applying the lessons of tradition
chapter 5
Traditional housing holds many lessons for today’s designers and builders in the creation of humane and environmentally
appropriate environments. Following are prototypical house designs and neighborhood arrangements based on
traditional principles. The prototypes are compared to a typical “starter-home” as one might fi nd in a Southwestern
subdivision of mass-produced houses, representing today’s conventional method of production.
The prototypes have compact plan forms with the goal of building affordably and effi ciently. While a contemporary
trend in new housing development is towards building larger houses more cheaply, an alternative thesis is to build
smaller and more effi cient houses from higher-quality materials with greater energy effi ciency. To do so affordably will
require an emphasis on effi cient house design and neighborhood planning.
Each prototype is presented fi rst as an individual fl oor plan, then in a typical cluster or block plan, and fi nally expanded
to the scale of a neighborhood. The neighborhood plans are presented to illustrate the types of densities and
arrangements that are possible with the house types considered. Thought is given to the creation of common public
space for each neighborhood. This might be a park with a playground, a recreation center, or a school. In the planning
of new neighborhoods with a large enough population to support commercial development, coordination among
developers, builders and municipalities can create a plan that includes a market, café or business center in the form of
a small town plaza. These common elements serve as both literal and symbolic centers to a neighborhood.
Design of these public elements, and related concerns, such as traffi c planning, is beyond the scope of this study.
The neighborhood plans are therefore diagrammatic, serving to illustrate the principles of density, courtyards, and the
creation of private and public space. This preliminary exercise in town planning is not intended to be followed literally.
In an actual development a variety of house types should be designed that work together to create block patterns with
a built-in variety of oor plans and sizes. By working with common modules, a range of 2, 3 and 4 bedroom plans
can be developed
The prototypical housing designs which
follow include:
Detached single-family house plan based
on the Anglo ranch house and bungalow
Attached L-shaped and U-shaped
courtyard house plans based on the
Hispanic tradition.
Attached 2-story row-house with terraces
based on the Native American pueblo
The prototypes were designed with 16 inch
thick exterior walls to permit the use of any
of the three alternative materials discussed
here: adobe, rammed earth or straw bale. The
interior spaces are based on the same program
as the Base Case suburban house with regard
to the functions accommodated and the sizes
of rooms. In comparing the gross fl oor
areas of the conventional Base Case with the
prototypes, it must be remembered that the
prototypes are based on thick-walled systems,
while the Base Case has six inch thick wood
frame exterior walls. Therefore, the gross
oor area of the prototypes is greater than
that of the conventional house.
Effi ciency concerns not only the design of
individual houses, but more signifi cantly the
urban form or land use pattern employed
in developments. Compact house forms
with a minimum of exterior walls are both
less expensive to build and to operate. The
free-standing rectangular box, typical of
subdivisions, minimizes exterior wall area by
its centralized shape, yet it is exposed on all
sides because it doesn’t share walls with its
neighbors. If the detached housing model is
followed, large land areas are necessary along
with extensions of roads and utilities. Land
and infrastructure costs must be factored in
to the overall cost of the development.
Signifi cantly higher densities can be achieved
by joining dwelling units and sharing walls.
This reduces both the initial construction cost
and the land cost attributable to each unit, as
well as the cost of supporting infrastructure.
Savings can be dramatic for a medium to
large-scale development.
In evaluating the prototypes, interior fl oor
area is expressed as a ratio of exterior surface
area of the walls and roof. A greater ratio
result indicates a more effi cient enclosure
system. For example, the effi ciency ratio of
the detached single-family (Base Case) house
equals .46, while the effi ciency ratio of the
two-story row house (Urban Prototype 3) is
approximately four times greater, equalling 1.88.
Shared walls between attached units are
not counted in the calculation, as they are
not exposed to the elements and do not
contribute to heat loss and gain.
