published: 16 February 2021
doi: 10.3389/fmed.2021.622225
Frontiers in Medicine | 1 February 2021 | Volume 8 | Article 622225
Edited by:
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Reviewed by:
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Retired, Italy
Jose Inciarte-Mundo,
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Isabelle Ayoub
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Frontiers in Medicine
Received: 28 October 2020
Accepted: 20 January 2021
Published: 16 February 2021
Mejía-Vilet JM and Ayoub I (2021) The
Use of Glucocorticoids in Lupus
Nephritis: New Pathways for an Old
Drug. Front. Med. 8:622225.
doi: 10.3389/fmed.2021.622225
The Use of Glucocorticoids in Lupus
Nephritis: New Pathways for an Old
Juan M. Mejía-Vilet
and Isabelle Ayoub
Department of Nephrology and Mineral Metabolism, Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Médicas y Nutrición Salvador Zubirán,
Mexico, Mexico,
Division of Nephrology, Department of Internal Medicine, The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center,
Columbus, OH, United States
Glucocorticoids therapy has greatly improved the outcome of lupus nephritis patients.
Since their discovery, their adverse effects have counterbalanced their beneficial
anti-inflammatory effects. Glucocorticoids exert their effects through both genomic
and non-genomic pathways. Differential activation of these pathways is clinicall y
relevant in terms of benefit and adverse effects. Ongoing aims in lupus nephritis
treatment development focus on a better use of glucocorticoids combined with
immunosuppressant drugs and biologics. Newer regimens aim to decrease the peak
glucocorticoid dose, allow a rapid glucocorticoid tapering, and intend to control disease
activity with a lower cumulative glucocorticoid exposure. In this review we discuss the
mechanisms, adverse effects and recent strategies to limit glucocorticoid exposure
without compromising treatment efficacy.
Keywords: glucocorticoids, lupus nephritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, prednisone, methylpredisolone,
steroids, adverse effect
Cortisone (“compound E” or 17-hydroxy-11-dehydrocorticosterone) was identified in the 1930’s
by Edward Kendall and Tadeusz Reichstein, and later purified and synthesized in the 1940’s.
Compound E had strong anti-inflammatory effects but also potent mineralocorticoid effects which
manifested as fluid retention, hypertension, and hypokalemia. Compound E was first applied
for treatment in 1948 by Philip Hench. At that time, a young woman with severe rheumatoid
arthritis would become the first pat ient treated with cortisone. The anti-inflammatory effects of
the cortisone were remarkable but so were the adverse effects (
1, 2).
Subsequently, other glucocorticoid (GC) preparations were developed for treating autoimmune
diseases, including systemic lupus eryt hematosus (SLE) (3). The use of these anti-inflammatory
steroids in lupus nephritis (LN) dramatically improved survival. For example, survival was 17%
at 5 years in the pre-glucocorticoid era, but 55% at 5 years after introduction of glucocorticoids
4, 5). The addition of immunosuppressive drugs to GC, and later on, the development of biologic
drugs, have transitioned LN management to one focused on improving kidney outcomes while
minimizing adverse events. In this review, we discuss the use of GCs from mechanisms, adverse
events to management of lupus nephritis, and current strategies to limit toxicity of these drugs.
Mejía-Vilet and Ayoub The Use of Glucocorticoids in Lupus Nephritis
Glucocorticoids are involved in regulatory processes throughout
the body, such as energy and lipid metabolism, and adaptation
to stress. Two of their most important effects are their strong
anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive effects, evident at
concentrations above the physiological glucocorticoid levels (6).
