Headquarters United States Forces Korea
United States Forces Korea Regulation 40-6
Unit #15237
APO AP 96291-5237
28 January 2020
Medical Services
*This regulation supersedes USFK Regulation 40-6 dated 22 June 2017 and incorporates
USFK Policy Letter #10 for Elective Use of Filtering Masks by Service Members in Uniform
Major General, USAF
Chief of Staff
Chief, Publications and
Records Management
Summary. This regulation updates policies, responsibilities, and procedures pertaining to poor air
quality caused by high levels of outdoor air pollutants regulated by United States (U.S.) and
Republic of Korea (ROK) environmental authorities. Poor air quality impacts readiness, force
health protection, and the health and wellness of our Service Members, Families, and civilian
employees. Poor air quality is defined as an Air Quality Index (AQI)>100 for Sensitive Groups and
an AQI>150 for the general public, including Service Members. At these cut-offs, personnel should
modify outdoor activity. Military personnel are authorized to wear a particulate filtering mask while
outdoors in uniform when the AQI is reported as Orange (101-150) or higher.
Summary of Change. This is a major revision to more than 80% of the regulation and a full
review is required.
1. Describes outdoor air pollutants that are regulated to protect human health and
welfare, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Air Quality Index (AQI)
which is used to communicate levels of air pollution and health implications to the public.
2. Adds references and internet links for the AQI.
3. Describes the AQI color codes, air pollutant levels, health impact thresholds, and outdoor
activity guidance.
4. Details responsibilities of Service Components and USFK supporting activities.
5. Updates references.
6. Updates USFK Air Quality Index Guide to Outdoor Activities, and Particle Pollution and
Ozone Information Cards.
7. Makes changes to the glossary.
8. Makes administrative revisions (throughout).
Applicability. This regulation applies to the following:
a. Active duty U.S. Armed Forces personnel who are assigned to USFK or who are within the
ROK while on temporary duty or assigned to rotational forces.
b. Family members who are covered under the Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA).
c. Reserve personnel who are performing annual or other training in the ROK.
d. National Guard personnel who are performing training in a Federal status in the ROK.
e. All U.S. civilian employees of the Department of Defense (DOD), Non-Appropriated Fund
Instrumentalities (NAFI) supporting USFK, DOD Invited Contractors, Technical Representatives,
and their family members who are subject to the SOFA.
f. ROK DOD civilian employees.
Supplementation. Further supplements to this regulation by subordinate commands are
prohibited unless prior approval is obtained from Headquarters (HQ) USFK, Forces Korea Surgeon
(FKSG), Unit #15237, APO AP 96205-5237.
Forms. USFK forms are available at www.usfk.mil.
Records Management. Records created as a result of processes prescribed by this regulation
must be identified, maintained, and disposed of according to governing service regulations.
Record titles and descriptions are available on the Army Records Information Management System
website at: https://www.arims.army.mil.
Suggested Improvements. The proponent of this regulation is the Command Surgeon, USFK
(FKSG). Users are invited to send comments and suggested improvements on DA Form 2028
(Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms) to HQ USFK (FKSG), Unit #15237,
APO, AP 96205-5237.
Distribution. Electronic Media Only (EMO).
1. Purpose
2. References
3. Explanation of Abbreviations and Terms
4. Background
5. Policy
6. Responsibilities
A. References
B. USFK Air Quality Index Guide to Outdoor Activities
C. Metabolic Equivalent of Tasks (METs) for Various Activities
D. Air Quality Particle Pollution Information Card
E. Air Quality Ozone Information Card
USFK REG 40-6, 28 January 2020
1. Purpose. To prescribe policies and establish responsibilities and procedures pertaining to poor
outdoor air quality due to high concentrations of air pollutants regulated by U.S. and ROK
environmental authorities. Poor air quality is defined as an Air Quality Index (AQI)>100 for
Sensitive Groups and an AQI>150 for the general public, including Service Members. These
measures include directions for behavior modification during periods of poor air quality in order to
safeguard the health and welfare of USFK personnel and their families and to ensure unit
2. References. Required and related publications are listed in Appendix A.
3. Explanation of Abbreviations and Terms. Abbreviations and terms used in this regulation
are explained in the glossary.