The alternative prototypes proposed have
two basic problems in regard to costs: (1)
they are larger than the standard minimum
tract house, and (2) they are designed of
more expensive materials. To be feasible
for affordable housing the prototypes must
be more effi cient in their overall design,
construction and land use. With additional
planning, costs can be reduced.
For traditional materials, such as adobe or
rammed earth, to be economically feasible
for use in affordable housing, walls must be
shared. These high-thermal mass materials
are twice the cost of conventional frame
walls, and so must be “built once and used
twice” that is, shared by two dwellings to
be affordable. There are further climatic
advantages to sharing walls, as this reduces
the amount of exterior wall area subject to
heat loss or gain.
As seen consistently in traditional housing,
affordability favors simplicity. The fl oor
plans resolve into rectangles and squares.
Rooms are arranged in simple volumes and
alignments, and often connect directly one to
the other without hallways. This directness
and simplicity may seem startling, but is the
result of the designers and builders using the
most direct and economical means.
Sure ways to reduce construction costs
include reducing the size of houses, and
sharing functions within a single space. A
combined living/dining/kitchen area is a
more effi cient use of space than creating
separate rooms. All of the prototypes may be
further reduced in cost by reducing the size
sw regional housing PROTOTYPES
or number of rooms. For example bedrooms
may be reduced by up to 20 percent in area by
reducing them from a standard 12 ft. by 11 ft.
size to an 11 ft. by 10 ft. dimension. Houses
can function adequately with one bathroom,
rather than two as is now commonly expected.
Dividing bathroom plumbing fi xtures so that
a toilet and sink are together in one space,
and a tub/shower and a second sink are in an
separate space, allows the family the effective
use of two bathrooms, while not incurring
the cost of two full bathrooms.
To reduce the life-cycle costs of maintenance,
the use of durable materials, such as adobe
or rammed earth, is encouraged. Using
traditional passive heating, cooling and
ventilation methods as explored in this report
will reduce utility bills, as the house can stay
comfortable for more of the year without
needing to run the mechanical system. The
initial cost of building a traditionally planned
house using traditional southwestern materials
is higher than using conventional planning
and materials. Yet the home owner can
learn the value of owning a more effi ciently
designed house, built of environmentally
responsible materials, that costs less to own
and operate over its lifespan.
In considering these alternatives, the concept
of building smaller houses of higher quality
design and materials is valid with regard
to advancing the use of adobe or other
alternative construction materials in the
Southwest border region.
To maintain privacy for individual dwellings
while achieving higher density development,
use of the courtyard type of housing is very
important. Courtyard and patio homes are
also climatically and culturally appropriate for
many low-moderate income families in the
U.S. Southwest. Courtyards provide the oasis
in the desert at the heart of each dwelling,
as witnessed in the numerous traditional
examples surveyed.
The greater effi ciency of the high-density/
low-rise design approach can off-set the higher
cost of building with adobe, rammed earth or
straw bale. Although the construction cost of
an adobe courtyard house is higher than that
of a standard detached wood frame house,
the overall project cost may be equalized once
the costs of land and infrastructure are taken
into account. Courtyard housing appears
to be a feasible alternative for a number of
Cultural and social factors:
Courtyard houses refl ect a centuries-
old Latin tradition.
The courtyard at the heart of the house is
essentially a large out-door room, a private
place for outdoor living.
Neighborhoods of courtyard houses
are pedestrian-friendly, a positive
social environment with greater .
opportunities for social interaction.
Greater population density creates
defensible space, reducing crime.
Environmental factors:
Courtyards have passive cooling and heating
advantages, creating an oasis/micro
climate for the summer and allowing sun
in the winter.
Shared walls reduce exterior surface and
reduce heat loss & gain.
Greater effi ciency of land use reduces
infrastructure costs, preserves wildlife.
Economic factors:
Higher densities possible with courtyard
planning reduce land and infrastructure
Shared walls between courtyard houses
can make use of adobe or rammed earth
Compact houses with courtyards use less
energy and cost less to own and operate than
detached suburban houses.