Glucocorticoids and synthetic glucocorticoids have two
mechanisms of action: the genomic and non-genomic
mechanisms (Figure 1) (7). Genomic mechanisms are activated
after GC, as lipophilic molecules, cross the cell membranes
and bind to the multiprotein complex of chaperones (e.g.,
Hsp40, Hsp56, Hsp70, and Hsp90), immunophilins that act as
co-chaperones (e.g., p23, FKBP51, FKBP52), and the intracellular
cytoplasmic glucocorticoid receptor (cGR). After binding and
subsequent dissociation from these proteins, the complex
GC-cGR translocates to the nucleus and binds to DNA binding
sites known as glucocorticoid response elements. The final result
is a decreased transcription of genes encoding inflammatory
cytokines (e.g., interleukin-6, i nterleukin-8, tumor necrosis
factor-a), a process known as transrepression; and an increased
transcription of anti-inflammatory genes (e.g., interleukin-10,
IκB, annexin A1), known as transactivation (
Genomic me chanisms are generally evident 30 min after
GC administration. By contrast, a second type of non-
genomic mechanisms produce effects within minutes after the
administration. These non-genomic effects are mediated through
changes in cellular membranes, inactivation of the phospholipase
A2 enzyme, and interaction with membrane glucocorticoid
receptors (mGR). Second messengers include kinases, such as the
p38 MAP kinase. The final effect is decreased lymphocyte activity
and proliferation (
Identification of genomic and non-genomic mechanisms
is clinically important due to the differential adverse effect
profile and differential activation exerted by currently used
glucocorticoid dosages and preparations (Figure 1). Genomic
effects are activated with low (<7.5 mg prednisone equivalent
per day) to moderate (7.5–30 mg prednisone equivalent per
day) GC doses, and cGRs a re progressively saturated wit h
high-doses above 30 to 50 mg per day (10). From this
pharmacologic concept, prednisone doses above 50 mg per
day approach the ceiling of cGR saturation, with limited
additional anti-inflammatory benefit, yet increasing th e risk
for adverse effect s. As will be further discussed, some adverse
effects, such as avascular bone necrosis, are dependent on the
peak GC dose and duration of high-dose exposure (tapering
speed) (Figure 2).
Non-genomic mechanisms are activated with very-high GC
dosages, such as those reached with methylprednisolone pulses.
This activation starts at prednisone dosages of 100 mg, and
reaching its maximum around 250 to 500 mg. In contrast
to effects mediated by genomic mechanisms, non-genomic
mechanisms are thought to be associated with less adverse effects,
at le ast in part due to the short duration of administration (
The relative activation of these genomic and non-genomic
pathways differs among different GC preparations. For example,
dexamethasone and methylprednisolone activate the non-
genomic pathway at a 3-fold greater rate than prednisone (
Different GC preparations also differ in potency (expressed
relative to hydrocortisone), mineralocorticoid effects, and
duration of suppression of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal
axis (
13). Other factors, such as time of administration (less
suppression when administered in the morning) and their
chronopharmacology, contribute to the degree of GC-axis
suppression and in consequence to the severity of adverse effects,
but are beyond the scope of this review (14).
Understanding these mechanisms is important to de ve lop
strategies to limit GC toxicity. As shown in Figure 2, GC
administration strategies used in recent clinical trials have
included intravenous methylprednisolone pulses, which activate
non-genomic pathways, followed by lower peak oral GC dosages
and a faster tapering of oral GCs. This strategy aims to maintain
treatment efficacy while limiting GC-related adverse effects.
Both disease activity and glucocorticoid exposure have been
associated with organ damage in SLE (
15, 16). As patients
with higher degree of disease activity are usually treated with
higher GC doses, many of the reported studies suffer of
confounding by indication (i.e., patients with more severe activity
are administered higher GC doses). Also, as damage is frequently
measured through indices that group several manifestations
[e.g., the SLIC C/ACR damage index (SDI)], it is difficult to
distinguish organ damage caused by prednisone from that
caused by disease activity or concomitant immunosuppressive
medications (17). Finally, many studies also suffer from time
bias, as the contribution of disease activity to da mage is usually
higher at earlier stages, while GC-related damage is greater at
later stages (
Organ damage occurs in 50% of patients with SLE within 5-
years of SLE diagnosis (18), with reported increased risk of 2.8%
for each 1 mg prednisone per day (19). Organ da mage has been
reported to be minimized by achieving disease remission (15, 20),
and by using maintenance doses of prednisone lower than 6.0 to
7.5 mg per day (2123).
