9/1/2020 CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines
CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines 9/1/2020
VERVIEW ................................................................................................................................................ 1
DB2 DATABASE DESIGN STANDARDS .................................................................................................. 1
1.1 DB2 Design Overview ......................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Databases ............................................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Tablespaces ............................................................................................................................ 3
1.4 Tables ....................................................................................................................................... 6
1.5 Columns ................................................................................................................................... 7
1.6 Referential Constraints (Foreign Keys) ........................................................................ 9
1.7 Table Check Constraints .................................................................................................. 11
1.8 Unique Constraints ............................................................................................................ 12
1.9 ROWID .................................................................................................................................... 13
1.10 Identity Columns ............................................................................................................ 15
1.11 Sequence Objects ........................................................................................................... 16
1.12 Views ................................................................................................................................... 17
1.13 Indexes ............................................................................................................................... 18
1.14 Table Alias ......................................................................................................................... 19
1.15 Synonyms .......................................................................................................................... 20
1.16 Stored Procedures .......................................................................................................... 21
1.17 User Defined Functions ................................................................................................ 22
1.18 User Defined Types ........................................................................................................ 22
1.19 Triggers .............................................................................................................................. 23
1.20 LOBs..................................................................................................................................... 23
1.21 Buffer Pools ....................................................................................................................... 24
1.22 Capacity Planning ........................................................................................................... 25
1.23 Space Requests ............................................................................................................... 25
APPLICATION PROGRAMMING ............................................................................................................... 26
2.1 Data Access (SQL) ............................................................................................................. 26
2.2 Application Recovery......................................................................................................... 28
2.3 Program Preparation ......................................................................................................... 28
2.3.1 DB2 Package..................................................................................................................... 28
2.3.2 DB2 Plan ............................................................................................................................. 29
2.3.3 Explains .............................................................................................................................. 29
2.4 DB2 Development Tools .................................................................................................. 29
NAMING STANDARDS ............................................................................................................................ 30
3.1.1 Standard Naming Format for DB2 Objects ........................................................... 30
3.1.2 Application Identifiers ................................................................................................... 36
3.1.3 Environment Identifiers ............................................................................................... 36
3.1.4 Obsolete Object names ................................................................................................ 37
3.2 Image Copy Dataset Names .......................................................................................... 38
3.3 DB2 Subsystem Names ................................................................................................... 40
3.4 Production Library Names ............................................................................................... 40
3.5 Test Library Names ........................................................................................................... 41
3.6 Utility Job Names ............................................................................................................... 41
3.7 DB2/ORACLE Naming Issues ......................................................................................... 42
SECURITY ................................................................................................................................................ 43
4.1 RACF Groups ........................................................................................................................ 43
4.1.1 DB2 Owner Groups ........................................................................................................... 43
4.1.2 Role Based Access Groups ............................................................................................. 43
9/1/2020 CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines
4.1.3 DB2 specific RACF Groups ............................................................................................. 44
4.2 DB2 Security Administration .......................................................................................... 44
4.2.1 Development .................................................................................................................... 44
4.2.2 Integration ........................................................................................................................ 46
4.2.3 Validation.......................................................................................................................... 47
4.2.4 Production ......................................................................................................................... 48
4.3 Accessing DB2 Resources ............................................................................................... 49
4.3.1 Dynamic SQL Applications (SPUFI, SAS, QMF, DB2 Connect, etc.) ............ 50
4.3.2 Static SQL Applications ................................................................................................ 50
4.3.3 Execution Environments .............................................................................................. 50
DATABASE MIGRATION PROCEDURES ................................................................................................. 52
5.1 DB2 Database Migration Overview .............................................................................. 52
5.2 Preliminary Physical Database Design Review........................................................ 53
5.2.1 Pre-Development Migration Review Checklist ..................................................... 54
5.2.2 Development Setup ....................................................................................................... 54
5.3 Pre-Integration Migration Review ................................................................................ 58
5.3.1 Pre-Integration Migration Review Checklist ......................................................... 59
5.4 Pre-Production Migration Review ................................................................................. 61
5.4.1 Pre-Production Migration Review Checklist .......................................................... 62
DATABASE UTILITIES ............................................................................................................................ 64
6.1 CMS Standard DB2 Utilities ............................................................................................ 64
6.2 Restrictions on Utilities with QREPed Tables ........................................................... 65
DATABASE PERFORMANCE MONITORING ............................................................................................ 66
7.1 TOP 10 SQL Performance Measures ........................................................................... 66
GLOSSARY .............................................................................................................................................. 69
DOCUMENT CHANGES ........................................................................................................................... 77
9/1/2020 CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines
This document describes the physical database design and naming standards for
DB2 z/OS databases at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services CMS Data
While developing the physical database design all standards must be followed, it is
imperative that care and consideration be given to the standards noted throughout
this DB2 Standards and Guidelines document with regard to database object
naming conventions, appropriate database object usage, and required object
parameter settings. Although exceptions to the standards may be permitted, any
deviation from the standards must be reviewed with and approved by the Central
DBA staff prior to implementing into development.
DB2 Database Design Standards
1.1 DB2 Design Overview
Creating and maintaining objects in DB2 is a shared responsibility. Systems
Programmers are responsible for all system related objects including the catalogs,
directories, buffer pools, and other DB2 system resources. Data Administrators
create and maintain the logical models. In the development environments, Central
DBAs create and maintain objects in preparation for subsequent use by the local
DBAs. These objects include storage groups, databases, and application plans. In
the test environments, Local DBAs are responsible for all database objects that will
be utilized by their corresponding application. Tablespaces, tables, aliases, indexes,
and views are all created and maintained by the local DBA. In integration,
validation, and production Central DBAs maintain all database objects. Data is
managed and maintained by the application team.
CA AllFusion ERwin should be used to translate the approved logical data model to a
physical model and BMC Change Manager should be used to implement data
definitions generated from ERwin to DB2. The CMS standards must be applied even
when the physical data model is developed and implemented using case tools, such
as ERwin and BMC, rather than using the tool’s defaults.
Implementing a new database or a change to an existing database starts with a
database service request to the central DBA and the central DA teams. The change
requester completes the CMS DB2 DB Service Request Form. If required, the
completed form is forwarded to the Central DA team for column naming approval.
After Central DA approval, the form is sent to the Central DBA team for approval
and implementation.
An overview and instructions for the CMS DB2 DB Service Request and CMS DB2
DB Data Refresh forms may be found in the Overview of the CMS DB2 DB Service
Request/Data Refresh Request Forms document.
CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines 9/1/2020
1.2 Databases
A Database in DB2 is an object which is created to logically group other DB2 objects
such as tablespaces, tables, and indexes, within the DB2 catalog. Databases assist
with the administration of DB2 objects by allowing for many operational functions
to occur at the database level. DB2 commands such as -START DATABASE and -
STOP DATABASE, for example, allow entire groups of DB2 objects to be started and
stopped using one command.
Standard Naming Convention.
1.2.1 Object Usage
Please refer to the
roles and responsibilities documentation.
9/1/2020 CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines
1.2.2 Required Parameters (DDL Syntax)
The parameters listed below must be included in the DB2 data definition language
(DDL) when defining an application database. DB2 default settings must not be
assumed for any of the following.
Provide a valid bufferpool designation for tablespaces. The
default value BP0 is used for the DB2 Catalog only. Refer to
the bufferpool section of the doc.
Specify a valid storage group. STOGRPT1 is the standard
application storage group in all subsystems. The storage
group specified will indicate the default storage group that
will be assigned to any tablespace or indexspace in the
database only when that object was created without a
storage group specification. Do not specify the default DB2
storage group (SYSDEFLT). Unauthorized tablespaces
residing in the SYSDEFAULT storage group will be dropped
without warning
Provide a valid bufferpool designation for indexes. The
default value BP0 is used for the DB2 Catalog only. Refer to
the bufferpool section of the doc.
CCSID encoding
Specify the default encoding scheme, typically this will be
1.3 Tablespaces
A tablespace is the DB2 object that holds data for one or more DB2 tables. It is a
physical object that is managed in DB2.
Standard Naming Convention.
1.3.1 Object Usage
Assign one table per tablespace.
Use UTS tablespaces for new tablespaces
Define as PBR for all tables with a partitioning key unless they meet PBG criteria
Define as PBG-
o for small tables that will always be contained in a single 4GB or less
partition (growth past 4GB will require alter to PBR if an appropriate
key can be determined)
CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines 9/1/2020
o or where no partitioning key can be determined.
o CDBA concurrence must be obtained for PBG usage
Create tablespaces explicitly using the CREATE TABLESPACE command rather
than implicitly by creating a table without specifying a tablespace name.
Use DB2 storage groups to manage storage allocation for all application
Specify CLOSE YES for all tablespaces.
Specify LOCKSIZE PAGE or ANY for all tablespaces that are not identified as
'read-only'. LOCKSIZE PAGE is recommended and should be used for new
databases. An exception to this standard is when it is determined that all
updates to the table are performed in batch by only by single threaded jobs,
where LOCKSIZE TABLE is recommended. Due to the additional overhead
associated with maintaining row-level locks, use of LOCKSIZE ROW is permitted
only when a high level of application concurrency is necessary. Additionally, the
Central DBA staff must review and approve the use of any LOCKSIZE option
Only specify COMPRESS YES when it has been determined that significant
storage savings can be achieved by doing so. Typically, tablespaces containing
primarily character data will benefit more than those containing mainly numeric
data. Since data is compressed horizontally, tablespaces with longer average
row lengths are also good candidates for compression. When determining the
appropriateness of using DB2 compression, it is advisable to weigh the
associated CPU overhead (especially when modifying data) against the savings
in storage utilization as well as elapsed time for long running queries.
For read-only tables, define tablespaces with PCTFREE, FREEPAGE of zero (0).
Specify PRIQTY and SECQTY quantities that fall on a track or cylinder boundary.
On a 3390 device a track equates to 48K and a cylinder equates to 720K.
For tables over 100 cylinders always specify a PRIQTY and SECQTY to a number
that is a multiple of 720. Be sure that PRIQTY and SECQTY allocations are not
less than the size of one segment. For example, if SEGSIZE is 64, both PRIQTY
and SECQTY should be no less than 256K (64 pages * 4K/page). Sliding scale
allocation secondary, SECQTY=-1, is preferred, PRIQTY=-1 is useful in dev.
Define SEGSIZE as an even multiple of four (4), where the number chosen is
closest to the actual number of pages on a table stored in the tablespace.
Specify SEGSIZE 64 for all tablespaces consisting of greater than 64 pages of
For single partition tables use UTS PBR with MINVALUE/MAXVALUE in the Create
Table partition range when the range is not predetermined.
DBA review confirming that there is no appropriate partitioning key is required
before defining Partition by Growth.
Use multiple partition UTS PBR tablespaces when it is anticipated that the
number of rows in tablespace will exceed one million rows, two gigabytes of
storage or when it is determined that partitioning the tablespace will yield
performance benefit (i.e. parallel query processing or independent partition
utility processing).
9/1/2020 CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines
Index Partitioned Tablespace
Migrate existing index controlled partitioned tablespaces to UTS PBR when table
changes are required by application development.
1.3.2 Required Parameters (DDL Syntax)
The parameters listed below must be included in the DB2 data definition language
(DDL) when defining an application tablespace. DB2 default settings must not be
assumed for any of the following.
IN database
Specified database must be a valid application database.
Application tablespaces must not be defined in the DB2
default database. Unauthorized tablespaces residing
in the DB2 default database, DSNDB04, will be
dropped without warning.
Specify the size of each segment of pages within the
tablespace. For most tables, this value should be set to
Indicates the maximum data set size for each partition. A
value in gigabytes that indicates the maximum size for
each partition or, for LOB table spaces each data set.
Specify the number of partitions (datasets) that will
comprise the entire tablespace. MAXPARTITIONS requires
DBA approval.
Indicate the DB2 storage group on which the application
tablespaces will reside. STOGRPT1 is the standard
application storage group. Do not specify the default DB2
storage group (SYSDEFLT). Unauthorized tablespaces
residing in the SYSDEFAULT storage group will be
dropped without warning.
Primary quantity is specified in units of 1K bytes. Specify
a primary quantity that will accommodate all of the data
in the tablespace or partition. PRIQTY=-1 is allowed.
Secondary quantity is specified in units of 1K bytes.
Specify a secondary quantity that is consistent with the
anticipated growth of the table. The value specified
should be large enough to prevent the tablespace from
spanning more than three extents prior to the next
scheduled REORG. SECQTY=-1 is preferred.
CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines 9/1/2020
Indicate the frequency in which DB2 should reserve a
page of free space on the tablespace or partition when it
is reorganized or when data is initially loaded. Note: The
maximum value for segmented tables is 1 less than the
value specified for SEGSIZE.
Indicate what percentage of each page on the tablespace
or partition should be remain unused when it is
reorganized or when data is initially loaded.
Indicate whether DB2 should store data in the tablespace
or partition in a compressed format
Provide a valid bufferpool designation. Do not specify the
default bufferpool of BP0, consult the bufferpool standards
or the Central DBA staff.
Specify the size of lock DB2 will acquire when data on the
tablespace is accessed (see Object Usage standard
Indicate whether DB2 should close the corresponding
VSAM dataset when no activity on tablespace is detected
(see Object Usage standard above).
1.4 Tables
A table in DB2 is a named collection of columns and rows. The data represented in
these rows can be accessed using SQL data manipulation language (select, insert,
update, and delete). Generally, it is a table in DB2 that applications and end-users
access to retrieve and manage business data.
Standard Naming Convention.
1.4.1 Object Usage
Assign one table per tablespace. Table and Clone are treated as one table.
Default tablespaces and databases must not be used. Tables must be created in
a tablespace which was explicitly created for the corresponding application.