The courtyard provides the largest room
in the house: views into the courtyard
make the interior feel more spacious,
allowing smaller-sized rooms to be used.
Following are prototypical house designs
presented in order of increasing density.
Preliminary cost estimates are based on regional
per-square-foot costs for single-story houses
with nine foot ceilings, wood or metal truss
roofs, exposed concrete fl oors, and economy-
standard, fi nishes, xtures and hardware, as of
summer 2004.
production quality, meeting minimum
property standards, of the sort used in
production homes. Roofs are structured with
prefabricated wood or metal trusses. Roofi ng
is corrugated galvanized iron sheeting.
The alternative designs with earthen walls
are estimated with a per-square foot cost
factor that is twelve percent higher than a
conventional frame/stucco house. This
refl ects a rule of thumb that the exterior
walls of a house account for roughly one-
fth of the total construction cost. Given
that earthen walls cost twice as much to build
as conventional frame/stucco walls, we have
a 100 percent increase for 20 percent of the
project, equaling a twenty percent greater cost
for the alternative method of construction.
Some of the additional cost can be recovered
through sharing walls, but clearly not all walls
can be shared. If approximately two fi fths
of the exterior walls can be shared through
courtyard design and attached units, the
twenty percent additional cost is reduced to
around twelve percent greater overall. As an
arithmetic equation, it looks like this:
Estimated cost for incorporating alternative
wall systems in housing construction:
The comparative cost estimates which follow,
for the Base Case and the four alternative
prototypes, are based on approximate land
and construction costs in southern Arizona,
current as of the fall of 2004. Because
costs vary with both market conditions and
geographic areas, these estimates serve only
to illustrate in relative terms the range of
probable costs incurred by varying housing
types and land uses.
Construction costs are estimated on a per-
square-foot basis, which serves to set the cost
within a range, plus or minus ten percent. For
purposes of these estimates, construction is
as illustrated in the prototypical wall sections
presented in Ch.3. Many design decisions
which affect building costs have to do with
nishes (such as fl oors, walls, ceilings, roofi ng
etc.). These estimates assume that fl oors
are exposed colored concrete. Straw bale
walls are plastered inside and out. Stabilized
adobe walls are left exposed (i.e. unplastered)
inside and out. Interior partitions and
ceilings are fi nished with gypsum board and
painted. Such elements as doors, windows,
and cabinets are assumed to be of moderate
The approximate cost of land per acre
is weighted to refl ect urban versus rural
locations. Urban land is estimated at $50,000.
per acre, while rural land is estimated at
$25,000. per acre. While land prices vary
widely based on location, these amounts are
averages of land prices found in the Multiple
Listing Service for Southern Arizona
These numbers are predicated on improved
land, with roads and utilities existing to
the lot lines. Rural sites may have wells for
domestic water supply and septic systems
for waste disposal, rather than connections
to a municipal water and sewer systems.
Additional costs for infrastructure including
roads, water, sewer, natural gas, and electricity
must be factored for remotely sited rural land
or undeveloped urban lots.
The economic and environmental advantages
of infi ll development on vacant urban land
is underscored by the cost savings realized in
using existing infrastructure.
“The stereotype of the conventional individual dwelling is
that of a box sitting on a lot surrounded by space. The box
has no privacy as the windows are outward looking, and the
surrounding [yard] is [also] not private.”
Peter Land,
Economic Housing: High Density, Low Rise, Expandable
for freestanding house:
100% cost increase of wall x 1/5 wall / house ratio = ( 1.0 x 0.2 ) = 20 % greater cost
for attached house:
20% greater cost x ( 100% - 40% shared walls ) = ( 0.2 x 0.6 ) = 12 % overall increase
sw regional housing PROTOTYPES
The housing needs and expectations of a family with from two to four children in the contemporary U.S.