GC-related adverse effects have also been classified into
those related to high dosing over a short period of time, and
those related to cumulative GC doses. Table 1 summarizes t he
reported GC adverse effects according to the use of intravenous
methylprednisolone pulses, the peak oral-GC dose, the duration
of exposure to high-GC doses, and the GC cumulative dose.
Infections have been frequently associated with the peak dose of
GC and the duration of exposure to high GC doses. Infections
continue to be a major cause of hospitalizat ion and mortality in
Frontiers in Medicine | 2 February 2021 | Volume 8 | Article 622225
Mejía-Vilet and Ayoub The Use of Glucocorticoids in Lupus Nephritis
FIGURE 1 | Genomic and non-genomic mechanisms of glucocorticoids. Glucocorticoid genomic pathway is mediated through the cytoplasmic glucocorticoid
receptor (cGR) leading to the mechanisms of gene transactivation and transrepression. The non-genomic pathway is mediated through the membrane glucocorticoid
receptor (mGR), inhibition of the phospholipase A2, and changes in cell membranes. The arrow in the left depicts the dose of prednisone required to activate these
pathways. The upper and lower gray zones represent the doses were genomic (lower gray zone) and non-genomic (upper gray zone) are fully saturated without added
benefit and with higher incidence of adverse effects. mGR, membrane glucocorticoid receptor; PLA2, phospholipase A2; cGR, cytoplasmic glucocorticoid receptor;
GRE, glucocorticoid response element; Hsp70·HOP·Hsp90, multiprotein complex including chaperones such as heat shock proteins and the glucocorticoid receptor;
Hsp90·FKBP52·p23, multiprotein complex including chaperones, co-chaperones, and the glucocorticoid receptor.
FIGURE 2 | Glucocorticoid dosing in induction of remission schemes. High-dose oral glucocorticoid schemes (blue) apply starting doses of oral glucocorticoids at
0.8–1.0 mg/kg/day, with slow tapering, reaching low glucocorticoid doses by 24 weeks of therapy. Recent schemes (green) apply methylprednisolone pulses followed
by medium starting doses of oral glucocorticoids (<0.5 mg/kg/day) with a faster tapering, reaching low glucocorticoid doses by 12 weeks of therapy.
SLE (2426). An increased incidence of these infections occurs in
patients with kidney disease (
27). Although bacterial infections in
lungs, skin, and urinary tract are far more frequent (25, 28, 29),
the risk for both bacterial and opportunistic infections increases
progressively with the use of medium- to high-dose of GC
3033). The risk of infections associated with high-dose GC
Frontiers in Medicine | 3 February 2021 | Volume 8 | Article 622225
Mejía-Vilet and Ayoub The Use of Glucocorticoids in Lupus Nephritis
TABLE 1 | Reported associations between glucocorticoid (GC) administration and adverse effects.
Methylprednisolone pulses High GC doses Longer time under high GC doses Cumulative GC dose
Acute cardiovascular events Cardiovascular events Cardiovascular events Cardiovascular events
Acute cerebrovascular event Cerebrovascular events Bacterial and opportunistic infection Hypertension
Uncontrolled glucose Insulin resistance Insulin resistance Insulin resistance
Uncontrolled hypertension Cushingoid features Cushingoid features Skin thinning, bruising
Peptic ulcer disease Weight gain Hypertension
Myopathy Dyslipidemia Osteoporosis and vertebral fractures
Mood disorders Glaucoma Sleep disorders
Psychiatric Osteoporosis Avascular necrosis
Sleep disorders
Avascular necrosis
administration seems to be independent of the use of other
immunosuppressive medications (21).
Studies of infections with administration of
methylprednisolone pulses have also been confounded by
indication, due to the traditional administration of this treatment
in combination wit h other aggressive immunosuppressive
regimens to sicker patients (32, 34). Some studies suggest that
the risk of infe c tion is lower with the use of methylprednisolone
pulses of less than 1.5 g in total (35, 36). It has also been
hypothesized that the shorter duration of pulse therapy (3–5
days) may limit the prolonged suppression of T-cell responses,
which usually peaks after 21 days of GC administration (37).
