Recreational Sports & Fitness, the Department of Athletics & Recreation
AMERICAN UNIVERSITY Washington, District of Columbia
Revised August 2016
The Club Sports program is sponsored by Recreational Sports and Fitness, a unit of the
Department of Athletics and Recreation, and consists of all recognized clubs. The Club
Sport program compliments the Universitys intercollegiate athletic programs, intramural
activities, physical education class offerings, and fitness center programs. The Club Sport
Program is administered by the Director of Intramural and Club Sports who offers
professional guidance to the clubs. Each club is formed, developed, governed, and
administered by the student membership of that particular club working in conjunction with
the Club Sport Office. The key to success with this program is student leadership, interest,
participation and involvement. Club Sports are governed by the rules and regulations
established for all recognized student organizations on the American University campus
and by those established by the Office of Recreational Sports and Fitness.
This handbook has been prepared to assist clubs in the administration of their program. The
officers of
each club are required to become familiar with this handbook. Situations involving Club
Sport business or any activities that are not covered in this handbook should be referred
directly to the Club Sport office. Information in this handbook is subject to change. New
policies, procedures or additions/changes to existing policies or procedures made due to
unforeseen circumstances during the academic year shall be deemed official even though
not printed in this publication. These additions/changes will be available on the Club
Sports website and distributed through e-mail to the Club presidents.
The Club Sport Program promotes student participation in a variety of physical and athletic
activities and gives students opportunities to engage in the activity of their choice at various
skill levels. Club Sports contributes to the development of student leadership and provides
a common bond between individuals. While the Office of Recreational Sports and Fitness
assists in the development and growth of Club Sports, the emphasis of the program is on
student leadership and involvement. The success of Club Sports is dependent upon student
interest, involvement, and financial responsibility.
A Club Sport is defined as a registered student organization that exists to promote and
develop interest in a particular sport or physical activity with competition against other
institutions of higher education. Club Sports are strictly voluntary. Involvement in a Club
Sport enhances the students college experience and contributes to the students overall
education. Club Sports are officially sponsored by American University through the Office
of Recreational Sports and Fitness. Sponsorship requires supervision and assumption of
responsibility for all Club actions and activities.
The Assistant Director of Intramurals & Club Sports serves primarily as an advisor and
resource person for Club Sport leaders and is available to assist student representatives with
Club business. It is the Assistant Directors responsibility to monitor Club activities to
ensure all University procedures are being followed, to assist Clubs in implementing sound
safety practices, to manage Club funds in accordance with
University fiscal policy, to facilitate Club activities and to ensure the policies and
procedures are followed. The Assistant Director will allow Clubs as much freedom to
operate as possible, provided they operate within the regulations and guidelines herein. The
director shall have the ability to make decisions on items not specifically covered in this
manual with the consultation of the Director of Recreational Sports & Fitness.
The responsibilities listed below should be considered guidelines and not a complete listing
of the representatives duties. Anything pertaining to the relationship between the Club and
the Office of Recreational Sports and Fitness is the responsibility of the student
representative. Each Club should appoint or designate a responsible student representative
to perform the following duties:
1. Assure that all club members have personal health insurance and submit a copy of
their insurance card to the Club Sport Office or upload a copy of their insurance
card to the Club Sports website.
2. Develop and maintain an accurate membership roster at the beginning of each
semester and submit it to the Club Sport Office. Changes to the roster should be
updated throughout the semester as needed.
3. Check, on a weekly basis, the Clubs mailbox located in Sports Center Room G-03.
4. Inform Club members of policies, expectations, emergency procedures, and other
regulations that must be followed. Monitor all Club events, assuring that all policies
and procedures are followed.
5. Meet with Director to plan and obtain approval for travel, publications, equipment,
t-shirt designs and other Club business.
6. Required forms should be submitted completely and promptly.
7. Ensure that the Club continues to remain in good financial standing.
8. Report any injury that occurs at any Club event to the Club Sport Office within 24
9. Submit a Semester-in-Review report to the Club Sport Office at the end of each
semester, articulating tournaments/competitions participated in and any
achievements or notable competitive performances.
10. Maintain complete inventory records of Club equipment and update the Clubs
inventory when requested by the Club Sport Office. Inventories must include all
items purchased by American University.
11. Every Club must submit a current copy of the Clubs constitution at the beginning
of the Fall Semester to the Club Sport Office and update the constitution for
approval by the membership as needed.
All clubs are required to have their officer terms run from May 15 until May 14 of the
following year. If any officer plans on studying abroad or is otherwise absent for any less
than the entire academic year, a co-chair must be assigned to the same position to serve
concurrently with the same officer.
(For example, if Talon the Eagle runs to be President of his Club, but will study abroad in
the Spring of the academic year, a Co-President must be elected to serve alongside Talon
for the Fall semester and execute duties during the Spring).
Club elections will be completed no later than April 15
for the upcoming year. Election
procedures will be set by each individual club’s constitution. Each club must have a
President, Treasurer, and Safety officer. The Safety officer must be CPR and AED certified.
CPR and AED training will be provided by American University free of charge. No individual
can hold more than one of these offices concurrently.
To provide a safe and positive recreational experience for all participants, it is necessary to
anticipate situations to prevent accidents and injuries. It is strongly recommended that
every Club Sport develop, implement and practice the following safety policies:
1. Club Sport officers, Club members, coaches, and instructors should emphasize
safety during all Club-related activities.
2. Encourage all Club members to have a physical examination prior to
The national
associations governing some sports offer supplemental
accident and liability insurance for members. Check to see if your activity provides
or offers this type of coverage.
3. Review the Clubs emergency procedures with the Club Sport Office.
4. Inspect fields and facilities prior to every practice session, game, or special event.
Report unsafe conditions to the proper managing authority. Do not use facilities or
equipment if they appear unsafe.
5. Have at least two members certified in First Aid and CPR available at Club
practices, games, and events.