Southwest are refl ected in the subdivisions found in sun belt cities such as El Paso, Las Cruces, Tucson and
Yuma. The suburban model has been followed by both private non-profi t and government sponsored
housing programs, including Habitat for Humanity, USDA, HUD and FmHA rural housing programs, as well
as on Native American reservations by the Bureau of Indian Affairs and local tribal governments. It is a
widely accepted standard of what constitutes an affordable, adequate family home.
The Base Case home has a combined living/dining space adjoining a separate kitchen with a refrigerator, sink
and stove. The dining area accommodates a table for six. There are three bedrooms, one slightly larger as a
parents’ bedroom, and two bathrooms, one of which is accessed from the parent’s room. All bedrooms have
closets. There is accommodation for a single car in a carport (shaded overhead, open on the sides). Space for
clothes washing and drying machines is provided off the carport.
The typical house has a concrete slab-on-grade fl oor and wood stud walls fi nished with stucco at the exterior
and gypsum board at the interior. The wall cavities and attic are insulated with fi berglass batting. The roof is
pre-fab wood trusses with OSB sheathing and asphalt shingles. The house is mechanically heated and cooled
by a heat-pump air conditioner, which must run much of the year as the house does not incorporate passive
heating, cooling, or ventilating strategies.
The single-family detached house is placed in rows on blocks of subdivided land, each house in the middle
of its lot with windows on all sides. There is a poor relationship of indoor to outdoor space. For example, if
one wishes to dine outdoors in privacy one must bring food from the kitchen, across the carport, around the
side yard, and fi nally to the backyard.
The Base Case represents a typical single-story southwestern neighborhood where emphasis is placed on
accommodating the automobile. The resulting low-density development consumes a signifi cant amount of
land, and lacks a distinctive community form.
Wall material: 2 x 6 frame/stucco
Gross Floor Area: 1,224 sf
Exterior Surface Area: 2,657 sf
Ratio of Floor Area to Surface Area: .46
Estimated cost of construction: @ $90/s.f. = $ 110,160.
Density of land use: 4.5 RAC
Cost of land per unit @
($50,000/Acre)/(4.5 RAC) = $ 11,111.
Suburban wood frame/ stucco house BASE CASE
0 16
scale in feet
sw regional housing PROTOTYPES
scale in feet
boundary of density calculation
“ Homes which keep or improve their quality will retain or multiply the original investment and support the tradition of
keeping houses in families from generation to generation. Thus houses become genuine and stable assets for families, in
contrast to rented apartments.”
Peter Land, Economic Garden Houses
sw regional housing PROTOTYPES
In rural areas with abundant inexpensive land, and where the detached single-family home is the preferred
option, houses should be effi ciently planned and responsive to the environment. Illustrated here is a modest
interpretation of these goals based on the precedents of the traditional southwestern ranch house and
bungalow. This prototype is recommended for small, isolated rural replacement housing, in clusters of from
six to twelve houses.
The plan is a simple rectangle based on a 4-foot module to make the most of 4’ straw bales, 24”on-center
roof truss spacing and 4’ x 8’ roof sheathing. The plan measures 32’ x 44’ outside-to-outside. The exterior
walls are proposed of 16” thick straw bale with lime/sand plaster. The window and door jambs carry the
load of the roof, allowing the straw to serve as enclosure and insulation. A central wall running the length
of the house is proposed of 16” thick rammed earth. This provides a central thermal mass to stabilize
interior air temperatures.
The exterior straw bale walls provide high insulation value, while the central earth wall
provides high thermal mass.
Roof framing is prefab wood or metal trusses with recycled cellulose insulation,
OSB sheathing and corrugated metal roofi ng. Interior partitions are wood or metal studs with 5/8” gypsum
board. Deep roof overhangs shelter the straw bale walls, and a porch wraps the corner of the living room to
provide shaded outdoor living space.
Public and private spaces are separated by the central earth wall, with bedrooms along one side and the
living/dining/kitchen on the other. Closets are placed between bedrooms to increase acoustic privacy. The
childrens rooms are grouped together, with the parent accessed by a private alcove. The bathroom design
achieves the equivalent of two separate bathrooms with the plumbing of one bathroom. A tub/shower and
sink together in one space, while a toilet and sink are in a separate space. This allows one family member to
shower while another uses the toilet, effectively doubling the use of the bathroom at a reduced cost.