4. Background
a. The U.S. EPA has established standards for six types of air pollution to protect human health
and welfare. These pollutants include: ground-level ozone (O
), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen
dioxide (NO
), sulfur dioxide (SO
), particulate matter (PM) comprised of fine particles known as
and larger particles known as PM
, and lead. The EPA translates those pollutants into the
AQI which is an index for reporting daily air quality. It tells how clean or polluted the air is, and
what associated health effects might be a concern, especially for ground-level ozone and particle
pollution. AQI values below 100 are generally thought of as satisfactory. When AQI values are
above 100, air quality is considered to be unhealthy at first for certain sensitive groups of people,
then for everyone as AQI values increase. The AQI score published for a locality reflects the level
of the dominant pollutant in that area.
b. Depending on the season and environmental conditions, the dominant air pollutants in the
ROK are PM2.5 and ground level O
. In ROK, PM
originates from manmade sources in East Asia
and the ROK including industry, vehicles, power generation, and waste management as well as
seasonal release of PM from deserts in central Asia known as “Yellow Sand” or “Asian Dust”.
Ground-level O
results from the interaction of combustion exhaust gases and atmospheric oxygen
in the presence of sunlight. AQI in the ROK is often elevated from October through June with
peaks in late winter and early spring due primarily to PM2.5. According to the Army Public Health
Center’s 2018 Health of the Force report, air pollution levels near U.S. bases in the ROK exceeded
EPA air quality standards (AQI>100) approximately 100 days per year between 2015-2017. The
majority of these poor air quality days were due to high levels of PM2.5, although ground level O
and PM10 contributed to a lesser extent.
c. Current scientific evidence identifies elevated PM as a contributor to heart and lung disease
including heart attack, heart failure, stroke, asthma, and other respiratory symptoms. The EPA
defines Sensitive Groups as people with heart or lung disease, older adults (who may have
undiagnosed heart or lung disease), and children. Sensitive Groups may experience worsening of
pre-existing health conditions or may be at risk for development or progression of health
conditions. Unless previously diagnosed by a medical provider, Service Members generally do not
belong to a Sensitive Group and are considered members of the general public for purposes of
AQI activity recommendations. Members of the general public may or may not experience
symptoms due to elevated PM depending on their individual health status and the magnitude and
duration of exposure to elevated PM.
d. The EPA directs personal awareness and behavior modification when the AQI score is
greater than 100. The two most effective methods to decrease exposure to outdoor air pollution
are: 1) limit the duration of time spent outdoors; and 2) decrease the intensity of outdoor activities.
USFK REG 40-6, 28 January 2020
Sensitive Groups should modify outdoor activity when the AQI>100. The general public should
modify outdoor activity when the AQI>150. For the purpose of managing population health, the
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services characterizes the energy needed to conduct
physical activity in units known as Metabolic Equivalent of Tasks (METs). Light-intensity physical
activities (such as walking 2 miles per hour) require less than 3.0 METs of energy. Moderate-
intensity physical activities (such as walking 3 miles per hour) require 3.0-6.0 METs of energy.
Vigorous-intensity physical activities (such as running a 10-minute mile) require greater than 6.0
METs of energy. When activity modification is recommended due to the AQI, outdoor physical
activity should be limited to light- or moderate-intensity activities, or a combination of activities and
rest periods that require no more than 6.0 METs. A list of common physical activities and military
duties with corresponding MET levels are shown in Appendix C.
e. The U.S. EPA makes no recommendation regarding the use of filtering masks in elevated
PM environments, but states that individuals who are outside for extended periods in smoky
environments (like those resulting from wildfires) may benefit from wearing an N95 respirator
(mask). When sized and worn according to manufacturer’s guidelines, an N95 mask may be
effective at blocking 95% of PM2.5 particles, but may also restrict airflow and increase the labor
necessary to breathe. N95 masks provide no protection against gaseous forms of air pollution
(e.g., O
, CO, NO
, and SO
5. Policy.
a. USFK commanders, administrators, and leaders will monitor the AQI in order to take
appropriate measures to protect personnel from poor air quality. The World Air Quality Index
website (http://aqicn.org/map/southkorea/) is the official source for AQI information for this policy.