Therefore, methylprednisolone pulses of less than 1.5 g in total
followed by reduced oral GC may potentially decrease the
incidence of steroid induced infections. Additional preventive
measures include vaccination and the use of prophylactic
antibiotics and antivirals when indicated (38, 39).
Avascular bone necrosis occurs in 5–15% of patients with SLE.
It is most commonly found in the femoral head, but may occur
in other weight-bearing joints, and may occur bilaterally (
42). The pathophysiology of avascular bone necrosis is not fully
understood and suggested mechanisms are reviewed elsewhere
43). As for infections, avascular bone necrosis has been reported
to occur more frequently in association with lupus nephritis
(44, 45). Also, it has been associated with GC pulse therapy (46),
the peak initial GC dose (47, 48), and the high cumulative GC
doses in the first months of treatment (40, 49).
The prevalence of osteoporosis in SLE is 10 to 20%, with
up to 20% of patients experiencing vertebral fractures (50).
Glucocorticoids increase bone resorption and reduce bone
formation. The former is more pronounced in the first months
of steroid use while the latter becomes predominant with
chronic GC use (51). Osteoporosis and vertebral fractures have
been associated with higher GC doses, cumulative doses, and
prolonged administration (
52). The risk of osteoporotic fractures
has been estimated to increase 4.2% for each 1 mg per day
of prednisone (
19). As bone loss develops over a long-time,
many studies with short follow-up fail to assess the impact of
GC therapy on bone density. Assessment of risk for fractures
and of the need for concomitant preventive therapies including
calcium, vitamin D, and bisphosphonates are recommended for
all patients on GC therapy and are reviewed elsewhere (
53, 54).
Metabolic Disease
Long-term and high-dose GC therapy are associated with
pro-atherogenic disturbances that characterize the metabolic
syndrome (
55). This syndrome occurs in 30 to 40% of patients
with SLE and has been associated with higher disease activity,
past or present history of LN, and higher oral doses of GCs.
Its prevalence varies according to age and ethnicity as expected
(56, 57).
Insulin resistance increases in patients with SLE on oral GC
above 7.5 mg per day (58). Furthermore, the risk of diabetes
increases 2- to 4-fold in non-diabetic patients with SLE, especially
with increasing years of chronic GC use (
5961). In patients with
pre-existing diabetes, exacerbation of the disease is particularly
severe i n patients with poor glycemic control at baseline (62, 63).
Hypertension is common in SLE and LN patients, with a
prevalence up to 70% when assessed by 24-h blood pressure
monitoring (64). Acute exacerbation of hypertension is frequent
during pulse GC therapy. Although hypertension during an
active LN is mediated by salt-sensitive mechanisms (65), the risk
of hypertension has been also reported to be higher in patients
exposed to GC, and has been associated with the duration of
exposure and the daily dosage of GCs (61, 66, 67).
Glucocorticoids contribute to weight gain by increasing the
appetite for high caloric, high fat food intake (
68, 69). The weight
gain is characterized by central hypertrophy of adipose tissue
with concomitant thinning of peripheral subcutaneous adiposity,
providing a lipodystrophic appearance (Cushingoid phenotype)
(70). Up to 60–70% of patients prescribed long-term GCs report
weight gain (52), and thi s effect has been associated with doses of
GC above 5 mg per day (52, 61).
It is known that the incidence of cardiovascular events is
increased in SLE, particularly, in patients with lupus nephritis
and chronic kidney disease (23). Although it is difficult to
Frontiers in Medicine | 4 February 2021 | Volume 8 | Article 622225
Mejía-Vilet and Ayoub The Use of Glucocorticoids in Lupus Nephritis
differentiate the effect of dise ase activity, traditional risk factors,
and tre atment-related factors; the use of medium- to high-
dose GCs has been associated with increased cardiovascular
events, subclinical atherosclerosis such as carotid intima-media
thickening, severity of coronary calcifications, and severity of
arterial stiffness (
71, 72). The risk of cardiovascular events is
estimated to increase 5-fold in SLE patients taking >20 mg
per day of prednisone (23), and 3-fold in those who develop
cushingoid features (73). Cardiovascular events may be reduced
by administering lower peak GC doses, faster GC tapering, and by
limiting cumulative dose. In fact, reductions in cumulative oral
GC were associated with lower incidence of cardiovascular events
in a reported cohort study (74).