The hypothetical site is fl at irrigated cropland as found in many areas of California, Arizona, New Mexico,
and Texas along the U.S./Mexico border. The houses are grouped informally around a central loop road that
gives access off a primary county road, of the type that runs along section lines between agricultural fi elds
in the rural southwest. This removes the houses from the higher-traffi c area, and creates a common area
for kids to play and neighbors to barbecue. The open space improves privacy between houses, which are
oriented primarily east-to-west for favorable solar exposure.
Wall material: straw bale exterior walls, rammed earth center wall
Gross Floor Area: 1,320 sf
Exterior Surface Area: 2,532 sf
Ratio of Floor Area to Surface Area: .52
Estimated cost of construction: @ $95/sf = $125,400.
Density of land use: 2.8 RAC
Cost of land per unit @
($25,000/Acre)/(2.8 RAC) = $ 7,100.
Rectangular Detached House RURAL PROTOTYPE
0 16
scale in feet
straw bale
rammed earth
material legend
sw regional housing PROTOTYPES
scale in feet
“The patio or court-yard house is well suited to contemporary needs... Its history in vernacular and architectural forms goes back well over
2,000 years... It permits light and ventilation from the inside patio, thus eliminating the need for space or openings around the perimeter
of the dwelling and thereby permitting houses to be nested contiguously at high densities on relatively] small lots with considerable
economies in infrastructure.”
Peter Land, Economic Housing: High Density, Low Rise, Expandable
sw regional housing PROTOTYPES
Where a closely-knit community form is desired for cultural, climatic or economic reasons, the “U” type
courtyard house provides a good model. This example is drawn from the zaguán and courtyard tradition of
the Southwestern U.S. and Northern Mexico. It can be built effi ciently in groups of four, eight, or multiples
of eight. Where multiple blocks are developed, the placement of housing blocks creates a central common
park or plaza.
The “U” plan wraps a central courtyard on three sides, with public spaces fronting the street and bedrooms on
the courtyard. Pedestrian entry is via a zaguán, that connects to the courtyard. A continuous porch connects
the opposite sides of the courtyard. A parent’s bedroom suite is across the courtyard from the childrens wing
for privacy. The bedrooms are large enough for two siblings each. Two full bathrooms are provided, as well
as a utility room/laundry off the single carport. The house shares walls with its neighbors on two sides, while
the carports also share a common partition.
Exterior walls are proposed of 16” thick stabilized adobe, left unplastered or (budget permitting) stuccoed
with lime/sand plaster of varying integral colors. The wall thickness would allow either rammed earth or
straw bale to be used as well. The roof structure is prefab wood or metal trusses with recycled cotton fi ber
insulation, OSB sheathing and corrugated metal roofi ng. Interior partitions are wood or metal studs with
5/8” gypsum board.
This prototype is superior in terms of functional arrangement and privacy. Due to the thick walls, the
additional space of the zaguán entry, and the generous utility space provided, this 3 bedroom 2 bath
prototype is larger than other options. At 1,600 s.f. it is 30 percent larger than the base case suburban model.
To be competitive this prototype must achieve 30 percent savings in reduced land and infrastructure costs. A
compact version of this house without the zaguán and with smaller rooms could be developed if necessary
to make the approach feasible.
The assumed site is a gently sloping plain near a small agricultural town in the southwest. Changes in grade
can be accommodated by stepping the fl oor elevations along the shared walls, as illustrated by the Street
Elevation. Changes in plaster color of the walls or wainscoting can be used to distinguish the joined houses
from one another. This type of housing creates pedestrian scaled urban architecture along the model of the
Rio Sonora valley towns.
Wall material: adobe, rammed earth or straw bale.