6. Submit an injury report for injuries that occur to Club members during Club events
or practices. These reports must be submitted to the Club Sport Office within
24 hours after the occurrence. Injury Report form is available in the Club Sport
Office or online.
7. Swim Tests: All club members involved in an aquatic activity should pass a
swimming test prior to becoming accepted into the Club. Arrangements for pool
time for testing and suggestions for the appropriate swim test to be administered
should be discussed with the Club Sport Office. The following Clubs must conduct
swim tests: Crew, Sailing, and Water Polo.
8. Each Club should have their American University-issued first aid kit available
during all practices and events. These University-issued first aid kits will be loaned
to each at the start of the year. First aid kits will be returned to the Club Sports
office at the end of each academic year. Clubs will be billed for any lost first aid
kits or materials
American University and the Office of Recreational Sports and Fitness cannot be
responsible for any injury or property loss incurred by participants while involved in
any Recreational Sports program.
All guidelines governing the Club Sport Program are written to protect the rights and safety
of each participant and are designed to provide fair and equal opportunity for all persons
eligible to participate in Club activities.
1. All currently enrolled American University students must be given the opportunity
semester to
join a Sport Club. Members must recognize that only a certain
number can realistically engage in competition. Only student members of a Club
may hold an office in the Club and vote on Club matters. Some Clubs may have
participation restrictions due to conference and/or league affiliation.
2. Members of the faculty/staff may apply for affiliate Club membership.
Faculty/Staff Club affiliate members may not hold an office within the Club, or
vote on Club matters or in elections.
3. Each member and coach (including affiliate members) of a Club Sport must
complete a Membership packet, submit a copy of their current medical insurance
card (both must be on file with the Club Sport office), pay club dues, and be listed
on the Club’s membership roster before he/she is recognized as an official member
of the Club Sport.
4. Athletic scholarships are not awarded by the Office of Recreational Sports and
Fitness for Club Sport participation.
5. Intercollegiate athletes are eligible for membership in a Club Sport without
restrictions due to intercollegiate team affiliation except by any regulations set by
the NCAA and/or the varsity team.
Certification of Eligibility for Competition
1. All Club Sport teams must abide by Conference, Regional, State, NIRSA or NCAA
rules and regulations in competition that has such guidelines.
2. Teams competing in NIRSA Sport Club tournaments must meet the eligibility
requirements set forth by NIRSA. These requirements can be picked up in the Club
Sports Office.
3. Club teams desiring to enter competition may be required to obtain certificates of
eligibility from the University before entries are accepted. Individual Club
members should request certification in person at the Registrars Office, located in
the Asbury building Room 200. Please allow up to three weeks for the certification
process to be completed.
The Club Sport program is structured with two tiers of Club membership status:
I. Conditional Membership
II. Full Membership
Conditional Membership
The conditional tier is designated for Clubs in their first year of organization within the
Club Sport
program. Conditional Clubs will have one year to demonstrate stability in terms of Club
administration, student interest, and support in terms of having the appropriate number of
active Club members. Financial assistance from the Office of Recreational Sports and
Fitness is NOT available for conditional Clubs. Upon successful completion of
conditional status, a Club will automatically be elevated to the Full level.
Ability to maintain a membership of at least 10 (or the minimum number required by
the activity)
active student members
Demonstrate effective Club leadership
Complete financial self-support
Full Membership
The full tier is designated for all Clubs not under the conditional tier. Clubs submitting a
budget proposal
according to the guidelines set forth in the Budget Appropriation section will be able to
receive some funding.
Demonstrated effective Club leadership for one year or longer
Primarily self-supporting organization with most funding raised by the Club
Demonstrated commitment to Recreational Sports and Fitness and American University
by following prescribed policy and procedures.
Maintaining Full Membership
In addition to the criteria listed above, a Clubs continued Full Membership status depends
on the purpose, goals, and longevity of the Club. The Club Sport Office will review each
Clubs status at the end of each spring semester.
To retain sponsorship, the following general requirements must have been met:
1. Student interest in the Club was demonstrated by a membership of either (1) seven
active members, or (2) the minimum number of members (over 7) needed to
participate in the activity.
2. The Club is actively participating in tournaments or part of a league. Clubs that do
not compete within the academic year will be dropped to conditional status for one
year. During the conditional year the club must compete locally or regionally (will
not be eligible for national tournaments) to regain full membership.
3. Clubs that are inactive for two years will lose accrued funding
4. The Club was represented at all meetings.
5. The Club’s purpose and activity continued to be consistent with the Office of
Recreational Sports and Fitness purpose and philosophy.
6. University and Club Sport guidelines as outlined in this manual were followed.
7. Clubs must collect at least $25 in dues from each active member each semester and
deposited into the Club bank account.
8. An accurate inventory of equipment was maintained and kept on file in the Club
Sport Office.
9. All Club equipment was maintained, issued, accounted for and stored adequately.
10. The Club Sport Office continues to have the necessary resources to supervise the
Club and its activities.
11. All appropriate forms were filed as directed at the specified time during the year.
Any group of students with a collective interest in a sport or activity has the ability to start a
new Club Sport. The process for doing so is outlined in the steps below. If you have any
questions, comments, or concerns with the process, please feel free to contact the Club Sports
Office for assistance.
1. Ensure that students are willing to serve as Officers for the Club. Officers are the
main leadership of the Club. The required officers are President, Safety Officer and
2. Recruit interested athletes by promoting and conducting an informational meeting
on campus.
3. The new Club will be required to collect dues from each member of at least $25 to
cover any start- up costs for the club.
4. The new Club will be required to meet monthly with the Director of Intramural and
Club Sports to discuss the progress and status of the Club.
5. The Club will be under evaluation for an entire year in regards to meeting
attendance, paperwork compliance, and following of policies and procedures.