The treatment of lupus nephritis has been traditionally divided
into an induction phase of intense immunosuppression, aimed
to quickly suppress inflammation, followed by a prolonged
maintenance phase, directed to consolidate response and to
prevent disease flares (75). For the induction phase, current
guidelines recommend the use of medium to high-dose GCs,
combined with an immunosuppressant such as mycophenolate
mofetil, cyclophosphamide, and more recently, calcineurin
inhibitors (38, 39). Next, we describe strategies aimed to reduce
exposure while keeping treatment efficacy. These strategies
have 3 main objectives: (1) reducing the peak GC dose, (2)
reducing t h e duration of exposure to high-dose GC via a
faster GC tapering, and (3) limiting the cumulative dose from
prolonged administration.
Administration of methylprednisolone pulses may allow the
use of lower initial oral GC doses (lower peak GC dose)
with a faster tapering schedule (lower exposure to high
GC doses). Several clinical studies in lupus nephritis have
included methylprednisolone pulses, followed by moderate (0.5
mg/kg/day) doses of oral GCs (Figure 3) (7678). The Euro
Lupus Nephritis Trial (ELNT) scheme (77) included three
750 mg methylprednisolone pulses, followed by 0.5 mg/kg/day
prednisone slowly tapered to 10 mg/day by 6 months. This
trial reported renal response rates (complete and partial) around
20 and 50% at 6- and 12-months, respectively, and long-term
preser vation of kidney function (77, 79).
The MYLUPUS trial (80) is the only randomized clinical trial
that compared the efficacy of medium-dose oral GC therapy
to high-dose GC. In this trial, all patients received three 0.5 g
methylprednisolone pulses plus extended-release mycophenolate
acid. Subjects were randomized to either high-dose oral GC
scheme (starting dose 1 mg/kg/day) or to a reduced-dose oral
GC scheme (starting dose 0.5 mg/kg/day). Complete and tot a l
FIGURE 3 | Induction of remission schemes in several studies. (A) Euro Lupus
Nephritis Trial low-dose cyclophosphamide arm; (B) MYLUPUS reduced-dose
glucocorticoid arm; (C) Lupus-Cruces protocol; (D) RITUXILUP protocol; (E)
AURA-LV study voclosporin-treated arm; (F) NOBILITY study
obinutuzumab-treated arm.
response rates were similar at 6 months, 19 vs. 21% and 67 vs.
56%, respecti vely, in both groups.
In a trial evaluating a combination of calcineurin
inhibitor, mycophenolate mofetil and GCs vs. intravenous
cyclophosphamide, all patients received three 0.5 g/day
methylprednisolone pulses followed by 0.6 mg/kg oral
Frontiers in Medicine | 5 February 2021 | Volume 8 | Article 622225
Mejía-Vilet and Ayoub The Use of Glucocorticoids in Lupus Nephritis
prednisone slowly tapered to 10 mg/d a y by week 16. Response
rates of 84 and 63% at 6-months, were documented in the multi-
targeted therapy and cyclophosphamide groups, respectively,
and of 78% in both groups by 2 years of therapy (8183).
More recent clinical trials have used lower doses of
methylprednisolone pulses combined with a lower and faster
oral GC tapering. In the AURA-LV (
84) and AURORA
(NCT03021499) trials evaluating combination therapy of
voclosporin (a novel calcineurin inhibitor) with mycophenolate
mofetil and oral GC, patients were treated with two 0.25–0.5 g
methylprednisolone pulses, followed by a fixed 20–25 mg/d
starting oral prednisone rapidly tapered to 5 mg by 12 weeks.