In conformance with relational theory, all rows of a table should be uniquely
identified by a column or set of columns to avoid the advent of duplicate rows. It
is therefore required that every table defined to DB2 includes a primary key. If a
table does not have a viable group of columns that can be defined as a primary
key, consult the Central DBA staff for direction.
9/1/2020 CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines
1.4.2 Required Parameters (DDL Syntax)
The parameters listed below must be included in the DB2 data definition language
(DDL) when defining an application table. DB2 default settings must not be
assumed for any of the following.
(column definition,
List column specifications for each column that is to be
defined to the table (see Additional Table Definition
Parameters below for more details).
Specify the fully qualified tablespace name where data
for the table should be stored. Do not reference the
DB2 default database. Unauthorized tablespaces
residing in the DB2 Default database, DSNDB04,
will be dropped without warning.
Required to create standard UTS PBR tablespace.
1.5 Columns
Columns in a DB2 table contain data that was loaded, inserted or updated by some
process. All columns have a corresponding datatype to indicate the format of the
data within. In addition to datatypes, other edits can be associated with columns in
DB2 in order to enforce defined business rule. These rules include default values,
check constraints, unique constraints, and referential integrity (foreign keys).
Standard Naming Convention.
1.5.1 Object Usage
Nulls should only be used when there is a need to know the difference between
the absence of a value versus a default value.
Nulls are used for missing dates and amounts. Character columns will generally
be, Not Null with Default, to use the system default of blanks. instead of null for
missing values. This saves the space and additional variable required by a null
indicator. IE, Y/N/blank or A/B/C/blank, rather then Y/N/null. Nulls may be
used for character columns to support RI such as on delete set null, or were
blank is a valid non missing value.
CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines 9/1/2020
The Central DA team should be consulted for a list of standard domains and
column definitions.
Columns that represent the same data but are stored on different tables; must
have the same name, datatype and length specification. An example of this is
where tables are related referentially. If on a PROVIDER table, for example, the
primary key is defined as PROV_NUM CHAR(08), then dependent tables must
include PROV_NUM CHAR(08) as a foreign key column.
Columns that contain data which is determined to have the same domain must
be defined using identical datatype and length specifications. For example,
columns LAST_CHG_USER_ID and CASE_ADMN_USER_ID serve different
business purposes, however both should be defined as CHAR (08) in DB2. This
standard applies to the entire enterprise and should not be enforced solely at an
application level.
All columns containing date information must be defined using the
DATE/TIMESTAMP data types.
All columns containing time information must be defined using the
TIME/TIMESTAMP data types.
Specify a datatype that most represents the data the column will contain. For
numeric data, use one of the supported numeric data types taking into account
the minimum and maximum value limits as well as storage requirements for
For character data which may exceed 30 characters in length, consider use of
the VARCHAR datatype. This could provide substantial savings in storage
requirements. When weighing the benefits of defining a column to be variable in
length, consider the average length of data that will be stored in this column. If
the average length is less than 80% of the total column width, a variable length
column may be appropriate. If data compression is used on the tablespace the
central DBA should be contacted to determine if VARCHAR, should still be used.
Consider sequence of the column definitions to improve database performance.
Use the following as a guideline for sequencing columns on DB2 tables.
Primary Key columns (for reference purposes only)
Frequently read columns
Infrequently read columns
Infrequently updated columns
Variable length columns
Frequently updated columns
For columns defined as DECIMAL be sure to use an odd number as the precision
specification to ensure efficient storage utilization. Precision represents the
entire length of the column, so in the definition DECIMAL (9,2), the precision is
For columns with whole numbers SMALLINT and INTEGER should be used.
9/1/2020 CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines
1.5.2 Required Parameters (DDL Syntax)
The parameters listed below must be included in the DB2 data definition language
(DDL) when defining columns in an application table. DB2 default settings must not
be assumed for any of the following.
Column name
Provide a name for the column which conforms to DB2
Standard Naming Conventions.
Provide a datatype specification consistent with the
characteristics of the data the column will hold.
[default value]
Indicate that a value or default value is required for the
column. Under some circumstances, this clause may not be
required (see Object Usage Standard above).
For additional information see IBM’s Reference manuals.
1.6 Referential Constraints (Foreign Keys)
A referential constraint is a rule that defines the relationship between two tables. It
is implemented by creating a foreign key on a dependent table that relates to the
primary key (or unique constraint) of a parent table.
Standard Naming Convention.
1.6.1 Object Usage
Names for all foreign key constraints must be explicitly defined using data
definition language (DDL). Do not allow DB2 to generate default names.
DDL syntax allows for foreign key constraints to be defined along side of the
corresponding column definition, as a separate clause at the end of the table
definition, or in an ALTER table statement. Each of these methods are
acceptable at CMS provided all of the required parameters noted below are
included in the definition.
Avoid establishing referential constraints for read-only tables.
Do not define referential constraints on tables residing in multi-table tablespaces
where the tables in the tablespace are not part of the same referential structure.
When possible, limit the number of levels in a referential structure (all tables
which have a relationship to one another) to three.
Use column constraints instead of referential constraints to a code table for
small groups of unchanging codes, such as sex, or y/n values and reason codes.
CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines 9/1/2020
1.6.2 Required Parameters (DDL Syntax)
The parameters listed below must be included in the DB2 data definition language
(DDL) when defining a foreign key constraint in an application table. DB2 default
settings must not be assumed for any of the following.
constraint name
Specify a name for the foreign key constraint based on the
see Standard Naming Convention.
Indicate the column(s) that make up the foreign key
constraint. These columns must correspond to a primary
key or unique constraint in the parent table.
table name
Specify the name of the table to which the foreign key
constraint refers. If the foreign key constraint is based on a
unique constraint of a parent table, also provide the column
names that make up the corresponding unique constraint.
delete rule
Specify the appropriate delete rule which should be applied
whenever an attempt is made to delete a corresponding
parent row. Valid values include RESTRICT, NO ACTION,
SET NULL, and CASCADE. (Warning: Use of the CASCADE
delete rule can result in the mass deletion of numerous
rows from dependent tables when one row is deleted from
the corresponding parent. No response is returned to the
deleting application indicating the mass delete occurred.
Therefore, strong consideration should be given as to the
appropriateness of implementing this rule in the physical
For additional information see IBM’s Reference manuals.
9/1/2020 CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines
1.7 Table Check Constraints
A check constraint, (also known as a table or column constraint), is a rule defined
to a table which dictates how edits will be applied against data that is either
inserted or updated. The constraint rule is implemented using data definition
language (DDL) and can apply to a specific column or multiple columns on a table.
Constraint rules are always checked against one row of data at any point in time.
Check Constraints are preferred to RI on code tables for performance. Static codes
with under a dozen values are more efficient using check constraints for
enforcement, with descriptions kept locally in UI code rather accessing a code table
with a select.
Standard Naming Convention.
1.7.1 Object Usage
Names for all check constraints must be explicitly defined using data definition
language (DDL). Do not allow DB2 to generate default names.
DDL syntax allows for check constraints to be defined along side of the
corresponding column definition, as a separate clause at the end of the table
definition, or in an ALTER table statement. Each of these methods are
acceptable at CMS provided all of the required parameters noted below are
included in the definition.
Several restrictions apply when defining check constraints on a table or column.
Refer to the DB2 SQL Reference manual for more details.
Use caution when defining check constraints. Although DB2 will verify the syntax
of SQL commands, it will not verify the meaning. It is possible to implement a
check constraint that conflicts with other rules defined for the table. For
example, the syntax listed below would be accepted by DB2 even though the
column could never be inserted with a default value of 5.
Verify that check constraint rules do not conflict with any defined referential
rules. For example, if a foreign key is defined as ON DELETE SET NULL and a
check constraint is defined on the foreign key column as a rule that would
prohibit nulls, DB2 will allow both rules to exist. However, any attempt to delete
a parent row will fail due to the check constraint on the dependent table.
Code tables with the ‘Not Enforced’ Foreign key parameter, may be used along
with check constraints when there are many values which require descriptions,
or when multiple application environments require consistent descriptions. This
identifies the RI for the code table to Erwin while retaining the efficiency of using
a check constraint.
CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines 9/1/2020
1.7.2 Required Parameters (DDL Syntax)
The parameters listed below must be included in the DB2 data definition language
(DDL) when defining a table check constraint in an application table. DB2 default
settings must not be assumed for any of the following.
Specify a name for the check constraint based on the
Standard Naming Convention.
Indicate the business rule using valid SQL syntax. This rule
will look similar to conditions expressed in an SQL WHERE
For additional information see IBM’s Reference manuals.
1.8 Unique Constraints
A unique constraint is a rule defined to a table which indicates that any occurrence
(row) in the table contains a distinct value in the column or combination of columns
that make up the constraint. The constraint rule is implemented using data
definition language (DDL) and can apply to a specific column or multiple columns on
a table. A unique constraint is similar to a primary key where both implement entity
integrity rules which state that each row in a table is uniquely identified by a non-
null value or set of values. The major difference between primary keys and unique
constraints is the fact that although only one primary key can be defined for one
table, multiple unique constraints can exist.
1.8.1 Object Usage
Names for all unique constraints must be explicitly defined using data definition
language (DDL). Do not allow DB2 to generate default names.
DDL syntax allows for unique constraints to be defined along side of the
corresponding column definition, as a separate clause at the end of the table
definition, or in an ALTER table statement. Each of these methods are
acceptable at CMS provided all of the required parameters noted below are
included in the definition.
DB2 requires that a unique index be created to support each unique constraint
defined for a table. DB2 will mark a table as unusable until such an index is
9/1/2020 CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines
1.8.2 Required Parameters (DDL Syntax)
The parameters listed below must be included in the DB2 data definition language
(DDL) when defining a unique constraint in an application table.
Specify a name for the unique constraint based on the
Standard Naming Convention.
(column name,
Specify the name of the column or list of columns which
make up the unique constraint.
ROWID is a column data type that generates a unique value for each row in a table.
Using the ROWID column as the partitioning key may allow for random distribution
across partitions. DB2 will always generate the value for a ROWID column if
"GENERATED ALWAYS" is specified. ROWID has an internal representation of 19
bytes which never changes. The first two bytes are the length field followed by 17
bytes for the ROWID. The external representation of the ROWID is 40 bytes with
the RID appended(this changes with a REORG). ROWID values can only be assigned
to a ROWID column or ROWID variable. When using a host variable to receive a
ROWID it is necessary to declare the host variable as a ROWID for processing by
the precompiler:
Assigning a character string to a ROWID you must first cast it to the ROWID data
type. Two ways in which to cast a CHAR, VARCHAR, or HEX literal:
CAST (expression AS ROWID)
CAST (X’hex_literal’ AS ROWID)
1.9.1 Object Usage
CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines 9/1/2020
Table cannot have more than one ROWID column.
Trigger cannot modify a ROWID column.
ROWID column cannot be declared a primary or foreign key.
ROWID column cannot be updated.
ROWID column cannot be defined as nullable.
Cannot have a ROWID column on a temporary table.
ROWID column cannot have field procedures.
ROWID column cannot have check constraints.
Tables with a ROWID column cannot have an EDITPROC
ROWID data type cannot be used with DB2 private protocol, can only be used
with DRDA.
ROWID column is required for implementing LOBs.
1.9.2 Required Parameters (DDL Syntax)
The parameters listed below must be included in the DB2 data definition language
(DDL) when defining a ROWID column. DB2 default settings must not be assumed
for any of the following.
DB2 accepts valid row ID’s as inserted values for a row.
DB2 will generate a value if none are specified.
Must define a unique single column index on the ROWID
column (cannot INSERT until created).
Recommended for tables populated from another table.
DB2 will always generate value.
An index is not required if generated with this approach.
LOAD utility cannot be used to load ROWID values if the
ROWID column was created with the GENERATED ALWAYS
This is the recommended approach.
For additional information see IBM’s Reference manuals.
9/1/2020 CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines
1.10 Identity Columns
A column type for generating unique sequential value for a column when a row is
added to the table. Sequential incrementing is not guaranteed if more than one
transaction is updating the table. For a unit of work that is rolled back, the allocated
numbers that have already been used are not reissued.
1.10.1 Object Usage
Table cannot have more than one Identity column.
Identity columns cannot be defined as nullable.
Cannot have a FIELDPROC.
Table(s) with an Identity column cannot have an EDITPROC.
Use of "WITH DEFAULT" is not allowed.
The data type of an identity column can be INTEGER, SMALLINT, or DECIMAL
with a scale of 0. The column can also be a distinct type based on one of these
data types.
Issuing a recovery to a prior point in time will cause DB2 not to reissue those
values already used.
CREATE table ... LIKE ... INCLUDING IDENTITY causes the newly created table
to inherit the identity column of the old table.
The ALTER table statement can be used to add an identity column. If the table is
populated when the ALTER is issued, the table is placed in the REORG pending
1.10.2 Required Parameters (DDL Syntax)
The parameters listed below must be included in the DB2 data definition language
(DDL) when defining an Identity column. DB2 default settings must not be assumed
for any of the following.
An explicit value can be provided, if a value is not provided
then DB2 generates a value.
Uniqueness is not guaranteed except for previously DB2
generated values. You must create an unique index to
guarantee unique values. Developers need to check for -803
SQLCODE indicating an attempt to insert a duplicate value in
a column with an unique index.
CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines 9/1/2020
DB2 will always generate a value, an explicit value cannot be
specified with an INSERT and UPDATE statement. RI to
columns using GENERATED ALWAYS is not allowed as new
values are assigned if the table is reloaded.
This designates the column as an identity column. The
column is implicitly NOT NULL.
Only need to specify if the number is not "1" furthermore,
must be a valid number for the chosen data type. This
number can be a positive or negative number. If it is a
positive number, it is an ascending number. If it is a
negative number, it is a descending number.