6. Clubs serving their 1 year Conditional Period are not eligible to receive funding.
American University is an institutional member of NIRSA, Leaders in Collegiate
Recreation. NIRSA conducts national championship events for Club Sports. If NIRSA is
conducting a national championship in a particular activity, the Club Sports office will only
support a Club Sports participation at the NIRSA event. A Club Sport may not
represent American University at a non-NIRSA sponsored national championship
unless there is no championship in that activity conducted by the NIRSA. The NIRSA
currently conducts championships in Flag Football, Basketball, Soccer, and Tennis.
Clubs competing in national championships will incur the cost of the Assistant Director or
other Univeresity official to serve a chaperone to the event. Clubs are required to contact
the Assistant Director at the beginning of the season to discuss plans to participate in
national tournaments.
Only Clubs with Full Membership status are eligible to participate in national tournaments.
Securing a Coach/Instructor
If a Club wants to use the services of a coach/instructor, prior to the semester the
prospective coach/instructor must complete the following forms:
1. Professional Service Agreement (paid coaches)
2. Volunteer Coach’s Agreement (non-paid coaches)
3. Participant Registration Form
4. Waiver Form
5. Proof of Medical Insurance (both sides)
6. Copy of Driver’s License (both sides)
7. Application for University Driving Privileges (including Motor Vehicle Record
Verification Disclosure)
Coaches will not be permitted to participate in any club activities until the above forms are
The coach or instructor is neither an employee of the Department of Athletics and
Recreation nor
American University.
Coach/Instructor Conduct
Although coaches/instructors are not employees of the University, they will be expected to
adhere to all
University policies including sexual harassment. Club’s Executive Boards are allowed to
terminate coaches for conduct violations at the Club’s discretion.
1. Each coach must complete a participant registration form, waiver form and submit a
copy of their drivers license and current medical insurance card.
2. It is recommended that all coaches possess personal medical and liability insurance.
3. The coach must be aware of and follow all University and departmental procedures
relative to the Club Sport program.
4. The coach should restrict his/her contributions to coaching and refrain from
activities involved in the Clubs management. A Club Sport is first and foremost
a student organization and, as such, the student representative (not the coach)
must serve as the liaison between the Club and the Club Sport Staff. The
philosophy and key to the success of the Club Sport program has been the continued
emphasis placed on student leadership and participation.
5. Club business matters (hosting tournaments, submitting forms, equipment requests)
must be handled by the student members with the coach serving in an advisory
capacity. Club activities and events should be a team effort and not left solely to the
coach or student representatives.
6. Participation in the Club Sport Program is completely voluntary; therefore monetary
rewards or scholarships shall not be promised or given to any member or
prospective member by the coach.
7. Coaches must help ensure good sportsmanship at all times. Individuals must always
conduct themselves in a manner that does not detract from the reputation of the
University. This includes behavior in game situations, contact with other teams and
even interaction with staff. When involved in off-campus events or when traveling,
be aware that the Club is still representing the University.
8. Coaches should refrain from making appointments with Athletics and Recreation
Department staff without first informing the Director of Intramural and Club Sports.
Coaches should refrain from contacting the Director of Intramural and Club Sports
without first talking to the club president.
9. The Club Sport staff has the right and obligation to protect the Club, and if, in the
staff’s opinion, the coach is not working in the best interests of the Club, the coach
will be relieved of his/her coaching duties.
10. Coaches must be recommended by Club members and must submit a new
information form each academic year in order to coach. Continuation of coaching
status is not automatic.
The American University Club Sport Presidents Council is a student advisory group that
assists in the
Club Sport Office in administering the Club Sport program.
1. Serve as an appeal board and rule on Club appeals regarding decisions made by the
Club Sport staff.
2. Make recommendations regarding revisions to the Club Sport Manual for the
following year.
3. Make recommendations, offer advice and assist in the decision making process in
other matters when requested to do so by the Club Sport staff.
1. The Assistant Director of Intramural and Club Sports, the Director of Recreational
Sports & Fitness and all Club Presidents.
2. The Directors will be non-voting on the council, but may take part in discussion.
3. The Director of Intramural and Club Sports or his/her delegate will serve as
chairperson for regular meetings. For appeals, the chair will be rotated among
student members.
4. Club Presidents may designate a representative from their Club to serve in their
5. In cases of tie votes in regular meetings, the Director of Intramural and Club Sports
or their delegate will vote to break the tie.
Each Club Sport has the obligation to have the approval of the Club Sport Office prior to
acting on items, issues, or ideas that are not covered in this handbook. If a Club chooses to
act independently, they risk losing sponsorship. Club social events are not sponsored by
Recreational Sports and Fitness and must NOT be advertised as part of the Clubs
official activities.
The basic concept underlying the Universitys code of conduct is that students, by enrolling
in the
University, assume an obligation to conduct themselves and their organizations in a manner
with the Universitys function as an educational institution. Individuals must always
conduct themselves
in a
manner that does not detract from the reputation of the University.
This includes behavior in game situations as well as contact with other teams and event
staff. When involved in off-campus events or when traveling, be aware that the Club is still
representing the University and bound by the Student Code of Conduct.
Individual Accountability
Students will abide by tenets of the Student Code of Conduct, Club Sports Policies and
Procedures, and the constitution of the club. Any violation of the aforementioned
documents will result in disciplinary action. Violations of the Student Code of Conduct will
be handled by the Dean of Students Office, Club policies
by the Assistant Director of Intramural & Club Sports, and club constitutions by the
Executive Board. Appeals of the Executive Board will be heard by the president of the club
and elevated to the Assistant Director of Intramurals and Club Sports if necessary.