Among clinical trials in LN, these two trials used the lowest peak
oral GC doses and the faster tapering (Table 2). At 12 months,
complete and total renal response rates of 49 vs. 24%, and 67 vs.
48%, respectively, were observed in the multi-targeted treatment
and control groups in the AURA-LV trial (
Uncontrolled single center experiences also suggest that
treatment with methylprednisolone pulses allows a safe
administration of lower starting oral GCs, and a faster tapering
without compromising response and possibly reducing adverse
effects. For example, the “Lupus Cruces” protocol for class III or
IV LN includes the administration of three methylprednisolone
pulses between 0.25–0.50 g, and an extra pulse of 0.1 g along with
each cyclophosphamide bolus, following t he ELNT scheme. The
starting oral GC in this protocol was below 30 mg per day. In two
reports, including 15 and 29 patients, response rates of 60 and
80%, and 86 and 87%, have been achieved at 6- and 12-months,
respectively, with relapse rates below 15%. More importantly,
the incidence of GC-related adverse effects was reduced to
7%, a significantly lower percentage when compared to that of
historical or concurrent cohorts treated with higher doses of oral
GC (48, 90).
Therefore, as evidenced in clinical trials and single-center
experiences, the use of methylprednisolone pulses may allow
reducing the starting oral GC doses and the duration of the
exposure to high GC doses by allowing a faster tapering.
There are no specific reports evaluating the dose of
methylprednisolone in lupus nephritis. Although the use of
methylprednisolone pulses has been associated with higher
risk of infection in some cohort studies (
32), these studies
do not control for methylprednisolone dose. A small clinical
trial including 21 patients with SLE (6 of them with nephritis)
suggested that clinic a l outcomes are similar when using three
daily 100 mg vs. 1 g methylprednisolone pulses. However, this
trial did not control for other important variables such as
concomitant treatment (91). While quality evidence is still
low to support lower doses of meth ylprednisolone pulses,
pharmacologic studies suggest that pulse doses above 0.5 g
provide little additional anti-inflammatory benefit, and as
mentioned earlier, may be associated with a higher incidence of
adverse effects.
Combination therapy of mycophenolate mofetil, calcineurin
inhibitors, and glucocorticoids may facilitate the use of lower
GC doses. As previously mentioned, the AURA-LV trial used
a forced reduced steroid taper along with mycophenolate ±
voclosporin. The multi-targeted group showed 67% response rate
by 12 months of treat ment (
A recent trial evaluated the combination t herapy of
obinutuzumab, a novel B-cell depleting t herapy , with
mycophenolic acid analogs. All patients received a starting
oral prednisone dose of 0.5 mg/kg with a fast taper to 7.5 mg by
week 12, and optional methylprednisolone pulses. This trial has
reported 52-week CR rates of 35%, maintained at 40 and 41% by
76 and 104 weeks, respectively (89).
Other immunosuppressants such as Janus kinase inhibitors,
spleen tyrosine kinase inhibitors and biologics such as
anifrolumab and ustekinumab, are being tested in patients
with LN. Their addition might also facilitate the use of lower
dose glucocorticoids in the future.
After initial reports describing the potentia l use of rituximab
without increasing GC dose in renal (
92) and non-renal lupus
(93), the UK group from the Imperial College in London
reported their first 50 patient experience with the RITUXILUP
scheme (86). This regimen consists of 2 doses of rituximab
1 g administered with 0.5 g met h ylprednisolone followed by
mycophenolate mofetil and no oral glucocorticoids. The initial
report, which included class III, IV, and V LN patients, showed
6-month complete and total response rates of 32 and 62%,
respectively. During follow-up, kidney function was preserved
in most patients, with 22% of patients experiencing nephrotic
relapses. Importantly, unlike the LUNAR tria l (94) that failed
to demonstrate a benefit of added rituximab to the standard of
care therapy, depletion of B-cells to <5 B lymphocytes/mL was
achieved in 93% of patients. The importance of B-cell depletion is
supported by a sub-analysis from the LUNAR trial showing that
complete response was more frequent in t h ose subjects with B
cell depletion (95). Therefore, although not yet demonstrated in
a clinical trial, the RITUXILUP scheme supports the concept that
the use of biologic drugs may facilitate the administration of GC
free regimen in some patients with LN.