Value by which the Identity column will be incremented (1 is
the default). The value must be valid for the chosen data
Preallocated values that are kept in memory by DB2 (the
default is 20). The minimum value that can be specified is 2,
and the maximum is the largest value that can be
represented as an integer.
During a system failure, all cached Identity column values
that are yet to be assigned are lost, and thus, will never be
used. Therefore, the value specified for CACHE also
represents the maximum number of values for the identity
column that could be lost during a system failure.
No preallocated values are kept in memory by DB2. This is
useful if it is necessary to assign numbers in sequence as
the rows are inserted in a sysplex data sharing environment.
For additional information see IBM’s Reference manuals.
1.11 Sequence Objects
Sequence Objects generate unique sequential numbers independently of a table.
“Many users can access and increment the sequence concurrently without waiting.
DB2 does not wait for a transaction that has incremented a sequence to commit
before allowing another transaction to increment the sequence again.
Sequence Objects are preferred over identity columns when used as an id with RI
on multiple tables. The Sequence object is known before inserting the parent
record, removing the need to insert and select the parent, before inserting the child
9/1/2020 CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines
1.11.1 Object Usage
Sequence Objects may not be defined with NO CACHE or ORDER, unless an
exception is given by the Central DBA’s. This does mean that there may be gaps in
the numbering between records.
A View in DB2 is an alternative representation of data from one or more tables or
views. Although they can be accessed using data manipulation language (SELECT,
INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE), views do not contain data. Actual data is stored with
the underlying base table(s). Views are generally created to solve business
requirements related to security or ease of data access. A view may be required to
limit the columns or rows of a particular table a class of business users are
permitted to see. Views are also created to simplify user access to data by resolving
complicated SQL calls in the view definition.
See Standard Naming Convention.
1.12.1 Object Usage
View definitions must reference base tables only.
Do not create views which reference other views.
Use views sparingly. Create views only when it is determined that direct access to
the actual table does not adequately serve a particular business need. In general,
views should not be required if the data on a table is not sensitive and is only
accessed using predefined SQL such as static embedded SQL.
1.12.2 Required Parameters (DDL Syntax)
The parameters listed below must be included in the DB2 data definition language
(DDL) when defining a view. DB2 default settings must not be assumed for any of
the following.
(column list,
List column names for each column that is to be defined to
the view. These names must conform to the DB2 Standard
Naming Convention for column names.
AS select
Specify SQL select statement that defines this view. Do not
include existing views as part of the view definition. Do not
include a SELECT * ... as a select statement.
CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines 9/1/2020
1.13 Indexes
An index is an ordered set of data values with corresponding record identifiers
(RIDs) which identify the location of data rows on a tablespace. An index is created
for one table and consists of data values from one or many columns on the table.
When created, one or more VSAM linear datasets used to hold the data and RID
values is also created. This physical object (dataset), known as an indexspace, can
be managed in DB2 using storage groups (DB2 Managed).
Standard Naming Convention.
1.13.1 Object Usage
Use DB2 storage groups to manage storage allocation for all indexes.
Specify CLOSE YES for all indexes.
Specify COPY YES for all indexes that will be Image Copied.
For read-only tables, define indexes with PCTFREE 0, FREEPAGE 0.
When creating an index on a table that already contains over 5,000,000 rows,
use the DEFER option then use a REBUILD INDEX utility to build the index. By
stating DEFER YES on the CREATE INDEX statement, DB2 will simply add the
index definition to the DB2 catalog; the actual index entries will not be built.
Using this method can significantly reduce the amount of resources needed to
create an index on a large table.
One index on every table must be explicitly defined as the clustering index.
Specify PRIQTY and SECQTY quantities that fall on a track or cylinder boundary.
On a 3390 device a track equates to 48K and a cylinder equates to 720K.
For indices over 100 cylinders always specify a PRIQTY and SECQTY on a
cylinder boundary, or a number that is a multiple of 720.
1.13.2 Required Parameters (DDL Syntax)
The parameters listed below must be included in the DB2 data definition language
(DDL) when defining an index. DB2 default settings must not be assumed for any of
the following.
9/1/2020 CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines
One index for each table must be designated as the
clustering index. Not doing so will cause DB2 to assume the
first index created on the table as the clustering index.
stogroup name
Indicate the DB2 storage group on which the indexspace will
reside. Do not specify the default DB2 storage group
(SYSDEFLT). Unauthorized objects defined in the default
storage group will be dropped without warning. See
Naming Convention.
Primary quantity is specified in units of 1K bytes. Specify a
primary quantity that will accommodate all of the index
entries in the table or partition (for partitioned indexes).
Secondary quantity is specified in units of 1K bytes. Specify
a secondary quantity that is consistent with the anticipated
growth of the table or partition (for partitioned indexes). The
value specified should be large enough to prevent the
indexspace from spanning more that three extents prior to
the next scheduled REORG.
Indicate the frequency in which DB2 should reserve a page
of free space on the indexspace when data is initially loaded
to the table or when the index or index partition is rebuilt or
Indicate what percentage of each page on the indexspace
should be remain unused when data is initially loaded to the
table or when the index or index partition is rebuilt or
Provide a valid bufferpool designation. The default value is
BP0 which should never be used - it is reserved for the DB2
catalog. Consult with the central DBA to determine the
appropriate bufferpool setting for your database objects.
Indicate whether DB2 should close the corresponding VSAM
dataset when no activity on indexspace is detected (see
Object Usage standard above).
Indicates Whether the COPY utility is allowed for this index.
Valid values are NO or YES.
1.14 Table Alias
A DB2 Alias provides an alternate name for a table or view that resides on the local
or remote database server. At CMS, aliases will be maintained to allow application
programs use to reference unqualified table and view names of different owners
with the single owner of their packages.
Standard Naming Convention.
CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines 9/1/2020
1.14.1 Object Usage
Aliases are utilized in the development environments to access another application’s
tables with different qualifiers. A common owner is used in production instead of
1.14.2 Required Parameters (DDL Syntax)
The parameters listed below must be included in the DB2 data definition language
(DDL) when defining an alias. DB2 default settings must not be assumed for any of
the following.
alias name
Specify an alias name consistent with the
Standard Naming
Provide a fully qualified table name (creator.tablename)
for the corresponding table.
1.15 Synonyms
A DB2 Synonym is an alternate name an individual can assign to a table or a view.
After creating a synonym, the individual can refer to the unqualified synonym name
(name without a creator prefix). DB2 will recognize the unqualified name as a
synonym and will translate the synonym name to the actual fully qualified table or
view name (creator.name). With current releases of DB2, synonyms no longer
provide a significant benefit in a development environment and will not be
supported at CMS.
1.15.1 Object Usage
Applications developed and maintained at CMS must not reference DB2 synonyms.
Synonyms will not be supported in the validation and production environments.
9/1/2020 CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines
1.16 Stored Procedures
A Stored Procedure is a compiled program defined at a local or remote DB2 server
that is invoked using the SQL CALL statement.
Standard Naming Convention.
1.16.1 Object Usage
Stored Procedures will be maintained, migrated and compiled through Endevor.
Close and commit statements must be executed in the invoking modules to
release held DB2 resources.
To plan the configuration of the WLM environment, the application is responsible
for notifying the Central DBA of the intent to use External Stored Procedures and
what purpose the Stored Procedures will have, prior to developing and testing.
This will include but is not limited to, business requirements, type of access, and
performance considerations.
Nested External Stored Procedures are not permitted at CMS. After invoking the
initial stored procedure subsequent procedures should be invoked using
application language Call/Link statements. Nested Stored Procedure calls have
been proven to be inefficient.
External Stored Procedures will be defined as STAYRESIDENT YES and PROGRAM
1.16.2 Required Parameters (DDL Syntax)
The parameters listed below must be included in the DB2 data definition language
(DDL) when defining a Stored Procedure. DB2 default settings must not be
assumed for any of the following.
Identifies the parameter as an input, output or input and
output parameter to the Stored Procedure.
Specifies the number of query result sets that can be
returned. A value of zero indicates no result sets will be
Identifies the user-written program/code that implements
the Stored Procedure.
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Identifies the application programming language that the
Stored Procedure is coded in.
Specifies the linkage convention used to pass parameters to
the Stored Procedure.
Specifies whether specific information known by DB2 is
passed to the Stored Procedure when it is called.
Identifies the package collection that is used when the
Stored Procedure is called.
Identifies the MVS Workload Manager (WLM)environment
that the Stored Procedure is to run in.
Specifies whether the Stored Procedure load module stays
resident in memory when the stored procedure terminates.
Identifies if the Stored Procedure runs as a Main or a
Identifies how the Stored Procedure interacts with RACF to
control access to non-DB2 resources. Only USER and DB2
are allowed.
Specifies if DB2 commits the transaction immediately on
return from the Stored Procedure.
1.17 User Defined Functions
A User Defined Function (or UDF) is similar to a host language subprogram or
function that is invoked in an SQL statement.
UDF’s will follow the rules used for Stored Procedures.
Two common CMS function to convert Railroad Retirement board numbers to SSA
HICN format have been defined:
1.18 User Defined Types
A Distinct Type (or User Defined Data Type) is based on a built-in database data
type, but is considered to be a separate and incompatible type for semantic
purposes. Example: One could define a US_Dollar and Mexican Peso data types,
although they may both be defined as DECIMAL(10,2), the business may want to
prevent these columns from being compared to one another.
9/1/2020 CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines
There are currently no CMS standards for UDTs. If there is a need for a UDT please
contact the Central DBA group for guidance.
1.19 Triggers
A Trigger is a defined set of SQL defined for a table that executes when a specified
SQL event occurs.
Standard Naming Convention.
1.19.1 Object Usage
Single triggers combining multiple actions for a table should be used rather than
multiple triggers to reduce the trigger calling overhead.
Triggers firing other triggers should be avoided.
1.19.2 Required Parameters (DDL Syntax)
The parameters listed below must be included in the DB2 data definition language
(DDL) when defining a Trigger. DB2 default settings must not be assumed for any
of the following.
ON table table-
Identifies the triggering table that the trigger is associated
ROW - Specifies that DB2 executes the trigger for each row
of the triggering table that the triggering SQL operation
changes or Inserts. STATEMENT - Specifies that DB2
executes the triggered action only once for the triggering
SQL operation.
Identifies a condition that evaluates to true, false, or
Specifies the SQL that is executed for the triggered action.
1.20 LOBs
A large object is a data type used by DB2 to manage unstructured data. DB2
provides three built-in data types for storing large objects:
CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines 9/1/2020
Binary Large Objects, also known as BLOBs can contain up to 2GB of binary
data. Typical uses for BLOB data include photographs and pictures, audio and
sound clips, and video clips.
Character Large Objects, also known as CLOBs can contain up to 2GB of single
byte character data. CLOBs are ideal for storing large text documents in a DB2
Double Byte Character Large Objects, also known as DBCLOBs can contain up to
1GB of double byte character data, for a total of 2GB. DBCLOBs are useful for
storing text documents in languages that require double byte characters, such
as Kanji.
BLOBs, CLOBs, and DBCLOBs are collectively referred to as LOBs. The actual data
storage limit for BLOB, CLOBs, and DBCLOBs, is 1 byte less than 2 gigabytes of
ROWID column is required for implementing LOBs.
There are currently no written standards for LOBs. The CMS standard for
unstructured data is to use Content Manager. If there is a need for LOBs please
contact the Central DBA group for guidance.
1.21 Buffer Pools
Buffer pools are areas of virtual storage where DB2 temporarily stores pages of
table spaces or indexes. When an application program requests a row of a table,
the page containing the row is retrieved by DB2 and placed in a buffer. If the
requested page is already in a buffer, DB2 retrieves the page from the buffer,
significantly reducing the cost of retrieving the page.
1.21.1 Object Usage
Bufferpools are assigned and created by the Software Support Group with Central
DBA input.
The Bufferpool assignments are listed below:
BP1 Large Tables ( > 48000K or > 1000 tracks)
BP2 Large Indexes ( > 48000K or > 1000 tracks)
BP3 Medium Tables (( > 240K and < 48000K) or
( > 5 tracks and < 1000 tracks))
BP4 Medium Indexes (( > 240K and < 48000K) or
( > 5 tracks and < 1000 tracks))
BP5 Small Tables ( < than 240K or < than 5 tracks)
BP6 Small Indexes ( < than 240K or < than 5 tracks)
9/1/2020 CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines
1.22 Capacity Planning
It is the responsibility of the Project GTL to schedule a meeting with EDCG,
Lockheed Martin and the Central DBA team to discuss and plan for impacts a new
system or major modifications to an existing system will have on the CMS computer
environments. This includes but not limited to Development, Test, Performance
Testing, Production, etc.
1.23 Space Requests
It is the responsibility of the Project GTL to request necessary space from EDCG.
The space required in each subsystem (all test environments and production) must
be delivered as part of the pre-development walk-through.
CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines 9/1/2020
Application Programming
2.1 Data Access (SQL)
The following is a list of SQL usage standards to which all application programs
developed and maintained at CMS must adhere.
General SQL Usage
Application programs must not include data definition language (DDL) or data
control language (DCL) SQL statements.
SQL statements must include unqualified table and view names only. At no time
should a table name be referenced from an application program using the table
creator as a prefix.
SQL columns must be accessed with elementary data items. At no time should
host structures be referenced in an SQL statement. The use of group level data
items, or structures are only permitted to manipulate variable length data or null
indicators, (i.e., VARCHAR).