Commanders will employ risk management principles to mitigate the dangers caused by poor air
quality levels. Individuals who experience physical symptoms such as coughing, chest pain,
shortness of breath, fatigue, palpitations, or other related symptoms while exposed to poor air
quality environments should seek immediate medical attention.
b. The USFK Air Quality Index Guide to Outdoor Activity is found in Appendix B. USFK
Commands and Service Members will follow recommendations for behavior modification in
elevated AQI environments for non-mission critical activities. All USFK personnel and their families
should abide by the following restrictions for outdoor activities:
(1) Good. AQI is Green (0-50). No limitations to outdoor activities.
(2) Moderate. AQI is Yellow (51-100).
(a) General Public and Military Non-Mission Critical Activities: No limitations.
(b) Sensitive Groups: Individuals who are unusually sensitive to poor air quality should
consider reducing prolonged or heavy exertion and monitor themselves for
symptoms such as coughing or shortness of breath.
(c) Schools (DODEA), Child Development Centers (CDC), and Child and Youth
Services (CYS):
1. Recess and Other Outdoor Activities: No limitations.
2. Physical Education (PE) Class: Monitor sensitive individuals and limit their
vigorous activities.
USFK REG 40-6, 28 January 2020
3. Athletic Practice and Training: Monitor sensitive individuals and limit their
vigorous activities.
4. Scheduled Athletic Event: Monitor sensitive individuals and limit their vigorous
(3) Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups. AQI is Orange (101-150).
(a) General Public and Military Non-Mission Critical Activities: No limitations.
(b) Sensitive Groups: Reduce prolonged or heavy exertion. Take more breaks and
reduce intensity of activities. Watch for symptoms such as coughing, chest pain, or
difficulty breathing. Follow individual treatment care plan.
(c) DODEA, CDC, and CYS:
1. Recess and Other Outdoor Activities less than 30 minutes: It's OK to be active
outside for short periods. Watch for symptoms such as coughing, chest pain, or
difficulty breathing. Monitor students with chronic medical conditions and follow
treatment care plans.
2. PE Class: It's OK to be active outside for short periods. Watch for symptoms
such as coughing, chest pain, or difficulty breathing. Monitor students with
chronic medical conditions and follow treatment care plans.
3. Athletic Practice and Training: Take more breaks and reduce intensity of
activities. Watch for symptoms such as coughing, chest pain, or difficulty
breathing. Monitor individuals with chronic medical conditions and follow
treatment care plans.
4. Scheduled Athletic Event: Increase rest periods and substitutions for all
participants to lower breathing rates. Watch for symptoms such as coughing,
chest pain, or difficulty breathing. Monitor individuals with chronic medical
conditions and follow treatment care plans.
(4) Unhealthy. AQI is Red (151-200).
(a) General Public and Military Non-Mission Critical Activities: Reduce prolonged or
heavy exertion. Take more breaks and reduce intensity of outdoor activities.
(b) Sensitive Groups: Avoid prolonged or heavy exertion. Consider moving activities
indoors or rescheduling.
(c) DODEA, CDC, and CYS:
1. Recess and Other Outdoor Activities: Keep all students indoors.
2. PE Class: Conduct PE indoors in an environment with good air quality.
3. Athletic Practice and Training: Conduct practice and training indoors in an
environment with good air quality.
USFK REG 40-6, 28 January 2020
4. Scheduled Athletic Event: Consider rescheduling event. If outdoor event is
held, have emergency medical support immediately available. Increase rest
periods and substitutions for all participants to lower breathing rates. Monitor
individuals with chronic medical conditions and follow treatment care plans.
(5) Very Unhealthy. AQI is Purple (201-300).
(a) General Public and Military Non-Mission Critical Activities: Avoid prolonged or
heavy exertion. Consider moving activities indoors or rescheduling.
(b) Sensitive Groups: Avoid all physical activity outdoors. Move activities indoors or
(c) DODEA, CDC, and CYS:
1. Recess and Other Outdoor Activities: Keep all students indoors.
2. PE Class: Conduct PE indoors in an environment with good air quality.
3. Athletic Practice and Training: Conduct practice and training indoors in an
environment with good air quality.