Targeting the activated complement system with complement
inhibitors may also promote GC-reduced or GC-free regimens.
Although complement inhibition in lupus nephritis has been
used in a few case reports (
96, 97), particularly in the context
of concomitant thrombotic microangiopathy, the CLEAR (
Frontiers in Medicine | 6 February 2021 | Volume 8 | Article 622225
Mejía-Vilet and Ayoub The Use of Glucocorticoids in Lupus Nephritis
TABLE 2 | Estimated cumulative glucocorticoid doses in a 24-week period for a 60 kg patient in different induction to remission schemes.
Regimen Methylprednisolone
total cumulative
dose (g)
Oral prednisone
total cumulative
dose (g)
Oral prednisone
average dose
Total GC dose (g)
Modified NIH, 2001 (76) 9.00 2.84 16.9 11.8
ELNT, 2002 (
77) 2.25 3.12 18.5 5.37
ALMS, 2009 (
85) 4.27 25.4 4.27
MYLUPUS, 2011 (
80) 1.50 2.14 12.7 3.64
86) 1.00 1.00
LupusCRUCES, 2014 (
48) 1.50-3.00 1.30-1.50 8.0-9.0 2.80–4.50
Chinese multitarget, 2015 (
81) 1.5 3.25 16.2 4.75
4+2 Rituximab, 2015 (
87) 2.70 2.52 15.0 5.22
AURA-LV, 2019 (
84) 1.00 1.33 7.9 2.33
BLISS-LN, 2020 (
88) 0.50–3.00* 3.12–4.27 18.5–25.4 3.12–4.27
NOBILITY, 2020 (
89) 0.75–3.00* 1.79–1.93 10.6–11.5 1.79–1.93
Methylprednisolone pulses elective at discretion of the investigator.
99) studies in ANCA-associated vasculitis
suggest this may be an approach worth investigating in lupus
nephritis. In these studies, administration of avacopan (an oral
complement C5aR inhibitor) along with cyclophosphamide or
rituximab, allowed the administration of a GC-free re gimen with
higher remission rates at 52 weeks of follow-up in patients with
ANCA-associated vasculitis (99).
The use of anti malarial in all patients with SLE and lupus
nephritis is recommended in recent guidelines (
38, 39). Although
unexplored in controlled trials, combination schemes with
antimalarial may add to the use of lower doses of GC by an
enhanced effect for remission (
100102). O ther demonstrated
benefits from antimalarial, as the protective effe ct for damage
accrual (103, 104), infections (33), and mortality (105), may add
to th e potential benefit of GC-reduced regimens.
Maintenance therapy in lupus nephritis a ims to consolidate
the response obtained after the induction phase of t h erapy,
and to prevent systemic and renal relapses. Current guidelines
suggest tapering glucocorticoids to “the lowest possible dose
and to consider discontinuation after 1 2 months of complete
remission (
Although there is no solid evidence in lupus nephritis, t h e
CORTICOLUP trial (106) evaluated discontinuation of steroid
in stable SLE patients (34–41% had history of LN). In this trial,
patients receiving 5 mg of prednisone who have been stable for
1 year (the median quiescence duration was 5 yea rs) were
randomized to suspend or continue prednisone at the same
dose. Disease flares were observed in 27% of patients who
suspended prednisone vs. 7% in those who continued prednisone
at 5 mg per day (RR 0.2, 0.01–0.7, p = 0 .003) . Only 3 patients
had renal flares and the study was underpowered to evaluate
the subgroup of patients with LN. Noteworthy, there were no
differences in adverse events or damage accrual in both groups
measured using t h e glucocorticoid toxicity index (
107) and the
SDI, respe ctively .