SQL Error Handling
All application programs must check the value of SQLCODE immediately after
each executable SQL command is issued, to determine the outcome of the SQL
request. Depending on the requirements of the application program, appropriate
logic to handle all possible values of SQLCODE must be performed
All application programs must utilize a CMS Standard SQL Error Handling
Routine calling DSNTIAR and formatting output to SYSOUT to handle all
unexpected DB2 error conditions that are not accommodated within the
Standard Error Handling Routines
A complete list of SQLCODEs can be located in the DB2 Messages and Codes or
DB2 Reference Summary manuals.
Table Declarations for all tables and views accessed must be generated using
the DB2 DCLGEN command.
Table declarations must be stored individually as members in a Endevor library.
Table declarations will be expanded in application source code at program
preparation time using the EXEC SQL, INCLUDE command.
Host Variable Declarations must be defined as elementary data items in the
Working-Storage section in Cobol programs. Group level data items as host
variables are only permitted to manipulate variable length data or null
indicators, (i.e., VARCHAR).
9/1/2020 CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines
DECLARE CURSOR statements must be defined in the Working-Storage section
in Cobol programs.
Since cursor definitions include a valid SQL SELECT statement, DECLARE
CURSOR statements must also adhere to the SELECT statement standards.
Cursor declarations for read-only cursors must include the FOR FETCH ONLY, to
make use of block fetching (improved I/O).
Cursor declarations for cursors which will retrieve a small number of rows, must
include the OPTIMIZE FOR 1 ROWS clause to avoid sequential prefetch
processing (increased I/O).
SELECT statements must include an explicit list of column names and
expressions, which are being retrieved from DB2. Asterisks (*) are only
permitted in SELECT statements under the following circumstances:
When using the SQL COUNT column function to determine a number of rows
table-name WHERE …) with a -811 check for duplicates, or similar correlated
select, is preferred for existence checking when the number of rows isn’t
Old code with a subselect to determine the existence of a condition (... WHERE
EXISTS (SELECT * FROM table-name ...)). Using (… WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1
FROM table-name)) is preferred.
INSERT statements must use the format of a column list with corresponding
host variables for each column. INSERT INTO tablename (col1, col2, col3,...)
VALUES (:hvar1, :hvar2, :hvar3...)
LOCK table
Due to the adverse affect on concurrent usage of DB2 resources, the use of the
LOCK table command is limited. Use of the LOCK table statement must be
approved by the Central DBA staff when it is required to achieve improved
performance or data integrity.
All application programs designed to process SQL cursors must execute a CLOSE
CURSOR statement for every corresponding OPEN CURSOR.
CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines 9/1/2020
2.2 Application Recovery
To achieve a high level of data recoverability and application concurrency, all DB2
application programs updating data, (INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE), will incorporate
logical unit of work processing. Application logic will clearly identify begin and end
points for sets of work which must be processed as a whole. Commit and rollback
commands will be incorporated where appropriate.
All batch DB2 application programs will include abend/restart logic which will
minimize the impact to DB2 resources as well as the allotted batch processing
window in the event of an application failure.
Quickstart/MVS from BMC is the standard development tool that must be used at
CMS in order to comply with this standard.
2.3 Program Preparation
2.3.1 DB2 Package
All DB2 application programs developed and maintained at CMS are bound to DB2
as packages and are included in DB2 plans using the PKLIST parameter in the BIND
PLAN statement. Application programs are normally bound as part of the Endevor
All DB2 packages must be bound using an ISOLATION level of 'CS' (cursor
stability). Specifying any other isolation level, such as repeatable read (RR) or
uncommitted read (UR) requires approval of the Central DBA staff. EXPLAIN(YES)
is required.
The following is an example of BIND PACKAGE syntax which should be used to
create DB2 packages at CMS:
9/1/2020 CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines
2.3.2 DB2 Plan
All DB2 applications developed and maintained at CMS will implement DB2 plans
which contain a list of DB2 packages only. Use of the MEMBER parameter in the
BIND PLAN statement to include DBRM members is prohibited.
l DB2 plans must be bound using an ISOLATION level of 'CS' (cursor stability).
Specifying any other isolation level, such as repeatable read (RR) or uncommitted
read (UR) requires approval of the Central DBA staff.
3.3 Explains
iases to plan tables for each database qualifier (EX DBXYZ0D1) will be created by
the Central DBA group. EXPLAIN(YES) is required on all binds to allow access paths
to be reviewed for performance.
4 DB2 Development Tools
UFI queries may not use RR repeatable read. This has been restricted by not
allowing access to the RR plan.
c access should be limited to Warehouse tables. Adhoc access to Operational
tables requires special approval from the owning GTL.
DB2 sample programs should be called with non-version plan names: DSNTEP2
CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines 9/1/2020
Naming Standards
3.1 Conventions for Objects and Datasets
s section discusses the standard naming conventions for DB2 objects and
datasets. These conventions were designed to meet the following objectives:
Guarantee uniqueness of DB2 object names within a DB2 subsystem.
Provide a uniform naming structure for DB2 objects of similar types.
Simplify physical database design decisions regarding naming strategies.
Provide ability to visually group DB2 Objects by the application and/or subject
area for which the objects were designed to support.
e following naming standards apply to any DB2 object (database,
tablespace, table, view, package, etc.) used to hold or maintain user
data, as well as external user objects, (partitioned datasets, production
job names, etc.) that will be used in conjunction with DB2 as part of
standard application development and system operation procedures.
3.1.1 Standard Naming Format for DB2 Objects
l DB2 objects will be named according to the standard formats listed in the
following table. All object names must begin with an alphabetic character and
cannot begin with DSN, SQL, or DSQ.
Required Attributes
Alias names will always match the name of the table to which the
alias pertains
AAAxEn and DBAAAxEn follow the standard of naming convention
of Table Owner and Tablespace respectively
AI for Auxiliary index
SSS the Tablespace numeral from characters 4,5,6
NNN is a running number for that particular table. For example a
partition Tablespace having 200 parts and 2 CLOB columns can
have can have NNN from 1-200 for column 1 and 401 to 600 for
column 2.
AAAxEn and DBAAAxEn follow the standard of naming convention
of Table Owner and Tablespace respectively
9/1/2020 CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines
AT for Auxiliary index
SSS the Tablespace numeral from characters 4,5,6
NNN is a running number for that particular table. For example a
partition Tablespace having 200 parts and 2 CLOB columns can
have can have NNN from 1-200 for column 1 and 401 to 600 for
column 2.
AAAxEn and DBAAAxEn follow the standard of naming convention
of Table Owner and Tablespace respectively
AI for Auxiliary index
SSS the Tablespace numeral from characters 4,5,6
NNN is a running number for that particular table. For example a
partition Tablespace having 200 parts and 2 CLOB columns can
have can have NNN from 1-200 for column 1 and 401 to 600 for
column 2.
30 character name (maximum),
Applications creating DCLGENs should use a shorter limit to keep
the generated variable length with in 30 when the DCLGEN prefix
and indicator suffix are added.
The name should be derived from the business name identified
during the business/data analysis process;
The name must include acceptable class and modifying words as
defined by the data administration group.
6 character name
The first three-characters (AAA) is the Application Identifier
The fourth char numbers multiple collections
The last chars are the environment and version
Plans are always created by the Central DBA
6 character name
the first three characters indicate the application responsible for
the data; this abbreviation must be approved by APCSS and the
Central DBAs
The fourth char numbers multiple databases
The last chars are the environment and version
All Databases are defined by the Central DBA
8 character name (maximum), (three-character Application
Identifier & five-char description);
CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines 9/1/2020
DBRM name must be identical to the source module name of the
corresponding application program.
AAAttt for tables
AAAVttt for views
6-7 character library member name
for tables, the DCLGEN member name will correspond to the
name of the corresponding tablespace.
for approved views, the DCLGEN member name should begin
with a three-character Application Identifier, a one-position
alphabetic character ('V' for 'view'), and a three-position
sequential number uniquely identifying the view member name
Foreign Key
8 character name;
three-character Application Identifier, a three-position sequential
number indicating the corresponding tablespace number, a one-
position fixed character ("F"), and a one-position sequential
number indicating the specific foreign key for the corresponding
must be unique within the corresponding database
8 character name;
three-character Application Identifier, a three-position sequential
number indicating the corresponding tablespace number, and a
two-position sequential number indicating the specific index for
the corresponding table/tablespace;
must be unique within database
8 character name (maximum), (three-character Application
Identifier & five-char description); package name must be
identical to the source module name of the corresponding
application program.
CMS utilizes two plans for each application one for online
programs and one for Batch programs
7 character name
The first three-characters (AAA) is the Application Identifier
The fourth is either a ‘C’ for CICS or a ‘B’ for non-CICS
The fifth char numbers multiple plans
The last chars are the environment and version
Plans are always created by the Central DBA
9/1/2020 CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines
Primary Key
8 character name;
three-character Application Identifier, a three-position sequential
number indicating the corresponding tablespace number, a two-
position fixed character ("PK");
8 character name (maximum),
three-character Application Identifier & five-char descriptive
use existing standards (refer to CMS Data Center Users' Guide
See Collection
The name is the same as the collection used for the application
30 character name (maximum),
Prefixed with three character Application identifier
Suffixed with _SQNC
bbbbbb descripitive name following DA standards. This will
usually be the column name the sequence is being used to
STOGRPT1 is the standard storage group for all applications in all
the subsystems.
Storage groups are defined by the Central DBA staff
30 character name (maximum),
Three-character application identifier,
a two position fixed character “SP”,
a three position alphanumeric program id,
for external procedures AAASPbbb will match the external
program name, for internal SQL procedures this will match the
member name the definition is stored as in Endevor
a functional description, Abbreviations used will match the CMS
DA dictionary. The description is optional for existing stored
CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines 9/1/2020
30 char (max); 18 char names fit best in reporting tools.
Three-character application identifier followed by an underscore
(_) and up to 26 alphanumeric characters describing the contents
of the table.
Clone table names will be the base table name with the suffix
Table names must be created in the same manner as column
names and must follow the same rules. Refer to the data
administration standards for more information.
Table description should include prime word as described in the
CMS Information Systems Development Guide.
$ may replace the underscore in the development environment
for experimental or utility tables, that will not be used in
integration, validation, or production.
Note: table name is qualified by an 8 character Table owner.
CHECK DATA discard exception tables will match the original
table’s name with the addition of _DSCRD as a suffix.
Table Check
18 character name (maximum);
three-character Application Identifier with a three-position
sequential number indicating the corresponding tablespace
an underscore (_),
and up to 11 alphanumeric characters describing the constraint.
Table Owner
8 character name
First two characters are “DB”
The next three s (AAA) is the Application Identifier
The sixth char numbers multiple owners within the application
The last chars are the environment and version
6 character name;
three-character Application Identifier and a three-position
sequential number indicating the specific tablespace number;
must be unique within database
8 character name
1-3 (AAA) is the Application Id
4 (t) describes the trigger type (B-efore or A-fter)
5-7 (nnn) Tablespace number
8 (x) Sequence number - 0-9 A-Z
9/1/2020 CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines
User Defined
30 character name (maximum),
Three-character application identifier,
a two position fixed character “FN”,
a three position alphanumeric program id,
AAAFNbbb will match the external program name, or the member
name the udf definition is stored as under Endevor.
a functional description. Abbreviations used will match the CMS
DA dictionary. The description is optional for existing stored
30 character name (maximum),
three-character Application Identifier followed by an underscore
(_) and up to 21 alphanumeric characters describing the contents
of the view ending with “_VW”
“_VW” is optional if the view is replacing a table name used by
existing code.
Use of views must be approved by the Central DBA group
Note: view name is qualified by an 8 character table owner
CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines 9/1/2020
3.1.2 Application Identifiers
Standard names for most DB2 objects and datasets include a three-character code
that indicates to which application the object belongs. Exceptions to this naming
convention are subsystem IDs, storage groups, and columns.
The Application Identifier identifies a CMS-specific system or application. The
APCSS, Central DBA Group and application development teams jointly determine
and assign the three-character code. Contact APCSS for a list of assigned
application identifiers.
3.1.3 Environment Identifiers
environment, and version, En is added to database, owner, collection, and plan.
E life cycle stage.
D development/code test
T Functional test
I Integration
V Validation
P Production
E Emergency
X,Y,Z temporary copies for analysis outside life cycles.
n = rel
ative development version within application. N will match up to an endeavor
0 production like version
1 prod+1 development
2 prod+2 development as needed
production environment will only exist as P0.
9/1/2020 CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines
3.1.4 Obsolete Object names
To support multiple development versions the DB2 objects standard was updated in
May 2006. Project defined prior to this continue to use the old names until they
require the new life cycle. Old production objects for applications using the new life
cycle may also continue using the old versions.
Required Attributes
6 character name
The first three-characters (AAA) is the Application Identifier
The last three-positions are always ‘001’
8 characters name;
First three characters represent Subject Area under which the
data contained within the database is categorized
the next three characters indicate the application responsible for
the data; this abbreviation must be approved by Central DBA and
the last two positions are sequential numbers used to uniquely
identify the database within subject and application
DCLGEN (views)
VAAAttt for views
6-7 character library member name
for approved views, the DCLGEN member name should begin
with a one-position alphabetic character ('V' for 'view'), a three-
character Application Identifier, and a three-position sequential
number uniquely identifying the view member name
CMS utilizes two plans for each application one for online
programs and one for Batch programs
7 character name
The first three-characters (AAA) is the Application Identifier
The fourth is either a ‘C’ for CICS or a ‘B’ for non-CICS
The last three are always ‘001’
See Collection
Table Owner
7 character name using APCSS id
8 character name using production subsystem id
CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines 9/1/2020
First four characters are “DBA$”
Last three characters is the Application Identifier in test or the
DB2 subsystem Id in production.