Violation of or non-compliance with University policies, campus regulations, Club Sport
procedures, or standards of conduct may result in loss of membership or other disciplinary
action against the Club Sport involved. The discipline process has been developed to assist
Club leaders in correcting mistakes that have caused problems for the Club and the
Minor Infractions (examples would be non-attendance at meetings or failure to submit
required forms on time)
1. First Infraction if the violation is the Club’s first during the current academic year,
and the Club
is not on probation from violations committed the previous year, the following steps are
a. The Club is placed on probation for a designated period of time or until the Club
corrects the situation.
b. The Club Sport staff will notify the Club stating:
The reason for the probation
The length of the probationary period
The possible consequences the Club will face if additional infractions occur
2. Two or more Minor Infractions
a. The Club’s funds may be frozen and/or a part of the Club’s allocation may be
b. The Club Sport staff may take any action deemed appropriate, including
determining the amount of allocation forfeited by the Club.
c. The Club is notified in writing.
d. The Club is notified of their right to appeal.
Major Infractions (these include Club actions that are outside of acceptable standards of
conduct or are in violation of the Club Sport or Universitys rules, guidelines or Code of
1. Examples of major infractions include, but are not limited to, the following
a. Displaying conduct that is incompatible with the Universitys function as an
educational institution and the purpose of the Club Sport program (i.e.
unsportsmanlike conduct toward officials or opponents or disruptive behavior on
b. Misusing Club funds and/or abusive use of Club funds.
c. Allowing ineligible individuals to participate in Club activities.
d. Compromising the safety of club members while traveling.
e. Transporting and/or consuming alcohol or illegal substances while on official
club trips.
2. For all major infractions:
a. A meeting with the Club officers and the Club Sport staff is scheduled.
b. Input from appropriate administrators and staff members is solicited when
c. The Director of Intramural and Club Sports and/or the Director of Recreational
and Fitness determine(s) the disciplinary action to be taken.
d. The Club is notified in writing of the decision and is advised of their right to
appeal the decision.
Disciplinary Actions
Possible disciplinary actions that may be taken against a Club for infractions include:
1. Probation
2. Frozen funds
3. Loss of funding
4. Loss of travel privileges
5. Loss of Club sponsorship
Notification of disciplinary action is placed in the Club’s mailbox in the Club Sport
office. In the case of extreme misconduct, clubs and/or individuals will be referred to
Student Conflict and Conflict Resolution Office.
The appeal process exists to insure that all disciplinary actions taken against club
organizations are equitable. The person/council to whom a disciplinary decision is
appealed will review the previous decision and rule on its appropriateness given the
infraction(s) committed. With the concept of equity in
mind, be forewarned that appeal of a disciplinary decision that seems extreme to the Club
could result in an even stiffer penalty being levied by the person/council who hears the
appeal. To file an appeal, follow the appropriate steps listed below:
1. Decisions of the Director of Intramural and Club Sports on minor infractions may
be appealed to the Presidents Council by following these procedures:
a. Written notification from the Club representative to the Director of Intramural
and Club Sports indicating the Club’s reason for the appeal and any
circumstances related to the situation that caused the infraction must be
submitted within (72) seventy-two hours after the notification is placed in the
Clubs mailbox and by e-mail to the Club president.
b. A hearing will be scheduled with the Executive Council. Copies of the Clubs
appeal statement will be distributed to the Board members. Upon hearing the
case, the Council will uphold, reject or modify the Directors decision.
c. Decisions by the Executive Council are final except in cases where the Clubs
sponsorship is in question or any other major infraction at the discretion of the
Director of Recreational Sports and Fitness.
2. Decisions regarding loss of sponsorship or major infractions may be appealed to the
Director of Recreational Sports and Fitness as outlined below:
a. Written notification from the Club representative to the Director of Recreational
Sports or his/her delegate indicating the Clubs reason for the appeal and any
circumstances related to the situation that caused the infraction must be submitted
within (72) seventy-two hours after the notification is placed in the Club’s mailbox
and by e-mail to the Club president.
b. The Director of Recreational Sports & Fitness may choose to hear the appeal or
deny the request.
c. If the Director chooses to hear the appeal, then a meeting will be scheduled in order
to present an oral appeal to the Director of Recreational Sports and Fitness.
d. The decision of the Director of Recreational Sports and Fitness is final.
Director of Intramural and Club Sports
The Director will provide assistance in planning the Clubs activities and scheduling
with other
universities Club Sports and teams. Prior approval of Club
activities including travel, events, publicity, budget expenditures and facility reservations is
required. The Director is available for consultation regarding any aspect of your
organization. If the Director cannot assist the Club, the Club will be referred to an office
that can. The responsibility to seek assistance of the Director is that of the student
representatives. Club representatives should schedule an appointment with the Director to
assure needed attention is provided. Call or e-mail at least 24 hours in advance to make an
Mail Collection
Mail boxes for each Club are provided in Sports Center, Room G-03. Any letters, phone
or notes
regarding the Club that come to the Department of Athletics and
Recreation or the Club Sports office will be placed in the Club’s box. Mailboxes should be
checked at least once a week. Letters from prospective students interested in American
University and in a particular sport should be answered by the Club secretary, student
representative or a Club member appointed to respond to these letters. The Club Sport
Office will type the responses if legible drafts are submitted. Each Club will be provided
amount of postage to mail out official Club material.
Mailing Address
Attn: Club Sports Director (Dwayne Wilkerson)
Sports Center G-03
4400 Massachusetts Ave, NW
Washington, DC 20016
Telephone Procedures
Long distance phone calls concerning a Club’s business (competition, equipment order,
etc.) can be made
in the Club Sport office. The Club Sport staff will assist in placing the calls for the Club.
Typing and Duplication Services
Typing and duplication services are available through the Club Sports office. All requested
work must be approved by the Director of Intramural and Club Sports and at least five
working days notice should be given. The services will be done if the work schedule of
staff allows time and if the original copy is well written and legible. Clubs may request
duplication services from the Club Sport office. The availability of this service is based
upon copier load and amount to be copied. Clubs will be allotted a fixed amount of white
paper for duplication each academic year. Once a Club has used its allocation, it may
purchase paper to use in the process and bring in to the Club Sports office or the Director of
Intramural and Club Sports
will charge the club at a rate equal to the cost of the paper per copy.