This study suggests that a low-dose of glucocorticoids at
5 mg per day may be safe and keeps patients free from disease
flares. In other studies, the longer duration of the GC therapy
before suspension has also been associated with less disease
flares (108). A recent EULAR expert consensus suggested
that at 5 mg/day, there is a low level of harm related to
GC’s main adverse effects (109), however, acknowledges that
the actual risk of harm is patient-specific. Therefore, long-
term glucocorticoid therapy must be balanced individually
considering individual risk factors for flares (e.g., partial instead
of complete response, persistently low C3), against individual
risk factors for GC related adverse effects (e.g., age, cumulative
GC dose, cardiovascular risk factors, presence of metabolic
disease, etc.).
Antimalarial Treatment
Antimalarials have been associated with lower incidence of
disease flares in several observational cohort studies (
111). Moreover, reports of successful with drawal of therapy
in SLE patients have repeatedly found antimalarial treatment
and duration of remission as the main factors associated
with decreased odds of flares (
112, 113). Also, as pre viously
mentioned, antimalarials may reduce long-term damage from the
disease activity (
Frontiers in Medicine | 7 February 2021 | Volume 8 | Article 622225
Mejía-Vilet and Ayoub The Use of Glucocorticoids in Lupus Nephritis
Although evidence is still scarce, there is growing data suggesting
that the use of cert a in biologics during the maintenance phase
may aid in achieving sustained remission. For patients already
on glucocorticoids, the RITUXIRESCUE regimen includes the
administration of rituximab and methylprednisolone without
increasing oral GC dose. This regimen showed a response rate
of 78% in LN relapses, furthermore it allowed reduction or
discontinuation of oral GC in more than 50% of patients during
follow up (
An Italian strategy consisting of four 375 g/m
doses reinforced by two additional doses at 1 and 2 months after
(the 4+2 rituximab scheme), showed no flares during follow-
up without the need for additional maintenance therapy beyond
5 mg of prednisone per day (87). Other small reports have
highlighted the potential role of rituximab as a maintenance drug
allowing glucocorticoid suspension (115). Therefore, although
rituximab has not been tested for maintenance in a clinical trial,
its use may aid in preventing flares during GC withdrawal.
In the BLISS-LN trial, the addition of belimumab to standard
of care therapy (MMF or cyclophosphamide plus GC) showed
a better response and a stable glomerular filtration rate beyond
the induction phase, for up to 2 years of follow up (
Furthermore, t here have been small reports (116118) suggesting
that belimumab therapy may allow reduction or suspension of
maintenance GCs, but this remains to be further st udied.
Likewise, the NOBILITY trial has reported that the addition
of obinutuzumab to standard of care therapy favored a sustained
response, better glomerular filtration rate, and better serological
profile at 76 weeks and onwards (
89). This suggests that B cell
targeted therapy may potentially facilitate GC withdrawal or at
least a safe reduction to <5 mg/d of prednisone.
Although recent advances in drug development in lupus nephritis
promote the use of lower glucocorticoid doses, we must
acknowledge that “one size does not fit all” patients. For example,
patients with severe lupus nephritis presenting with a glomerular
filtration rate below 30 mL/min/1.73 m
have been excluded
from most clinical trials, and there are no data to support the
effectiveness of reduced glucocorticoid doses in this group of
patients. Moreover, many of the published studies are single-
center and observational reports subject to bias. Therefore,
caution and case-by-case evaluation is recommended in selecting
an appropriate glucocorticoid therapy.
Future studies in lupus nephritis will likely aim at using
the lowest effective dose of glucocorticoids or glucocorticoid-
free regimens. Studying the safety and efficacy of calcineurin
inhibitors, biologic drugs or perhaps complement inhibitors
in combination with standard of care therapy might lead
successfully to this aim.
The anti-inflammatory properties of GC have always been
counterbalanced by their side effects. Adverse effects may be
associated with peak doses, time under high doses, or cumulative
doses. An objective for current and future management of lupus
nephritis is to develop strate gies that increase response to t h erapy
with the least glucocorticoid exposure.
JM-V and IA designed the concept, planned, and performed
this work.
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Frontiers in Medicine | 11 February 2021 | Volume 8 | Article 622225