DBA$DB1P production pattern was used from 2006 to 2013
alongside development using the environment naming
3.2 Image Copy Dataset Names
The naming standard system image copy datasets as follows:
Local Copy Example: DB2T.LOC.NPS0P1.NPS001.P000.G0708V00
Offsite Copy Example: DB1P.OFS.MBD0P1.MBD023.P001.G0102V00
Full copies, for point in time retention or copies for maintenance, outside of a
normal GDG cycle may use:
Example: DB2P.LOC.HIT0D0.HIT023.D06357.T1234
&ssid DB2 Subsystem ID (e.g., DB2T, DB1V, DB2P, etc)
LLL location of imagecopy dataset (LOC = local, OFS = offsite vault, or
DRV = hotsite disaster recovery vault). The storage medium (Tape,
DASD) will be directed by media management based on a DSN
&db eight-character database name
&ts six-character tablespace name
P&part partition number (optional for non partitioned copies, 000 if present)
&ictype type of copy (F = full, I = Incremental) if both types are used.
(optional, No type implies full copy.)
GxxxxVxx generation dataset group number
&idate Julian date of image copy
T&hour&min Time of image copy
At least two production copies will be made, one local and one to an offsite
Test only requires one copy locally. When the test file is not easily rebuilt from
production, an offsite copy of test data should be sent to the archive vault. Test
copies should not be in the disaster recovery vault, unless permission is given
by the central DBA and media management group.
For full image copies, at least 3 generations should be kept.
9/1/2020 CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines
For incremental copies, all generations after the previous full copy should be
The same number of generations is not required for onsite and offsite copies.
Disaster recovery, DRV, will have 3 full copy generations even when additional
copies are kept locally.
Production files, even if read only, require an offsite copy at least once a year,
unless provision for rebuilding the file from source data is provided to APCSS.
When hotsite recovery is required, image copies must be made at least every six
months. This insures that at least two backups exist at the hotsite in the event
that a tape error prevents the first tape from being read.
Image copy files may only be kept for three years. Unloaded data, and tape
refreshing is needed for longer data retention.
Catalog control, EXPDT=99000, will be used to control GDG expiration. A
expiration date, like EXPDT=98030, is used be for non GDG image copies.
The naming standard for user image copy datasets as follows:
Example: P#MCS.DB1I.MCS1I1.HIT023.P001.D06357.T1234
P/D P=Prod; D=Dev
appid 3 character application identifier
&ssid DB2 Subsystem ID (e.g., DB2T, DB1V, DB2P, etc)
&db eight-character database name
&ts six-character tablespace name
P&part partition number (optional for non partitioned copies, 000 if present)
&idate Julian date of image copy
T&hour&min Time of image copy
CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines 9/1/2020
3.3 DB2 Subsystem Names
The Subsystem ID (SSID) is a unique four-character name used to identify a DB2
address space to the MVS operating system. Within each DB2 subsystem, there is a
directory and catalog containing all of the DB2 objects (i.e., tablespaces, tables,
indexes, application plans, etc.) defined within.
DB2 Subsystems
DB1T MMA Test and development
DB1I MMA Integration and Stress testing
DB1V MMA Validation
DB1P MMA Production
DB2T Non-MMA Test and development
DB2I Non-MMA Integration and Stress testing
DB2V Non-MMA Validation
DB2P Non-MMA Production
DB2W Data Warehouse
DB3T System maintenance testing
3.4 Production Library Names
The following is a list of standard library names to be used by applications
developers and local and central DBAs.
Library Name
This library contains the database request modules
produced by the DB2 precompiler, which are input to the
BIND process.
This library contains the output from DCLGENs. The
member name should be the name of the table or view.
Each member contains the DB2 object columns and its
COBOL copybook representation.
This library stores the batch JCL used to submit standard
Production DB2 utility jobs.
This library holds the cataloged JCL procedures (i.e.,
application) jobstreams for all DB2 applications.
9/1/2020 CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines
3.5 Test Library Names
The following is a list of standard library names used by Endevor for development.
Library Name
Where xxx is the application ID and
yyyyyy is the Endevor subsystem
This library contains the database
request modules produced by the DB2
precompiler, which become input to the
BIND process.
This library contains the output from
DCLGENs. The member name should
be the name of the table or view. Each
member contains the DB2 object
columns and its COBOL copybook
representation. This is a PANVALET
3.6 Utility Job Names
A utility ID is a name used to uniquely identify a utility in the DB2 subsystem, only
one instance of a unique utility ID may be active within DB2 at any given time. The
standard for naming utilities will be to use the jobname. For multi-step and/or
multi-utility jobs, the first seven characters of the jobname and 1, incremented by
1, for each successive step will be used.
Utility ID Format: Example: Jobname MSI#01IC (image copy with three steps
running one utility per step)
Utilids: MSI#01I1, MSI#01I2, MSI#01I3
DB2 Utility Type Codes
Image Copy
Recover Index
Rebuild Index
CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines 9/1/2020
3.7 DB2/ORACLE Naming Issues
Objects that are replicated in both databases must be named the same. Please
refer to the EDG/DSS/DA naming standards.
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4.1 RACF Groups
4.1.1 DB2 Owner Groups
Central DBA’s will create RACF Groups for the table owner names, DBxyz0en, which
will be used to provide dbadm privileges for the application. Central DBA’s will
connect the user ids of the local DBA’s, assigned to the application, to these groups
in development and test. GTL approval will be required to designate a user as a
local DBA.
4.1.2 Role Based Access Groups
Non dbadm privileges will be assigned to Role base RACF groups. These groups will
be setup by RACF support and the application’s GTL or security maintainer. A
Central DBA and RACF support will permit these Role groups to the database
privileges needed by the application. The GTL or the application’s security
maintainer will have connect authority for the Role groups to maintain the users
accessing the application. The role groups are not limited to providing DB2
security, but should also provide dataset, and CICS accesses needed by users in
that role.
The basic Roles will be created for users, developers, and local dba’s. Additional
Roles may be created as needed by the application to identify separate user or
developer roles. For example instead of a single user group, there could be
multiple roles for analysts reporting on the data, updaters correcting beneficiary
information, and providers viewing their submitted enrollments.
Basic Role Based RACF Groups
xyzRBAG Parent group for roles. The security maintainer and GTL have group
special access in this group, allowing them to add or remove users in
the role groups.
PxyzUSR RACF group for Application users in production
DxyzUSR RACF group for Application users in development, and testing stages.
DxyzDEV RACF Group for Application Developers in development and testing.
DxyzDBA RACF Group to Local DBAs in development and test. This will be used
for privileges other than DB2 dbadm.
Where xyz is the assigned application id.
CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines 9/1/2020
4.1.3 DB2 specific RACF Groups
DB2 specific RACF groups may exist for older applications, or for support databases
maintained by the Central DBA’s. These groups are defined and maintained by the
Central DBA’s under SYS$ADM. They should be replaced by role based groups
when possible.
Old DB2 Specific RACF Groups
DBA$xyz RACF Group to be used by the local DBA for non DBADM privileges
DEV$xyz RACF Group to be used by the Application Developer to manipulate
DB2 data, bind application packages, execute specific database
USR$xyz RACF Group to be used by the Application User in the development
environment. This RACF Group should facilitate user testing activities.
Where xyz is the assigned application identifier.
The central DBA may grant the local DBA connect authority within RACF so that the
local DBA may add or remove user ids to/from the DEV$xxx and USR$xxx RACF
Groups. The central DBA will add or remove individual RACF ids to/from the
DBA$xxx RACF Group as requested by the designated local DBA and the
Application's management.
4.2 DB2 Security Administration
DB2 Security at CMS is administered using RACF groups. Individual user ids are
associated with one or more RACF Groups, each having a different set of authorities
and privileges in DB2. All central DBAs, local DBAs, application developers, and
application users must be assigned to and use RACF Groups within DB2. DB2
privileges and authorities are not granted to individual userids.
The following sections describe the DB2 security procedures for each of the DB2
processing environments.
4.2.1 Development
The DB2 development environment includes Code test (D) and Function test (T). In
Development, security will be administered at four levels (see DBA Roles and
Responsibilities for more details). They are:
Central DBA
Local DBA
Application Developer
Application User
9/1/2020 CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines
45 Central DBA Privileges
Central DBA’s have DB2 SYSADM authority. Central DBA’s work with all
applications databases to provide consistency across CMS. In development, they
work with the RACF maintainers to setup the DB2 RACF resources, and they define
the database and aliases for the application. Local DBA Privileges
Local DBA’s have DB2 DBADM authority. Local DBA’s concentrate on one
application, and are closely involved with the developers. They create and maintain
all database objects needed for the application. The local DBA does not have
authority to create databases or aliases, and will request these from the Centrals.
The local DBA will have select, update, insert, and delete privileges on the tables,
and the following database level privileges.
IMAGECOPY execute the COPY utility to create a backup of a tablespace
LOAD execute the LOAD utility
STATS execute the RUNSTATS utility to update catalog statistics
STARTDB issue the DB2 -START DATABASE command
STOPDB issue the DB2 STOP DATABASE command
BIND Execute binds and rebinds to the applications collections
The above privileges may be augmented or removed by the central DBA as
experience dictates. Application User and Developer Privileges
Both the user and developer roles, DxyzUSR, DxyzDEV, will have Select, Update,
Insert, and Delete to the application’s tables, and Execute on the plans.
The developer role DxyzDEV will be given system-level privileges, BINDADD and
CREATE IN COLLECTION 'xyz0En', to the Application's Developer RACF Group
(DxyzDEV). All packages created by the application development team must be
created using the assigned collection ids.
The following authorities are set up for each plan:
Where En is the environment.
CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines 9/1/2020
The above privileges may be augmented or removed by the central DBA as
experience dictates. Catalog Access
All DB2 users in the test DB2 subsystems will have SELECT authority on most DB2
catalog tables.
4.2.2 Integration
The DB2 Integration environment support inter-application system testing, and
stress testing. Integration security will be administered at the same four levels as
development (see DBA Roles and Responsibilities for more details). They are:
Central DBA
Local DBA
Application Developer
Application User Central DBA Privileges
Central DBA’s have DB2 SYSADM authority. The Central DBA’s create and maintain
all database objects in integration. Local DBA Privileges
Local DBA’s have access to maintain the data in integration. The local DBA does not
have authority to create or change objects with ddl.
The local DBA will have select, update, insert, and delete privileges on the tables,
and the following database level privileges.
IMAGECOPY execute the COPY utility to create a backup of a tablespace
LOAD execute the LOAD utility
STATS execute the RUNSTATS utility to update catalog statistics
STARTDB issue the DB2 -START DATABASE command
STOPDB issue the DB2 STOP DATABASE command
BIND Execute binds and rebinds to the applications collections
9/1/2020 CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines
47 Application User and Developer Privileges
Both the user and developer roles, DxyzUSR, DxyzDEV, will have Select, Update,
Insert, and Delete to the application’s tables, and Execute on the plans.
Packages will be bound by the developers using Endevor.
The following authorities are set up for each plan:
The above privileges may be augmented or removed by the central DBA as
experience dictates. Catalog Access
All DB2 users in the test DB2 subsystems will have SELECT authority on most DB2
catalog tables.
4.2.3 Validation
The DB2 Validation environments support user and system testing. Validation
security will be administered similarly to production using four levels. (see DBA
Roles and Responsibilities for more details). They are:
Production Control
Central DBA
Local DBA
Application User Production Control
A surrogate user id xyzVALDU will be setup to match the production surrogate
priviledges. The local DBA, and application developers may request batch work,
and database utilities such as data loads to be run under the scheduler. Central DBA Privileges
Central DBA’s have DB2 SYSADM authority. The Central DBA’s create and maintain
all database objects in validation. The Centrals will also support loading data and
reorganizing tablespaces.
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48 Local DBA Privileges
Local DBA’s will only have DISPLAYDB and table Select privileges to review the
validation data. Data loads and changes, and batch work including reorgs will be
submitting with the production control scheduler. Application User and Developer Privileges
The user role, VxyzUSR, privileges will match production security. This generally
will be limited to Execute on plans, but may include Select, Update, Insert, or
Delete to the application’s tables, as needed in production.
Developer’s may have select access for reviewing testing at the discretion of the
Packages will be bound by the developers using Endevor.
The following authorities are set up for each plan:
Batch EXECUTE ON PLAN xxxB0Vn TO xyzVALDU Catalog Access
All Local DBAs in the Validation DB2 subsystems will have SELECT authority on
most DB2 catalog tables.
4.2.4 Production
In the DB2 Production environment, security is administered at four levels (see DBA
Roles and Responsibilities for more details). They are:
Production Control
Application Coordinator
Central DBA
Application User Production Control
A surrogate user id xyzPRODU will be setup with utility access, select, update,
insert, and delete to the tables, and execute on the batch plans. All scheduled and
planned maintenance will be run under APCSS using the production surrogate id.
9/1/2020 CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines
49 Application Coordinator
The Application Coordinator is the person responsible for monitoring operational
issues regarding the application. They are the first contact for issues in production
by APCSS, and triage the problem to determine if developer or DBA support is
required. They may have select, and display access to production for analyzing
problem. Central DBA Privileges
The Central DBA’s create and maintain all database objects in production. The
Centrals can support loading data and reorganizing tablespaces, but this should
normally be done with prepared APCSS jobs using the production surrogate id. Application User
Application users, PxyzUSR, will generally be limited to Execute on plans. Most
host-based applications (COBOL) developed at CMS, will not require direct access
DB2 tables directly. For Application Users who must access DB2 using Dynamic
SQL, (QMF, SAS, Visual Basic), additional privileges may be needed.
Application Users are not limited to one RACF group. Multiple groups providing
different table access, or execute to different plans will be used as needed for
application security.
The following authorities are set up for each plan:
Batch EXECUTE ON PLAN xxxB0Pn TO xyzPRODU General Authorizations
Local DBAs in the Production DB2 subsystems will have SELECT authority on most
DB2 catalog tables.