Gross Floor Area: 1,600 sf
Exterior Surface Area: 1,987 sf
Ratio of Floor Area to Surface Area: .67
Estimated cost of construction: @ $100/sf = $ 160,000.
Density of land use: 7.1 RAC
Cost of land per unit @
($50,000/Acre)/(7.1 RAC) = $ 7,000.
“U” Type Courtyard House URBAN PROTOTYPE 1
0 16
scale in feet
sw regional housing PROTOTYPES
0 32
scale in feet
0 100
scale in feet
boundary of density calculation
sw regional housing PROTOTYPES
Based on Mexican examples in northern Sonora and southern Arizona, the “L” plan leaves a generous
private patio or courtyard on one corner, and shares walls with adjacent dwellings on two sides. The house
is brought forward to strengthen the pedestrian presence at the street, in stark contrast with the conventional
subdivisions garage-dominated street facade. As with the “U” plan, the “L” plan locates its outdoor space
within the house in the form of a courtyard.
The public spaces, living, dining and kitchen, are located on the short leg of the “L” at the street front. The
bedrooms are placed on the long leg of the “L”, each with direct access to the courtyard. A larger parent’s
room is located at the farthest end of the patio, with its own bath and closet. Two children’s rooms connect
to both the patio and an internal hall, which is necessary only at higher elevations in cooler zones.
At or below
an elevation of 2,500 feet above sea level, the hallway may be omitted.
Deleting the hall would allow for larger
bedrooms, accommodating a second child in each. As in Mexican examples, access to the bedrooms can be
across the patio. A deep roof overhang protects the outdoor access, and shades windows and doors.
The exterior walls are proposed of adobe or rammed earth, exposed or plastered (budget permitting). As
with all proposed prototypes, roof framing is prefab metal or wood trusses with corrugated metal roofi ng.
Interior partitions, fi nishes and cabinets are economy standard. The special qualities of the house would
come from the earthen walls, stained concrete fl oors and the courtyard space. This option has a large
courtyard measuring 33’ x 38’, as compared with a 24’ x 24’ square courtyard including an 8’ wide porch
at the “U” plan. This leaves open the possibility of adding a future room along the side of the courtyard
behind the carport/laundry area. This might be a studio, a workshop or an additional bedroom/bathroom.
This built-in fl exibility is a distinct advantage of this plan type.
Following the principles of courtyard housing, the “L” plan permits high-density/low-rise development.
The Block Plan and Neighborhood Plan illustrate the degree of density that may be achieved while yet
maintaining privacy by virtue of the courtyard. The modularity of the block plan allows for subtle changes
in grade between the groupings of houses. The overall neighborhood is focused on a central plaza with open
space for recreation.
Wall material: adobe, rammed earth or straw bale.
Gross Floor Area: 1,311 sf
Exterior Surface Area: 1,937 sf
Ratio of Floor Area to Surface Area: .63
Estimated cost of construction: @ $100/sf = $ 131,000.
Density of land use: 6.9 RAC
Cost of land per unit @
($50,000/Acre)/(6.9 RAC) = $ 7,000.
“L” Shaped Courtyard House URBAN PROTOTYPE 2
0 16
scale in feet
sw regional housing PROTOTYPES
scale in feet
0 32
scale in feet
sw regional housing PROTOTYPES
scale in feet
boundary of density calculation
“Characteristics of houses and neighborhood:
a) Individual houses to create an optimum habitat for contemporary living needs in compact groupings which maintain
independence and allow [human interpersonal] contact.
b) Houses oriented to interior patio gardens for family privacy, outside extension of living [space] and full use of all lot area.
c) Expandable houses which can increase in size from minimal units to ones of optimum area with internal fl exibility to
accommodate changing family space needs.
d) Low unit costs achieved through simplifi ed unit design, maximum use of minimum space, improved building methods and
dimensional standardization.
e) High density and compact development to (a) minimize distances and introduce walking as the main form of movement and
communication; (b) reduce the extension of infrastructure and (c) use land effi ciently.
f) Pedestrian streets as the main spatial focus in the neighborhood onto which face clusters of community facilities, such as shops,
schools, kindergartens, etc., within walking distance from all houses.
g) Carefully relating vehicles and pedestrians for safety, secure family life, and tranquil movement for walkers.
h) Landscaped overall environment of small community gardens, patios, lanes with trees and planting.”
