financial surprises for students and tax reporting purposes. This policy
addresses types of payments made to both graduate and undergraduate students, including
scholarships, fellowships, prizes, compensation for services related to work and reimbursements.
Additionally, this policy describes what types of payments may be taxable income to AU students and
which payments require tax reporting and withholding.
The purpose of this policy is to explain how to categorize payments made to students in support of their
education and non-education related activities.
Compensation for Services Related to Work payments made for teaching, research and/or other
activities performed for the direct benefit of the University.
Cost of Attendance the standard cost of attendance includes an allowance for tuition, fees, room,
board, books/supplies, transportation, personal expenses, and loan fees.
Fellowships / Assistantships the combination of one or more of the following payments for the benefit
of an individual student (typically graduate studies related):
A scholarship
Compensation for services related to work
Student support payment
Research requirement in furtherance of a degree payments which aid in the pursuit of an
individual's study or research which is required for the degree. No past, present, or future services
are expected in return for the support. (typically processed by financial aid)
Research requirement in furtherance of a faculty member’s research – payments would be
considered compensation for services related to work. (typically processed by Human Resources
(HR) / Payroll)
Prizes A monetary payment (cash or cash equivalent) or non-monetary object given in recognition of
extraordinary artistic, charitable, civic, educational, literary, or scientific achievement and typically is not
considered financial aid.
Scholarships institutional or external payments made on behalf of a student that applies to tuition, fees,
room, board, books, transportation, personal living expenses, study abroad expenses, or any other items in
the student’s AU cost of attendance.
Student Reimbursements Costs personally incurred by students for pre-approved legitimate University
business expenses which are reimbursed by the University and not subject to tax reporting or withholding.
Situations involving student reimbursements should rarely, if ever, occur.
Student Support Payment payments made for expenses that are not qualified tuition or required
education expenses (e.g. amounts included but not limited to non-required travel, research and other
related expenses). These expenses are not considered financial aid.
A. Scholarships
The reporting and taxation of scholarships are governed by the Internal Revenue Code and Treasury
Regulations and enforced by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as well as state revenue agencies. IRS
regulations indicate amounts paid to an individual are scholarships if: "the primary purpose of the
studies or research is to further the education and training of the recipient in his individual capacity,"
and the payments did not represent compensation for services. (Treas. Reg. Sec. 1.117-4). A "qualified
scholarship" is the amount of a scholarship that can be excluded from the recipient's income and is
limited to the amount used for tuition and fees, books, supplies, and equipment required for courses.
These items must be required of all students in a course of instruction for the scholarship or fellowship
grant to be excluded from the recipient’s income (Prop. Treas. Reg. Sec. 1.117-6(c)(2)).
Scholarship funds may be taxable income to the student on both the state and federal level. Please refer
to IRS Publication 970 "Tax Benefits for Education" for more information about the federal income tax
implications of the scholarships the student has received. The student will receive an IRS form 1098-T
from American University in January for all amounts awarded during the previous calendar year.
Likewise, the income tax department in the state where the student files his/her state income tax return
can provide information pertaining to the taxability of this award on the state level. International students
should refer to IRS Publication 515 "Withholding of Tax on Non-resident Aliens and Foreign Entities"
for more information about the federal income tax implications.
Sources of Additional Information
B. Student Support Payments
Payments made for expenses that are not qualified tuition or required education expenses (e.g.
amounts included but not limited to non-required travel, research and other related expenses). Support
payments are potentially subject to income tax withholding and reporting on Form W-2 for students
who are also employed by the University at the time of the payment, Form 1099-MISC for students
who are not employed by the University at the time of payment, or Form 1042-S for students who are
Non-Resident Aliens at the time of payment.