Club Sports may request the use of Recreational Sports facilities for activities. Requests
must be made through the Club Sport Office and approved by the Director through
coordination with the Director of Facilities and Operations. Clubs must alert (via
email) the Club Sports office as far in advance as possible to improve the likelihood of
available space. All facilities are shared with Athletics and the Department of Health &
Fitness which makes availability somewhat limited. It usually takes one to two weeks
before a facility reservation request can be confirmed or denied. Dates will be set aside for
Club competition on campus. Clubs will be notified of the dates and number of times that
are available to them prior to each semester. Clubs wanting to reserve meeting space in
spaces on
campus should use the room reservation process through the University
Expectations When Using University Facilities
Any time a Club has reserved a facility, it must be used. If the Club cancels a practice,
game, or any reservation, the Club representative must contact the Club Sport staff at least
24 hours before the reservation is in effect. Failure to use a reserved area jeopardizes the
Clubs ability to reserve facilities for future use. Clubs are responsible for set-up and
cleanup of all sites. Clubs are not allowed to have amplified sound at any outdoor sporting
event on campus without prior approval by the Director of Facilities and Operations.
Misuse of equipment and facilities (including not using reserved space, and/or neglect in
following facility-use procedures) as well as inappropriate conduct and actions while
participating in any Club Sport related activity, will jeopardize the Club’s continued
sponsorship as a Club Sport. Alcoholic beverages are not permitted at any Athletic
facility. It is the Clubs responsibility to monitor all Club events (including the actions
of spectators) to assure that alcoholic beverages
are not
on site. Games may be
delayed until the problem is corrected or may be canceled if the situation is not
Any Club hosting an event on campus may be required to have a Club Sport Supervisor to
be onsite during the match. This supervisor will be responsible for making sure that Clubs
follow proper Club and University procedures. Clubs may be required to cover the cost of
having a Club Sports Supervisor at their contests.
Because Club Sports receive limited funding from the University, each Club Sport is
required to develop a revenue plan to fund operations. Club Sport funds must be used for
the benefit of the entire group. Revenue for Club Sports will normally come from the
following sources:
1. Membership dues
2. Fundraising activities
3. Budget allocation from the Club Sports office
4. Donations from individuals and corporations
All fund raising activities (whether on or off-campus) require specific prior approval from
the Club Sports office.
Each club has their own account through the University. The account is capable of
withdraws and deposits. Clubs may not have personal checking or savings accounts
off-campus. Clubs are not permitted to obtain accounts outside the university to
include PayPal, online accounts, etc. Clubs found in violation of this policy could
result in the freezing of club funds.
Clubs seeking financial assistance from Recreational Sports and Fitness must submit a
budget request to the Club Sport office. The Club Sport office is allocated a budget each
year. From this budget the funds are divided among the Clubs using the budget
appropriation process. The fiscal year runs from May to April. Requests for each fiscal
year are due in early spring. Additional requests may be made at any time during the year,
but there is no guarantee that funding will be available for the Club after the February
deadline. Any team dues, donations, fundraising, or other income can be deposited into this
account. Any remaining funds will carry over to the next fiscal year.
Each club is required to collect at least $25 per member per semester. These funds are to
the deposited to the Club’s bank account via the Club Sports Office Clubs will outline in
the constitution a schedule for dues payment. Participants in noncompliance of club dues
will be immediately suspended from participation. Participants could incur an academic
hold on their account for noncompliance of club dues. Please note that once club dues are
paid, there are no refunds given.
Appropriate and Inappropriate Expenditures for University Funds
All expenditures for Club Sports must have prior approval of the Club Sport Office.
Clubs not receiving prior approval will not be reimbursed from Club funds to cover
costs. Possible expenditures for a Club are: equipment, travel, officials, entry fees, dues, t-
shirts, coachs stipends, and uniforms. Funds may not be used for social events.
Returned Checks
Any Club Sport submitting a check that is returned for any reason will be charged a $25
returned check fee, as well as the money being deducted from their account. In order to
resubmit that money, the Club must submit the original amount and the $25 returned check
fee separately in cash.
All fundraising must be approved by the Director of Intramural and Club Sports prior to the
fundraiser. All clubs must reach their team fundraising goal each semester. Clubs must
fundraise 60% of their allocation per academic year. Each club will be required to conduct
2 fundraisers per semester and 5 for the academic year. Failure to comply with this policy
can result in loss of Full Membership privileges for the next year and a loss in funding.
Clubs are encouraged to conduct donation campaigns to alumni, businesses, or entities not
associated with American University. Clubs are not permitted to solicit door-to-door or
conduct mail campaigns to residents in the any community. The office of development
works in concert with the Assistant Director to draft donation letters for clubs to use. Clubs
interested in participating in a donation campaign are encouraged to meet with the Assistant
Clubs should use the following information as guidelines for fundraising on campus. This
information is taken from the Student Activities handbook:
Sales of Goods or Services
This includes car washes, bake sales (items from a licensed kitchen only), candy sales, etc.
A housecleaning or odd job service is acceptable. If you plan to sell any sort of product on
campus, you will need to submit a Vending Approval Form to the Club Sports office. This
form should be turned in at least 3 weeks prior to when you would like to sell the items.
This approval form ensures that you are not selling an item already available on campus or
violating any campus contracts.
Sponsoring Sales/Marketing Groups on to Campus
Student groups may sponsor an outside vendor to come to campus in order to sell items or
market their products. If groups do this, they can receive either a portion of their profits
while on campus, or part of the fee charged for the outside vendor to market their products
or services on campus. In order to do this, you will need to submit a Vending Approval
Form to the Club Sports office. Again, these forms must be submitted three weeks prior to
when you would like the vendor to come to campus. The vendors cannot conflict with any
contracts the university already has, nor can they sell items already available on campus. If
you have any questions, contact the Director of Club Sports.