4.3 Accessing DB2 Resources
This section describes how to access DB2 resources from different executing
environments. Specifically, the following explains how to associate a process with a
set of authorization Ids. In general, access to a DB2 subsystem at CMS will be
controlled through IBM RACF using RACF groups. The sections below provide
information to access DB2 resources from different executing environments. Since
DB2 security rules differ from subsystem to subsystem, these instructions may not
apply to every user in each of the CMS DB2 environments.
CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines 9/1/2020
4.3.1 Dynamic SQL Applications (SPUFI, SAS, QMF, DB2 Connect, etc.)
Dynamic SQL Applications include all processes (batch and online) that present SQL
statements to DB2 at execution time. When DB2 receives dynamic SQL statements,
it uses the value of the CURRENT SQLID special register to validate authorizations.
Initially, CURRENT SQLID is set to the primary authorization ID of the individual
issuing the SQL statement. The value of the primary authorization ID will differ
depending on the execution environment.
The value of CURRENT SQLID can be changed to one of the RACF groups associated
with the primary authorization ID using the SET CURRENT SQLID command.
Dynamic SQL should be coded with unqualified table names. The SET SCHEMA
command should be used to set the owner for the database.
4.3.2 Static SQL Applications
Static SQL Applications includes all processes (batch and online) in which the SQL
statements have been prepared prior to executing the application. In other words,
the application was precompiled and bound to DB2 so that all authorization rules
access path definitions could be determined prior to executing the applications. For
these 'static' applications, DB2 generally verifies authorizations at bind time using
the authorization ID of the owner of the DB2 application package or plan. The
owner of the application must have authority to execute all of the SQL statements
included in the application. At run time, simply DB2 verifies that the primary
authorization ID of the individual running the application has the authority to
execute the package or plan. The value of the primary authorization ID will differ
depending on the execution environment.
4.3.3 Execution Environments
DB2 applications running in a batch environment (JCL jobstream) recognize a
primary authorization ID set to the RACF userid associated with the batch job. This
is determined by either the USER= parameter on the job card when specified, or
the TSO user id which submitted the job. In either case, it is the primary
authorization ID that must have EXECUTE authority on the application plan.
When executing CICS transactions, the primary ID and related secondary IDs are
determined by the RACF user ID entered with the CESN signon transaction.
Typically, EXECUTE authority for DB2 application packages and plans is granted to
the same EUA controlled role-based access RACF group that also grants access to
the CICS transaction that executes the plan .
9/1/2020 CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines
DB2 applications running in TSO recognize the RACF logon ID that was used to log
on to TSO as the primary authorization ID. It is this primary authorization ID that
must have EXECUTE authority on the application plan
CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines 9/1/2020
Database Migration Procedures
This section outlines procedures required to implement a DB2 application database
at Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). It is intended to compliment
the methodology and procedures described in the DBA Roles and Responsibilities
document for implementing relational databases.
These Application Database Migration procedures are in place to promote
communication and coordination among all affected functional areas (Applications
Development, Data Administration, Database Administration, Capacity Planning,
Computer Operations, Production Control, Media Management, etc.). The Project
GTL is responsible for coordinating the review and participation of all participants
listed. The procedures are designed to ensure the success of the application
development efforts as well as the integrity of the overall database architecture by
proactively identifying items of concern prior to production implementation. The end
result of adherence to these procedures can be a significant reduction of time and
effort required to implement DB2 applications.
The following procedures identify critical points within the application and physical
database development process. Each milestone is substantiated by a formal review.
Because this document focuses on the physical implementation of DB2 databases at
CMS, the identified review points begin after the conceptual and logical design for
an application has been completed and approved.
5.1 DB2 Database Migration Overview
DB2 database objects designed to support applications developed at CMS will follow
a set migration path as defined by Project Team and ENDEVOR setup. At least
three environments (development, validation, and production) are required. For
audit purposes, all changes to CMS database environments require GTL approval.
Physical database objects will initially be implemented and tested in the
development DB2 subsystem. After development and initial testing, all application
components as designated by a GTL approved Data Base Service Request (DBSR)
are migrated to respective Integration and/or Validation DB2 subsystems. Pre-
production verification of the application (including security rules, performance,
etc.) may be initiated in Integration if part of the project migration path and final
pre-production verification is performed in the validation environment. Once
applications are verified in Validation, they can be migrated to Production for final
9/1/2020 CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines
5.2 Preliminary Physical Database Design Review
Prior to implementing DB2 database objects in the Development DB2 subsystem, a
Preliminary Physical Database Design review must take place. This review not only
provides an opportunity to review and verify the application database architecture,
but also serves as a means to coordinate scheduling and resource requirements.
Time Frame: Immediately preceding implementation of physical database into the
development environment. [1][2]
Participants: Application Development [3], Local and Central DBAs, Local and
Central DAs, Project GTL or Technical Lead
Insure the physical database design and SQL will perform well and follow
standards prior to coding. This review must occur prior to coding, to prevent
the need for recoding due to database changes, or performance problems.
Establish preliminary DASD and resource requirements, providing the lead time
for to purchase additional resources that may be required to support the
production release.
Determine database environments and development stages to be implemented
and the proposed time line for development, testing, and production release.
Insure user roles and database access requirements required to establish
security, have been documented.
Discuss application project plan, preliminary application migration strategies &
time frames as well as impact on existing target environment.
The physical database design (physical and logical database model, DDL,
preliminary space estimates for all database environments).
Size of tables, record counts, and expected growth.
Documentation of application architecture and execution environments, data
flows, transaction throughput estimates, number of users and their locations,
SQL representative of frequently executed and/or more complex queries.
Approved preliminary physical database design.
Implementation schedule for development environment
Request for additional DASD (if necessary).
Modified Project Plan to include all necessary migration steps
Approval Criteria:
Physical database design which conforms to design standards noted in the DB2
Standards and Guidelines document.
CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines 9/1/2020
The database design supports the application design for performance and
The DASD estimates are supported by the table design, row count, and expected
The user roles for development and testing have been determined.
Consensus from all groups that the physical design as presented can be
[1] Assumptions: Conceptual/Logical Review process completed and approved.
[2]Actual application coding efforts should not begin until the preliminary physical
database design is approved.
[3] Application Development includes representatives from the application
development group responsible for the new/changed application as well as
representatives from any application that is in some way affected by the
new/changed application.
5.2.1 Pre-Development Migration Review Checklist
Documentation for Pre-Development walkthrough should be presented to the
Central DBA Group at least ten business days before the scheduled walkthrough
date. If this date is missed your project walkthrough date will be delayed.
It is the responsibility of the project GTL to invite the lead application
developers, business owner, Local and Central DA, and Local and Central
The following topics are mandatory sections that should be included in your
Project plan
Database models: physical and approved logical
DDL for all Database objects to be created
Architecture (Diagrams depicting interaction with other applications)
Security requirements (User Roles, Master ID's/RACF requirements/DB2 Alias
Expected DASD requirements, transaction throughput
Sample SQL of the complicated and most frequently executing queries
Plans for Validation migration (timeline)
Contact Information
5.2.2 Development Setup
9/1/2020 CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines
Upon the initiation of a DB2 application development project, the central DBA will
perform several steps to prepare the development environment for the Application
Development team. These activities include:
Create DBADM RACF owner groups for the new application and connect local
Request DB2 RACF resources be setup giving access to the Role Based RACF
Groups requested by the GTL.
Create a DB2 database which will be used to group all DB2 objects created for
the application;
Create online and/or batch application plans;
Create plan table aliases and quick start aliases;
The local DBA is primarily responsible for maintaining database objects for the
application. Once the initial database environment is turned over to the local DBA
by the central DBA, object creation and maintenance can begin.
Each of the tasks noted above are described in the sections that follow. Create Table Qualifier RACF groups
For the development environment, the central DBA will create the table qualifier
RACF groups and connect the local dba’s to the groups for DBADM privileges. The
naming convention for the group is as follows:DBxyz0en. Request DB2 RACF resources
As part of the initial steps in setting up a DB2 application database in the
Development environment, the central DBA will work with the RACF group to setup
the DB2 RACF resources granting DB2 privileges to the role groups defined by the
application. The prerequisite for this is the setup of RACF Role based groups
for the application, by the EUA RACF group at the request of the GTL. Application Database
The central DBA will create at least one database that will be used to manage the
DB2 objects (tables, tablespaces, indexes, etc.) for the application. The local DBA
will be responsible for the creation and maintenance of all DB2 objects within this
database. The local DBA must use authorities associated with the table owner RACF
group to accomplish this task.
To create or maintain an application database object using DDL (data definition
language), the local DBA must first connect to the table owner using the SET
CURRENT SQLID command. This will ensure that the local DBA has the appropriate
authority to create or manage the object and that all objects created are owned by
the RACF Owner group.
CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines 9/1/2020
When an application duplicates tables of another application for isolated testing,
these copied tables will be placed in a separate database.
Space estimates are required when setting up the development databases to plan
for DASD requirements for all stages of the lifecycle including production. The
development stages, development, function test, and application test, will be at
most 10% of the production data. Application Plans
The central DBA will create application plans in DB2 which can be used to associate
application programs (DB2 packages). Plans will be created for the online and batch
environments and will be named xyzC0En and xyzB0En respectively (where xyz is
the assigned application identifier and En is an environment). Plans will contain a
generic package list as part of their definitions which will include the packages
created under the collection id(xyz0en) assigned for the application. More than one
plan may be created if multiple collections are used to separate access to programs. Plan Tables
A database exists for the purpose of storing Explain Tables in all DB2 subsystems.
To simplify performance reporting, in integration, validation, and production, each
subsystem will have a common set of tables with aliases.
The Central DBA is responsible for creating the Aliases or Tables required in each of
the environments referenced by the Endevor path(s) defined for the Application.
This should be done when RACF authority is requested for a NEW application, or as
soon thereafter as practical.
The JCL to create the required Tables, as well as instructions for substitutions and
execution may be found in TEST.JCL.LIB (EXPLTABL).
The Template used to support the Table creation process will be maintained at the
current DB2 release level by the Central DBA Group. All tables created at prior
release levels are upward compatible and no intervention is required for past
releases at BIND time.
Note: Each application development group must have Tables PLAN_TABLE,
environment referenced by the current path for the CA-Endevor stage in order to
successfully BIND DB2 Packages using CA-Endevor program preparation
procedures. The additional tables for Visual Explain and with V9, Optimization
Service Center, should also be setup along with the basic explain tables. Aliases
9/1/2020 CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines
The Central DBA’s will create an alias with the application’s owner for
QSTART.CKPTCNTL_TABLE. The Central DBA’s will also create aliases for tables
from other applications used by the new application, as the access is approved by
the application owning the table. Central DBA Policies
The central DBA Group maintains overall control of all DB2 subsystems. While there
is no predetermined limit to the number of databases a local DBA may control
within an application area, central DBA will require justification/explanation for the
It is the local DBA's responsibility to create and monitor the number of objects
housed within a given database. In the event database definitions (DBDs) or any
other resource begins to impact performance of the EDM pool and/or other
subsystem activity, central DBA will initiate necessary corrective actions, to include
a review of subsystem activity, any necessary resource maintenance, and
investigation of all anomalies such as unusually large DBDs. These activities can
and should be initiated by any local DBA that feels that their development efforts
are being impeded.
CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines 9/1/2020
5.3 Pre-Integration/Validation Migration Review
This review must be conducted prior to migrating database objects to integration
and/or validation. Database objects are moved to integration/validation when it has
been determined that the corresponding application is ready for production
implementation. Due to restricted database authorities, the central DBA will be
responsible for creating the physical objects (databases, tablespaces, tables,
indexes, etc.) in the integration and validation environment. The Central DBA will
migrate physical database components, as designated by the DBSR, from the
respective project development and/or test environment using a CMS standard
migration software. Actual data migration will be the responsibility of the local DBA
for the application. Migration of all other components for the application (source
code, copybooks, datasets, etc.) will be the responsibility of the application
development team.
Time Frame: Prior to migration of application programs and database objects to
integration environment [1], or validation if there is not an integration stage.
Participants: Application Development, Local and Central DBAs, Project GTL or
Technical Lead
Review the physical database design to be implemented, focusing on any
changes made to the design since the preliminary database design review.
Review results of the database application architecture review.
Review database performance tests results from development environment (if
any) and review database performance testing criteria for the validation
Review security requirements and service level agreements for validation and
production environments.
Review current space requirements for validation and production environments
Review database utility job streams (Image Copy, Recover, Reorg, Runstat…)
Discuss recovery/synchronization plans and restartability.
Discuss archive strategy.
Discuss disaster/recovery plans.
Review Preliminary Migration Plan and make recommendations for modifications
where appropriate
Discuss application migration strategies & time frames, impact on existing target
environment, and backout strategies.
Current physical model
DDL for all objects to be created (tables, views, indexes, tablespaces, etc)
Documentation from Database Application Architecture Review (Explain Reports)
Documented results of database performance tests in development environment
(when applicable)
Database performance test plan for integration environment
9/1/2020 CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines
List of user classifications with required authority levels
Current space estimates for validation and production environments
Database utility job streams
Preliminary Migration Plan (provided by the Local DBA in conjunction with the
Central DBA). See Sample Migration Plan
Current Project Plan
All documentation must be provided, via soft copy, to the Central DBA Group at
least 2 weeks prior to the Pre-integration Migration Review meeting.
Approved physical database design
Accepted database performance test plan for integration environment
Approved Migration Plan with detailed backout strategy
Request for additional DASD for integration, validation and/or production (if
Documented security requirements including RACF groups and associated
authorizations for integration, validation and production environments.
Modified Project Plan
Approval Criteria:
Physical database and SQL conform to CMS design standards.