4. Scheduled Athletic Event: Reschedule event.
(6) Hazardous. AQI is Maroon (301-500).
(a) General Public and Military Non-Mission Critical Activities: Avoid all physical activity
outdoors. Move activities indoors or reschedule.
(b) Sensitive Groups: Avoid all physical activity outdoors.
(c) DODEA, CDC, and CYS:
1. Recess and Other Outdoor Activities: Keep all students indoors.
2. PE Class: Conduct PE indoors in an environment with good air quality.
3. Athletic Practice and Training: Conduct practice and training indoors in an
environment with good air quality.
4. Scheduled Sporting Event: Reschedule event.
c. Military Physical Training (PT). Regular PT is critical to the health, fitness, readiness, and
well-being of Service Members, and to the readiness, mission, and esprit d ’corps of military units.
Commanders are responsible for the safety, well-being, and readiness of their units and the
Service Members who serve within them. For the purposes of this policy, PT is considered a non-
mission critical activity. When air quality is Unhealthy (AQI>150), Commanders and unit leaders
should adjust the timing, location, intensity, duration, and type of PT to mitigate the health threat of
poor air quality with an emphasis to perform PT indoors if possible. When outdoor activity
modification is recommended, outdoor exercise intensity should be limited to light- or moderate-
USFK REG 40-6, 28 January 2020
intensity activities or a combination of activities and rest periods that require no more than 6.0
METs as outlined in Appendix C.
d. Military Physical Fitness Test (PFT). The PFT is a critical measure of an individual Service
Member’s physical fitness and a unit’s PT program and requires the Service Member’s maximal
performance. While the PFT is a semi-annual training requirement for Service Members, it is
considered a non-mission critical activity for the purpose of this policy. Prolonged or heavy
exertion in poor air quality environments may be hazardous to a Service Members health or may
lead to suboptimal performance in the PFT. The PFT should not be conducted outdoors if the AQI
is reported as Red (151-200) or higher. Commanders should reschedule the PFT to periods of
better air quality unless exceptional circumstances exist or perform the test indoors.
e. Elective Use of Filtering Masks by Service Members in Uniform during Elevated PM Air
Pollution Levels:
(1) Policy. As an adjunct to behavior modification and to allow Service Members maximal
control over their personal health and wellness, military personnel are authorized to wear a
particulate filtering mask while outdoors in uniform when the AQI is reported as Orange (101-150)
or higher for PM. Elective wear of masks indoors is not authorized. Military personnel may monitor
local AQI via the World Air Quality Index website (http://aqicn.org/map/southkorea/) and may elect
to wear masks when the AQI>100 in the vicinity closest to their location. Members with medical
conditions worsened by exposure to PM may wear a mask in uniform during periods when AQI is
less than Orange (101-150) and indoors with an approved medical exemption from their provider.
(2) Authorized Masks. National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)-
approved masks with filtration ratings of N-95 or higher are authorized for elective wear in uniform.
Masks certified by the Korean Ministry of Food and Drug Safety with filtration ratings of KF-94 or
higher are also authorized. Masks must be solid black and must cover both mouth and nose at all
times during wear, but may not cover ears or eyes. Military personnel electing to wear masks
during elevated PM events must follow all manufacturer instructions for proper wear and
maintenance of their masks. Masks must be removed when entering security checkpoints for
identity verification purposes.
(3) Unit Procurement and Issuance of N95 Masks for Elective Wear. Units are not
authorized to issue masks for elective wear to Service Members, and may not use operational
funds to procure masks for elective wear.
f. Mission Essential Operations in Poor Air Quality Environments. When a task essential to a
military mission must be executed in an Unhealthy (AQI>150) air quality environment,
Commanders should implement mitigation strategies to limit exposure to the poor air quality
environment in accordance with Appendix B, including modification of work location (e.g. indoors),
activity intensity/duration, work-rest cycles, or use of a N-95 filtering face piece in accordance with
Service Respiratory Protection program requirements.
6. Responsibilities
a. USFK Service Component Commanders:
(1) Publish and enforce procedures and guidance that ensure all personnel assigned or
attached to their command understand and comply with this regulation.