Special Events/Raffles
We recommend that you meet with the Club Sports office before trying innovative fund-
raisers, so that your group can investigate any potential pitfalls before proceeding. Many
ideas may require a D.C. Government license. A drawing or other random method of
distributing prizes may be used for fund-raising only if it is possible to obtain a chance
without purchasing a ticket. If the only way to win a prize is by purchasing a chance, then
this is gambling and is prohibited unless a permit is obtained from the DC Lottery and
Charitable Games Control Board. Work with the Club Sports office to obtain the permit.
General Information
Budget requests are for the following academic year. Budget allocations are made from
best projections of the club’s current and ongoing activity as well as anticipated
competition. If major changes are expected in the future, indicate why. Attach as much
supporting documentation as is feasible. Make requests self-explanatory. Each Clubs
previous year budget request is available for review.
Completing the Budget Request Form
1. Club Operating Expenses: List expenses associated with the daily operation of the
Club. Include expenses incurred in recruiting new members, communicating with
the membership, publicity and any other costs associated with maintaining the Club.
2. Competition Expenses: Include all expenses to participate in these contests, such
as League/Association dues, officials/judges costs and facility rental fees.
3. Travel Expenses: Calculate transportation to and from the site (vehicle rental,
airfare, fuel, mileage, and lodging). Do not include meals. Listed below is some
useful travel information.
Van Rental: $90-130/day plus mileage
Lodging: $90-120/room/night, 4 persons to a room.
Please remember to account for the cost of gas and gas mileage when traveling.
4. Equipment: List any equipment the Club would like to purchase for general Club
use. This list should not include any personal equipment” such as t-shirts or shoes.
Please also indicate the life expectancy of this equipment. Any equipment
purchased with University funds becomes the property of the Department of
Recreational Sports and Fitness for the Clubs use.
5. Dues: How many members are expected? What amount of dues will the Club
charge? Will this be a yearly charge or a charge per semester?
6. Donations: Does the Club plan on soliciting donations? If so, list all estimated
donations both corporate and private along with how they will be solicited.
7. Corporate Support: List all potential corporate support, including cash donations,
equipment or discounts the Club expects to solicit next year. Include the companys
address and contact person.
8. Fundraising: List all potential fundraisers including expected expenses and
1. Each club submits a budget request to the Club Sport Office. Budget requests will
be submitted in early spring.
2. Each request is reviewed and analyzed by the Presidents Council to determine each
Clubs adjusted request. A presentation is scheduled mid-Spring Semester with the
Presidents Council for each Club submitting a budget request. At that meeting, the
Club will make an oral presentation of their budget for the upcoming year.
Inappropriate and unjustified expenditures will be deducted from the original
3. The President’s Council will use the following criteria in determining the
recommended funding level:
a. Number of participants and dues charged
b. Fundraising activities
c. Costs associated with the Club
d. Anticipated needs
4. The recommended funding levels will then be forwarded to the Director of
Intramural and Club Sports who, in consultation with the Director of Recreational
Sports and Fitness, will make the final budget allocations using above
recommendations and criteria. The Club will then be notified of their allocation for
the upcoming year.
If the Club desires to purchase equipment, arrange a meeting with the Director to seek
approval and process the order. All purchases must first receive approval of the Club
Sports assistant director. Do not purchase any item before meeting with the assistant
director to have proper purchasing procedures outlined. It takes time to process
purchase orders; seek approval well ahead of the date an item is need. There are several
ways in which goods/services can be purchased. All equipment purchases become the
property of American University.
Purchase Order
To obtain goods/services through a purchase order the following steps must be used:
1. Complete a Purchase Request form including the Club treasurers signature.
2. Attach the price quote including the vendors name, date, items requested with
serial/model number, and amount of purchase (all new vendors must submit a W-9
3. Submit the form to the Assistant Director of Intramural and Club Sports.
4. A purchasing request will be created.
5. A purchase order will then be sent to the vendor from the University.
6. The product will then be shipped to the Club Sport office and the Club will be
notified upon arrival.
Credit Card
A University credit card may be used to purchase goods/services with a total cost under $500
or when traveling to cover travel expenses. The use of credit cards is limited and secured in
the order in which completed paperwork is received.
1. Complete a Credit Card Request Form including treasurers signature.
2. Attach the price quote including the vendors name, date, items requested with
serial/model number, and amount of purchase if not for travel
3. Submit the form to the Director of Intramural and Club Sports.
4. Collect all receipts that total $50 and over, and complete the Credit Card Use form.
5. Submit the Credit Card Use form as well as all original receipts by noon on the first
business day upon completion of use.
Pre-Payment is used to purchase goods/services for which payment is needed prior to
receiving them.
1. Complete a Purchase Request form including the Club treasurers signature.
2. Attach the price quote including the vendors name, date, items requested with
serial/model number, and amount of purchase (all new vendors must submit a W-9
3. Submit the form to the Assistant Director of Intramural and Club Sports.
4. A purchasing request will be created.
5. A check will be mailed to the vendor directly from the University.
6. The product will then be shipped to the Club Sport office and the Club will be
notified upon arrival.
Disbursement Request
Disbursement requests are used to reimburse Club members for club-related costs over $20.
1. Complete the disbursement request form including the Club treasurers signature.
2. Attach all original receipts taped to a sheet of paper.
3. Submit the form within 14 days to the Director of Intramural and Club Sports.
4. Check will be mailed to Club member within 3-4 weeks.
All requests for reimbursement must be submitted within fourteen (14) days of the
purchase/trip, or it will not be reimbursed. Failure to submit the proper form will delay
in the reimbursement process.
Clubs may request use of the Wireless Eaglebuck machine to use during fundraisers. The
machine is reserved on a first come, first served basis throughout the semester. Clubs
wishing to use the machine need to complete the following steps.
1. Complete the Eaglebucks Machine Checkout Request Form.
2. The form must be signed by an e-board representative.
3. Receive confirmation from the Director of Intramural Club Sports regarding date
and pick-up time.