The database design and SQL supports the application design for performance
and usability.
[1] Physical database changes identified after an application is moved to integration
must first be implemented in the test environment. These changes are then subject
to a Pre-integration review prior to migration to the integration environment
5.3.1 Pre-Integration/Validation Migration Review Checklist
Documentation for Pre-integration walkthrough should be presented to the Central
DBA Group at least ten business days before the scheduled walkthrough date. If
this date is missed your project walkthrough date will be delayed.
It is the responsibility of the project GTL to invite the lead application
developers, business owner, and local DBA’s.
The following topics are mandatory sections that should be included in your
Project plan
Physical Database model, DDL for all objects being created
System architecture
CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines 9/1/2020
Test plans for integration/validation environment
Security requirements (RACF requirements/list of user roles with required
authority levels)
Space requirements for integration and validation, expected space requirements
for production environment(s)
Database backup/recovery plans, resynchronization procedure (if dependent on
other projects)
Disaster/recovery schema
Archiving schema
Explain reports (representation of the busiest/most important transactions)
Database utility job streams
Pre-integration migration plan with back out contingencies
Contact Information
9/1/2020 CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines
5.4 Pre-Production Migration Review
This review serves as the final review point prior to moving a DB2 application to
production. It is primarily intended to provide an opportunity to coordinate the
efforts of all affected functional areas (Applications Development, Database
Administration, Capacity Planning, Systems Operations, Production Control, etc.).
All DB2 applications presented for Pre-Production Migration Review must first
migrate to the DB2 Validation environment.
Time Frame: Prior to migration of application programs and database objects to
production environment and after application has been verified in validation
Participants: Application Development, Local and Central DBAs, Project GTL or
Technical Lead.
Review database performance test results from validation environment.
Review security requirements and service level agreements for production
Verify space requirements for production environment.
Review batch utility job streams and job scheduling requirements.
Discuss application migration strategies & time frames, impact on existing target
environment, and backout strategies.
Discuss recovery/synchronization plans and restartability.
Discuss archive strategy.
Discuss disaster/recovery plans.
Stress test results from validation environment
Current space estimates for production environment and verification that
required DASD is available should be approved by the Central DBA.
Documented security requirements including RACF groups and associated
authorizations for production environment (from Pre-Validation Review) with
sign-off from data custodian
Documented service level agreements
Database utility job streams (Image Copy, Recover, Reorg, Runstat…) and
scheduling requirements
Current project plan
Preliminary migration plan (provided by Local DBA in conjunction with the
Central DBA)
All documentation must be provided, via soft copy, to the Central DBA Group at
least 2 weeks prior to the Pre-Production Migration Review meeting.
Approval for the application and database objects to move to production
CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines 9/1/2020
Approved Migration Plan (with detailed backout strategy) for application
programs and database objects
Approved security requirements including RACF groups and associated
authorizations for production environment.
Approval Criteria:
The production environment has the resources in place to support the addition
of the application
The application will not adversely affect the current production processes.
The application and database production security is in place
Maintenance utilities and scheduling are prepared.
Disaster recovery plans are in place.
5.4.1 Pre-Production Migration Review Checklist
Documentation for Pre-Production walkthrough should be presented to the Central
DBA Group at least ten business days before the scheduled walkthrough date. If
this date is missed your project walkthrough date will be delayed.
It is the responsibility of the project GTL to invite the lead application
developers, business owner, and local DBA’s.
The following topics are mandatory sections that should be included in your
Project plan
Physical Database model, DDL for all objects being created
System architecture
Documented service level agreements
Stress/performance test results from validation
Security requirements (RACF requirements/list of user classifications with
required authority levels) with sign-off from data custodian
Space requirements for production environment(s)
Database backup/recovery procedure(s), resynchronization procedure (if
Disaster/recovery procedure(s)
Archiving procedure(s)
Explain reports (representation of the busiest/most resource intensive
Database utility job streams (production ready)
Pre-Production migration plan with back out contingencies
9/1/2020 CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines
Contact Information
CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines 9/1/2020
Database Utilities
A full suite of DB2 utilities are available at CMS that provide for overall
administration of DB2 database objects. Primarily, these utilities are available to
Corporate and Project DBAs. Project DBAs may, if appropriate, grant access to a
limited number of these utilities to application developers as well.
CMS supports DB2 utilities from two primary vendors, IBM and BMC Software. Many
products from both vendors overlap in functionality; however, there is a difference
in the functions and performance of each. Therefore, CMS has established a
standard set of utilities (with vendor designation) for DB2 utility jobs intended for
production. The following documents these standards.
6.1 CMS Standard DB2 Utilities
The following matrix indicates the CMS's vendor selection for DB2 utilities. All DB2
utility jobs intended for migration to the CMS production environment must be
developed using these designated tools. Please refer to the appropriate vendor
reference manual for specific execution procedures.
Copy Plus
Load Plus
Copy Plus
Recover Plus
Reorg Plus
Unload Plus
9/1/2020 CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines
* These utilities are initiated from the IBM utility driver program DSNUTILB
6.2 Restrictions on Utilities with QREPed Tables
IBM Replication Server, aka QREP, replicates table data between database
environments such as DB2 to Oracle using updates recorded in the DB2 log. DB2
QREPedtables are identified by having DATA CAPTURE CHANGES, in the DDL.
Tables that are replicated with QREP must have all data changes fully logged with
commits every 500 updates.
Use of the LOAD utility, or REORG with discard, either in a single job, or in a
production process, must be reviewed and approved by both the Central DBA group
and the QREP group. Any unlogged updates require fully resynchronizing the table
using QREP, before replication can be resumed. This requires manual triggering,
and can require table updating and replication to be unavailable for several hours
for large tables.
BMC Load can be used with SHRLEVEL CHANGE, and APCOMMIT 500 to compatibly
load records in QREPed files using insert processing.
IBM Load with SHRLEVEL NONE LOG YES, does not create log records usable for
QREP replication.
QREPed tables must have primary key for the QREP apply process to use.
CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines 9/1/2020
Database Performance Monitoring
7.1 TOP 10 SQL Performance Measures
In an effort to proactively monitor the efficiency of the SQL statements executing in
the production DB2 subsystems, the Central DB2 DBA staff has developed a set of
reports for capturing high usage SQL statements. The reports come from the BMC
APPTUNE product and will consist of one static SQL report and one dynamic SQL
report per day for each production subsystem (DB2W will have only a static report).
Each daily report will have the Top 10 SQL statements that used the most total CPU
Static Report
Dynamic Report
Collecting SQL data for DB2W exhausted the available storage allocated to the
APPTUNE product and had to be turned off.
The complete reports are stored on the mainframe for 90 days and have the
following GDG names:
Static Report GDG Name Dynamic Report GDG Name
Not Collected
9/1/2020 CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines
The data from each of these reports will be stored for 90 days in a DB2 table
named SYS$ADM.DBA_TOP10_PERF. The table structure is as follows:
Column Name
Column Description
DB2 Subsystem ID DB1P ,DB2P, DB3P, DB2W
Date that SQL executed
Report Type SF301 for Static, DF301 for Dynamic
Object Owner
Collection ID
Package Name
SQL Statement ID
Number of Times SQL was executed
Total CPU Time Consumed by the SQL
Average CPU Time for One Execution of the SQL
Total Elapsed Time Consumed by the SQL
Average Elapsed Time for One Execution of the SQL
On a weekly basis each Central DBA will be responsible for analyzing an SQL that is
at the top of the Top 10 report for their respective applications and make
recommendations and take actions to attempt to improve the performance of the
high usage SQL. Please note that Central DBAs can only make
recommendations and do not have the authority to require an application
to make a change. A spreadsheet named the WeeklyTop10Analysis.xls will be
used to track the status of this analysis and will be stored on the CMS network
CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines 9/1/2020
In addition a weekly report will be emailed to those interested providing a list of the
Top 45 SQL that used the most Total CPU Time for the week.
9/1/2020 CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines
active log: The portion of the DB2 log to which log records are written as they are
generated. The active log always contains the most recent log records, whereas the
archive log contains those records that are older and will no longer fit on the active
Alias: An alternate name that can be used in SQL statements to refer to a table or
view in the same or a remote DB2 subsystem.
application plan - A control structure used by DB2 to process SQL statements
during the execution of an application. The application plan is created during the
BIND process.
Application package: An object containing a set of SQL statements that have been
bound statically and that are available for processing.
archive log - The portion of the DB2 log that contains log records that have been
moved (off-loaded) from the active log because there is no more space for them in
the active log.
BIND: The DB2 statement that creates an application plan or package. A DB2 bind
is to SQL what a compile and link edit is to host language source code. The BIND
process determines which access paths to the data the application plan will utilize.
BINDs can be done automatically and dynamically.
BSDS (Boot Strap DataSet): A VSAM KSDS dataset that contains name and status
information for DB2, as well as relative byte address (see RBA below) range
specifications for all active and archive log datasets. It also contains passwords for
the DB2 Directory and Catalog, and lists of conditional restart and checkpoint
Bufferpool: The main storage reserved to satisfy the buffering requirements for one
or more tablespaces or indexes.
CESN: The sign-on transaction used in CICS during which the User ID is entered.
CICS (Customer Information Control System): One of three (TSO, CICS, IMS) MVS
host environments for which DB2 provides services to manage the interface
between the host address space and DB2 address space.
Clustering index: The index that determines how rows are physically ordered in a
Collection: An ID or qualifier which is assigned to DB2 packages. Used to manage
packages in logical groups.
Column: The equivalent of a conventional data field that are the attributes of rows.
COMMIT: A SQL statement that terminates a unit of recovery. A COMMIT releases
all locks. Data that was changed is made permanent within the database.
CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines 9/1/2020
Commit point: A point in time when data is considered consistent. See point-of-
consistency below.
Constraint: A rule that limits the values that can be inserted, deleted, or updated in
a table.
DASD (Direct Access Storage Device): The physical volume where data is stored.
Database: A collection of DB2 objects. When you define a database, you give a
name to an eventual collection of tables, indexes, and tablespaces in which they
reside. A single database, for example, may contain all the data associated with
beneficiaries (names, provider ID, Medicaid classification, etc.). Databases do not
physically exist but are a logical group of DB2 objects that DB2 uses to assign
certain authorities and that permit sensible management of data.
DB2 Catalog: DB2-maintained tables that contain descriptions of DB2 objects such
as tables, views, and indexes.
DB2 Directory: The system database that contains internal objects such as
database descriptors, skeleton cursor tables, and opening/closing log of relative
byte addresses (RBA) for tablespaces.
DB2 command: An instruction to the DB2 subsystem allowing a user to start or stop
DB2, to display information on current users, to start or stop databases, to display
information on the status of databases and so on. These commands are generally
entered using the DSN Command Processor in DB2 Interactive (DB2I).
DB2 Interactive (DB2I): The DB2 facility that provides for the execution of SQL
statements, DB2 (operator) commands, programmer commands and utility
DB2 Objects: DB2 data objects are databases, storage groups, tablespaces, tables,
indexes, indexspaces and views. A more detailed description of these objects can
be found in the IBM DB2 Administration Guide. In general, an object is anything
you can create or manipulate with SQL.
DB2 utility: A standard MVS batch job which requires that DB2 be running. Example
DB2 utilities are COPY, LOAD, QUIESCE and REORG.
DBRM (Database Request Module): The module that contains information about
SQL statements in an application program. The DBRM is created as output from the
DB2's precompiler and used as input to the BIND process.
DCL (Data Control Language): One of the three components of SQL (the others
being DDL and DML) comprised of SQL statements that control authorization to
access and use the database, i.e. grant and revoke DB2 privileges. CMS uses RACF
to control access rather the DB2 Grants.
9/1/2020 CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines
DCLGEN (Declarations Generator): A subcomponent of DB2 which automatically
generates host language declarations (e.g., COBOL copybooks) for SQL tables. In
other words, the general copy library for tables.
DDL (Data Definition Language): One of the three components of SQL (the others
being DCL and DML) comprised of SQL statements that define objects that make up
the databases, i.e., create, alter and delete DB2 objects.
Distinct type: A user-defined data type that is internally represented as an existing
type (its source type), but is considered to be a separate and incompatible type for
semantic purposes.
DML (Data Manipulation Language): One of the three components of SQL (the
others being DCL and DDL) comprised of SQL statements that retrieve and update
the data, i.e., select, insert, update and delete data.
DMS (Disk Management Storage): A disk management tool used to manage DASD
DRDA (Distributed Relational Database Architecture): The kind of database
architecture using the relational data model and where some or all data is stored on
a computer different from the computer used by programs or users that access the
Dynamic SQL: SQL statements are created, prepared, and executed while a
program is executing. Therefore, it is possible with dynamic SQL to change the SQL
statement during program execution and have many variations of a SQL statement
at run time.
Embedded dynamic SQL: SQL statements that are not completely composed at the
time the application in which the statement is embedded is prepared. Instead, the
statements are prepared and executed while the program is executing. In dynamic
SQL, the SQL source is contained in host language variables rather than being
coded into the application program. The SQL statement can change several times
during the application program's execution. SQL which is coded within an
application program.
Embedded static SQL: Also known as static SQL, these are SQL statements that are
created and prepared before program execution. After the SQL statement is
embedded in an application, the only variance allowed at execution is in the values
of the host variables.
Entity: Any person, place, thing, or event about which the enterprise collects data.
Foreign key: A column, or combination of columns, whose values must match those
of a primary key in another table in order to maintain a relationship between tables.
A given foreign key value represents a reference from the row(s) containing it to
the row containing the matching primary key value.
CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines 9/1/2020
HDCUG: Abbreviation for CMS Data Center Users' Guide. Originally HCFA Data
Center User’s guide.