USFK REG 40-6, 28 January 2020
(2) Ensure commanders and leaders at all levels implement appropriate measures as
established in Appendix B of this regulation to mitigate the health effects of poor air quality on
personnel in their commands.
(3) Monitor AQI conditions and forecasts daily, or more frequently as needed, via the World
Air Quality Index website (http://aqicn.org/map/southkorea/) in order to follow guidance of USFK
Air Quality Index Guide to Outdoor Activities in Appendix B, and to implement modified activities
as described in this regulation.
(4) Include air quality activity restrictions in Risk Management, Health Promotion, and
Injury Prevention Plans in order to reduce the negative health effects caused by exposure to poor
air quality and ensure unit readiness.
(5) Ensure unit personnel at all levels and their families are aware of the negative health
effects caused by exposure to poor air quality, the measures that can be taken to reduce exposure,
and the need to adhere to the appropriate activity restrictions.
b. Installation Commanders:
(1) During poor (AQI>100) air quality events, actively publicize mitigation recommendations
to communities on appropriate command information networks in order to increase USFK
personnel and families’ awareness per Appendix B.
(2) Assess policies, procedures, risks, and benefits regarding filter exchanges in air
handling systems in government living quarters and office spaces in anticipation of seasonal
increase in outdoor PM levels.
(3) Ensure DODEA schools, Child Development Centers, and Child and Youth Services
monitor the local AQI and follow mitigation recommendations pertaining to outdoor activities in
accordance with this regulation.
c. USFK J33: Publish daily AQI and forecasts through established command information
networks in a timely manner.
d. USFK PAO and Safety Office: Publicize safety tips and air quality alert warnings on
appropriate command information networks and USFK websites during periods of poor air quality
to increase USFK personnel and families’ awareness.
e. Commander, Armed Forces Network (AFN)-Korea: Utilize appropriate media platforms to
disseminate safety tips and poor air quality alert warnings and forecast notices in a timely manner.
f. Superintendent of DODEA Pacific-West and Coordinators of USFK CDC and CYS:
(1) Establish systems and procedures to monitor poor air quality forecasts and alerts and
modify activities accordingly.
(2) Identify high-risk individuals and implement activity restriction recommendations in
accordance with Appendix B.
g. USFK Command Surgeon: Serve as the USFK Air Quality Policy regulation proponent on
individual and unit health awareness sharing activity restriction recommendations, protective
procedures, and policy matters.
USFK REG 40-6, 28 January 2020
Appendix A
Section I. Required Publications
AFH 10-222 VOL 4, Environmental Conditions for Overseas Contingency Operations.
AFPD 90-8, Environment, Safety, and Occupational Health Management and Risk Management.
AR 11-34, The Army Respiratory Protection Program.
AR 200-1, Environmental Protection and Enhancement.
FM 3-3.45/MCRP 4-11B, Environmental Considerations.
DOD Directive 4715.1E, Environment, Safety and Occupational Health.
DOD Directive 6200. 04, Force Health Protection.
DOD Directive 6490.02E, Comprehensive Health Surveillance.
DOD Instruction 1010.10, Health Promotion and Disease Prevention.
OPNAV M-5090.1, Environmental Readiness Program Manual.
Section II. Related Publications
U.S. Army Public Health Center, 2018. 2018 Health of the Force,
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2018. Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans,
2nd edition. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2014. Air Quality Index: A Guide to Air Quality and
Your Health, EPA-456/F-14-002, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Outreach and
Information Division, Research Triangle Park, NC.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2015. Air Quality Guide for Particle Pollution, EPA-456/F-
15-005, Office of Air Quality and Radiation. [https://www3.epa.gov/airnow/air-quality-
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2015. Air Quality Guide for Ozone, EPA-456/F-15-006,
Office of Air Quality and Radiation. [https://www3.epa.gov/airnow/ozone/air-quality-
DOD Instruction 6055.01, DOD Safety and Occupational Health Program.
DOD Instruction 6055.05, Occupational and Environmental Health.
The 2011 Compendium of Physical Activities.