4. E-board representative must pick-up machine and all accessories at assigned time.
5. E-board representative must return machine and all accessories by the assigned
time. Money will be credited to club account within 3 days upon return.
6. Clubs must report exact total earnings upon returning the machine to the Director of
Intramural Club Sports.
Clubs failing to follow proper procedure may be prohibited from further use of the
During each academic year, each Club Sport may be audited by the Club Sports Office to
ensure that proper paperwork is being maintained. Club treasurers will be notified in
writing one week prior to the meeting. At that meeting, the treasurer will be required to
submit all financial paperwork and documents showing the accounting of the Clubs
finance through the current fiscal year.
All equipment should be kept in good working order. Any unsafe equipment should be
reported (returned, if possible) to the Club Sport office immediately.
Limited storage space is provided for Clubs to store their equipment. All equipment stored
at the university over the summer must be picked up by a club representative on the first
day of classes at
the beginning
of the Fall Semester.
Approved Logos
Club Sports as part of the unit of Recreational Sports & Fitness in the department of
Athletics & Recreation only has access to the logos below. Unique logos can be used in
very special circumstances but must first approved by the Assistant Director.
Clubs may purchase uniforms to be worn during competitions. All uniforms become
property of American University Recreational Sports & Fitness. Uniforms may only use the
approved secondary logos of the department of Athletics & Recreation. Clubs may use their
name on the uniforms however the text must read Club on the uniform. Many clubs use
their name under the approved logos for their uniforms. The Assistant Director has final
authority as it relates to all club uniform procedure.
An equipment inventory form for each Club is kept on file in the Club Sport office. The
Club Sport staff will monitor the equipment inventory list. The Club representative is
expected to conduct a thorough, hands-on inventory and complete the inventory form at the
end of each spring semester. This includes jerseys, balls, pads, boats, and motors, etc.
Laundry Services
There is no mechanism for club laundry to be done. All clubs are responsible for laundering
their uniforms.
The Club Sport staff will assist Clubs with their travel plans. Club members must receive
approval prior to departure and have sufficient funds to cover travel expenses prior to the
trip. All clubs must make travel arrangements through the Club Sports Office. Clubs
failing to make travel arrangements through the Club Sports Office will not be allowed to
use University funds for the trip along disciplinary action being taken. Club Sports will be
using DSE Event Center to plan trips, an online travel platform. The platform will provide
all necessary documentation for travel online.
The Club Sport staff must approve all travel whether or not the Club intends to use
University funds.
Travel Roster/Itinerary Forms
Travel Roster/Itinerary Forms for any trip must be completed and filed in the Club Sport
Office 48 hours prior to departure or on the Thursday prior to departure for weekend trips,
whichever is earlier. If this form is not on file, the Club will not be eligible to receive
University funding for the trip and sanctions may be taken against the Club.
Alcoholic Beverages/Illegal Substances
The transportation and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages or illegal substances
are prohibited while traveling on University-sponsored Club Sport trips. Failure to
abide by this policy will jeopardize the Club’s sponsorship status. Students found in
violation of this policy will be subject to university disciplinary action through the
department of Public Safety, Student Conduct & Conflict Services, and the Dean of
To receive reimbursement for travel from the Clubs account, original receipts must be
submitted to the Club Sport Office upon return. An original receipt is one on the
companys letterhead with the correct date clearly indicated and the billing amount itemized
and clearly stated.
Upon return, the Club representative will fill out the appropriate paper work for members to
be reimbursed. For reimbursements to be valid charges must be $20 or larger. These
procedures can be found in the Purchases section. Disbursement requests generally take
between 14 and 21 days.
Methods of Travel
Rental Vehicles
The Athletic Department has a special agreement with Enterprise Car Rental to provide a
discount for any department rentals. In order to rent a vehicle for Club use, the Club must
provide the following details submitted in writing by e-mail to the Director at least a week
prior to travel. The information needed will be the date and time of departure, number of
vehicles, type of vehicles, driver names and ages, and date of return.
Zipcar Vehicles
The Athletics Department has a special agreement with Zipcar to provide car rentals as
necessary for Club Sports activity. Outlined below are instructions and guidelines provided
by Zipcar to start an account and use their service.
Need access to a Athletics and Recreation Zipcar?
Simply go to http://members.zipcar.com/auathleticsandrecreation and sign up. If you
experience any issues with the link you can go to www.zipcar.com/business and search for
the account by the name of “American University Campus Transportation Athletics and
Recreation”. While signing up you will need to enter your contact and driver’s license info.
**Before entering the link above, enter www.zipcar.com/reset to ensure there are no carry-
overs from prior attempted applications/account searches.
Cards and accounts will not work until authorized by the Assistant Director.
If you already have a Zipcar account
If you do, either through the AU student discount or elsewhere, simply email
[email protected], or call 1-866-4ZIPCAR and asked to be added to the AU
Athletics & Recreation account as well. If you already have an account you’ll have to
choose which account to bill to whenever you make a reservation as well, so pay close
attention to whether you’re billing to the Athletics & Recreation or your personal account.
This option will appear at the beginning of the reservation process in a drop-down menu.
How do I get my Zipcard?
At the end of the application process it will ask you how you want to receive your card,
please select the option which reads something to the effect of “Pick up at the Zipcar
office” Don’t worry, you won’t have to, they will actually be waiting for you at the AU
Athletics and Recreation dept.
Where to reserve a car from?
The vehicles that appear from “Asbury Hall” are set aside for the exclusive use of
American University Departments’ use, always attempt to reserve here before elsewhere. If
none are available there, you’re free to reserve any others that are convenient.
Before your reserve…
When you make reservations under the Athletics and Recreation account, you will have to
enter the purpose of your reservation in the Memo-field provided, this is to track usage of
the vehicles. You will enter your club name, followed by the purpose of the usage.
Example: “Women’s Crew Club – Practice”
How do I use Zipcar?