A student travel payment is generally considered to be student support (taxable, reportable) if:
Reimbursement is made for activities in which the University is relatively disinterested or the
research is student led
The project/research's primary purpose and original intent is to further the student's education or
training but is not a required educational expense
The University obtains little or no benefit
Activities are performed to contribute to the development of the skills needed in the student's
C. Prizes
Prizes are monetary payments (cash or cash equivalents) or non-monetary objects given in recognition
of extraordinary artistic, charitable, civic, educational, literary, or scientific achievement and typically
is not considered financial aid. All monetary prizes (or non-monetary prizes over the reportable
threshold) are includible in gross income (Treas. Reg. Sec. 1.74-1(a)).
For U.S. and resident alien students who are AU employees, all prizes must be reported by the
University to the IRS on Form W-2 from the first dollar earned.
For U.S. and resident alien students who are not AU employees, all prizes must be reported by the
University to the IRS on Form 1099-MISC if total prizes to the student in the relevant calendar year
exceeds the reportable threshold. It is the responsibility of all prize recipients, regardless of the amount
of the prize, to report the taxable prize received to the IRS on their personal income tax returns.
For non-resident alien students, the University is required to withhold 30% tax on the full amount of
the prize. The prize amount will be reported to the IRS and to the student on Form 1042-S.
D. Compensation for Services Involving Work (Includable in Income)
An amount represents compensation for services, and not a scholarship per Treas. Reg. Sec. 1.117-4, if:
the amount represents compensation for past, present, or future employment services;
the activity the payments fund is "subject to the direction or supervision of the grantor"; or
the payment enables the recipient to "pursue studies or research primarily for the
benefit of the grantor."
(Note: AU is considered the “grantor”)
These compensated services are considered wages for employment tax purposes and are subject to
employment tax withholding and reporting requirements. Whether a payment is of the nature of a
scholarship or is of the nature of compensation depends on the "primary purpose" of the payment:
"Was the taxpayer paid to work or paid to study?"
More specifically, with respect to research activities, an issue often arises when determining whether
the research activities constitute "services" or "independent research." Factors that the IRS and the
courts have taken into account in making this determination include:
The extent of faculty supervision of the student's work, including planned time schedules
and required progress reports.
The student's ability to direct the course and direction of the research activities.
Whether the student is able to retain any patents or copyrights resulting from his or her efforts.
Whether the research services are directly related to the fulfillment of a contractual
commitment by the university.
Whether the student is required to work a specified number of hours a week on the research
Whether the payment made to the student was relatively small (generally indicative of a
fellowship) or relatively large (generally indicative of compensation), although in the case
of large amounts, the amount above an amount typically paid for the services provided may
be a non-wage fellowship.
Whether the university treated the student as a student worker as evidenced by withholding tax
on the payments as wages and providing faculty privileges and other employee benefits.
Compensation for work is therefore defined as payments made for teaching, research and/or other
activities performed for the benefit of the University, including activities for the University that may
be associated with the student’s course of study and educational experience. Payments received in
connection with the performance of service by a student are taxable income, and may be subject to
federal, state and FICA tax withholding.
E. Student Reimbursements
Situations involving student reimbursements should rarely, if ever, occur.
Student reimbursements are payments for costs personally incurred by students for pre-approved
legitimate University business expenses which are reimbursed by the University and not subject to tax
reporting or withholding. The student must be able to provide supporting documentation noting the
Directly supports a faculty member's project or research program, or
Is related to presenting at a conference, or
Is official University business
Any reimbursement to an undergraduate or graduate student which does not meet one of the criteria
above will be processed as a taxable and reportable student support payment.
A student travel payment is generally considered to be a reimbursement (non-taxable, non-reportable) if:
The primary purpose and original intent of the travel is for the University to obtain useful results
from the project/research
Results or research will be used by the University
Research is performed to fulfill University's obligations to outside funding entity
Student is presenting in a conference or competition on behalf of the University
Various offices across campus support the student payment process. To ensure all payments are
processed timely and accurately, the “Student Payment Decision Guide” is included as Appendix A
to assist departments in determining how a payment should be processed.