USFK REG 40-6, 28 January 2020
Appendix B: USFK Air Quality Index Guide to Outdoor Activities
Recess and Other
Outdoor Activities
(typically <30 minutes)
Physical Education (P.E.)
(typically <1 hour)
Athletic Practice
and Training
(typically <4 hours)
Scheduled Athletic Event
(typically <4 hours)
Unusually Sensitive
Consider reducing
prolonged or heavy
Watch for symptoms
such as coughing or
shortness of breath.
Monitor sensitive
individuals and limit their
vigorous activities.
Monitor sensitive
individuals and limit their
vigorous activities.
Monitor sensitive individuals
and limit their vigorous
No limitations
Reduce prolonged or
heavy exertion.
Take more breaks and
reduce intensity of
activities. Watch for
symptoms such as
coughing, chest pain,
or difficulty breathing.
Follow individual
treatment care plan.
It's OK to be active
outside for short periods.
Watch for symptoms
such as coughing, chest
pain, or difficulty
Monitor students with
chronic medical
conditions and follow
treatment care plans.
It's OK to be active
outside for short periods.
Watch for symptoms
such as coughing, chest
pain, or difficulty
Monitor students with
chronic medical
conditions and follow
treatment care plans.
Take more breaks and
reduce intensity of
Watch for symptoms such
as coughing, chest pain,
or difficulty breathing.
Monitor individuals with
chronic medical
conditions and follow
treatment care plans.
Increase rest periods and
substitutions for all
participants to lower
breathing rates.
Watch for symptoms such as
coughing, chest pain, or
difficulty breathing.
Monitor individuals with
chronic medical conditions &
follow treatment care plans.
Reduce prolonged or
heavy exertion.
Take more breaks and
reduce intensity of
outdoor activities.
Avoid prolonged or
heavy exertion.
Consider moving
activities indoors or
Keep all students
Conduct P.E. indoors in an
environment with good
air quality.
Conduct practice and
training indoors in an
environment with good air
Consider rescheduling event.
If outdoor event is held, have
emergency medical support
immediately available.
Increase rest periods and
substitutions for all
participants to lower
breathing rates. Monitor
individuals with chronic
medical conditions and follow
treatment care plans.
Avoid all physical
activity outdoors.
Move activities
indoors or reschedule.
Avoid all physical
activity outdoors.
Keep all students
Conduct P.E. indoors in an
environment with
good air quality.
Conduct practice and
training indoors in an
environment with good air
Reschedule event.
***Sensitive Groups include people with heart or lung disease, older adults (who may have undiagnosed heart or lung disease), and children.
No limitations to outdoor activies. It's a great day to be active outside!
Schools, Child Development Centers, and Child and Youth Services
Recommended Behavioral Guidelines and Activity Modifications
General Public and
Military Non-Mission
Critical Activities
Sensitive Groups***
Conduct P.E. indoors in an
environment with
good air quality.
Conduct practice and
training indoors in an
environment with good air
Reschedule event.
Avoid prolonged or
heavy exertion.
Consider moving
activities indoors or
Avoid all physical
activity outdoors.
Move activities indoors
or reschedule.
Keep all students
USFK REG 40-6, 28 January 2020
Appendix C
Metabolic Equivalent of Tasks (METs) for Various Activities
( annotates activities < 6.0 METs)
USFK REG 40-6, 28 January 2020
Appendix D
Air Quality Particle Pollution Information Card
USFK REG 40-6, 28 January 2020
Appendix E Air Quality Ozone Information Card
USFK REG 40-6, 28 January 2020
Section I. Abbreviations
AFH Army Family Housing
AFN Armed Forces Network
AFPD Air Force Policy Directive
AQI Air Quality Index
AR Army Regulation
CAI Comprehensive Air-quality Index
CDC Child Development Centers
CO carbon monoxide
CYS Child and Youth Services
FKSG Office of the Command Surgeon
DOD Department of Defense
DODEA Department of Defense Education Activity
EMO Electronic Media Only
EPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FM Field Manual
HQ Headquarters
MET Metabolic Equivalent of Task
NAFI Non-Appropriated Fund Instrumentality
NIOSH National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
nitrogen dioxide
OPNAV Office of the Chief of Naval Operations
PAO Public Affairs Office
PE Physical Education
USFK REG 40-6, 28 January 2020
PFT Physical Fitness Test
PM particulate matter
PM with an aerodynamic diameter ≤ 2.5 micrometers
PM with an aerodynamic diameter 10 micrometers
PT Physical Training
ROK Republic of Korea
SOFA Status of Forces Agreement
sulfur dioxide
U.S. United States
USAF United States Air Force
USFK United States Forces, Korea
USFK REG 40-6, 28 January 2020
Section II. Terms
Air Quality Index (AQI). The AQI is an index for reporting daily air quality. It communicates how
clean or unhealthy the outdoor air is, and what associated health effects might be a concern. The
AQI focuses on health effects experienced within a few hours or days after breathing unhealthy air.