To make sure you know how it all works and zips, review the simple rules (below) and
watch the How-To video for Zipcar on this FAQs webpage http://www.zipcar.com/how
These two steps are required before you can start using Zipcar.
**Rules from Zipcar**
1. Returning on time- Our #1 complaint. Be sure to leave yourself enough time to
make it back to the home location, especially during rush hour. You can extended
your reservation through text (highly recommend using the txt alerts, go to My
Stuff>My Account>Contact Me to set your txt alerts), zipcar app (for iPhone or
android), or at 866.4ZIPCAR (866.494.7227).
2. Keeping the car clean and damage free- No one wants a dirty or damaged car, so be
sure to drive cautiously and remove all trash after your reservation is complete. If
you find a dirty or damaged car, call 866.4ZIPCAR to report it.
3. Maintaining a ¼ tank of gas- Our cars do a lot of driving, reward them with some
gas before your reservation ends. To avoid charges, be sure to leave no less than 1/4
tank. If you begin with less than this amount call us at 866.4ZIPCAR.
4. No Smoking- All smoking should be done outside of the vehicle. No exceptions! If
you find a vehicle that you believe has been smoked in, call us at 866.4ZIPCAR.
5. Pet carriers- Pets are welcomed to zip with you just so long as they are crated. If
you find a vehicle that you believe had a pet that was not in the crate, call us at
Personal Vehicle
If a Club wishes to travel by vehicle (personal or rental) the following requirements must be
1. Each driver must have a copy of their drivers license and automobile insurance on
file with the Club Sports office prior to travel.
2. Each driver must be certified through the Risk Management certification program.
The following safety policies must be followed when traveling by vehicle:
3. All travelers MUST wear seat belts or other approved safety restraint devices
required by law while the vehicle is in operation.
4. Passengers should help keep drivers alert and watch for signs of drowsiness.
5. Drivers must adhere to the posted speed limits, and must obey all traffic laws and
6. A designated club member will serve as the navigator. The navigator will sit in the
front passenger seat and will remain awake throughout his/her duty as navigator.
7. Drivers are forbidden from using a cellular phone for any purpose while operating
8. Drivers are responsible for determining that no objects in the vehicle obstruct rear or
side views.
9. Driving between the hours of 12:00 a.m. (midnight) and 6:00 a.m. is strongly
discouraged except in an emergency situation.
10. The following regulations concerning the balance of driving, sleeping, and breaks
should be followed:
a. For every 4 hours of driving, drivers must take a 20 minute break.
b. For every 12 hours of driving, drivers must take a least a 4-hour rest period.
c. Alternate drivers must be provided, on file, and certified for trips expected to
take more than eight hours.
Airline Tickets
The Director of Intramural and Club Sports will aid Clubs in securing airline tickets for
travel. Clubs wishing to travel by air must begin the process at least twelve weeks prior to
Charter Bus
The Athletic Department has a special agreement with Scenic America Bus Company to
provide a discounted rate for bus rentals associated with the Athletic Department. Buses
are available in 31, 48, and 57 passenger capacities. In order to secure a bus for Club use,
the Club must submit in writing the following details to the Director at least 8 weeks prior
to travel. The information needed will be the size of bus, date and time of departure,
destination, and date and time of return. The fee for the bus includes all costs except
gratuity for the driver.
Driver’s Information
All drivers requesting to drive for any club sports activity must submit the following to the
Club Sports
1. Copy of valid driver’s license
2. Complete a Driver’s Privileges form
3. Complete a Motor Vehicle Record Verification Disclosure form
When staying in hotels/motels, clubs are expected to accommodate four (4) to a room.
Exceptions: when male/female ratios make this impossible or when coaches travel with the
Club, they may have a separate room.
Clubs will not be reimbursed for team dinners while traveling. Participants must be
prepared to incur the cost of food while traveling with the club. Items directly related to
athletic competition (sports drinks, protein bars, water, etc.) do not apply to this policy.
All promotional materials (including entry forms) require the approval of the Club
Sports office prior to printing and duplication. Club social events are not sponsored by
Recreational Sports and Fitness and must not be advertised as part of the official activities.
All approved promotional materials must include the approved stamp.
Web Pages
All Clubs MUST maintain a Club website. The following is the minimum expectation for
information on the website:
1. Must be updated by the first week of each semester.
2. Must provide representatives contact name and e-mail for prospective members.
3. Must give an overview of the Club and its activities.
4. Must provide the current practice schedule with location and times.
Must provide the current competition schedule with location and time (if
Must have a statement on the front page stating the Club sponsored by the
of Athletics and Recreation at American University and provide a link
to www.american.edu/recfit or the Recreational Sports and Fitness logo that links to
the site.
If there are pictures on the website, they must be relative to the sport or activity of the club.
DO NOT post pictures of parties or social occasions.
Posting Fliers, Posters, and Publicity Materials in Jacobs Fitness Center
Limited bulletin board space is available in Jacobs Fitness Center to display Club posters,
pictures, flyers, and other information. Check with the Club Sport staff for permission to
have materials posted in the facility.
Posting Fliers, Posters, and Publicity Materials on Campus
For posting materials on campus the following guidelines must be followed:
All Club posters, pictures, flyers, and other information must be approved by the Club
Sport Staff prior to duplication and posting.
All items are to be posted only on bulletin boards. Materials may not be posted on a
bulletin board administered by a department unless approved by that department.
All posted material must specify in English the date, time, and location of the event as
well as the name of the Club.
Posted material should not cover any publicity posted for other events. However,
outdated information may be removed to make space for current information.
Posted materials are to be affixed with tacks or staples.
Posted materials may not advertise alcohol, drugs, gambling, or anything else that
would be in violation of University policies, either through language or artwork.
The Club is responsible for taking down all posted material upon completion of its
For more information about posting on campus contact Student Activities in the Mary
Graydon Center 271 or 202-885-3390. For information on posting in Residence Halls
contact Housing and Dining Services, Anderson 1
Floor 202-885-3370.