Host structure: A group of host variables. A host structure is defined using host
language statements.
Host variable: Any data element declared in a host language (COBOL, PL/1, etc)
that is referenced in an embedded SQL statement. Host variables are used to
transfer data to and from DB2, evaluate a WHERE or HAVING clause, receive or
assign special register values such as CURRENT DATE or CURRENT SQLID, or set or
detect the existence of NULL values.
Image copy: Image copies are backups used for database recovery. An exact
reproduction of all or part of a tablespace. The DB2 COPY utility can make full
image copies (to copy the entire tablespace) or incremental image copies (to copy
only those pages modified since the last image copy).
Index: An index is an ordered set of pointers to data in a table and is stored
separately from the table. Each index is a separate physical structure based on data
values in one or more columns of the table. Once an index is created, it is
maintained by DB2 so that DB2 decides when to use or not to use the index to
access data in the table. Indexes can be used to enforce uniqueness of rows in a
table and enhance the performance of data retrieval operations.
Indexspace: A page set used to physically store the entries of one index (or index
partition); automatically assigned when an index is created.
Key: A column or an ordered collection of columns identified in the description of a
table, index, or referential constraint.
KSDS (Key Sequenced Dataset): A type of data organization used by VSAM
datasets that uses key sequences.
Leaf page: The lowest-level index page which contains the keys and record IDs
(RIDs) that identify individual rows in the related table.
Lock: A control structure used to serialize data updates and thereby prevent access
to inconsistent data during concurrent access by multiple users.
Log: A collection of records that describe the events that occur during DB2
execution and their sequence. The information recorded is used for recovery in the
event of a failure during DB2 execution. Each log record is identifiable by the
relative byte address (RBA) of the first byte of its header. The record's RBA (see log
RBA below) is a similar timestamp in that it uniquely identifies records that start at
a particular point in the continuing log.
Log RBA (Relative Byte Address): The address of each byte in the DB2 log obtained
by its offset from the beginning of the log.
9/1/2020 CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines
MVS (Multiple Virtual Storage): IBM application development platform using virtual
storage where each job to be executed is assigned its own range of addresses
(address space) between 0 and 16 megabytes.
Nonleaf page: A page in an index structure that contains keys and page numbers of
subordinate nonleaf or leaf pages. The nonleaf page never points directly to data.
Null: A data state that indicates the absence of information.
Object: Anything that can be created or manipulated with SQL -- that is, databases,
tablespaces, tables, views, or indexes. See DB2 Objects above.
ODBC (Open Data Base Connectivity)
Package: see application package.
Page: A unit of storage within a tablespace (4K or 32K) or indexspace (4K) that is
the unit of I/O. In a tablespace, a page contains one or more rows of a table.
Page set: The total collection of pages that make up an entire table space or index
space. Each page set is made from a collection of VSAM data sets.
Plan: See application plan.
Point-of-consistency: A point in time at which all data is static and consistent. There
are three types of point-of-consistency: 1) an application point-of-consistency
guarantees the integrity of the application data at a particular point in time; 2) a
tablespace set point-of-consistency refers to those points at which all of the data in
a set of tablespaces is static and consistent; 3) a system point-of-consistency refers
to those points in a DB2 system at which all data -- both system and user -- within
that system are static and consistent.
Primary key: A column, or combination of columns, within a table whose values
together form the "principal unique identifier" of rows in that table. In other words,
a table's primary key serves to uniquely identify each row in that table and consists
of those columns required to ensure that no duplicate rows occur in the table. This
non-duplication ensures that each instance of the entity (the table) is unique.
Quiesce point: An established point that corresponds to a point-of-consistency for
all identified tablespaces in the control statement. The value of the quiesce point
(log RBA) is stored in the catalog table SYSIBM.SYSCOPY.
RACF (Resource Access Control Facility): A security system that controls access to
z/os resources by assigning privileges to users.
RBA (Relative Byte Address): See Log RBA above.
RCT (Resource Control Table): CICS System table containing parameter settings
which control application connections between CICS and DB2. The RCT is used by
CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines 9/1/2020
the CICS attachment facility to govern the way in which DB2 resources are
accessed. Rules specified in the RCT include the method DB2 should use to allocate
application plans, check authorizations, allocate resources, etc.
RDBMS (Relational Data Base Management System): A kind of database
management system (DBMS) based on the relational data model in which the DBMS
presents the complete information content of the database to the user as a
collection of two-dimensional tables (columns and rows).
Recovery: The process of rebuilding databases after a system or application failure.
Recovery log: See log above.
Referential integrity: The condition that exists when all intended references from
data in one column of a table to data in another column are valid. It maintains the
consistency of relationships between tables by requiring every foreign key value in
a table to have a matching primary key value in a corresponding table or else be
labeled null.
RID (Record IDentifier): The internal record identifier used to locate a given row in
a table. It is composed of the page number and record ID within the page.
Row: The smallest unit of data in a table that can be inserted or deleted; physically
stored as records on a page. It is one instance of the entity that its table
represents; conventionally called the record occurrence.
Schema: A logical grouping for user-defined functions, distinct types, triggers, and
stored procedures. When an object of one of these types is created, it is assigned to
one schema, which is determined by the name of the object. For example, the
following statement creates a distinct type T in schema C:
SQL (Structured Query Language): A database language, originally developed by
IBM, to support the definition, manipulation, and control of data in a relational
SQLCA (SQL Communication Area): The communication block of variables used by
DB2 to inform an application program of the status of the system as a result of a
prior SQL call.
SQLCODE: Variable passed from DB2 to an application program, tool, or utility
which indicates the status of the most recently issued executable SQL call.
SQLCODE can take on one of three values: 1) SQLCODE = 0 indicates that the last
SQL command executed successfully; 2) SQLCODE >0 indicates the last SQL
command executed successfully with some warnings; and 3) SQLCODE < 0
indicates that an error condition was encountered and the last SQL command did
not execute successfully.
9/1/2020 CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines
SQLDA (SQL Descriptor Area): The group of variables used in the execution of some
SQL statements. It is used in application programs containing embedded dynamic
SPUFI (SQL Processor Using File Input): A subcomponent of DB2I that allows
interactive access to data from TSO. It allows a user to execute SQL statements
without embedding them in a program.
Storage group: A named set of direct access storage device (DASD) volumes from
which DB2 automatically allocates storage space, defines the necessary VSAM
datasets, and extends or deletes them as required.
Stored procedure: A user-written application program that can be invoked through
the use of the SQL CALL statement.
Subject area: A high-level category of data that exists in an organization. Subject
areas are based on broad grouping of entities that an enterprise is concerned with
in performing its work.
Table: Collections of rows (also called tuples) having the same columns
(attributes). It contains data about a given entity. The rows of a table are
unordered and physically stored in a tablespace. For example, a beneficiary entity
(table) would consist of a row for each beneficiary and columns such as beneficiary
ID, beneficiary name, and beneficiary status. A table may be defined to have a
primary key, a column or set of columns whose values uniquely identify each row
(beneficiary ID in the beneficiary entity).
Table check constraint: A user-defined constraint that specifies the values that
specific columns of a base table can contain.
Tablespace: A tablespace is a VSAM dataset in which one or more tables are stored.
It is a physical object for which disk space is allocated using primary and secondary
quantities. A tablespace is broken up into pages of four kilobytes each. Many DB2
utilities including RUNSTATS, REORG and COPY, run against tablespaces (not
Tablespace set: The group of all tables related to each other through referential
constraints, and which must be recovered to the same point-of-consistency.
Thread: The DB2 structure that defines a connection between an application and
DB2 in order to control access. At any given time, the number of active threads
equals the number of users (programs, utilities, interactive users, etc.) accessing
DB2. If the maximum number of concurrent threads (set at installation) is
exceeded, an application must wait until a thread becomes available.
Trigger: A set of SQL statements that are stored in a DB2 database and executed
when a certain event occurs in a DB2 table.
CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines 9/1/2020
User-defined function (UDF): A function that is defined to DB2 by using the CREATE
FUNCTION statement and that can be referenced thereafter in SQL statements. A
user-defined function can be an external function, a sourced function, or an SQL
function. Contrast with built-in function.
View: A view is a logical table that is derived from combining tables and/or other
views into a single, logical table. A view can also be a subset of columns from a
single table or view. Like a table, a view consists of rows and columns, but unlike a
table, the data in a view is not physically stored. A view is defined to DB2 by
referencing other views or tables, and the definition of the view is the only thing
that is physically stored in the DB2 Catalog. When a user references a view, DB2
assembles the data from the underlying tables and views according to the
definition. It is essentially transparent to the user whether the base table or logical
view is being used. Views are a powerful tool used in relational databases to
simplify SQL coding and can be used as a security device to restrict which columns
of a table a user can access.
Value: The intersection of a column and a row which is the smallest unit of data
that can be retrieved or changed.
VSAM (Virtual Storage Access Method): A mass storage access method that
contains logical rather than physical datasets.
9/1/2020 CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines
Document Changes
Oct 2007
1.5.1 Clarify usage of Not Null with Default for missing character values.
1.5.1 Clarify TIMESTAMP permitted for date and time columns.
1.6.1 Add reason codes as example of check constraint usage instead of code
1.7 Dozen given as typical transition between check constraint and code table
1.7.1 Foreign Key Not Enforced allowed when using both check constraints and
code tables.
3.1.1 New Primary key constraint name pattern matching foreign key pattern.
This had been undefined and was inconsistent.
Dec 2007
3.1 Maximum Column name length reduced from 30 to 21 characters to support
DCLGEN standard of prefixing 5 characters to identify tablespaces and IND for null
indicators. DB2 V7 18 character limit references removed.
5.2 Dasd Estimates for all lifecycle changes listed as specific requirement, rather
then being part of data and transaction load estimates. Dasd Estimates repeated as requirement for development setup, and 10%
maximum development size added from new lifecycle doc.
May 2008
Clean up for Adobe 8, and 508 compliance.
1.2.2, 1.3.2 STOGRPT1 is the standard storage group.
Remove 2.4 showing how to use SPUFI/QMF/SAS/Quickstart. These did not contain
CMS specific standards and screen prints were not 508.
Image copy names moved up as section 3.2 from 3.5
3.3 Subsystem names MMA/Non-MMA idenfied.
5 Clarify purpose of review stages, and approval criteria.
6.1 Show BMC MODIFY as the primary modify utility, matching its current use as
the more flexible version. Show IBM RUNSTATS matching its current use to provide
full statistics.
Remove 6.2 How to Guide on BMC utilities. This did not contain any CMS specific
standards and screen prints were not 508.
Add 6.2 Restrictions on Utilities with QREPed files.
3.1.1 add _DSCRD suffix as standard for check data discard tables.
June 2008
1.3.1 add Table controlled partitioning should be used with new partitioned
July 2008
CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines 9/1/2020
2.3.1, 2.3.3, Explicitly say EXPLAIN(YES) is required in addition to simply
showing as part of the Bind sample. This has been enforced as part of the Endevor
setup. Add that Aliases to common plan tables will be used in I,V,P stages.
Sept 2008
1.10.2 update Identity column with Generate Always should not be used as a key
for other tables.
1.11 add section on Sequence Objects. Numbering of old sections 1.11 to 1.23
increased by insert.
3.1.1 add Sequence Object naming standard.
March 2009
1.16.1 Removed requirement of WLM for stored procedures. With V9, DB2
managed SPAS are obsolete, while Internal SQL procedures are allowed.
1.17 Set basic UDF standards to match Stored procedure standards pending further
3.1.1 Updated Stored procedure naming standard, added UDF naming standard
Sept 2009
Cover Added CMS logo and full name to clarify the source of this doc when seen
outside of CMS.
1., 1.1 Updated overview to apply to the document rather than the first section.
Mar 2010
3.1.1 Made Internal SQL Stored proc and UDF naming the same as other procs and
UDFs to point back to the Endevor member where the definition is maintained.
Nov 2012
1.1 Update overview, clarify that data content is managed by application.
1.3 Remove simple tablespace restriction text, not supported as of V10.
1.4 Table and clone use same tablespace.
1.6 Update Function requirements for external/internal sql.
1.7 Add list of common CMS functions RRBTOSSA, SSATORRB.
1.20 Content Manager is CMS standard for unstructured data.
3.1.1 Add Naming convention for Auxillary object and clone tables. Limit columns
names to 30 char unless shorter needed for DCLGEN for that app.
3.2 Doc standard names for adhoc application image copies.
5.1 Update migration overview including linkage of databases with Endevor stages,
and GTL approval of database service requests for documenting changes.
Dec 2012
6.2 Primary key needed for QREP tables.
June 2013
9/1/2020 CMS DB2 Standards and Guidelines
3.1.1 3.1.4 Change production table owner to use the environment pattern from
development rather than the single production owner for the subsystem. Ie
DBPVM0P0 instead of DBA$DB1P. This will require adding aliases to share tables
between applications. This makes production names consistant with the
development lifecycle and will help with selecting tables in Data studio which uses
Schema instead of database for listing tables. The use of the single production
owner becomes grandfathered, no conversion of existing tables is planned.
Table owners map to Racf groups so contain the DB prefix to avoid conflicts with
other application group names.
June 2016
2.4 The DB2 sample programs should be called with non-version plan names ie
DSNTEP2 rather than DSNTEP71
April 2017
1.3 Tablespaces should be defined as universal tables spaces (UTS) as this is the
announce direction of IBMs future tablespace support, and provides updated
support for large tables and features such as clone tables. Remove reference to
LOCKPART YES as this no longer needed to trigger selective partition locking. Make
PAGE locking preferred over ANY to highlight apps not doing locking.
1.4.2 Tables, Partition by Range required for UTS PBR.
Sept 2020
1.3 Clarify use of PBG for small tables not expected to grow beyond 4G, IE
segmented TS replacement.