A. Scholarship Payments
All scholarships and educational assistance payments must be processed through the University’s
Financial Aid Office. Students should be registered for the term that the funds are being provided, as
these payments cannot be applied to a term for which the student is not enrolled in at least one course.
These payments are disbursed through the student's University account and are considered a resource
when determining a student's financial aid eligibility.
All requests for financial aid payments should be emailed to and
include the following:
Copy of the completed form "Scholarship/Fellowship Payment Request"
Copy of the scholarship award letter provided to the student
IRS Form W-8BEN (only needed for non-resident aliens)
B. Student Support Payments, Prizes & Compensation for Services Involving Work
Payments made to students employed by AU, should be processed through HR and Payroll. An E-
action must be submitted to Human Resources to hire the student into a position number linked to the
appropriate general ledger account for the payment type (Refer to Appendix B for payment type
object code definitions). Each school/department should work with their primary budget manager
and/or the University Budget Office to identify an active position number linked to the appropriate
general ledger account for the payment type prior to submitting the E-action to Human Resources.
To complete an E- action, please perform the following steps:
Log into the AU Portal – and Go to “HR/Payroll Connection”
Select the “Department Admin” Tab and then “Personnel Action” Tab
Select “New Action”
From drop down menu, select the hiring action you want to perform
Enter “AU ID #” (Important: This field is mandatory and missing and/or incorrect
information will delay payment processing) and “Position #” (Important: Ensure that the
position number provided is active and linked to the appropriate general ledger account for
the payment type) and hit “Next Page”
Complete blank fields (Work Start & End Dates, Total Payment, # of Payments, Reason for
Payment and Hours Worked per Week)
Use “Comments Section” to explain the purpose of the student payment to HR and Payroll.
This field is mandatory and missing and/or incorrect information will delay payment
Payments made to students not employed by AU, should be processed through Accounts Payable,
with the exception of any non-resident alien student (refer to section C below). The request should be
submitted on a Disbursement Request Form (located on the portal at to The following supporting documentation MUST be attached in
order for timely processing:
1) Copy of the signed disbursement request outlining the reason for the payment
2) Copy of completed W-9 or W-8BEN
C. Payments to non-resident alien students
All payments to non-resident alien students (does not apply to students defined as resident aliens by
the IRS for U.S. tax purposes) must be reviewed by a University Foreign National Specialist in the
Payroll Department prior to processing. If you have any questions regarding a student’s residency
status, please contact the Foreign National Specialist team in the Payroll Department for guidance prior
to taking any action to process a payment. If you have determined the student in question is a non-
resident alien, the student receiving payment should perform the following steps:
1) Schedule an appointment with a foreign national specialist in Payroll.
Go to the AU Portal at
Find Work@AU tab
Click on Payroll
Click on Foreign National Appointment Schedule
2) Bring the following documentation (if possible) to the appointment:
Passport with a picture ID, date of birth and visa sticker
Form I-20 (F1 visa) or DS-2019 (J1 visa)
Form I-94 printed from the following web site:
W-8BEN form
Once the necessary paperwork has been provided by the non-resident alien student, the payments can
be processed in accordance with University procedures outlined above in Section B or C.
D. Student Reimbursements
Situations involving student reimbursements should rarely, if ever, occur.
Student reimbursement payments should be processed through the Accounts Payable office.
Reimbursements are payments for costs personally incurred by students for pre-approved legitimate
University business expenses. Requests for reimbursement must include certifications from the
student and supervising AU employee (e.g. faculty, staff or Principle Investigator) affirming the costs
are eligible for University reimbursement.
Certification is done when the student and the supervising AU employee complete the "Student
Reimbursement Certification” form (located on the portal at Once complete, the form and
relevant supporting documentation must be submitted to
If the certification form is not attached to the reimbursement request, the payment will be
processed as a student support payment and subject to the taxation and reporting requirements
outlined in Section IV.
This Policy is effective May 1, 2016.
This policy needs to be signed by the appropriate officer (listed below) before it is considered approved.
Signed by: Douglas Kudravetz, April 22, 2016