The AQI is calculated for air pollutants regulated by the Clean Air Act including ground-level ozone,
particle pollution, carbon monoxide, and sulfur dioxide. For each of these pollutants, EPA has
established national air quality standards to protect public health and welfare.
Carbon Monoxide (CO). Carbon monoxide is an odorless, colorless gas. It forms when the carbon
in fuels does not completely burn. Vehicle exhaust contributes roughly 75 percent of all carbon
monoxide emissions nationwide, and up to 95 percent in cities. Other sources include fuel
combustion in industrial processes and natural sources such as wildfires.
Metabolic equivalent of task (MET). An MET refers to the energy expenditure required to carry
out a specific activity, and 1 MET is the rate of energy expenditure while sitting at rest. This
generally corresponds to an oxygen uptake of 3.5 milliliters per kilogram of body weight per minute.
Physical activities frequently are classified by their intensity using the MET value as a reference.
Nitrogen Dioxide (NO
). NO
forms from ground-level emissions related to the burning of fossil
fuels from vehicles, power plants, industrial sources, and off-road equipment, such as
construction vehicles and lawn and garden equipment. In addition to contributing to ground-level
ozone formation, NO
is linked with a number of adverse effects on the respiratory system. NO
reacts with ammonia, moisture, and other compounds to form small particles.
Ozone (O
). Ozone is a colorless gas that can be good or bad, depending on where it is. Ozone in
the stratosphere is good because it shields the earth from the sun’s ultraviolet rays. Ozone at
ground level, where we breathe, is bad because it can harm human health.
Particle Pollution. Particle pollution (also known as particulate matter) comes from many different
sources. Fine particles (2.5 micrometers in diameter and smaller) come from power plants,
industrial processes, vehicle tailpipes, woodstoves, and wildfires. Coarse particles (between 2.5
and 10 micrometers) come from crushing and grinding operations, road dust, sand, and some
agricultural operations.
Poor Air Quality. Poor air quality is defined as an Air Quality Index (AQI)>100 for Sensitive
Groups and an AQI>150 for the general public, including Service Members. Awareness and
behavior modification begin when the AQI score is greater than 100.
SOFA Status Personnel. The categories of those persons, defined in Articles I and XV of the
SOFA, provided status and protection under the SOFA. For purposes of this regulation, it includes
those members of the United States armed forces, civilian persons of United States nationality who
are in the employment of, serving with, or accompanying the United States armed forces in the
Republic of Korea, and their dependents; and properly designated invited contractors and their
approved employees and dependents whose presence in Korea (and by default whose travel to
Korea) is solely attributed to the performance of contracts with or for the U.S. armed forces in
Korea, and qualify for status and protection under the SOFA.
Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA). The international agreement between the U.S. of America
and the Republic of Korea envisaged by Article IV of the U.S.-ROK Mutual Defense Treaty.
USFK REG 40-6, 28 January 2020
Sulfur Dioxide (SO
). Sulfur dioxide, a colorless, reactive gas, is produced when sulfur-containing
fuels such as coal and oil are burned. Generally, the highest levels of sulfur dioxide are found near
large industrial complexes. Major sources include power plants, refineries, and industrial boilers.
Yellow Sand/Asian Dust. A seasonal meteorological phenomenon which affects much of East
Asia periodically during the springtime months. This occurrence starts with a dust storm that
originates in the deserts of Mongolia and Northern China and moves/appears as a distinct yellow
cloud across the Korean peninsula.