Peter Land, Economic Housing: High Density, Low Rise, Expandable
sw regional housing PROTOTYPES
Where the greatest effi ciencies of land use and environmental performance are sought, the two-story
prototype is most relevant. This approach is derived directly from Acoma Pueblo of New Mexico. Parallel
rows of multi-story joined dwellings are oriented towards the south. Each dwelling has terraces providing
private outdoor space for each family. Privacy between adjacent terraces is achieved by means of a stair-
stepping wall, which lends visual screening while yet allowing sunshine to reach the terrace and house
Each house is accessed through small private courtyards, one each at ground level on the south and north
sides. The east and west sides of each unit are common walls shared with adjoining houses, achieving a
high level of economic and environmental effi ciency. The ground fl oor includes the public spaces, while the
private spaces are on the second fl oor accessed by a centrally located stair and utility core. As illustrated in
both plan and cross section, second fl oor terraces/balconies at the north and south are accessible from each
of the three bedrooms. The parent’s suite is located across the central core from the childrens rooms for
privacy’s sake. The terraces provide a covered porch below at the ground fl oor. Each dwelling has a single
carport and exterior utility/mechanical room.
Walls are proposed of straw bale infi ll with reinforced concrete masonry (CMU) piers providing vertical
and lateral support. Straw bale when fi nished with lime/sand plaster on both sides is an effective acoustic
as well as thermal insulator, isolating the units one from the other. Roof and second fl oor construction is
composite wood framing. Glued-laminated beams are used where spans require. This is a spacious house
within a compact form.
Drawing from the urban form of Acoma, rows of houses are aligned facing south along the east-west axis. A
common space is located between the two rows of housing. This area might include a play ground, a meeting
and recreation room, or (community budget permitting) a swimming pool. Trees are located to shade the
exposed end walls of the east and west units. This example represents an effi cient use of both land and
building technology.
Wall material: straw bale infi ll walls w/ CMU piers & glue-lam beams
Gross Floor Area: 1,408 sf
Exterior Surface Area: 748 sf
Ratio of Floor Area to Surface Area: 1.88
Estimated cost of construction: @ $95/sf = $ 133,760.
Density of land use: 11.1 RAC
Cost of land per unit @
($50,000/Acre)/(11.1 RAC) = $ 4,500.
2 Story Row House URBAN PROTOTYPE 3
0 16
scale in feet
sw regional housing PROTOTYPES
scale in feet
scale in feet
boundary of density calculation
sw regional housing PROTOTYPES
We hope this study of regional building traditions will support alternative design and construction methods
in the production of affordable housing in the U.S. Southwest. Nonprofi t developers, builders, planners and
architects are invited to build upon the work begun here. Using traditional materials and design concepts in
new housing can both reduce energy use within the home and result in healthier communities. Nonprofi t
developers are encouraged to look beyond the fi rst cost of building houses to consider life-cycle costs, while
creating more humane and culturally sensitive environments for southwestern families.
Traditional housing and community planning ideas can still be relevant to new developments, even where the
higher cost of materials, such as adobe or rammed earth, prohibit their use. For example, our study suggests
that rammed earth is feasible for affordable housing only if it is largely subsidized by volunteer labor. Where this
is not possible, and where conventional materials must be used, the ranch house, the bungalow, the courtyard
and the zaguán still have much to tell us regarding the design of individual houses and neighborhoods.
Thus, even if traditional materials cannot be used for fi nancial or practical reasons, the affordable housing
community is encouraged to apply the valid ideas embodied in traditional housing models.
design, materials, performance